How to clean a muton fur coat at home? Instructions on how to clean a mouton fur coat at home: light and dark shades.

A muton fur coat is a very practical thing, with constant wear it gets dirty. To return her former attractiveness, it is not necessary to take it to dry cleaning, because this is an expensive service. It will be no worse to do it yourself if you know the cleaning technology, as well as some of the nuances.

First of all, a winter thing should be cleaned in the spring, when cold weather is no longer expected. This will allow you to completely dry the fur product in the fresh air, as well as ventilate it so that all extraneous odors come out of it. Cleaning is different: preventive, superficial and deep.

If you didn’t wear a fur coat and it just hung in the closet for a long time and gathered dust, it’s not necessary to dry-clean or use aggressive substances. You can update things like this:

Advice! If the fur on a fur coat is disheveled after vacuuming, take a clothes brush and smooth it out. This procedure is sufficient to put things in order.

Dry cleaning method

The dry method of cleaning a mouton fur coat at home without the use of detergents is suitable if the fur coat does not have greasy stains or sticky liquids. Your actions will be as follows:

This procedure can be done as needed - the fur will remain in the same state, and the fur coat will remain just as beautiful and well-groomed.

You can do without a vacuum cleaner. Instead, take a clean damp sheet, wrap a fur coat in it and a carpet beater slap the dusty product well. All the dust from the fur coat will come out and settle on the sheets, then you just need to comb the thing with a clothes brush.

Special and folk cleaning products

If you are afraid to experiment, you can use special tools sold in stores. The most popular are Ultra Milk, Insaf and other products. They are used not only for cleaning any fur, but also for preventive purposes in order to eliminate the occurrence of contamination.

A muton fur coat can also be cleaned with folk remedies:

Advice! After cleaning, your zigey beauty needs airing. Better outdoors, but a balcony will do. If this is not done, the muton will smell of gasoline, then it will be almost impossible to get rid of its smell.

  • peroxide. The method is more suitable for cleaning light-colored things, as it has a slight brightening effect. Take water and peroxide in equal proportions, apply to the pile and leave for a while. When it dries, remove the product from the fur with a brush.

Advice! If you want to use this method of care not for white, but for light beige or cream fur, check how it behaves before use. Prepare a small amount of cleaning agent and apply it on the pile located in an inconspicuous place. If you see that the fur is changing color, do not apply the composition to the product.

Lining Care

If the lining of the fur coat is dirty, and the pile remains unchanged, then proceed as follows:

  1. Pull off the lining. This can be done at home with a blade or an awl.
  2. Wash the lining fabric by hand or in a washing machine, following the manufacturer's instructions for washing.
  3. Then dry, iron and sew back.

Advice! Minor contamination can be eliminated without cutting off the material. To do this, hang the product turned inside out, cover the fur with polyethylene to prevent soap from entering, and clean the stains with soapy water. The thing will be well-groomed in just a few minutes.

Removing stains with soapy water

Fur coats with stains are cared for with ordinary soapy water.. To remove stains:

If the fur coat has greasy places, for example, the hem or sleeves, proceed as follows: apply starch on them, spray soapy water from the top with a spray bottle, wait until it dries. Remove any remaining dirt with a brush.

By these methods, it is possible to bring to a normal state not only a fur coat made of zigey fur, but also a hat. Since cleaning a mouton hat at home is not difficult.

At home, it is quite difficult to follow the cleaning measure, and the risk of ruining a fur coat is high if you do not know simple rules. To prevent this, follow these tips:

If you follow these recommendations, the risk of spoiling the item will be reduced to almost zero. If the considered cleaning methods did not show the result, you should simply give the item to dry cleaning. Professional cleaners work in such an organization, they will cope with any stains and return your item in a polished condition.

Attention, only TODAY!

Mouton is a beautiful and fluffy short-haired fur, fur coats from it look quite dignified and stylish, while it is more affordable than mink or chinchilla. This is a great option for those who dream of a real fur coat, but do not have a big budget.

But often after storage, the fur becomes dull and matted, the product loses all its charm - how to clean a muton fur coat at home in this case? In this case, simple ventilation will not be enough.

Entrusting natural fur to dry cleaning is not the best and cheapest option. You will have to work a little on your own, so that with the onset of cold weather you can go out without embarrassment in a beautiful fur coat made of soft and shiny muton.

First, you need to remove all dust and small debris from the villi - do not hesitate, they are there, even if your Mouton fur coat was stored according to all the rules in a case and in a closet, and you regularly ventilated and shook it out. There are two ways to get rid of dust:

  1. A vacuum cleaner. The nozzle changes to the softest for cleaning furniture, the weakest mode is turned on, and the fur coat is carefully processed from all sides.
  2. Knockout. The fur coat needs to be laid out on an old clean sheet, moisten the other one in water and wring it out well. Cover the mouton coat with a damp cloth and go over it with a carpet beater.

Finally, shake the product several times and dry if necessary.

Deep cleaning of the muton

If, after removing the coat, the coat still does not look very fresh and tidy, carry out a more intensive cleaning. To get started, find suitable coat hangers - they should be exactly the right size, no more and no less, and strong enough to support the weight of the fur well. Then find a way to hang coat hangers over the tub and choose one of the detergents. It could be:

  • liquid washing powder;
  • liquid soap without dyes;
  • cleaner for carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • shampoo.

Any of the products is diluted in warm water and whipped into a dense, stable foam. It should be enough to completely process the entire product. Next, arm yourself with a perfect cleaning brush for clothes and apply foam to the mouton coat.

Remember that you can only apply foam, it is highly undesirable to wet the fur. After 5-7 minutes, treat the fur coat with a dry brush and take it out to the balcony to dry.

Tip: Mouton fur coat can be a variety of colors. But natural fur itself is light. Therefore, if you have a product of a dark shade, it is dyed anyway. This means that powders and products with bleaching components for cleaning the muton are contraindicated.

How to remove stains from a muton

Most often, you have to deal with slickness on the collar, pockets, cuffs, where a handbag is worn on the shoulder, or a belt is tied. On a light coat, they look like old greasy dirt. Single stains may also appear, for example, from spilled coffee, street dirt, lipstick or foundation.

All these contaminants can be removed both dry and wet.

  1. Starch. This is the simplest and most affordable tool. First you need to prepare the workplace: spread an unnecessary sheet, bedspread or piece of oilcloth on a horizontal surface. Then lay a fur coat on it and sprinkle with starch. After that, a fur coat is sprayed over the starch with water from a spray bottle. With palms, the mixture is gently rubbed into the fur, after which the fur coat must be dried well in a natural way. Now it remains only to comb out the remnants of starch along with the dirt. In a similar way, talcum powder, semolina, rice ground on a coffee grinder, and bran can be used to clean a Mouton coat.
  2. Petrol. If dry cleaning did not remove all the dirt, you can try to cope with it with refined gasoline. It is also good to remove single stains with this tool. It is used very simply: they simply moisten a swab in it and wipe the fur. You can then sprinkle it with starch and let it dry, then brush it well.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. A bottle of this remedy can be found in every home, and if not, you can buy it for a penny at the nearest pharmacy. To clean the muton, peroxide must be combined with water in equal amounts. Then the solution is applied to the product, and after drying, the fur coat must be carefully combed out with a stiff brush.

The safest thing is to spare no money and buy a special spray in the store for cleaning products made of suede, nubuck or velor. It is used very simply: a fur coat is hung on a hanger, the spray is evenly applied, and combed out after drying. Mouton care is not so difficult, it is unpretentious fur. And, nevertheless, many make gross mistakes and spoil products irrevocably.

What not to do

Despite the fact that everyone knows that natural fur, like leather, is not washed in a washing machine, many do it anyway. Well, perhaps after the first experiment nothing terrible will happen, and on the contrary, the fur coat will seem perfectly clean and fresh.

But be aware that you have already spoiled the structure of natural fur and its base. And he will not survive such treatment again - your beautiful and fluffy Mouton fur coat will turn into a sticky, untidy lump, which you no longer want to wear.

Therefore, if you are too lazy or have no time to bother with cleaning outer fur clothing, it is better to take it to a dry cleaner, which is also not desirable, but still better than dubious home experiments.


If it is not possible to dry-clean a muton fur coat, try cleaning it yourself. Hang on hangers in the bathroom. Dilute laundry detergent in a bowl of water and start cleaning. Use a clothes brush for cleaning.

Moisten the brush with clean water and wash off the foam, as well as traces of the powder. The fur coat should dry out a little, so do not touch it during the day. Later, take the fur coat to a well-ventilated area and leave to dry completely.

If there are no traces of dirt on the fur coat, but it is very dusty, use a vacuum cleaner. Knocking out a fur coat can also be a great solution to the problem.

Often there is a need to clean the lining of a mouton fur coat. To do this, open the lining and wash in the usual way. Once the lining is dry, sew it in place. At the same time, it should be ripped with a special ripper, since using a knife or a razor can cause irreparable harm to the fur coat. Use a thin needle to sew the lining back on.

Paint the burnt areas of the fur coat with ordinary paint. Hang the fur coat on a coat hanger in the bathroom and paint the burnt spots to match the fur coat. After a certain time, rinse and dry. The procedure for washing and drying is similar to that used for ordinary wet cleaning of a muton fur coat.

Use an adsorbent that perfectly absorbs dirt. It can be wheat or rye bran or dry sawdust. With light fur, starch or semolina should be used. Pour the adsorbent onto the fur and start grinding it together. When the adsorbent absorbs dirt, shake it off and clean the fur coat with a brush.

At the end of winter, those women who own muton fur coats face problems in cleaning them. Of course, you can take the fur coat to dry cleaning, or you can prepare it at home for the next season.

A beautiful light fur coat is the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, this outfit is very expensive. But in our latitudes, a fur coat is not at all a luxury, but a necessity. A fur coat from a muton can serve its owner faithfully for a long time, especially if you know exactly how to clean a muton fur coat at home. It is not necessary to dry-clean every time the fur gets dirty. You can clean a fur coat from a muton on your own with the help of folk remedies.

If the product has been hanging in the closet for a long time, it has somewhat lost its presentation, it needs to be refreshed. To do this, we use light cleaning with the help of improvised means.

  • The fur coat can be thoroughly shaken out, for this, use a carpet beater, but first wrap the product with a damp sheet.
  • You can clean the fur coat with a vacuum cleaner, after making sure that the nozzles on the hose are absolutely clean.
  • A dog brush can also be used to comb out a fur coat, just do not apply too much force so as not to pull out the pile.
  • A sticky roller will help remove dust and the smallest particles of dirt.

Stain removal

No matter how carefully we treat our favorite thing, but sometimes due to an oversight or negligence, a greasy spot appears on the fur coat. It is not necessary to send the product to dry cleaning because of a slight contamination, our more experienced friends will share the secret of how to clean a fur coat on their own at home.

  • In 1 liter of lukewarm water, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid detergent, rub the problem area with a soft brush, and then rinse with cold water in the same way and wipe with a napkin or rag.
  • Dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of cold water. l. ammonia and rub the dirt. Ammonia easily copes with oil and grease stains.
  • Household chemical stores sell aerosol cans for cleaning suede and velor, they will help to cope with greasy stains on the muton.

We rejuvenate a fur coat

From long continuous wear, the thing begins to shine and looks worn. But this grief is easy to help.
With a cotton swab dipped in gasoline, walk along the cuffs, along the pockets and clasps, that is, in the places that are most soiled and wiped.

After that, you need to remove the smell and particles of gasoline, potato starch is best suited for this. Sprinkle cornstarch over treated areas and scrub with a soft brush.
Of course, a light fur coat from a muton quickly loses its presentation and becomes covered with ugly stains, even if you are very careful. But there are ways to clean a light fur coat at home.

  • Add 100 g of hydrogen peroxide to 1 liter of cold water and wipe the product with this solution, after drying comb it with a brush.
  • Sprinkle generously with potato starch. Then spray with a solution of washing powder from the spray gun and rub everything into the pile with your hands. After complete drying of the product, comb out with a semi-soft brush several times along the pile.

  • Before you clean a muton fur coat at home, get acquainted with some simple rules so as not to completely ruin the thing.
  • Difficult stains from wine, chocolate or blood cannot be removed at home, so it is better to give the product to specialists.
  • Before you start cleaning the product with gasoline or other combustible mixtures, make sure that they will not damage the color. From the wrong side, rub the fur with a cotton swab dipped in a cleaning agent.
  • When drying a fur coat, do not use hair dryers or other heating devices, this will lead to deformation of the fur.
  • Do not apply perfume to the pile of a fur coat and protect it from hairspray.
  • Coats cannot be washed in a washing machine.
  • If you properly care for fur products, clean them in time and store them properly, they will delight you with their noble appearance for a long time.

A fur coat is a matter of pride for every woman, as well as evidence of women's and material wealth. However, its main advantage is that it will not let its owner freeze, even in the most severe frost. But sometimes spots appear on the fur pile, which greatly spoil the appearance of the product. How to clean fur clothes, we will tell in this article.

If dirt is found on a fur coat, the best solution would be to take it to dry cleaning. After all, fur products need special, delicate care. Moreover, it will be much more difficult for specialists to eliminate traces of improper processing of the pile than to initially clean the fur. Dry cleaners use several options for fur treatments, often delicate cleaning in perchlorethylene, and cleaning in hydrocarbon solvents. Cleaning with hydrocarbon solvents is rightfully considered more effective, since in the process of such cleaning of the fur, the internal fat is not washed out from the layer of skin and fur. Also, in dry cleaning, you can clean a fur coat with fur polishing, which will give the villi a unique shine. But such cleaning should not be abused, for the entire period of operation, the fur coat should endure no more than 7 dry cleaners.

During the period of wearing a fur coat, anything can happen, even a fall on slippery ice. Once on the fur product, salt and reagents corrode the pile from the inside. If in dry cleaning, experts offer to clean the fur coat from such contaminants, “aqua cleaning” do not agree to this procedure. From such manipulations, the fur coat can jump up and decrease by half a size. Also, be prepared for the human factor. Often, insufficient qualifications of a dry-cleaner can cause poor-quality cleaning of a fur product, or damage it. After all, for example, fur coats made of nutria and arctic fox fur are not durable, but astrakhan products shrink after processing. Having given white fur clothes to dry cleaning, there is a chance to get a yellowed product back, despite the fact that there are special preparations for bleaching fur. In addition to everything, almost every second fur product, after cleaning in dry cleaning, requires minor repairs (during the cleaning process, low-quality accessories can come off and the fur can shed), but not every cleaning company provides such services to the consumer.

How to choose a dry cleaner? To begin with, focus your attention not on colorful signs, but on the list of services provided by the company. Ask all your questions to the manager, and demand to fill out all the necessary papers. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the book of complaints and suggestions, because you trust the dry-cleaner with a rather valuable piece of clothing.

How to clean a fur coat at home

If dry cleaners in your city do not inspire confidence in you, there is always an option to have your fur coat cleaned abroad. For example, Italian dry cleaners are known for their ability to deal with the toughest stains on fur garments and literally bring them back to life. However, this is not a panacea, since the quality of foreign fur coats is somewhat different from domestic ones. Therefore, consider the options for cleaning fur at home.

Fur things need to be cleaned not only in the spring, before storage, but also in the process of wearing. They need to be cleaned of dust and dirt, ventilated and dried in the air. To clean stubborn dirt, the lining should be torn off and cleaned separately from the fur.

For general hair cleaning, mix in equal parts medical alcohol, table vinegar and water. Wipe the fur with a piece of foam rubber soaked in the solution, and wipe it with a dry, paper towel.

Sweat or grease stains, clean with a solution of 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 3 teaspoons of table salt, and half a liter of water. Also, for this purpose, you can use a solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol, in a ratio of one to one.

For large traces of fat use hot bran. Take wheat or rye bran, heat it in a metal bowl over low heat, sprinkle it on the places of contamination, and carefully grind the fur in your hands, thus cleaning each part of the product. For heavy soiling, repeat the procedure several times. After that, shake the fur coat, ridding it of the remnants of bran, and comb the fur with a special brush.

For white fur coat made of hare, or colored astrakhan fur, can be applied except for bran, oatmeal and rye flour.

White fox fur coat, brush potato starch or semolina. To do this, an unlined fur coat is placed in a basin, a large amount of starch is poured on it, and the cleaning is carried out by gently rubbing the fur with starch with your hands. The starch becomes dirty during the cleaning process, and the fur fluffs up and turns white.

To restore the whiteness of a yellowed fur coat, prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. The fur product treated with the solution is hung out in fresh air to dry and ventilate.

On the long-haired coats, lumps often form on the cuffs and collars. To solve this problem, moisten the fur with a solution of medical alcohol, and carefully disassemble the lumps with your fingers. After that, the treated areas should be combed with a brush, and the product should be dried.
give glitter fur on products, you can use the solution table vinegar or glycerin. For dyed products in black and brown, walnut oil can be used. Place the nut in a three-layer gauze bag, crush it well, and lightly rub the pile with the bag.

How to clean a muton fur coat at home

Mouton is a sheepskin fur processed and dyed in a certain way, which is rightfully considered one of the warmest types of sheepskin. It combines two seemingly completely incompatible parameters - excellent quality and low price. For products from a muton, both dry and wet cleaning are used, using different chemical solutions.

- To clean the product from ordinary dirt, use a special fur brush.

Treat the contaminated areas of the fur product several times, according to the growth of the pile, without pressing, and the dirt will come off without any extra effort.
