Formation of interest in reading among students at the level of primary general education. “Interest in reading began to grow

V. Sukhomlinsky



Reading is the window through which

children see and know the world and themselves.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Parents of many schoolchildren complain that their children do not read books. Nowadays, the place of books in the life of schoolchildren is occupied by a computer, tablets and other gadgets. It's interesting, exciting. Why is reading books not of interest to the younger generation?

Interest in reading begins to form at a preschool age. And the example of an adult is very important. The child should see parents who read and read with interest. Reading at preschool age is a very important stage in the development and formation of a child's personality. A children's book is a source of information about the surrounding world, the formation of its intellectual, emotional, moral culture.

“Without exaggeration, we can say that reading during childhood is, first of all, the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of the child's soul. The word, which reveals noble ideas, always deposits in the child's heart grains of humanity that form conscience. » These are the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Maybe because modern children do not feel the need to read, because there are fewer and fewer "grains of humanity" in our lives.

The benefits of reading should not be underestimated. First of all, reading develops speech and affects the quality and quantity of the child's vocabulary. A person who reads has a better memory and concentration. Reading helps in the development of imaginative thinking and in teaching literacy, makes it possible to learn to analyze, capture the meaning, develops oratory skills. If parents systematically read fiction books to their child, then the child's horizons expand, intelligence increases, cognitive activity and positive moral qualities are formed. On the example of literary characters, the child learns to respect the world around him, learns the intricacies of human relationships.

The love of a child for a book, which was laid down in childhood, will help to form perseverance and help in learning (development of strong-willed effort when performing tasks of varying complexity).

The question arises, when to start instilling a love for the book, to form an interest in reading fiction?

From an early age, you can read aloud to your child. A few minutes a day. Let it be fun and jokes. Such reading contributes to the emotional development of the baby, his rapprochement with the mother. Based on my own experience, I can say that in a few days the child will begin to pay attention to the book in the hands of the mother and smile. I started reading to my son, and it’s not easy to tell fairy tales and nursery rhymes aloud when he was 5-6 months old.

But psychologists consider the age from three to seven years to be the most optimal for adaptation to reading. The best time to read is before bed. This can become a good ritual that helps the child relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day, push all problems into the background, and relax. However, it is worth reading during the day. With age, children need more and more information, the need for positive emotions also grows. Therefore, it is gradually worth increasing the reading time and increasing the level of complexity of books. Children listen with pleasure, and more than once, to fairy tales based on which cartoons were shot: “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Carlson”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Doctor Aibolit”, etc. e. Even if the child has already seen the cartoon, read the story. Unlike animation, which is perceived as a set of individual frames and the child does not catch the meaning, books make you think and experience.

Parents should be encouraged to read to their children as much as possible. Reading will increase the child's vocabulary, help develop phonemic hearing and the ability to pronounce sounds correctly, learn to understand different intonations.

Here are some tips for parents on how to get your preschooler to read:

1. Let your child understand that reading is a great pleasure, incomparable to anything. In this case, your personal example will be the most effective. Read for yourself. Tell your child what the book is about. Children love to imitate adults.

3. Even when the child learns to read, do not stop reading aloud to him for as long as possible. Expressive reading of adults will help to connect words with images that arise in his imagination. An adult will help to understand the text by explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions and answering questions. At 7-9 years old, it is difficult for a child to focus on one thing for a long time, his eyes get tired quickly, some phrases and words may be incomprehensible. Therefore, reading becomes an unpleasant activity and this dislike can be fixed for life.

5. At 5-7 years old, read "with continuation", interrupting reading at an interesting place. This will intrigue the child, make him want to know what will happen next.

6. After reading a book, don't "forget" about it. Let it become the subject of discussion, dispute, exchange of impressions. Invite the child to compose a story, imagine himself in the place of the heroes, find his own solution to the situation.

7. Read books with good illustrations. Try to remember the name of the graphic designer with your child. Offer to come up with and draw your own pictures for the work, a portrait of the hero.

8. Take your child to the library. Consider different publications: art books, reference books, albums.

9. Buy educational books and children's encyclopedias with the most interesting information for the child, gift editions with beautiful photographs: space, cats, dinosaurs, countries, dolls, etc.

10. Cultivate a respect for the book. Tell your child about the rules for handling a book: you can’t draw on the pages, bend the book, cut out pictures, use books instead of cubes, etc.

11. You can "revive" the characters of fairy tales and stories by sculpting them from plasticine or gluing them out of paper and arrange a home theater.

12. Designate a special place in the room where the child's books will be, so that he himself can take them when he wants.

13. Do not try to replace the TV or computer with a book. Just clearly regulate the time of watching TV shows and computer games.

14. You can start a family reading tradition - 2-3 times a week, in the evenings, arrange an hour of reading. At the same time, the TV and computer are turned off and all family members, without exception, take part in the event.

Many years of experience working with preschoolers proves that the work on the formation of children's interest in reading is very important. Improving the skills of speech culture is a necessary component of a person's education and intelligence. The speech of any person, enriched with well-aimed sayings, figurative expressions, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, becomes bright, lively, expressive. Therefore, I would like to give some recommendations to young teachers.

1. In kindergarten, it is advisable to start reading to children from an early age, gradually complicating the topics. Products are best selected according to the season. For example, in winter it is advisable to read to children the fairy tales “The Snow Queen”, “12 Months”, the fairy tale “Adventures in Dedmorozovka”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, poems about the New Year's holiday and about winter, riddles about weather and natural phenomena. Then the heroes of the works can become characters in children's drawings, applications, collective children's works. In the scenarios of New Year's morning performances, there are also heroes of winter fairy tales performed by children and adults.

2. While reading, be sure to consider and compare illustrations by different artists for one work. After reading the book, I often suggest that children draw their favorite characters, make illustrations. Children are happy to take the role of a graphic designer, invent landscapes and portraits.

3. In addition, be sure to conduct a discussion of what you read, during which teach children to analyze different situations and actions of the characters in the work. Give children the opportunity to express their attitude to what they heard and come up with their own ways of solving and acting in problem situations:

How could you answer?

Why shouldn't it have been done that way?

What can be done to correct the error;

How to make peace, etc.

As a result, children transfer the positive experience of the relationship of heroes into their lives. The names of some characters become common nouns.

4. When reading literary works, pay children's attention not only to the content, but also to their artistic form. Thanks to this, you will teach children to distinguish literary genres (fairy tale, story, poem, nursery rhyme, proverb, saying, riddle, understand the meaning of figurative expressions and phraseological units, develop a poetic ear.

5. While reading, focus on the characteristics and mood of the characters, their dialogues and relationships, description of facial expressions and gestures. You can invite children to portray the character they like, compare it with other characters.

6. Use artwork outside of class. Read to children at any convenient time: in the morning and evening, when the weather is bad outside, before going to bed.

7. Talk to children about the books their parents read to them.

8. Start a tradition in your group to celebrate a book holiday. For example:

The article describes the process of formation of interest in reading among preschoolers. The upbringing and maintenance of interest in reading in children largely depends on the adult, who becomes an intermediary between the child-listener and the writer. At the same time, the child’s lack of reading motivation itself will not be a hindrance: it is replaced by game motivation. Various game situations are offered to stimulate the child to read.

How to spark an interest in reading in preschoolers

So, your child reads the syllables, and after them - short words, and you want to give him a children's book in his hands: let him read the captions under the pictures, because they are very simple and written in large print. And the child reads, but it is difficult for him to do without his mother's help.

In the child himself, words do not add up to sentences in any way, the meaning of the word just read is immediately lost, because all attention is still absorbed by the process of combining sounds. Do not rush to seat the child for books. The transition from reading individual words to reading a text must be specially prepared. And here games will come to your aid - with their help, the child will overcome the technical difficulties of reading. At the same time, the child’s lack of actual reader motivation will not be a hindrance: it will be replaced by game motivation.

1. "Rearrange the signs." The wind flew over the city and ripped off the signs from the shops. Help the residents of the city to figure out which store is which. (Shop windows are drawn on paper and signs are made: Vegetables, Fruits, Products, Furniture, etc.), before the kid understands where to put the sign, he needs to read it.

2. "Where is whose gift?". For toys, prepare gifts wrapped in bags or paper in advance (these can be sweets, fruits, vegetables, drawings). Children explain that the gift must be given to the person to whom it is intended. To do this, the baby must read the name on the gift.

3. "Feed the animals." For this game you will need pictures with images of various animals (you can also use toys). Children choose their own animal. Now he needs to be fed. On the table in front of the children are cards with the names of feed-foods: oats, milk, meat, hay, carrots ... The cards are turned over, the children take turns opening them and reading the names of the dishes, offering them to animals.

4. "The word crumbled." A strong wind blew and mixed up the letters in the word. Let's think, what was the word here? L A AND S (fox). Also, what words can be formed from this word?

Thus, games can be very diverse - it all depends on your imagination and desire to help the child.

So, other tasks are organically woven into games aimed at teaching literacy:

  • train memory and attention;
  • speech and thinking develop;
  • a taste and habit for intellectual pursuits are brought up.

How to merge syllables into words?

Reading and writing have already become interesting and accessible to your child. He already reads posters and signs and even wants to read a fairy tale himself, but ... the gap between his real reading abilities and the efforts that independent reading of books requires is still too big.

Only the first barrier on the way from illiteracy to fluent reading has been taken: the child has learned to combine letters into syllables. The syllable is at first the unit of reading. If the pre-letter stage of sound analysis was not passed too hastily, then in the child’s syllabic reading you will not hear the so-called “chopped syllable”: kru!-gom!, bur!-ka! The child should read the words slowly, slowly, as if flowing from one syllable to another: sssssssnnnaaa. The "chopped syllable" is dangerous: it makes the transition from syllabic reading to reading whole words very difficult. How to help a child overcome the second barrier on the way to fluent reading: start reading not by syllables, but by whole words?

The transition to reading in whole words will speed up and facilitate the work of the child with stress, which, as it were, fastens, unites individual syllables into a complete word.

An indispensable tool here will be syllable-impact schemes, for work (play) with which the baby is already prepared, if he has experience with sound schemes and knows how to highlight the stressed sound in the word, i.e. that sound that lasts for a long time, if you call this word: stuol, rakeeet, milkoo.

It is discussed with the child that that sound is called a percussion sound, which is hit with a hammer by little men-sounds, so it sounds loud and long. It depends on what sound the sounders hit and how the word sounds: if in the word “rocket” they hit the sound “a” - the first, then it will turn out not a rakeeet, but a raaaketa (the syllable Ra stretches, and the rest are pronounced quickly). Therefore, sounders cannot make mistakes, otherwise they will “spoil the word”. It should be noted that only a vowel sound can be stressed, and if it is one in a word, then naturally, it will be a stressed sound: house, table, honey.

Before you start playing with syllabic stress patterns with your child, rehearse yourself: these games will require virtuosity from you, which is easy for an adult to achieve. Try to pronounce: “The oak is green by the sea” slowly, but at the pace of natural speech, and at the same time draw a diagram of syllables and stresses: The oak is green by the sea. Happened? Then start playing with the child. Didn't work the first time? You need to work out for 10-15 minutes.

A good training in finding stresses can be the game "Tamer". The child tames the buffalo if he has time to quickly (on the count of "three") put an emphasis on the card with the word "buffalo". If the blow (stress) is not applied quickly or accurately enough, the trainer will be injured (not dangerous, of course). You can take different words denoting the name of animals. After ten wounds, the trainer is temporarily removed from dangerous work and sent to herd the herd. (The shepherd calls the lost cows: "Dawn! April! Asterisk.") If the shepherd correctly puts the emphasis on the card with the name of the cow, she returns to the herd. In this case, it is useful to fasten the word with "paper clips", i.e. divided into syllables: April-ka, Dawn-ka, ma-shi-na. To do this is not so difficult. How many vowels in a word, so many syllables.

You can play games when the word itself is not written, but a diagram is drawn and the stress is placed on the stressed syllable.

In this case, the child can be offered the game "The word ran away." The word escaped from the card, and only "paper clips" remained. Let's think about what the word was here and write it down. (There are 3-4 toys or cards with pictures on the table). You need to take words that have 1,2,3,4 syllables, i.e. different in syllabic composition: goat, wolf, pig. The child must choose the card with the diagram that corresponds to each animal. To complete this task, the kid must first pronounce the name of each animal and find out how many syllables are in this word. Your help and patience will be faithful assistants in this difficult task. The game is an indispensable assistant in the education and upbringing of preschoolers.

By playing sounds, letters and words with your child, you can overcome difficulties and barriers on the way to literacy. But the game has its limitations, it is not omnipotent, and it is hardly possible to bring the child to fluent independent reading only by playing means. The fact is that the interest of the game only partially and temporarily coincides with the interest of the reader. The reasons, motives that encourage a person to play and read are different. And helping the child to overcome the first technical difficulties of reading in the game, you must take care of educating not only the ability, but also the desire to read.

If the child does not want to read?

Parents are often surprised to see that everything possible has been done for the child to start reading and writing independently, and the child does not show much desire and interest in reading. How to make the process of reading, while still difficult, become a personal necessity for the child?

The easiest way to create a child's needs for writing is through vital correspondence. Its content directly depends on the personal characteristics of the child, on his life experience. Correspondence should touch the child personally.

It can be a letter to a grandmother, grandfather, sister, friend, fairy-tale hero. It is very important that the child receives a response to his letter, and indeed from the one to whom he wrote. It is desirable that the answer be written in block letters, a few sentences of a small number of words. When the child is waiting for these letters, he will be happy to read them himself and write answers.

It is very interesting for any child to read a book about himself. Parents can make this book. Take a few album sheets, fold in half and fasten with a paper clip. A book about ... (name). On each sheet of the book there will be stories about your child 2-3 sentences written by you in block letters. And at the top there is a place for a picture that you can draw with your baby after the story is read. This book can become not only your child's favorite book, but also a diary that the child will keep with you.

So, for example, in the sentence: Nina loves ... (the child himself must write down what he loves). It is clear that the first adventures are very short and are related to the real experience and character of your child. The story can be cut off at the most interesting place so that the child himself wants to continue it, compose and finish it.

If dad and mom are very busy and cannot afford frequent communication with the child, you can arrange a correspondence with him: talk about your work, health and much more. And the kid, in turn, will tell his secrets.

American psychologists suggested that preschoolers who had just become literate keep a kind of self-observation diary, which is useful not only for developing the need and habit of writing, but also for developing the child's self-awareness. The diary of introspection is called "The book that grows with me." On the first page, the child describes his appearance. An adult prepares approximately the following stencil of a verbal portrait, where the child inserts the necessary words:

My name is ….
I am ... years old
My hair is...
My eyes are...etc.

According to the same principle of unfinished sentences, a description of the family, friends of the child, his favorite activities, habits, skills, desires, and fears is built. It is clear that, growing up and changing, the child will return more than once to questions like: “I most of all want ...”, “I am best at ...”, “I want to learn ...”, “I am not afraid ...”, “I am afraid ... ”,“ I want to change in myself ... ”, will supplement and change my previous answers, and most importantly, by re-reading what I have written, I will get to know myself better.

Here are just a few possible ways to incorporate writing into children's routines and develop an interest in reading. The life of any family provides many opportunities to replace oral communication with written communication. And written communication with relatives or with oneself cannot but bring the desired results: the child will become addicted to writing, reading will become voluntary, which means that his technique will also improve. But this will not automatically lead to the need to read books. After all, written communication with the author of a book is much more difficult than written communication with a mother who addresses her letter personally and accurately.

Recently, less and less people are fond of reading, especially for children. Most prefer computers, the Internet and TV. Therefore, it is very important to awaken an interest in reading from childhood.

Recent studies show that many children begin to master the computer before they learn to read. At the same time, they are better oriented in the keyboard than in the table of contents of books. Unfortunately, this has serious consequences. The child does not receive sufficient development. It all starts with the fact that works from the school curriculum are mastered in abbreviated versions. A child from childhood will try to reduce the flow of information coming from the outside world. However, more such information is useful.

Reading helps to develop thinking, creativity and various skills. The book forms the development of speech in a child, replenishes his vocabulary and helps to form and express his thoughts correctly. Thanks to the book, the child learns to listen better to his interlocutor and analyze the information received. In addition, the book helps to form the right moral values.

Reading is very important for the formation of personality, for cultural and psychological development, and so on. That is why it is very important to arouse interest in reading in a child even at preschool age. Many parents believe that teachers should be involved in teaching their baby, including instilling in them a love of reading. However, it is not. The formation of such habits should come from the family. In this case, the task of teachers is only to acquaint parents with how to teach a child to read.

Parents are often interested in the question: “How to arouse interest in reading in your child? ". There is no definite answer to this question. Everything is individual. There are many psychological techniques that help in solving this issue, but from all of them you need to choose exactly the one that is suitable for the baby individually.

Every parent should understand that a child will never become interested in what is boring or uninteresting for him. Therefore, you need to choose such literature that would arouse the curiosity of the baby, the desire to study it. Sometimes, in order to understand what is interesting for a child, one has to re-read a lot of books with different topics. While reading this or that literature, it is necessary to observe the reaction of your baby - how he emotionally reacts to the plot of the book, how carefully he listens, and the like.

The sooner you start teaching your child to read, the sooner the first results will be visible. Every child in childhood tries to imitate his parents. Therefore, if the parents themselves show their interest in reading literature, the child will try to do the same. Developing a child's interest in reading takes time and effort. It is also necessary to develop a system of actions, which must be implemented in stages. This scheme will be described below.

From early childhood, children need to read fairy tales aloud. Do not be lazy to do this, and put the baby audio recordings with fairy tales. When the child grows up, it is necessary to take him to the library and teach him how to use the library funds. In addition, it is very important to show how much the book is appreciated by the parents themselves. To do this, you need to buy books for children. To interest a child, you need to show how much reading can be fun. It is necessary to try to prove that there are many ideas in the book that can be used in real life. You can buy a book that describes how to do something interesting with your own hands. Then you need to read it to the child and offer to repeat what they read in real life.

It is very important that the literature read is interesting to the child. Therefore, you need to give the baby the right to choose. Let him choose what he wants to read. In addition, you need to show the child that his choice is encouraged. To do this, you can ask him to read aloud to one of the family members. If the child wants to read longer, you should not refuse him this, even if he goes to bed a little later because of this.

There should be a children's library in the house. It should not be very large, but it should contain books from which the child can choose those that will be of interest to him. The library needs to be replenished with the literature that the child likes, which corresponds to his hobby.

Many cartoons have been made based on the books. This can be used to arouse a child's interest in reading. To begin with, the kid needs to be offered to watch a cartoon. If he likes it, then after watching it, you need to read the book based on which the cartoon was shot. At first, it is better to start with small books that could be read in a couple of hours.

You can arrange home theatres. To do this, each parent, as well as the child, must learn the selected roles and make a small statement. For such productions, you need to use various props and costumes to arouse even more interest in the baby.

From the above, a simple conclusion can be drawn. To instill in a child a love of reading, it is necessary to create an atmosphere at home in which the child would enjoy "communication" with the book. Any reading should cause him only positive emotions.

If at preschool age the child failed to instill an interest in reading, then this can be done at primary school age. In this case, the teacher who teaches literature lessons plays a very important role. However, parents can also contribute to the development of the formation of interest in the book.

It is very important that the child feels what he is reading. This will arouse his emotions and interest. At the time of reading, he must become a participant in what is happening in the book, discover a personal meaning in what he reads. But in order for a student to read this or that book, the teacher must first interest him.

It has been proven that children of primary school age like those works that can surprise them. The ability to be surprised gives rise to an interest in the thirst for knowledge. If the teacher completely ignores the literary preferences of students, he will discourage the desire to prepare for lessons for a long time.

Sometimes a child does not want to pick up a book just because he has not fully mastered reading skills. Reading is a long and painful process that takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is very important to teach the child to read quickly. But at the same time, he must learn and quickly comprehend what he read. Then the child will have joy and pleasure in reading. It takes a lot of effort to teach a child to read quickly and meaningfully. And this will have to be done not only by the teacher, but also by the parents.

The more efforts parents make to instill a love of reading in their child, the more successful the results will be. Interest in the book will allow the child not only to spend time usefully, but also to draw useful knowledge.

MOU "Secondary school No. 22"

Methodical development

on this topic:

Development of interest in reading

in younger students.

Compiled by:


primary school

Zaitseva Oksana Gennadievna

Anzhero - Sudzhensk


Problem. Decreased interest in reading among younger students.

Target. Summarize practical material on the development of interest in reading in the classroom and in family reading.

Tasks. one. Why do children now have no interest in reading?

2. Select the most effective methods of activating interest in reading in the classroom.

3. Options for organizing family reading.

4. The system of tasks for the development of interest in reading.

5. To study modern scientific and methodological literature on instilling a love of reading.


« Reading is the best teaching." Perhaps there is no need to explain the deep meaning of this proverb. From the ability of children to read fluently, expressively, to understand the content of what they read, to analyze the actions of the characters, to draw appropriate conclusions, their success in learning throughout the school years depends.

Reading is the main skill of a person in life, without which he cannot comprehend the world around him. Therefore, it becomes clear what great importance the elementary school teacher should pay to teaching reading and what responsibility he bears to the student, his parents, teachers of the secondary school. often it is the secondary school that reproaches the primary school for the fact that students who have passed to the 5th grade read slowly, do not know how to retell, reason and evaluate what they read.

Teaching children to read is, of course, difficult. But it is even more difficult to teach them to love reading. At first, children enjoy the process of learning to read. They are interested in seeing how well-known words emerge from letters. But when it comes to increasing the pace of reading, when the teacher is in the classroom, and the parents are at home trying to get the child to read, read and read so that the reading technique grows, then many people lose the desire to sit at a book. Watching a cartoon, sitting at a computer is faster, easier, and more interesting.

"People stop thinking when they stop reading." These words were spoken by the great French thinker Dani Diderot many years ago. They are relevant now, since solving the problem of instilling interest in reading solves a number of educational, educational and developmental tasks of training and education.

Main part.

Interest in reading arises when the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives. (M.I. Omorokova "Improving the reading of younger students"). M. Enlightenment. – 2006 She also argues that, based on the general task of developing the personality of the child, the elementary school should form the younger student as a conscious reader who shows an interest in reading, possessing strong reading skills, ways of independent work with a readable text and a children's book.

What types of work the teacher does not come up with so that the children read with interest in the lesson.

Fairy-tale characters (Cheburashka, Carloson, Little Red Riding Hood, and many others) “bring” letters to children in their pockets, baskets. First is the syllables. Taking turns taking out sheets from Little Red Riding Hood's basket, the children read syllables on them, from which words can be made. Then Little Red Riding Hood, the children read syllables on them from which words can be made, they suddenly discover that a sentence is obtained from these words. And then our fairy-tale heroes “tell” us short tales (7-8 sentences). I compose such texts based on the plots of folk tales well known to children, reducing the number of sentences and words in each sentence to the required minimum.

Many people want to go to the blackboard, get a piece of paper from Little Red Riding Hood's basket and read it. In order not to involve the same people in the work, leaving passive children without reading, we agreed that the children of each row would read these tales in turn, while others would listen and then tell. and so that everyone listened carefully, she came up with the game "Echo" 1 reads, and the whole class repeats in unison, like an echo.

Each teacher has a series of plot pictures for the development of speech. Based on some of them, I am compiling short stories about how children slept in the cold a bird, how boys found a hedgehog in the forest, how a dog pulled a drowning owner out of the water, and others.

We often read short stories, short stories, parables from the book by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Anthology on ethics". (M.: Pedagogy, 2005)

Based on some of them, I compose texts for children to read. These small works contain rich material for conversations with children on the topics of morality: about love for the beautiful, about caring for the weak, about honoring the elders. For example:

Zoya and the butterfly

Little Zoya was walking in the garden. Acacia grew there. Sharp thorns protruded from the eyelids. And a beautiful butterfly was flying above them. Zoya began to break the thorns.

Why are you doing this? Mom asked.

So that the butterfly does not prick, - Zoya answered quietly.

Another time, a new text for reading is “brought” by girlfriends - nesting dolls. But before you read what they offer, you need to arrange them according to their height and the fairy tale will turn out.

Drawings of 6 nesting dolls, and on them are the following letters:

1 matryoshka - "s"

2 matryoshka - "k"

3 matryoshka - "a"

4 matryoshka - "3"

5 matryoshka - "to"

6 matryoshka - "a"

Matryoshkas were arranged according to their height and the word “fairy tale” was obtained.

Everyone knows that fish are dumb, they can’t speak. But in our lesson they can become "talking". If the cards are arranged in the sequence in which the drawing of the fish appeared, read the sentences on the back, then we know a new story.

Let's draw the parts of the fish in sequence. Letters on each part of the fish pattern. It turns out the word "story"

And the next day Pinocchio or Dunno will “ask” the children questions about the content of the story they read the day before. Or maybe it will be questions directly to the reader: “What is your name?”, “Do you like to read?”, “What day of the week is it today?”, “When is your birthday?” etc.

In addition to such individual reading, there is always a choral reading of the text in the lesson. Children who read well will read and others will repeat after them.

Various types of reading at the lesson do not let children get bored, make them want to know what kind of fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood or someone else brought.

Children really like reading, which was given the name "Who plays hide and seek." On the board, and most often on a poster (can be used repeatedly in any class). I write 4-5 rows of letters (25 words). But among a random set of letters, words suddenly appear. Children find and find out who is playing hide and seek with them: animals, birds, insects, plants, mushrooms, etc.

Who plays hide and seek?












Noticing an interest in such reading (who will quickly find the hidden word), the children and I made cards for individual work under the following names: “Animals play hide and seek”, (in 4 versions), “Where are the mushrooms hiding?”, “Trees hid”, “Find the bushes”, “The grasses are the lowest in the forest and in the field”, and propagated them according to the number of children. There are many options for working with such cards. Often children took cards home, looked for words together with their parents. The subject of these cards expands the knowledge of children about the animal and plant world, teaches to distinguish plant species.

Such an exercise develops attention, vigilance when reading. And the teacher can repeatedly use these cards: in the lessons of natural history (species of animals and plants) of the Russian language, because there are so many spellings in the names of animals, plants, plants, mushrooms.

A sore point in reading lessons is an inexpressive monotonous "bubbling" instead of expressive reading. And, of course, every teacher strives to teach children to read expressively. I strive for this as well.

Each lesson should have an example of teacher reading. If necessary, it is not a sin to make pencil marks in the textbook, noting pauses, words that require logical stress, etc.

Small works written in the form of a dialogue can be of great help in teaching children expressive reading. For example:

Hello, gossip, bread and salt ...

Give me fish.

Catch yourself and eat.

Yes, I can't.

Eka! After all, I caught it. You, kumanek, go to the river, dip your tail into the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, small and large.” (Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"). Teaching children expressive reading, we discuss in detail the means of expressiveness when reading semantic passages: the strength and height of the voice, the arrangement of pauses, the emotional color of speech, changes in the pace of reading depending on the content, we determine intonation. For myself, I compile a kind of “intonation dictionary” - definitions for voice intonation: calm, angry, angry, mysterious, sad, joyful, delighted, frightened, disappointed, fabulous, etc.

I also use pictograms to determine the intonation of reading: images of faces in different emotional states. Considering them, we determine to which of these little men the words from this work could belong.

These rings depict faces in different emotional states.

The method of "buzzing" reading has found wide application in elementary school. I also use it.

At first, I followed the recommendations described by V.M. Zaitsev in his brochure “Reserves for Teaching Reading” (M.: Prosveshchenie, 2007). And now I decided to try it differently: for these three minutes, give the child a text that he will have time to read in the allotted time. For some reason, it seems to me that if a person clearly sees the ultimate goal of his work, then the work is built (in this case, reading) and interest appears.

The work of a teacher in any direction should be systematic and regular. Only then can it give any result. For four years of elementary school, I have been trying to instill in children an interest in knowledge, trying with all my might to show them that they can get this knowledge from books.

Of course, I, like any elementary school teacher, monitor the progress of my students in secondary school, talk with subject teachers. They note their activity in the classroom, curiosity, interest in knowledge, the ability to express their opinion, to evaluate literary heroes.

Different types of work on the text contribute to the development of interest in reading, as well as the formation of expressive reading skills.

Dramatization Selective reading

Text or (with a specific

Excerpt. task).


Text work

By formation

interest in reading.

Reading "Buzzing"

In "faces". reading.

Since the child receives the first literary experience in the family, the quality and breadth of the reading interests of schoolchildren depend on the attitude of parents to literature. As the results of the study show, in the practice of family education, the process of literary development is not always effective. This is due to a combination of reasons:

  1. It consists in the fading of interest in literature in society.
  2. It is associated with an insufficient level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents who do not always clearly know the age characteristics and capabilities of their child.
  3. The most significant drawback is that if adults have an interest in literature, they do not know the works of children's literature.

It is difficult to choose adequate means and methods of working with literary texts in the family.

Properly organized family reading is the most important condition for the mental development of a child.

Parental reading aloud is usually considered necessary when the child is not yet able to read for himself. When he is a schoolboy, then many consider parental reading unnecessary for him. But this belief is wrong. Independent reading of children should be supplemented by joint reading at school age. Reading according to the school type is not suitable for this. It is better to sit next to each other in a cozy quiet place and read the work alternately, part is read by an adult, part by a child. It is good if the habit of family reading becomes a ritual of everyday leisure. The reading process itself can be accompanied by an unobtrusive conversation: is everything clear what assumptions he and you have about the further development of the plot. Family reading experts warn: do not turn a conversation about a book into an exam, avoid a conversation of a test nature, force the child to retell.

To instill in a child an interest in reading, many tricks have been invented.

Here is some of them:

  1. To make a child's success in reading visual, it is useful to hang a Screen of Read Books on the wall.
  2. Arrange an exhibition of drawings based on the books read, invite the child to comment on their drawings.
  3. Able to kindle curiosity and such a method. A text with a bright plot is selected, which the parent begins to read. It stops at the most interesting place. (No time!) An intrigued child is forced to read the text to the end to find out what happened to the hero.

And here is the method proposed by the famous teacher Sh. Amonashvili. Its essence is that Carlson gives advice on what to read to the child. He sends him letters about which books he himself is crazy about. This "authoritative" opinion of the beloved hero has a positive effect. The child happily takes up reading, which Carlson himself loves.

The most important thing that parents can do is to advise the child to enroll in the library and at first visit it with him.


We are now at a crucial moment. Society is increasingly aware of the need to protect and support children's reading at the state level.

It is not just the fate of children's reading that is being decided. The fate of Russia, its intellectual power is being decided. It is no coincidence that actions and congresses in support of reading swept across the country. There have been numerous conferences devoted to this topic.

An Interregional branch of the International Reading Association was created in Russia with branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg. There are some slow but positive shifts in this regard on the part of the school. Thus, in St. Petersburg since 2002 four conferences dedicated to the culture of reading children have been held in a row. Implemented under the leadership of the International Reading Association scientific and methodological program "School of culture of reading" in Moscow.

In solving the problem of children's reading in some cities of Russia, local authorities have recently turned on. It is significant that the Year of Children's Reading was held in Chelyabinsk and the region. Program of the Year was awarded first place in the 2004 Reading Program Competition.

At subject weeks in literary reading, we try to organize competitions in parallel for the best reader, the most reading family, the most reading class, the best library. We give recommendations to parents at meetings on how to improve the reading technique of a child.

List of used literature.

  1. Konysheva N.M. "Project activities of schoolchildren". Magazine "Primary School". 2006, No. 1
  2. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. Edited by E.S. Polat. M. Academy - 2001
  3. N.P. Yashin "Learning to read is difficult, but interesting." Magazine "Primary School". 2001, No. 6
  4. I.I. Tikhomirov. "What can parents do?" Journal “School Library. 2005 November December.
  5. V.A. Stakheev. "Approaching the Soul: A Reading Program for Children". Journal "School Library". 2006 May.
  6. EAT. Torshilov. Aesthetic education in the family. Moscow. Art. 1989.
  7. Magazine "Primary School". 2007, No. 6.

Development of cognitive interest in reading in younger students

graduate work

2.1 Basic techniques for developing interest in reading

Reading is a difficult and sometimes painful process that takes a lot of time and effort from children. And until the child learns to read quickly and meaningfully, to think and empathize while reading, this process will not give him joy and pleasure. But, as a rule, the development of certain skills is facilitated by the performance of multiple training exercises, which rarely attract anyone with their monotony and monotony. The task of the teacher is to find an attractive moment in them, to present them to children in such a way that they are performed with interest and desire. How can I do that?

The methodology knows many methods for developing reading techniques, i.e. the correct way of reading, correctness, tempo and partly expressiveness.

The main one is multi-reading, a technique in which the student, answering a particular question, expressing his point of view, seeks reinforcement for his thoughts, judgments, feelings in the text, referring to it again and again. This repeated appeal to the text each time will reveal to the student in the already familiar text something new, unexpected, surprising him and at the same time interesting. At the same time, the depth of immersion in a literary text increases, and interest in reading increases.

Types of work in reading lessons:

1. Reading the entire text

2. Reading the text, with the aim of dividing into parts and drawing up a plan

3. Reading according to the finished plan

4. Reading with text reduction (children do not read sentences or words that can be omitted). Preparing for a Condensed Retelling

5. Reading in a chain by sentence

6. Reading in a paragraph by chain

7. Reading in order to find a suitable passage for the drawing

8. Reading to find a passage that will help answer the question

9. Reading the most beautiful place in the text

10. Finding the whole sentence at the given beginning or end of the sentence. (Later the sentence can be replaced by a logically complete passage)

11. Finding a sentence or passage that reflects the main idea of ​​the text

12. Reading in order to find 3 (4.5...) conclusions in the text

13. Establishing Cause-and-Effect Relationships by Reading

14. Reading by roles in order to most accurately and fully convey the characters of the characters

15. Reading by dialogue roles, excluding the words of the author

16. Finding and reading figurative words and descriptions

17. Finding and reading words with logical stress

18. Isolation of a word from the text to the proposed scheme, for example: ch, lei

19. Who will quickly find a word for a certain rule in the text

20. Finding the longest word in the text

21. Finding two-, three-, four-syllable words

22. Finding in the text and reading combinations: pronoun + verb, etc.

23. Reading with marks of obscure words

24. Finding and reading in the text words that are close in meaning to the given words are written on the board)

Probably everyone will agree that any action that is dictated from above, and in which a person has no personal interest, is performed reluctantly and, as a rule, gives little benefit. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to provide the student with the right of free choice. Willingly read, actively perceived and gives the impression of what is relevant to the reader, what makes him act on his own initiative, independently.

Below we will consider the main types of reading.

Returning reading is a rereading of works already familiar to children after a while. Such reading contributes to the development in children of a positive attitude towards communication with the book by satisfying their need to re-experience the plots and images that captured their imagination. At the same time, there is a deepening and reassessment of the previously received impressions, when the perceived images emerge in memory and are highlighted in a new way, bringing the child closer to understanding the ideological and artistic meaning of the work.

The main point of the returning reading lesson is to make suggestions in the class about “why Sasha or Natasha wanted to reread this work.” It is also necessary not only to reveal to children the importance of revisiting a work as an opportunity for an additional meeting with their favorite characters and their authors, but also to help students identify new meanings of the work, leading children to realize their renewed perception of what they read.

Free reading is the student's turning to reading at his own request and with the right to decide for himself: why should he read, what exactly to read, how to read and when to read. The meaning of this reading is as follows:

Love for reading cannot arise without the child having the opportunity to freely determine his attitude towards him, including interest in the content of reading, the personality of the author or in striving for spiritual growth, the desire to keep up with others in reading skills, etc.

Free reading as reading without limits constraining the child allows him to read to the best of his ability and in optimal conditions for himself to conduct a dialogue with the author of the work, which in itself stimulates the desire to conduct this dialogue. Free reading provides the child with the opportunity to express their reading interests.

Psychologists have established that at each age stage of human development, a leading type of activity is formed that contributes to the development of personality. For younger students, this is an educational activity, during which the student masters theoretical knowledge and at the same time develops arbitrariness of behavior, abstract thinking, and thinking memory. The student from the object of learning becomes the subject of learning. Knowledge is acquired by him not in general, but in the form of educational activity.

General structural elements of educational activity: educational task, goal and motive, indicative and performing actions, self-control and self-assessment of the product of activity - should always be present in training. This means that the content of training should be not only subject knowledge, skills and abilities, but also activities for their assimilation. Reliance on the motivation of learning, knowledge of the methods of action for solving a problem, operations for the assimilation of knowledge - this is something new that is gradually being introduced into the practice of elementary school.

Thus, the activity of the child is directed to the formation of general mental actions - the ability to learn and special objective actions in the system of any educational course.

Teaching reading should also be included in the system of formation of educational activity. The peculiarity of reading lies in the fact that it is not only a subject (special), but also a general educational skill, on which the success of teaching a child in other subjects depends. Reading as one of the types of speech activity correlates with the general structure of activity, including educational, therefore, the skill of reading cannot be fully formed without motivation for learning, without the presence of orientation and performing actions in the process of mastering it, and also without educating students' feelings. self-control and self-esteem.

Reading is carried out with the help of literature, but the main problem is the formation of the reader at the initial stage of his development, namely: mastering strong reading skills and ways of working with fiction and popular science text.

Despite the fact that elementary school is called the school of skill, which underestimates the general or mental development of the child, it can be argued that the reading skill is formed at the level of the primer. Further, the reading skill develops spontaneously and its formation is not controlled. That is why some students do not understand the meaning of the text, especially in the process of reading it silently, they read slowly, with the presence of residual external speech movements, and their reading aloud is technically imperfect, inexpressive. They hardly understand and remember the condition of an arithmetic problem, find it difficult to isolate the main thing in a scientific and educational article, educational text.

As the famous critic and philosopher I.F. Karyakin: "As long as the student treats literature only as evidence of what happens to others, and not to himself, until he recognizes his own in someone else ... until he is burned by this discovery - until then there is no interest in reading, no and needs for it.

A positive attitude towards reading, in his opinion, begins from the moment when:

The child will feel like a participant in the events that are depicted by the writer,

When he discovers personal meaning in what he reads, when the book appears before him as a space for the realization of his own creative potential.

The work of a teacher in analyzing a work of art will be effective only when the child is interested in reading, in literature in general. Only then will the lesson not just talk about some work, but there will be a confidential conversation that will deeply affect the child, make you think about something and acquire something important for yourself. Only then will each new work be for the child as a discovery of something new for him personally.

Sukhomlinsky writes: “What a child needs to remember and learn, first of all, should be interesting for him.”

Therefore, the problem of awakening and developing interest in reading as a unique activity and cultural phenomenon is of particular importance.

There is an opinion that the sooner you start accustoming a child to a particular type of activity, the better the result will be. To get results, you need a system.

The beginning of this system is in the family. First of all, the child adopts the attitude towards reading and the book that exists in his parents. Not without reason, back in the 16th century, the lines were written: A child learns what he sees in his home - parents are an example to him.

And if the parents are literate and thinking people, then they will be the first to start working on shaping the child's interest in the book. How can they do it?

But the leading role in solving this problem belongs to reading lessons.

An analysis of existing programs for literary reading of primary school students shows that, despite the positive changes in the system of work on literary education of primary school students, the programs are still imperfect.

So, for example, the main attention is paid to the development of the technical side of reading (reading technique) and the semantic side (teaching the analysis of a work of art). The requirements for a child at the initial stage of literary education are mainly aimed at the knowledge, skills and abilities of the child, and not at his individual development.

How should a teacher act? Of course, you need to start by taking into account the age characteristics of younger students.

At the age of 7-9 years, there is an extremely rapid development of the emotional sphere, the so-called sensory intelligence.

Paying great attention to this feature of primary school age, the teacher can achieve high efficiency in his work on literary reading.

It is at the primary school age that the accumulation of feelings and experiences takes place by leaps and bounds. Therefore, younger students are looking for entertainment, strong emotional experiences in reading. Their imagination is captured by action-packed works, heroic deeds seem to be the norm of life, and their favorite heroes are, first of all, heroes of action.

Children of primary school age need works that teach them to be surprised. The ability to be surprised by an event, a phenomenon, a person is very necessary for a child: interest in life, a thirst for knowledge, the ability to see beauty and cherish it are born from surprise.

Ignoring the literary predilections of students of this age, it is possible for many years to "kill" their interest not only in literature as an academic subject, but also in reading in general.

What features of readers of primary school age should the teacher take into account when preparing for the lesson?

The little reader reacts to the text primarily emotionally. Children's experiences associated with the text are of great value for elementary school. The importance for the child of the ability to feel, to experience has been written more than once. Let us recall the famous words of V.G. Belinsky, who believed that the main thing in the process of reading is for children to "feel" as much as possible:

"Let the poetry of the word act on them, like music, right through the heart, past the head, for which its time will come" V.G. Belinsky.

Another feature of readers of primary school age is the identification of the artistic world and the real world. It is no coincidence that this period in the development of the reader is called the age of "naive realism." This is expressed in relation to the character as to a living, real; in showing confidence in his portrayal. Thinking concretely, children constantly ask: "Did it really happen?"

It should be noted that younger students have sensitivity to the word and to the artistic detail. The child sometimes reacts to such psychological subtleties that adults sometimes do not notice.

Inherent in younger students is the so-called presence effect, which means the child's ability to live in the image.

The final feature of the younger reader is the lack of response to the art form.

These qualities of perception of younger students are a support for the teacher in the process of developing their interest in a literary work, and therefore in a reading lesson.

At the lesson, the teacher needs to show the children that reading is communication, a dialogue between the reader and the author. But this communication is not direct, but communication through a text created by the author.

If the teacher adheres to the premise that in a work of art it is important not only what is written, but also how it is written, by what means, then the children will definitely pay attention to the artistic form of the work, which is more important in artistic speech than in ordinary speech. communication.

The main educational outcome of reading lessons in elementary school should be that they arouse in children an interest in subsequent literary education, arouse a thirst for literary knowledge proper in order to answer more and more new questions: not only about what and how the book told them and who was their interlocutor, but also why the author speaks about it, why he speaks, why he speaks this way and not otherwise, and why the author manages to evoke such thoughts and feelings in readers.
