What are the norms of culture and rules of behavior in public places. Rules of conduct in public places: etiquette for children, culture and manners, what ethical standards must be observed in a new place

Etiquette in public places

Our life is full of a wide variety of events - joyful and sad, ordinary and completely extraordinary. And wherever we are - at work, in a store, in transport, on a walk or on a tourist trip - we have to choose the appropriate style of behavior in order to look decent and not cause embarrassment to others. We cannot separate our lives from the lives of other people, and we have to build our behavior so that everyone who is close to us is comfortable. It is our behavior, speech, manners, style of dress, ability to stay in society that testify to the level of our culture and moral education. The impression we make on others determines our success, both in public and private life.

What is etiquette? This word is usually understood as a set of norms of behavior in which one way or another our attitude towards other people is manifested. The rules of etiquette are not absolute: they are determined by place, time and circumstances. Agree, behavior that is acceptable in one case may be completely inappropriate in another. For example, when visiting close friends, we are not at all obliged to adhere to the rules of etiquette that we must observe at an official reception. However, such a statement that in the company of “our own” you can forget about etiquette altogether: just in this case there are slightly different, more loyal rules. Our task is to feel the difference between certain situations and be able to behave accordingly to each of them (highlighted Khuka. info).

On the street

There is right-hand traffic in Russia, so you should stick to the right side on the street. You need to bypass oncoming ones from your right side, overtake - the same way. Otherwise, you will interfere with passers-by.

In countries with left-hand traffic, such as the UK, you should accordingly keep to the left.

Capital truths.

- walk down the street should be a moderate step, keeping your back straight.

- Unwittingly causing someone inconvenience (accidentally pushing, stepping on the foot), you should apologize. In response to an apology, you need to answer: “Don't worry”, “Nothing”.

- When moving, you should not actively gesticulate, especially if you have something in your hands: an umbrella, a bag, a briefcase, etc.

If you are in a hurry and you need to get around the people in front, you go around them on the left, after apologizing and letting the ladies go ahead. If they come towards you, then go around to the right. You must apologize if you interfere with people walking in the opposite direction. No need to use your hands and elbows to punch the way for yourself and the ladies even on a crowded street. Polite words will clear the way for you.

Attention! You can't squeeze through the crowd.

They don't go on the highway. If you are outside the city, where there are no sidewalks, then you need to go on the left side of the roadside (with right-hand traffic). In this case, moving towards the traffic, you see the moving transport in advance. (At night, in the absence of a pedestrian zone, when driving on a highway, it is MANDATORY to identify yourself with reflective elements. - Khuka. by)

Attention! You can not walk on the sidewalk against the movement or, with a large flow of people, abruptly cross the pedestrian zone.

You should not stop and look at the windows if there is a large flow of people on the street. You can not look too intently at others, point your finger at people and objects, turn around and look after people who have passed.

Out of place on the street loud laughter and conversation, exclamations that attract the attention of others.

It is indecent to call out to someone from the opposite side of the street, to loudly greet acquaintances.

It is very impolite to withdraw acquaintances you have met from their companions (in addition, you may encounter a refusal) or to move away from your companion to talk with an acquaintance you have met.

It is absolutely unacceptable to sing, shout, make noise in the street, especially at night.

On the street, a man should walk, as a rule, to the left of a woman, from a boss or an elderly person. If two people are walking down the street, the place on the right is considered privileged. When three are walking, the most honorable place is in the middle, the second is on the right and the last is on the left. The two men must give the woman a seat in the middle.

It is widely believed that when accompanying two women, a man should take a place in the center, thereby giving equal attention to both companions. But this is not possible for some reason. First, the central place is considered the most honorable. Therefore, a woman should go to the center, especially if she is older in age. Secondly, walking in the center, a man cannot give equal attention to both companions, since, turning to one woman, he naturally turns away from the other, which is extremely impolite. A man should take a seat on the left side.

Attention! A man should always walk from the more dangerous side (for example, closer to the roadway).

Modern rules of etiquette say that a woman walks to the right of a man on official occasions, in other cases this requirement may not be observed at the request of a woman.

When accompanying a woman, a man should always be ready to help. If a woman stumbles, drops something, a man is obliged to help her. If there is any obstacle on the way, then the man passes first, and then helps the women pass. This is one of those cases where the man must go ahead of the lady.

A man, walking down the street with a woman or an elderly man who has some things with him (bags, suitcases), should help them carry these items.

Attention! It is considered bad manners when a man carries items that are part of a women's toilet, such as a small theater bag.

Walking down the street, it is necessary to pay special attention to the disabled, the elderly, women. If someone needs your help, for example when crossing the street, give it.

A man must give way to a woman, an elderly person, and if necessary, even get off the sidewalk if it is too narrow.

In rainy weather, a man holds an umbrella over a woman's head if they are about the same height or slightly taller than her. If the difference in height is great, each carries his own umbrella, or the man goes without an umbrella. Be careful, make sure that the water from your umbrella does not pour on the one with whom you are walking.

An umbrella should not block the field of view of either the one who carries it or the one who walks under it.

If you enter a vehicle or any room after rain, put a cover on your umbrella. Otherwise, puddles will remain after you.

Attention! When walking under an umbrella, you should always try to hold it so that it does not create inconvenience to other people.

Never carry an umbrella-cane at the ready, like a spear. You can inject other people with it. In addition, you form a significant spatial zone around you, forcing others to shun. A folded umbrella is worn on the side or under the arm.

Do not stop a friend on the street if he is not walking alone: ​​it is not known whether the person to whom your friend will be obliged to introduce you will like meeting you, and whether you yourself need this acquaintance.

Otherwise, if you are not alone, but you really need to stop for a short conversation with an acquaintance you met on the street, first ask permission for this from your companion and, if he agrees, having introduced him to a friend, you can talk to him in the presence of your satellite.

Sometimes you need to turn to other people for help. For example, find out where the street or house you need is located. If there is a help desk nearby, then it is better to go there. However, in its absence, it is quite possible to ask a police officer (policeman), an employee of the nearest store, or just passers-by with a question. Try to formulate the question as briefly and precisely as possible in advance.

If you are a car driver, if possible, get out of the car. It is best to ask about how to get there with a map in hand. A piece of paper with a pen would also be useful - it is better to write down names that are unfamiliar to you.

Attention! It is indecent to ask a passerby a question if you see that he is clearly in a hurry. You will put him in an awkward situation. With special tact, seek advice at a late hour or in a deserted place.

Usually, when addressing strangers, they use an impersonal form of address: “I'm sorry ...”, “Sorry ...”. Were you able to help with advice or not - apologize again for the concern at the end of the conversation. Be sure to thank you for the clarification. Don't forget about the best assistant - a smile. By asking a question with a friendly smile, you will leave a favorable impression of yourself.

If you are asked for help, answer clearly and as briefly as possible. If you are not sure about the correctness of the answer or do not know the answer to the question asked, it is better to immediately apologize and admit it.

Should I ask for help myself? If you see someone looking at a map and then checking the name of the street they're on, it's appropriate to ask them, "Can I help you?" The question should not be formulated in such a way that it will rather resemble an interrogation, for example: “What are you looking for?”. Do not insist if a passer-by answers you with a polite refusal to your offer of help.

You should not pay the attention of a passer-by to the fact that his coat is splashed or a woman's stocking is torn. Rather, it looks like a faux pas, not a service, since it is hardly possible to put yourself in order on the street. But you can pay attention to the unbuttoned women's handbag. In this case, it is possible that you will help to avoid the troubles associated with the loss of documents or money.

Attention! When addressing even an unfamiliar woman with any question, request, the hat should be raised, and people in military uniform should be capped.

Drivers and pedestrians must comply not only with the rules of the road, but also ethical standards in relation to each other. In many countries, very large fines are provided for crossing the street in the wrong place or at a red light.

Crossroads and traffic lights are the same in all countries. However, slight differences in the rules of passage and passage still exist. One of them is the zebra strip. In many countries, vehicles are required to give way to a pedestrian who has set foot on a zebra.

Often in different countries you can find intersections where the pedestrian himself switches the traffic light. At these intersections, you do not have to wait for a convenient moment. Approaching the transition, you press a special traffic light button, after which the transport stops.

If you have caused inconvenience to drivers (for example, you hesitated at a traffic light), show with a gesture that you are sorry.

In turn, drivers should also pay attention to pedestrians. By the way a person drives a car, one can judge his general culture. You can’t move away, literally pushing a pedestrian with a bumper, as soon as the red light goes out. Give way to the pedestrian, showing him that he can safely pass. It is unacceptable to drive through a puddle at high speed, dousing a pedestrian with mud.

Attention! It is indecent to smoke on the go, and even more so in the presence of a woman walking nearby. If you need to smoke, it's best to step aside or sit on a park bench.

Never throw cigarette butts on the sidewalk.

Do not throw an unextinguished cigarette butt in a trash can with paper, this can cause a fire.

Drinking and eating on the street is not accepted. If you are hungry, it is better to go to a cafe. It's also more convenient. In extreme cases, you can stop at the bistro kiosk and have a bite to eat. You can only eat ice cream on the street, especially when it comes to children. However, for this you need to step aside, or even better, sit on a bench in a square or park.

It's not nice to chew gum on the street. This may cause dissatisfaction among those around you.

It is indecent to spit out chewing gum on the sidewalk, in the trash.

Spitting on the street is the height of indecency.

In no case should you throw garbage, as well as leftover food, watermelon peels, banana peels, etc. In addition to polluting the city, they are very easy to slip on, which means they are unsafe for other passers-by.

If you need to throw away chewing gum, it should be wrapped in paper and only then thrown into the trash. As a rule, there are trash cans at public transport stops, at the entrance to large department stores, cinemas.

If you can’t use the bin, you need to save the garbage to the house (put it in a bag or pocket) and only throw it away there.

In transport

Public transport

Allow other people to get off before getting on the vehicle. Stand at the same time so as not to interfere with the exiting passengers.

When traveling in public transport with a lady, a man enters after her, but goes out first and gives his hand to his companion.

Attention! You can not stand at the door, preventing the entry and exit of other passengers.

It is indecent to stare at your companions.

It is indecent to look over your shoulder at a book, newspaper or magazine being read by another passenger.

You should not talk loudly in transport, laugh, turn on music.

In no case should you enter public transport with ice cream, sandwiches, open bottles. With a sharp push, you risk dirtying other passengers.

Sit or stand in your seat and wait for the conductor to come to you. In the event that the conductor cannot approach you due to crowded transport, you can politely ask other passengers to transfer money for the fare. However, you should not make this request if you yourself can pass it to the conductor.

If you are reading on a vehicle, do not open a newspaper or magazine too wide, as this may interfere with passengers. An educated person will fold a newspaper so that only the page that he is reading at the moment remains in his field of vision.

Avoid using public transport services when carrying bulky or other items that may cause inconvenience to other passengers.

It often happens that one of the passengers accidentally touches the other. In this case, you must apologize, even if you are not to blame (for example, the warrior suddenly braked). Do not respond to rude comments from other passengers.

It is inappropriate to protest in a crowded vehicle that someone has pressed against you or even stepped on your foot.

Make every effort not to cause inconvenience to others: hold on to the handrails so as not to fall and lie on others, do not breathe in the face of a person, try to turn away, in no case shake the hair behind you, and finally, hold carry your bags with you, especially if they are heavy, dirty or scratchy.

For those who are struggling with traffic, there are ways to self-isolate: put on an absent expression on your face, look at advertisements or a subway map, and if possible, read a newspaper or a book. In Russia, it is customary to give up your seat on public transport. If you have been given a seat, you should be grateful.

Attention! In public transport, it is customary to give way to passengers with children and the disabled. Often this is indicated by special signs in transport or reminded by the driver himself.

A man must always give way to a woman.

A woman who has been given a seat cannot place her healthy child, even of primary school age, in the vacated seat. This is ugly in relation to the conceded. She must sit down herself and put the child on her lap.

A woman does not give way to a man even much older than herself. A young girl may give way to an elderly relative.

According to the rules of etiquette, the one to whom they gave way should thank, but in no case start a conversation with the person who gave way. This is not appropriate.

When exiting public transport, a man should get out first and give his hand to his companion.

Giving way to a woman, a gallant man either touches his hat, or simply says: “Sit down, please!”, Then he stands as far away from her as possible and does not look in her direction. An educated man will sit in a transport only if there is not a single woman standing nearby. And he tries to immediately offer his place to the woman who, having entered the car, stood next to him. It is his duty to give way to an elderly woman, a woman with a heavy bag, or an acquaintance. A woman who has been given a seat should immediately thank for this.

A person accompanying an elderly woman, for whom there was no free place, can ask someone younger to give him up, but this should be done calmly and politely.

If a man gives way to a woman who is accompanied by another man, the latter should express gratitude.

When leaving the transport, the man must go first, and then help his companion. This rule does not apply to strangers, they simply let the women pass on the way out, if there are no obvious difficulties.

A man can help a woman with luggage or with a small child if the driver or conductor does not do this, but he must behave very correctly at the same time, not impose himself on the conversation, but after helping, not try to make acquaintances unnecessarily.

On the train, tram or bus, you must also remember to follow certain rules. When landing, stick to the queue, giving priority to the elders standing nearby, men to women. If a woman is in the company of a man, then they get into transport according to their turn. A woman should not try to get into a tram car or bus first, taking advantage of her advantage and leaving a companion at the same time. If, nevertheless, it happened that he was far behind his companion, then he should not at all impatiently rush forward, while pushing other women aside.

If a woman is traveling with a man, he is the first to go to the exit, paving the way for her, the first to go, helping the woman to get off. However, such gallantry on the part of a man is hardly appropriate in relation to the boss (of course, if he is not a woman), with whom he happened to go along.

In transport, you should try not to step on people's feet, not to lean on a person standing nearby, without pushing him in the back.


The place of honor in a private car is considered to be the front - next to the driver. More often, the front seat is occupied by the wife of the owner of the car, and the guests are located in the back seats. But it is best to offer them a choice, because it may turn out that it is the rear seats that the guest is more comfortable with.

If there are two owners and two guests, a female guest sits next to the driver, and the hostess and the male guest sit in the back seats. It is also acceptable that a male guest sits next to the host, and the ladies behind. Guests themselves decide which seats in the car they sit on. The duty of opening the doors to the guests lies with the man.

When boarding, it should be borne in mind that if a young couple is traveling with an elderly person, then he should give up the front passenger seat, since it is easier for a younger person to sit in the back seat than an elderly person.

If two married couples are traveling in a car, then one couple sits in the front seats, and the second in the back.

If your guest has long legs, you should invite him to sit in front so that it is more convenient for him to ride.

In international protocol practice, places in cars are divided into honorable and less honorable. The first place of honor is the seat in the back seat on the right in the direction of the car. The machine is fed with the right door facing the sidewalk.

If conditions do not allow the car to be served with the right door to the sidewalk, then the passenger who occupies the most honorable seat sits in the same way as everyone else through the left door.

The passenger with the most honorable seat gets in and out first.

The custom of a man opening the door of a car for a lady and helping her into the seat before driving himself is still observed today.

The man approaches the car and opens the right rear door. The woman sits down first. When getting into a car, according to the rules of etiquette, you first need to put your left foot on the floor of the car, then, when the foot is firmly planted on the floor, taking a half-bent position, quickly transfer the body to the passenger compartment. It is more convenient for a lady to sit in a low-slung car, first lowering herself into the seat without taking her legs off the ground, and then transfer them to the car.

Attention! You can not get into the car, sticking your head and shoulders into the passenger compartment.

It is indecent to beg a friend to “drop you off” to work or take you on Sunday walks. Such offers should come only from the owner of the car.

According to the rules of etiquette, a personal car is not borrowed. In some urgent cases, you can ask a friend to take you to the hospital, to the station.

Even a close friend who is driving should not be asked to give a ride to the "voters" or to stop the car without apparent necessity.

You should not criticize the actions of the driver and allow exclamations like: "You're crazy!", Even if you are frightened, even if you hit the front glass during heavy braking! Passengers must show full confidence in the driver as soon as they get into his car.

You can not get behind the wheel in a state of intoxication, it is advisable not to allow passengers to do this.

Never smoke in the presence of a woman. This is extremely impolite.

In the evening, leaving the house of acquaintances in the company of other guests, the owner of the car should be offered to give a lift to several people, depending on the number of seats in his car. If it is, for example, five people, and only three can fit in the car, those present decide for themselves who will go.

The passenger sitting next to the driver voluntarily assumes a number of obligations. At the request of the driver, he must give him a cigarette, a lit lighter, an unwrapped candy. To smoke in a car, open the window, turn on the radio or tape recorder, you need to ask permission from others. Passengers should inquire in advance if talking will distract from the road.

Before driving, the driver and passengers must fasten their seat belts. This will reduce the risk of getting into unusual situations on the roads.

After the end of the trip, you need to thank the driver, regardless of whether you were satisfied with the trip or not.

As you exit the car, slide along the seat until you can place one or both feet on the ground. Then duck your head and crawl out.

When leaving the car, the man gives the lady a hand on which she can lean. The male driver returns to his place, bypassing the car in front.

If you are driven along the way and the terms of payment were not discussed in advance, then at the end of the journey you need to give the driver an amount approximately corresponding to the fare. If the driver refuses to take money, do not insist.


Politeness requires that a passenger getting into a taxi greet the driver, who is just as politely obliged to respond to the greeting.

Of the two passengers, the woman gets into the taxi first.

Attention! If a man is with a lady, he should not sit next to the driver, as this will look impolite towards his companion.

It is not advisable for a taxi passenger to give advice to the driver regarding the speed of movement. If he is in a hurry, then this should be said at the beginning of the trip and ask the driver to go faster. If the passenger is not satisfied with the speed at which he is traveling, it is allowed to ask the driver to reduce it.

Do not open the window if you are hot, politely ask the driver to turn on the ventilation or air conditioning.

If you see a “No Smoking” sign in a taxi or the driver asks for it, you must obey unconditionally.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette in a car, the most honorable seat is in the back seat, diagonally from the driver. However, due to the fact that getting into a car from the side of the carriageway of the street, as well as getting out, is dangerous, the back door of a taxi facing it, as a rule, is closed with a safety device. Therefore, the woman, the first to sit in a taxi, takes a place behind the driver. The man in this case is forced to make some deviations from the rules, since he cannot use the closed rear door to sit in a less honorable place.

The man gets out of the car first and helps the woman out.

Continued in issue #2.

Etiquette / M.B. Kanovskaya. - M.: AST; St. Petersburg; Owl, 2005.- 477.

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Our article will be devoted, long forgotten by many, to the rules of conduct in public places and institutions. Today, the principle often operates in society: politeness is weakness. And, unfortunately, gone are the days when the culture of behavior was familiar to almost everyone. People who think this way are actually covering up their fears and contempt for others. Let's not be like them and remember the good old etiquette of behavior in public places. We will start with general rules, and then we will look at how to behave in the elevator and in the store, on the stairs and even on the escalator.

Culture of behavior in public places

Here I will tell you about how to behave at the door of almost any establishment. According to etiquette, one should not persuade each other for a long time to go first. If they let you through, go through. If two peers or people of approximately the same age meet in front of the door, the one who is closest to the door should go first. And so: the man must let the lady go ahead of him, the younger - the elder, and the subordinate give way to the boss. Very often I see the predicament people are in when they need to go through a double-leaf door, which is also balancing. First of all, you need to pass on the right side.

If you are walking with a lady, then the woman should go to the door and pull it towards her, and the man should then intercept and hold the door, waiting for the woman to pass. If the door opens inward, then the man enters first and also holds the door so that the lady can freely enter the room. If you drive a lady or a high-ranking guest around the house or office, you need to jump ahead and open all the doors that she or he meets on the way. In addition, if the owner of the house is a man, he should let the guest go ahead, but the woman should enter the room first - and only after her guests. However, if the guest does not know the way or the room is dark, the male host should always enter the room first, even if he has a female guest.

How to behave in the store

Continuing the "door" theme, we note that, first of all, you need to let people out of the store. This applies not only to the store, but also to any public institution and is dictated by simple logical considerations. If you don’t let people leave, a crowd of people can form inside the institution, so make it a rule to always let people who leave a store, club, cafe or any other institution.

Now about other norms of etiquette in the store. In large department stores or other large stores, you can go in full outerwear, that is, without taking off your hat. As for personal service shops, etiquette dictates not only to take off your hat, but also to say hello to the employee who will serve you. When choosing a product, do not forget about other buyers and do not be too picky so as not to tire the seller.

Etiquette does not recommend choosing a product for a long time, clinging to various trifles, unless it is possible to move away from the counter in order to examine this or that thing in detail. It is also advisable to prepare the money in advance, and meticulously recalculate the change all the same “departing from the cash register”. Now let's look at other rules of behavior in public places. We will talk about stairs, escalators and elevators and other similar structures.

How to behave on the stairs

First of all, let's say that, contrary to old traditions, a man should go up the stairs first only if the stairs are dark or steep, in which case, to give a hand to a lady. In other cases, the woman should be the first to climb the stairs. But the man must go down first. On a narrow staircase, you need to let a person walking towards you, standing sideways. If, thus, they let you through, you need to bow and say “thank you” or at least “thank you”. If a man and a woman meet on the stairs, then the woman should walk on the side of the stairs where there is a railing. It doesn't matter if it's right or left side.

How to behave on the escalator and in the elevator

When a man enters a moving escalator, he must let the lady go ahead of him. Exceptions are cases when the escalator is short or full of people, and the man will then need to help the woman get off. In other cases, the man must then get ahead of the lady and help her down the escalator. As for elevators, the man enters first, and the woman exits first.

If there are several people in the elevator, then a man standing near the panel with buttons should ask everyone (first of all, women) who is going to which floor and press the corresponding button or buttons. In the event that a lot of people ride in the elevator, and you are standing close to the doors and you rise high, then when other passengers leave on their floors, do not press close, letting them through, but go out and then re-enter the elevator. As for the question of whether to take off your hat in an elevator, old etiquette was that a man had to take off his hat or cap if a lady entered the elevator, but nowadays this is no longer mandatory. But it is highly desirable to greet the neighbors.

Behavior in public places of children

Any parent should remember that his child is judged, first of all, not about the child, but about himself. That is why you need to teach your children not to make noise, not to shout and not to make scandals in public places, but to solve all problems at home. It is also considered bad form to publicly punish children - scold them, spank them, etc. All conversations and other educational activities should be postponed until you come home.

If a child is dissatisfied with something, it is necessary to teach them to express their dissatisfaction in a different form, and not by stamping their feet or screaming. As you can see, the norms of behavior in public places with a child do not require anything special from parents. And finally, about how men should behave if they see a woman with a stroller without another man accompanying her. In this case, any normal man is simply obliged to assist the woman in lifting the stroller.

| 20.12.2014

The norms of behavior in public places seem to be known to everyone and inculcated from childhood. Nevertheless, here and there, there are small and not very conflicts about someone's behavior.

Let us once again recall the topic of correct behavior, so as not to lose face, not to be considered a haml, but to remain a lady or a gentleman in any situation. Sometimes, some norms of behavior - we are not talking about social events and other entertainments of high society from classical literature - sometimes need to be reminded not only to teenagers, but also to adults.

The ability to behave correctly in society is of great importance: it facilitates the establishment of contacts in unfamiliar companies, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates both at work, - especially - and at a party.

Etiquette in public places

On the street and in public transport

Most of the time we spend in the company of strangers on the street, in transport. The main rule of behavior on the street, and in public transport too, is not to cause inconvenience and trouble to others. It is unacceptable to squeeze through the crowd, pushing everyone and "working with your elbows." Carry your belongings so as not to interfere with those walking towards you.

If you need to stop in a dense stream of people, first step aside. If you accidentally hit someone or step on someone's foot, apologize.

Be careful on the street, do not scatter candy wrappers and other rubbish anywhere. If there is no urn nearby, put the wrapper in a bag or pocket.

Don't draw the attention of others by speaking too loudly.

It is also against the rules of etiquette to sit in a subway car or bus with legs wide apart, occupying two seats.

On the stairs

Going down the stairs, a man should always go ahead. A woman goes up the stairs first, a little behind - a man. However, if the stairs are dark, steep, or in a completely unfamiliar place, then the man is leading the way. When a man and a woman walking in different directions meet on the stairs, the woman is not required to move away from the railing, even if this is contrary to the right-hand traffic rule.

By the way, the side of the stairs with railings is the privilege of women, the elderly, and children.

At the door

Traditionally, the man lets the woman go first. The younger one gives way to the elder, and the subordinate - to the boss. Of two people of equal age, occupying the same position, the one closest to the door passes first.

If the doors are single, the incoming lets the outgoing through. If you have double doors in front of you, the left wing of the door should be left at the disposal of people walking towards you.

In the elevator

An elevator is the same "public area" as a street or stairs. In the elevator, as in any other place, we greet those whom we always greet. If you are the one closest to the buttons, ask which floor button to press.

Recently, it has been customary to greet not only neighbors in the house or office, but also with any “neighbor” in the elevator. And in elevators in shopping centers, this is not at all necessary.

Theatre, cinema and concert

In the theater and cinema, etiquette requires you to sit still, not leaning either to the left or to the right, especially if you have lush hair: the one who sits behind you will be forced to follow your movements all the time. Take off your high hat.

During performances and concerts, it is considered bad form to attract attention with a loud voice and gestures. The premiere of any performance is a solemn event, so you can come dressed smarter than on weekdays.

It's extremely rude to be late for a performance. If this still happened, you should not slowly make your way to your place in the hall.

At concerts, you do not need to sing along with the performers or the orchestra or beat the beat with your feet. The exchange of impressions about the performance of the concert numbers should be postponed until the intermission, or at least until the end of the number.

If your place is in the middle of the row, then you need to go to it facing the audience already sitting in this row.

In the theater and at a concert, it is impolite to chew or drink something. And even more so rustling bags or slurping brought food. Don't forget to put your phone on vibration mode, or turn it off completely. If you forgot and the phone rang during the movie (performance, concert) - apologize.

In the museum

According to the rules of etiquette, before going to see the museum exhibits, you need to go to the cloakroom to take off your outerwear. Large bags, briefcases, packages, backpacks and umbrellas are also supposed to be left in the cloakroom.

If the museum - as a rule, these are ancient palaces and estates - has preserved old parquet, visitors are offered special felt slippers that should be worn over street shoes.

The halls of the museum should be moved as quietly as possible. It is unacceptable to talk loudly or shout, calling your companion.

In large museums, it is considered wrong to try to hastily examine the entire exhibition during one visit. It is best to choose one or more neighboring rooms, postponing the rest of the exhibition until the next visit.

In library

The library is a place that many people visit! And the rules of conduct here are quite strict. Every library has a wardrobe. Leave there outerwear and all unnecessary things. Silence must be observed in the reading room, so talking on the phone is outside the room.

Books must be kept in the condition in which they fell into the hands. It is unacceptable to bend the corners of the pages, as well as to put water bottles or other objects on them.

At the restaurant

This is not about fast food and coffee chains. Namely, restaurants.

The main rule is that the man is responsible for the clothes of the companion. He helps take off his coat and puts it in the cloakroom. At the entrance to the hall, visitors are met by the head waiter, who escorts them to a free seat. A lady follows him, her companion closes the procession. The head waiter helps the woman take her place, the man sits down himself.

In more democratic establishments where there is no head waiter, customers go to a free table on their own. In this case, the gentleman follows first, the lady follows him. He pushes back his chair, sits his companion down, then sits down himself. At the same time, it is better to position yourself in such a way that it is more convenient for the waiter to serve the lady, since it is she who is served the dishes in the first place.

We laid out the correct behavior in the restaurant on the shelves in the article "".

How to behave in nature

The main problem is garbage. Do not leave bottles, wrappers and other unnecessary things in the parks! It is not difficult to bring to the urn. If the urn is far away, take a bag from home with you, it weighs almost nothing.

Etiquette for the little ones

It is very important to teach your child to behave correctly in public places, not forgetting, of course, about the behavior at home. After all, it is from home that the child makes the first ideas about how to act in a given situation. And if mom and dad teach him the rules of behavior, and at home they completely forget about them, then the child will not adhere: the authority of the parent is stronger than kindergarten and school. So show by example. How you will behave in public, expect exactly the same behavior from your baby.

Remember, if you, for example, say hello in a store and do not thank the seller for serving you, then you will never expect this from your child. If in transport you are rude to passengers and the conductor, or do not give up your seat to an elderly person or a pregnant woman, or just a tired lady with heavy bags, then your child will not do this when he grows up. In the case of transport, it is worth remembering the bad role model: when they give you a seat, then sit down yourself, and the child, especially the boy - he is the future man - put on your knees, do not stay standing when the child is sitting. After all, mother (or grandmother) is, first of all, a woman, she is tired, and she needs to sit down. Otherwise, a standing woman will be saddened in the head of a child and remain the norm.

Each of us has become a casual witness of how parents feel embarrassed for their children on the street, in the subway, supermarket or even at the stadium. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation learn the rules of behavior for children in public places. This may seem like a simple task only at first glance, since the line between a well-mannered and intimidated child is quite blurred. At the same time, the requirements for etiquette in children of different ages also differ.

If we see a four-year-old child screaming at the top of his voice in the park, in principle, there is nothing wrong with this, and with the right approach, he can be weaned from this. If the lad bawls, it is at least alarming. What can we say about foul language, smoking and fights. As a result, such behavior can lead to loneliness and problems with the law, because from hooliganism to crime is within easy reach.

Education should begin from the first years of a child's life, since this aspect of education is no less important than physical and intellectual development. The baby absorbs everything extraordinarily quickly, so let it be good manners rather than bad habits.

As it was said Preschoolers can do certain indulgences. The main thing is to teach them the basics:

  • Do not play at the table during dinner;
  • Do not offend kids, girls and do not bully friends (it is important not to overdo it here, after all, the child should be able to stand up for himself);
  • Do not beg for sweets or toys from strangers;
  • Do not go far from your parents;
  • listen to elders;
  • Do not torture animals.

All these norms must be absorbed, as well as the obligation to wash hands before eating and brush your teeth. Remember, teaching is easier than retraining.

Rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren

There are generally accepted rules of conduct in public places that are simply mandatory. Their list can be found in any educational institutions, as well as places of recreation and leisure:

  • In public places and on the streets, you should talk without raising your voice, try not to make noise or disturb strangers.
  • Maintain cleanliness - do not harm plantings, do not spit and do not litter;
  • Do not be rude to older people and patronize the younger ones. Try to help people with disabilities.
  • Do not damage private or public property.
  • Avoid unworthy acts, including insulting passers-by, mockery of animals, petty hooliganism, theft, etc.
  • During the school year, students cannot be outside after nine o'clock in the evening without being accompanied by their parents. During the holidays, the time spent outside is extended until 22:00 (at least 12 years of age).
  • It is allowed to attend social events (concerts, sports games, festivals) no later than until 21:30.

Politeness, good manners and tolerance towards others are the cornerstones of the rules of behavior in public places:

In a cafe, canteen, restaurant

Most cafes, canteens, restaurants have a wardrobe. If a man accompanies a woman, he helps his lady take off and put on her coat, preventing the cloakroom attendant from doing this. The number remains with the man.

Their appearance is put in order in the lobby or in the toilet. In the hall, as in other public places, they do not comb their hair, do not use cosmetics and do not put their hands and clothes in order.

How to enter the hall

If a man comes with a lady, she enters the front door first (the man opens it), but the man enters the hall ahead of the woman in order to find places and bring his companion to them. Before heading to the table, every attentive man should inquire if she likes the chosen place.

In a large restaurant, where the entire hall is not visible, they turn to the waiter, who indicates where to sit. If the waiter brings to the table, the man follows his companion.

Between the tables you need to move carefully and silently, without disturbing or touching those sitting. If you happen to hurt someone, you need to apologize. Passing by, they do not look at those who are sitting or the food placed in front of them. If there are no free tables, but there are seats for those who are occupied, before sitting down, they turn to those sitting: “Excuse me, may I sit down?” or “Excuse me, is this place free?” Thank you if the answer is yes. There is no need to say hello when entering the hall. If you see a friend from afar, bow to him silently. The person sitting at the table usually greets without getting up. A man can stand up if he greets a person much older than himself or a woman. If a friend stops at a table, the man gets up and talks to him while standing. He sits down only when the person who comes up leaves or sits down at his table.

You can refuse an invitation to sit at a table only for a very good reason, for example, if you have not come alone or are waiting for someone. If a friend approaches accompanied by a person you do not know, he must, before sitting down, imagine the latter sitting at the table.

Seeing acquaintances at the table, it is not always possible to approach them, even if there are no empty seats in the hall. It all depends on the degree of familiarity and the situation. You can not stop near the table of a friend for a conversation if he is not alone. This can be done only in case of emergency and at the same time be sure to apologize.

During lunch, when canteens and cafes are crowded, you should not take a seat for a long time.

At the table

The most comfortable seats are provided for the elderly and women. The man pulls out a chair and pushes it to his companion as she sits down. Only after all the women sit down do the men sit down. Those who came together (a man and a woman) sit opposite each other at a small table, at a large table a man sits on the left hand of his lady, next to or across the corner of the table to serve her dishes. The man who came alone chooses a small table for himself.

A man, before choosing himself, will always stretch out the menu to a woman or an older man sitting at the same table (even an outsider). For those invited (whether it be a woman or a man), the treater offers to take this or that dish or drink without serving the menu. Orders and pays the treat.

They sit neatly at the table. Do not put a handbag, gloves, handkerchief, comb, powder box and other toiletries on it.

A man can serve his companion: serve a dish, pour wine. And a woman can look after a man at the table if they are close people or are well acquainted (groom, husband, father, friend, brother).

Refreshing and strong drinks are always poured by men. Women do it only in sorority. Clink glasses very rarely, only if you need to emphasize the solemnity of the moment. Usually a man raises his glass with a slight nod and looks his companion in the eyes. The woman responds in kind. If a man sitting at a nearby table begins to annoy a woman with his eyes and a raised glass, then it is most correct if she pretends not to notice this.

The conversation should be subdued, appropriate to the atmosphere of the room. As elsewhere in public places, you need to behave with restraint and modesty. A public place is not suitable for intimate conversations. It is impolite to whisper with a neighbor covering your mouth with your hand. It is necessary to avoid quarrels and skirmishes that can arise where too much alcohol is consumed. A self-respecting person ignores quarreling and insulting remarks from drunks.

On a date scheduled in a cafe, canteen or restaurant, a man arrives earlier than a woman, the younger one comes earlier than the older one, and the one who invited before the invitee. A man can go towards his friend and take her to the table. If he doesn't, he at least gets up when a friend comes to the table.

The waiter is treated politely, accompanying each wish with the word “please”. It is indecent to call the waiter by exclamation "hello" or knocking on the plate with a knife; do it with a nod of the head. If necessary, the waiter is called softly if he is nearby.

If they want to move to another table, they don’t run with glasses and plates to a new place, but ask the waiter to move them. If you notice flaws in serving, in food or drinks, you don’t need to enter into a conflict because of this, attracting attention to yourself, just ask to eliminate them.

Who pays the bill? Usually everyone pays his own bill. The inviter pays for the invitees. In our time, women are equal with men and support themselves. Therefore, it is quite natural in some cases the desire of a woman to pay for herself. A man should not consider that this humiliates his manhood. If a woman wants to pay for herself, even if she is invited by a man, she must inform her companion before paying the bill, so as not to argue in the presence of the waiter and keep him waiting. First the woman pays, then the man. Checking the account is not pettiness, as some people think out of a sense of false shame, but the observance of elementary order. In case of a mistake, you should quietly tell the waiter about it.

In the shop

Before entering the store, you need to skip the ones leaving it. If someone is following you, hold the door.

The store is non-smoking, and it is strictly forbidden to take a dog to the grocery store. It is also forbidden to touch the products with your hands. Each buyer, regardless of gender, age or social status, must respect the queue. It is advisable to skip customers with small children out of line. Don't push your way through people in line and don't look over their shoulders. A salesperson who is talking to another customer or doing the math is not bothered with questions. What and in what quantity you need to buy should be thought out in advance. Anyone who suffers from forgetfulness should first make a shopping list. Commercially available goods must be handled with care, do not wrinkle or touch things with sweaty, dirty hands. Women should, when trying on a dress, take care not to stain it with lipstick.

Some people have a habit of criticizing a product after a long choice to hide the awkwardness caused by the decision not to buy it. If you find that the item does not suit you, you need to thank and apologize for the bother.

Don't get used to shopping aimlessly. Stores are already full of customers.

At an exhibition, in a museum, in a library

A visitor to an exhibition and a museum usually leaves an umbrella, a briefcase, a bag, bags, etc. in the cloakroom along with outerwear.

When visiting museums and exhibitions, one must take into account the fact that a person is able to concentrate attention and the ability to perceive only for two to three hours, therefore in large museums it is advisable to draw up an inspection plan using the catalog. It is pointless and useless to quickly run through the halls of the museum. You need to choose for inspection either certain works, or the work of one artist, or some department.

Enter the exhibition hall quietly, without disturbing others. When examining the works, do not stand in front of another visitor or get too close to him. You need to keep yourself in such a way that your presence does not disturb others: do not speak loudly, do not laugh, do not cough, do not blow your nose.

It is forbidden to touch the exhibits with your hands. If you are walking around the museum accompanied by a guide, then you should listen to his explanations in silence, even if they are not interesting to you. It is impolite to talk to a neighbor or make remarks. If you have questions, they should be asked during the pause.

A true connoisseur of art does not loudly express his enthusiasm for famous works and does not flaunt his erudition in the field of art.

In the library, as well as at the exhibition, they try not to disturb others.

When using a book, remember to treat it like your best friend. The book is taken with carefully washed hands, since even outwardly clean hands leave traces of sweat on the book. The book you are reading should have a cover. Leafing through the book, fingers do not slobber and do not bend the corners of the pages. The page of the book is taken carefully by the middle or top and turned over. The cover of the book, as well as brochures, are not folded back, as this spoils the binding. To mark the place where you finished reading, use a bookmark. The pages of the book are not dirty with various inscriptions and drawings. If you want to write down something important, you need to do it in a notebook, noting the title of the book, the author and the page.

In the cinema, at lectures, in the theater

They go to the cinema and to lectures in ordinary street clothes. The men take off their hats. A woman should also do this if she has a large and high hat that interferes with those sitting behind. They come to the theater or to a concert in advance, knowing that it will take time to put their outerwear in the wardrobe, put themselves in order and find seats.

The man helps the woman take off her coat and puts it in the wardrobe, leaving the number.

A man enters the theater, concert and cinema halls first. The woman comes out first. If two couples enter, the man goes first, then the two ladies and then the second man. They sit down in the same order: women in the middle, men at the edges.

your places. If you know that your seats are in the middle of the row, you need to sit down in advance, without waiting for the last call, so as not to disturb other spectators. If you still have to disturb those sitting, they apologize to them. The disturbed person does not make a displeased face and does not wait until he is asked for permission to pass, but he himself gets up in advance, noticing those walking along the narrow passage. The polite people who got up to let you through should be thanked.

You need to pass facing the seated. The man goes first. He helps his companion to sit down, silently lowering the seat of the chair, and only then sits down himself. A man usually sits on the left hand of a woman, but if his place is more convenient (for example, the scene is better seen from there), then an attentive man will give way to his lady. When getting up and sitting down, avoid noise. When getting up, hold the seat with your hand so that it does not hit the back of the chair. It is impolite to occupy both armrests, since the neighbor wants to lean on his elbows. Do not lean on the back of the front seat or rest your feet on it.

Everyone buys the program and binoculars himself, and does not borrow from a neighbor. Theatrical binoculars are provided in order to follow the stage, and not to look at those in the hall.

They do not sit in someone else's seat, as this can cause a lot of trouble, especially if the owners of these places are late.

If for any reason you are late, then enter the hall quietly, stand near the door or sit silently in the nearest free chair, and after the intermission, transfer to your seat.

When the program begins, you need to stop all conversations. The interrupted conversation is continued during the break. During a performance or film show, they do not talk or comment, but listen and watch. Even if the program is not interesting, politeness obliges a person to sit silently. Of course, you can leave the hall at the right time, especially during a break. In the hall, they try not to do anything that can cause concern to neighbors: they don’t rustle candy papers or a program, they don’t click the lock of their purse, they don’t shake their heads, etc.

A person who has a severe cough or runny nose should think about the health and tranquility of others and refuse a concert or performance.

Responding tactlessly aloud to acting mistakes. It is indecent to accompany applause with exclamations and clatter. Sincere applause is the best gratitude. Symphonies, chamber works in several parts and song cycles are not interrupted by applause. Therefore, during a concert, you need to be especially careful not to start applauding too early.

Passing during the intermission past the strollers, do not look at them. If a man comes to the theater with a companion, he does not leave her alone for a long time. Neither does a woman.

If you are hungry, you can go to the buffet during the intermission. You should not eat in the hall and lobby. If a man comes with a lady, he takes care of his companion in the buffet, bringing her what she wants.

The curtain falls. At the theater or at a concert, wait until the curtain falls instead of running to the wardrobe for a coat. If someone is in a hurry to catch a train or the last bus, such haste is excusable, but on condition that everything is done imperceptibly and silently.

Behavior on the street

On the street. Before you go out into the street, you need to take a look at yourself, should you clean your coat, suit? Maybe stockings or trousers are splattered? You can't go out in dirty shoes.

Gloves are worn at home, because dressing and adjusting clothes on the street is not decent. To tie a shoelace or put on a raincoat on the street, they step aside.

It is indecent to throw a jacket and coat over your shoulders. Not good if the braces are visible. If it is warm outside, you can carry a coat, jacket or jacket on your arm.

How to pass. Where possible, pedestrians should avoid moving against the general flow. Counters should be bypassed on the right side. If you notice that someone is in a hurry, step aside. Make way for the oncoming one.

On the street, special attention is paid to the disabled, small children, parents with children, and the elderly.

If the road is narrow or bad, then the more convenient part of the road is provided to those who are entitled to privileges. If necessary, the man steps off the sidewalk. If, passing by, you need to turn around, do it, if possible, facing the oncoming one. If you both stepped in the same direction at the same time, you need to stop and let the oncoming one pass. It is not customary to pass between two nearby walking pedestrians.

The package, bag and briefcase are carried in the right hand so as not to hurt passers-by. A man can always help a woman carry heavy things, only a woman always carries a handbag.

It is necessary to monitor the metal parts of bags and briefcases so as not to accidentally catch your own or other people's stockings or clothes.

The umbrella must always be held in an upright position, it is dangerous to carry an umbrella in a horizontal position, as small children can stumble on its tip. Do not swing an umbrella. An open umbrella should be held over your head so that water does not flow onto passers-by. If two people walk under an umbrella, it is held by a man or a younger one (unless the companion is very tall). Holding an umbrella, one must be careful and make sure that the satellite does not get wet. When meeting with other pedestrians, the umbrella is raised or tilted to the other side. With a wet umbrella (especially in public transport), they try not to hurt others.

Walking arm in arm is considered somewhat old-fashioned. This makes traffic difficult, especially in crowded narrow streets. Only in a slippery place can a young man offer his hand to an elderly person or lightly support him by the elbow; so does a man walking with a woman. In sparsely populated places, such as in a park, a woman can lean on the arm of her companion. It is not customary to walk in a line, interfering with passers-by.

About smoking

Knowing how much harm tobacco smoke causes to health, one cannot but reckon with others, even if you experience an irresistible desire to smoke a cigarette.

It is forbidden to smoke in a room where there are non-smokers, especially children.

At work, where there is at least one opponent of tobacco smoke, it is impossible not to reckon with him. In theaters and concert halls there are special rooms for smoking, in trains there are vestibules. In the dance hall, restaurants, cafes and canteens do not smoke. Never smoke in the patient's room. Do not smoke in the room where you sleep.

Outdoors, you can smoke only in secluded places, for example, sitting on a bench in a park alley, etc.

In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission. But in this case, the woman should not lean on his hand. It is not customary to smoke while walking if a woman who is much older than you is walking next to you. It is not customary to talk with a cigarette in your mouth. Greeting, you need to remove the cigarette from your mouth.

Never enter someone else's apartment with a burning cigarette. When they come to visit, they do not remove cigarettes and matches from their pockets and do not put them on the table in front of them. You cannot smoke without permission. If the owner does not smoke and, moreover, he has only one room, it is most correct to refrain from smoking altogether.

If the owner offers you a cigarette, you need to accept it with gratitude, and not look for your own, you can refuse only in an exceptional case, for example, if you are offered stronger cigarettes, and you are used to weaker ones. In this case, you need to thank and explain the reason.

Matches and cigarette butts are not thrown anywhere. Throw out only in the redeemed form. A well-mannered person will never put out a cigarette on a bench, table leg, other furniture or on the wall of the house, fence, etc.

Ashes are shaken off into an ashtray; tableware is not used for this purpose at the table. If there is no ashtray, they are asked to bring it or take it from a free table. Do not allow cigarettes to smoke in the ashtray. Smoke is released in the direction where it does not interfere with those present. If the tobacco crumb gets into the mouth, it is not spit out, but is pushed out with the tongue onto the lips and removed with a handkerchief or, in extreme cases, with the fingers.

Cigarettes must not be carried open in a trouser pocket or jacket breast pocket.

Note that in the near future the rules for smoking will be even more stringent.
