Proven ways to quickly dry nail polish. How to dry nail polish faster

A frequently occurring problem for women when creating a manicure is prolonged drying of nails, so the owners of the fair sex use various life hacks that can significantly increase the drying speed of the varnish.

Types of coating and drying speed

There are a huge number of coatings for nails, but there are basic varieties of varnishes that are especially popular.

  • Liquid nail polish. The most common coating, because the use of such a varnish allows you to conduct various experiments when creating a manicure. The consistency of this tool allows you to apply various patterns, patterns at the time of drying. The main advantage of liquid varnish is affordability and a rich palette of shades. The disadvantages include a long drying process, which can last from 5 to 10 minutes, and also retains its original appearance for only 1-3 days.
  • Quick dry products. The period of complete drying is 1-2 minutes, while it does not harm the nail plate during the drying process. Externally, such varnishes practically do not differ from liquid coatings. The advantage of using this tool is that they dry quickly and have a rich palette of colors. But there are also negative aspects of using quick-drying coatings. During drying, manicure cannot be corrected, and after applying such a varnish, the nail plate acquires a yellow tint.
  • Colorless base coat, which is the basis for colored varnish. Such products have the ability to protect the nail plate from the effects of colored elements contained in the decorating varnish. And also the base coat creates the possibility of uniform application of subsequent layers.

On sale there are special coatings that moisturize, even out or correct colored varnish.

  • The most convenient is gel polish. Indeed, for one hundred percent drying, it will take 1-2 minutes in a specialized lamp, in which drying is carried out with ultraviolet light. It retains its original appearance for 3-4 weeks.
  • Durable coating. This type includes stickers, the fixing of which is carried out on the decorative layer by means of heat. In this case, special tools and fixtures are not required. To create a manicure using a stable coating, you do not need to have skills, so it is often used at home.
  • Fixing special coating. This is a varnish used to improve the quality of a color coating. And also this tool helps to increase the shelf life of manicure, gives the whole image a glossy shade. The advantages of such a coating include protection from ultraviolet rays and environmental influences on the nail plate.
  • Acrylic paints. This decorating special coating refers to a harmless product, because it does not harm the nail plate. And also with the constant use of such a tool, the nails are strengthened, they exfoliate and break to a lesser extent.

The only downside is the drying speed. With multi-layer application, it will take quite a long time to dry (about an hour).

How to dry varnish quickly?

Modern fashionistas have come up with a huge number of life hacks to create an attractive look, thanks to which it will take a minimum amount of time to dry a manicure at home.

cold liquid

Since the varnish dries faster at low degrees, you can use ordinary cold water. For this purpose, the liquid can be placed in the freezer for a while, or you can add a few ice cubes. It is enough to dip your hands in the ice liquid for 3-4 minutes. You do not need to hold your hands under running water, so you will only spoil the manicure, because the varnish has not yet completely frozen.

Hair spray

Experienced manicurists recommend using a reliable tool for accelerated drying of varnish coatings, which is ordinary hairspray. It is necessary to spray the product on the nail plates, while choosing a special means of strong fixation. Thus, you will not only reduce the drying time, but also keep the original look of the manicure for a long time.

vegetable oil

A good effect can be achieved by using vegetable, olive or peach oil. To dry each nail plate, it is necessary to apply a drop of the ingredient to each nail. For convenience, you can use a pipette. Wash off herbal products with gentle movements 5 minutes after application. This method will not only fix the varnish on the nails, but also strengthen the cuticle.


For quick drying of the varnish, it should first be placed in the freezer for five minutes. This cooling method will allow you to admire the manicure in 4-5 minutes. The condition is feasible if the varnish is applied immediately after removing the coating from the refrigerator, that is, it should not heat up.

hair dryer

Female representatives come up with various tricks in order to become beautiful. Therefore, for the speedy drying of the varnish, many use a regular hair dryer. Only in this case it is necessary to turn on the mode with cold air flow. It is enough to hold the nails under the air jet of this dryer for about 7-10 minutes. By the way, you can replace the hair dryer with a regular fan, you need to dry your nails in the same way as using a hair dryer. On sale there are specialized fans designed for drying varnish. They can be either under one hand, or under both.

Most women purchase special expensive lamps for drying manicure. But you can do without them, using the above drying methods.

Applying fast drying varnish

Every girl faced the fact that after a long time creating a manicure, one awkward movement spoiled the whole look. No one is immune from such a problem, so it is worthwhile to correctly perform the varnish application technique, which will reduce the drying period of the varnish coating.

  • The first step is to prepare all the necessary tools and fixtures, so that later you don’t have to do this with painted nails.
  • Nail plates and cuticles are carefully processed. The old decorating layer is removed from the nail, and the cuticles are also removed.
  • Ten minutes before applying nail polish, remove the product in the refrigerator. After all, the special coating in the cold state will harden much faster at plus degrees.
  • Before painting, you should degrease your nails, for this you can use nail polish remover or alcohol, they can dry the nail plate.
  • It is not recommended to apply more than two coats of varnish. Such a manicure will look messy.
  • If you still decide to do several layers, then you should maintain a time interval before each application of 3 minutes.
  • When finished, use a quick-drying spray.

These manipulations are necessary so that the manicure is ready in the near future. But there are also prohibited actions that you should not do:

  • apply oily hand cream before manicure;
  • do a manicure without removing the old decorating layer;
  • to paint nails that have not previously been degreased.

By following all the above rules, you can not only make a beautiful manicure, but also speed up the drying process without resorting to additional tricks.

To speed up the drying process of the varnish, it is necessary to follow the useful recommendations of specialists.

  • Apply the varnish as thinly as possible. The thicker the coating, the longer it will take to dry. If there is a desire to apply varnish in several layers, then the subsequent application is carried out only after the previous one has completely dried.
  • The lacquer will dry much faster on a smooth surface. Therefore, before painting, you should get rid of the old layer, as well as grind the nail.
  • Buy only high quality products. Most manufacturers produce quick drying coatings. In this case, you need to have a skill, because the application should be carried out as quickly as possible.
  • The less colored elements a special coating contains, the faster it dries. These include transparent and translucent coatings.
  • It is not recommended to use varnishes of a rather thick consistency, otherwise the drying time will be long.
  • The use of a special tool for drying varnish will significantly speed up the procedure for drying a manicure from 2 to 5 minutes.

Tired of waiting for your nail polish to dry completely? There are many methods to speed up this process. A neat manicure at home will be an achievable goal if you know the secrets of how to quickly dry the varnish.

professional tools

The modern cosmetic market offers the widest range of special products that significantly speed up the drying of nail polish. The most popular forms of release of such formulations are spray, oil and drops.

Drying spray varnish is considered the most practical tool of this kind. Immediately after applying the last coat of varnish, spray the spray on your nails and wait for the time indicated on the package. The only drawback of the spray is that it gets not only on the nails, but also on the skin. Of course, this does not entail anything terrible, only minor inconveniences.

Special oil with a brush will not only speed up the drying process of the varnish, but also give the nails an extra shine. After coating the nail plates with varnish, you must wait a couple of minutes, and then apply oil. You should not hurry in this matter - if you do not wait a while, the brush can lubricate the fresh varnish.

Drops easy to apply on nails - they are available in a jar with a small pipette. But be careful and careful - thick oil tends to spread over the palms.

Another popular nail polish dryer is quick drying top coat. It is very similar to ordinary colorless nail polish, but it also has a fixing effect. Apply the coat after painting as a normal varnish.

Folk ways

You can quickly dry the varnish at home without professional tools. There are many folk methods for accelerated drying of varnish. For these purposes, you can use cold water, a hair dryer, a hand gun for cleaning small parts, vegetable oil, and even a freezer.

  • To dry the nail polish, you can use cold water, a hair dryer, a hand gun for cleaning small parts, vegetable oil.
  • After applying the varnish, dip your hands in a container of cold water. To achieve the best effect, you can add a few ice cubes there. 2-3 minutes of a cold bath will be enough for the varnish to set properly.
  • Cold air currents will naturally dry the varnish. Set the hair dryer to the lowest temperature and alternately dry first one hand, then the other. It is not recommended to use warm and hot air: high temperatures will soften the varnish and only slow down the drying process.
  • A hand-held blow gun for cleaning small parts such as a computer keyboard will help dry the varnish quickly. At a distance of approximately 15–20 cm, direct the air stream at the nails. After a few minutes, the varnish will dry.
  • Any vegetable oil that you have at home will work for accelerated drying of nails. Pour some oil into a clean container and dip your painted nails into it. After 3-5 minutes, wash off the remaining product with cold water.
  • The bravest ones can try drying their nail polish in the freezer. Just hold your fingers in the open freezer for a few minutes.

In order for the manicure to last really long, it is necessary not only to properly dry the varnish, but also to carry out a number of activities ahead of time. So, fast and high-quality drying of the varnish is ensured if you follow the conditions indicated below.

  • Apply varnish on previously degreased nail plates. To do this, wipe each nail with a piece of cotton soaked in nail polish remover.
  • Before painting your nails, sand them with a nail file.
  • Do not neglect the use of a base for colored nail polish.
  • Each layer of varnish should be as thin as possible. Allow the first coat to dry on its own for at least 2 minutes before applying the second coat.
  • Use only high-quality and proven cosmetics.

Nail polishing for every woman is an event that requires concentration and absolute calmness. Fast drying methods will make it much easier to create an attractive manicure and extend its life.

Now we will tell you about the essential points of a good manicure and drying of varnish as well.

Nail degreasing

When we start painting nails at home, we need to pay close attention to the first stage - the preparation of the nail. If you degrease the surface of the nail sufficiently, you can count on uniform application of varnish, and it will last much longer. For degreasing, I use a dehydrator or nail polish remover.

Lacquer application

After this process, proceed to the next step - applying varnish, taking into account the following few rules, which will help to significantly reduce the drying time of the varnish.

One of the reasons that the varnish dries for a very long time and cracks quickly appear on it - you apply it too thick and uneven. Why not try to cover the nail with a thin layer of varnish and distribute it well over the surface, so the varnish dries much faster and retains its beauty longer.

First, dip the brush into the bottle, remove excess varnish on the edges of the bottle, and only then apply the first layer. Wait at least a minute before continuing to apply subsequent coats, otherwise the varnish will lie unevenly and will dry several times slower.

How to dry varnish: quick-drying varnishes

Naturally, quick-drying nail polish is the best option if you need to be in a hurry and only have a few minutes to finish your manicure. But, and here there are several nuances. For example, in summer, under the influence of sunlight, nails can become yellowish. To avoid this effect, choose varnishes containing UV filters.

A great way to quickly dry your nails is to cover them with "smart enamel", i.e. drying. You will find a large assortment in a store specializing in manicure tools.

Tips on how to dry nail polish quickly

If you don't have quick-drying polishes on hand or don't want to buy one, there are some methods you can use to make traditional products dry faster. For example, before applying nail polish, put it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes - then it will dry much faster. Or dry your nails with cold air from a hair dryer… put your fingers on a fan.

With any of these methods, the nail polish will dry much faster than usual. There is another popular method with which the varnish dries in minutes. This is cold water. Do not worry, the procedure will not damage the manicure - if you do everything right, and do not put your hands under a fast stream of water. That's right: it is necessary to pour cold water into some container or bowl in such a way that the water covers only the nails after they are dipped. But, you must consider that the water must be cold enough, warm water will not be as effective. It is advisable to add a few ice cubes to the liquid to lower the temperature even more. After completing your manicure, soak your nails in water for at least three minutes.

Many women have a habit of painting their nails in a hurry, because they do not have enough free time to wait for the natural drying of the coating. However, if the manicure does not dry properly, it will inevitably smudge, ruining your mood completely. To prevent this from happening, you should know how to quickly and effectively dry the coating without reducing the duration of its wear.

How long does it take to dry

First, let's figure out how long nail polish should dry. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since much depends on the composition, consistency and purpose of the product. The fastest drying nail polish is the one designed specifically for stamping because it is designed to so that when applying the fixative the created pattern is not smeared. Such a varnish hardens in air in 40-60 seconds. Approximately the same amount of drying time and varnishes in bubbles with thin brushes, designed for painting.

Keep in mind that "stop sticking" and "finally harden" are two different things. For example, a hardener applied in one layer will set in 2-3 minutes, and will finally dry out in 15 minutes - this means that after two minutes the coating will stop sticking when touched, but will inevitably be smeared if you start doing household chores within 15 minutes from the moment it was applied.

One layer of conventional varnish dries completely in about 30 minutes, when applied in several layers, the drying time of the coating can take up to two hours (sometimes more). Shimmers, glitters and varnishes with carotene dry a little faster - in 15-20 minutes (although they are usually applied in one layer).

Correct application

One of the key factors for fast drying- compliance with all application rules:

Express drying manicure

If time is running out, and your nails never dry, you can resort to tricks that will help speed up the hardening process:

What else can be done

If for some reason the above methods do not suit you, the best thing to do is to get special tools for quick drying of varnish. Fortunately, manufacturers offer a wide range - fast drying top coats, sprays, oils. They can be purchased at any specialized store, choosing for yourself an option from an affordable price category.

There are also dryer lamps for ordinary varnish - as a rule, they are included in the electric manicure and pedicure kits, but are also sold separately. These devices are very similar to UV lamps for drying shellac, but instead of fluorescent "tubes" they are equipped with a fan that supplies cold air to the nails, thereby speeding up the drying process.

Why doesn't shellac dry?

As a rule, there are no problems with gel polish - it dries perfectly under a special lamp. However, it also happens that after drying, the coating is partially or even completely removed along with the sticky layer of the top. . There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

By the way, many women try to dry ordinary varnish with a shellac lamp and, moreover, claim that the coating really dries much faster. However, in ordinary varnish there are no particles, responsive to ultraviolet, so the use of a UV or LED lamp does not in any way affect its curing speed. The same myth is the assertion that shellac can be dried without the use of a special lamp - yes, it can really seize and even stop sticking, but it will never completely harden.

acrylic coating

Separately, I would like to mention the so-called ecological, that is, acrylic varnish. It is an acrylic emulsion and does not contain harmful substances such as formaldehyde and toluene, which means it is completely safe for health. The composition of such a coating may include a variety of useful additives that help strengthen nails, accelerate their growth and prevent delamination. Keep in mind - acrylic itself does not have any beneficial effect on the nails. Moreover, it can even be harmful, because it prevents air from reaching the nail plate. Therefore, pay special attention to the components indicated in the composition of the product.

Acrylic emulsion dries pretty quickly, but only with skillful application. In addition, within 1-2 hours after application, the coating is easily washed off with water even if it is completely dry, so you need to do your homework with gloves. Of course, you can not use ice water, trying to quickly dry the varnish.

Alkyd varnish is applied in extremely thin layers (no more than two), starting from the center of the nail. Nail plates must be absolutely clean and free of grease. Wait until the first one is completely dry before applying the second layer. On top of acrylic, you can also use ordinary decorative varnish, but it should be dried only in the air. Acrylic manicure is worn from 2 to 7 days.

As you know, the calling card of every woman is her hands. Therefore, in our time it is difficult to find a young lady who does not do manicures. And if in recent years most of the young ladies preferred to go to the salon, now many are learning how to do home manicures. Against this background, the question arises of how to quickly dry nail polish at home.

The most popular drying methods

The first rule of a “quick” manicure is to apply varnish in a thin and even layer. Without this condition, all further actions will go down the drain and spoil the beauty already made.

In addition, if you apply too thick a layer of varnish on your nails, it will “float” very quickly and will look like an old and peeling wall, which is very difficult to call a beautiful sight.

The next tip on how to quickly dry nail polish at home is to use a hair dryer. But be sure to set the cold air mode so that the varnish does not crack and does not lose its original shine.

In this way, it will take about three minutes to dry each hand. If you don’t have a hairdryer at hand, you can use a fan, a fan, and even an ordinary notebook. The main thing is to do it evenly and slowly so that the manicure does not lose its original appearance.

In addition to cold air, cold water can be used in a manicure - just dip your hands in a bowl of cool liquid for a few minutes, and the varnish will harden much faster. If you doubt the effectiveness of this method, dip one finger into the bowl first and see what happens.

After that, gently wipe it with a dry towel (preferably made of natural material) or wait for your hands to dry without assistance.

Another option that can be done in any situation is to place the tube in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes before applying the varnish. After cooling, the liquid is much easier to apply to the nail plate and hardens in a matter of minutes. This method is perfect for those who do not like to mess around with additional attributes.

A few more tricks for lazy people

There are people who want to do nothing and get a good result. In some cases, this is not possible, but when it comes to drying nails, there is a way out. In just 5 minutes, the varnish will dry if a special quick-drying varnish is applied to the nail plate. It is sold in any cosmetic store, so it is very easy to get it.

In addition, this varnish has no color and will suit absolutely any woman. All that is needed is a minute after the completion of painting the nails, apply a transparent liquid in one layer. The result will follow very quickly.

The next "lazy" way is to bring each nail for a few seconds under the lamp. The hand should be a few centimeters from the light bulb and in no case should it touch it. Otherwise, there is a risk not only to spoil the manicure, but also to get a skin burn.

To dry nail polish as quickly as possible at home without a lamp and without a hair dryer, ordinary sunflower oil is used. Just at the end of the manicure, after a few minutes, dip each finger for a second into a deep container and gently rub the oil.

For the same purpose, any cosmetic oil with your favorite smell is suitable. To save product, you can use a regular paint brush with fine bristles. Or pour the cosmetic into an old nail polish tube and use it if necessary.

What should never be done

In a hurry, many ladies begin to dry the varnish, just waving their hands in all directions. But this is a bad way out of the situation, since in this case the applied agent will harden unevenly on the hands. And it looks not neat and very cheap.

Also, do not just stick your hands out the window to dry quickly. The varnish will dry really quickly, but there is a risk that dust will get on the coatings and leave ugly marks. Then you will have to redo absolutely everything, and this will take more time than it was supposed at the very beginning.

As you can see, unfortunately there are not so many ways to quickly dry nail polish at home, but all of them can be viewed on videos on the Internet.

But remember, if there is absolutely no time to make a multi-colored manicure, it is better to cover your nails with ordinary transparent varnish. This will add neatness to your image and will not make you blush for a failed attempt with colored varnish.
