Game program with Santa Claus. Scenario of the New Year's holiday "Santa Frost's Confectionery Factory" Video Santa Claus at home game program

The competitive game program is designed for an audience of different ages. Competitions can be held by both parents and guests of the holiday (in the scenario Host).

Cheerful Christmas music sounds. Guests gather in the main room.

Host: Happy New Year 2018 everyone! I wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes in the new year. Has everyone written letters to Santa Claus?

Guests: Yes.

Presenter: oh, my phone is ringing, it seems to be Santa Claus. Let's hear what he has to say.

Audio recording or call from an adult:

"Santa Claus: hello guys! All year I've been preparing to meet you guys, it froze the snow, hung icicles in the forests and cities, sprinkled roads with snow on your glasses, painted, prepared gifts - went to the toy factory, and now I was about to sit in a sleigh, but only my magic staff, which knows how to fulfill desires not to glow, which means can't do magic. One snowflake disappeared on my staff - a magical one that fulfills wishes. What to do now! I won't put my mind to it! Help me friends to find a snowflake. »

Host: don't worry Grandpa, we'll help you, right, friends?

Guests: Yes.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost was riding to us through the forest. So you need to search there. There are many Christmas trees growing in the forest, and who knows what grows on Christmas trees? That's right, bumps! Therefore, now we will collect cones, and in order to make it more fun, we will be divided into two teams of girls and boys (or children and adults). I will give each team a bucket for cones. The team that collects the most cones wins.

The game "Collect the cones" in advance in the room where the holiday takes place, you need to spread the cones. During the game, guests collect cones in buckets.

Count the bumps. Reveal the winning team.

Host: and now the task is getting more complicated, each team takes the cones and hides them, one team hides the cones to my right, the other to my left. (It is important to clearly define the boundaries where each team needs to hide. For example: one team hides from the door to the table, the other from the table to the window). And now the teams change places and look for bumps hidden by the opposing team. The team that finds all the opponent's cones wins.

The game "Collect the bumps" stage 2.

Host: great! The cones have been collected, now you need to decorate the garland with these cones. To do this, I give each team a garland; your task is to decorate it with cones as soon as possible.

Garland decoration game.

Host: You and I have made excellent garlands, let's decorate our Christmas tree with them!

Decorate the Christmas tree.

Leading: in the forest, we didn’t find anything except cones, maybe Santa Claus lost a magic snowflake in the city? Finding a snowflake in the city will not be easy, so I suggest making snowmen helpers for us. For this we need team captains. Teams choose your captains (Captains are chosen) I give each captain such a large T-shirt, team members will need to collect small snowballs from the floor and put them in T-shirts so that your captains become round and look like snowmen.

Competition "Snowmen" T-shirts for captains should be several sizes larger than the captains themselves, the hem of the T-shirt must either be tied up or an elastic band must be sewn onto the hem first. As snowballs, you can use small white balls or white sheets of paper crumpled into lumps.

Presenter: what beautiful snowmen we got. And which one is prettier? In order to determine this, we will arrange a defile of snowmen. Now our snowmen will need to beautifully walk around the room to the music and at the same time not lose their snowballs. And we will applaud them. According to the volume of applause, we will choose the most beautiful snowman.

"Snowman Defile"

Presenter: our snowmen showed themselves in all their glory. But we never found the snowflake. Let's try to look at the toy factory, maybe Santa Claus lost it there. For the new year, toys also want a holiday, so now everyone takes their favorite toy and dances with it. But as soon as I say "exchange" you all need to switch toys. Important - no one can dance in this dance with the toy with which they have already danced.

Dance with toys. Each of the guests dances with a toy. The host says “Exchange” several times, it becomes more and more difficult to change each time.

Leading: and now we will have fun with toys with snow riddles. To do this, we need to stand in a circle, and leave one toy - a dog. We will pass it in a circle from hand to hand, and as soon as the music stops, the one who has the dog will guess New Year's riddles.

Competition "Mysteries"

They spin in a beautiful dance

In the palms of the guys lie down

But only with your breath you warm her

There will be a drop in your palm.


Hanging from the roof and from the window

Winter hangs them there.


Grass grew in the meadow

But winter has come again

I don't understand what lies in the yard

It's up to my knee


Nose - carrot, three balls

Gathers the kids

Out of nowhere a friend arose

His name is... (Snowman)

Rose dressed up, mom dressed up

And they forgot to dress up her beauty

In the new year, a fluffy green girl

Must dress up with us

(Christmas tree)

Leading: even if the toys did not find a magic snowflake, then only New Year's magic will help us find it. To do this, we will turn to the box with predictions. Each of you will need to put your hand into this box and pull New Year's predictions out of it.

Competition "Predictions" guests draw predictions that are written on pieces of snowflakes. When all the predictions are taken out of the box, then you can collect a snowflake from them.


  1. On a glorious New Year's holiday

A fairy tale will come to your house.

  1. This good new year

It will bring you wealth.

  1. Fun in the new year

In a land of distant adventure.

  1. Suddenly appear in your life

Interesting new friend.

  1. Get it in the new year

For achievements gold medal.

  1. Look into the new year

You catch luck by the tail.

  1. This good new year

It will bring you a lot of love.

Leading: Look, this is our magic snowfield. Let's collect it! (collect) And now let's put it under the Christmas tree, turn off the light, all together close our eyes and say the magic words. Snow, blizzard, frost and ice

Make your wishes come true in the New Year.

While the spell is being cast, the snowflake disappears.

Leading: something is wrong guys, the lights on the Christmas tree did not light up, and miracles in the New Year are impossible without a sparkling Christmas tree. Let's please our Christmas tree with the main New Year's song.

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds, the guests of the holiday stand in a circle, lead a round dance and sing a song.

The tree is on fire. The presenter answers the call from Santa Claus:

“Santa Claus: Oh, thanks guys for helping me find my magic snowflake! Now I’ll quickly deliver the gifts to you, you just go to bed on New Year’s Eve, and I’ll come, quietly hide the gifts under the Christmas tree, there you will find them on the morning of January 1st. Now I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Let the new year come to the house

And illuminates you with good

Good luck let you smile

And the sun shines through your window

I congratulate you on the new year

(On the podium near the elegant Christmas tree, at the back on the right side, there is a New Year's tower. The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out of the tower.)

Snow Maiden:

I'm glad to see you

In the magical New Year's hour!

You didn't come here in vain

We'll have a great time!

Let winter circle outside the window

And we, friends, will start playing!

Let's not take it seriously

Who is this Santa Claus!


To the statements of the Snow Maiden, the audience answers “yes” as a sign of agreement and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

He always walks with a staff, there is a fur coat and a beard ...
He brings his snowy granddaughter with him on New Year's Eve ...
Santa Claus gives ladies New Year's bouquets of roses...
Hiding sweet gifts from children in a bright box...
On a holiday, you will dance perfectly After a glass of "Stolichnaya" ...
He misses the Christmas tree, He doesn't notice anyone...
He jokes, laughs merrily, If the holiday is successful ..
Years are not terrible for him, if the Snow Maiden is young ..
He eats a big bag of candy for lunch...
He will shoot from the firecracker, And then he will sing ditties ...
He doesn't congratulate anyone, He doesn't play games with us...
It will puff like a steam locomotive And sprinkle dichlorvos...
He puts on a panama And walks under the sun ...
Having eaten a big cutlet, Beckons to the Christmas tree with candy ...
He will drink tea slowly Frost is a kind soul ...
He never upsets, He gives gifts to everyone ...

Snow Maiden:

There is an old saying

For men, this sign:

Who is the snow on New Year's Eve

He will take from the Snow Maiden,

A whole year of that luck

Will lead you.

You men don't sit

And catch my snowballs!
(The Snow Maiden throws 5 snowballs to the men sitting in the auditorium - small balls wrapped in cotton wool and covered with gauze.)

Snow Maiden:

It was not an easy task

Good luck helped you!

Come out five lucky ones

Get a hotel!
(5 men rise to the podium with snowballs.)

Snow Maiden:

Then I'll give guests,

And now, a surprise for you:

Announce, lucky ones,

You are not joking, but seriously

The contestants of the program "Come on, Grandfather Frost!"

It's impossible to be here without you;
(to the hall:) Let's slap them, friends!
(The audience applauds the newcomers to the New Year's competition program.)

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa always has

Fur coat, hat, beard

He is in New Year's dress

Walks like a parade!

Competition "New Year's Grandfather"

Everyone will come!


A chair is placed in front of each contestant, on which lies a fur coat, a hat and a cotton beard. Men put on a Santa Claus costume in 1 minute (the fur coat should be tied up with a satin sash attached to it). The winner is the one who first "turned" into the New Year's Grandfather.

Snow Maiden:

I now have five grandfathers,

Everyone is just top notch!

There is also a first winner

Let's clap for him now!
(To the audience's applause, the contestants are pinned on their chests with a white snowflake with a serial number, and the winner of the first competition also has a silver snowflake on the bottom of their fur coat.)

Snow Maiden:

Every New Year's grandfather

Both an entertainer and a poet;

Apply your ingenuity

Near the Christmas tree is not a pity!

I announce the competition deftly:

"New Year's Eve"!


On a sheet of drawing paper, the word "Christmas tree" is encrypted. The most ingenious Santa Claus is pinned on a fur coat with a silver snowflake. Sheet inscription: MÖSLIKPA

Snow Maiden:

Certainly not a secret

Grandpa has a present!

He carries it with him

And gives to everyone who is waiting!

This present is good and sweet;

Giveaway Contest!


A stool with a large tray is placed in front of the contestants, on which there is an elegant gift wrapping. There are sweets next to the package. A silver snowflake is awarded to the one who puts all the candies in a gift box in 1 minute.

Snow Maiden:

Everyone knows - Santa Claus

Brought a Christmas tree for the holiday!

coniferous beauty

Everyone loves it for sure!

prickly needle

Gives the competition "Yolochka"!


Each contestant receives a green paper sheet in A4 format and scissors. A silver snowflake is earned by a contestant who manages to cut a large (full sheet), even Christmas tree within 1 minute.

Snow Maiden:

They love Grandpa and wait

In the New Year and there, and here!

He is cheerful and playful

A welcome guest, of all people!

My Grandfathers, attention:

Competition for you - "Soul of the company"!


The owner of the silver snowflake will be Grandfather, who will gather the largest company in the auditorium in 3 minutes and bring it to the podium.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa loves kids

Both girls and boys!

He doesn't forget about them.

Jokes and plays with them!

Competition, where Grandfather will appear again

- "Gifts for little fidgets"!


The company that each Grandfather gathered in the previous competition personifies children - they stand on the podium. Grandfathers take a New Year's chest under the tree, take out one leaflet with the text of a riddle about children's fun from it, after which, in order of priority, they guess it to their “children's” company, honoring the most ingenious with a sweet prize.

The girl is obedient, Quiet, not boring; Closes eyes, falls asleep quickly. (Doll)
The house rides on wheels, Well, it's cozy in it. He will wink with a yellow eye And take him to play with him. (Car)
You can build whatever you want out of it. It's interesting and easy, If you have a mind. (Constructor)
A clockwork centipede runs along two paths, Friends run behind - She can't live without them. (Locomotive with wagons)

Maryushka-sisters Blush chubby, They climb into each other - They play hide and seek. (Matryoshka)

The audience gives Grandfather a storm of applause, who, in their opinion, showed himself better than the others in this competition - a silver snowflake is pinned on him.

Snow Maiden:

Well of course it's not a question.

Does Santa Claus drink?

He is a glass of "Capital"

At the hour of fun, he will personally accept!

Happy holiday undivided

We will hold a competition "Fortified"!


Competitors receive a tablet with a leaflet on which alcoholic drinks are listed: cognac, liqueur, rum, Martini, liqueur, champagne. In 1 minute, they must arrange the alcoholic drinks in ascending order of strength, that is, number the drinks, starting from the weakest and ending with the strongest - it should look like this:
1. Champagne (9%)
2. Liquor (15%)
3.Martini (16%)
4. Pouring (20%)
5. Rum (35%)
6. Cognac (40%)

The most competent Santa Claus receives a silver snowflake.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus does not get tired

Near the Christmas tree will dance

After all, that's what the New Year

For the people to be happy!

(to the contestants) Santa Claus, hurry up

Dance from the heart!


It sounds like a dance, the contestants all dance together on the podium. The best dancer is determined by audience applause - he is awarded a silver snowflake.

Snow Maiden:

Congratulations on the New Year

Likes to talk people

Wishing good and happiness

In the hour of fun ahead!

Let's have fun at full speed

If the contest "Happy New Year!"


Contestants on the rights of Santa Clauses, in order of priority, congratulate everyone sitting in the hall on the New Year. A silver snowflake is pinned to the one who was more actively applauded by the audience.

Snow Maiden:

All Frosts are good -

They spoke from the heart!

And what a beloved grandfather,

I want to give you an answer!

So it's very hard to answer

Everything can be solved by playing!


Santa Clauses form a circle and stretch one arm forward. The blindfolded Snow Maiden touches their hands for 1 minute, determining by touch which one she likes best. After the time has elapsed, the Snow Maiden is untied and she introduces her beloved Grandfather to the audience - the lucky one receives an additional snowflake.

Snow Maiden:

And now the time has come

To the winner all together

We will applaud!

Come on Grandpa, don't wait

Show me your coats!
(The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds. The Snow Maiden counts the silver snowflakes on the fur coats of Santa Clauses. The winner of the New Year's competition program is awarded a prize, the rest of the contestants are given sweet gifts for participation, previously promised by the Snow Maiden. Then Santa Claus goes backstage to the general applause.)

Snow Maiden:

May this glorious New Year

It will bring you much happiness!

May wishes come true;

And I say goodbye - goodbye!

(To the tune of a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" The Snow Maiden, waving her hand to the audience, leaves the podium.)

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1 Scenario of the Republican contest of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens "YELKA-FEST" "New Year's commotion!" (plot-game program) Purpose: creating a festive New Year's mood in children through their active participation in the plot-game program "New Year's Trouble!" Tasks: 1. To teach children to expressively perform musical, dance, poetic numbers. 2. Develop children's creativity and communication skills. 3. To educate students in a culture of behavior in the form of fairy-tale characters. 4. To develop in children emotional responsiveness to the fairy-tale characters of the plot-game program. Target audience: students in grades 1-4. Characters: Santa Claus; Snow Maiden; Snowmen; Props: - mirror; - computer keyboard; - Kids toys; - box; - 2 cubes; one

2 - surprise snowballs; The course of the event Santa Claus sings the song "I have not worked in vain all year." Santa Claus: I worked all year for good reason, It's time for me to go. The last sheet of the calendar Remained on the wall. The last sheet of the calendar Remained on the wall. So that the Christmas tree for the new year Put on its outfit, I take toys on a hike Gifts for the guys. I take toys on a hike. Gifts for children. At this time, the Snow Maiden and the Snowmen collect gifts for the children. Santa Claus: Granddaughter, who do we have next on the list? The Snow Maiden sits down in front of the mirror, picks up a computer keyboard. Snow Maiden: Now I'll ask our magic mirror. So, New Year's password! (The sound of turning on the system) The Snow Maiden asks a question to the mirror. Snow Maiden: My light, mirror, tell me! Yes, tell the whole truth! Open the file with the list of children who will receive gifts from Santa Claus. Mirror Voice: System Crash, System Crash Mirror locked. Programs destroyed by virus HOLIDAY NO! NO HOLIDAYS! NO HOLIDAYS! Snow Maiden: Grandpa, something happened to the magic mirror! Santa Claus: Hey, hey, hey! How so! After all, this mirror is a guide to the New Year! Without it, there will be no holiday, and we will not be able to give gifts to the guys! 2

3 Refers to the mirror The mirror is magic, glass-modern! Give today you the answer, What should we do? Or not! Voice of the mirror: Laughter, smiles, Childish joy will help you, and now I will tell you without mistake, Then the New Year will come. Snow Maiden: That's who will help us, grandfather! Hello guys! Santa Claus: Hello girls and boys! Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost and I were going to your holiday! But the magic mirror has become infected with a terrible virus! And to cure it, we need your help! Tell me, will you help? (Children answer) Then, today we will play, have fun, dance! First, we need to check the temperature of the fun room! Girls, are you ready to have some fun? If yes, then shout loudly, Hurray! Boys, let's not let us down and raise the temperature with a loud EU! Santa Claus: Guys, tell me, would you like all your dreams to come true in the coming year? Snow Maiden: Well, you, Grandpa, asked! Who doesn't want this! Santa Claus: Then only here and only today for everyone who makes a wish and repeats after us the code words “NEW YEAR IS A GREAT YEAR! HE WILL BRING US HAPPINESS!”, the wish will come true! Ready? Congratulations on the New Year, Warmth to everyone, good luck. Cheer game "New Year is a great year!" All together: “NEW YEAR IS A GREAT YEAR! HE WILL BRING US HAPPINESS!" 3

4 Snow Maiden: We sincerely wish everyone Health and big awards All together: “NEW YEAR IS A GREAT YEAR! HE WILL BRING US HAPPINESS!" Santa Claus: So that the best is desired, The best comes true, All together: “NEW YEAR IS A GREAT YEAR! HE WILL BRING US HAPPINESS!" Snow Maiden: More fun with friends, be a good friend yourself! All together: “NEW YEAR IS A GREAT YEAR! HE WILL BRING US HAPPINESS!" Mirror voice: Anti-virus program successfully activated. Snow Maiden: Guys, it seems we are succeeding! We are doing everything right! Let's keep raising the temperature of the fun! And now we invite you to a small but very exciting journey on a magical train! Grandfather Frost will be the main locomotive, and you will be funny wagons. Funny wagons, let's get up together and repeat the movements of the "Main Locomotive"! And who is the "Main Engine"? Well, of course, (children answer) Santa Claus! The game "Steam locomotive Santa Claus" The guys repeat the movements of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Rides, rides a locomotive, Without a pipe and without wheels! Steam locomotive, steam locomotive! Steam locomotive Santa Claus. four

5 Stop. Stop Khlopotushkino! Rides, rides a locomotive, Without a pipe and without wheels! Steam locomotive, steam locomotive! Steam locomotive Santa Claus. Stop. Stop Topotushkino! Rides, rides a locomotive, Without a pipe and without wheels! Steam locomotive, steam locomotive! Steam locomotive Santa Claus. Stop. Stop Poprygaikino! Rides, rides a locomotive, Without a pipe and without wheels! Steam locomotive, steam locomotive! Steam locomotive Santa Claus. Stop. Stop Dancevalkino! Voice of the Mirror: Database Recovery. Snow Maiden: The magic mirror comes to life! So we are on the right track! Guys, after all, the New Year holiday should be fun, bright, unforgettable, and, of course, delicious! So right now, let's bake a New Year's Cake treat! And since the pie will be apple, it is necessary to prepare apple jam. Game "New Year's Pie" Let's try to grate apples for jam (rub palm on palm, saying "Shur-shur!"). We are rehearsing. Apple jam! The children are doing the task. 5

6 Santa Claus: And now you need to knead the dough, depicting the necessary movements (one hand on the other, clenched into fists, “stir the dough”), saying, “Puff-puff!” Rehearsing! "Dough mixer!" The children are doing the task. Snow Maiden: And now we need to light the oven, repeating these words “Matches are not a toy for children”! We are rehearsing. Oven! The children are doing the task. Santa Claus: We beat the squirrels, clicking the tongue. We are rehearsing. "Whipper"! The children are doing the task. Snow Maiden: And now we are all decorating our “New Year's Pie” together, saying “Chok-chok!” (with one hand, then with the other, alternately, we throw up a “pinch”). We are rehearsing. Decoration! The children are doing the task. Santa Claus: Well done, and we all admire “Wow!!!” We are rehearsing. Delight! The children are doing the task. After the rehearsal, the guys perform the task with a gradual acceleration. Snow Maiden: We are starting to bake the New Year's Pie! Cooking "apple jam"! The children are doing the task. Santa Claus: "Dough mixer" stirs the dough! The children are doing the task. Snow Maiden: We put the cake in the "Oven"! The children are doing the task. Santa Claus: Egg Beater! The children are doing the task. Snow Maiden: "Decoration" of the pie! The children are doing the task. Santa Claus: "Admiration"! The children are doing the task. Mirror Voice: System reboot. Santa Claus: The temperature is rising! Guys, the magic mirror likes how we have fun. And me with the Snow Maiden too. For your efforts, we give you surprise snowballs. To the cheerful music, the Snowmen distribute “surprise snowballs” to the children, inside of which there is a sweet treat and a New Year's wish. 6

7 The mirror turns over to the magic music. Voice of the Mirror: The Magic Mirror is ready to go! Snow Maiden: Guys, your smiles, joy and laughter helped destroy the virus! Santa Claus: And this means that we are on the threshold of the New Year 2017!!! Musical number Snow Maiden: It's time, friends! You need to forgive! We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts! Santa Claus: Let the New Year be met together by both adults and kids! Snow Maiden: Today, meeting the New Year, We congratulate you guys! Santa Claus: We wish you a nice rest! Snow Maiden: Laugh, sing and dance! Together: Happy New Year, friends! 7

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"Farewell to the tree" 2017 To the music, children of the middle, senior (preparatory) groups enter the hall. They sit down. Time runs forward and forward, And the New Year came to us, friends! He brought gifts to all of us

The arrival of Santa Claus is a traditional episode in the scenario of any New Year's holiday, which is why it is important to make it original and fun, so that it would be interesting to the artist himself, the audience, and so that the appearance of Santa Claus does not turn into a boring action known to everyone by heart. And if this is even more so, you can’t spoil the New Year’s fairy tale for children.

Proposed scenario of a game moment with Santa Claus suitable for a family holiday where many children gathered, for a children's matinee (middle or older group) or it can be anyone. Here, children will be able to make some noise, and play, and dance an unusual round dance, and take part in an animation, and most importantly, receive long-awaited gifts,

D to organize a sceneyou will need:

- Large footprints, animal footprints drawn

- Large DM gauntlet for a surprise moment

- A bag with presents

- Musical accompaniment (included)

Game moment "Santa Claus at a children's holiday"

Knocking with his staff, Santa Claus enters and, as it were, sings (recorded as a plus)

Father Frost:

Hello parents, teachers and children!

I was in such a hurry, I ran like the wind

And I flew in despite the weather

To a happy new year!

Yes, how could I not come here!

Here is a Christmas tree, laughter, serpentine, confetti,

And the time according to the new calendar,

And if you want, I will give you

Luck and joy for a thousand days,

And new stories. And new friends

Then happiness will surely come

Celebrate the New Year together!

Father Frost: I see that smart guys have already gathered here, who are already celebrating not the first New Year in their lives? And then tell me when we celebrate this holiday in winter or summer? (children answer) Does everyone love winter? Maybe more summer? Now I will find out who loves winter more and who loves summer. I will talk about what happens in our nature, if you know that it happens only in summer - stomp your feet, if in winter - clap your hands. But first I want to hear how you stomp? (kids stomp) How about clapping? (clapping) And now we stomp if it is a summer phenomenon, and we clap - only if it is a winter phenomenon, right? Started!

(It is better to conduct such a noise maker or a shout-out at the beginning because it helps to activate the mood and attention of children)

New Year's Noise Maker of Santa Claus for Children "In Winter or Summer"

Rain dripping in the morning (stomp)

A child rides on a sled (clapping)

Flowers bloomed all around (stomp)

Frosty pattern outside the window (clapping)

Picking berries from grandma's garden (clapping)

We are spinning in a festive round dance (clapping)

You can swim and sunbathe (stomp)

And pick mushrooms in the forest (stomp)

Santa Claus is coming (clapping)

Chilling cheeks and nose (clapping)

Santa Claus runs and gently pinches and tickles the kids.

Father Frost: Oh, and out of breath while running and pinching. But I wanted to start a round dance, only our Christmas tree is not burning, such a turn. Can you count, well, at least one, two, three? And then we count, and then we shout to the Christmas tree: “Burn!”

So, we consider together: “One, two, three, our Christmas tree -“ Burn! ”

Something the tree does not burn,

So no one is screaming

All the kids need to scream

And most importantly loud and friendly.

Let's try again.

One, two, three, our Christmas tree - “Burn!”

Children's Christmas animation "Dance of Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Now you can lead a round dance. And do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Dedmorozovsky dance. Let's stretch the arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show, and you repeat after me:

(to download - click the file)

Text(if done to a different musical accompaniment)

Raised the right arm (raise and bend at the elbow)

Raised the left arm (too)

They clapped their hands, clapped (clap)

Feet stomped, stomped (stomp)

twirled one way, twirled the other way

And now to the music with adults.

Hands raised up (raise) how the trees shook (shake)

Neighbor's right ear pulled (pull)

Neighbor's left ear pulled (pull)

Higher than the handle, who is higher?

Aye well done! And now, my little people, join the round dance! But before we start dancing, let's play a couple of times.

Game for the New Year's round dance "And I, and I"

Father Frost: I will now read quatrains to myself, and I would like to know if you girls and boys agree with me. If you kids also do the way I do or love the same thing, then shout: “Iya, and I”, and if you don’t agree, then shout together: “No, not me”,

I love to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

In the summer I hide in my cold, turning my fur coat out ... (children answer: “No, not me”)

I like to play hide and seek with my friends and, of course, chocolates ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

I also love all sorts of sweets and New Year's relay races. ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

Relay race "Traces"

Sounds like music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Father Frost: Have you ever seen Bigfoot? (answer) I didn’t see it either, but I managed to see its tracks, and I reproduced these tracks so that you can follow these tracks. And I think you have seen animal tracks and even know who they belong to. (survey following).

(to download - click the file)

And now we will form 2 equal teams and find out whose team will quickly follow the footsteps of Bigfoot. The condition is that the first team members follow only the tracks, they return back running not in the tracks and pass the baton to the second team members, etc., until everyone has passed. Clear? Then they started.

(game in progress)

New Year's children's animation "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

(to download - click the file)

(everyone is dancing)

Father Frost: Guys, where are my gloves? While I was dancing with you, I lost my mittens, let's all look for them together, help out Santa Claus (children will be able to find one, and the second (large) - Santa Claus brings from another room or specially hides in advance in the hall and finds it himself)

Now I'm wearing gloves. (Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put on my mitten. Well, it's thick on the inside.

Yes, it's not simple: There are gifts, look!

(Hands out small gifts to children, takes out the rest of the gifts to each of the bag)

Father Frost: Well, friends, you need to say goodbye

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Let NG meet together

Both adults and kids!

To fulfill hope

All cherished desires

To again, as before,

Parting became a meeting

So that the year passes like an hour,

Let's say goodbye now.

Wait - next year

I will come here again

to see your faces

The holiday will repeat again.

Let's become a round dance again.

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

The game ends with a fun round dance.

(to download - click the file)


That's all we have today - the Christmas tree, and the guests, and Olivier, and music.

Only now there are no main New Year's characters, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are something late.

Although you know, Santa Claus every year becomes more absent-minded, more forgetful, hard of hearing ... He probably walks around the city and does not know where to look for us.

And we, as hospitable hosts, need to prepare for this.

I propose to meet him with fireworks. Do you agree? Let's rehearse then!
The left side of the hall is red fireworks - you will clap your hands. The middle part of the hall is yellow fireworks, you will stomp your feet loudly.
And the right side is blue, you will shout "Hurrah!" So let's start. Red! Blue! Yellow! Together! (game with spectators)
Well, you are ready to meet Santa Claus, all that remains is to call him. Let's call him loudly - loudly, so that he is guided by the sound? According to tradition, you need to do this three times. Started! (Santa Claus!)
And now fireworks! Red! Blue! Yellow!

Father Frost: Did you call grandpa?
LEADING: Called!
Father Frost : Hello, kids, girls and boys! Wow! I have never seen such a big boy! Hey kid, how old are you? BUT? I can't hear well! Yah! Thirty? Why did you come to the matinee without a child?
LEADING: DM! Well, you get it all wrong every time! We do not have a children's party, but a New Year's party for adults.
Father Frost: That's bad luck! And I was preparing, I taught rhymes, songs ... Well, forgive me for not wearing a tuxedo!
LEADING: So, do you only have a children's repertoire?
Father Frost: Why is it childish? I have every repertoire ... (walks around the hall, meets girls, makes dates)
LEADING: Grandpa, wow!
Father Frost: By the way, who are you?
LEADING: I am the host of this evening.
Father Frost: Leading... And what are you doing tonight?
LEADING: Grandpa, let's move on to the New Year theme. For example, why are you alone? Where did you lose your granddaughter, the Snow Maiden?
Father Frost: How lost? Here she is, my vnu ... And really, where is she? Was just around!
LEADING: Well, well, I stared at our girls, but I didn’t keep track of my granddaughter!
Father Frost: Yes, I have her so absent-minded, so amorous - either she counts snowflakes, then she looks at the guys, It's all the prankster Lel - he called her on a date - she melted with happiness. What to do - youth!
LEADING: Then let's choose a Snow Maiden for you from our guests. Wow how many of them...

Snow Maiden elections: 4 girls: 1) a poem on my knees 2) sing a song (New Year's ditties) 3) defile "Miss 20 .."
(Choose by applause)

LEADING: In the meantime, the Snow Maiden is preparing to leave, a little story about New Year's holiday!
Was he originally met in Rus'? (in March), then? (in September). And after the order? (Petra1) in a year? (1700) began to celebrate January 1. There were carnivals and festivities. games and fun, skiing from the mountains. Mummers walked in the villages. Guys and girls on the eve of the holiday rolled clods of snow and threw them into the well. Whose lump was bigger, happiness awaited him.
Closer to midnight, everyone sat down at the festive tables and joyfully greeted N. God! Then they sang and danced from the heart. And in Rus' they still do it. But we in Russia have developed another good tradition of which is already 40 years old: ??? on New Year's Eve, Russians go to the bathhouse, where amazing stories happen to them. Questions for men:
Who is the author of these amazing stories? (E. Ryazanov)

In what year did the film premiere? (Jan 1, 1976)
LEADING: So we have 2 lucky people on the eve of N.G. We leave kind-well done.
Do you like to go to the bath? That is great! Today you have to go to
New Year's bath . Submit bath accessories! (2 basins - 2 chairs 2 sheets 2 hats 2 mittens 2 shoe covers 1 briefcase with a broom - chairs at a distance of 10m from the players, the leading briefcase)
And now carefully listen to the conditions for going to the bathhouse: at my signal, run to the dressing room, quickly put on all the accessories and take the broom. The one who gets it becomes a real steamer. But as we know, our people go to the bath tipsy. And I suggest that you first take a dizzying dope. Now you will make 10 revolutions around your basins and rush to the bathhouse. Get ready! Started! (broom goes to the winner) -

Father Frost. : Enjoy your bath, Russians! Happy New Year! I am handing you a birch broom, go on the trail. N.G. in the bath and find your happiness there.
LEADING: And as E. Ryazanov said about the film, “If you are in trouble, if you are unwell, if love has left you, remember that you must believe people that life is beautiful, that a miracle is possible!”
Father Frost. : And I give you (the loser) a jar of pickles, prepare a Russian Olivier salad for the holiday.
Where is the applause? Is that how the Russians applaud?

Father Frost .: And here is our Snow Maiden! And now, friends, let's raise our glasses for the coming New Year 2010!

Toast from Santa Clausa and Snow Maiden
LEADING: I wish happiness, good luck to the people, live happily
Father Frost: Happy New Year everyone!
LEADING: Let the weather bring sunny days! health and strength
Father Frost: And happy New Year!
LEADING: Stormy love to you, like spring waters! Tender hugs!
Father Frost: And happy New Year!
LEADING: Let your income be worthy! Pockets full!
Father Frost: And happy New Year!
LEADING: And it's great for you to walk with the people! Glory to the holiday!
Father Frost: And happy New Year!
Well, now respect the old man: in parting, in our old way, we will do a round dance and sing my favorite song ... Lead, Snow Maiden, people into a round dance! ( round dance "I was born in the forest ...") + Disco Crash "New Year's"
Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave in English)
