Long hair vs short hair. What's wrong with long hair

Everyone knows that girls are changeable and fickle natures. Those who have straight hair certainly want to be curly, young ladies with long curls dream of cutting them off, and those with short haircuts dream of how to quickly grow curls below their shoulders.

The whole secret is that the soul real woman it just requires changes, drastic decisions not only in life, but also with your appearance. Most quick way Changing your image means taking care of your favorite hair.

Don't think that frequent impulses Changing something in yourself is a sign of frivolity. According to psychologists, this behavior is characteristic of many representatives of the fair sex to achieve harmony, both moral and spiritual.

So, as we understand, all the girls in the world are divided into two camps:

  • Camp of long-haired beauties;
  • Camp of short-haired, magical elves.

What should you choose for yourself? Incredibly feminine, luxurious braids or a sexy, seductive haircut.

Based on the experience and impressions of many girls, we will share with our readers the advantages and disadvantages of both haircuts and decide which is better: long or short hair?

Benefits of a luxurious lion's mane

Success with the opposite sex. Most men love to bury themselves in their beloved’s hair, finger them, and stroke them. They consider long curls a symbol of naturalness, femininity, and natural beauty.

And here short haircuts The stronger sex considers it a manifestation of feminism, emancipation and something unnatural.

An incredible number of hairstyles that can be done on long locks. These are all kinds of styling, french braids, funny ponytails, “bumps”, buns.

How many decorations can you add? lush hair. Weave long bows and ribbons into braids. There are no restrictions for wild imagination here.

  • A wonderful accessory to always take with you. Everyone knows the indisputable fact that hair, especially if it is well-groomed, is the best business card for any girl;
  • With the help of elongated curls, you can divert attention from significant flaws in appearance. For example, cover oversized ears;
  • Owners luxurious hair look much younger and more impressive;
  • There is no need to regularly go to hairdressers or beauty salons.

Disadvantages of Long Hair

Let's add a fly in the ointment and share significant disadvantages luxurious, long mane.

Very often, hair gets tangled, clings to the comb, and gets tied into knots that are painful to untangle.

Curls require constant attention. , are magnetic and look dull, so to care for them you will need numerous masks, nutrients, and vitamins.

Therefore, before letting your hair grow, you need to think about whether the girl can provide it with decent care.

High consumption cosmetics. In order to do a hairstyle, a woman will need a lot of consumables, such as foam, varnish, and mousses. It takes a long time to do a hairstyle, especially a spectacular one.

A lot of space on the dressing table is taken up by care products. These include all kinds of oils, balms, creams, ingredients for masks, shampoos, numerous hairpins, as well as irons, hair dryers, curlers and more.

Washing and drying can take a lot of time.

Who shouldn't have long hair?

Unfortunately, long curls are not suitable for everyone, and there are a number of weighty arguments for this.

Firstly, thin and weakened hair, which will look terribly ugly in long form.

Secondly, not any form faces will suit to luxurious curls. For example, young ladies with too much long face This hairstyle is contraindicated.

Third, age limits. More for older ladies a short one will do haircut, but with long hair she will look more like a witch.

It's time to talk about short hair.

Pros of a short haircut

You can get an extra portion male attention. Agree, when walking the streets, you don’t often see a girl with a haircut that resembles a perky little boy.

A wonderful challenge to society and its stereotypes. With short hair you can attract attention to beautiful appearance, long neck, large lips and eyes, and long hair draws most of the attention to itself.

Steel character. With a haircut like this, a woman shows that she is not afraid of condemnation, that she is brave, daring, and ready to make her own decisions.

Minimal care. A drop of shampoo, care product, foam and voila - the hairstyle is ready.

Dries quickly. Short hair dries in a matter of minutes and you don’t need to spend a lot of time styling it.

And now, accordingly, we move on to negative aspects short haircut.

  • It is necessary to visit the hairdresser often, because overgrown strands look ugly and unkempt;
  • Unfortunately, a short haircut not only emphasizes your advantages, but also highlights your shortcomings;
  • You will have to carefully select accessories and take care of your makeup and appearance, because a lot of attention will be focused on her.

So, as we see, deciding on the dilemma – whether long or short hair is better – is not so easy. There are many factors that need to be taken into account.

Watch an interesting video:

So let's give a few more universal advice, so that you can accurately decide on a haircut. Adviсe:

  • Always look in the mirror and consider your appearance type;
  • Take into account the structure of your hairs;
  • Try to find programs on the Internet where you can insert your photos and experiment with hairstyles;
  • Even if you have made a decision, try to sleep with this idea and the next morning it will either become stronger or not.

And finally, the most important advice– don’t be afraid to change, there is no universal answer to the question of which hairstyles are best, everything is individual for everyone.

If you are the owner of long hair, then, probably, at least once in your life you have had the “crazy” idea of ​​giving yourself a short haircut. Usually, when your acquaintances hear your wonderful idea, they just nod their heads negatively and persuade you not to do it, citing your gorgeous hair, which is so painful to cut.
Straightening up his head gorgeous hair, you continue to walk around the world with a long hairstyle, sometimes casting slightly envious glances at light short haircuts.
What about those with short hair? It can’t be that they don’t look at their gorgeous long hair and dream of different intricate hairstyles.
We all sometimes want some change. And sometimes such changes are simply necessary for our mental and moral peace. So, when you decide to cut or, conversely, grow your hair, you should weigh the pros and cons.
Don’t rush to immediately abandon experiments after hearing enough negative experience. Pros and cons can be found in any hair length, so why not try it.

1. Seasonal benefits.
In such a hot summer, you think more than ever about the benefits of a short haircut. With long hair in the summer you can get really tired. No matter how much you pin up your hair, tie it high ponytails, it's still very hot.
Looking at how easily the breeze blows through short hair, you begin to frantically dream of the same haircut. In summer, short haircuts come in handy. Firstly, it’s easy and free, and secondly, you don’t need to waste time inventing hairstyles that will help relieve the heat.
But in winter, without long hair, it can be quite cool. No matter what, they at least somehow warm you up during the cold season. And you can cover your ears with hair from the wind and frost.

2. Washing your hair.

If you are used to washing your hair no more than a couple of times a week, then with short hair you will most likely have to change this habit. The fact is that short hair needs more frequent washing. Every day you should wash off the remnants of gels, varnishes and other styling products. In addition, short hair gets dirty faster and along its entire length.
If on long hair sebaceous contaminants are not so noticeable that, again, thanks to the length from which you can build a hairstyle in order to cover “unnecessary” areas, this trick will not work with short hair. Dirty short hair looks very untidy and ugly.

3. Salon procedures.

In this matter, there are pros and cons for both short and long hair. Firstly, it is a matter of saving. Cutting, styling, and dyeing short hair will cost you less, because the length plays an important role in this matter. However, one should not delude oneself here either.
Long hair may be left without a trip to the hairdresser, since great harm there won't be any from this. But skipping a trip to the hairdresser when you have an interesting short haircut on your head is not entirely dangerous good results, since from your initially beautiful and fashionable haircut, only “horns and legs” may remain.
If long hair can be washed, dried and styled without any problems, then with short hair you need to tinker. This is partly due to the fact that ladies overestimate the simplicity of a short haircut and think that there is nothing special to style there.
When coming to the salon with a photo of the desired haircut, it would be good to consult with the hairdresser to see how realistically it is possible to style your hair in the same way at home, since you won’t have to do it in the salon every time.

4. New options.
What's good about long hair is that it's something you can do for yourself every day new hairstyle. Today - loose, tomorrow - a bun, the day after tomorrow - a ponytail, and so on... You can constantly refresh your look with new ideas and change your hairstyle depending on your mood, event and other factors. With short hair, you won't have as many options. Although you can choose an asymmetrical haircut, which will allow you to style your hair so that it appears either short or long...

5. Care.
In this matter, each length has its own significant advantages. As mentioned above, long hair does not need to be washed as often, and you don’t need to visit the salon so often; it is enough to trim the ends of your hair regularly. However, due to its length, such hair must be more carefully cared for, as it is more susceptible to damage. Long hair is more fragile than short hair and requires careful care. They need to be combed after they are completely dry, and this should be done with a natural bristle comb.
Short hair is less demanding to care for, but it does require regular maintenance. salon procedures. If you have chosen a haircut that does not require careful daily styling, then this will give you the opportunity to save a lot of time.

6. Long hair has one big advantage - you can cut it at any time and get short hair. But growing hair is a difficult task. Best time In order to start growing hair, it’s autumn. Then your slight “mess” on your head will not be so noticeable under your headdress, autumn will smoothly turn into winter, winter into spring, and in the summer you will be able to please those around you with your new hair length.

Long hair is heavy hair, there is a lot of it, it does not fluff, does not stick out. Washed, dried, combed, sprayed easy remedy for installation - and you're done. The hair lies beautifully and neatly. It may take a long time to dry long hair, but having to worry about styling it, combing it, getting upset because of one strand sticking out - this definitely won’t happen.

How about short ones? A short haircut will test your patience every morning. Drying it is easy, but getting short hair to lie exactly the way you want is a whole different story. Of course, at the hairdresser the stylist will do it for you perfect hairstyle, but can you repeat it at home? Not at all a fact.

2. No need to go to the hairdresser every month

It is enough to trim long hair once every 2-3 months. That's all. With long hair, you won't be able to save on hair dye and care products, but you will significantly reduce your haircut costs.

How about short ones? Five to six weeks will pass and your hairstyle will lose its original appearance. Fashionable bob will disappear, and the hair will begin to resemble an unfinished bob.

3. There are a million different styles for long hair.

Volumetric buns, French braids, Hollywood curls, hairstyle in Greek style, in the style of the 70s, shell, boucles - the list is endless.

You can do any hairstyle on long hair. For example, every week you can experiment and braid the new kind braids. And if you have straight hair, you can try all types of curls on your hair. Simply put, the choice of hairstyles for long hair is truly endless.

How about short ones? You understand, you won’t have much fun here. More voluminous or smoother, lighter ringlets or curls, combed to the right or left. And, it seems, that's all.

(All photos enlarge by click)

4. Long hair is less likely to get dirty

It is believed that long hair lasts longer fresh look, especially if you like to wear them in a high ponytail or bun. Even if your hair is loose, you don’t need to straighten it during the day, touch it with your hands, or smooth it. Moreover, the sebum secreted by the scalp is distributed from roots to ends, and as a result, long hair becomes dirty a little slower than short hair.

How about short ones? And although many girls are accustomed to washing their hair every day, regardless of the length of their hair, frequent washing of short hair is not a whim, but a necessity. They get dirty very quickly, and sometimes perfectly clean hair in the morning looks stale and unkempt by the evening of the same day.

5. The fashion for long hair is permanent.

Long hair is always relevant. Yes, there were times when women did not wear their hair down, but they always did beautiful intricate hairstyles, braided long braids. Long hair is beyond competition - despite its variability fashion trends, a woman will always be proud of her luxurious curls to the waist.

How about short ones? Frankly, in the 1930s, bobs and garçon hairstyles were more popular than long hair. But then the fashion for them went out. One year all the fashionistas cut their hair short, and the next year they began to frantically grow their hair again.

6. Long hair is warmer in winter

Maybe this is not the most powerful argument, but still cold winter you will love your hair even more than before. Just imagine how warm they will be on your back if you carefully tuck your hair under your down jacket. And your ears will freeze much less if you like to walk without a hat (but you can’t do that!).

What about the short ones? Nothing. Well, how can they warm you up? In addition, with short hair it is almost impossible to wear a hat normally, but more on that below.

7. You can wear a hat without any problems

What about the short ones? If you style your hair but don't dry it well, all is lost. The hairstyle will turn into something inadequate. The hair will stick out and become uncontrollable, and it will not be easy to correct the situation using express methods.

8. Long beautiful hair is the best decoration

Very often, long hair is the main decoration of a girl. They attract, delight and seduce. Of course, we are only talking about beautiful, well-groomed, shiny hair. They stress natural beauty girls are better than cosmetics or any accessory. A girl with long hair does not need bright, frilly makeup; she knows that she is beautiful without a thick layer of powder and shadows. In addition, everyone knows how difficult it is not only to grow long hair, but also to care for it day after day.

What about the short ones? We will not say that short haircuts do not decorate a woman. Yes, there are those lucky women who especially suit short hair. But still call short hairstyle the main accessory means lying shamelessly. Long hair looks more impressive, you can’t argue with that.

Long hair deserves attention Special attention, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of shampoos, masks and balms. We recommend using when home care nourishing shampoos and conditioners from.

9. Men like long hair

The fact remains that men are crazy about long hair, and this is unlikely to ever change. You won’t believe it, but according to the results of one study, when men were asked to choose: go on a date with a stranger with a fourth breast size or with the owner of luxurious hair, 60% of respondents chose a girl with beautiful hair. Men prefer feminine and well-groomed ladies, and long hair is one of the main symbols of femininity and sexuality.

What about the short ones? Of course, just because men like long hair doesn't mean that girls with short hair will remain lonely spinsters. You can wear a crew cut and still be happy and loved. However, you are unlikely to hear compliments from men about your hair.

10. You can cut your hair quickly, but growing it out takes time.

This is the absolute truth. It takes us 10–20 minutes to cut our hair, and several years to grow it. On average, hair grows 1–1.5 centimeters per month. And this does not take into account the fact that from time to time we will still have to remove split ends. So carefully weigh all the pros and cons, think: is the game worth the candle? Should you say goodbye to your hair for the sake of fashion or a passing whim? Well, the decision is up to you.

Not sure if long hair is better than short hair, but still want to get a haircut? Then read our post. And make a decision.

Then, for sure, at least once in your life you have had the “crazy” idea of ​​giving yourself a short haircut. Usually, when your acquaintances hear your wonderful idea, they just nod their heads negatively and persuade you not to do it, citing your gorgeous hair, which is so painful to cut.

Straightening your head of gorgeous hair, you continue to walk around the world with a long hairstyle, sometimes casting slightly envious glances at light short haircuts.

What about those with short hair? It can’t be that they don’t look at their gorgeous long hair and dream about different intricate hairstyles.

We all sometimes want some change. And sometimes such changes are simply necessary for our mental and moral peace. So, when you decide to cut or, conversely, grow your hair, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Do not rush to immediately abandon experiments after hearing enough negative experiences. Pros and cons can be found in any hair length, so why not try it.

1. Seasonal benefits.

In such a hot summer, you think more than ever about the benefits of a short haircut. With long hair in the summer you can get really tired. No matter how much you pin up your hair or tie high ponytails, it is still very hot.

Looking at how easily the breeze blows through short hair, you begin to frantically dream of the same haircut. In summer, short haircuts come in handy. Firstly, it’s easy and free, and secondly, you don’t need to waste time inventing hairstyles that will help relieve the heat.

But in winter, without long hair, it can be quite cool. No matter what, they at least somehow warm you up during the cold season. And you can cover your ears with hair from the wind and frost.

2. Washing your hair.

If you are used to washing your hair no more than a couple of times a week, then with short hair you will most likely have to change this habit. The fact is that short hair needs more frequent washing. Every day you should wash off any remaining gels, varnishes and other styling products. In addition, short hair gets dirty faster and along its entire length.

If on long hair the greasy contaminants are not so noticeable, which is again due to the length from which you can create a hairstyle in order to cover the “unnecessary” areas, then with short hair this trick will not work. Dirty short hair looks very untidy and ugly.

3. Salon procedures.

In this matter, there are pros and cons for both short and long hair. Firstly, it is a matter of saving. Cutting, styling, and dyeing short hair will cost you less, because the length plays an important role in this matter. However, one should not delude oneself here either.

Long hair can be left without a trip to the hairdresser, since it will not cause much harm. But skipping a trip to the hairdresser when you have an interesting short haircut on your head may result in not very good results, since only “horns and legs” may remain from your initially beautiful and fashionable haircut.

If long hair can be washed, dried and styled without any problems, then with short hair you need to tinker. This is partly due to the fact that ladies overestimate the simplicity of a short haircut and think that there is nothing special to style there.

When you come to the salon with a photo of what you want, it would be good to consult with the hairdresser to see how realistically it is possible to style your hair at home in the same way, since you won’t have to do it in the salon every time.

4. New options.

The good thing about long hair is that you can give yourself a new hairstyle every day. Today - loose, tomorrow - a bun, the day after tomorrow - a ponytail, and so on... You can constantly refresh your look with new ideas and change your hairstyle depending on your mood, event and other factors. With short hair, you won't have as many options. Although you can choose an asymmetrical haircut, which will allow you to style your hair so that it appears either short or long...

5. Care.

In this matter, each length has its own significant advantages. As mentioned above, long hair does not need to be washed as often, and you don’t need to visit the salon so often; it is enough to trim the ends of your hair regularly. However, due to its length, such hair must be more carefully cared for, as it is more susceptible to damage. Long hair is more fragile than short hair and requires careful care. They need to be combed after they are completely dry, and this should be done with a natural bristle comb.

Short hair is less demanding to care for, but it requires regular salon treatments. If you choose a haircut that does not require careful daily styling, this will give you the opportunity to save a lot of time.

6. Long hair has one big advantage - you can cut it at any time and get short hair. But growing hair is a difficult task. The best time to start growing your hair is autumn. Then your slight “mess” on your head will not be so noticeable under your headdress, autumn will smoothly turn into winter, winter into spring, and in the summer you will be able to please those around you with your new hair length.

Advertising and glossy magazines nowadays they dictate fashion. What clothes to wear, what words to say, what cars to drive, and especially what hair to wear to work, and which to wear to a party. So what kind of hair? Long or short? The choice of hairstyle can be influenced by the time of year, lifestyle, or simply your mood. We can thank nature for giving women such a great opportunity to express and diversify themselves.

Hair length

Hair below the shoulders and shoulder blades is considered long. For fashionistas with gorgeous hair, experts have come up with a thousand ways to emphasize their beauty with a haircut or hairstyle. Fashion magazines There are a lot of photos of long hair with short bangs, which look good on both young beauties and older women.

Hair that does not touch the neck with its ends is considered short. Hairstyles with this length can be quite different and creative.

Hair that reaches the base of the neck or just touches the shoulders is considered middle length. There are many haircut options for this length, both classic and individually suitable. specific girl.

Hairstyles according to face type

When choosing a hairstyle, short hair or long hair, you should carefully study magazines with fashionable haircuts, where you can see which hairstyle looks best on which face. Then compare the shape of your face with those you like best and choose your type. Then the choice will be perfect.

There are different types of faces:

  • Square - when the width of the face is approximately equal to its height.
  • Circle - the width and height of the face are almost the same, but it has a rounded outline.
  • Oval - the width is slightly less than the height, and the outline is round.
  • Triangle - the width of the forehead is noticeably wider than the lower part of the face.
  • Rectangle - the width of the face is half the height, and the outline is with right angles.

For square face a haircut will do for long hair in a ladder or bob with long hair in the front and short in the back. Hairstyles suitable for lush, voluminous and wavy.

Round face for long hair will do cascading haircut with asymmetrical bangs; for medium length, a bob lengthened at the front is suitable. Hairstyles can be bouffant, asymmetry and waves. Short haircuts are suitable for boys.

Oval face It will look more attractive with short haircuts like a bob or bob with curled ends inward. Suitable for long hair cascading haircuts or ladders, when the hair is shorter in the front and longer in the back.

A face with an elongated oval shape can be emphasized with long eyebrow-length bangs or asymmetrical bangs. Haircuts can be for short hair or long pixie. For long hair, you should choose cascading haircuts, pageboys and ladders.

TO triangular face Stepped haircuts and short bangs with long hair are suitable. For medium strands bob will do and curls from the middle of the length.

A rectangular face can be easily softened with short and medium lengths. curled hair. Stepped or bob haircuts are suitable.

Facial features

With the help of a hairstyle, you can not only emphasize the advantages of your face, but also hide its shortcomings. The first thing that catches your eye is your nose, especially if it is large or long. This deficiency can be smoothed out using long bangs and curls on the cheekbones. An upturned nose will look better with hair pulled back with a little volume.

When choosing short hair or long hair, you should pay attention to the shape and location of the eyes.

Eyes that are too close to the nose can be decorated with long haircuts that open the forehead and hide the cheekbones. This will make the eyes appear to be in the right place.

Eyes small size can be visually enlarged with bangs and long curls that hide part of the face so that the eyes take up relatively more space.

If you have wide-set eyes, you can choose a style for long hair with volume at the roots and around the cheekbones. This volume will visually add width to the face, and the location of the eyes will narrow.

Size also plays a role in the choice of styling and haircut.

Large ears, if they are pressed to the head, can be hidden by a smooth haircut with long or medium-length hair. If your ears are protruding, then hairstyles with curls and a ladder are suitable for long or medium hair.

Too much high forehead can be hidden short bangs with long hair.

Neck length

When choosing a haircut length, you should pay attention to such a feature as the neck. It can be perfectly straight, but short, or thin and long.

With a long graceful neck, short haircuts are suitable for those who would like to emphasize its beauty:

If the neck looks awkwardly large and its owner would like to hide this part or somehow visually shorten it, then the following haircuts are suitable:

  • Elongated bob. The hair should partially or completely cover the neck.
  • Rhapsody. From the top of the head to the level of the cheekbones, a voluminous cap is created using steps. There is a ladder in front, and the back of the neck is completely covered with milled strands. The hair is short in the front and long in the back.
  • Cascade. This haircut creates the effect of a waterfall of hair using smooth changes in the length of the strands.

If your neck is short and it’s very noticeable, you can choose haircuts that visually lengthen it:

  • A boyish haircut will do its job perfectly and will reveal the entire neck, making it appear longer.
  • Kare on a leg. The neck remains open at the back, and elongated strands frame the face in front.
  • A cap on a leg. Due to the so-called arrow-shaped leg, looking down from under the short cap at the back, the neck gains additional length and elegance.

When choosing short hair or long hair for girls with short neck Short haircuts should be preferred. Long strands will visually shorten and hide the neck.

Hairstyles by body type

Personalities with a refined figure and short stature, according to most stylists, are suitable for short haircuts.

Girls with tall appear very tall with short hair. And their figure becomes more masculine.

Tall height emphasizes and decorates long haircut to the shoulders and even below.

Those with a masculine figure will benefit more from emphasizing shoulder-length femininity with daring curls or long straight hair.

If a girl has outstanding figure features, she should wear long, curled hair.

Additional volume on the head visually reduces the excess volume of the figure.

If you want to emphasize big breasts, can choose smooth haircut on long hair or short. The hair should be slicked, then the chest and shoulders will be most visible.

For broad shoulders To visually narrow them, a haircut with steps or curls on medium or long hair is suitable.

Hairstyles according to lifestyle

Girls leading active image People who don’t have time to style and dry their hair for a long time prefer short or medium-length haircuts, so that they can be pulled back into a ponytail if necessary.

For those girls who love to take care of their appearance, create every day new image, if they have a lot of free time for all this, they will go for haircuts with medium and long hair.

Haircuts by age

Short When deciding such a question, you can pay attention to the woman’s age.

It is known that short hair rejuvenates the appearance and adds vitality to a middle-aged woman. And bangs that perfectly match your facial features will round your eyes and visually turn any lady into a schoolgirl.

A well-chosen haircut for long hair will make a woman’s image more feminine and gentle at any age. Curls and steps play an important role in this.


It happens that the time of year also affects the choice of hairstyle and hair length. A circumstance such as wearing warm hat In winter, it may discourage you from cutting your bangs. Too long hair also sticks out different sides from under the hat and tangled at the base of the neck. Therefore, many women in winter have a desire to have a bob or cascade haircut.

In the summer it can be very hot with long hair, and if you get tired of constantly pinning it up and putting it in a ponytail, you can make a bob with a stem or a bob with a stem. The neck remains open and feminine image doesn't suffer.

Men's gaze

Most men are in favor of long hair for the simple reason that with long locks a woman is feminine and sexy.

Medium-length hair adds boldness and brightness to a girly look, according to men who prefer girls with bobs or bobs.

A large percentage of all men do not consider boyish hairstyles repulsive; to them, such women seem to be strong and courageous individuals.

When choosing a hairstyle, you should pay attention not so much to fashion and other people’s opinions, but to own feelings. After all, first of all, you need to like yourself, and then those around you will definitely appreciate the chosen image.
