Should a woman be unavailable? Men who like inaccessible women.

Many girls try to act inaccessible when communicating with the male half, because it is believed that men like inaccessibility. Is it right to think so? Naturally, all people are different, so you should not make hasty conclusions. It would be more correct to say that there are young people who really like to seek the location of an inaccessible girl. But there are those who do not see the point in wasting time on such courtship.

What kind of men are attracted to inaccessible girls?

First of all, it should be noted that the love of inaccessibility is laid down at the tender age of a man. If from childhood he was surrounded by the attention of women, then he will be drawn to inaccessible persons. He will simply simply not be interested in open women, because for him such communication will seem too easy. The girl who dares to refuse him will undoubtedly arouse genuine interest. It will be interesting for a man, for sure, to win the heart of a lady, to achieve her location. Difficulties along the way can cause a flash of passion in his chest, and now ... an inaccessible lady becomes the limit of his dreams!

Want to get married!

Any girl dreams of marriage, a beautiful wedding and the creation of a cozy hearth. But, unfortunately, most men are in no hurry to take the girl to sign in the registry office. Women begin to put pressure, hint about the wedding. This approach, by the way, is not effective. Most likely, such behavior, on the contrary, will repel a loved one. Men do not tolerate pressure from girls, especially when it comes to family life. Inaccessible girls take up precisely this, because they do not encroach on men's freedom, do not seek to ring the chosen one. Such an “equal” attitude encourages men to simply beat with a hoof, proving their own need, the seriousness of their intentions.

It is clear that each girl must decide for herself whether to hide her desires about marriage from her beloved or not. But if you do not talk about the wedding celebration in general, then the man will begin to worry about this. He, for sure, will begin to be tormented by doubts about whether the girl wants to be with him, how devoted she is to him. Therefore, sooner or later, such thoughts will push him to a marriage proposal. Undoubtedly, this is exactly what the beloved wants, so do not rush to talk about marriage. The most advantageous position for a girl is waiting. Yes, it is very difficult to wait, but the rush can turn into a break in relations.

What is the girl ready for?

Sometimes, women clearly show that they will do anything for a man. But it is precisely this position that is wrong, since not every man will be able to appreciate this. Of course, many will be pleased with such a "sacrifice", but the effect of it will be short-lived. Out of gratitude, a man is not able to stay close to a woman for a long time. To start a serious relationship, you need completely different feelings - passion, love, etc. Love in a man can only be born when a lot of work has been done to “overcome” the inaccessibility of the lady of the heart. He needs to conquer the girl, otherwise the value of the relationship will tend to zero.

A young man may like an accessible (direct, open) girl, there is nothing strange in this. But, if he constantly encounters this feature, then it will start to repel - everything is too predictable, ordinary, and as a result it becomes uninteresting in communication with the fair sex. That is why many men prefer inaccessible girls, even if they keep them at a distance for a long time.

Remember, "inaccessible girl" is a great tactic for building a serious relationship. The main thing is to know the measure! It is pointless to stretch the stage of courtship for years ...

Hi girls! Let's talk in this article about how to become an inaccessible girl, and whether it is necessary.

You have probably heard that men are attracted to inaccessible girls. By “inaccessibility”, each girl understands something of her own, most often she comes up with a certain set of rules for herself, like: ignore him more often, pretend that she cares about the star of his courtship, flirt with everyone except him, cause jealousy, etc. .d. etc.

Moreover, some of these rules are too contrived and artificial and do not lead to the result that was expected. And the true iceberg of "inaccessibility", invisible to the eye, so to speak, is not in HOW the girl behaves, but in how she treats herself . And her behavior is already built from her attitude towards herself.

After all, girls, for the sake of whose attention and favor men are ready to break into a cake, they are not at all necessarily special or god-like, and not those who clearly follow some set of rules for inaccessibility.

They are ordinary girls. Just they know their worth and do not show a man a swine delight about the fact that he gives them signs of attention, and do not put the interests of a man above their own.

Now there will be a very important moment: it is important for a girl to decide who she wants to be: the one for which men climb the wall, or the one that climbs the wall for the sake of men. Either this or that.

Why is it bad to be a wishmaker?

If a girl chooses and maintains in herself the desire to please, to fulfill all the desires of a man, to bend somewhere under him, if only he does not leave and if only he feels good, while forgetting about his needs - this is a dead end.

How many girls complain that the guy quickly lost interest in them, became completely different, stopped paying attention and time to them, although they did nothing wrong and tried very hard for relationships ... Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, all these girls belong to the same type - the type of those who please and please in everything.

It would seem: what is it? Why is such a companion bad for a man - is she ready to do everything for him?

But like this! Human nature is such that the more they go out of their way for you, the more they slaughter their desires and aspirations for yours, the more they demonstrate puppy loyalty, the less respect you have for a person. This is fine. This is how our psychology tries to protect us from unhealthy attachments and unequal relationships that can lead to unstable and inharmonious relationships.

Standard life example

And sometimes it turns into a vicious circle. For example, a guy met a girl, he liked her - sweet, pretty, there is something to talk about. The guy starts courting her.

But when a relationship begins, the girl (perhaps she is not very confident in herself, perhaps she is uncomfortable being alone) begins to please the guy in everything, being afraid to say a word across and from the first day anticipating and fulfilling all his whims - to keep him, because she is afraid to lose him: the guy seems to be a good one.

But the guy is also a person who is able to evaluate and analyze the behavior of other people. What does he see? That the girl is very afraid of losing him, afraid of being left without him. She is so afraid that she herself is ready to do everything for the sake of relationships. So, he has nothing to win. And try for no reason. The ardor of the guy slowly begins to fade.

The girl, noticing that the guy seems to have cooled down, is very frightened, begins to try even harder, to bend and creep in front of him even more: anything, if only he does not leave. From which the guy loses the remnants of respect for the girl and leaves. Or uses it.

And then a bunch of girls / women appear who complain: I did everything for him, everything! And he is an ungrateful beast! He may be an ungrateful brute, but he is also a man who has worked normal male psychology.

How will be correct?

How, then, not to screw up with someone you like, and make sure that it is for you that they climb the wall, and not vice versa? And this is very easy to learn.

First, you need to understand one thing about inaccessibility. Inaccessibility is not when you cannot be reached by phone, not when you ignore a man, and not when you walk around with your chin up proudly, like a princess.

Inaccessibility is a technique attracted - fled .

"Attracted" - because it is very strange to try to be inaccessible to someone who is not interested in you) It's like in a joke:

Two cowboys are sitting by the saloon, talking:

“Billy, who is that prancing around on a horse?”

“Ah, yes, it’s the elusive Joe!”

Why elusive? Can't anyone really catch him?

- Yes, no one catches him, who needs him ...

So you can only become inaccessible to someone who is interested in you and who is trying to make you available.

  • "Ran away" - because if you grabbed a man's leg after the first date, laid out cabbage soup, planned your wedding and the names of your future children - this is definitely not about inaccessibility.
  • “Ran away” shows that you have a lot of interesting things to do. Either for dancing, then for language courses, then for your favorite job, then for meeting with friends ... Your time is scheduled, because there are so many interesting things in life! Therefore, it never happens for such girls that a man called, asked if he could come right now, and she replies: “Yes, of course, I’m still not busy with anything, I’m sitting here, watching a TV series ...”
  • "Ran Away" also shows that you're not the kind of girl who bursts into tears of gratitude and is ready to jump into bed and start cleaning-washing-cooking the one who (finally) gave her flowers, took her to a restaurant, took her for a drive and He gave her a beautiful, crafty compliment.

In this case, you can not run away to the horizon for a long time. The "attracted-ran away" cycle must be constantly repeated .

So a man is in good shape all the time: like here she is, on a date with me, she likes and she likes me, she behaves so nicely, she feels good with me, but tomorrow she will be just as happy without me. And it’s not clear: does she need me or not? Something else needs to be done to check...

This is how the desire to win a girl is born.

First you need to understand what "inaccessible" means. In dictionaries, you can find up to a dozen interpretations. In the phrase “inaccessible woman”, this word most likely has a meaning - one that cannot be approached, approached, understood.

What kind of women do men love?

If a woman is married, she does not even think about what her husband likes most about her and whether she meets his criteria. Taking care of the family, she simply has no time to think about it. And now - admiration in the eyes of her husband when looking at another woman.

Why is this happening?

A woman in marriage perceives her husband as something permanent, personal property and forgets that life experience changes the views of a man. The sad statistics of divorce suggests that the female half thinks about it when it is already too late: a man leaves his wife-whore for a mistress-bitch.

What attracts a man in a woman?

Life experience makes a man a connoisseur of female attractiveness. Now he is not guided by common sense, he is driven by the response of the body when looking at a woman: his heart beats like crazy, the blood boils in his veins. And it doesn't have to be pretty. No, the point here is not beauty, but the ability to present oneself, to create such an image that a man wants to deserve it, get it, and, having conquered it, constantly surprise.

A woman should be different and fickle, always new, as a man gets used to one image very quickly. Novelty intrigues him, and what is not available is new.

A woman should be independent and this is also to some extent a synonym for inaccessibility. In this way, she challenges her partner, who, being essentially a hunter, having conquered her, will feel like a winner, which simply cannot but affect his self-esteem.

Female egoism and exactingness allow a man to use all his abilities to please the lady. The lady must give up, then the man feels how strong, successful, sexy, smart he is.

What does a man want in a relationship with a woman?

He wants to please his beloved, and for this it is necessary to understand her. This means that it must be predictable (this can be when people in a relationship are sincere).

Confidence, emotionality, courage, sanity distinguish a self-sufficient woman. It is difficult to approach her, but in case of victory, a man is guaranteed interest in relationships, protection and peace at home.

A woman's ability to succeed in life makes her financially independent of a man. And this also attracts him, because he does not like women who set their sights on his money.

The inaccessibility of a woman allows a man to discover the best qualities in himself, increasing his self-esteem and allowing him to enjoy the long-awaited victory.

In every man there is a natural instinct of a hunter, therefore it is generally accepted that unapproachable girls are considered the most interesting among the opposite sex for them. After all, it is very difficult to win her, and this “turns on” real men.

All means to achieve the goal are included - gifts, flowers, often even persecution. And all this is only in order for the person you like to turn her attention to the person.

Make a man conquer you!

It happens that this does not even happen from "Great love", but purely out of sport. In most cases, this very interest develops into something more. And sometimes the development of such relationships is much more productive than with mutual sympathy. After all, as you know, a man gravitates most of all to the lady who got him especially hard efforts.

How does that same impregnable stranger behave, and in general, by what signs can you recognize her in ordinary communication?

What means "to be an impregnable girl"?

It means to be a real problem for men. Being touchy, you will inspire them to exploits, pump out all the strength and energy from them, devastate them morally, but ... greatly interest them! Affordable girls do not like anyone, even if they are incredible beauties. Can something be valuable that came into your own hands, that you didn’t have to desperately strive for, for which, in the end, you didn’t have to spend elementary money? Of course not! In any case, for a man, with his something "hunting instinct".

Even if you are madly in love with some guy, you should not demonstrate your willingness to hang on his neck right here and now. Otherwise, you will irretrievably lose his interest in you, even if there was one at first.

What is an impregnable girl?

Sometimes it happens that ostentatious inaccessibility for a woman is something like a tool for obtaining a certain profit. This applies to those who turn the good "dynamo" into men. They willingly communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, flirt, even allow hints of intimacy on the part of a fan who has appeared, but by all means delay "moment of truth" as much as possible.

During that very “pulling”, a woman receives a lot of personal benefits - trips to expensive restaurants, theaters, concerts; purchases of equipment, clothes, fur coats and other things; vacation abroad. Some women do not pursue material gain, and do it simply in order to obtain moral satisfaction due to the constant admiration of their persons (which does not make it easier for rejected men). Is this how an impregnable girl behaves? Not really.

True touchy people do not actually pursue any goals. And all their "icy" visual component, as a rule, hides completely different problems. For example, failures on the personal front in the past, or psychological trauma. And some women, indeed, are almost impossible to please because of their wisdom or life experience. Young girls are almost always greedy for "sugary" guys. They like a pretty appearance, and for the sake of it they are ready to endure many character flaws, just to meet with the "king" of the school or university.

As she grows older and experiences, a woman gains worldly wisdom and learns to automatically "screen out" everyone who does not become a good candidate for her hand and heart. And sometimes this process becomes so fanatical that a woman completely ceases to notice any objective virtues in men.

All elements of courtship seem to them ridiculous and comical, all attempts to win their hearts are stupid, all real positive aspects are insignificant.

So what is impregnability - a gift or a vice?

You can't say for sure. What is known is that each "snow queen" sooner or later, exactly the fan appears who is 100% worthy of her.

An impregnable girl definitely appreciates herself. She does not exchange for everyone she meets and does not fall into the arms of fans on the first date. Perhaps she does not intentionally “ignite” interest in herself with her behavior, but she always knows exactly what kind of man she needs, and she is looking exclusively for him. Or rather, waiting for him to find her.

What do men think about impregnability?

From the point of view of men, an impregnable girl is one that:

  1. "Waiting for his finest hour";
  2. “Trying to present himself as unique”;
  3. “Behaves like she has a stone instead of a heart”;
  4. "Not interested in guys at all";
  5. "Want everything at once."

Despite the unflattering remarks, it is for such women that men are ready to give not only all their dignity and pride to the rest, but also, if necessary, their lives. It is in such women that they fall in love once and for all, knowing the value of owning them. These are the women who inspire men and keep them going. "on a short leash", and so skillfully that you can never tell about it from the outside.

If a girl loves herself, it can be seen by others, and people are drawn to her. But loving yourself doesn't mean "put on a crown" and be prejudiced towards others.

How to love yourself and become touchy?

In this context, the expression "love yourself" does not mean at all what is usually meant by it.

Moreover, it needs to be done so that self-esteem grows. But to love yourself means not to exchange for every man. There are girls looking at whom you might think that they have despaired of looking for love.

They can be incredibly beautiful, smart, caring, loyal and economic, but suffer constant breakdowns in their personal lives. Partly because they do not love themselves, and give all their warmth to men who skillfully use it.

The expressions on the faces of these women seem to bear the seal of loneliness and suffering, and of course, they are ready to rush towards anyone who offers to pass the summer evening together.

The logic of men in the matter of choosing a partner is extremely simple - if no one needs her, then why do I need her? That's why impregnability always wins. Do you want to be "on horseback" and become the one "snow queen"? We'll be happy to give you some tips!

How can you become an impregnable girl?

  • When meeting a man, don't act like he's your last chance;
  • Make it a rule not to call or text first;
  • Pretend that you have many fans, and you are constantly being won (but not directly, but indirectly);
  • Delay time when making a date - intentionally delay the date and show that you are a busy woman;
  • Do not allow yourself to be touched during the first meetings, even if you like the man a lot;
  • Do not agree to sex on the first date (and in general, it is better to wait at least two weeks with this matter);
  • Love yourself. Really appreciate your personality, and in no case do not let a man offend you;
  • Let your companion constantly think about how to win such an impregnable girl like you. But do not go too far and do not beg for anything in return for your attention;
  • Give all the initiative in the hands of the stronger sex. Do not be humiliated and do not ask for anything. Don't push for the next meeting;
  • If you're already in a relationship, don't make a fuss or engage in "silent" pressure. When a man is really guilty, pretend that you are very disappointed in him. It's better to be direct about it. Operates flawlessly;
  • Stay impregnable always! Do not wallow in everyday life and do not place your personal time on the altar of household chores. You must be constantly busy with something. And be sure to be among people so that your man "achieves" you permanently, afraid of losing your attention when rivals appear.

Among pick-up artists, there are many versions of how you can conquer the “top” in the person of a woman who loves and respects herself. These are stupid SMS to impregnable girls, and no less stupid gifts to them, and, even worse, aggressive actions "snapping".

If you like an inaccessible girl and don't know how to seduce her, you are lucky that you found this article. Here I will talk about how, with a high degree of probability, to seduce even the most impregnable woman.

Is it worth it to try to seduce an inaccessible girl

From my point of view, it is not necessary to try hard to seduce an inaccessible girl. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Seducing such a woman requires a lot of time, which you could spend with other girls who initially respond well to you;
  2. Trying hard to get an impregnable lady, you spend a lot of time and effort on it, as a result of which you deplete your resource and become dependent on the desire of the object of your addictions;
  3. A girl should like you for who you are if you want to be yourself and feel comfortable in a relationship;
  4. It's humiliating, being a normal guy, to kill yourself too much for a girl who doesn't care about you;
  5. No one guarantees you that you will achieve it, and even if you achieve it, you will be able to build normal relations with her.

Therefore, the first and main advice: date only those girls who like you initially, and do not waste your time on those who need to be pursued.

The girl who likes you will seek you herself. And it will be much easier to sleep or build a happy, harmonious relationship with her than with the one you are indifferent to. The more interesting you are as a guy, the more women like you. In fact, your task is only to diversify your personality and choose women from those who like you. And the more interesting you become, the more girls you can choose from.

But the paradox is that often we ignore those who like us and try to get those who do not care about us. Often we are not interested in the woman that we achieved without much effort. On the contrary, we are attracted by a girl who has yet to be conquered. This is especially acute in adolescence, although mature men also often leave their families to win an impregnable beauty.

Why girls are unavailable

Understand that your attraction to a girl and her to you will rarely be the same. Usually a man acts as an interested party, because we want sex an order of magnitude more than they do. In addition, a woman is hammered into her head from childhood that she should be modest, that it is indecent to write and call a guy first, etc. Moreover, such behavior is inherent in her at an instinctive level by nature itself. After all, her task is to filter out hundreds of unnecessary males who will make their way to her in the hope of getting sex, and choose only the best among them, to whom she will be ready to give herself.

Woman is the successor of the human race. If she gave all men in a row, weak in body and spirit, our species would soon die out, because such offspring would be unsuitable for survival. Therefore, a woman is forced to be inaccessible to most men, so that only the strongest, cunning and brave of them could get her.

Let's get to the heart of the matter

Remember, if a girl is unavailable to you, she is PERSONALLY unavailable to you. Imagine that Leonardo DiCaprio would have been in your place - probably, the girl would have behaved a little differently with him. In the same way, and vice versa, if you managed to seduce a girl quickly and easily, this does not mean that she is an indecent woman. This means that she is available to you because she is interested in you as a man. But for another, less interesting, it will no longer be available.

Therefore, if it is difficult for you to achieve this or that girl, most likely, you are not captivating her yet, like a man. So, in order to get her, you need to become interesting in the eyes of this girl. To do this, you may need to change your behavior, appearance, communication style, etc.

It also happens that a girl just plays inaccessibility, because she knows that such women turn on guys more than those who are ready for anything at once. Usually it’s hard not to notice such a game: the girl tries to seem impregnable, but as soon as the guy’s attention weakens, she herself tries to make contact. From here it becomes clear what to do with such a girl - just do not react to her whims. First, play along with her a little, show yourself to be a wonderful guy, try to seduce her, and then disappear. With a high degree of probability, she herself will then make contact and begin to seduce you. If not, you will need to repeat everything until you get your way. Well, now let's move on to the question of how to get an inaccessible girl who initially reacts badly to you.

Inaccessible girl and how to deal with it

An inaccessible girl is exactly the same woman as all the others. She just doesn't like you yet. Don't worry, we'll fix it. As I said above, in order to please an impregnable girl, you need to become the kind of man who will captivate her. From my point of view, changing yourself in order to get one single young lady, when you can be yourself and have dozens and hundreds of others, is stupid. But it's up to you, maybe you need it for something.

If you decide to conquer an inaccessible girl, you will have to change yourself. And change not in such a way as to fit into her fantasy of an ideal guy, which is often unrealistic and delusional in itself, but in principle. That is, you need to become a more interesting man that most girls would like, and she in particular. Ideally, you become interesting as a person, adjusted for her personal fantasies. For example, if a girl is an outrageous rocker and you are a nerd, you can become an interesting man, plus add something rocker to your appearance, but this change should look natural in her eyes. Although it is not necessary to do so. It’s enough just to become an interesting man, then the girl herself will adapt to you to a certain extent, if you do everything right. I can’t guarantee that this will help build a relationship with her, since people of different worldviews get along together is difficult, but you can sleep with her.

I will say right away that it can take a lot of time to get an inaccessible girl. Often guys do not stand up and in the process of their changes they find another woman an order of magnitude better than the first one, who likes them the way they are. Many stop there. In any case, both the first and the second result are worth starting to change, and now we will talk about how to do this.

How to change to win an impregnable beauty

Women meet and love different men, but there is a universal type of guys who, all other things being equal, like the vast majority of girls an order of magnitude more than others. These guys have the following qualities: confidence, masculinity, willingness to take risks, calmness, a sense of humor, an interesting lifestyle, health and visual attractiveness, material security, the ability and desire to communicate with women, and are respected by other people.

If you initially do not have one, several or all of these qualities, it is quite possible to develop them in yourself to a good level from scratch in a few months. To do this, you need to do just a couple of specific things, which I will list below.

Do some sports

This is the first and most important thing. Sport will give you health, self-confidence, beautiful appearance. It is best to sign up for contact martial arts - they form a male character. If not, then any sport from tennis to football will do. is that you can do it right already and thus change your life. If you can’t find a job or don’t have money for new clothes, just start going to the horizontal bars in the yard or doing 100 push-ups every day, and you will already change in many ways and become attractive to women.

your appearance

This is the second thing that can be changed quickly. Take a shower every day, use men's cosmetics and personal hygiene products. Buy nice clothes that suit you and wear them. If you don’t know what suits you, ask a person who understands this. Focus on the classics, you can then wear it for years, despite the change in fashion trends. Nails and hair should be neatly trimmed. Shave your beard if it doesn't suit you or doesn't grow well. If your face, on the contrary, looks youthful, try to grow a beard and take care of it.

material security

You can already earn twice as much as now. Even if you are a student. People simply do not want to work and are lazy or immediately want to be bosses, successful entrepreneurs or directors, but this does not happen. Can't make a lot of money in one job, find 2-3. Often the main job allows you to do some other activity in parallel. You can, for example, work at your main job during the day, and in the evening write term papers or articles for websites, you can breed dogs or make dumplings. In general, there would be a desire. Of course, you don’t need to work hard all your life, because this way there will be no time and energy left for vivid impressions and seduction of new women, so gradually strive to open your own business or at the same time look for a job that will provide you with the same income that you you can get at 2-3 ordinary jobs, but you will spend much less time on this.

Some guys don't understand why they need to work hard and make a lot of money. Believe me, if you have a car and your own house, it will be much easier to seduce women. And what beauties can be picked up in expensive clubs or in famous resorts of the south. And in general, money gives a lot of opportunities, makes life easier and more interesting, so if you are wondering if you need a lot of money, I will definitely answer yes!

Talk to women a lot

Preferably not as a friend, but in a sexual context. The more experience you have with girls, the less inaccessible women you will meet on your way. Over time, you will intuitively understand how to behave with this or that young lady in order to get what you need from her. No books and articles on pickup will give you even a fraction of what personal experience will give, and you can only go this way yourself. The task of trainings, books and articles (by no means all) is to make this path as easy as possible for you. But it does not happen that you read a book and immediately began to successfully seduce women. You can't learn boxing from books either. So experience is everything.

If you have a particular unapproachable girl that you want to seduce and don't know how to do it, leave her for a while and try to seduce other women. Even if you like them less and need only her alone, force yourself to do it by willpower. Having seduced a dozen other women, you will understand how to seduce your beloved or realize that you do not need her, because there are many women better than her. Plus, no one has canceled such a feeling as jealousy. If you start communicating with other girls, and you score on your beloved, perhaps jealousy and a sense of ownership will jump in her, and she will already begin to seek you, and not you.

This is the key that will help win the heart of an impregnable girl, and any other. Women are attracted to interesting men. If you go in for sports, look good, are financially secure and are constantly surrounded by many ladies, you are already becoming interesting for any ordinary girl. You can increase this interest if you are something else strikingly stand out from the rest of the crowd of men. For example, you will have a hobby that is your real passion and in which you will understand better than many others. For example, you can play the guitar beautifully, compose poetry, do acrobatic stunts, be just smart and educated, understand a lot of things, speak beautifully. These guys are very attractive to women.

In order to become an interesting person, you must be interested in something else besides work or study, or do something interesting in life. For example, if your work is related to travel, creativity or inventive activity, then you don’t need a hobby either.

An interesting personality is a personality that is harmoniously and diversified. Therefore, develop physically and intellectually. Enrich your knowledge with new experiences, reading fiction and specialized literature, watching cinematic masterpieces and scientific and educational films. Along with this, train your body and communicate with other women, and in a couple of months you will appear in front of your inaccessible beauty with a completely different person, whom you cannot help but fall in love with.

How to behave with an impregnable girl to seduce her

Changing as a person, you can already take concrete steps to seduce an inaccessible girl:

  1. Get lost for a while. The longer you communicated, the longer the period of time you should disappear. Do not worry if the girl starts dating someone at this time. You can even take away from the family later, if you really need it. During your absence, your old image will be somewhat erased in her head and it will be easier for you to appear before her as a different person;
  2. Chat with an inaccessible girl in the same way as with all other women. Girls subtly feel when a guy likes them. And the guy, trying to please the woman of his dreams, often starts to behave like a donkey. Therefore, if you want to seduce an impregnable girl, communicate with her in the same way as with the girl with whom you just want to sleep, but who is generally indifferent to you;
  3. Besiege her in waves. A drop sharpens a stone and after a long siege any fortress surrenders. It is important not to waste all your strength at once, but to be prepared for a long-term impact. Seducing an inaccessible girl is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is not the fastest who wins, but the most enduring and patient. Therefore, if you want to achieve such a woman, seduce her gradually, but surely. You pay a little attention one day, then you ignore it for two days. These terms are very conditional - it all depends on the specific situation. If you only do what constantly show signs of attention, you will quickly get bored with her. But even if you ignore it for a long time, she may not understand your intentions. In general, when you are with her, be persistent. Often it helps to change her no to yes, but if the young lady clearly protests against your pressure, be flexible and take a step back;
  4. Let her do something for you. Unobtrusively put her in such conditions that she willy-nilly herself showed you signs of attention, let her confess her love to you, as if in jest, or say that she likes you. These words and actions themselves can make her reconsider her attitude towards you.


I hope this article turned out to be complete and voluminous, and gave you the answer to the question of how to seduce an inaccessible girl. In conclusion, I want to say that a weak little girl lives inside every young lady, and they often do not know what they want. Feel this weak girl in a woman and understand that if you are an interesting man and confident in your victory, if you wish and show your will, you can get any woman you want.
