How to flirt with a woman. Female voice: influence on men

Who among us has not dreamed of achieving recognition in such a subtle and quivering art form as flirting. This one word carries incredible energy, secret desires and secret fantasies.

Flirting is not a harmless hobby or habit, not a woman's combat camouflage. By no means a vulgar or insincere hobby of the 30s summer man, and even more so, it certainly cannot be called an inappropriate behavior for a decent woman or man. The world is changing, foundations are changing and, if earlier older generation threw stones at the “garden”, say, a young flirting young lady, now flirting has been elevated to the rank of art.

What is flirting? This is a form of behavior in which an attraction to opposite sex and which is expressed in flirting, courtship, coquetry. The forms of such behavior can be different, these are touches, and words, and glances, as well as winks, body shapes, hints, compliments, perfume aromas, etc.

The art of flirting lies in the skillful combination of the most various combinations from these forms good choice place and time of the implementation of his "move". It's like in chess, the move is right, but the timing can be bad.

Technique and rules of flirting

The art of flirting, of course, is not just a guide to action, but there are some rules that you should follow to achieve the desired result:

Rule 1 It is worth immediately drawing a line for yourself where flirting ends and more personal relationships. Remember - as such, flirting does not imply intimacy, this is just a banal emotionally colored prelude. Both concepts are very many and very often confused. Real flirting does not aim at the “body”, it works with souls, and it delivers a different, subtle, subtle pleasure.

Rule 2 Carefully and critically examine your appearance. The first impression is the most important, which cannot be changed, so a stain on clothes, dirt under the nails, “peeling” varnish are unlikely to be taken into account in your favor. Special attention to your lips. Bright, hydrated lips beckon partners... and make your teeth whiter.

Rule 3. Take care of your own scent. And the point here is not only in perfume from Chanel, but also in your own smell, in your personal pheromones, which cause attraction and inexplicable sympathy for a person. Of course, the smell of sweat, bad smell from the mouth will instantly move you a dozen steps back.

Rule 4 Prepare (read - practice) your charming smile, posture, facial expressions, gestures. Agree, hunched, even if a young girl does not cause sympathy in the male half. Straighten your back, raise your head, shake your hair, fix your makeup. If you are in a skirt - correct it, if in trousers - grab the belt or put your fingers in your pockets (the “males” perceive such gestures very violently). Add to this the classic slight tilt of the head and a look over the shoulder (preferably naked).

Rule 5 Hypnotize with your eyes. Look the other person in the eye, rather than catching dill in soup with a spoon or the smile of a pretty bartender. Your companion will think that you are not interested in him. You don’t need to “eat” the interlocutor with your eyes either - this is superfluous, find a reasonable compromise.

Rule 6 Learn to give compliments - sincere and original. Banal compliments are depressing and, believe me, they have been said to your interlocutor more than once.

Rule 7 Learn to listen. Everything ingenious is simple - "people love to talk." Listen to the interlocutor, maintain his interest in the topic by asking clarifying questions, but do not interrupt him in mid-sentence, comment on what was said.

Rule 8 Use the Three YES Rule. The principle is based on the fact that, after answering positively to 3 questions, the interlocutor will automatically answer “Yes” and the next one, in which you can ask him to take you home or invite you to a dance.

Rule 9 Be playful, be spontaneous, be witty.

Flirting - confidential conversation in body language

Would you try to get through the window into a store that has a "Break" or "Closed" notice posted on the door? Of course not. It won't end well for you.

So a man will never make an attempt to approach a woman who, with her whole appearance and demeanor, shows the same warning. There is nothing for him to "catch" here. Such a woman is "closed" to romantic relationship more reliable than any store that has completed its work.

At the same time, the woman herself is able to believe that she is “open” to establishing relationships, because she passionately wants to find herself a life partner. And at the same time, she may seem to those around her tightly “closed” and with her whole appearance scare off potential applicants for her hand and heart. Flirting is the signal that conveys to the attention of all interested parties the message that a woman is ready to establish a romantic relationship with a man.

A woman's flirt is a magnet for a man

The purpose of your appeal to flirting is to gather around you more men, in the dense ranks of which you can find the very one, "the one and only." And since flirting, like any other work of subtle and high art, bears the imprint of the personality of the master, you need to use the set of techniques that most matches your character traits. After all, everyone understands that the flirting of a shy woman and the so-called "hard" flirting not only cause a different reaction in men, but also say a lot about your personality.
Shy Woman Flirting Technique

If by nature you are a modest and shy woman, you need to use seduction techniques that a man perceives as naturalness and trust in communication, and not be very upset if they do not have the proper impact on your chosen one. No, it’s not like that, it means that it’s not fate, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Take it as an inevitability, but do not take any action that can embarrass you and come across as false, feigned, and untrustworthy.

For a shy woman, flirting is more of an attempt at natural form to express her desires and intentions, rather than the use of complex technical methods aimed at achieving the goal. A simple invitation to meet can be flirting in itself.

Pay more attention to everyday interactions with men, behaving with them as if they were your friends, letting them know without being pushy that you are looking for a closer relationship. A shy woman can find a response in a man's heart, not by resorting to intricate tricks and subterfuges, but by creating an atmosphere of friendly trust and thus welcoming the possibility of generating a closer affection. She does not attack a man with a demand to answer her "yes" or "no" and therefore does not lose her face if the chosen one does not show a desire for further rapprochement.

"Hard" or "teasing" flirting

“Maybe” - this thought pervades everything related to the technique of teasing flirting. "Maybe" is a lot sexier than an outright "yes" or "no". The answer “maybe” teases the imagination and awakens in a man the desire to achieve clear certainty. Teasing flirting is a game that requires great frankness from its participant in expressing her inner mood. Such a woman likes a close relationship with a man, and she is not ashamed to admit it. She considers them natural, healthy and enjoys them to the fullest.

But even if resorting to the technique of teasing flirting for some reason seems undesirable to you, get to know it better in order to be able to recognize and, if necessary, use certain elements in practice.

In fact, the technique of teasing flirting includes the art of talking in the language of the eyes - the "art of eye contact", the art of unambiguous conversation in body language and the art of sexual gait. We will begin our acquaintance with this "code" of arts by considering the secrets sexual appearance and sexy walk.

Seductive curve of the back

The way a woman stands, how she walks, how she sits, is instantly noted by a man at the subconscious level. Wherein the greatest force impact has the curve of your back. To develop a regal posture, do the following.

Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the following areas of your body:

* head without lifting the chin;
* shoulders, slightly turning them back, but not too zealous;
* elbows, but not the carpal part of the hands;
* buttocks;
* calves, if possible;
* heels

Straighten your back, push your chest forward and up. While holding this position of the body, place the palm of your hand on the base of the spine, at the very bottom and slightly move it forward, moving it away from the wall: this will provide the spinal column with a deep bend. Move away from the wall. Fabulous!!! A man reacts not to the volume of a woman's breasts and not to the length of her legs, but, above all, to the curve of her spine. A woman of any age should pay special attention to the spine, and then she will be able to make an indelible impression on a man.

Learning to sit attractively

When a woman puts one leg over the other in the knee area, she simply sits in the way that is most comfortable for her. But the closer to the top of the thigh her legs are crossed, the more interesting she is in men. In addition, this position of the legs automatically gives her spine the desired bend.

And in general, legs crossed high at the hips look more slender, long and sexy. This is the most effective way for a woman to demonstrate the general advantages of her figure and, of course, the shape of her legs.

A pose with legs crossed at the hips will emphasize your sensuality, but only if you do not allow yourself to forget about the length of the skirt: in demonstrating your charms, it is very important not to overdo it.
The value of eye contact

Eye contact serves as a hint of your openness to meeting a man. When your eyes meet a man's for a moment, what I call "short-circuiting the inner moods of a man and a woman" occurs: both of you are signaling to each other that you are ready to establish a romantic relationship.

If either of you looks away at the same time before the "closure" occurs, the person thereby makes it clear that he is not ready to establish a relationship. Otherwise, both you and the man will look away after the "short circuit" takes place.

Prelude to making eye contact

During a conversation in the language of the eyes special meaning acquires its content. If your look shows mockery or outright slyness, a man may think that with him - or with you! - not everything is fine. On the other hand, an excessively serious, focused look is fraught with danger and can cause a man to have well-founded fears about your intentions.

But when you mentally repeat: “Men are amazing, I am amazing, sex is amazing!”, Your eyes will radiate pleasure. And that's exactly what you need.
Duration of eye contact

Experts in flirting techniques believe that it takes several seconds to make steady eye contact, during which your internal moods are short-circuited, after which your gaze must be taken to the side.

The duration of the "conversation with the eyes" is extremely important. To establish a full-fledged contact, one second, as a rule, is not enough, and six or seven seconds is usually too much. It seems to me that the time that I indicate for each of the contact types below is most preferable. However, depending on the situation, you can slightly reduce or increase the duration of the look, while remaining within the range of one to six seconds.
Eye contact of a shy woman

A modest, shy woman usually looks away too early, even before the birth of a stable contact, thus signaling that she is not ready to establish a romantic relationship with a man, although in reality everything is completely different. So, in order to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding, she should find a way to show her interest to a man with a glance and do it in a way that she considers acceptable for herself.

Try to use next trick: If you look away too early, immediately look at the man one more time. This “re-gaze” technique will help you compensate for the lack of such an important short circuit between your inner moods and a man. And if at the same time you still have time to quickly say to yourself: “Men are amazing, I am amazing, sex is amazing!”, The impulse of your gaze will acquire tremendous power of influence.

Teasing eye play; are you standing or sitting

Mentally say magic words, accumulating internal energy. Look the man straight in the eye. Count to three while continuing to look the man in the eyes while turning your head slightly to the side, then on the count of four, look away in the direction that is natural for turning your head. Resist the desire to check what impression you made, and do not use this technique a second time.

Think again about the technique of doing it: glance, make eye contact while turning your head, and look away.
Teasing eye play while walking

Look directly into the man's eyes for two seconds. At the third second, turn your face slightly to the side, maintaining eye contact for another two seconds, then look away as you move and look straight ahead. So: look, establishing visual contact while turning the head and looking away.

promising look

Passing by a man and giving him your look, mentally say: “I could give you my intimacy!”, Then look away. At the same time, you may not have any intentions at all to go to bed with this man; your task is to test your extrasensory influence. And his influence is very great: when a man in response spends you long look, you will see for yourself.

"A little bit of everything and no one in particular"

In a crowded room, glance to the right corner of the room, give those present your wide smile and deep, intriguing blink. Then shift your gaze to the central part of the room, smile and blink with the same amount of intrigue in your eyes. After that, follow the whole procedure, looking at left side premises. And check which of the men is convinced that your smile and blinking, reminiscent of a wink, are intended only for him!
Expression of deep interest

Focus your eyes on a man who is not looking at you at the moment. As soon as he looks up and catches your eye, give him a small smile and a deep blink, then turn away as if you are embarrassed by this outburst of involuntary display of your sympathies. “Smiling will make everyone brighter...” As a rule, you should accompany your blinking “with a hint” with a smile, but you can achieve the same effect by being completely serious. Be that as it may, whether you give a man your smile or not, immediately after a wink-blink, calmly transfer your attention to something else, giving your interested chosen one the opportunity to proceed independently.

"Burning Look"

Giving a smile is not necessary at all. Reflect on your face the expectation of something beautiful, the anticipation of happiness and deep excitement at the moment, which supposedly overwhelms you. The energy that fills your gaze at the same time will acquire an all-destroying power of influence. Excessive assertiveness, which can make an unpleasant impression, should be avoided. On the contrary, in addition to the reflection on your face internal energy and deep interest, be prepared to give a man a restrained but inviting smile if the object of your attention shows you his appropriate attitude.

"The chained look"

Keep your eyes on the man who this moment looks the other way. Mentally repeat the magic words, nourishing yourself with their energy and inner meaning. Don't rush to smile. When a man looks up at you, do not look away, do not smile, do not allow yourself any involuntary movements - just continue to stare, with a touch of light thoughtfulness, look into his eyes.
Introduction into the living space of a man

Each of us is surrounded invisible to the eye, but a clearly felt space that we consider our "private territory". Borders living space each one determines for himself individually, depending on the warehouse of his character, but we all monitor the inviolability of these borders with the same jealousy and issue a “pass” for the right to stay on our territory only to especially trusted persons. When an outsider seeks to get into the limits of our living space, we immediately detect his encroachments, but we react to his appearance in different ways, depending on what impression he made on us.

It is this kind of sabotage that you need to carry out, while achieving the right to receive the coveted "pass" into the world of your chosen one.

This is done in the following way. You carefully and as if by misunderstanding penetrate the limits of the man's living space, waiting for him to discover this and pay attention to you. It is best to approach a man from behind, from the back, maintaining a light conversation with one of those present and step by step approaching his chosen one closer and closer.

Feeling your closeness, he will certainly step back a step. Without interrupting your conversation, again go for rapprochement. The man will leave again. After a while, try again a third, and if necessary, a fourth time, until you force the man out of the center of the hall or find yourself face to face with him. If you want to achieve happiness in life - take a step towards a man who, perhaps, is destined to become the most dear person to you. He doesn't know about it yet, but you can guess. So help him make your acquaintance.

Unobtrusive comments

This is an amazingly powerful flirting technique, designed for women of the most different nature. Use it more often and you will become a bright memory in the lives of so many people! The technique of this technique is as follows: you are walking down the street, say, and you see a man who is looking at something, doing something, or just standing next to anything that your mind can grasp. As you approach him, slow down, but do not stop. And when you catch up, let go of a playful remark about what the man is currently passionate about. You should strive to interact with any person at every opportunity. The purpose of your comments is to interest a man and check if he is ready to establish a romantic relationship, nothing more.

If you talk to a man with rude persistence, he will perceive this as a manifestation of violence against his personality and will experience a natural and well-founded desire to get rid of you as soon as possible. But if you just give him a playful, harmless remark and leave him alone for a while, you thereby give him the opportunity to independently think over the response.
In the presence of a man - down with a dull look

Be able to impress a person who is cheerful, easy to communicate with and generous with a smile. Talk to men. Just say: "Good afternoon!" or "Hello!", Without putting any double meaning into these words and without attaching of great importance interlocutor's reactions. You said hello, showing yourself to be a sociable, cultured and well-mannered woman, nothing more. A simple greeting is not an appeal to a man with a request to go down the aisle or to bed with you!

During the day, refer to this method in the most different situations. If the man's reaction is to your liking, take advantage of this to exchange a couple of phrases with him or strike up a short conversation. If not, so what? Stay as sociable and say something fun and friendly next man that will catch your eye.

The desire to seduce a man appeared with the first woman. The art of seduction has been perfected for centuries, because it is not enough to want to seduce, you still need to be able to do it. And to make sure that a man could not be disappointed, once seduced. It's not enough to be desirable, you have to be. We will look at the foundations of the art of seduction, which were formed by the temptress different peoples. The art of seducing men, flirting, learn from this publication.

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Who doesn't know the saying that men "love with their eyes"? And if you decide to seduce a man, you need to look good so that you can please those same eyes. Not only today you need to look good, but you need to look good always. To create a pleasant image, you need any little things. It's not enough to have slim figure and Beautiful face, you must be perfect in everything. After all, we don’t know where the man you desire will throw the first glance? Posture, style, smell, hairstyle, makeup, pedicure, manicure are the main components of your external image.

If a woman feels beautiful, then the people around her will feel it. After all well-groomed woman attracts the eye and our task is to make this look at us linger as long as possible and we must show not only the appearance, but also our inner world. You need to develop sexuality in yourself, and do not think that you have enough of it, there is no limit to sexuality, and the more it is, the better. The main thing here is that you do not confuse sexuality with vulgarity. Don't be afraid to show naked parts of your body, just be aware of your surroundings. Don't wear a skirt that looks like a belt and a top that covers a few inches of your chest. This is vulgarity, which is more likely to scare away than attract. Let it be a blouse that completely covers the chest, but with open back, long skirt with a high cut. catch the eye desired man, and subtly direct those gazes to the parts of your body that you find attractive.

Let him notice how you accidentally touch the thigh, and he will imagine for a long time what is hidden behind this incision. But besides clothes, voice and demeanor are very important. The shrill voice does not fit in with the image sexy woman. Do not forget about the gait, and here the most important thing is not to overdo it. If a woman vigorously wags her buttocks, this cannot cause anything but cheerful bewilderment. Emphasize that you are a woman. It will be difficult to desire a person with a bottle of strong beer in his hand, speaking in "obscene language", in camouflage trousers.

Do not forget that confidence is strongly felt at a distance, and also do not forget about your self-esteem. Before confident woman a man will give a hand when descending, open the door, move a chair in a restaurant, help to put on outerwear. But even here a sense of proportion is needed, there is no need to bring self-confidence to the point of arrogance. Be feminine, try to be "soft and fluffy", prefer skirts to trousers. Get fully into character desired woman and make this look the style of your life. You are not going to seduce a man for one night, but you want to stay with him for the rest of your life.

Don't be afraid to flirt with a man. Flirting is such an educational game for your self-esteem, and a man is included in it with great pleasure. Thanks to this flirting, an invisible first contact is established, which will allow you to go on the offensive. At the same time, do not hesitate to be the initiator of another stage of the relationship, and men appreciate this. We are all very different and it is difficult for a man to understand a woman, and if you begin to suggest your desires, you just don’t need to talk about it directly, then the man will be grateful to you for this. Make it your lifestyle, be desirable, don't let it be a one time game. Initially, make your dreams come true, indulge, love yourself. And when you have achieved desired man, remain for him always desired.

Smart girls know that it is not necessary to go on diets, sweat in the gym to achieve the notorious 90-60-90 to drive a man crazy. It is enough to know a few secrets of the art of seduction and seduction, and it is enough to have a charming smile. And then you can charm any man.

Flirting Technique - The Art of Seduction
1. Eye to eye
We love to watch close-up scenes in movies, but the power of views in life is not often used. If you are flirting with a person, then try to support with him for at least 7 minutes. eye contact. Then smile and look away. This operation can only be repeated 5 to 10 times in an hour. The main provider of information is the eyes, and they will not deceive.

2. Smile

most important thing in the art of seduction is the smile. Psychologists say that a smile makes a woman very attractive, and a man is made unarmed. This is joy, openness, friendliness. Smile more. Geishas smile after every phrase of a man. And their smile is a sign of respect.

3. Be yourself
Once Alla Pugacheva said that she tried to be herself all the time, and only now she realized that she needed to play herself. Do not try on someone else's role, you do not need it, play yourself.

4. Hold attention
Listen to everything that the interlocutor says to you. Men are like that, they either know how to listen, or they only know how to speak. Show your man that you attach importance to his every word and are completely in attention.

5. Head position
In each film they show - a slight tilt of the head to the side. Try looking over your shoulder. Turn your head and look over your shoulder, and then slowly move your gaze to the interlocutor. You will see everything in his eyes. Try to practice in front of a mirror, and then you will succeed as it should.

6. Beauty
If you feel uncomfortable during a conversation, try telling yourself that you are the most beautiful. After all, he only looks at you. Then why should you doubt that you are the most attractive.

7. Gentle lips
Wet, scarlet lips are considered a symbol of seduction, youth and sexuality. If you don't like lipstick, put some honey or gloss on your lips. Huge attention when speaking, it is given to the movements of the mouth, so they must be emphasized.

8. Leg to leg
If you have high heels on your feet, cross your legs. Men like it and subconsciously they want to see much more.

9. Legs
If you are standing while talking, then you should try to keep the distance between your feet about 15 centimeters. Don't spread them too wide or squeeze your legs.

10. Mimicry
Adjust to the gestures and posture of your interlocutor. This approach is often used. Become his likeness and reflection. If you adjust to his breathing, posture, the man will understand on a subconscious level that you and he are on the same wavelength.

Now we know what the art of seducing men, flirting, can be. Try these tips and you'll be fine. And then your man will be at your feet.

The art of flirting- This is a style of communication, the purpose of which is to please another, to show a sincere interest in joint communication. The art of flirting includes well-developed skills to communicate and maintain interest, using body language and intonation, capturing the individuality of the interlocutor. Flirting is not associated with manipulation techniques and deceit, everything is spontaneous and transparent. It's easy game form contact, for the pleasure of all participants, there are no conventions in it, but a lot of space for fantasy, experimentation and free self-manifestation.

Flirting is based on the ability to independently move forward in communication and transfer the initiative to another, avoiding cloying obsession.

Flirting is not so much a seduction strategy (here you are better off with pick-up artists), but rather the desire to please. Everyone who wants to please now flirts, even children unconsciously use flirting behavior strategies.

Flirting as an art of communication

Flirting, as one of the types of communication, is a completely natural and organic behavior, the basis of which is not the information presented, but intonations and gestures. it easy game, exciting and introducing an element of lightness and play into relationships. Despite the fact that all manifestations of flirting are quite natural, society, especially the post-Soviet space, has little idea what it is, because this form of communication has been eradicated as harmful and interfering with raising a generation of workers.

Flirting, as a special art, makes it possible to take a closer look at a partner, chat, choose from several applicants. Of my own light essence flirting will let you enjoy pleasant communication, and not with a frozen mask on his face to decide the fate of his future life by choosing a favorite. Many people forget that flirting is appropriate and necessary not only for dating, but also for long-term relationships. marital relations. Such interaction allows you not to get bogged down in a routine and remain interesting friend friend for many years.

When flirting with strangers, you should not set yourself the goal of what is happening - enjoy and see what you can get (maybe you will meet a great friend, a person with the same interests, you will get into an interesting adventure or trip, you will be able to solve long-standing affairs or).

It is incorrect to interpret flirting as a windy and accessible behavior; it would be more appropriate to define it as the behavior of a person who wants to be liked, to be noticeable. How often does it happen that a guy passes by a pretty girl, or a girl does not pay attention to objectively interesting person? This is due to the lack of a “I want to please you” signal, and flirting just makes it possible to manifest this desire. The attention that is bestowed during flirting is very nutritious for emotional background, which automatically increases the level physical health and attractiveness.

The art of flirting and seduction are secrets. Like any communication skill, flirting requires constant practice in any relationship (remember - flirting is a way to show sympathy, not to drag someone into bed or a registry office). Raise your own self-esteem and try to be different when interacting, there should not be a feeling of your need or pity. When flirting, show maximum attention to your partner, but do not impose. Ability to listen, ask questions, look at the interlocutor openly interested look- all these are win-win components of good flirting.

The art of flirting with a man

The art of flirting and seducing men is one of the topics that have interested women at all times. This easy, non-binding game helps to seduce and fall in love with all the surrounding men, including the chosen one.

How to master the art of flirting? The main integral trump card is a smile. Only not the automatic and artificial, which everyone has prepared for sellers and casual passers-by, but sincere.

Art female flirting and his secrets are kept on, which means that when smiling, you must broadcast an emotional message with your warm, sparkling eyes. A sincere smile always evokes a positive, interested reaction - try to smile at everyone you meet at work and on the street, acquaintances and the first people you meet. When you smile heartily at passing men, the mood rises both for them and for you, they smile back at you, or maybe they wink and get to know each other. Learn to open up in expressing your positive feelings.

Pay special attention to your eyes. You can languidly lower your eyes, or shoot with your eyes, as if stealthily spying on the chosen man. The especially brave can try direct eye contact when it is necessary to hold the man's gaze for several seconds, and if this succeeds, then even on a crowded street he will notice you and will not pass by.

In addition to looks and smiles, touch is considered the most effective impact. You can accidentally touch a man or deliberately delay the touch (when shaking hands or passing an object). Touches are very effective and very dangerous, because without calculating the distance or the situation and the partner, you can give a man a signal that you want with him intimacy. If you want something else, then approaching him, allow sliding touches, but do not allow the distance between you to decrease to fifty centimeters.

The art of flirting and seducing men is a multifaceted concept and is not limited to external manifestations. If you want to interest a man, and not just get a smile in response, then you should connect, charisma and communication skills. Think over several topics of conversation that will be relevant and help men keep up conversations with you, and also prepare in advance to maintain a conversation with a specific man of interest to you. After all, when a man runs out of words or he falls into excitement from excitement, your conversation should continue. Show interest and don't stop flirting. While you are flirting, you are interesting, as soon as you stop it, a man may decide that he is no longer interested in you and stop communicating.

In the application of all techniques, the main thing is the ability to feel a partner so that an easy game does not turn into an obsession. Leave space for a man to show his own initiative, distance yourself when you feel that he is fed up with your attention.

Try to play to your strengths and be natural. If you have a stunning walk, then adjust the situation to demonstrate. And if you don’t know how to demonstrate your body, but at the same time you know how to create a cozy, trusting atmosphere, to be an excellent listener, do it.

Flirting is, first of all, the art of communication, not eye shooting. Convey your interest and make a person feel their exclusivity - these are the main driving principles.

The art of flirting with a girl

The art of female flirting and male flirting have certain differences. The main trump card in male flirting is a sense of humor, an ironic attitude to the situation. It's not about learning funny phrases and interesting stories, for the most part, girls are not interested in what you say, but how you do it. If you can build your communication with her in such a way that she will constantly doubt whether you are joking or serious, you are guaranteed success. This behavior keeps you in suspense, there is a desire to solve the riddle, and as a result, the girl thinks about you most of the time.

Perseverance, ingenuity and a certain amount of arrogance are yours best friends. The girl, of course, will appreciate your compliments, treats and idolizing look, but she has already seen it all, many times. It does not catch and does not remain in memory. Interpret her words in the wrong way, make remarks in clumsiness instead of rushing to collect what she dropped. But at the same time smile, behave good-naturedly. This tactic causes initial indignation, because few people allow themselves to treat a girl this way. And in this you win - you get an emotional response. In general, all your behavior should be aimed at evoking maximum emotions in a girl, and of a polar nature. You make a remark to her or make a sarcastic comment on something - and she starts to get angry, and immediately you offer your help, turn the situation into a joke - and now she rejoices. Similar emotional swing are a powerful psychological hook that all girls fall for.

Another trick is to sexualize the space. Absolutely any topic can be commented on by typing intimate topic, and thus you put into the girl's brain the idea that not only friendly communication is possible, and she herself begins to want it.

Remember the smile, body language and touch - this is the base from which there is no escape and which can save even the most disastrous event. And most importantly, remember - in front of you is not just nice girl, but a unique and peculiar personality, therefore Attentive attitude, Search individual approach, combinations of actions and their speed will become yours the best helpers, not a flirting action list.

The very word flirting is English. Flirt courtship, coquetry love game. Although, of course, France is considered to be the birthplace of flirting. Gallant Frenchmen and Frenchwomen have mastered the art of flirting since time immemorial. The art of flirting reached its greatest peak at the court of King Louis XIV of France. In the era of this king, flirting was the norm for all courtiers. Everyone flirted, from the king himself, and ending with maids, pages and gardeners. Moreover, the flirtation of that time was noticeably different from the flirtation of the modern, the flirtation that we observe today. Back then, flirting was just sweet communication, not binding to anything else. Nowadays, it is generally accepted that if a girl actively flirts with a young man, then he can count on something more than just communication. AT modern world it became increasingly difficult to observe the line between flirting and easy accessibility

Any girl always wants to feel desired and attractive, regardless of beauty, age, weight, etc. Flirting with the opposite sex, she seems to assert herself, feels confident and irresistible. Of course, the attention of the opposite sex is the most main indicator female attractiveness. Yes, and flirting itself delivers unprecedented pleasure to those who flirt, warming up and inflaming interest in each other. This is a kind of game that has its own laws and rules. Every girl can learn to play this game. If you manage to master all the rules and subtleties of the game called "flirting" - be sure, it will bring you a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. The main tools of flirting are the look, the smile, the body language. It's like a game of halftones, half-hints. Flirting leaves behind some intrigue, understatement, uncertainty, mystery. The beauty of this game is that there are no losers. In any case, in any case, you will win. So, in order to learn how to flirt correctly, and not look like an easily accessible girl, keep the following points in mind:

Inner feeling of own irresistibility

It's impossible to flirt with a man if you don't feel desired and attractive. A flirtatious girl is, first of all, a self-confident girl! Notice keyword- "confident". Please don't confuse it with arrogant. It's great if a girl considers herself the very best, but still a certain amount of objectivity should be present in her own self-esteem, although it is difficult to evaluate herself objectively. If, on the contrary, you suffer from certain complexes that prevent you from feeling confident and attractive, get rid of them immediately. The main thing is to believe yourself that you are really the best, most, beautiful.

Remember how in the famous Soviet film: “I am the most charming and attractive!” Repeat this phrase at least a thousand times if it gives you confidence. You must know for sure that you deserve attention and admiration. The feeling of inner attractiveness helps to achieve emancipation and freedom in communication. Agree, it is impossible to flirt with a man, internally remaining clamped and closed. Let yourself feel like a queen. And in the eyes of others, you will be one. If a girl is self-confident and loves herself, this feeling is subconsciously transmitted to others.


In order for the man you like to guess about your interest in him, you need to hint about it. Naturally, you don’t need to talk directly about your sympathy. With the help of a glance, you can make it clear to a person that you are not indifferent to him. If the man is not looking in your direction, look at him closely. When he turns back, feeling your eyes on him, do not rush to look away. Look closely into his eyes for 5 seconds, and then slowly look down, and after a second, look at the man again, smiling slightly. This will be quite enough for the young man to catch your interest in him. If a guy responds to your look with a smile, it means that you are interested in him. If not, then you should not waste the time of such an uncommunicative subject. If you are still lucky, and the man approached you, then it's time to proceed to the next steps.

Stay natural

Remember, there is nothing so repulsive in a person as his desire to impress and endless attempts to please in any way. Men always feel false. Don't try to be someone you are not. It is very funny and stupid to watch how a girl who is not yet quite experienced and modest in character is trying to make herself a bitch and a fatal temptress. The best thing you have is your uniqueness, not like others. This is what you should be interested in the man you like. You should not theatrically cross your legs or roll your eyes languidly, as seductresses do in Hollywood films, in real life it looks ridiculous and vulgar. The best and right thing to do is to stay as natural as possible. After all, flirting, first of all, should bring you pleasure. And if you constantly play a role, you are unlikely to be able to relax, even for a minute, and enjoy communicating with a young man. Be natural, calm and friendly and cheerful, then your mood will be transmitted to your interlocutor, and communication will proceed in the right direction.


Of course, a smile is disarming. A girl who smiles coquettishly at a young man gives the impression of a kind, optimistic, self-confident person. Men, as a rule, appreciate girls who are able to keep everything positive attitude and good mood. And the young ladies, always lamenting with or without cause, make them want to run away as soon as possible. Your smile should be sincere and friendly. Then the man will have a desire to communicate with you further. Just don't overdo it. You should not sit all the time with a smile on your face, otherwise a man may think that you are not all right with your head.

Control your voice

Your voice must also produce positive impression. You should not shout loudly in a conversation with a young man or, conversely, mumble under your breath. Speak calmly, with restraint. If your voice is high enough, try to muffle it a little. Your voice should act on a man calmly and relaxing.

Interest a man

Of course, we can all talk excitedly for hours about ourselves - our beloved. When flirting with a man, don't talk too much about yourself. Men also like to talk about themselves. Ask the young man about everything that interests you, believe me, he will be very pleased with such attention to his own person on your part. But when talking about yourself, try to dose information, giving it out in small portions. A man should have a feeling of understatement on your part. He must feel that there is some mystery in you. Then he will have irresistible desire unravel it.

Laugh at his jokes

All men, without exception, consider themselves unsurpassed comedians. Support in young man this feeling. If a man, flirting with you, is joking and humorous, appreciate it. Feel free to laugh at his jokes. Such support from your side will be pleasant to any man. Even if his jokes are not very funny, in no case should you talk about this man. This will discourage him from wanting to communicate with you further.

Give compliments

When flirting with a man, you should not assume that only he is obliged to admire you and give you compliments. There is nothing shameful if you also compliment a man. There is no need to hide your admiration if you really like something very much in a young man. Just tell him about it.

Touch a man

During a conversation with a young man, you can, no matter how on purpose, touch his arm or shoulder. Tactile sensations very pleasant. They place your interlocutor to you and bring you closer.


Turn off your mind and turn on your feminine charm inherent in us at the gene level by nature itself. Let yourself be real woman: fragile, defenseless, tender and vulnerable. Straighten your hair, preen, "shoot" your eyes, joke, smile. Show that you enjoy flirting, enjoy it, and then all men will certainly be at your feet.
