How to make a square out of paper. Workshops on assembling different models of origami cubes

How to make a paper cube? There are two ways to quickly and easily create this equilateral paper hexagon.

The first method is to first draw and cut out the unfolded cube, and then glue it together.

If this method suits you, you need to prepare the necessary tools and fixtures. In order to make a sweep, you will need paper, a pencil, a ruler, as well as scissors and glue. This set of stationery, no doubt, will be found by everyone who needs to make a cube out of paper.

The scheme of the volumetric hexagon is very simple. Initially, you need to draw a figure in the shape of a cross and divide it into six squares of the same size so that one side of the cross is twice as long as any other. It should be noted that there should be narrow stripes on the outer sides of each square.

With the help of these strips, it will be easy to carefully glue the figure. This is one of the ways to make a paper cube.

The second method does not require the use of any special devices. The technique by which this polygon can be created is called origami. How to make a paper cube using origami? It is by no means difficult. It is necessary to start folding the hexagon from a square piece of paper. First of all, you should fold the sheet into a standard origami figure - a double triangle. Such a figure will turn out if you fold the paper in half, making a rectangular sheet out of a square, and then fold it again, again getting a square. After that, we open the resulting figure in such a way that a triangle is obtained on both sides. This is the first of the answers to the question of how to make a paper cube using origami.

Then you need to make a few more manipulations with the double triangle.
Its edges on both sides must be bent to the top. Again we get a square, the opposite corners of which are folded to the center. So we've made a hexagon that has two pockets on each side. In them it is necessary to bend two halves of paper at the top of the figure. Next, we take a needle and make a small hole in the top of the hexagon, and then blow hard into it. This is how the desired volumetric body is obtained.

There is another technology for making a cube using origami. But it requires six sheets of paper, which are folded into a certain shape, and then assembled into a cube. Accordingly, the more materials are used, the less rational is the volumetric body, so we do not describe this origami method. The two options discussed above are less time consuming and therefore ideal.

Now you know two convenient ways to make a paper cube very quickly and effortlessly. But your theoretical skills can only be worked out in practice, so take a square piece of paper, the necessary tools, and make this beautiful hexagon, which can be used not only as a visual aid, but also as an interior decoration!


Construct the first square of the chosen size. Then, strictly under it, draw another similar square so that they have one face in common. In the figure, this square is indicated by the number 3. Now, to the right, to the left and below this square, draw one more. Finally, draw the last square (number 6) under the lowest one already built.

At the squares numbered 1, 2 and 4, draw small valves that will later help the finished figure from the sweep. Place one valve above the upper face of the first square (this is what the space at the edge of the sheet was left for), and six more - near all the free faces of the two side squares.

Now take the scissors and carefully cut out the resulting scan along the contour.

Using a ruler, bend the scan along the lines. First, bend all the flaps up, and then lift the squares numbered 1, 2, 4 and 5. The sixth square should be at the very top - this is the “lid” of the cube.

Take glue, coat all the valves with it and connect them to adjacent faces from the inside. Your cube is ready!

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Blocks are often used in children's games and construction. It will be interesting for children to make a game cube from improvised materials together with adults.

You will need

  • paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, colored paper, markers/pencils/paints


Draw the outline of the cube. A cube has 6 faces, each of which is a square. In the development, they are arranged so that as few edges as possible have to be glued together. To do this, the side faces are placed side by side, and the base and upper face are on the sides of the scan.

Draw special valves to the reamers, which you will then smear with glue. Most often, when gluing, the valve is glued directly to the edge of the cube, but if you have very thin paper, then you can glue the valves together, then the edges will remain intact.

Glue the frame, then glue the cube around it. From above, the cube can be pasted over with colored paper, applications, painted with felt-tip pens, paints or pencils. If you are making a cube for a board game, then put the number of points on the faces. If at the same time you imitate a cube with dots for playing dice, then remember that the number of dots on opposite faces must be equal to seven. Thus, the following pairs of points on the faces are obtained: 1-6, 2-5, 3-4.

Useful advice

You can create a whole paper constructor by gluing together 30 pieces of cubes and other shapes.


  • Paper cube without glue

Cubes are a universal toy for your children, allowing them to develop logical thinking and fine motor skills of their hands, and if the cubes are colored, this will help children show their creativity. Many people have such questions that "is it worth buying such a trifle as cubes or is it worth making them yourself." This, everyone should decide for himself, but here is a rough instruction on how to make a cube yourself.


You can make a cube from a dense one (drawing or drawing one) or you can use it. Next, prepare from thin cardboard.

Also make it according to the template in accordance with the selected cube size. You will need a frame for the strength of your cube, insert it inside.

Make the size of the frame 1 mm smaller than the size of the cube template itself. Insert the finished frame inside your template, and glue it. That's it, your cube is ready.

There is another way to make a cube. You can make a cube from two ordinary matchboxes. To do this, shorten each box, and then paste over them with paper.

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Board games can be fun for the whole family. Both children and adults like them. But for many of these games, a die is needed, and it is very often lost. If you are going to play, but the cube has gone somewhere - make it yourself.

You will need

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • square
  • Pencil


Make a sweep a. Draw a straight line. The direction can be arbitrary, but if it is parallel to one of the sides and at a distance slightly larger than the edge of the cube. Put a dot on the line and set aside edges from it. To play, you will need a small cube, with an edge no more than 3 cm. From the two points obtained, draw perpendiculars and also set aside the size of the edge on them. Connect the ends of the perpendiculars. The result is a central square, from which you will be the rest of the faces.

Continue the sides of the square in all directions, and on each line, mark the length of the edge. Connect in pairs obtained to get segments parallel to the sides of the original square. You have 5 squares, you need 1 more. Draw it from any side, continuing the corresponding sides of the existing square. The scan is ready, but it's too early to cut it.

Take care of the gluing allowances. Make them on the side where 2 are drawn from the original square. Draw lines parallel to the sides of the resulting rectangle, at a distance of about 0.5 cm. Where the side square merges with the original, bevel the allowance at an angle of about 45 °.

Cut out the cube, taking into account the allowances. Cut the allowances where the squares meet on the long side of the reamer. Bevel the corners.

Bend the cube along the edges. Bend the gluing allowances. Draw points from 1 to 6 on the faces of the cube, then glue the structure together.

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Useful advice

If the cardboard is thick, you can push the lines from the wrong side with the blunt edge of scissors or a knife, and only then bend it. Smooth thin but hard cardboard along the folds on the front side with the same blunt end of the scissors.

It is best to use PVA glue, but if it is not at hand, you can take silicate or any other paper glue.

Some games and puzzles require small dice. Of course, you can buy them ready-made and paste over with colored paper. But if there are no such cubes at hand, you can make them yourself. To make homemade cubes, you will need thick paper or thin cardboard.

You will need

  • Thick paper, thin cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue


Up and down from the second square, build one more cube. As a result, you should get a scan of six squares, which, when folded, form the sides of the cube.

Draw valves 5-7 mm wide along the edges of the three squares. Cut off their corners. The valves should resemble a trapezoid. These additional elements will be needed to connect the sides of the cube and put them on the glue.

Lay the template on thick paper and carefully trace around the outline. Cut out the future cube with scissors. Attach a ruler to the fold lines on the outer side of the scan and run along them with the blunt side of the scissors, slightly crushing the paper. This is required in order to make it easier to bend the sides of the cube.

Prepare a frame from thin cardboard. It should also be made according to the template so that it matches the size of the cube, that is, the frame template should be slightly smaller than the size of the cube template.

Insert the cardboard frame inside the development of the cube and paste over it. According to the finished template, make the required number of cubes. By the way, you can use colored paper for cubes, or you can paste over a ready-made cube with such paper.

There is another way to make a cube. Take two empty matchboxes, shorten each of them a little and glue them, laying one on top of the other. Now paste over the resulting cube with colored paper.

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Due to some circumstances, it may be necessary to make a square out of a rectangular sheet, for example, during the manufacture of many origami paper crafts. But not always at hand there is a pencil and a ruler. However, there are ways by which you can get a square with nothing but ingenuity.

You will need

  • - rectangle;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors.


A rectangle is a geometric figure in which all four corners are right and pairs of sides are parallel to each other. The opposite sides of the rectangle are different in length between themselves, and between pairs are different. The square differs from the previous figure only in that all four sides are the same.

In order to make a square from a rectangle, you can also use a pencil. For example, the sides of a rectangle are 30 cm (length) and 20 cm (width). Then the square will have sides with a smaller value, that is, 20 cm. Measure 20 cm on the upper long side of the rectangle. Perform the same action, but only with the bottom side. Connect the dots with a ruler. If necessary, cut off the excess, resulting in a square with sides of 20 cm.

You can make a square out of a rectangle even if there are no drawing accessories. Lay in front of you and bend one of its right angles (it can be any angle) strictly in half. If you put the resulting figure on the long side, then there will be a rectangular trapezoid, visually consisting of a triangle and another rectangle. Bend the resulting rectangle into a triangle (it will be double due to the folded paper), smooth it with your fingers and cut or carefully tear it off. Expand the paper, which will be a square. From the small remaining rectangle, you can again get a square, only smaller. It is permissible to use the same methods.

The rectangle can also have slightly different dimensions, for example, 40x20 cm, that is, the length is exactly 2 times the width. In this case, take a ruler and measure 20 cm on the long side (top and bottom), connect the points obtained and divide in half. You will get two identical squares. If it is reliably known that the rectangle has exactly this ratio of length and width (2: 1), then simply fold the geometric figure in half, and then cut it. By the way, to make sure that the ratio is really 2:1 without a ruler, for this, fold any corner of the rectangle in half. Then perform the same action, but only on the other side (symmetrically to the first corner). If as a result of all these manipulations a right triangle is obtained, then the aspect ratio is actually 2:1.

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In the technique of patchwork, not only traditional rugs and blankets are created. This type of art allows almost everyone who has at least a little learned how to operate a sewing machine to realize their creative potential. Before you start sewing exquisite curtains and luxurious panels, you need to learn how to cut and fasten individual motifs together. One of the main elements is a square.

You will need

  • - the cloth;
  • - picture;
  • - graph paper;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - roller knife;
  • - cardboard;
  • - tape measure;
  • - calculator.


Draw the contours of the product on graph paper. If it is a bedspread with a lining, you can immediately cut out the bottom layer of fabric. Decide how long and wide your creation will be. Based on this, calculate the size of the square. Try to calculate in such a way that all slices fit an integer number of elements.

Make a pattern out of thick but thin cardboard. Strictly observe the perpendicularity of the sides. It is convenient to start building a square from one of the corners. Set aside equal segments on adjacent sides. Using a tailor's square and a metal ruler, draw perpendiculars to the marked points until they intersect. Cut out the pattern with a shoe knife along the same metal ruler.

It is not worth cutting fabric squares according to a cardboard pattern. It is needed for completely different purposes - allowances are ironed on it. Make a pattern from any sheet of paper. Circle the cardboard square and add about 0.75 cm on each side if you have a new model typewriter. For old Podolsk machines, it is enough to leave an allowance of 0.6 cm. The difference is due to the fact that when the foot is lowered, the difference between its edge and the point of the needle is not the same.

Count the number of squares from each type of fabric. Lay one piece of fabric wrong side up and trace around the paper pattern. Cut out the element strictly along the lines. This can be done with ordinary tailor's scissors or a roller knife. In the same way, cut out the squares from other shreds. It is desirable that the sides of each motif correspond to the directions of the warp and weft. If this is not possible, try to keep the fabric threads of all motifs at the same angle to the side of the square.

Your next steps depend on the way you are going to sew the product. To stitch the elements on a typewriter, fold 2 squares right sides together. Match the cuts. If you have calculated the allowances correctly, then you just have to make sure that the edge of the foot goes exactly along the edge. When sewing by hand, iron the allowances on the pattern on the wrong side. The stitches must exactly fall into the fold line.

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Useful advice

In principle, squares can be cut out without a cardboard pattern. For example, if you are going to sew a product from the same fabric. Just calculate the size of the motif along with allowances. On the wrong side of the material, draw a grid, the sides of the cell of which correspond to the dimensions of the element.

In the technique of paper plasticity, very interesting three-dimensional compositions can be made. But before moving on to making sculptures or architectural models, you need to understand how to make the simplest objects - for example, a cone, a pyramid, a parallelepiped. It's best to start with a cube.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose a cube is needed, the main thing is that a person always faces the question “how to make a clear cube with your own hands from the most ordinary paper or cardboard?” And, the question, in principle, is logical, because not everyone is subject to the art of origami or the ability to make drawings correctly. Our article is aimed precisely at helping to make a cube and showing how to do it.

How to make a cube out of paper or cardboard: the difference in manufacturing technique

Making a cube out of paper or cardboard, as it seems at first glance, is elementary. In practice, everything turns out differently. A special fear appears in the eyes of those who learn that there are a lot of options for making cubes and they all differ, both in complexity and in appearance. In more detail, we will consider the most popular of the methods and show the schemes for their manufacture.

The simplest of all is a three-dimensional cube, which is made using a sweep. To do this, you can use this sweep. It is enough to print it, cut it out along the contour, bend it along the dotted line and, after lubricating the valves with glue, glue it.

This completes the manufacture of the simplest cube.

How to make a transformer cube.

The next in terms of complexity and originality is the transformer cube. Such a cube can take a child for a long time. In addition, it is an excellent craft that you can do with your children, since there is nothing complicated about it.

As an instruction for making such a cube, you can use our photos below.

To make such a cube, you only need an A4 sheet, a pencil, adhesive tape and a ruler.

The scheme for its manufacture is very long, but it's worth it:

1) The top corner is bent and stretched to the bottom edge;

2) The unnecessary part of the paper is cut off along the fold line;

3) The resulting square is folded in half and cut in half, we only need one resulting rectangle;

4) A bend is made along the sheet, each side is folded, forming a "double door";

5) The sheet is turned over to the other side and another “door” is made;

6) Each side folds similarly;

7) Bends are folded so that they are clearly visible;

8) The sheet unfolds and folds in width;

9) With the help of a ruler and a pencil, bend lines are drawn;

10) Cut lines are made according to the drawing;

11) Paper is turned away from the center line of the cut and glued together with adhesive tape;

12) The second part is glued similarly to paragraph 11;

13) The edges of the figure are stretched to the center and fixed in the middle.

You can also see instructions for making a transformer cube in our video:

Cube Yoshimoto.

This cube appeared almost immediately after the appearance of the world-famous Rubik's Cube and is a similar puzzle that anyone can do.

The yoshimoto cube is still puzzling to this day, because it can be twisted and turned in different directions, composing it into various designs like a snake or a ring. There is no limit to surprise when, in the hands of this cube, it breaks up into two voluminous acute-angled stars.

To make it, you will need thick paper or cardboard, a pencil, a ruler, scissors and adhesive tape.

First you need to print and cut the blank in 16 copies. To make the finished craft bigger, you just need to enlarge the image when printing. You can also draw your own drawings based on this scheme:

Then, the cut blank is folded along the fold lines and glued with adhesive tape (described in more detail in the video under the article). The same is repeated with the remaining fifteen details. Later, these segments are connected to each other. One "star" consists of 8 interconnected segments. It is also noteworthy that the movable part of these segments should be directed inward when connected.

Video on the topic of the article

It is far from always clear in words how to do something correctly, especially when it comes to such a technique as origami. That is why, in order to understand the manufacturing process, you can watch our videos on the manufacture of a transformer cube and a yoshimoto cube.

The cube is a polyhedral figure whose sides are represented by a square. If you or your kid loves puzzles, then after reading the article, you will learn how to make a paper cube. You will also learn about the various options for cubes and the detailed manufacturing process for each type.

Paper cube sweep diagram

Blank template for a cube Knowing how to make a cube out of paper will help you design a gift box, or a box for sweets. Detailed in one of the previous articles. The process of manufacturing a cube using a blank begins with the design of a sweep. A sweep is a scheme that is designed to make a three-dimensional cube from cardboard or paper.

For work on the manufacture of a sweep (scheme), we need:

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler and scissors.

How to make a paper cube according to the scheme:

  1. We draw a square. We follow the indicators: the sides should be equal, and the angles should correspond to the mark of ninety degrees. Now we recall the school curriculum and find out that the cube has 6 faces. This means that there should be six squares on paper.
  2. We draw identical squares near the cube with a pencil. It will seem to many that there is one extra left and it is not needed, but this is not so. It must be drawn next to any of the squares.
  3. So, like 6 squares are drawn, now to connect them, you need small allowances. They are drawn on the sides of 3 squares. Moreover, their width should be up to one centimeter. We cut out the scheme and proceed to gluing the crafts. It is important not to forget to cut the corners of the allowances, as it is better and more convenient to carry out work.

Having carried out such manipulations, you will get a three-dimensional cube on which you can write letters and draw animals. A similar design can be made without the help of drawing. How to make a paper cube with 12 sides can be done according to the following scheme:

Simple production according to a ready-made template

This method of making a cube is easier and does not require knowledge of the school curriculum. For organization, you need to find a ready-made cube template on the Internet, print it out and cut it out, then bend the paper along the marked dotted lines and glue it into a finished craft. All in this way, it turns out a wonderful cube that your child will enjoy playing with.

For this paper cube, the origami technique is used. It is necessary to have only a landscape sheet. Glue is not needed here, and scissors will be used only 1 time and then when it is necessary to cut off the protruding edge. But upon completion, design, you will need a lot of air, as the craft will have to be inflated.

Making a simple origami cube:

Simple Cube (Step 1)

So, we get a finished cube, it needs to be given volume. It is necessary to find an open corner and blow air into it.

modular cube

Having knowledge of how to make an origami paper cube and having made a craft several times, you can try to design a cube from modules. You will need six sheets of colored paper, preferably 2 sheets of the same color. As for colored cardboard, it is better not to use it for this craft.

You also need to understand that such work requires a lot of time, but in the end you get a wonderful craft. When manufacturing, you must follow the exact sequence.

The manufacture of modular crafts consists in connecting individual elements into a single structure. We carried out similar actions

The process of making a cube from modules:

After spending some time, you have learned how to make a modular paper cube. And for sure they were convinced that the final result of manufacturing has an excellent appearance.

If you want the craft to not fall apart, then during construction, it is better to use glue. It will ensure the reliability of fastening parts.

puzzle cube

For the development of your child from paper, you can design a puzzle cube. It consists of eight small cubes, which are made according to a cut out pattern. The big puzzle cube has 6 sides, so 3 of them should be black and 3 should be white.

Having made the blank, we proceed to the design of the puzzle:

  • take 3 white dice and 3 black dice;
  • We connect them with a tape of double-sided tape.

All the puzzle cube is ready, you can give it to your child.

Many people are delighted with the Yoshimoto Cube. It flips and spins on all sides without falling apart. It is made in the same way as the previous version of eight small cubes.

The main difference of this design is that it can become a strip of cubes. Many people think that it is difficult to make such a toy on their own, but in reality it is not so.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • sheets (the number varies based on how many figures you want to receive);
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scissors.

Having collected the entire list, we proceed to the construction of the cube.

How to make a paper Yoshimoto cube:

  1. We copy the attached drawing onto the prepared material, indicate the dimensions on it. You can change the specified parameters.
  2. We transfer the drawing to the selected material. A total of eight templates are needed.
  3. Cut out the blank and glue it into a finished small cube. We also make 7 more blanks of the same size.
  4. Now we take scotch tape, put a thread under it and with the help of a thread we fasten 8 cubes into a single structure. All the cube is ready.

If plain paper is used to make the cubes, ordinary tape and thread will do, and if the manufacture is made from a denser material, it is better to use tape and glue. This craft is very attractive to kids. They not only play with the cube, but also develop in every possible way. After all, on the cubes you can draw images of animals, and write letters.

Engaging in applied arts is a fascinating process. Three-dimensional figurines made from familiar materials such as plain paper or cardboard are mesmerizing. Having seen at least once the work of origami masters or yoshimoto, it is impossible to fight the desire to comprehend the basics of this art and create your own masterpiece. Let's remember our childhood, but let's take the basics of craftsmanship seriously and learn how to make a cube out of paper or cardboard.

If someone does not remember school geometry, then we are talking about a hexagon with equal sides. What size it will be depends on your imagination and the size of the sheet of paper. For the figure you will need:

  • paper or cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • triangle;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

In order for the output to turn out to be a beautiful product without flaws, it is necessary to meticulously and scrupulously complete the first stage - to draw the paper cube diagram correctly. The geometry of corners and lines depends on the accuracy of the pattern.

Consider a diagram of how to make a paper cube in the simplest way. The development of the future volumetric product is built on paper or cardboard using a conventional ruler. For clarity and ease of calculation, we will construct a drawing for a cube with an edge of 10 cm.

On the sheet we draw a rectangle with sides of 10x40 cm. Divide the long sides into four equal segments and put small marks. We connect them in pairs with a ruler so that all lines are parallel to the short side of the rectangle and perpendicular to the long one. It turns out four identical squares with a side of 10 cm . Let's number them from left to right. 1, apt. 2, apt. 3 and apt. four.

Before the full development, two more squares should be drawn. Let's move on to the drawing. We mark 2 points to the right and left of the corners of the square. 2 is perpendicular to the long side of the rectangle drawn earlier. We carefully connect the marks and get a cube sweep, consisting of four fields horizontally and three vertically, visually resembling a cross, in which sq. 2 plays the role of a crosshair. Denote the new figures square. 5 and apt. 6.

We finish the allowances on which glue is applied. The width depends on the size of the cube. In our case, it is enough to make 0.5 cm. We draw allowances on three sides of squares 5 and 6 and on one side of square 1 (the top of a stylized cross). Be sure to draw the corners at an angle of 45 °.

We cut out the workpiece and bend all the traced edges. It remains only to glue the product. We apply PVA to the allowance fields and assemble the finished cube. You can unfold:

  • draw with hands;
  • execute it in a graphical editor and print it out on a printer.

The second option is preferable in the manufacture of thematic cubes for the education or development of kids. Such a product will look neater. You can make a cube out of cardboard using other techniques.

The Japanese technique of turning a sheet of paper into intricate figures dates back to the Middle Ages. Temples were decorated with such crafts, they were identified with significant events in people's lives.

Today, origami is a hobby that enthusiastic people all over the world passionately give themselves to. Consider how to make a three-dimensional paper cube. The diagram is attached to it.

A paper square is suitable for work. We connect the opposite sides and form an inflection strictly in the center of the sheet. We bend the free edges in the opposite direction to the middle. We get an "accordion", in origami this blank is considered the initial one and is designated as a "door".

We unfold the figure and see three horizontal fold stripes on our square.

We bend the upper right and lower left corners inward so that we get isosceles triangles with sides equal to one quarter of the length of the sheet. We return the free sides of the sheet with folded corners to the center.

Now we take the upper left and lower right corners and bend them to the middle of the opposite side of the workpiece. We hide the corners inside the structure, as if in pockets. It turns out a rhombus.

We turn the workpiece on the reverse side.

We bend the sharp left corner of the rhombus to the right, and the right corner to the left, respectively.

As a result, we get a module of one side of the cube with two corners for fastening and corresponding pockets.

The cube is assembled from six modules. You don't need to glue anything.

Assembly diagram:

The top of ingenuity was shown by the Japanese Yoshimoto. His transformer cube conquered the world, as did the Rubik's Cube. The uniqueness of the Japanese miracle lies in the fact that the construction, which is mobile and consists of eight cubes, can transform into different forms: a strip, a snake, break up into two stars, each of which is also transformed.

You can make a Yoshimoto cube yourself from paper or cardboard. To do this, you need the same set that we used to create a paper cube from a scan, supplemented with tape.

The connection of adjacent elements is done with adhesive tape. Be sure to leave a gap of 1.5-2 mm. To obtain initial skills, they master the assembly of the simplest transformer cube of eight elements.

It doesn't matter which type of technique you find more interesting and easier. The main thing is that you will plunge into the wonderful world of creativity and childhood, get a charge of vivacity and a feeling of delight that disappears with age when you create a miracle with your own hands that also works.
