How to make beautiful holes on a T-shirt. How to Decorate a Tee Shirt with Your Hands

For the attention of the reader, a new short review on how you can take and remake old, perhaps no longer needed T-shirts. After all, there is nothing wrong with finding a use for old, useless things.

1. Fluffy rug

An original fluffy rug that can be made from scraps of old T-shirts tied in a special way on a construction mesh.

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2. Bags

Brightly colored t-shirts that have stretched, worn out, or gone out of style are the perfect material for creating unusual handbags. For example, from any knitted T-shirt, in just half an hour, you can sew an original string bag. People who are good at sewing can opt for a more sophisticated option and turn unwanted T-shirts into a beautiful handbag.

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3. Necklace

Unused T-shirts cut into strips can be turned into unique stylish necklaces and chokers. Moreover, there are a lot of options for creating such jewelry. For example, T-shirts can be cut into thin laces and made into a massive scarf necklace or weave an original necklace from thicker strips of knitwear, which can be decorated with suitable accessories.
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4. Mesh

Many neat round cuts will allow you to turn an old tunic or long T-shirt into an original mesh dress. After the last cut is made, the T-shirt should be soaked in hot water so that the cuts are rounded and do not bloom further.

5. T-shirt with lace

The most ordinary T-shirt can be turned into a trendy thing this season by simply sewing a small piece of lace or guipure on its neckline.

6. Original parts

Pieces of organase, lace or lace will help transform old boring T-shirts. Lace inserts, organza petals, flowers and fabric bows will turn even the simplest T-shirt into an exclusive piece of clothing.

7. Sandals

An old T-shirt, cut into shreds, is perfect for decorating old flip flops and will allow you to turn them from simple flip-flops into original summer sandals.

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8. Earrings

An old t-shirt or top can be used to create stylish long earrings. However, to create such decorations, in addition to T-shirts, you will also need special accessories, which you can buy in a needlework store.

9. Bracelets

From a few T-shirts and a few accessories, you can make countless different bracelets.

10. Laundry basket

A nondescript plastic or wicker laundry basket can be decorated with scraps of old knitted T-shirts, thus turning it into a stylish piece of furniture.

11. Pompoms

Creative individuals will surely like the idea of ​​turning unnecessary knitted T-shirts into bright voluminous pompoms that will become an original decoration of the apartment.

12. Fashion cuts

Original slits on the back will help to give the T-shirt a new fashionable look. To do this, armed with chalk, you need to outline a diagram of future cuts and carefully cut out all the necessary details. The finished product should be soaked in hot water and left to dry.

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13. Unusual painting

You can freshen up a boring plain t-shirt with the help of an original painting with an ombre effect. To do this, in a plastic basin you need to mix a quarter cup of dye, four cups of warm water and four tablespoons of salt. In the finished mixture, gradually lower the bottom of the T-shirt, hold for one minute and rinse thoroughly under running water. And in order to get the original spotted effect, you need to sprinkle a wet T-shirt with the remnants of a dry dye, wait until the product dries and rinse again in cold water.

14. Fashion print

With the help of special paints, cardboard stencils and a foam brush, you can decorate a nondescript plain T-shirt with a stylish print.

15. Romantic top

With minimal sewing skills and a sewing machine, you can turn a boring plain t-shirt into a charming and very fashionable off-the-shoulder flounced top.

In order to look spectacular and stylish, you can go to an expensive boutique and choose a truly luxurious outfit that emphasizes all the charms of your figure. But this option, of course, is not suitable for each of us, because the cost of branded items is fabulously high. In addition, even having bought a stunning dress or suit, you are unlikely to show off in it every day, but save it “for the exit”.

However, you can add new colors to gray everyday life and update your wardrobe without financial costs. To do this, you can simply try to beautifully cut an old T-shirt or T-shirt - as a rule, such things are in the wardrobe of every woman.

You can use various things: already lost their appearance, frayed, stretched. Often women use men's T-shirts for experiments, as well as products that have lost their appearance due to a speck that can no longer be washed off, or burned with a cigarette.

By the way, young mothers can also use these ideas. After a happy period of pregnancy, they probably left things of large size, which are unlikely to be needed in the foreseeable future.

Well, why do they uselessly gather dust on the shelf? For this purpose, products made from both natural materials (cotton, calico, chintz, silk), as well as synthetic or semi-synthetic ones, will do. Today we will tell you how to cut a T-shirt or T-shirt beautifully with your own hands in stages.

How to cut a T-shirt: 5 ideas

First you need to prepare for the process. It is worth noting that in order to cut a T-shirt or T-shirt, it is not at all necessary to use a sewing machine. Absolutely each of us can make a stylish little thing with the help of ordinary tools available in every home.

Well, if you have professional skills and often hold a thread with a needle in your hands, it will be very easy to work.

So, for work we need:

  • old T-shirt or T-shirt;
  • scissors;
  • sewing pins;
  • a thin bar of soap, crayon or pencil for marking;
  • ruler or sewing centimeter;
  • thick cardboard for patterns.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to work only with sharp, well-sharpened scissors, because blunt blades can mercilessly chop up the fabric, which after that can only be put on rags.

Option 1

This is the simplest and at the same time popular way to decorate old T-shirts. In order to transform a thing, it is enough just to cut it in even stripes in certain parts.

Take a T-shirt or T-shirt, turn it inside out, and lay it flat on a flat, hard surface, face up.

Draw even, symmetrical lines on the sides with a ruler and pencil the way you want. The distance between the slots should be 1 centimeter or less. It is undesirable to make more distance, because then the slots will turn out to be too large, and it will look ugly. The length of the cuts can be the same or decrease down the product - it all depends solely on your imagination and desire.

In the same way, you can make cutouts on the back or on the sides.

To do this, turn the garment inside out, fold its sleeve to the sleeve, draw markings and carefully cut out the strips of the required length and width.

Vertical stripes on the back look spectacular. This option is especially suitable for not very thin and short ladies - it is believed that vertical lines, unlike horizontal ones, give the silhouette harmony and visually stretch it.

Note. When working, it is very important not to touch the seams on the product with scissors so that the threads do not bloom.

After this procedure, the product should be washed in a washing machine at a low temperature, but not wrung out, but carefully hung on a clothesline and dried.

Option 2

An original way to decorate an obsolete T-shirt or T-shirt is cut out
parts of the fabric in the form of any pattern. It can be a flower, a heart, a web, a silhouette of a teddy bear, a kitten, a square or another geometric shape.

To do this, cut out the necessary patterns from cardboard, and then attach them to the fabric and circle with a pencil or chalk.

However, if you draw well, then you can do without a pattern and apply the desired pattern directly to the product.

After the pattern is ready, proceed directly to cutting. In this case, you need to use well-sharpened scissors with sharp tips so as not to damage the fabric around the pattern.

Such patterns are usually made on the back. But if you like experiments, you can try cutting the product in front. Only to wear it afterwards, of course, should be with a closed top or a thin tight-fitting turtleneck.

Option 3

You can make a long T-shirt or T-shirt unusual by cutting out vertical stripes at the bottom. To do this, turn the washed product inside out, measure a few centimeters of fabric from below and secure with pins.

Then, lift the weed up to the desired height and secure with pins again. Now mark up future cuts around the entire circumference of the T-shirt and get to work. Do not make the strips too wide, it will look ugly. The width of the strips is 1-2 cm.

Such a stylish thing is suitable for summer walks in the park, along the promenade or going to a cafe.

Option 4

As a rule, this method of cutting a T-shirt on the back is especially popular with young people. Such a thing looks beautiful and original, and is suitable for summer holidays or just for walking with a baby in the yard.

To give a second life to an old piece, turn it inside out and mark the back with a ruler and a pencil or bar of soap.

Now carefully cut it lengthwise into even horizontal strips 1 to 5 centimeters wide. Cut the resulting strips exactly in the middle and tie with a knot or multi-colored pieces of fabric. Often women of fashion for this purpose use improvised materials such as hair ties.

In order for the thing to sit beautifully on you, put it on and ask someone to “fit” the bows exactly to the figure. But at the same time, you should not tighten the bows too tight, otherwise you simply won’t be able to remove it later.

Option 5

From a long T-shirt or T-shirt, you can make an original addition to other clothes.

To do this, collect a small piece of fabric and cut it so that you get a small circle. Make exactly the same circles on the entire fabric, leaving only a few centimeters intact at the bottom and top of the product. If this is not done, the outfit will look sloppy.

Summer is already on the nose, but the prices in stores are not encouraging? We offer you 25 cool ideas on how to update your wardrobe for the new season with a minimum of financial costs.

With the arrival of a new summer season, we immediately rush to the store for new T-shirts and light blouses, which we want to have with a margin for the summer. But the prices of new things are rising from year to year. Like the mountains of "obsolete" things in the closet. So why not and not "revive" them with minimal cost? , you will not only give it a new look, but also please yourself with a beautiful thing.

We have collected for you the coolest ideas on how to "revive" an old T-shirt with your own hands. We hope you enjoy them and get inspired to create your own designs.

How to remake a T-shirt with your own hands: 7 creative ways

To update an old T-shirt, all you need is scissors, paints, multi-colored threads, lace, felt or beads, and a little imagination.

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How to remake a T-shirt: drawings and prints

One of the easiest but most effective ways to update an old t-shirt is to draw something on it with your own hands. To do this, it is best to choose a white plain T-shirt and paints or felt-tip pens for the fabric. Everything else is a matter of taste and imagination.

To make a large design on a T-shirt, first make a stencil on paper. Next, place the stencil under one of the sides of the T-shirt and point the pattern with a felt-tip pen.

A plain t-shirt will also become more interesting if you put prints on it. It is very easy to make them at home, and a T-shirt converted with their help will look even cooler.

How to update an old t-shirt with lace inserts

Lace and lace inserts will give a regular t-shirt even more lightness, a romantic touch and flirtatiousness. There are several ways to update an old t-shirt in this way: add an insert on the back, on the sides of the t-shirt, or decorate the collar.

How to remake a T-shirt with scissors: we make stylish cuts

Fringe and slits on the T-shirt are more relevant than ever. All you need is scissors and sleight of fingers to turn an old t-shirt into a trendy piece. These simple cuts will immediately make an old t-shirt unusual, and you will have something interesting to do on the weekends.

How to remake a T-shirt: embroidery decoration

Don't want a radical alteration of your favorite T-shirt, but your soul asks for something interesting? Add some embroidery! The cutest thing about such a neat embroidery on a T-shirt will look on the side of the chest or on/above the pocket. The T-shirt update is quite small, but very stylish!

How to remake a T-shirt: interesting applications

T-shirt appliqués are another way to recycle an old item and give it a new look. You can use fabric, felt, or beads to decorate a T-shirt. All these elements will help you perfectly "revive" a T-shirt that you will enjoy for many more days.

DIY T-shirt alteration without sewing

You can recycle an old t-shirt without much effort and without even picking up a needle and thread. All you need for this job is scissors. See the photo below to see how an ordinary T-shirt can be turned into a stylish blouse or loose-fitting T-shirt.

How to renew an old t-shirt with paint

Love colored t-shirts? Then stock up on paints and get a white T-shirt out of the closet, which is suitable for the experiment. We have already told, so following our advice, you can create a bright fashion item with your own hands.

There are two ways to dye a T-shirt using the ombre technique:

  • using paint in a spray bottle (then colors can be combined);
  • by immersing the T-shirt in a container of paint and keeping it there for a certain time to create a gradient.

Now you have a lot of great ideas on how to recycle old t-shirts and reuse them instead of just throwing them away or storing them in the closet. In addition, such an update of old things will help you save a lot on the budget.

A simple white t-shirt can become a bright and stylish detail of your wardrobe. All you need is some sewing supplies, a little effort, and of course, one of the dozen great ways to transform a white t-shirt that we have put together just for you!

Few things can surpass the popularity of a plain white t-shirt. To complement it, just put on your favorite jeans and long bright beads - and you will look great almost anywhere. But when such a fairly simple style gets a little bored, you can easily come up with something new and unusual!

We want to present to your attention 10 ways to radically transform a plain white t-shirt that do not require special skills and devices. It will be enough to stock up on sewing supplies, patience and adopt one of these great ideas!

We used regular white men's t-shirts, but for most of the options, you can use any old white t-shirt you have in your wardrobe.

1. T-shirt without top

A bright accent is perfect for summer fun days. The multi-coloured stripes and off-the-shoulders will quickly make this one of your favorite summer outfits.

To create this beauty, you first need to cut off the sleeves and the top of the shirt. Then cut it off at the bottom to get the length that works for you. Next, cut the shirt in half from the front and pick up a piece of fabric that will fit the cut. Then we sew together the resulting three parts. Iron the seams on the top and bottom of the shirt and, after wrapping, sew again to then pull the lace through using the good old pin method.

2. Doll girl style

This image certainly looks very romantic and sophisticated. We used a t-shirt paired with comfortable jeans, but you can easily use this idea to update your summer dress by sewing on a sheer fabric that falls gently to the floor.

Cut out the appropriate neckline for you. When using a men's tank top, you may need to sew in the sides. Take a sheer fabric (such as chiffon) and stitch it to the bottom of the shirt. Remember to make folds so that the fabric falls nicely.

3. Tank top with a hood

Maybe it's time to upgrade your tracksuit? Grab an old tank top and any hoodie you no longer need to combine them for this great sporty look.

For our t-shirt, we used an old sweatshirt that cut out a hood, a strip of fabric for a tie at the bottom, and two pieces of fabric for the sides. First, cut off the sleeves and neck, sew in the sides. Sew on pieces of dark fabric and a hood. You just have to hem the bottom of the T-shirt, retract the lace and you're done!

4. Romantic bolero

Such a cute and stylish bolero will make you the most fashionable girl this summer! Wear it with a little black dress and heels for an irresistible look.

To implement this idea, we cut off about half of the shirt (in the longitudinal direction). Then you need to cut it in half and sew on large buttons. Use the remaining excess fabric to make buttonholes.

5. Skull on the back

This crazy carved skull looks great and is super easy to make! Such a T-shirt will undoubtedly make you unforgettable and bright.

You really don't have to work very hard here. Just draw on the fabric the skull you want to end up with and cut it out!

6. Top with buttons on the shoulders

Don't know how to make a T-shirt unusual? Simple buttons on the shoulders can be a great option!

We additionally used black fabric to decorate the top of the shirt, but you can also do something similar without it, using only buttons or a zipper. Shorten your T-shirt at the top and bottom so that it looks more square. Now all you have to do is sew the buttons on top and hem the bottom.

7. Wool collar

Such an idea can radically transform the look of your T-shirt and make it much more interesting and stylish!

Cut off the sleeves of the T-shirt and then stitch the scarf around the neckline as if it were wrapped around your neck. And wear it with pleasure!

8 Beach Butterfly

Are you going to the beach and want to whip up some interesting beach top? Then scissors are for you! No matter where you travel, you probably won't have a hard time finding a T-shirt and scissors. Even a pocket knife can successfully do all the work.

Mentally draw a diamond shape in the middle of the back of the T-shirt. Then cut diagonally up and down to each corner. Cut out a triangle at the top and bottom, leave strips of fabric at the top to tie a bow, cut off the sleeves, and you're done!

9. Neon heart

Do you love neon color, but want it to look not too bright, but even a little sophisticated? Make it the bottom layer! This t-shirt will look fun at a summer festival or party, and you can make many similar t-shirts with your girlfriends for a bachelorette party.

Cut out a heart shape from neon colored fabric and mentally draw its shape on the front of the t-shirt. Then take scissors and cut out many small squares in this place. This will give the t-shirt a distinctive weave look. Then, armed with a sewing machine or just a needle and thread, sew the heart inside the T-shirt. Trim off any excess neon fabric and tie a knot at the side for an 80s look.

10. Refinement with a drawing

You can finally relax and wear bright loose clothes that will look great on warm summer days! This image is perfect for the city, and for walks in nature.

Find some old tee with a fun print or jersey colored fabric to decorate the front of the t-shirts. Shape the sleeves in such a way that you get the shape of wrestling shirts with a deep armhole on the back. Then cut out a piece from the front of the T-shirt and attach another patterned fabric in its place. It remains only to sew the pattern and process the bottom.

Do you have any creative ideas for transforming a plain white t-shirt? If so, be sure to share them with us in the comments!

Have you ever thrown away your seemingly beloved items just because they were worn out, faded, or acquired some kind of unremovable dirt? Probably, each of us faced such a problem.

But is it worth it to hurry, if you can give the old thing a completely new life?

Creativity is everything!

Worn T-shirts have a remarkable feature - they can even be used to make knitted yarn for crochet!

However, if you absolutely do not want to part directly with a thing that fits you perfectly in its style and favorably emphasizes the dignity of your appearance with its interesting shade, you can ... cut it!

Thus, you can get a rather original thing that will be a great addition to the "street look" or street style. Cutting a T-shirt is not difficult - it is only important to provide for some details of its cut and the location of the threads in the material so as not to spoil the thing at all.

Many girls like to cut only the sleeves to get a romantic blouse with thin stripes around the fragile graceful shoulders.

A good alternative to this is the creation of a vertical fringe on the sleeves.

Some time ago, such t-shirts were all the rage, and were sold in boutiques at rather high prices. And everything new, as they say, is just a well-forgotten old, so we suggest you adopt some stylish images of the past and introduce them into your current image.

When "reanimating" and refreshing old things, any creative impulses are good. The quality and uniqueness of the finished product directly depends on the breadth of your imagination. But do not forget that only an artistic design is sometimes not enough, and in order for a thing to come out neat, you need to follow certain principles of its finishing technology.

We remake a t-shirt by cutting the fabric

It is not difficult to remake a T-shirt - there would be a desire and perseverance. As usual, we recommend that you practice in advance on a fabric of similar structure, which will become your “draft” option. Please note that scissors are not suitable for this purpose. You can only use them if you have previously dealt with similar types of hand-made, and know how to make curly cuts with this tool.

It should be noted that in this case, only scissors with pointed tips are needed so that they can carefully pierce the knitted fabric. For beginners, it is optimal to use a clerical knife (cutter). This is a kind of guarantee that the stripes and other fragments will turn out to be even and symmetrical, the way you imagine them.

Let's say the front of your T-shirt is dirty or torn. Let this be the area of ​​the collar, which is most often exposed to various injuries.

Try to make a stylish and fashionable thing out of it!

To do this, draw a few semicircular stripes in the collar area with a pencil or remnant (its front elastic can be safely cut off, but without violating the overall cut). Now put the thing on a stable surface (let it be an unnecessary board, a piece of fiberboard or plastic).

Please note that the jacket should be, as it were, “put on” on a kind of "cutting board". This is important, because otherwise, along with the front, you will also cut the back, which will not only look strange, but also sit on you no less strange.

Carefully, but firmly and continuously, draw along the pre-marked lines with a clerical knife. Try not to tear the blade away from the fabric, so as not to get unwanted "nicks". When the first cut strip is ready, grab the two opposite bases of the cut with your thumbs and forefingers, then gently and gently pull the knitwear in different directions.

The structure of the fabric for standard T-shirts is such that "collapses" when stretched, so you end up with like "lace" stripes, the way we used to see them on fashion items.

Do the manipulations described above with the rest of the marked area. Do not forget to stretch the knitwear after each incision, so the product will turn out to be harmonious and uniform.

You can use not only horizontal, but also vertical and diagonal directions. Do not forget that it is necessary to pull the cuts strictly in the direction in which the cut was made. If you cut the sweater with vertical lines, and pull horizontally, you are almost guaranteed to ruin the product.

Remember a few simple rules:

  1. Do not get carried away with the number of cuts: when there are too many of them and they are located almost all over the thing, it looks more like a mauvais ton than a bright fashionable attribute;
  2. It is not necessary to make long longitudinal or transverse incisions. You can get by with small stripes with an interesting arrangement - this way the T-shirt will look even more stylish and unique;
  3. Finished lines, if desired, can be shaped into braids and other woven elements, if you skillfully wield crochet and knitting needles;
  4. When creating a fringe on the sleeves, it is advisable to tie the end of each thread into a standard strong knot. It is also worth stringing large beads onto the resulting threads - this way the product will look more elegant;
  5. You can cut a T-shirt anywhere - there are no clear rules and regulations here. It all depends on your taste preferences in this matter, as well as what kind of "lively" thing you see. And of course, the localization of damage on the jacket that you want to camouflage is important.

It is advisable to use precisely small cuts, but there are girls who prefer to cut larger fragments from the fabric. Please note that this does not always turn out to be aesthetically pleasing in the end, especially if the quality of the fabric on the old product leaves much to be desired.

It’s almost the same story with sleeves - if your T-shirt is already quite stretched and “weak” in texture by the time you give it a new life, it’s better not to experiment with them - there is a risk that the stripes will not “lie” on your shoulders in proper condition and form.

Some ideas for cutting t-shirts

If you decide to beautifully cut a T-shirt and give a full new life to old things, we will give you some ideas for your undertaking.

How interesting is it to cut a T-shirt?

Try drawing some shape on the fabric, such as a flower or a butterfly. Cut the fabric according to the intended pattern so that the cut part turns out to be curly. By applying small notches to knitwear, you can make a dissected ornament that looks especially elegant and fresh. This is most relevant for light-colored things - this way they will look even lighter, more airy and romantic.

Girls who love rock and glam rock style love to experiment with bolder ideas by carving a figure in the form of stylized human ribs on their back or stomach. This option looks especially beautiful if the “ribs” are wide at the top and taper downwards. Such figures should be cut out in fairly wide fragments - a dense dissection with closely spaced lines is unlikely to be appropriate here.

You can also cut the T-shirt in the form of wings on the back. Particularly romantic girls even decorate fabrics with feathers and pearl beads, so that the finished refreshed thing may well compete in its originality with designer delights.

Another interesting option is to apply vertical cuts to the bottom of the T-shirt. At the same time, it is desirable that the strips turn out to be long enough, and from them it was possible to weave a symmetrical additional pattern.
