Proud girl. Statuses about the pride of a girl How to understand that a girl is proud

Who is she - a proud woman? - Vladimir from the city of Lyubertsy asks us a question.

They say that pride should not be confused with pride, which is essentially a sinful influence.
How often one hears from the lips of the stronger sex that she, they say, is too proud, and therefore did not forgive me.

Indeed, a proud woman is, first of all, a person who is characterized by a set of qualities that need wealth.

In other words, women's pride is defined by a marked reaction to hurts and a tendency to unquestioningly defend their own point of view.
Independent experts authoritatively believe that a woman must be proud, but only within the acceptable limits of conformity.
But there is, nevertheless, another kind of pride, determined by its pathological content.

We will talk about this pride.

Vladimir no longer struggles to understand why his beloved girlfriend could not forgive him for a carelessly spoken word indicating a not very common physical anomaly. I do not want to go into the specifics of the young lady's bodily defect now.
The young man wonders how you can harbor a grudge against someone who has made her happy for two years?
Why can't you just make concessions - just once?
Indeed, in family life it often happens that people offend each other, but after a quarrel they become friends again. And then - pride and no hint of compassion.

Dear Vladimir.

Indeed, the concept of a proud woman in your case is thoroughly illustrated.
I have carefully studied your letter, rereading it several times.

Unfortunately, you are dealing not just with a proud woman, but with an unforgivably touchy person whose behavior is due to a traumatic scene.
Ordinary people, whose psyche has never undergone cruel humiliation, of course, also cannot “swallow” offensive phrases spoken by a close or dear person. But their so-called motility over time displaces the offense, fixing only its unpleasant consequences, which soon enough are swept back by a retaliatory blow.
Didn't understand anything? Then I will give you a specific example.

If you offended an ordinary average woman, then, given modern mores, she would send you far and for a long time, while relations would improve as they apologize.
In this case, you humiliated a girl who is characterized by pathological resentment and merciless pride as a defensive reaction to an external stimulus. Such people should not be offended! Never!

Persons with a physical or mental defect are quite smart, reasonable, but often too demanding people who cannot achieve complete harmony in our life with idealized correctness.
Your girlfriend belongs to this complex category of people who can be made happy for a very long time by taming and loving heartily. But it’s worth making a mistake just once and desperately breaking loose, hitting the sore spot at the same time, immediately all relationships collapse without the possibility of rehabilitation.

On the one hand, this is correct, because a proud woman should be frankly offended, demonstrating a desire to receive your apology.
So, a painfully proud woman does not need your apologies, because for her you are dying forever at this moment.
What can I advise you in this situation ...

First of all, this is not to apologize, but to determine the degree of readiness to become an ideal husband for her, while away her days with an ordinary wife.
Ideal only because you will achieve “holy forgiveness” by an unconditional effort of will and heartfelt repentance, but where can you get a guarantee that, purely by chance, you will not utter a sharp word again.

And then the end will come.

You love a very wise and correct woman, but in order to give her the desired happiness, you will have to work hard for the benefit of a bright feeling.

And a proud woman is an ordinary lady who is simply famous for her undeniable virtues, but only until she falls into the category of those who have forgotten how to trust and forgive thanks to just one bastard in their life.

The question was asked by: Vladimir from the city of Lyubertsy.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

This story started a long time ago...
They studied in the same class, sat on neighboring desks and did not think about love yet. He was her best enemy, He liked her for a long time, but he was embarrassed to approach, because "She is a proud girl!" - as He liked to repeat. And only when they grew up a little, they became good friends, walked together, disrupted lessons at school together, suffered together. She knew that she could confide in Him any of her girlish secrets, and in turn would help Him. But, alas, the school years ended, and this idyll ended with them. And only after parting She realized how much She got used to the fact that He is always there.
Time passed ... He went to another city to study and, although they lived very close, they saw each other very rarely. She was already in her second year of university and, seeking independence from her parents, she moved to live in a hostel and almost began to forget about her school childhood attachment to Him. But fate was pleased to do otherwise.
On April 28, at exactly 21:00, someone knocked on her room. On the threshold with a bouquet of her favorite daisies, terribly worried and nervous, He stood. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, She realized that this would be their night. Let's not talk about what happened next...
In the morning she woke up a completely different person, because from now on She is a woman, and this sounds Proudly! “He always said that I was a proud girl, and this is how it should be done,” She thought. Quietly, so as not to wake Him up, I packed up and went to class, and when I returned, He was gone.
For a whole month, She avoided Him in every possible way - she left the house early, returned as late as possible, opened the door only to a conditional knock, stopped going to her parents so as not to accidentally meet Him. She was simply afraid that when she saw His eyes, touched His hand, she would no longer be the same Proud girl. All this month She didn't know where He was, or what happened to Him, until by chance she met His father on the street.
- Baby, where have you gone? My fool was looking for you. Why didn't you come to the show? VA asked.
- W-what wires? - She stuttered a little.
- Like what? He was drafted into the army a week ago. So he is now gaining his mind in Kyiv, - proudly answered VA. “Wait, didn’t you know anything?” He kind of invited you.
- Army... - She whispered, and then, as if remembering something, - Yes, of course, I knew, I was just very busy. Sorry, I have to go now.
She hurriedly left the father of the person dearest to her. “The army, He is in the army, he left and did not even tell me anything ... I will never see him again,” She repeated. “It's all my damn pride. Well, then I will justify my nickname, because I am a proud girl!
But life went on. She did everything to return to a normal life: she studied a lot, found a job, a new circle of friends, in which there were quite interesting guys, returned to her parents so as not to feel her loneliness in the room, where everything reminded of Him and that night. In general, everything seemed to fall into place - She was an ordinary cheerful girl. And only once a month, on the 28th, exactly at 21.00, she closed herself in her room, sat in front of the mirror and wrote something all night long, wiped her eyes and continued to write. And in the morning She came out with sleepy, tear-stained eyes, but with an obligatory smile on her face. No one knew, did not even guess what she was doing all night - after all, she was a Gorda girl!
So 14 months passed. That August evening She was very tired at work and therefore decided to go to bed early. Exactly at 21.00 she woke up from some incomprehensible anxiety, or rather from the sound of a voice that was painfully familiar. It was His voice, he hummed Her favorite song. Like crazy She jumped out onto the landing in one nightgown. He…
- Hello, my Proud Chick! - He said and handed her a small bouquet of daisies.
- You... you came back... When did you arrive? She didn't believe her luck.
- Just now, I just went to my parents and immediately to you. I have so much to tell you. Am I out of time? He scanned her attire.
- No, you're right on time. I'll get ready now, wait, don't go anywhere, - She blushed, remembering in what form she stands in front of Him.
“Now I will never go anywhere without you,” He answered quietly.
She returned home only in the morning. They walked all night, talked a lot, figured out why everything turned out the way it did. No, they didn't quarrel, they just tried to understand each other, after that they were terribly unwilling to say goodbye in the morning.
“It seems to me that if I let you go now, I will never see you again,” He said, holding Her hand.
- No, dear, I'm here all the time, I'm not going anywhere. Just don't disappear, I can't live without you now that I've found you again. She kissed him goodbye and went home.
The whole of August, while He was on vacation, they spent together - saying goodbye in the morning in order to meet again in the evening. But all good things come to an end sooner or later, and summer is over. On the last night before His departure, they sat on the beach near the river, a fire was burning, Her favorite martini was cooling in the water.
- Here, take it, - She handed him crumpled written sheets with letters spread in some places. - This is for you. Just promise that you will read it when you are in Kyiv.
- What is it?
- You'll see for yourself, but not now, I don't want you to be distracted now. Tonight you're mine, all night long.
- No, my little proud Chick, forever. He took her in his arms and held her tight.
“I don’t believe it…” Tears shone in her eyes.
- Please do not cry. You are a smart girl, keep your nose up, because you are a Proud girl!
She gave him the most intimate: the letters that she wrote to him every month on the 28th. I wrote, but did not dare to send.
He left, and again her busy life flowed as usual, but now She lived from meeting to meeting. Her 4th year at the university was one of the most difficult, so there was very little time left for partying, and she didn’t want to go anywhere, because She had Him. The only pity is that they rarely saw each other, once every two or three months - the service ended, and He was left to work in Kyiv.
All her friends were already jokingly escorting Her to Kyiv, preparing for their wedding, sharing the role of witnesses. His father, with whom She worked together, only smiled slyly when, after meeting with Him, She came to work tired, sleepy, with bags under her eyes, but with a happy smile on her face and cheerful demons in her eyes. Her parents rejoiced that their daughter came to life again, but they only told her: “Let it be what is best for you. You're already a grown woman." “First of all, I am a proud girl!” She added to herself.
Before Her graduation, He arrived for an hour and was very worried that He would not be able to congratulate Her on receiving her diploma - He was leaving on a business trip. He suggested that she think about what date to set the date for the wedding. These words of his scared her terribly. It is one thing to meet, to plan a common future, and quite another thing to get married. Moreover, she had other plans: a master's degree, then graduate school, and with such plans she had no time for a family, and certainly no time for raising children. It was she who tried to explain to Him, to which He only replied:
- I'll come back in August, and we'll talk about it later.
She spent the summer thinking about His words. She had never heard such an offer before. But He disappeared again - He did not call, He did not come, there was no news from Him. She did not want to ask his father or friends about anything, because She was a Proud girl.
Meanwhile, Her best friend was going to get married, on August 10, on the eve of the wedding, all the invited girls gathered for a "girl's party" in their favorite bar. In the midst of the fun She saw Him. Without saying a word, He went up to Her, took Her by the hand and led her out into the street. She did not recognize herself: like an obedient sheep She followed him and was ready to go even to the ends of the world. But He was something else, a stranger.
- Little bird, you know... a lot has changed, - He said, not looking at Her.
- What are you talking about? I do not understand anything.
"Wait, don't interrupt me," He continued. Do you remember our last conversation? Do you remember what I asked you? What will you answer me now?
- I ... I don't know ... What has changed for you, tell me?
- I want you to know: no matter what I say now, I love you very much, I won’t give you up to anyone and I’ll find you, even if you hide from me at the end of the world, even if you get married, I won’t forget you and won’t I'll leave it alone.
- What do you mean by that? Everything inside her broke. – What, after all, does it all mean, all these words of yours? Finally, what do you want from me?
“But what choice, what decision do you expect from me?” I can't get married now, I can't be with you. There are objective reasons for this.
- Yes ... so between "everything" and "nothing" you choose the latter? - She asked, not believing her ears.
- Yes. I choose the second. It will be better for both of us,” He replied without looking at Her.
- I understand. Thanks for the clarification, she managed.
“I’ll explain everything to you later, of course, but not now,” He said in an imploring voice, taking Her by the hand.
- No, you don't. Nothing is needed anymore, - She answered, pursing her lips and pulling her hand away.
Of course, only you are right. But you don’t want to listen to me and understand me,” He was offended.
- Is there anything else you wanted to say? – proudly throwing up her chin, she looked him straight in the eyes.
“No, forgive me,” he looked away.
- Well, then, then, if we have nothing more to talk about, with your permission, I will return to my friends, - She said firmly, turned and walked away from Him.
- Don't do this to me, please don't. Remember: you are mine, and always will be! He shouted after her.
- No, I'm not yours. Now I'm a draw, because I'm a proud girl! She whispered back.
Seeing nothing in front of her, She returned to the company, continued to have fun, and her heart was breaking from pain. She did not say anything to anyone about what had happened, and only firmly answered all questions: “I do not want to talk about this topic. Never". All the other friends did not immediately notice that something had changed - they simply stopped seeing them together. Outwardly, She remained cheerful, calm and imperturbable, and only tightly compressed lips and sadness in her eyes at the mention of His name spoke of how much it hurts Her.
Ironically, She did not see Him until November, although she regularly saw His father at work. A disgusting feeling: Her father pities the one who caused the pain, did not leave Her. VA did not feel sorry for Her, he simply tried to help Her, he fell in love with Her as his own daughter, saw Her as his daughter-in-law.
November 17th is Student's Day. And, although She was no longer a student, but a master's student, she herself taught at the university, for some reason She was really looking forward to this particular holiday. On this day, She held an Olympiad in Informatics at her native school, VA did not come to work "due to family reasons." When everyone had already dispersed, She was left alone in the whole school - the work was, as always, overwhelming. She did not notice how someone entered the office, she froze when she felt someone's hands on her shoulders. She turned around sharply ... He.
- You? For some reason she wasn't even surprised.
- Yes I. I came for you, - He hugged Her tightly, leaned over to kiss her, and a steady smell of fumes enveloped Her.
- You are drunk! She twitched to the side.
- No, I just drank a little - He staggered.
"I won't talk while you're in this state!" She jumped up from the table.
- Which one is it? – on His face appeared impudent smirk, He approached her closely.
“Go away, please, go away, I don’t want to see you, we have nothing else to talk about,” She was seriously frightened and slowly stepped back.
- Are you afraid of me? You can not be afraid of me, because you are a Proud girl? - He advanced, pressing her to the table.
What happened then, She saw for a very long time, every night in nightmares ...
After the rape, He muttered something like: “I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to happen like this” and left. For a long time she could not come to her senses, sat on the floor among scattered clothes, and kept repeating: “I hate, I hate!” Never before in her life had she felt so insulted, humiliated, trampled. And She did not want to cry at all, or rather, She simply could not cry now, in the afternoon, when her friends and parents could see her. She did not want anyone to know about her humiliation, because She was a Proud girl ...
“Everything that is done is for the better,” says the proverb. One night She woke up after another recurrence of a nightmare and realized that She was already healthy: She did not love Him, everything was gone. She is free from this destructive love! She has a new life! And it turned out to be a completely different life, colorful, fun, easy to manage. She was virtual.
His father, dear, kind VA, he understood everything, guessed what had happened, but did not show it and still treated Her as his daughter-in-law. And so, one April day, VA came to work upset.
- Something happened? She asked carefully.
- Yes, it happened. I didn't want to tell you. My fool decided to marry, - VA answered dejectedly.
- Yes? So, on the contrary, it’s good, now you will have a daughter, - She answered cheerfully, trying to stifle the growing pain in her soul.
- Chick, you know who I would like to see my daughter.
- This will never happen, and could never be, - She quietly objected.
- It could, if He wasn't such an idiot. Well, now, well - he riveted the lyalka, let him nurse, - VA stroked her hand. - And you still succeed, even if not now, then later, it simply cannot be otherwise for such a girl.
- Yes, it will be so, because I am a Proud girl! She tossed her head.
On the day of the wedding, She closed herself in her dorm room, turned on her favorite music at full volume, put a huge bouquet of her favorite daisies on the table and drank her favorite martini all day, and when night fell, sitting on the windowsill, she picked off the petals on the daisies, wondering why they always end with "love".
Human memory has a strange feature: to forget some events. You can forget almost everything, so She thought, until she met Him and her wife at the Ivan Kupala holiday. It was a strange evening. She absolutely did not feel superfluous when they rested all together in the same company. There were no reproaches, hints and omissions. Everything was, oddly enough, very nice and calm, until ...
Until the night came. He and his pregnant wife left early - they left for Kyiv early. She approached her entrance at about 2 o'clock and did not immediately notice the night visitor near the entrance doors. It was He... Of course, She knew with some feminine instinct that He would come to Her, but so soon...
Their conversation was not short, and came down to one thing: He loves Her, but He is already married and only She is to blame - this is how his chaotic monologue can be briefly conveyed. She listened to His words with a calm expression and replied:
- It's too late, it's already late.
He urged her to forgive, to give Him one more chance. But it was already just funny for her to look at him, she silently turned around and went home.
“Do you remember, I said that I would never give up on you and never leave you alone, no matter what happens,” He called after him.
- I remember everything, absolutely everything! She answered proudly.
- Then you know, I do not take back my words.
- And I do not change my mind, you also take this into account!
- Of course, you're a proud girl! He said bitterly.
- That's right, I'm a Proud girl, - She answered calmly, closing the door behind her.
Indeed, just like that, the biggest love in Her life just ended. Although this is probably not all. As they say in the series: to be continued ...
No matter what happened in Her life after this conversation, it's a completely different story. It is important that the New Year is coming - Her least favorite holiday. She knows that He will come home again, again at night he will look for Her everywhere. Everywhere, but not where She will be at this time. And She will come to the Bar with a bottle of her favorite martini in her hands, a festive mask on her eyes and a beaming happy smile on her face. She will have fun and congratulate friends, sing and dance on the table. She will do everything so that no one would guess that at that time a lonely girl was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the monitor with tearful eyes and repeating to herself: “Everything will be fine with me, it just cannot be otherwise. Happy New Year, Chick!" And everything will be exactly like this, because She is a Proud girl ...

    What woman can be called proud? I immediately recall Bulgakov's Margarita, who, despite the suffering and the seemingly sincere participation of her new "friends", did not say a word about how difficult it was for her.

    The first conclusion: a proud woman does not show her weakness to other people. Cry, complain in front of someone? God forbid, she just does not understand how you can live like this. This does not mean that she does not have a heart - she just used to carefully hide her negative emotions, giving them an outlet when she is sure that no one sees her. And those around (and even close friends) may seriously think that this woman is made from a piece of solid granite.

    She wants the best and knows she can get what she wants. Just for this you need to work on yourself, developing your virtues. She only needs the main role, for which she is ready to work. She is patient, because she knows that in order to achieve the desired result, you need to be able to wait. The proud lady confidently keeps herself in society, endearing herself to people, but this skill was not given to her right away - it is unlikely that she passed the path of trial and error.

    A proud woman is individual, she is interested in everything piece, unique, unparalleled. The same as herself. Like chooses like.

    Forcing yourself on someone? Yes, for nothing. If she sees a lack of initiative on the part of another person, she will simply leave, completing communication with him, thereby maintaining her self-esteem. She perfectly feels the mood of other people, instantly reacting to it, as a result of which she is one step ahead.

    Do not confuse pride with emotional coldness. If such a woman falls in love, then the object of her feelings can only be envied - she will be devoted to him, he will become the whole world for her. And again you involuntarily recall the main character of the immortal novel.

When a meaningful “Proud, or what?” is thrown after the girl, it sounds more insulting than enthusiastic. First you need to understand what this concept is. How to treat such a character trait: with caution or strive to develop it in yourself?

Knows his own worth

Pride, unlike pride, is called positive self-esteem, that is, the presence of a person and self-respect. When they say "proud girl", they mean the person who definitely knows her own worth. Not an arrogant person, but able to stand up for himself, defend his rights and his own point of view.

The same Angelica

When you say "proud girl," what character in a novel or film comes to mind? Of course, the red-haired Angelica, a character in the books of Anne and Serge Golon. How much she endured suffering, humiliation, insults, but did not break, did not lose faith in herself and her future. Yes, this character is fictional, but there are women who can be admired endlessly: their perseverance, courage and inner strength.

Work on your weaknesses

She has her weaknesses, which she does not like to advertise and show to others. She is used to hiding the negative, and finds a way out for him in solitude when no one is around. Some people think that this is not a person, but a piece of stone: soulless and not subject to normal. They are deeply mistaken. This girl keeps herself confident, respects herself and others, and knows which weak character traits need to be especially worked on.

What do men like

Do men like it? Let's try to understand which character the girl especially evokes sympathy for:

  • Having a sense of humor.
  • Kindness.
  • Accuracy.
  • Generosity.
  • The ability to care.
  • Ability and willingness to listen.
  • Individuality.
  • A bit of bitterness.

Do you agree that without humor, communication will be insipid? And kindness in men is associated with the sincerity of the mother. If a girl is sloppy, few people will like it. Generosity has a continuation of kindness and care. Men love to be listened to. Such a quality as the ability to listen is worth its weight in gold, rare people possess it. Individuality only emphasizes the personality of a person. When a girl shows her eccentricity, it means that she is a “proud girl” to some extent. And a little bitch will not hurt anyone, because a certain sharpness in a relationship should be present. Oddly enough, but absolutely insipid, it will make a man find the thrill of sensations on the side.

As for the signs of the horoscope ...

If we translate these qualities into any of the signs of the horoscope, then they are most suitable for Scorpio. People of this sign have a strong will, a huge supply of energy, often win. Detractors believe that they are lucky, or that their circumstances have developed so well. A strong, purposeful, proud Scorpio girl scares and attracts men like a magnet. It is in it that there is the same bitch that was discussed above. And if you consider that the character of a Scorpio girl necessarily implies sexuality and sensitivity, then you can only shrug why men are crazy about "scorpions". Truly sexy and sensual proud!

Half of the divorces occur because the pride and ignorance of women in family relationships is amazing. Instead of developing their wisdom, as women, many begin to show with all their might that she is smarter than her man, so everything should be as she decided. And not feeling his authority, a man begins to create more problems by refusing to fulfill his duties. As a result, grievances accumulate like a snowball and the family breaks up. Moreover, someone has a desire to study relationships. Only they realize this with the help of a “zombie box”, in which there are such training programs as serials, TV shows, intrigues, crime, treason, showdown, and so on. And then all this on a subconscious level, when the opportunity arises, is realized in a relationship. And they are proud of the fact that they know a lot. But is it wisdom? Controversial question.

Proud woman

No wonder they say: “Proud, but lonely!”

This pride arises from the fact that a woman believes that she knows better how to build relationships, but this is ridiculous! How does she know if she's never studied it? She is the guardian of the hearth and the fortress of the family depends on her. Yes, a woman is smart, but without intelligence is a problem! In order to somehow control your mind, you need to study relationships, and I do not get tired of repeating this.
What do men want?

Ask any man if he wants to be an authority in the family? The answer is obvious. What is really happening? When a man wants something to be the way he decided, he will definitely meet a bunch of pretexts addressed to him. A woman is smart and she can bombard a man with arguments so that he has no choice but to get angry in order to emerge victorious in a dispute.

But a man is by nature reasonable if he strives for knowledge, responsibility, activity and seriousness. That's just, if you met such a golden husband, and behave with him as if he were not worth a penny as a man, then you will achieve that he will spit on everything and launch a "relationship destruction program." Moreover, he will do this quite easily - he will simply cease to realize the above qualities. But believe me, despite this, he will continue to try to be an authority in the family.
Relationship destruction process

This process of destruction of relations can be stopped! Just put aside your pride, learn the duties of a woman, and do your best to raise your husband's authority in your family. And it doesn't matter how you live - alone or with your parents. Stop humiliating your man by rejecting his authority, and he will stop humiliating you as his authority grows in the eyes of the family. He will automatically begin to take the position of fulfilling his - male duties.

Don't make the mistake of a woman taking on the responsibilities of a man. If the family is falling apart, you need to start struggling to be a woman and not a man, otherwise you will completely kill your relationship. Since neither you can be near a humiliated man, nor a man will remain with such a wife. Of course, there are “rags” in themselves, but we still consider recommendations on how to be a real man and woman.

Equality in the family

There are families in which they share decision making together, so to speak, two authorities in a relationship. Everything would be fine - they live quietly, peacefully, but are you sure that they have no difficulties? Studies have shown that it is in such families that the majority of secret betrayals by both spouses occur. Why secret? Because they agreed not to create conflicts! If in the first case, when there are eternal disputes, quarrels and conflicts due to the fact that a woman does not allow her husband to be an authority, then they very soon “let know” about their own betrayals, since they subconsciously make mistakes in order to make each other more painful friend.

There used to be an old Russian proverb:

"Mind without reason is trouble."

Therefore, if a man does not develop his mind, and a woman does not rely on her husband's mind with her mind, that is, she does not consciously control her behavior. That such a family expects a lot of difficulties. You can see situations like this all the time. When a man is unreasonable, he begins to take women's duties upon himself, and when a woman does not rely on her husband's reason and authority, but is proud of her mind, then she begins to take on men's duties. As a result, both spouses do not respect each other, quarrel and conflict, and then not far from betrayal. But not in all cases, of course, everything leads to betrayal, since different people have their own principles in life and it is required to proceed from specific situations.

Why is a woman respected in the family?

So, proud and alone. Why is this happening? But because it is required to be suitable for your husband, and not for yourself. It is necessary to accept and grow his authority, then such a woman will be respected by everyone. A woman has tremendous power to make a rag out of a good man, and a good man out of a rag. If a woman is proud of herself, destroying her husband, then no one will respect such a woman, since she could not do the main thing - to save and warm her hearth! Do not confuse with respected female careerists, in this case they are respected not as women, but as successful businessmen, and these are already women who have taken on men's responsibilities and they have slightly different difficulties in relationships.

And now let's talk about the other side of the coin, otherwise the female half has already decided that I accuse them of all sins. A man who does not have a male core is unlikely to be worthy of the respect of his wife, and even more so will not become her authority. What is a male core?

"The male core is responsibility, activity, seriousness and the desire for knowledge."

If a man does not develop these qualities in himself, then it will be very difficult for a woman to accept him as an authority in her life. And how to do this if she is not sure of his reasonableness? How competent is he in making decisions? Who taught him this? Figured it out myself? Is he sure he made the right decision? How did he check it? You can go on and on asking such questions, but they have the same meaning - in order for a man to realize masculine qualities, he needs to learn family relationships, taking someone's authority as an example.

“A psychologist is someone who, for a considerable fee, asks you the same questions as his wife.”

Please note that this humorous expression carries a serious meaning. A woman is smart, so she will always ask a man clear questions that always need to know the answers! And in order to know the answers, you need to have a male core and know much more than school and university education gives.

"It is better to do one's duties badly than someone else's well."

Where does a woman's pride come from?

A "proud woman" is when a woman performs men's duties very well! She tells her man that she does better what he should do, thereby trampling him into the very dirt. And do you think such a family will last long? And if they are together all their lives for some reason, will they be happy together? The answer is obvious.

The "authority of a man" is the unconditional acceptance of his views on life and his decisions in all aspects of life. That is, the wife gets married - she stands behind her husband, defends herself by her husband, accepts his authority. But how to do this if a man does not fulfill his male duties?

In general, this article is just a recommendation to think about your relationships and positions in the family. After reading it, try to relate the new information to yourself, given your character. Look at your relationship from the outside, maybe one of the above is your difficulty, which you can now solve.
