How to reach 90 60 90. Research has proven what the ideal woman should look like


It's hard to get perfect, but it's possible. However, for this there must be an initial predisposition. So, if by nature you have a normal or large-boned physique, it is unlikely that you will be able to bring your waist to 60 cm, and your hips to 90, unless, of course, you exclude the appeal to surgeons and surgery, such as removing ribs. The same goes for the chest. If by nature the breast is small in size, it will not be possible to enlarge it without surgical intervention. It is worth noting that this ideal is very doubtful and such volumes will look good only in combination with a fairly high growth. In addition, such an asthenic physique looks advantageous only on fashion catwalks, but in life it does not look so attractive.

Proper nutrition. If natural data are conducive to making sizes 90-60-90, you can try to get closer to the "ideal". To do this, you need to draw up a nutrition plan, which you will have to adhere to constantly. You will have to exclude all fatty and starchy foods, forget about chocolate and sugar, and leave only low-fat chicken from meat. It is allowed to eat lean fish cooked without the use of oil. Vegetables should be the main food ingredient. Low-fat dairy products in the morning will also be very useful. All alcoholic beverages must be completely excluded.

Sports activities. Constant aerobic exercise will be very useful for weight loss of the whole body. You should also pay attention to the exercise bike, which perfectly forms the hips. However, you should not overdo it, since pumping the muscles of the thighs leads to an increase in their volume. It is better to use an exercise bike or bicycle regularly, but little by little. In order to bring the waist volume closer to the desired one, you need to constantly work on the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Bends to the sides, circular rotations of the pelvis and rotations of the hoop will be useful exercises here. You need to do it regularly, every day. The waist will never be 60 cm if the stomach is not flat, but flabby. To achieve a flat stomach, you can use the torso and leg lifts from the “lying” position, as well as the “scissors” exercise.

Cosmetic procedures and massage can have a positive effect on blood circulation, which will increase metabolic processes, and weight loss will go faster. With the help of various wraps and massage, you can achieve good results in reducing cellulite and fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Of course, if nature itself has not endowed you with the desired body composition, then you can always turn to the help of surgeons. Modern plastic surgery allows you to change the shape of the body associated with the structure of the skeleton. Also often used such operations as liposuction and lipolifting, involving the removal of subcutaneous fat.

The myth about a standard figure with parameters 90-60-90 is actually just a myth. However, myths do not appear out of nowhere either. Skinny models are beneficial to the modern beauty industry. First of all, television is to blame. Everyone knows that on the screen a person seems fuller than he really is. Therefore, thin girls look more impressive on videos. Secondly, the set standard facilitates the work of the designers themselves - it is easier to sew on thin ones. In addition, when all models are the same size, they can easily replace each other. Thirdly, most famous fashion designers started their careers back in the 80s and 90s, when homosexuality was in fashion. Fashion designers wanted to see fashion models not at all women, but clumsy young men. The famous Jean-Paul Gaultier once admitted: “I create the standard of female beauty without a hint of femininity, out of hatred for all women. To me, they are just clothes hangers.”

Although the standard is considered a model, there are practically no models with such a figure.

Our site is not called for nothing! These treasured figures around the world symbolize the standard of the ideal female figure. This name is used in a variety of medical products for weight loss, diets, and even in the popular TV series Models 90-60-90, which was released in 1997.

It would seem that this standard of beauty is generally accepted and does not need to be discussed. But our portal about the modeling business cannot ignore such an important topic. It is necessary to understand and give an answer to many women - where did the parameters 90-60-90 come from, and are they really an example to follow?

The ideal figure of the model

I worked in the modeling industry for a long time, where I often had to deal with the parameters of models. With almost any request to a modeling agency, the customer asks to indicate the sizes of the girls: height, chest, waist, hips. This is necessary for tailoring suits, or vice versa, for demonstrating ready-made ones, and just for a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe model.

Now I will surprise you, but in professional modeling, sizes 90-60-90 are quite a rarity!

Firstly, a chest volume of 90 cm is a fairly large, lush bust. Of course, if the modeling work concerns a hostess, or posing at a stand in a luxurious dress with a deep neckline, then such a bust will be a big plus. It's the same when taking pictures, or demonstrating underwear and swimwear on the catwalk. But in other works, it can be difficult for such a girl.

From my own experience, I will say that meeting a waist ratio of 60 cm and hips of 90 cm is almost unrealistic. With such a volume of hips, the waist size is usually 70 cm. But do not forget that female models have an average height of 175 cm, and many are taller. Therefore, a girl with a height of 180 cm and a waist of 70 cm will never seem full.

What are the most common sizes for models, you ask? For example, I will give the parameters of several well-known top models.

  • Alessandra Ambrósio (Alessandra Ambrósio), height 176, volumes 86-58-86;
  • Coco Rocha, height 178, volumes 84-61-86
  • Natalya Vodyanova, height 176, measurements 86-61-86.

Please note that I cited far from the thinnest models as an example. For example, Alessandra Ambrosio is one of the main "angels" of Victoria's Secret, showing underwear. Coco Rocha and Natalia Vodianova also have good shapes. Therefore, in the modeling business you can often find models with a chest of 75-80 cm, and the same hips .

What do 90-60-90 look like (photo)?

We found out that among professional models, the proportions of 90-60-90 are quite rare. So where did this standard come from, and is it wrong? Not certainly in that way. The fact is that these "ideal" volumes have never been applied to the modeling business. Rather, they denote the general standard of beauty of the female figure, seductiveness, “appetizing”. These sizes can conditionally be attributed to the most feminine and seductive.

It is believed that the beginning of the 90-60-90 era was laid by Marilyn Monroe. It was she who had such parameters, although she had a low growth of 166 centimeters.

If we talk about modern women, then who is the secret object of desire of millions of men? Of course, Monica Bellucci! Her height is 178 cm, and her body measurements are 92-62-92 cm. see, Megan Fox - height 167, parameters 89-63-91 cm, and even Vera Brezhneva - height 171, parameters 90-62-92 cm.

  • Monica Bellucci Monica Bellucci
  • Megan Fox Megan Fox
  • Penelope Cruz Penelope Cruz
  • Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe

The myth about a standard figure with parameters 90-60-90 is actually just a myth. However, myths do not appear out of nowhere either. Skinny models are beneficial to the modern beauty industry. First of all, television is to blame. Everyone knows that on the screen a person seems fuller than he really is. Therefore, thin girls look more impressive on videos. Secondly, the set standard facilitates the work of the designers themselves - it is easier to sew on thin ones. In addition, when all models are the same size, they can easily replace each other. Thirdly, most famous fashion designers started their careers back in the 80s and 90s, when homosexuality was in fashion. Fashion designers wanted to see fashion models not at all women, but clumsy young men. The famous Jean-Paul Gaultier once admitted: “I create the standard of female beauty without a hint of femininity, out of hatred for all women. To me, they are just clothes hangers.”

Tall, long-legged, slender, narrow-hipped - with the famous proportions of 90-60-90 - this is exactly what the ideal figure of a woman should be in our collective imagination.

Wherever you look - on television, in show business, on the pages of glossy magazines - they are everywhere, beauties of the same type. Owners of "ideal" figures are "taken" into the modeling business - into the world of glamor and luxury, rich suitors and public recognition. Every modern girl would like to get on this springboard to a better life. But not everyone has a lucky ticket for this - supposedly an "ideal figure" (the same 90-60-90).

Where did such a fashionable stereotype come from, exactly such an ideal figure? Why do many girls seem to go crazy trying to achieve this “ideal”, and is it really an ideal? If so, what is the ideal for? For whom? What is the ideal figure of a woman really?

Some who are lucky: the most ideal figure and not only

Some girls do not need to puzzle over how to achieve the perfect figure - it is given to them from birth. Moreover, complete with other good external data. This is despite the fact that some of their friends have had to deal with being overweight since childhood. Why such injustice?

The answers to all these questions lie in the psyche. Each person is born with his own set of mental properties, qualities and desires (vectors), and his body (and everything else) is fully consistent with his mental.

Let's take a closer look at the long-legged owners of ideal figures that have filled the entire mass media space. We will see common features in them - common mental characteristics and desires.

They all strive for demonstrativeness. To the stage, to the podium, to the lenses of video cameras and cameras. They are in no hurry to get married and have children, rather the opposite - it is difficult to imagine them doing such a thing, for example, as washing, or brewing borscht.

No. They prefer to remain in mistresses. Have a lot of fans. Turn the head not to one, but to many.

“It is better to have a good lover than a bad husband” (“bad” means not buying diamonds, cars, claiming borscht and clean socks) - this is their attitude.

Women with a skin-visual bundle of vectors have a model appearance. The archetypal role of a skin-visual woman whose mental state is in a state of “war” is to be in front of everyone, sing, dance, attract attention, excite minds, seduce. It is designed in such a way that all men will like it. This is the only woman who has a species role on a par with a man. That is why she has no desire to become the guardian of the family hearth - this will never bring her happiness.

She is the only woman who does not have a maternal instinct - by nature she is not giving birth, although in the modern world - a world of advanced medicine and great opportunities - a skin-visual woman often gives birth (usually by caesarean section).

Family is not her value. If she marries - most often she does not stay there for a long time. Look at the stars of show business (carriers of the skin-visual bundle of vectors) - their marriages, seemingly made out of great love and passion, are always short-lived.

Illuminated by the light of spotlights, the brilliance of diamonds and everyone's attention, the long-legged figure of a skin-visual woman was elevated to the rank of a social ideal. And in the minds of other women, an erroneous idea settled that it was in the figure that the matter was: in the cherished 90-60-90. And that these parameters are the key to a happy and rich life.

How to achieve the perfect figureif you are not skin-visual

There are girls whose figures are far from the generally accepted "ideal" 90-60-90. These girls are of a different physique - larger in bone, short, wide hips. A slow metabolism makes them prone to fullness.

Such women are endowed with an anal vector. Potentially, these are the best wives, golden mistresses and the most caring mothers. But sometimes anal girls, each of whom deep down dreams of a good groom, take the desires imposed by society (desires of skin-visual women) for their own. They want to sing, dance, model and have "perfect" figures.

It comes to the point that, in pursuit of an ideal figure, girls disfigure their bodies - they go for surgery to remove ribs or lengthen their legs.

But these will never bring happiness or achieve any goals to any of them. It's not really their desire. Their real desires are others related to home, family and children.

If we discard social stereotypes and fashion, if we take into account the fact that all women are mentally different (and, accordingly, the purpose of each of us is different), then we will understand that there is no single ideal of the female body. Types of the female figure correspond to the mental - vector set of each woman.

Determining what your figure should ideally be, begins with the awareness of your mental, hidden in the unconscious. There are 8 vectors - 8 measures of the mental. Depending on the composition of the vectors, we differ from each other mentally and somatically (you can read more about vectors in or).

In today's world - a world of abundance of food - it is people with an anal vector who are obese. A slow metabolism, which was a huge advantage in times of famine, has now become the cause of a global problem of excess weight.

A woman with an anal vector must find the balance of her weight, her ideal figure. You can’t “spread” up to 200 kg and swim in fat, because no matter how hard some media channels try to popularize “fat fashion”, obesity will never become beautiful, fashionable and healthy. But there is no need to strive for the stereotypical ideal of 90-60-90.

Considering your metabolism, you need to choose healthy foods, create a diet for yourself, and monitor the norm of what you eat. All this is not as simple as it seems - after all, in stress, a person with an anal vector intensifies his appetite, he wants to eat a lot of tasty and sweet things. But being aware of all the features of your mental, it is much easier to cope with stress and an obsessive desire to eat.

The rounded shapes of a beautiful figure of a woman with an anal vector are very feminine and also attractive to men. For example, men with a skin vector, who, although they look at long-legged skin-visual beauties, still marry anal women, experiencing a healthy attraction to them.

Our female happiness does not depend on some other people's ideals, on aspirations and goals imposed by the external environment. Real happiness can only bring fulfillment of one's own - real desires given by nature. And this happiness begins with understanding and accepting yourself…
