The effect of cucumber face mask. Wonderful Rejuvenation Recipes with Fresh Cucumber Masks

Fresh cucumber face mask is easy to prepare, has an immediate effect, relieves tension and is absolutely indispensable for modern women living in eternal time pressure. Simple recipes are extremely effective. Suitable for oily skin, eliminate increased dryness, remove signs of fatigue - in general, they are almost universal.

The Secret of Efficiency

It's all about the composition of this uncomplicated vegetable. It is 80% water, but the remaining 20% ​​contains a lot of substances useful for the skin. Cucumber pulp is a real treasure trove of elements that transform the skin:

  • vitamin A is very important for dry skin - it moisturizes, eliminates tightness and flaking;
  • riboflavin restores proper skin respiration;
  • thiamine rejuvenates, protects the skin from external influences;
  • folic acid eliminates acne and pimples;
  • pantothenic acid helps to smooth out small wrinkles, and makes deeper ones almost invisible;
  • pyridoxine stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • tocopherol promotes cell renewal;
  • ascorbic acid restores skin elasticity;
  • phylloquinone helps relieve redness, eliminates swelling, relieves age spots;
  • biotin accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • Niacin gives the skin a fresh look.

The incredible effect that a cucumber face mask has is also due to the content of mineral salts, enzymes, organic acids in it, which are widely used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation. There are no irritating components in the composition of cucumbers, therefore products based on them are even suitable, which are distinguished by a particularly delicate and fine texture.

The benefits of masks

How useful is a cucumber mask? The juice of these fragrant vegetables moisturizes, refreshes, tones, soothes.

  • A whitening mask based on them is considered one of the most effective: regular application of such a composition eliminates freckles, evens out complexion, making areas with increased pigmentation less noticeable.
  • Due to the fact that the pH level of cucumbers is equal to the acid-base balance of the skin, the products prepared on their basis have a beneficial effect on the skin and do not lead to an allergic reaction.
  • A cucumber mask at home is an excellent way to eliminate excessive oiliness, prevent inflammation and tighten pores. Especially effective is the use of a product made from cucumber and protein.
  • Dark circles under the eyes, bags - the problem is quite common. A very popular way to eliminate them is to apply cucumber slices to the eyes and around the eyes. The juice of fresh vegetables can get rid of even small bruises.
  • Will cucumber mask help with acne? With their strong severity, you will have to use medications, but with a minor problem, it will be enough to wipe clean skin with a slice of fresh cucumber.
  • With increased dryness, cucumber juice is no less effective than an expensive moisturizing mask.
  • At the first signs of wilting, cucumber can be used as a tonic and restore skin elasticity.
  • Hyperpigmentation and reduced pigmentation lead to the appearance of unaesthetic spots. With such a problem, this wonderful vegetable will become the first assistant, especially in case of a tendency to allergies, when the use of medicines is impossible.
  • Acne, areas of inflammation, skin irritation - in the presence of these problems, it is also recommended to use cucumber juice.

Are there any contraindications?

A cucumber face mask at home should be prepared without chemical ingredients and the addition of medicines - in this case, its use cannot lead to side effects. Ready-made cucumber masks can cause unwanted effects if they contain aggressive components or allergens.

Proper preparation and use

How to make a cucumber mask to get the maximum effect?

For its preparation, it is better to take a pre-chilled vegetable. It must be washed, cut into thin slices, cover the skin of the face with them. During the procedure, it is recommended to take a horizontal position: relaxed muscles will better absorb nutrients, moreover, the slices will not fall all the time.

If you only need cucumber juice, it is easy to get it using a juicer or simply grating cucumbers and squeezing them, placing them in a piece of clean gauze.

Another option: pour the mashed cucumber with plain water and use the resulting solution as a means for washing or rubbing your face.

It is also important to know how much to keep the cucumber mask:

  • When applied to the eyes, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  • If slices are used, keep them longer - 20-25 minutes.
  • Cucumber juice should not be washed off - it is perfectly absorbed.

Best Recipes

Recipe 1

Grind or grate a small fresh cucumber, mix with clay (preferably white, about 1/2 spoon), add boiled water. The mass should resemble thick porridge. Cover the skin with an even layer and leave to dry slightly. Wash off with cool water.

Recipe 2

Refreshing face masks are suitable for tired skin. They perfectly tone up, smooth fine wrinkles, eliminate flabbiness. One of the most effective recipes: you need to mix rose water with cucumber juice in equal proportions, add a little cream and beat into a light foam. Cover the skin with a mass, hold for about a quarter of an hour, then remove with a paper towel. To get the best effect, you can wipe the skin with rose water.

Recipe 3

Cucumber juice saves even from edema and eye fatigue. The vegetable must first be placed in the freezer and removed just before the start of the procedure. After cutting off a few thin slices, you need to put them on your eyelids. After 15 minutes, swelling will subside, signs of fatigue will become less noticeable, fresh skin color will be restored.

Recipe 4

The mask of cucumber and lemon will get rid of bags under the eyes, smooth out crow's feet, and moisturize the skin. To prepare it, you will need half a cucumber or one small vegetable, a few drops of lemon juice. Citrus juice is added to the grated cucumber, kept in the cold for several minutes (possible in the freezer), after which cotton swabs are moistened in the resulting mixture and applied to the skin under the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the eye area should be rinsed with cold water.

Recipe 5

The composition based on cucumber and parsley is effective both for the eye area and for other parts of the face. It has a whitening, toning, rejuvenating effect. To obtain the mixture, you must first prepare parsley infusion. To do this, chopped greens are poured with boiling water for half an hour. 50 ml of the strained product is added to the grated cucumber and the entire skin of the face is smeared with gruel.

Recipe 6

The composition of cucumber and oatmeal moisturizes, soothes, tones, restores skin elasticity and gives it a beautiful healthy look. Finely grated cucumber is mixed with a glass of oatmeal and yogurt. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. After the procedure, you can cleanse the skin with cucumber lotion.

Recipe 7

For a thorough moisturizing of the skin of any type, a mask of cucumbers and sour cream is suitable. The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. The best result is the addition of a small amount of rose water to the mixture.

Recipe 8

Redness and age spots can be eliminated using a remedy prepared from a mixture of cucumber and honey with parsley infusion.

  • Water. This is 95% of the whole cucumber. It is what you need for hydration and toning.
  • Retinol (or vitamin A). Actively fights aging, smoothes wrinkles, and also eliminates acne and inflammation.
  • Vitamins of group B. B2 cleanses pores, supplies oxygen to cells, B1 and B5 - make the skin of the face smooth, rejuvenate it. Vitamin B6 improves metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin C. Has anti-aging properties, stimulates the production of collagen.
  • Vitamin E. For restoration and regeneration.
  • Folic acid. Against acne.
  • Potassium. Normalizes the production of sebum.
  • Vitamin K. Improves blood circulation and metabolism. Great for whitening.
  • Biotin (vitamin H). Also responsible for cell regeneration.
  • Silicon. Helps rejuvenate the skin.
  • Vitamin RR. Affects complexion.

On top of that, cucumber contains iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine and zinc.

Indications and contraindications

The mask is indicated for such problems:

  • oily sheen;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dryness, peeling;
  • rashes and acne (in a small amount);
  • fading facial skin, wrinkles;
  • inflammation and irritation;
  • swelling under the eyes;
  • dark spots;
  • dull cover, uneven tone.

Cucumber juice is suitable for any skin, even the most delicate. It is absolutely safe. There are very few contraindications, these include:

  • individual intolerance or allergy;
  • presence of infectious diseases, severe rash.

Adverse reactions may occur if you use store-bought cucumber products that contain chemicals. Using a homemade mask, you will protect yourself, as you will know exactly what is contained in it.

Recipes for cucumber masks for problem skin

The easiest recipe for acne is to mix 2 tablespoons of grated cucumber and a little baking soda. Apply the mixture on a cleansed face and wash off after 20 minutes. Prepare it immediately before use. Do 2 times in 7 days. Applying it for at least a month, it will almost completely get rid of acne.

2. Apple and cucumber.

Helps relieve inflammation and shrink pores. To prepare it, you will need a grated cucumber and an apple, a beaten egg white and a spoonful of oatmeal. Mix all the ingredients, spread on problem areas and leave for a quarter of an hour. Cucumber-curd mass perfectly removes acne and inflammation from the face. It is enough just to mix the grated cucumber with a spoonful of homemade cottage cheese. Apply in the same way as the previous masks.

3. Recipe from cucumber, potatoes and honey.

Grate vegetables. Add a spoonful of honey to them. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, leave for 20 minutes. This remedy is very good for acne, especially on the forehead. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties, while potatoes tighten pores.

4. Oatmeal for acne.

Making oatmeal at home is simple: you need to grind flakes in a blender, or buy ready-made flour. Mix it with chopped cucumber in such an amount to make a thin slurry. Apply to problem areas of the skin, wash off after a quarter of an hour, do twice a week.

5. Cucumber with clay.

Perfectly cleans the pores mask of fresh cucumber with the addition of white or blue clay. Mix half a teaspoon with boiled water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, wait until dry and rinse.

6. Vegetable acne.

For her you will need:

  • cucumber;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • milk - for washing.

Turnips need to be boiled, and we take fresh cucumbers and carrots. Grind all the vegetables in a puree and apply on the face. Lie down for 20 minutes in a horizontal position. After we wash ourselves with milk and wipe the skin with a slice of cucumber. The effect of such a mask appears after the first application: acne is dried, inflammation disappears.

7. For oily skin.


  • cucumber juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg.

Separate the protein from the yolk and beat it with the grated cucumber. Apply the finished mask for 20 minutes.

Nourishing and whitening masks at home

1. Dairy.

It is necessary to mix grated cucumber, cottage cheese, milk 1 tbsp. l., add to them half a spoon of olive oil and parsley. Cleanse face thoroughly before use. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes alternately with hot and cold water. It has a moisturizing and nourishing effect, refreshes. It is better to take homemade products.

2. Whitening with soap.

She will need 3 tbsp. cucumber pulp and 1 tsp. soap (or lanolin). Mix the ingredients, squeeze the juice a little, after which you can apply the mask. The whitening effect is guaranteed.

3. Sour cream.

To prepare it, you need to grate 1 cucumber and add 2 large tablespoons of sour cream (or cream) to it. Apply in the same way as other masks. Perfectly nourishes and refreshes the skin, additionally brightening it.

4. With lemon.

1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of cucumber pulp. Use once every 2 weeks. Excellent whitening, but not suitable for too delicate skin prone to irritation. Another option: place a circle of cucumber in a glass of lemon juice and wait a couple of hours. Take it out and wipe problem areas with this piece. Do not wash your face for half an hour.

Homemade mask with honey will help to cope with age spots. Cooking it is very simple: mix chopped cucumber and 2 tbsp. l. flower honey, which must first be heated. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add another spoonful of lemon juice.

5. Moisturizing with yogurt.

You will need:

  • 1 grated cucumber;
  • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt and the same amount of oatmeal.

Mix all the ingredients and apply evenly on the face. Yogurt and cucumber nourish and moisturize the skin, oatmeal soothes and cleanses.

Recipes for anti-aging masks

1. With rose water.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. cucumber juice;
  • rose water - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a spoonful of cream

Recipe: pour juice and water into a deep container, gradually pouring in the cream, beat the composition with a fork or mixer until foam forms. Spread the mixture on your face, leave for 15-20 minutes. This remedy will help make your skin smooth and supple.

2. With potatoes.

To prepare it, you need to grate the cucumber and raw potatoes. Mix them in equal amounts. Apply to the face, wait a quarter of an hour, then cleanse the skin and apply a nourishing cream on it. Potato with cucumber helps to eliminate wrinkles and other irregularities.

3. With lemon and clay.


  • White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 0.5. tsp
  • Cucumber half.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Peel the cucumber, chop on a grater, mix with other products. Apply this mass on the face and wait half an hour.

Masks for bags under the eyes

1. The easiest way for tired eyes is to put cucumber circles on them for 10-15 minutes. From edema, a compress dipped in the juice of this vegetable also helps. After the procedure, wash with cool water and apply a nourishing eye cream.

2. A mask with greens will help relieve swelling. Mix chopped parsley with grated cucumber, put under the eyes, lie down for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

3. Useful for the area around the eyes will be a mixture of cucumber juice and a large spoonful of cottage cheese. Apply to problem areas for 15 minutes.

After applying the masks, you can use a nourishing cream made at home with your own hands. It perfectly tones and moisturizes the skin, significantly improves its appearance. To prepare it, you need 4 tbsp. l. grated cucumbers, 3 s. l. white beeswax and a couple of tablespoons of almond oil.

  • Cream recipe.

Wax must be melted (you can in a water bath). Add cucumbers and oil to it and send it to a water bath again. Boil for 3 hours, then cool and beat well with a mixer. Transfer the resulting cream into a convenient jar. Store at home in the refrigerator.

Tips for making and using masks

To maximize the effect, follow these rules:

  • it is better to cool vegetables before use;
  • use fresh cucumbers, peeled and seeded;
  • after application, lie down in a horizontal position and relax, let all useful substances be absorbed;
  • You can make a cleanser out of a cucumber and use it every day. Just fill the grated vegetable with water (or mineral water) and let it brew for a couple of hours;
  • additionally prepare ice from cucumber juice and wipe your face with it in the morning;
  • choose masks according to the type of cover.

Regular use of cucumber products can help you get rid of acne, dryness and inflammation, as well as tighten your skin and make it younger and healthier.

Cucumber has been used for cosmetic purposes since ancient times. Masks based on it have an intense moisturizing, refreshing and tightening effect, brighten the skin, eliminating age spots and making freckles less noticeable, they perfectly fight acne. Regular application of cucumber masks makes the skin smooth and velvety.

The benefits and effectiveness of cucumber face masks.
Cucumber owes such truly miraculous cosmetic abilities to its composition. More than 90% of the vegetable consists of water, and only a small percentage are vitamins (especially groups B, A, C, H, K, PP, E), macro- and microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) , organic acids. But even this amount is enough to have an amazing effect on the skin. Cucumber face mask is effective against dryness, flaking, wrinkles, acne, redness and skin irritations. Its regular use (twice a week for a month (treatment) and once a week for prevention) improves the processes of renewal and regeneration.

Cucumber masks are very easy to prepare. Cucumber can be used on its own, such a mask will narrow the pores and have a tonic and deeply moisturizing effect. Also, cucumber can be combined with various products, depending on the result that you want to get. And if you freeze it, and then cut it into thin circles in a cold but melted form and apply it to the eyelid area, you will get a wonderful tightening and smoothing effect, get rid of wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes. Fresh peeled peel, applied to areas of pigmentation, will have a brightening effect. This procedure does not require subsequent rinsing. Cucumber face masks are universal, suitable for any type of skin and the delicate area around the eyes.

Indications for cucumber face masks.

  • Dry skin with obvious signs of redness, irritation and flaking.
  • Insufficient level of skin hydration.
  • The presence of pigmentation (freckles, age spots, post-acne).
  • Pimples and acne manifestations.
  • Mature (atonic) skin with visible signs of aging.
Contraindications for cucumber face masks.
  • The presence of small lesions on the skin.
  • Skin diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Individual intolerance to some of the constituent components of the mask (when cucumber is combined with other ingredients).
  • Pustular rash.
  • Neoplasms.

Homemade cucumber mask recipes for dry skin.

Cucumber-carrot mask with oatmeal.
Nourishes, moisturizes, has a whitening effect.

Chopped in a blender peeled cucumber - 3 tbsp. l.
Grated fresh carrots - 3 tbsp. l.
Sour milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal (or crushed oatmeal) - 1 tsp

Combine cucumber and carrot mass, add flour and sour milk. Stir well and apply on a cleansed face, after twenty minutes, wash off the mask with warm boiled water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with a cream with a light texture (base).

Cucumber-sour cream mask.
Intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has a light brightening effect, refreshes and improves complexion.

Fatty sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind the cucumber with a grater and combine the resulting mass with sour cream until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the composition to a cleansed face, leave to work for twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Cucumber milk mask.
Moisturizes, nourishes, refreshes the skin, makes it silky.

Fresh cucumber of medium size - 1 pc.
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.

Olive oil - ½ tsp

Add cottage cheese, herbs and milk to the grated cucumber mass. Mix everything until smooth, and then add the oil. Apply the resulting mask to a cleansed face, rinse with warm water after twenty minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

Cucumber-herbal mask.
Moisturizes, soothes, relieves irritation and redness of the skin.

Fresh cucumber of medium size - 1 pc.
Chopped mint or basil leaves - 2-3 leaves.
Chamomile infusion - 3 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply for fifteen minutes on a previously cleansed face. Rinse off the mask with warm water, then apply a nourishing agent.

Mask of cucumber and lanolin.
Nourishes, softens, brightens the skin, whitens, improves complexion.

Peeled and chopped cucumber - 3 tbsp. l.
Lanolin - 1 tsp

Combine the ingredients, squeeze the resulting mass slightly from excess juice and apply to the face. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. No additional cream is required.

Cucumber mask recipes for oily and problem skin.

Cucumber-oatmeal mask.
Moisturizes, removes oily sheen, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Fresh cucumber of medium size - 1 pc.
Oatmeal (grinds oatmeal in a coffee grinder).

Pour oatmeal into the cucumber mass so that you get a mass that looks like thick sour cream. Apply the composition to a cleansed face and soak for fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water and lubricate with cream.

Cucumber-protein mask.
Cleanses, moisturizes, tightens pores.

Freshly squeezed cucumber juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Egg white - 1 pc.

First you need to get juice. Grind the cucumber, squeeze out the juice and combine with beaten egg white. Spread the resulting mixture on a clean face and hold for fifteen minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool mineral water, after which the skin needs nourishment.

Cucumber-clay mask.
Cleanses, dries up inflammation.

Chopped cucumber - 1 tbsp. l.
White clay powder - 1 tsp.
Boiled water at room temperature.

Combine clay with cucumber mass, add a little water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, and apply on a clean face. After twenty minutes, wash off the composition with cool water and apply the cream.

Homemade recipes for cucumber masks for wrinkles for facial skin.

Cucumber-honey mask.
Deep nourishment, hydration and smoothing of the skin. Gives freshness, smoothness and a healthy look. Effective also for tired pale skin.

Chopped mass of two small fresh cucumbers.
Flower honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind cucumbers on a fine grater, add honey. Mix everything well and spread on a clean face. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with cool water and lubricate with cream.

Cucumber-potato mask.
Smoothes wrinkles, improves complexion, fights dullness.

Grated fresh cucumber mass - 1 tbsp. l.
Grated fresh potato mass - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and apply on the face. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask with cool water and lubricate with cream.

Mask with rose water and cream.
Smoothes wrinkles, tones, cleanses the skin.

Cucumber juice - 2 tbsp. l
Rose water - 2 tbsp. l.
Cream 30% - 1 tbsp. l.

Squeeze juice from crushed cucumbers. Pour the juice into a ceramic container, add rose water. Beat the mixture on low with a mixer, gradually pouring in the cream. You should get a composition in the form of a thick dense foam. Apply the mask to a cleansed face and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse the composition with boiled water at room temperature. The skin does not require additional moisturizing after the procedure.

Recipes for cucumber masks against acne and blackheads.

Cucumber mask.
Fights inflammation, soothes, eliminates acne.

Fresh cucumber of medium size - 1 pc.

Grind the cucumber with a fine grater. Apply the resulting mass on the face, after twenty minutes, rinse the composition with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Cucumber curd mask.
Fights acne and teenage acne, additionally has a nourishing effect.

Squeezed juice from one cucumber.
Cottage cheese of low fat content or fat-free - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind cottage cheese with cucumber juice to a homogeneous consistency, apply to clean skin and let stand for fifteen minutes. After that, wash off the mask with cool water and apply a nourishing agent.

Recipes for whitening masks with cucumber for facial skin.

Cucumber lemon mask.
Lightens pigmented areas, improves complexion, tones.

Fresh cucumber of medium size - 3 pcs.
Lemon juice or boric acid - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the cucumber on a fine grater, and combine with the remaining component. Warm the mixture slightly and apply on a cleansed face. Then squeeze the juice from two cucumbers, moisten gauze in it and apply over the mask for fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water, at the end of the skin, lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Mask with cucumber and parsley.
Well whitens the skin, improving complexion, moisturizes, mattifies.

Peeled cucumber - 1 pc.
Parsley leaves - 50 gr.
Natural non-sweet yogurt - 4 tbsp. l.

Grind the parsley and cucumber into a puree with a blender. Then put the mass in a separate glass dish and mix with yogurt. On a pre-cleansed face, apply the prepared composition in a uniform thick layer. Wash off the mask after twenty minutes with mineral water. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a cream suitable for your type.

Cucumber-green mask for the skin around the eyes.
Nourishes, moisturizes, smoothes, improves elasticity, brightens.

Chopped parsley - 1 tsp.
Chopped fresh mass of cucumber - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the components and apply to the area around the eyes, after fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with cool water, and moisten the delicate area with a special cream.

Cucumber moisturizer.
Intensively moisturizes, nourishes and saturates with microelements, has a tonic effect, improves complexion.

Cucumber mass crushed in a blender - 4 tbsp. l
Beeswax white - 3 tbsp. l.
Almond oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Melt the beeswax in a water bath and cool to a warm state. Next, combine the wax with oil and cucumber mass. Mix well and put back in the water bath. Stir the mixture constantly for three hours. Next, remove the mixture from the fire, cool and beat thoroughly until a mass is formed that looks like mousse. Transfer the resulting cream to a jar with a lid and store in a cool and dry place. This cream is good to use after applying cucumber masks.

Cucumber masks are the perfect skin care product. A crispy cucumber is not only a delicacy loved by everyone, but also a storehouse of valuable substances.

Any woman can prepare cucumber face masks at home, regardless of income level and amount of free time. Means are prepared quickly, simply, no rare or expensive components are needed. Experience the magical power of cucumber masks!

Beneficial features

Everyone knows that 95-97% of cucumber is water. Does the remaining few percent contain miraculous substances with unique properties? Otherwise, how to explain the amazing effect after using products containing tender pulp or cucumber juice?

A variety of vitamins and microelements is the reason for a noticeable improvement in the condition of all skin types. Each component is responsible for "its" problem.

Briefly about the main thing:

  • base is water. The life-giving gift of nature actively moisturizes the epidermis;
  • potassium actively affects oily skin, prevents the appearance of sebaceous plugs;
  • thiamine rejuvenates, protects the epidermis at any time of the year, tones, nourishes;
  • pyroxidine stimulates cellular metabolism, affects the rate of metabolic reactions;
  • retinol fights against early wrinkles, relieves inflammation, smoothes the skin;
  • riboflavin supplies cells with oxygen, cleanses pores well;
  • tocopherol is involved in regeneration processes;
  • niacin returns freshness to the epidermis, a pleasant color;
  • phylloquinone reduces puffiness, helps to whiten the epidermis;
  • pantothenic acid evens out the texture of the skin, improves elasticity, fights against the second chin.

At the address, read an interesting article about the meaning of moles on the body in men and women.

cucumber lotion

A proven tool will help owners of oily, problem skin. Take 4 parts cucumber juice, 1 part quality vodka. Keep the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Shake each time before use.

Wipe the oily epidermis in the morning and evening. Soon you will probably forget about the unpleasant shine, increased greasiness, and rashes.

Refreshing compresses

Do you have some free time? Pamper your face with a moisturizer. Grate 2-3 cucumbers, squeeze the juice. Moisten the gauze in the healing liquid (do not forget about the slits on the fabric for the eyes and lips). Cover your face with wet gauze, lie down for 10 minutes, put a new cucumber compress.

The total time of the procedure is half an hour. Vegetable juice actively moisturizes the epidermis, improves tone, whitens. To lighten excessively pigmented areas, add parsley juice (2 parts) to cucumber juice (5 parts). The effect of the procedure will increase.

Advice! Are you worried about dark circles under your eyes, puffiness? Often these problems appear from lack of sleep, frequent stress, crazy rhythm of life. A juicy cucumber will come to the rescue again. Cut it into thin slices. Put the resulting circles on the eyelids, the area under the eyes. Relax, lie down with your eyes closed for 15 minutes. The effect of the procedure will be clearly visible.

Experience the magic power of juicy cucumber! Conduct a course of active moisturizing of the skin. At the same time, you will increase skin elasticity, nourish it with vitamins, minerals, whiten freckles, and get rid of acne. After a course of pleasant procedures, you will surely confirm that homemade cucumber masks work wonders. Health and beauty to you!

Here is a video from which you can learn another good cucumber face mask recipe:

Why visit expensive beauty salons, sit for hours in stuffy rooms among strangers, risk your health.

When you can use a fresh clean cucumber grown with your own hands.

Undeniable benefit

Today, almost every family has a dacha or a garden, and this is an additional plus, because homemade vegetables are much better and safer than those brought from foreign territories.

A face mask made on the basis of cucumber has a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing and healing it.

If face masks bought in stores sometimes benefit only after repeated use, then cucumber ones made at home act instantly.

What other benefits do these funds have? Here are the main ones:

The mechanism of action on the skin

Each vitamin contained in the composition of the cucumber has its own positive effect on the skin.

Can cause an allergic reaction

Cucumber rarely causes allergies when used, but a reaction is not ruled out. Of course, the risks increase significantly if the mask contains other components, such as honey.

In order not to become a hostage to unpleasant consequences, before using the product, you need to check your skin for susceptibility to allergies.

To do this, a little mask must be applied to the bend of the elbow. If redness appears on the skin, it is better to refuse the mask.

If everything is clean and nothing bothers, you can safely apply the recipe.

The best masks - recipes

To prepare a cucumber-based mask, take the pulp of the vegetable and the juice it secretes.

If freckles are disturbing or there are areas on the face affected by age spots, these places can simply be wiped with cucumber circles.

You should not rush: let the fresh juice penetrate the skin and saturate it well.

Leave the circles on your face for 10 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

You do not need to wipe with a towel, it is enough to get wet slightly to remove excess moisture.

Excellent refreshing mask of cucumber slices.
Wash your face before applying.

Slices should be without peel. After applying them to the surface of the face, excluding the eyes, wait 30 minutes. Try not to wince or smile.

After the specified time, the slices can be removed.

For dark circles under the eyes easy to get rid of with cucumber peel.

It is placed on the eyelids with the inside, left for 15 minutes.

It is desirable that the skin was cold - for this, place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

You do not need to wash your face after the procedure.

For dry and normal skin suitable cucumber mask with sour cream. You will need a medium sized cucumber.

It should be rubbed into gruel, then squeezed in gauze to drain the juice, add two tablespoons of sour cream and mix well.

After that, the mixture should be distributed on the face, and after a quarter of an hour, wash. 3-4 times a week is the acceptable frequency of using such a mask.

In the absence of allergies, make a face mask from, for example, buckwheat honey () and cucumber.
Otherwise, the yolk will do. The recipe includes:

Cucumber three on a grater, free from liquid.
We combine the gruel with lemon juice and honey.
Mix, and the mask is ready.
Wash your face thoroughly beforehand and dry it.
The mask is applied in a thin layer and left for 20 minutes.
Be sure to wash off.

If the skin is shiny, gets fat, and also if its type is combined, the best option would be a mask of cucumber and yogurt.

Yogurt is added to the grated cucumber in the amount of 3-4 tablespoons.

Important so that the yogurt is ordinary, classic, without fillers and sweeteners.

The mixture should be smeared on the face, and after 15 minutes, wash it.

egg white mask.
For its preparation, you will need cucumber juice and raw egg white.

The protein is whipped, but not much, combined with cucumber juice at the rate of one serving of protein to two servings of juice.

Helps get rid of pimples next mask.
Grated cucumber is combined with egg white, lightly beaten with a fork.

The mixture is flavored with a few drops of olive oil.
Everything is mixed and applied to the skin of the face.
After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off.

Another recipe for a mask that works against acne and pimples, includes blue clay.

Grate an unpeeled cucumber, add a spoonful of Cambrian blue clay.

Leave the mask on your face until the mixture hardens, and then wash your face.

Another option is to first smear the face with clay, and then spread the cucumber rounds on top.

Aspirin, in interaction with cucumber, gives an effect similar to what happens after lymphatic drainage massage. To make a mask you will need:

  • unpeeled cucumber,
  • aspirin tablets (2 pieces),
  • chamomile decoction (a dry mixture can be bought at a pharmacy).

Grated cucumber and aspirin mix thoroughly, then add a spoonful of broth. The gruel will resemble a scrub, as it contains undissolved particles of aspirin.

The mask is rubbed into the skin of the face, as if massaging it.
The face rests for 10 minutes, after which the product can be washed off.

If you are allergic to ascorbic acid, instead of aspirin, you can take calcium gluconate tablets, which are pre-ground into crumbs.

Grated cucumber, gruel from fresh strawberries and one spoonful of cream in combination give a remedy, counteracting the formation of red spots on the skin.

The mask is kept for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Cucumber with sauerkraut act as a bleaching mixture. For cooking, you will need half a cucumber and a couple of tablespoons of cabbage.

It’s a good idea to add an egg beaten with a fork to the mask. Before applying the product, cleanse the face of impurities. Keep the mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse.

Positive Action Secrets

In order for the mask to give an effect, you should follow a number of rules:

  1. Cool the cucumber in advance by placing it in the refrigerator.
  2. Use only cleanly washed vegetables.
  3. Apply the mask in a lying position so that the pieces of cucumber do not fall from the face, and the skin relaxes.
  4. You can get juice from a cucumber not only with a juicer, but also by squeezing a vegetable with gauze.
  5. You can wash your face in the morning with a cucumber solution (wipe the cucumber and pour water).
  6. If the mask is applied to the eyelids, do not keep it for more than 15 minutes.
  7. Slices or slices of cucumber are kept on the face for up to 25-30 minutes.
  8. Cucumber juice does not need to be washed off, as it is absorbed into the skin.

Even young skin can face a number of problems: the formation of age spots, acne, high oil content.

Aging - faces wrinkles (read reviews on the use of grape oil against wrinkles), flabbiness, turns yellow.

We offer you to watch a master class on preparing a rejuvenating face mask from cucumber and lemon.
