How to describe a girl in beautiful words. Full description of the girl - appearance, behavior, character and interesting facts

When making new girlfriends or communicating with the opposite sex, situations often arise when you need to make a description of a girl, introducing her to friends or relatives in absentia. And it turns out that this is not an easy task. It is difficult not only to talk about the character, but also to figuratively imagine the appearance of a stranger. The article will be useful to those who want to learn how to do it without problems.

Appearance: first impression

It is, as a rule, the strongest and indicates the mood and expectations of a person. The most striking and essential detail catches the eye. A description of a girl by a guy may differ from that made by a woman or a peer. So, he can pay attention to the alluring look, plump lips or slender legs. And the girl notes unusual color lipstick, stylish haircut or dress shoes. A woman will guess her age, noticing features that betray her, etc. But everyone will most likely pay attention to the general silhouette: tall, short, full, petite, dressed inappropriately for the weather, in a hat, with an umbrella in her hands.

You can start the description with a significant detail through a holistic perception of a person. It develops even when the communication lasted a few seconds. And then it is best to build the algorithm as follows:

Appearance: general impression

It requires concentration on details. It is important to note those moments and features that make a person unique. Even twins have subtle differences that can be detected. TO special signs include tattoos, moles and scars in prominent places, features of gait, gestures, facial expressions. There are people with heterochromic eyes, a noticeable asymmetry of the face, a special diction. A description of a girl's appearance is impossible without assessing her posture, her ability to wear clothes, use accessories and perfume. All this makes up a general impression and may indicate individual character traits: neatness / untidiness, confidence / uncertainty, sociability / isolation, etc.

Appearance: mnemonic tricks

In order to better remember, people use associations: verbal and visual. This also applies to a person's appearance. When meeting a stranger, guys often have comparisons that you should try to fix in your memory. So, a blonde with long hair fluttering in the wind is easily associated with a field on which wheat is earing. Blue eyes are reminiscent of ocean waters. A freckled girl with an upturned nose takes us to a warm spring day. And a shock of red hair, depending on the shade, can be compared with both a haystack and a fireball.

The description of the girl will be colorful if associations and comparisons are conveyed by epithets: swan neck, dancing gait, cooing dialect, regal posture, model appearance, healthy hair, icy look, wasp waist, chocolate tan. Conventional expressions also come to the rescue: legs from the ears, gait from the hip, dressed to the nines.

Fashion girl: description

IN Lately In everyday life, the expression "glamorous girl" appeared. Among its characteristics are the following points:

  • Following fashion trends. But not blind. Such girls are distinguished by the selection of outfits suitable for the features of the figure and other wardrobe items.
  • Availability of clothes Pink colour shades matching the look.
  • An impeccable sense of style that allows you to create an integral image.
  • The ability to pick up things, colors and interiors around you.

Today fashion girls- these are not those who dress in expensive boutiques and update their wardrobe every year. Rather, they are those with a sense of style, taste and skill. separate part drastically change the image. The description of the girl should not emphasize the enumeration of the elements of clothing, but their combination and ability to wear. For to have taste means to choose an outfit that best suits inner world its owner and telling about the features of her character.

Character and behavior

Among the signs glamorous girl character traits that make it such stand out. Let's name the main ones:

  • Charming and seductive, it does not go unnoticed. At the same time, scandals and abuse are not her way of attracting attention. When she does not want to express obscenities.
  • She is so well brought up that she is always friendly and smiling. That is why everyone is happy with her. She is always ready to listen to someone else's opinion, respecting it, even if it does not coincide with her beliefs.
  • The focus is on self-development, communication with friends and travel.
  • She does not put her problems at the forefront, loading others around them and falling into hysterics.
  • Knowing about his own shortcomings, he knows how to turn them into a newfangled trend.

The description of a girl, her character and behavior can be considered through her compliance with the requirements of a glamorous person. For for any man this is an ideal to which one should aspire. For more complete picture it should be noted what illustrates the volitional sphere (confidence, purposefulness, determination), intelligence (mind, curiosity), business (hard work, responsibility, laziness) and communicative qualities(responsiveness, kindness, aggression).

According to the type of character among people, introverts stand out, whose attention is directed inward, and extroverts, aimed at communicating with the outside world. This is very important point to understand the way of life of a girl and those of her actions, which we call behavior.

Hardest to describe beautiful girl. Usually, it is quite difficult to decipher the concept itself, although we all understand that we are talking about physical perfection. It turns out that the distance from the line of the eyes to the line of the lips, as well as between the pupils, is important for beauty.

The best ratio for a woman, according to research by scientists from Toronto, is 36% of the width of the face (in the first case) and 46% of the length in the second. The figures closest to the ideal were found in Shania Twain, a country music performer from Canada.

The left side of the face attracts more attention and seems prettier. If a girl needs to take a picture in profile, you should take a picture on the left.

Men are especially attracted to women's smiles, but for the fair sex, this indicator is not a priority. Subconsciously, for men, girls who look like their mother seem more attractive.

First of all, I would like to say that the problem of describing the hero is quite serious. Indeed, how to make sure that the description of the character does not cause negativity on the part of the reader? I’ll tell you about some tricks that not only me, but also other fiwriters use.

There are a few things to keep in mind when describing a character. Appearance, clothes, character, emotions. I think the author of the application will not mind if I expand it a little and write not only about appearance hero, but also about the internal "content", so to speak.

The first part is devoted to the main issue.

In order to make it easy for the reader to perceive the description of the appearance, and, at the same time, he has a picture-representation, you can use several methods.

1) Reflection in a mirror (or in water).

It's like a first person description. The hero / heroine sees her reflection, and the author describes what appears before her eyes (either from the third person or from the first).
Elizabeth went to the mirror. It, as always, reflected the ruthless truth: low, rather plump girl; expressionless gray eyes; unruly hair ashy shade, casually lying on the shoulders; snub-nosed nose turned up, and thin lips were compressed into a narrow strip.

So the reader got the first idea about the heroine. Moreover, note that the description is not overloaded with unnecessary details. But still they are present and help to judge what the author kept silent about. There is an image of a sort of plump with shoulder-length hair and an expressionless face. But not a Mary Sue, which pleases (isn't it?).

2) Description on behalf of another character.

Here you should consider on behalf of whom the character is described. If this is a friend, then the description should be rather dry, but succinct. A friend won't describe small parts, it is of no use to him.
- Well, look at yourself. You are tall, slim, go to the gym, blond with blue eyes... The dream of any girl. So why are you alone?

If this is a partner or someone who hopes to become one, then the description can be given a more romantic character, with epithets and comparisons.
Katya furtively looked at Maxim. His eyes were so black that they looked like two embers. Dark chestnut curls gently framed her face and fell to her shoulders. plump lips as if invited to a kiss. A slightly upturned nose gave his face a sly expression. But most of all Katya liked a small mole on her left cheek. It seemed to her that she resembled a small heart.

If this is a person who treats the character negatively, then the description will turn out to be a little rude, expressing the attitude towards the hero.
Her always carelessly styled hair looked especially disgusting today. When she last time their soaps? Her eyes, already not very beautiful, were swollen with tears, and her nose resembled something between a tomato and a potato - a kind of blushing potato. The nail polish was cracked and half peeled off, and the nails themselves were bitten to the bone. They don't feed her, do they?

3) Description with words.

Slightly different from the previous description. By and large, this is another variety, but I decided to highlight this as a separate item.
- Hey, Pashka, they say that Lenka looks just disgusting today. I did my hair, put on makeup, glued false nails and decorated ...
- What did you wear?
- I don’t know, I didn’t see it myself, but it seems like some kind of absolutely awesome dress.

So what's the difference? And the fact that this description is "through third parties." The one who describes, did not see the character himself, only heard, and now tells others, omitting unnecessary (in his opinion) details and adding something of his own. Usually, after such descriptions, the characters have untrue "shapes and sizes" (chest of the fifth size, legs from the ears, disheveled patles, etc.)

4) Photo (picture).

It looks like a description in a mirror, but if the mirror is like a description of oneself, then the photograph gives more wide opportunities. Anyone can describe a hero from a photograph.
David picked up a framed photo on the table. "How beautiful she is here," he thought, running his fingers over the gloss. Indeed, the girl in the photo was pretty: long chestnut curls fluttered slightly from the wind, expressive eyes the colors of the stormy sea shone like two diamonds, a happy smile wandered on her lips. The hem of the white sarafan rose fervently, apparently by a gust of wind, and exposed her slender, tanned legs.

5) Memories.

This method differs from the previous one in that the described image has already been imprinted in memory. And how he was imprinted there - you can find out from the description.
Dima in Once again closed his eyes and tried to remember what Lisa was like a year ago. She burst into his life like a whirlwind, and her perky laugh changed everything. Her deep Brown eyes beamed with happiness, tightened - sometimes carelessly - in the tail long hair funny bristling at the top, and lips constantly smiling. She often laughed. Not because she was stupid and carefree, no. She simply knew how to enjoy life, and this made her face so happy that one could only envy.

The same technique is used when you need to draw some kind of parallel between what was before and what is now. Remember, as in Pushkin:
Evening, do you remember...
Now look out the window...

The same technique, but in the description of nature (which, in fact, does not matter).

6) Internal dialogue.
It's like an argument or just a conversation with yourself or your inner voice. Quite an interesting technique, which, when presented correctly, makes the reader smile. After all, most of us like to "talk to smart person", i.e. with you.
“Something needs to be done about this,” Diana thought for the umpteenth time, thoughtfully fingering her strands. blonde hair. - Maybe a short haircut? Dan must love it. He has been telling me for a long time to change my image. But I generally like long hair. And, okay, I wasn’t, I’ll get a haircut. But this is not enough. What should I do?" The girl looked around herself. It's time to stop wearing trousers, you need to switch to skirts and dresses. After all, they sway so seductively around the ankles. Diana ran her hands along her entire body. Tanned skin was soft and velvety to the touch. “It’s decided: I’m doing a short haircut, putting on a dress, heels ... Oh, I need to change the color of lipstick,” the girl touched her lips with her fingers, a little plump and beautifully outlined. “They say that this season it’s fashionable to use the May Rose shade. I’ll have to try I must go. gray eyes more subtle colors like this...

7) Imagination and fantasy.
This technique is used when one hero has no idea what the other looks like. And he starts dreaming.
"What is she like? Very young, like many of the fans who fell in love with him after his "death" or a very adult, respectable mother of the family, who has been cherishing her dream of him since childhood?" Images of the most different girls, each of which could be her ... "Lips ... I wonder what her lips are? And the color of her eyes? What if she is terrible, like a mortal sin?" He imagined inviting her on a blind date, and when she comes, he sees a kind of "nymph" in front of him: stocky, with plump legs, plump, with sparse dyed strands and crooked teeth ... He shuddered. "No, it can't be. Fate can't laugh at me like that..."

These, in my opinion, are the main methods of describing appearance. Now let's move on to the second part.

Name: Isabella-Françoise de Roche-Villiers, Vicomtesse de Chanty
Date of Birth: June 12, 1611
Appearance description: Short blonde with surprisingly tender fair skin. The eyes are blue, open, very radiant. The face has the shape of a regular classic oval, thin harmonious features. Depending on how she is dressed and made up, she can look like a colorless simpleton and a dazzling beauty. Despite external refinement, it is very strong and hardy. Beautiful hands, thin graceful fingers, which equally deftly own a pen, a sword, lute strings and an embroidery needle. If dressed in men's suit, it gives the impression of a teenage boy. When mademoiselle puts on a dress familiar to a lady, this impression disappears completely, because the figure takes on very, very seductive female forms.
Main character traits: She's one of those people they talk about - fire in an ice pack. Outwardly, a modest, shy girl who, upon meeting, opens up and turns out to be a very lively, impulsive and romantic creature. Very purposeful. Despite the natural softness, it is capable of decisive, even tough actions. He knows how to listen, a rather subtle psychologist. With women courteous and polite, with unknown men restrained and even overly strict. Doesn't know how to flirt at all. Very musical. Learned not to trust strangers. He firmly knows what he wants, and will never deviate from his moral principles, the main of which is: "Serve only God and France." Wealth, Savor does not attract her at all, although sometimes she secretly dreams of court life and merry balls.

Biography: The only, late and very desirable daughter, who was born after five brothers. Born and raised in La Rochelle, a stronghold of French Protestantism. She received an excellent, albeit somewhat chaotic, upbringing. She inherited from her parents the ardor of nature, sincerity, absolute honesty and devotion to the canons of her confession. During the siege of the city, she participated in hostilities along with men. By the time of the surrender of La Rochelle, only her mother and old grandfather- A faithful companion of Admiral Coligny, who survived the St. Bartholomew's night. On the day when the king's troops enter the city, Isabella almost had a misfortune: five guards of his eminence caught her on the street and tried to rape her. Only the intervention of a stranger in a musketeer uniform does not allow them to bring the matter to an end. He recaptures the captive from the rapists and takes the frightened girl home. In addition, seeing the plight of the rescued household, he gives Isabella's mother enough a large amount money so that the family could get out of the city and have food for the first time. All this is more than enough to fall head over heels in love with your benefactor. And if the savior is young, handsome and immensely charming - it already smells of fatal passion. One-sided, of course! And he doesn't even know about it. When the family settles down to live in Calais, the gentle noblewoman shows all her organizational skills and the enviable talent of an entrepreneur: through a figurehead, she organizes a dairy farm that supplies first-class fresh products to all the city's nobility. It would seem that everything is getting better: there is a roof over your head, a position in the local society, a reliable source of income that gives good money by provincial standards. There are suitors. But Isabella, unfortunately, is a Protestant, and marriage with a Catholic is impossible for her. In addition, even after several years, she cannot forget that musketeer, to whom her family is so indebted. In the spring of 1630, the girl's mother dies. Isabella decides to move to Paris. What she will do there, where to live - she does not know. The only thing she knows for sure: at any cost she must find this nobleman, who called himself Chevalier d'Herble, pay him a debt ... and then only God knows what will happen. Because for him she is ready for anything. Even to forget about those principles that are sacred to her.

This article contains the main male judgments about what an ideal girl should be like: a description of appearance, character, habits. Here women can see what men value and want to see in a life partner, and what annoys them.

Who is the perfect girl? Its description is a combination of the incompatible. Every man wants to see at the same time a saint and a sinner, beautiful and faithful, kind and with character, busy and attentive. IN real life it's usually different people, but after all, it is not forbidden to strive for the ideal?

For centuries, the weak half of humanity has been arguing about who is more attractive: brunettes or blondes, full or thin? But men do not have a single opinion on this matter. Someone is attracted to strict and aggressive brunettes, someone is attracted to cute blondes, and some are passionate redheads. Some men prefer a relief figure, while others prefer a slender body. Some people are turned on by piercings and tattoos, while others are turned on by the romance of the 19th century. The list of the ideal woman includes long legs, And short haircuts, And big breasts or bottomless eyes.

However, all men note that they are important:


Monitor the condition of nails, hair, do depilation in time, do not forget about self-care products. Clothing should always be clean, ironed and sit on the figure, emphasizing advantageous places and hiding flaws.

Ruslan, 32 years old.

“I hate girls with regrown hair roots and sloppy manicures. Let her be better combed or just cut, but the slovenliness in the image is definitely repulsive.

Knowing of limits

Fishnet stockings peeking out from under a miniskirt are good in a nightclub, on theme party and for home striptease. But in ordinary life it is better to dress elegantly and without excessive pretentiousness. Ideally, if you have your own style of dressing and stick to it.

Igor, 27 years old.
"Can not ideal woman dress vulgarly. Looking at the ideal, I should get aesthetic pleasure, and not feel like a hero of cheap porn "

Ability to present yourself

That is, do not mutter under your breath, but proudly carry yourself, wear clothes for the season and the occasion, wear stilettos if you know how to walk on them.

Sergey, 35 years old.
« perfect girl should walk next to me light gait, with a half-smile on his face, leaving behind a trail of pleasant perfume. I will turn around in her wake and understand: this is the One.

Ideal girl: character description

All men want to see in a woman both a temptress and fighting girlfriend. They don't need to be understood, but they need to be supported. You can always rely on the perfect girl, she will be next to you in Hard time and on a losing streak.

Absolutely all men distinguish in women two important qualities: fidelity and a sense of humor, or at least a cheerful disposition. They should always be. Especially the first one.

The ideal girl will never arrange a concert in the style of “Where is my 10-carat diamond ring?”, a scene of jealousy due to a protracted corporate party, she will understand and support the male passion for football or fishing.

Andrey, 39 years old.
“When on a date I confessed to a girl that my favorite football team was playing at the same time, she took me to the nearest sports bar, and together we cheered for my champions. It was then that I realized: this is my ideal!

Ideal Girl Lifestyle Description

The ideal girl in the view of all men should be a good housewife, be able to cook deliciously, be happy to wash, clean and iron. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, but the stronger sex is ready to forgive the lack of housekeeping, if a woman is attentive to her partner and passionate. The fire in the blood always attracts and excites, and looseness in bed is valued no less than delicious borscht.

Guys don't like smokers drinking girls. The most that can be expected is patience feminine weaknesses. But none of the men will ever turn on bad habits in the list of qualities of his ideal.

Who is the perfect girl? Each man has his own description, so in search of exemplary, do not lose yourself.

Perfect Girl - Description: Video

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Your beauty is the embodiment of femininity, grace and attractiveness. Your parents are real jewelers who have produced the best of jewelry.

You are so beautiful that you can admire for hours. You have so much charm and sophistication that you just can’t believe that such girls exist in nature!

* * *

Being as beautiful as you is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Take advantage of your beauty and take care of it as a valuable gift from the gods from Olympus.

Your eyes are bottomless sea distances, in which there is no bottom. Therefore, everyone who falls into them perishes forever, having no chance of salvation ...

From your beauty, my head is spinning and thoughts revolve only around what eyes, lips, smile and hair you have. You cannot compare with anyone, because you are alone in the whole world!

Any artist would be honored to capture your beautiful features in their masterpiece. Sometimes it seems to me that you really have descended from the paintings of the great masters of the Middle Ages!

Honey, you are beautiful, as wonderful, fabulous flower! Fresh as a light spring breeze! Charming and captivating bright Star never fade and light my way!

Your bewitching eyes attract like powerful magnets. And gentle and quivering lips beckon and burn like the sun's rays. Hair, like a fluffy soft cloud, is covered with a warm wave! You are perfection!

Your charm is limitless! You conquered everyone around with your beauty, which, like a breath of fresh cool breeze in the summer heat, gives bliss and is incredibly mesmerizing!

You are so gorgeous that you just can’t take your eyes off the shining and charming eyes! Your young and ringing beauty, like a magical and mysterious fairy tale, bewitches with its sweet and alluring sound!

You are like fairy princess so mysterious and beautiful. Giving your affectionate and kind look, blinding with a wonderful smile, you bewitch more and more with your magic spell, from which it is impossible to escape!

Compliment a girl about her beauty in your own words

Your beauty is like sunbeam in a dark forest: as soon as he makes his way through the branches, everything around is transformed. So you bring light with you with one appearance!

Perhaps nature was especially generous when she worked on your face. Otherwise, where does such unearthly beauty come from in our mortal world?

Your beauty shines like a thousand precious stones, it makes the heart stop and beat in a new quivering rhythm.

I can compare you to the mysterious Moon and the dazzling Sun, bright angel and the captivating ocean, but all these words will not be enough to describe your beauty!

I could talk about your beauty and charm for hours, but just looking at you takes my breath away and my voice disappears!

* * *

I know the secret of your beauty. Admit it honestly, because you are not a man, not a fairy, not a nymph, and not even an angel who escaped from Heaven. You are a goddess!
