Kindergarten hall decoration for graduation. Paper flowers on the wall

The music hall is a special place in the kindergarten. It is here that the aesthetic development of the child mainly takes place, his meeting with the wonderful world of music and dance, familiarization with the folk festive culture. And of course, the interior of this room requires a special approach. The music hall should please the children, surprise them, cultivate artistic taste, both on weekdays and during solemn events.

The purpose of the music hall in a preschool institution

The music hall is an educational environment for preschoolers. It is intended for conducting music lessons with pupils, as well as for holding festive events - matinees, leisure and entertainment.

This room in the kindergarten is usually the largest and brightest. They try to equip it in the best possible way, because it is a kind of visiting card of a preschool institution.

The music hall is, as a rule, the largest and brightest room in the preschool educational institution.

Since mass events are held in the music hall, it is extremely important to comply with the requirements of SanPin and fire safety rules. Indeed, in practice, they are often ignored in the pursuit of innovation and a presentable appearance. For example, due to the need to install multimedia equipment, children's active activities are often transferred from the bright part to the dark one (where there are no windows) or, in pursuit of excessive comfort, the windows are darkened with heavy curtains, and the floor is completely covered with carpet, which makes wet cleaning very difficult.

Music hall zoning

In accordance with the specific features of the educational area "Music", the space of the music hall is conditionally divided into certain zones.

  1. Calm zone. It is most significant for musical education, since it is here that children sing and listen to musical works. The equipment of the quiet zone includes a musical instrument (piano) and a small space where the children can sit on chairs. Here, an easel is sometimes installed to demonstrate visual material, a rack for children's tools, a table to put a model there or place a toy character. In this zone, it is very important to observe the principle of eye-to-eye interaction between children and the music director, while preschoolers are always located to the right of the teacher.
  2. active zone. This is a fairly large space for dance and rhythmic exercises, musical and motor creativity. At the same time, the music director, who is at the piano, should be able to see all the pupils. Since part of the active activity of preschoolers occurs while sitting or lying on the floor, it is desirable that there is a carpet in the active area (children will not feel discomfort). There is no place for voluminous furniture and decorations; shelving (if any) must be securely fastened.
  3. Work zone. This place is designed for productive children's activities, which often take place in integrated music classes (music + art). Here, children can express their emotions through paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine, etc. (materials and tools are in a special rack). This zone should, of course, be equipped closer to the windows. Since such a corner is not needed at every musical lesson, sometimes (especially if the hall is not very spacious) it is quickly installed immediately before it is held.

The main zones of the music hall include the active and quiet zones.

Photo gallery: the main areas of the music hall

In the quiet zone, preschoolers sing songs and listen to musical compositions The active zone is a large enough space for dance and rhythm exercises In the quiet zone, a rack for musical instruments is often placed

An innovative approach to the organization of the subject-developing environment of the music hall provides for the installation of multimedia equipment in the room. It is important for the implementation of the integration of educational areas, makes musical and didactic material more diverse, allows children to be as interested as possible and form a complete picture of the world around them.

Multimedia equipment is indispensable for an integrated music lesson

Various design options for the music hall in the preschool educational institution, including do-it-yourself

Since the music hall is intended for the aesthetic development of children (of course, it is inseparable from the cognitive one), its interior acquires special meaning.

Choosing beautiful curtains for the hall

Curtains play an important role in the design of any room.

Curtains, as a rule, are sewn from a rather heavy fabric. They are symmetrical, have an official, solemn look. Traditionally, curtains have folds, pleating, sometimes lining (prevents the main fabric from fading in the sun). They are often complemented by various decorative elements: lambrequin, bandeau, tiebacks, perekida, decorative cornices, etc. Curtains are less strict, they are a simplified version of curtains. Their upper part is always visible, not hidden by a lambrequin. It is appropriate to select a simple string cornice for curtains.

In the music hall, curtains are especially important, because they must maintain a fabulous atmosphere, remind the children of magical worlds. Therefore, they are most often sewn in a romantic style.

Curtains should create a special creative atmosphere, remind the children of the wonderful unknown worlds

Curtains should be not only beautiful, but also made of safe material, practical to care for. It should be interesting for preschoolers to look at the canvas, and it is from such decor elements that aesthetic taste and imagination will develop in kids from an early age.

There are many options for decorating curtains, you just have to apply a creative approach to solving this issue. In addition, this part of the interior needs to be changed periodically. One of the options is a seasonal orientation: in autumn you can pick up curtains in golden, orange, red colors, in winter - silver or turquoise, in spring - green shades.

In any case, the curtains for the music hall should have an elegant and festive look.

As for the colors of this part of the interior, adults usually like calm and restrained shades. Also, a combination of light and dark shades always looks original, a contrasting pattern on a light background.

Contrasting curtains always look advantageous

Since there are always a lot of windows in the music hall, it is the shade of the curtains that will determine the overall color palette of the room. Therefore, preschool staff should have an idea of ​​how different colors affect children's perception and emotional state. This is especially true for children under 5 years old, whose psyche is less stable than that of older preschoolers.

  1. Pink color causes a joyful mood, helps to relieve stress.
  2. Yellow is associated with warmth and comfort, care and stability. This coloring is especially useful for anxious children.
  3. Green calms, but at the same time awakens curiosity and the desire to develop. It will instill confidence in the kids.
  4. Orange invigorates, stimulates active physical activity. It will help liberate overly shy and sensitive children.
  5. Blue - the color of composure, responsibility, personifies order (useful in terms of maintaining discipline in a music lesson).

Psychologists have proven that color has a significant impact on a person's well-being, his performance and mood - this is also true for a preschooler

Curtains in kindergarten should not be black, brown, purple - these colors suppress the child's psyche. It is also better not to make them pure white - the kids will subconsciously have a feeling of insecurity.

It must be remembered that curtains should not only be stylish, but, above all, children should like them. Their tastes must be taken into account. For example, a good solution is to decorate the curtains with an appliqué or choose a material with a mischievous pattern.

Cute little animals and daisies will cheer up the kids

It would also be appropriate to use bright fittings (cornices) and lambrequins.

Lambrequin - decorative drapery, horizontally located at the top of the curtain, in the form of a short element covering the entire width of the curtain.

Lambrequins will give the interior of the music hall a special coziness and at the same time a festive look.

Lambrequins will create a special coziness and festive look in the hall.

In the music hall, curtains are often located not only on the windows, but also play the role of a curtain on the central wall (it is she who depicts the key theme at all holidays). With their help, you can even create the effect of a real scene.

Curtains can act as a curtain in the hall, creating the effect of a real stage.

Such a curtain should be sewn from a dense and durable fabric (after all, it is often decorated with balls, applications, garlands, etc.). Since it will be quite heavy, you need to mount it on a reliable cornice.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating curtains in the music room of a kindergarten

Interesting design of lambrequins - the arcs overlap each other. Usually the windows are located in the side part of the music hall, but here they are in the center. Although the use of short curtains does not imply lambrequins, everything here looks stylish and out of place. mood Pale blue flowers give the curtains a delicate and sophisticated look Curtains are in harmony with the interesting design of the ceiling (protrusions)

Video: designer gives tips on decorating curtains and a curtain for a stage in a kindergarten music room (Useful News TV program) Video can’t be loaded: Textile decoration of the assembly hall in Kindergarten (

How to arrange a stand in a music hall

The musical life of kindergarten students is quite eventful, especially if preparations are underway for any festive event. Special thematic stands help to reflect it, which can be located in the music hall or near it (if the room is not too spacious).

Stands are always colorfully designed, as they perform both an informational and aesthetic function. The drawings, in one way or another, are connected with music: this is an image of notes, instruments, treble clefs, etc. Such details in the design of the music hall help maintain children's interest in the subject, help set the children in a creative way during class, maintain a good mood, including including teachers and parents.

The stand, as a rule, contains photographs of preschoolers participating in music competitions, children's diplomas, diplomas, scenes from matinees, large-scale printed lyrics, poems. The information on the stand must be changed periodically depending on the events taking place in the preschool institution (it can be not only a holiday, but also just a summer vacation for children, the onset of autumn, etc.).

Photo gallery: information content of music stands

The stand demonstrates the achievements of the pupils (diplomas), brief information about musical instruments and children's photos The stand presents performances by children's groups in various bright costumes The stand contains the rules for playing children's musical instruments The stand contains interesting information on how to make musical instruments with your own hands The stand reflects musical life of kindergarten

Employees of the preschool educational institution today can order a ready-made stand by choosing any template to their liking. Let's give some examples.

Photo gallery: ready-made stand templates

The colorful stand depicts notes and multi-colored keys The music is depicted in the form of a lovely fairy with a magic wand Naughty little animals playing musical instruments will support children's interest in the subject The cartoon steam train on the stand will take the children to the wonderful world of music The stand depicts a funny bear with an accordion that will cheer everyone up mood A simple stand in a delicate pink and blue color scheme

Stands made by the hands of enthusiastic teachers always look interesting. Here adults can fully reveal their creative potential. For example, you can draw the same musical staff or paste images of musical instruments. A good idea is to draw (or cut out from coloring pages) literary characters, such as the unlucky quartet from Krylov's famous fable.

As a background for the stand, you can draw the heroes of Krylov's fable "Quartet"

Stands can be made for various holidays, for example, Victory Day, Mother's Day, New Year.

On the patriotic stand there are photos of veterans and children's drawings

The anniversary of the kindergarten can also be a reason for creativity.

Stand prepared for the anniversary of the kindergarten

Decoration of the music hall for the holidays

Each holiday is a whole event in the life of a kindergarten, imbued with an atmosphere of joy. And above all, it is reflected in the design of the music hall. Here, all teachers are usually involved, who create jewelry and decorative elements with their own hands. Such work unites the team, creates a pre-holiday atmosphere, develops imagination.

In order not to create complex volumetric decorations in many kindergartens, the central wall is covered with a neutral-colored fabric (or it is simply hung at the top on an inconspicuous cornice), to which it is convenient to attach applique elements made of paper and material. For each holiday, the wall is transformed. For example, in autumn you can see a mighty oak tree with multi-colored leaves, in winter - a window into the winter courtyard, decorated with an elegant snow pattern, in spring - a beautiful lilac bush, etc.

For such a design of the central wall, you can use the following ideas.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the central wall (the elements are attached to the fabric)

By the holiday of March 8, a beautiful tree with pale pink flowers can be attached to the wall Elements corresponding to the theme are attached to the central wall Paper Christmas trees, snowflakes, a snow maiden made of fabric are attached to the wall An image of an autumn girl in a red-orange sundress and a rowan branch in hands If teachers show a performance to preschoolers, then the central wall also needs to be designed accordingly

As for removable decorative elements, it is best to hang them on safety pins, but such decorations can be stored for several years.

On the rest of the walls (which are not draped with fabric), you can carefully glue balloons, rhinestones, ribbons, paper applications, and even light fabric.

This design is concise, but fully conveys the spring mood of the women's holiday.

The ceiling also requires special festive decoration. Decorations can be attached to chandeliers. A more convenient option is to stretch a fishing line or silk thread around the perimeter of the hall and hang New Year's rain, Christmas balls, snowflakes, ribbons, autumn leaves, etc. on it.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the ceiling for the holiday

The highlight of the design - multi-colored ribbons, diverging from the center in different directions

As for the design of windows, snow-white vytykankas are ideal for a New Year's celebration (on the Internet today you can find a huge number of beautiful patterns). By the autumn holiday it is good to attach bright images of fruits and ears, and in spring - delicate flowers in pastel colors.

The vytykanki on the windows perfectly convey the New Year's atmosphere

Consider interesting ideas that will make the holidays in kindergarten more memorable.

New Year

The palette of winter decoration is cold: these are blue, light blue, white and silver shades. The highlight of the design can be made the most important attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree: it can be made not multi-colored, but decorated with balls only in blue and silver. The same tones are present in the rest of the decor.

The Christmas tree can be decorated modestly, but tastefully - with balls of only winter tones - blue and silver

On the central wall, you can draw a curtain exclusively from snowflakes. Of course, this is a very laborious work, but it is worth it.

Creating a curtain of snowflakes is a very time-consuming job.

If the chandeliers on the ceiling are quite voluminous, then this can be interestingly beaten with the help of balls and tinsel.

Decorated chandeliers look elegant and very elegant

With the help of a simple white fabric, you can equip a cozy winter clearing.

Silvery snowflakes sewn onto white fabric take viewers into the winter forest.

Video: New Year's decoration of the music hall

Video: decorating the music hall for the New Year Video can't be loaded: Decorating the music hall for the New Year (

Autumn is a wonderful colorful season. Therefore, in the design of the music hall you need to use bright colors. Volumetric applications of trees, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, artificial tree branches are suitable. An interesting idea is to make birch trees from whatman paper and decorate them with yellow foliage (by the way, they can also be used on other holidays, only decorated with snow or green leaves).

The original design idea - birch paper

Another great option is to focus on the birds that fly away to warmer climes in autumn. Draped weightless fabric of pale blue color will convey the movement of air.

Weightless fabric as if transmits air vibrations during the flight of birds

When holding an autumn holiday, it is always appropriate to decorate the hall in the Russian style.

Autumn holidays are often held in Russian folk style, so the hall can be decorated in this way.

Video: decorating the music hall for the autumn holiday Video can't be loaded: Decorating the hall for the autumn holiday in kindergarten. (

February 23 and Victory Day

As for such patriotic holidays as February 23 and Victory Day, here the music hall is already decorated in a strict but solemn style: posters, numbers made of paper or satin ribbons, doves, fireworks, blue, red and white balloons.

The decoration of the hall for patriotic holidays should be strict, but solemn

March 8

International Women's Day is a holiday of spring, tenderness and beauty. Therefore, the music room should be decorated accordingly. Most often, a large number "Eight" is attached to the central wall. You can show imagination in its design, for example, make it from yellow balloons symbolizing mimosa flowers.

Mimosa is a symbol of women's holiday, so you can use this image in the design of the hall

Another interesting idea is to make a charming dress of anthropomorphic Spring from delicate white and pink flowers, and hair from paper leaves.

Beauty Spring is dressed in a delicate dress of flowers

High school graduation

Graduation is the last holiday for children in kindergarten. And the task of adults is to make it unforgettable. Most often, the hall is decorated with balloons. Of course, special agencies are engaged in such decoration, which collect rainbows, garlands, clouds, flowers, the sun and everything else that fantasy is capable of from balloons. However, parents and employees of the preschool educational institution should adopt this idea: their favorite toys came to say goodbye to preschoolers. To do this, a table or bench should be installed at the bottom of the central wall of the hall, on which (and around it) a lot of plush toys should be laid out. It looks very touching and symbolizes the transition of children to a more adult life.

Preschoolers came to say goodbye to their favorite toys

Also at such a holiday it would be appropriate to arrange an exhibition of children's drawings in the music hall or a photo exhibition about the life of a preschool institution.

The design of the music hall requires good taste and creativity from the staff of the preschool educational institution. After all, this place should evoke positive emotions in preschoolers, it is here that they most often come into contact with a fairy tale and magic. The elegant room contributes to a deeper children's perception of the theme of the holiday. The task of the music director and other teachers is to constantly find interesting design ideas, because the most original things and decorations can be created with your own hands.

The first matinees in kindergarten are the most memorable holidays for both parents and children. Preparation takes a lot of time: children learn songs, poems, act out skits, and educators, with the support of their parents, decorate the hall.

When the time comes to say goodbye to the kindergarten, parents and educators are seized by doubt, anxiety, and lyrical mood. But at the same time, everyone rejoices, because the kids are getting older and moving on. The decoration of the graduation hall in kindergarten should be thought out to the smallest detail. There are hundreds of ideas for decorating the hall, and the imagination and the ability of the organizer to convey the festive atmosphere play a key role here.

Ideas for decorating the hall for graduation in kindergarten

Matinees in the kindergarten, including graduation, are held in the assembly hall. When decorating it with your own hands, it is important to convey the significance of the holiday for all its participants.

Options are selected according to the scenario. If for performances you need the scenery of a forest or a green lawn, you can decorate the hall with figures of butterflies, birds, the sun, flowers, ladybugs, elves. If the script provides for an acquaintance with the school, you can use voluminous pencils, numbers, letters. Decorations are selected based on the size of the room and budget.

Usually, the design of the hall with their own hands is chosen in order to save money. It's cheap, but not mean, as in the well-known saying, but beautiful. If the budget is unlimited, which is a rarity in kindergartens, you can order the services of a professional designer, introduce him to the script, tell him about your wishes, and the hall will be decorated stylishly and professionally.

Specialists use balls, fabric, paper, figures of cartoon characters. No one encourages you to use the services of decor studios, but you can borrow original ideas from them.

Spring mood

Spring comes not only to the street, but also to kindergarten. The creative idea of ​​2017 is to install a spring girl in the hall. You can make it from improvised means, the main thing is to sew a beautiful spring or summer outfit, depending on the graduation date. You will need light fabric for the skirt, tulle for the sleeves, ribbons, artificial leaves and flowers for decoration.

First of all, you need to sew a Spring outfit - a blouse and a skirt. The skirt is shaped like a rectangle. The fabric should be light, spring. For the "spring-summer" theme, a delicate light green color is suitable. You need to sew a ribbon into the upper part of the skirt and pull it off - you get a triangle.

A blouse can be sewn from tulle, decorate the sleeves with leaves and flowers. It is convenient to print the face on a color printer, glue it on cardboard for density, make hair from small flowers. The most difficult thing is to attach the Spring girl to the curtain. To do this, use thin hairpins.

A girl in a luxurious dress can not only perform in the Spring, but also symbolize the care that educators have given to children all these years.

Graduation is the most memorable holiday, its date may coincide with the end of spring. As a rule, graduations in kindergartens take place at the end of May, so it would be appropriate to stick to the spring theme. Nevertheless, do not forget that along with graduation comes summer with sunny and bright ideas, we just have to actively use them.

balloon decoration

To decorate the hall for graduation with balloons, you can borrow ideas from wedding designers, just style them like a children's ball. Balloon arches look great in the festive hall. You can use helium balloons and regular balloons. Each decor option looks beautiful in its own way.
Often two types of balloons are combined, it is cheaper than using only helium balloons, and beautiful. The main rule - do not mix everything. Pay attention to color, combination of shades.

Too bright and rich decoration can distract attention from the action taking place on the stage, where the main participants are children. If you decide to use decor with balloons, you can distinguish between helium and regular ones. For example, decorate the ceiling with one, and the floor with others.

Balloons without helium

They can decorate the edges of the stage, these places always need decor. Ordinary balls are a budget and beautiful option.

helium balloons

Balloons filled with helium look great in any interior, including at a children's party.

Paper decorations

Volumetric paper garlands will take pride of place in the ceremonial hall.

You can make them yourself, but the work is laborious, so you need to start at least a month before release.

First you need to make volumetric figures out of paper, then string them on a fishing line or thread with a needle. Doves can be made from snow-white paper: on one garland there are three doves, between them there are white clouds with the finest silver decor. Garlands are hung from the ceiling and hang down or fastened at both ends, depending on how long.

Walls can be decorated with voluminous flowers. Making them is easier than you think. You need to cut out hearts, fold in half. They can be made large, one petal - A4 or A3 in size. They are easily attached to wallpaper (the main thing is to try not to damage them) and other surfaces.

Master class on decorating the hall with the help of bright figures

Graduates will like the bright design of the hall in kindergarten. They spent the joyful days of their childhood in this institution, made new friends, got acquainted with letters and numbers. Most of all, they will remember fun games with peers. So why not bring this element into the festive hall?

To cheer up the children, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. Bright figures of funny kids will fit into the storyline of almost any graduation scenario. Suitable for wall decor and additional elements.

To make figurines with your own hands, you need:

Master class for decorating the hall with huge paper flowers

The width and height of the finished flower is 40x40 cm. The cost is 60–70 rubles, since for the manufacture of one product you will need a whole roll of paper or three canvases measuring 50x80 cm. The time for making one flower is 20 minutes.

How with the help of such flowers you can decorate the hall in kindergarten:

  • fix massive flowers along the edge of the carpet;
  • attach three to five flowers to the hoop and hang on the walls;
  • make a garland and attach it to a cornice or ceiling so that it sags a little. To make a garland, you need to attach flowers to a ribbon.
  • compositions of large flowers on the walls in any part of the hall look beautiful.

Let's get started:

Implementing the ideas above is very simple. You just need to want and buy a minimum of materials. Everyone will like the result, and teamwork will bring pleasure. The best assessment of the work is the admiring glances of little graduates!

The very first graduation in the life of your baby is a serious and at the same time exciting event. Ahead is the school with its joys, new discoveries, small and big victories ... In the meantime, parents have a great chance to give their children an unforgettable graduation in kindergarten - a celebration of farewell to the most carefree time of childhood.

- How to organize a graduation party so that guests, parents and the heroes of the occasion like it?
- Where can I order commemorative medals?
- What gifts for graduation in kindergarten to choose for children and teachers?

We hope that the advice of the Bright Frame studio on how best to organize a graduation in kindergarten will help you prepare and hold a truly unforgettable holiday for your children. So, first things first.

We make plans.
The first step in preparing for the future holiday is the creation of a kind of creative committee. It usually includes parents, representatives of the administration and educators. Pre-holiday preparations take a lot of time and effort, and therefore it is wiser to calculate and allocate time and financial costs in advance.
It is best to distribute responsibilities based on the preferences and capabilities of the parents. Some will take over the graduation album for the kindergarten and the preparation of letters of thanks for employees. Others will consider the design of the assembly hall. Still others will take care of the festive table for children and adults. With this approach, all the preparatory nuances will be taken into account and no misunderstandings will arise during the holiday itself.

We order gifts for graduates.
No holiday is complete without gifts. And the first graduation in life should not be an exception. Original graduation gifts in kindergarten will bring a lot of positive emotions to children and will be remembered for a long time. Often, graduates are given sets of stationery. Also, children can be presented with beautiful alarm clocks or educational board games. An interesting gift would be a children's watch. However, it is better to give preference to memorable gifts - those that, even years later, will remind grown-up graduates and you - parents - of carefree kindergarten years.
A great gift - graduation album for kindergarten - bright, colorful and positive. Such an album, made of high-quality materials, you will be able to leaf through with your child even after many years. Examples of photo albums for kindergarten can be viewed


It is better to decide the issue with ordering a graduation album in advance. Their manufacture is labor intensive. A photo session for your kids, design and layout of albums, printing - everything takes time. In addition, graduations in elementary schools and kindergartens take place at approximately the same time. And it may happen that the studio simply cannot accept your order due to high workload. Therefore, you should take care of memorable gifts for your children in the first place.

Whatever gifts you choose, it is important to beat their presentation in a special way. For example, a specially invited Magician (teacher, one of the parents or animator) for each child can “miraculously create” his personal graduation album for kindergarten and thereby bring a touch of real magic to the holiday.

We thank the staff.
It is a good tradition to thank the kindergarten staff at graduation, who have been teaching, developing and raising kids for several years. Be sure to take care of fresh flowers for them. Let each graduate have a bouquet in his hands, which he will later give to one of the adult members of the kindergarten team. By the way, the abundance of flowers at the festival will give the whole atmosphere a special touching and solemnity.
It is customary to give gifts for graduation in kindergarten not only to the heroes of the occasion, but also to the head, educators, nannies and other staff.

As a gift to kindergarten employees, gift cards from cosmetics stores, household appliances, or just money in a special envelope can act.

An obligatory addition to flowers and gifts is sincere words of gratitude to those who helped your children become more mature and smarter. Thanksgiving speeches can be printed and inserted into the original frames. It will be especially pleasant for kindergarten staff to receive such letters of gratitude in a decent design. You can download examples of diplomas for educators, a manager, cooks, nannies and even ... a speech therapist in a bright thematic design.

Below in the article you can see an example of congratulations in one of the kindergartens in Moscow https:

We are preparing a speech.

If you had the opportunity to speak at the celebration on behalf of the parent committee, then it is better to prepare a thank you speech in advance. It would be useful to take a small "cheat sheet" with you. The natural excitement that parents experience at the graduation party of their children can prevent you from pronouncing even a well-learned and rehearsed text. Having a hint at hand, you will feel more confident. We offer you options for congratulatory speeches. You can use them as they are or add something of your own to the texts. The main thing is that the words spoken at the graduation in kindergarten to teachers and other employees be sincere.

Option 1.
On behalf of all the parents of the graduates of our group, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and staff of kindergarten No. 1. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you have invested a part of yourself in our children. You managed to penetrate into children's hearts and instill kindness, love and joy in them. Always remain the same creative, hardworking and loving teachers. Thank you for our children!
Option 2.
I express my gratitude to the head of kindergarten No. 1, the teachers of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution for their selfless work and desire to work in kindergarten, educating the younger generation. You are all high-level professionals with extensive experience working with children. Our children were happy to go to the garden, and what is very important, we, the parents, never worried about leaving the children in your reliable hands. We want to note your sensitive attitude towards children, attention to parents, high professionalism in raising children. Educators approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, rooted for all the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much!

We decorate the hall.
The design of the hall in which the celebration will take place, and the group itself, should be thought out to the smallest detail. For these purposes, it is not at all necessary to invite specialists - designers. With the help of simple decorating techniques, you can independently transform the room and give it a look appropriate for the event. A group of 2-3 parents will do just fine with this task. The main thing is to show imagination and creativity.
There are many items with which you can decorate the graduation room in kindergarten - multi-colored flags, funny drawings, photographs and children's applications, posters and garlands.
Great helpers in creating a festive atmosphere are balloons that children love so much. They can be inflated by yourself or with a special pump. By tying 4-5 balls together, you will get an original airy "flower" that can be fixed on the curtain with threads and pins.

Helium balloons can also play a completely independent role in the celebration scenario. Purchased in advance according to the number of graduates, balloons will play the role of decorating the hall during the ceremonial part of the graduation in kindergarten. And at the end of the holiday, children can go outside and release balloons into the sky, symbolically saying goodbye to the kindergarten.

Ekaterina, a representative of the parent committee, shared her experience of decorating the hall with us.

We choose a treat for the festive table.

No less important than gifts for graduation in kindergarten, and treats for the sweet table. The latter, as a rule, completes the solemn part of the holiday and requires a particularly responsible attitude towards itself. You can make a solid menu with hot dishes and desserts. But it is better to stop at an easy option, including fruits, cakes, juices and pizza so beloved by children in the list of treats.

A chocolate fountain can be an original addition to the festive table. Such "sweet entertainment" will not leave the kids indifferent and will be remembered for a long time.

If an adult buffet is planned for parents, educators and graduation guests in kindergarten, then you will need to create another menu option. You can download ready-made estimates for children's and adult tables.

We shoot video.
An important part of organizing a holiday is video filming. The quality of the video impressions that your children and you will have for many years largely depends on the skill of the videographer. You can invite a specialist - a professional - to the holiday. And you can do it on your own. Arrange with one of the parents or acquaintances about filming the holiday on a home video camera. And later, give the footage to professional editing and replicate the resulting video. Thus, a memorable video film will remain in the family of each graduate.

We entertain the heroes of the occasion.

There are many options for organizing the entertainment part of graduation in kindergarten. On your own, you can stage a real performance with the participation of children and parents or a fun concert. You can hold competitions and competitions with the distribution of prizes.

A good option is to invite clockwork animators dressed as fairy-tale characters. Professionals will be able to amuse the kids with a soap show, circus or laser performance. Discuss the entertainment part in advance with professional organizers of children's parties. And your children will be able to have fun from the heart and will remember their graduation in kindergarten for a long time.

A face painting specialist invited to graduation in kindergarten can bring a lot of joy to children. He will paint children's faces in the way that the kids wish and create a cheerful mood for everyone present.

instead of a conclusion.

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! Remember that your mental costs, time and effort that you invest in organizing the celebration will pay off a hundredfold with the happy eyes of your children and their joyful smiles. And for a long time they will be delighted to tell their friends about what a cool holiday they had in their kindergarten and what wonderful gifts they received for graduation in kindergarten.

We hope you get useful ideas for your graduation in this article!

For children, farewell to the kindergarten is a special event. Then a new, school life awaits them, new worries and deeds. But all this will come later, and now the children will have a prom, and how they will remember it depends on adults - parents and educators. Along with a careful study of the scenario and the selection of graduation dresses, due attention must be paid to the festive decoration of the assembly hall where the solemn event will take place. Everything around should be bright and colorful.

How to decorate a kindergarten for graduation

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to make a room festive is to decorate it with balloons. They are bright, have a wide variety of colors, and are easily attached to any surface. It is possible to create almost any design from balls: from a simple chain or flower, to complex figures of people, animals, make a fairy forest, a summer lawn, and even a whole magical kingdom.

Our aero design specialists are ready to offer you a lot of interesting ready-made solutions or develop a completely individual design. We will select and implement the most suitable option within the allocated budget:

  • arches, chains, garlands;
  • inflatable and frame figures;
  • wall panels made of small balls;
  • fountains, bouquets, surprise balloons and much more.

We arranged graduation parties and launched balloons in all districts of Moscow:

With us, you do not have to be distracted by trifles, since the design is carried out in a complex, according to the scenario and theme of the holiday:

  • “Soon to school” (letters, numbers, figurines of first graders);
  • "Journey" (ships, trains, cars);
  • "Summer Lawn" (sun, rainbow, flowers, butterflies);
  • "Fairytale Forest" (trees, animals, flowers);
  • “Visiting Smeshariki” (figures of Krosh, Nyusha, Hedgehog and other characters), etc.

Decorating the stage with balloons

The decoration of the hall should begin with a stage or wall that performs its role. The easiest option would be to decorate with flowers from five balloons plus the middle. You won't need a lot of balls for this, but the back of the stage or the wall will look quite full and elegant. Flowers can be arranged randomly, in the form of a chain or a rainbow.

Arches look more voluminous and solemn. They can decorate both the stage and the entrance to the assembly hall, to the group. Arches can be frameless and frame. The first is a chain of helium balloons located at the same distance from each other, the edges of which are attached to the floor or wall. Since helium is lighter than air, the balls on the fishing line spontaneously rush upward, forming an arc. It can be either one row of balls, or a garland of several layers intertwined in a spiral.

The advantage of such arches is ease of installation, affordable price. At the same time, balloons simply inflated with helium fly from 12 to 24 hours, since during this time a significant part of the helium comes out through the pores of the latex. In order for the balloons not to descend longer, and the compositions made made it possible to hold, for example, a holiday for 2 graduation groups on different days, they must be treated inside with a special solution - high-float. Then the helium comes out more slowly and the balloons keep their shape longer.

Frame arches are more practical and long-lasting. They are based on a bending metal arc, on which balls filled with air are fixed. Such an arch can stand for about a month. Also, these designs have a number of additional advantages:

  • the arch can be installed anywhere in the room without additional fasteners;
  • the composition of the balls, if necessary, can change;
  • there is no need to monitor the uniformity of the location of the balloons, their fullness, as is the case with helium balloons.

Despite the fact that such an arch is more expensive in price, it can be used for several graduations given on different days, and thus save money.

Ceiling balloon decoration

To complete the feeling of the presence of the holiday, you can decorate the ceiling. It can be just a scattering or bundles of helium balloons flying under the ceiling, cloud-shaped structures. It is also interesting to look at the balls filled with air, hanging at different levels.

You can hang chains on the ceiling, stretched from the chandelier to the edges of the room. In this case, it is better to use special balls with two "tails" - lincolons, with their help it is very quick and convenient to form a garland.

Decoration of the hall, corridor

You can decorate the empty corners of the room with the help of fountains from helium balloons. These upward "beams" are attached to the floor, furniture, stands and fill the space well. Fountains are inexpensive, but they provide a grand view at 100%. Also for this purpose, you can install inflatable compositions, for example, flowers, animal figures, fairy-tale characters.

To amuse the kids, you can use inflatable figures of cartoon characters who can move. The trick is that the characters inside are filled with helium, and special weights are attached to their legs, when the children start running or dancing, the figures move.

Graduation decoration in the kindergarten by professionals

Our team of creative and experienced professionals decorated with balloons several dozen graduation balls in kindergartens, giving the children unforgettable and vivid impressions and facilitating the task of already busy parents and educators.

Why it will be convenient for you to cooperate with us:

  • We offer a huge selection of design options;
  • there is the possibility of making jewelry, thematic compositions to order;
  • in the works we use only high-quality and certified products;
  • promptly fulfill orders, terms from 1 day.

Graduation in kindergarten Decoration with balloons Launching balls

Organizing a holiday in kindergarten is a difficult and responsible business. It is necessary to prepare for the event in advance, both for parents and the pedagogical staff of the kindergarten. The situation is even more complicated if we are talking about the last holiday that children will spend in practically their native walls. Therefore, in order for them to remember the celebration for many years, care should be taken to decorate the hall. Indeed, decorating the hall for graduation in kindergarten is a difficult moment. But if you take into account some points, then everything can definitely work out.

In order to decorate the class, it is recommended to think carefully. On this occasion, there are only two solutions: to place an order to decorate the place with some good company. This method, of course, has a big disadvantage - you need to pay a decent amount of multi-colored pieces of paper. The second is cheaper, but requires more effort and labor. It is necessary to agree with the parents, with the kindergarten staff, to buy the necessary materials for decoration, and so on and so forth.

There are a lot of ideas for decorating the hall. Consider the most famous and unknown ways to decorate a room for holidays, some nuances, tips. So go ahead!

One of the most common options are colorful balls and flowers made of paper and other materials. It will be just great if you use both of these methods.

Balls for decorating the hall

How to decorate the hall with balls for graduation, this question is interesting, perhaps, to many. And this is all because there is probably no such person on earth who remained indifferent at the sight of a balloon. These wonderful toys are a win-win option in our difficult business. They can both decorate any room and become a wonderful element for children's play.

They can be inflated with either ordinary air or helium. With the help of balls, you can bring to life various and sometimes incredible ideas. In addition, the compositions and paintings are bright, colorful, charming. And making them is practically no problem.

  • When decorating the hall, you must not forget the following rules:
  • Balloons must be purchased in advance in the right quantity, plus spare ones.
  • The shape and size must be chosen in accordance with the theme of the future event.
  • Large balls are perfect for creating huge sculptures and compositions.
  • Small and long balls are more suitable for light and rather complex elements.

On the shelves of shops you can see balls such as lincoluna. These are unusual, one can safely say, professional balls for creating large and complex, ornate compositions. Lincolons have long tails, with the help of which the necessary elements are interconnected.

To prevent your lungs from bursting when you inflate the balloons, it is better to purchase a small pump, thanks to which several parents will successfully and, most importantly, quickly cope with the task. Also don't forget to buy a helium tank for the floating parts.

We think you can handle inflating the balloon. Now you need to somehow tie the end. But what? It is best to use transparent nylon threads or multi-colored ribbons that are used to decorate flower bouquets. Cut the threads longer so that later it will be easier to tie the balls together or attach to the wall.

So, all the balls are ready. What kind of jewelry can be made from them? Of course, it all depends on the script. For example, for a kindergarten, you can make the scenery "Summer Lawn". Thus, you need to make a sun out of yellow balls, attach rays to it, then grass, some animals, insects.

And for graduation, you should focus on the upcoming school: make numbers, inscriptions, letters, pencils and other school elements.

Huge foil balls depicting, for example, the same numbers and letters will look very cool and original. The methods of application are different. It all depends on your imagination and the material that you have.

Note that recently the large air arch has gained great popularity. It can be either single layer or multilayer. As usual, such an arch is installed near the wall in the back of the hall. On both sides, several impeccable and elegant aerial sculptures are also installed as an addition. You can install near the doorway to the hall, which will look great too.

So, let's move on to the next element of decor - flowers. They can also easily decorate the hall at the graduation in kindergarten. They are quite simple to manufacture: four or five petal balls are attached around the main ball of a rather bright color. Such homemade flowers will help decorate the hall, furniture, stairs and other interior items.

You can create a colorful and fun garland. Inflated balloons are tied to a strong fishing line or reliable rope. The resulting colored garland is pulled to the desired location.

Balloons filled with ordinary helium can be thrown around the room, and it is desirable to twist the ribbons into a spiral using scissors or a kitchen knife. At the end of the event, the kids will be able to play the fun game “Catch the Uncatchable” and then release it on the street as a symbol of parting with the kindergarten, for example.

From the same helium balloons you can make funny sculptures or even corridors. To do this, attach weights to the ends of the balls and adjust the required length.

paper decorations

We hasten to reassure you that paper cutting is not at all a boring task, but rather the opposite. Of course, we will need some skills and abilities, but if you do not have them, then you can quickly develop them.

We propose to make paper honeycomb balls as decorations for the holiday. To do this, we need thin tissue paper of various colors on a cardboard basis. Here, it is worth noting that it is necessary to gain more patience, because the work is very delicate and requires special care. But if you do not want to take risks, then you can safely go to a stationery store, where you can find ready-made kits with such designs of various shapes, sizes, colors and other characteristics. All you have to do is take them out of the package and open them. And, of course, hang it in the right place. Here are a few rules-recommendations for the use of honeycomb balls.

  1. Can be attached in a certain order on the walls, under the ceiling at different heights.
  2. Place them on the floor in the corners.
  3. Include in holiday compositions.
  4. Make a combined garland of balloons, paper and other materials.
  5. Paper pom-poms:
  6. Feel free to include in the script of the festive event. Think of clouds, the sun, animals, birds from pompoms ... Such an amazing decoration will look stylish and new.

Note that pompoms should be bought in a store where you will find them in various shapes, sizes, colors. Of course, you can do it yourself, but this is a rather time-consuming process, but still fascinating.

Hall decoration with fans

Now it's time to use the wonderful paper fans.

The kids who leave the garden are looking forward to graduation. Therefore, the decoration of the hall should be beautiful. Paper fans can also be evil decorations for a prom. Their lightness allows you to attach almost anywhere: under the ceiling, and on the cornices, and on the windows, and on the stairs ... It is enough to use double-sided tape as a fastener.

Fans can be made from paper or also purchased at a store where you can find them for every taste. Manufacturers have done their best by providing fans of various colors and shades for your choice.

Make a photo poster as a keepsake. On a large paper, attach small fans - as many as there are children in the group, for example. Decorate free places, paint patterns. Next, glue pictures of your children onto small fans. Both kids and adults will admire this poster.

Decoration of the hall with flowers

How can a party be complete without flowers? They can also be made from paper. Feel free to add various decorative elements to them: fairy-tale characters, animals and others. Such homemade things are not difficult to do, the main thing would be desire. Here are some examples to make it much easier for you.

For paper flowers, we need glue, a stapler, tissue paper or corrugated paper.

The easiest way: fold a piece of paper into a pot and fix it in the desired position. Such special paper produces beautiful and lush flowers that can be easily hung on the ceiling or cornice. Large flowers can be used as a decoration for the hall, and small ones - for festive tables.

For the following homemade products, we need a slightly different paper - foil. It's simple: paper sheets must be folded into a bag with a lapel of the upper edge. It turns out original and stylish flowers with sophistication and charming beauty.


Now you have learned how to decorate the prom hall in the garden. Finally, it should be noted that it is necessary to combine various elements of jewelry very carefully and carefully so as not to overdo it. The room should not glow with bright colors and be somewhat oversaturated. Otherwise, people will feel not quite cozy and comfortable.
