How to stretch leatherette at home. Life hacks on how to break in shoes that are too tight at home: effective ways to quickly stretch new shoes made of genuine and artificial leather with video

The new season is coming, and with it the time to buy new shoes. The event is pleasant, but fraught with not very good consequences. So, for example, some time after the purchase, the problem of insufficiently comfortable shoes may arise. Indeed, after the first fitting, it is very rare that you can fully feel how the boot fits. Therefore, many will be useful advice,

Home defile

The easiest way will be when you do not need to use any special means or drugs. So, after the next purchase, any shoes need to be worn at home for some time. After a while, it will be heard on the leg, and the foot will get used to the new shoe. Also, this method will help determine how comfortable and practical new shoes are for long walks. It is worth clarifying that this option is only suitable if the shoes fit in size, but are somewhat uncomfortable, because. just new. Wearing shoes at home will not achieve the desired effect if there is a need to stretch the shoes, for example, a size larger.

Technique to help

A great way to stretch faux leather or suede shoes is to put them in the freezer. But not everything is so simple. To do this, you will need water, as well as an airtight plastic bag. The container is placed in a new shoe, filled with water until it fills the void in the middle of the new one, and then the whole thing is placed in the freezer until the ice freezes. You can leave a new pair in the refrigerator even overnight. When the shoes are taken out of the freezer, do not immediately try to get the ice out of them, as this can tear or scratch the product. It is necessary to leave everything in a warm place for a while, and then take it out without any problems. According to most people, this is a great way to

Wet business

Another way to stretch shoes at home. For this, newspapers or rags, as well as water, are useful. Prepared paper or pieces of found fabric are wetted with water, which are wet tightly placed in new shoes. The method works great, but there is a risk of slightly deforming the shoe if the filler is incorrectly placed there.

Another interesting way to stretch faux leather shoes is to prepare a special solution. To do this, stock up on alcohol and water. They are mixed in a ratio of 50 to 50. Then the new shoes are simply rubbed with the prepared solution in those places that require wearing out. You can approach this method in an original way and make not a liquid, but a spray. To do this, the solution is placed in a bottle, and a sprayer is put on instead of a cap. That's all, now it remains only to spray the shoe and wait for the result. The procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary until the desired result is achieved.

special means

Well, the easiest, but at the same time rather difficult way to stretch artificial leather shoes is to use a stretcher. It is worth noting that it is not so difficult to buy it, you just have to look. You can also borrow it from a shoe repair shop. The principle of operation is simple: the stretcher is placed in the shoe and fixed in those places where deformation is necessary. This is the “dry stretch” that can give the shoe the desired shape in just a few days. This method is also great for those who are looking for how to stretch boots or other winter shoes that are difficult to stretch.

Having bought shoes made of any material, you should not be absolutely sure that this model will be suitable for the foot. In most cases, shoes gradually dry out, the factory lubricant evaporates from their surface, due to which their size becomes smaller.

To return it to its original form, you need to stretch it. This must be done correctly, especially if you plan to stretch shoes at home. It should be noted that there are quite a few stretching methods - they all depend on the material from which the model is made: natural or artificial leather, suede, fabric materials, and so on.

Shoes made of artificial leather have a number of features. In particular, in the production process of this material, natural shredded leather is used, which is given a natural look under industrial conditions.

To keep this look for a long period of time, it is covered with polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride. These substances retain the leather surface, but in most cases are quite brittle, which can cause them to wear out within a short period of time.

Stretching such shoes at home can be done in several ways.

  • Due to heat - this technique is able to increase the size of any shoes made of leatherette. The area pressing on the leg must be carefully warmed up, in particular, through the use of household or construction materials. A thick sock is put on the foot to increase the size, the model is put on and worn at home for some time.
  • Shoes can be stretched with ordinary water, which is able to increase shoes to the required size. Shoes are pre-stuffed with paper (to remove excess moisture), soaked and kept damp for some time, then put on a woolen sock and worn for a while until the shoes dry.
  • Laundry soap can also increase shoe size at home. It must first be crushed and diluted with water until a pasty state is obtained. Soap is applied from the inside of artificial leather shoes, after which they are left in this form for several hours or even overnight. Then the soap composition is removed with a damp sponge, put on a tight sock and worn until the shoes are completely dry.
  • At home, you can also use an alcohol solution, which acts as a softener. It is best to use at home not alcohol, but alcohol-containing products, such as cologne. It is applied in small quantities to artificial leather shoes from the inside and worn for several hours at home until all the alcohol has evaporated.

According to experts, it is unlikely that they will be able to stretch the shoes the first time until they get the required size. To eventually get the right size, you will need to apply the same method several times.

Stretching suede shoes is quite easy. At the first stage, areas of the legs where corns and seals are observed are glued. After that, wet socks are put on the feet. From the inside, the shoes are also moisturized, and the heels are covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

In these shoes, you need to walk at home every day for at least an hour during the week. Gradually, the shoes will take the shape of the foot.

To increase the size of shoes or boots, you can use alcohol, which will help in the same way as in the case of leatherette shoes.

Suede products are processed as follows - they take medical alcohol and dilute it with ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 1.

If suede shoes rub only in socks, you need to wet a rag with this compound and put it in a sock, then press it with a newspaper or other similar materials. Shoes are left at home for several days in this form, as a result of which it acquires the required size.

In addition, you can use steam - its steam jet treats the entire inner surface of the shoes for 15-20 seconds, after a couple of minutes you need to repeat this action. Do this three times, and you need to be as careful as possible - there is a high probability of getting burned.

In the future, they put on shoes in this pair and walk in it at home for half an hour or more. As a result of such operations, the shoes take the required size.

In practice, it will be possible to increase the size of tight or tight shoes only if they are only a little tight. It is unlikely that such products can be stretched a whole size or even more, especially if the problem is an uncomfortable block.

It is worth noting that it is best to stretch products made of genuine leather at home. Artificial materials lend themselves to such an operation not very well, in particular, textile shoes (sneakers and similar products) are not very easy to handle, but still possible.

To do this, it should be wetted, and then stuffed with dry newsprint. However, this method has one very significant drawback - it can stick out, so you will also have to look for methods for gluing shoes.

In order to stretch textile shoes without the appearance of such defects, you just need to hold it over a container where water boils. After that, textile shoes are stuffed with wet newspapers, and this is done as evenly as possible.

Dry textile shoes away from heaters. Otherwise, deformation or sticking may occur.

It should be noted that this technique is also suitable for products made of natural or artificial leather.

How to stretch running shoes?

It is worth noting that sneakers can be made of various materials: natural or artificial leather, fabric, textiles, suede, polymer materials, and so on.

If you are not sure what material the shoes are made of, then it is much better to use the services of a specialist and take the sneakers to a shoe repair shop. Masters have available all the necessary tools for this. Preliminary processing will be carried out with a special composition.

After that, wooden or metal inserts will be installed in the sneakers, which will allow them to take the required size. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of various kinds of negative consequences.

You can try stretching your sneakers at home on your own. In principle, if they do not press too hard, you can simply pull out the insoles from them. This will seriously affect the level of hygiene, but it will allow you to achieve a few free millimeters. In most cases, this solution is enough to get rid of the problem.

Having taken the shoes out of the freezer, they take out the ice from there and immediately check how well it turned out to stretch the shoes. It should be worn a little to consolidate the result. If it was not immediately possible to achieve the expected, then the operation is repeated.

It often happens that new shoes, even after careful fitting in the store, sit on the foot uncomfortable and cause a lot of inconvenience. If the product is made of genuine leather, then it is likely that it will stretch a little during wear, but the situation with artificial materials is somewhat sadder. How to stretch leatherette shoes at home if you absolutely don’t want to carry a new thing back to the store? - There are several proven methods that we offer you in this article.

  1. Often, once will not be enough to stretch leatherette shoes at home. Therefore, it will take 2 or even more sessions for the shoe to take the shape of your foot.
  2. Before using any of the methods, make sure that it is made of quality materials. Exposure to temperature, water, alcohol or soap will only ruin the look of the shoe.
  3. stretching is generally not recommended. This material very quickly begins to crack and burst. These shoes are best exchanged at the store.
  4. In order to avoid calluses on the skin during wearing, you can lubricate the heel with paraffin or ordinary laundry soap.

How to stretch shoes: effective methods

To stretch leatherette shoes at home, you must act very carefully, otherwise, the material of not very high quality may not only increase, but burst completely or give visible cracks.

Using pads and cream

The easiest way to stretch new shoes is to use special lasts. They will gently stretch new shoes without damaging the structure of the boot. The lasts help to increase the width of the toe box as well as the length of the shoe.

As a rule, they are made of wood or plastic, and you can buy such a device in almost any store. Plus, you will need a shoe cream or spray so that the shoe material becomes a little more pliable and the process goes faster.

Important! This method works great with genuine leather products, but when stretching leatherette, you should be extremely careful - artificial fabric easily cracks in the process.

Break-in paste

In order not to spend money on pads and not suffer from the problem of excessive deformation of the material, you can use paste. It can also be purchased at a shoe store. Lubricate your boot or shoes with it, and walk around the apartment for about an hour.

Important! If the shoes only rub on the back, you can find effective ways to solve this problem in the article.

After a couple of days, the shoes will not only become softer, but will also be slightly distributed in size.

Important! By the way, instead of paste, you can apply the most common one - the effect will be the same.

Hair dryer application

Exposure to heat is a proven method for stretching tight shoes at home. To do this, simply put thick socks on your feet, and try to put on your tight pair on them. Next, just blow dry on your feet.

After the fabric has become hot, walk around the room for several minutes. For the final result, repeat the procedure several times.

Important! Do not set the mode with too high temperature and intense airflow. It is better to act gradually, in small portions and temperature, so as not to spoil the material.


This method is similar in effect to the previous one, only a low temperature is used here:

  1. Take two plastic bags or balloons and fill them with water.
  2. Carefully put them in the shoes so that the entire volume of the shoes is filled with water.
  3. Then put them in the freezer overnight.

The principle of operation of the method is simple - ice occupies a larger area than water. It is due to this physical effect that the material is stretched.

Soap rubbing

This method has been known for a very long time for its efficiency and simplicity. Take a bar of laundry soap and rub your shoes with it. After that, put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for several hours.

Important! After you have managed to stretch the leatherette shoes, they should be stuffed with paper and left overnight so that the result does not disappear.

Rubbing with alcohol

A great way to stretch suede shoes, because this material cannot be smeared with cream or spray. And medical alcohol leaves no residue and has no smell after weathering.

Rub the material well with alcohol and walk until it evaporates. After that, leave the shoes in the fresh air to air out.

Today we will share with you the secrets of how to properly stretch shoes at home. The article will include the following items:

    How to stretch shoes at home with ice and frost
    To do this, pour water into plastic bags, tie them tightly and put them inside the shoes. Next, the shoes are placed in the freezer or on the balcony if it is very cold outside. Wait until the water is completely frozen, thanks to this, the shoes will quickly stretch and take on a shape that is comfortable for you. Unfortunately, genuine leather shoes can crack after this procedure, so it's best not to experiment.

    How to stretch shoes with warmth
    Slip your uncomfortable boots over a thick woolen sock and then heat your shoes with a hair dryer on high until you feel warm. As soon as the boots and socks are warm, you need to break them in - walk around the apartment as long as possible until they cool down. You can not carry out this procedure with leather shoes, as it can crack and become unusable.

    "Grandfather methods" of stretching shoes
    Stuff as much wet newspaper as you can into your boots, then wait until it is completely dry. Take out a newspaper and check if the boots have stretched to a comfortable size for you. There is another way in which you need to be very careful. Pour 100 milliliters of boiling water into the shoes and pour it out after a few seconds, and then put it on and walk around the apartment at a slow and fast pace.
    The "cowboy" way is also very relevant, just add a lot of whole grains to the shoes, fill in the right amount of water, and then leave for 12 hours. In the morning you will see that the grain is swollen. Take all the grain out of the shoe and put it on, then break it in until it is completely dry. But this method is also unsafe, since walking in wet shoes is not recommended, so do not wear shoes for more than 30-60 minutes.
    Don't risk it if you're going to stretch your suede or leather shoes. It can crack, become covered with white spots, burst, and so on. It will be even more offensive if the shoes were very expensive. It's best to keep your receipt and exchange your shoes if you've recently purchased them. Also, don't forget that suede and leather shoes become harder after being submerged in water.

    The alcohol will help stretch your shoes well!
    Take cologne, water and alcohol in equal proportions and mix. Next, wipe the uncomfortable shoes inside and out with this mixture. Do not get carried away with wiping the outside, you need to process only the toughest places. Most shoe stretchers contain alcohol, but in varying proportions, so this method is very effective. But you should not get carried away with wiping with alcohol: the paint will begin to crack and dry out, the color of the shoes will change, cracks may appear, and so on. Thus, winter boots can also be processed, but very carefully.

    Oil, vinegar, paraffin will also help us!
    If you have not worn shoes for a long time, you can use vegetable or castor oil. Vaseline can also be used to stretch. In the same way as with alcohol, treat the shoes, and then walk around the apartment in it. After one or two hours, you need to wash off the oil, be sure to thoroughly clean the shoes. The method is harmless to natural leather, artificial leather can also be processed. Sometimes leather shoes creak while walking, lubricate the sole with a thin layer of castor oil, and when it dries, the creak will disappear.
    To increase the size of the shoe, you can wipe it with a 3% solution of vinegar, of course, inside. But don't risk wiping the outside of your shoes, because vinegar is just as harsh a chemical as alcohol.
    The most gentle method is rubbing with paraffin. Rub the inner lining of the shoe with a candle, and then leave it overnight, you can remove the paraffin in the morning. But such stretching will not help to expand the heel of the shoe; for this, the back part is treated with alcohol, and only after that it is rubbed with a thick layer of paraffin.

    What are shoe stretching sprays?
    Many people are afraid for their shoes and do not want to expose them to chemicals, as this can lead to unforeseen consequences. In such cases, it is better to purchase a special spray in a shoe store. The best sprays are now produced by the following manufacturers: Oke, Salton, Twist, Duke of Dubbin, Silver, Salamander and Kiwi. You need to apply a small amount of spray to the place where the shoes rub the most. Woolen socks and shoes are then put on to break and stretch it. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions before applying the product.

    It often happens that new shoes, even after careful fitting in the store, sit on the foot uncomfortable and cause a lot of inconvenience. If the product is made of genuine leather, then it is likely that it will stretch a little during wear, but the situation with artificial materials is somewhat sadder. How to stretch leatherette shoes at home if you absolutely don’t want to carry a new thing back to the store? - There are several proven methods that we offer you in this article.

    1. Often, once will not be enough to stretch leatherette shoes at home. Therefore, it will take 2 or even more sessions for the shoe to take the shape of your foot.
    2. Before using any of the methods, make sure that it is made of quality materials. Exposure to temperature, water, alcohol or soap will only ruin the look of the shoe.
    3. stretching is generally not recommended. This material very quickly begins to crack and burst. These shoes are best exchanged at the store.
    4. In order to avoid calluses on the skin during wearing, you can lubricate the heel with paraffin or ordinary laundry soap.

    How to stretch shoes: effective methods

    To stretch leatherette shoes at home, you must act very carefully, otherwise, the material of not very high quality may not only increase, but burst completely or give visible cracks.

    Using pads and cream

    The easiest way to stretch new shoes is to use special lasts. They will gently stretch new shoes without damaging the structure of the boot. The lasts help to increase the width of the toe box as well as the length of the shoe.

    As a rule, they are made of wood or plastic, and you can buy such a device in almost any store. Plus, you will need a shoe cream or spray so that the shoe material becomes a little more pliable and the process goes faster.

    Important! This method works great with genuine leather products, but when stretching leatherette, you should be extremely careful - artificial fabric easily cracks in the process.

    Break-in paste

    In order not to spend money on pads and not suffer from the problem of excessive deformation of the material, you can use paste. It can also be purchased at a shoe store. Lubricate your boot or shoes with it, and walk around the apartment for about an hour.

    Important! If the shoes only rub on the back, you can find effective ways to solve this problem in the article.

    After a couple of days, the shoes will not only become softer, but will also be slightly distributed in size.

    Important! By the way, instead of paste, you can apply the most common one - the effect will be the same.

    Hair dryer application

    Exposure to heat is a proven method for stretching tight shoes at home. To do this, simply put thick socks on your feet, and try to put on your tight pair on them. Next, just blow dry on your feet.

    After the fabric has become hot, walk around the room for several minutes. For the final result, repeat the procedure several times.

    Important! Do not set the mode with too high temperature and intense airflow. It is better to act gradually, in small portions and temperature, so as not to spoil the material.


    This method is similar in effect to the previous one, only a low temperature is used here:

    1. Take two plastic bags or balloons and fill them with water.
    2. Carefully put them in the shoes so that the entire volume of the shoes is filled with water.
    3. Then put them in the freezer overnight.

    The principle of operation of the method is simple - ice occupies a larger area than water. It is due to this physical effect that the material is stretched.

    Soap rubbing

    This method has been known for a very long time for its efficiency and simplicity. Take a bar of laundry soap and rub your shoes with it. After that, put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for several hours.

    Important! After you have managed to stretch the leatherette shoes, they should be stuffed with paper and left overnight so that the result does not disappear.

    Rubbing with alcohol

    A great way to stretch suede shoes, because this material cannot be smeared with cream or spray. And medical alcohol leaves no residue and has no smell after weathering.

    Rub the material well with alcohol and walk until it evaporates. After that, leave the shoes in the fresh air to air out.
