Canadian Sphynx: features of the breed. How much is the Sphinx of the Don

Among the dozens of cat breeds that have been bred by people, there are many that amaze with the originality of their appearance. One of the most interesting and unusual cat breeds are sphinxes. These creatures do not leave anyone indifferent and simply amaze with their bizarre, unusual appearance.

Now there are several breeds of sphinxes, and their popularity is constantly growing. The description of the appearance of these cats requires special epithets, as well as their character. These creatures have an alien appearance, it seems that these are not pets, but aliens from other worlds who came to Earth for some unknown reason. Due to the complete absence of wool and the original shape of the body, sphinxes evoke thoughts about the pyramids and mystical rites of Ancient Egypt.

Video about the breed

History of occurrence

Hairless cats first appeared in Canada in 1966. An absolutely bald kitten was born, from which this breed later went. It was the first Canadian Sphynx. Don Sphynxes and St. Petersburg Sphynxes are still known. Cats of these three breeds are very similar, but there are some differences. In general terms, their character is similar, their care is similar.

Sphynx cats are the best option for animal lovers who are allergic to wool. Sphynx are very friendly and calm in any situation.

The ancient Egyptians deified the Sphinx cats, considering them messengers of the divine spirit on earth. These animals lived in temples and palaces and were given the best possible care.

Three popular varieties of Sphynx cats are known: Canadian, St. Petersburg and Don breeds. The Canadian Sphynx is a muscular and robust breed with large ears. The Don Sphynx has an elongated muzzle and many skin folds. And the Peterbald Sphynx is the most graceful breed with a long narrow muzzle.

The Don Sphynx breed is the largest, and the St. Petersburg breed is the smallest, they differ in the shape of the head, ears, and torso. Each of them has its own strict standard. It can also be noted that genetically Canadian and Russian breeds are completely different animals, each has its own history of origin.


The appearance of these animals is striking - the cat is almost completely bald. The skin has wrinkles, numerous folds. Animals have huge ears. The only thing that exactly unites all three breeds of sphinxes is their truly royal character and unusual appearance. Below is a description of all three types of sphinx cats.

Breed St. Petersburg Sphynx Canadian Sphynx breed Don Sphynx breed
General form Elegant, strong cats, with light bones and long limbs. Medium in size with strong muscles. Wrinkled skin with thin fluff Large-sized, well-muscled cats
Head Wedge-shaped, cheeks are flat, cheekbones are wide. The nose is long, the chin is strong Wedge-shaped, head slightly longer than wide. Vibris are completely absent Wedge-shaped, cheekbones clearly defined. The nose is straight. Vibris curled or may be absent
Ears Large, wide at the base, pointed Very large, wide at the base Large, set wide apart, with rounded tips
Eyes Eyes medium, almond-shaped, obliquely set, green or blue Large, set at a slight angle The eyes are medium, almond-shaped, set obliquely. Any eye color
limbs Long, thin. Bones and muscles are thin The forelimbs are set wide apart, shorter than the hind limbs. Long, slender, forearms straight
Skin covering The skin is elastic, redundant The animal is covered with soft fluff, at the end of the tail it may have a tuft of wool The skin is elastic, folded on the head, neck, armpits and groin

Pet character

Sphynxes are very friendly and affable animals. Their nature is very sociable, sometimes even obsessive. Despite their somewhat "unearthly" appearance, these animals are very sweet, affectionate and strongly devoted to the owner. They are very energetic and not averse to playing, have irrepressible curiosity.

The Sphinx breed can be safely called the most exotic. Sphynxes are obedient and absolutely not aggressive towards strangers, so representatives of this breed are the best exhibits of cat shows.

Sphynx kittens are very obedient and affectionate. They do not need to be accustomed to the rules of the house for a long time, it is enough to show the animal once what it should do and the cat will surprise you with its ingenuity

All breeds of sphinxes are very demanding of human attention, especially from their owners. They react absolutely normally to strangers in the apartment. Their character is restrained and completely devoid of aggressiveness.

Sphynx cats do not have hair, so they are very sensitive to temperature conditions. If there are frequent drafts in your house and the temperature is below 150C, the animal may catch a cold and die

The "sphinxes" have a strong muscular body, large ears and a triangular muzzle. Many lovers of this breed note the unusual appearance of the Sphynx tail, which resembles a flexible rubber rod.

Sphynxes are very thermophilic and choose the warmest places indoors. So don't be surprised if you find your pet under the covers.

Sphynxes are very attached to their owners, they love to be picked up and caressed. These cats often sleep in a bed with a person, but they will never allow themselves to wake up the owner.

The Sphinx can become a real exotic decoration for your home. The appearance of these cats will not leave you and the guests of your apartment indifferent

First of all, sphinxes are very sensitive to cold (it is clear why), having no wool, they can easily get burned on a heating radiator or heater. Their skin needs constant care. You need to bathe about once a week. Regular grooming is essential for your pet's nails and ears.

You can’t name the playful representatives of the Sphynx breed; these cats would rather prefer a quiet rest on a soft pillow than active games and climbing. But sometimes sphinxes can still be caught in an active mood with their favorite toy.

Sphynxes are very smart and quick-witted cats. They always feel the emotions of the owners and know the approach to the person. Your unusual kitten will always come to comfort you after a hard day's work.

Sphinxes need special care. They need frequent bathing, but there is nothing to comb on them. The health of the animal must be monitored and prevented from feline diseases

Sphynxes have a tendency to heart disease and muscle dysfunction. Due to the lack of wool, their metabolism is increased, so they must eat intensively, especially in the cold season. You can feed any quality dry or wet food.

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Usually, childbirth in sphinxes is easy and without complications. Three to six kittens are born. A cat during pregnancy and lactation needs special care and enhanced nutrition. Sphynxes are good and caring mothers, so you will not have problems with offspring.

Sphynxes can be with different skin colors and eye colors. Eyes of different colors can give a zest to an already exotic sphinx

Although sphinxes have a calm, balanced character, these animals can be very touchy. Sphynx cats should not be loudly scolded and punished, otherwise the animal may lose its appetite and get sick

Sphynx cats have practically no disadvantages, they are typical apartment animals that will become your wonderful and devoted friends. They are distinguished by a light disposition, and their character is friendly. Caring for these original creatures is also not difficult. Only the bare skin of the animal requires attention.

Ecology of knowledge: Sphynx cats are hairless and bred for decorative purposes. To date, 3 varieties of sphinxes are known: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. However, only the Canadian

Sphynx cats are hairless and bred for decorative purposes. To date, 3 varieties of sphinxes are known: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. However, only Canadian has earned official recognition.

The Canadian Sphynx has a very ancient history. His ancestors first appeared in America during the time of the Aztecs. At the exhibition, sphinxes were first presented in the United States, at the beginning of the 20th century. Then the breed ceased to exist. She resumed in 1966 in the Canadian province of Ontario, when a hairless kitten was born to an ordinary domestic cat. In 1975, a hairless cat was born in Minnesota, and a year after that, the same cat. They became the founders of the elite breed.

In Russia, sphinxes gained popularity relatively recently, in 1987, when a cat with bald patches appeared in the city of Rostov-on-Don, which subsequently began to give birth to hairless kittens. This type of breed was called the Don Sphynx. The first St. Petersburg Sphynx was born in 1994. His parents were an oriental cat and a Don Sphynx.

Although the Canadian Sphynx is of medium size, they are quite heavy in terms of weight. They have a wedge-shaped head and well-defined cheekbones. The soft and warm body of the Canadian Sphynx resembles a peach in texture. The ears of cats are large and wide at the base, the eyes are huge and slanted. The Canadian Sphynx has a muscular body and a graceful long tail. Their paws are like baby hands.

The Don Sphynx is distinguished by a rounded muzzle, large, rounded ears and small, obliquely set eyes. Numerous folds of skin can be seen on the body. Sometimes individuals come across whose body is covered with short bristly fur. However, such cats are not valued at exhibitions.

Petersburg Sphynx (Peterbald) in many ways resembles an oriental cat. He has a large body with long, elastic legs, a small wedge-shaped head, large ears. The eyes are of medium size. The most valuable are lilac Peterbalds.

Despite the very peculiar appearance, sphinxes are distinguished by a devoted, gentle and affectionate character. They absolutely cannot stand loneliness and are constantly looking for human care and attention. These are very heat-loving animals, because of the increased heat transfer they need to be fed more than cats of other breeds. By nature, sphinxes are very vulnerable, so you should not offend them.

Sphynxes are very heat-loving animals, because of the increased heat transfer they need to be fed more than cats of other breeds.

Like most artificially bred breeds, sphinxes are prone to many diseases. Therefore, you should vaccinate your pet on time and visit the veterinarian regularly. Sometimes sphinxes have watery eyes. In this case, they should be wiped with a cloth dipped in warm boiled water.

Due to the abundance of small folds on the body, the animal cannot lick itself entirely and periodically needs water procedures. Bathe the Sphynx in warm water with baby shampoo once every 2 weeks. After bathing, the animal must be thoroughly wiped and dried. With proper care, the Sphynx will be healthy and happy for many years. published

Sphinx. What associations do you have with this word - pyramids, bizarre rock paintings, golden sands?

Today, everyone can touch the magic of ancient Egypt, one has only to get a “bald” miracle at home - a mysterious sphinx cat.

What are hairless cats called and where did they come from?

It is not for nothing that Sphynxes bear such a majestic name - hairless cat breeds are mentioned in ancient documents. The Aztecs seem to have preferred this breed along with "naked" domestic dogs.

And what can we say about the Egyptians, who deified this animal and decorated the walls of temples and ancient writings with images. It was after noticing the striking resemblance of "bald" cats with Egyptian drawings that the breeders gave the breed such a name.

By the way, back in 1903, in the Book of Cats, the sphinx brother and sister, Dick and Nelly, were described, bought from the Aztec tribe and considered the last representatives of the breed. The owner did not cross the kittens of the same litter, and it seemed that the exotic gene disappeared forever.

However, already in 1966 in Canada, from an ordinary domestic cat, a "naked" baby was born, named Pruno. Alas, his offspring did not inherit the unusual appearance of the parent and breeders began to wait for new manifestations of the breed.

1975 gave the world Epidermis, a “bald” kitten from Minnesota, who became the ancestor of canadian sphinxes.

The second branch of the breed - don sphinxes- originated in Rostov-on-Don: a local resident, Elena Kovaleva, picked up a hairless cat on the street. Varvara gave birth to her copy - Chita, from which the consolidation of the breed trait began.

Another of the most common "branches" of the sphinx is Petersburg breed or peterbald. It originated in Russia, in 1994, by crossing a short-haired oriental cat and a Don Sphynx.

Sphinx cat character

Like any other breed, the Sphynx has character traits that are largely based on its exotic appearance.

  1. The "naked" pet is drawn to the owner - he loves human warmth and affection.
  2. The Sphynx is as friendly as it is unusual - often this breed gets along well even with large and formidable dogs.
  3. Experiencing an endless craving for "hugs", the sphinx gladly welcomes guests, often purring welcoming speeches under his breath.
  4. This animal is a real helper in any business of the owners. The cat is not offended by your employment - he is happy to take part in the bustle of the home, whether it is a noisy feast or general cleaning.
  5. Sphinxes are royally restrained and courteous, they are extremely naughty.
  6. A cat of this breed will not be nervous when moving long distances or visiting guests.
  7. The Sphinx is surprisingly smart - he remembers the tray and the scratching post just by snapping his fingers.
  8. Despite the innate sense of tact, the pet will suffer from loneliness or lack of attention.

Sphinxes just love being kissed on the nose.

How to care for a bald cat

Still hesitant to get a Sphynx, fearing difficulties in caring for him? In vain. In the content of this breed, of course, there are some nuances, but they are unlikely to overshadow the pleasure of communicating with this miracle of nature.

Sphinx food

Perhaps one of the most unusual features of the sphinx is its excellent appetite. Such a cat does not think about the figure: she loves everything and more. The reason is an increased metabolism due to high body temperature and “baldness”.

The ideal diet of the Sphynx is 80% natural products to 20% feed, or vice versa. However, not every owner can properly balance the natural menu for a cat. To help - ready-made food.

Elite breeders keep sphinxes on the following diet:

  • meat (boiled chicken, raw beef, boiled or raw beef liver) - about 60%;
  • dry food (for example, Hills, James, Eagle Pack) - 20%;
  • milk (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, milk, semolina porridge in milk) - 5%;
  • boiled egg or raw yolk - once a week;
  • treats (depending on individual preferences) - approximately 1%.

Sphynx more often than other cats "sit down" on unusual foods - cucumbers or chocolate. Pamper your pet with the 1% in mind.


Few decide to have a Sphynx kitten. Most of the failed owners of this breed incorrectly believed that the Sphynx needed "greenhouse" conditions. In fact, the mysterious "naked" cat has many other features of the content.

    • Sphynx sweat and secrete plaque like dark wax. Care rules are simple:
      • wipe the cat with baby wipes or a wet sponge;
      • you can bathe the animal in a baby or any other mild shampoo, pH 5.5;
      • after bathing, wipe the skin dry and do not let it out into drafts.
  • If the skin discharge is too profuse, you should contact your veterinarian, as this may be the cause of an unhealthy diet, oversaturated with fats.
  • Accumulates very quickly in the ears of sphinxes black-brown secret. Cleaning is done as it gets dirty or on the eve of the exhibition with a cotton swab.
  • Sphynx love to sunbathe:
    • let your pet moderate sunbathing, and in a couple of months he will turn into a bright and infinitely beautiful creature;
    • the animal can burn, so accustom it to the sun at noon, gradually.
  • Sphinxes need to be tempered:
    • physical activity;
    • walking in warm weather.


Adults rarely get sick. Picking up the infection, they quickly recover and remain immune to the disease until the end of their lives.

This breed needs to be vaccinated at a young age to avoid viral diseases. For kittens, an inactivated vaccine is ideal.

Pathologies during childbirth in sphinxes are not observed. A nursing mother is usually overly "milky", which can lead to mastitis.

There are 2-5 babies in a litter, usually 3-4. They open their eyes already for 3-4 days.

The less hair on the kitten in the early days, the "naked" he will be when he grows up.

Kittens can bring only one headache - severe weaning from mother's milk. During this period, you need to monitor the kids and, at the first sign of diarrhea, contact the veterinarian - "bald" cats quickly lose strength in any illness.

Today, among the sphinxes, there are 3 "pioneer" breeds.

canadian sphynx

The ancestor of sphinxes - a handsome Canadian - certainly differs from other offshoots of the breed. A significant difference can be seen both in appearance and in the content of the pet.

breed standard

  • slender, muscular body;
  • rounded croup and chest;
  • powerful sides and shoulders;
  • wedge-shaped small head;
  • long, strong neck;
  • protruding cheekbones;
  • flat, sometimes slightly convex forehead, 7-9 folds;
  • wide bridge of nose with a short nose;
  • pronounced chin;
  • large oval eyes, set deep, amber;
  • huge, widely spaced ears with rounded ends, with an "ear muff" at the base;
  • muscular, widely spaced limbs with long fingers;
  • straight, thin and mobile tail, sometimes with a brush;
  • thick bare skin with folds.


The character of the Canadian Sphynx is inoffensive, but the "Canadian" can argue with that. Do not punish the animal, do not even raise your voice - they are very sensitive. The Canadian Sphynx cat may refuse food in protest, which will lead to diseases.

This variety of domestic cats is not very active, preferring cozy, warm places to relax.

Although touchy, they easily get along with cats and dogs.

In addition, they are distinguished by a sharp mind and excellent memory for commands.

  1. Take care of your mouth pet, it is an indicator of health status.
  2. Wipe wrinkles at least once a day wet wipes to remove sweat that torments the animal.
  3. Wash your eyes daily Canadian Sphynx with distilled water.
  4. Vaccinate adults from infections.
  5. Be sure to equip the "dining table" pet with a shallow bowl for food and a little deeper for water.
  6. Don't forget the lack of wool- feed the Canadian Sphynx with high-calorie food, despite the fact that the breed is omnivorous.

Donskoy sphinx

Don and Canadian sphinxes have some differences.

  1. Phenotype.
  2. Genotype (three types of hairlessness - flock, brush, naked) - the Don Sphynx completely "undresses" up to 1-2 years.
  3. The presence of a mustache, curly or broken.
  4. More powerful body and protruding head.
  5. The ears are set higher.
  6. More balanced mind.
  7. Pronounced paternal instinct.
  8. Clearly defined eyes of any color.

The nature of the Munchkin and the care of the breed:

breed standard

When you look at this animal, you want to say “Wow!”. However, just look at the description of the breed:

  • muscular, proportional body of medium size;
  • silky, hot, hairless skin;
  • wedge-shaped, outlined by the eyebrows and cheekbones, head;
  • flat, wrinkled, nose;
  • high-set, leaning forward ears with rounded tips;
  • almond-shaped, not wide open eyes;
  • straight, long limbs, proportional to the body;
  • hind legs slightly longer than front legs;
  • oval paws;
  • long straight tail.

Colors of the Don Sphynx

  • white;
  • black;
  • blue;
  • chocolate;
  • torby;
  • partcolor;
  • siam;
  • turtle;
  • red;
  • purple;
  • cream.


In the nature of the Don Sphynx - unpretentiousness, non-conflict and forgiving.

His psyche is stable, stamina is increased. It is believed that this breed is devoid of selfishness inherent in cats.

Such a cat may not suit an eternally busy owner: it requires increased attention and affection.

Don Sphynxes are able to heal people, thanks to a high positive biofield and healing energy. The pet often feels where it hurts, and immediately sits down to “treat”.

Despite the striking differences in appearance and behavior, caring for the Don Sphynx is not particularly different from caring for the Canadian Sphynx.

  1. The Don Sphynx needs to be fed in a balanced way.
  2. Hygiene procedures (by the way, the ears of this breed get dirty much more slowly than the Canadian Sphynx).
  3. Fresh air and outdoor games.

sphinx peterbald

Peterbald, which appeared by crossing a Don Sphynx cat and an oriental cat, will especially appeal to lovers of orientals: this is evidenced by their appearance.

breed standard

  • thin short undercoat on the skin (to the touch - suede);
  • wedge-shaped, small head;
  • long nose, straight profile;
  • small almond-shaped eyes, blue or green;
  • slim but strong figure;
  • paws are elastic;
  • the limbs are thin and high;
  • fingers are movable;
  • big ears;
  • proud "posture";
  • in general, the peterbald is a "bald" oriental cat.


  • purple;
  • chocolate;
  • color point;
  • blue;
  • cream.


The St. Petersburg Sphynx can surpass even its Don relative in terms of “level of tenderness”. This breed is extremely affectionate to the owners, moreover, it easily finds a language even with unfamiliar people.

Peterbald is the same child: he loves to sit on your lap, sleep and eat next to the owner, expressing his devotion to him in every possible way.

Absolutely not an arrogant breed, devoid of feline selfishness. No signs of aggression were seen.

Peterbalds love to frolic with people and other animals, they can play with anything. His hypnotic eyes are especially noted, expressing trust and boundless love for the owner.

The St. Petersburg Sphynx is “delicate” not only inside, but also outside: its skin requires special care.

  1. Like other sphinxes, he needs periodic baths or rubdowns due to increased sweating.
  2. In the cold freezes more than others breeds.
  3. Peterbalds love to warm up by the battery which is fraught with burns.
  4. sensitive the skin of this breed is extremely susceptible to radiation, mechanical damage and drying. Lubricate your pet's skin with baby oil for protection.

The diet of a "naked" cat should include:

  • high-quality prepared feed;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • cottage cheese.

In a pregnant Sphynx-Peterbald cat, the pigmentation of moles and "winter spots" (pigment from sunburn in the folds of the skin) may increase, this is normal.

None of the breeds of cats evokes such conflicting feelings as sphinxes. A photo of a bald cat of the Sphynx breed causes delight and tenderness in some, while others are horrified. Favorites of the Egyptian pharaohs occupy one of the leading places in terms of content popularity. For those who are just planning to get a hairless cat, we suggest getting to know her better. In this article we will tell you what a Sphynx cat looks like, what care it requires, what diseases it suffers from and what kind of cat food it needs.

Description of the breed

The history of the origin of the Sphynx breed is rooted in ancient Egypt. In those days, hairless cats were known and revered. According to scientists, hairless cats appeared as a result of a natural mutation of the species. Sphinxes gained popularity relatively recently - in the twentieth century.


The main distinguishing feature of the Sphynx cat from the usual representative of the cat world is the absence of wool. But this does not mean that all representatives of the breed are bald. The skin of some of them is covered with a light fluff and feels like a peach to the touch. Others are “fluffy” in certain places: on the nose or back, on the tail or on the legs.

Kittens of some breeds have a “fur coat” and grow bald when they grow up. Sphinxes dress up for the change of season, usually for cold weather. The “hairiness” is influenced by the hormonal background of the animal, and the “fur coat” feels like suede to the touch. The colors of sphinxes are varied.

"Hairless" cats are known for their wrinkling. But in fact, if you shave any - "curly" or fluffy cat, then the effect will be about the same. Kittens are especially striking with folds - they seem to be assembled into an accordion. In adult cats, wrinkles are based on the forehead, shoulders and neck.

body structure

Looking at photos of Sphynx cats, you can notice another feature - these are ears. In some species, they are disproportionately large, while in others they have a rather strange shape, like for a cat. Eyebrows and whiskers in animals are rare and broken, or absent altogether. A wedge-shaped head, "exclusive ears" and slanted eyes complete the spectacular appearance of a bald cat.

The body of the Sphynx looks athletic and muscular. Cats have long thin legs and a thin "rat" tail. On the rounded paws of the sphinx are elongated fingers. The cat's round belly contrasts with the skinny body, bulging out as if a ball had been shoved into it. The weight of the animal ranges from two to seven kilograms, depending on the type of breed.


Sphynxes are friendly and sociable cats. They are ready to follow the owner on the heels and meet him at the door. Sphynx cats, like ordinary felines, love games and toys - they will bring an abandoned piece of paper and run after an impromptu mouse, which children like. Cats get along well with all pets.

To make your cat remember its name faster, try to name it as simply as possible. You should not come up with intricate, difficult-to-pronounce nicknames, and let generic long names remain in the documents of the animal. If you do not know what to name a pet, go to special sites where you can find a huge variety of cat names. Determine which one suits your pussy and name it correctly.

Sphynx is one of the smartest cat breeds. They are able to perceive and respond to commands. Their constant "frostiness" makes animals look for a warmer place. It can be a blanket, the owner's knees, or another pet's barrel. Consider the brief characteristics of the varieties of the Sphynx cat breed.

canadian sphynx

The Canadian Sphynx cat breed was born in the Canadian province of Ontario in the sixties of the twentieth century. In the photo, the Canadian Sphynx cat looks very attractive. All the contours of her body have smooth lines, and thick skin gathers in folds. The general impression is complemented by narrow shiny eyes and large, rounded at the tips, ears of the animal. This cat looks like an alien from other worlds.

A distinctive feature of the breed is the almost complete "hairlessness" of its representatives. Newborn kittens are completely covered with folds of skin. With age, some of the folds gradually smooth out, but some remain until the end of the animal's life. There are the following main types of colors of the Canadian Sphynx: tortoiseshell, tobby, bicolor and color-point or Siamese.

Caring for Canadians is quite simple, but has a number of features. An animal of this breed has increased sweating, so its body is wiped with wet wipes. They bathe the cat regularly, and after the bath procedures wipe it dry. Dirt and sulfur can accumulate in the ears of an animal, therefore, they must be cleaned.

Donskoy sphinx

The history of the Don Sphynx breed is interesting and unusual. The ancestor of the breed is called the cat Varvara, which was found on the street by a resident of Rostov-on-Don. The cat was bald and subsequently gave birth to the same kittens - and this is how the breed appeared. Don Sphynx cubs come in several varieties: absolutely “hairless”, “velor” and “brush”.

The first type is characterized by thin elastic skin, on which folds are noticeable. The "hairless" Don Sphynx lack eyebrows and mustaches. The body of velor kittens is covered with a soft short fluff. However, during the first years of life, they shed their "fur coats" and remain naked.

Brush type babies are born with dense hair on the body. Some of the kittens, growing up, lose their hair, and some are “dressed” all their lives. Outwardly, the Don Sphynx of the brush type look pretty cute. Their muzzle is shorter than that of other Donetsk residents, and their cheekbones are more emphasized.

Don Sphynx are extremely affectionate and sociable. They will gladly rub against the owner's cheek or sit on his knees. With other pets, cats behave cute and friendly. Energetic and mobile, they are always ready to chase a mouse or a ball.

Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald

Peterbald was bred after mating an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. From the first, the newly-made breed got long paws, the structure of the skull and a graceful body. The Don Sphynx "took away" the "fur coat" from the St. Petersburg ones. The cat's head is elongated and has a rectangular shape. The description is complemented by large, widely spaced ears and beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

Depending on the skin, the kittens of the St. Petersburg Sphynx are divided into several types: naked, flock, velor, brush-point, brush and flat-haired varietta. Piterbalds of black color look advantageous, but this color is inherent only in representatives of the breed with a woolen coat. Petersburg cats are friendly, affectionate and calm. They are very intelligent, obedient and trainable.

Ukrainian Levkoy

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a new breed of Sphynx, but has already managed to gain popularity among European cat lovers. So they decided to call it because of the unusual structure of the ears of animals. Looking at the photo of the representatives of the breed, you can see the similarity of their ears with the flower of the levkoy. The breed was bred in Kyiv - hence the second part of the name.

For crossing used Scottish fold cats and Don Sphynx. From the first, the Levkoy inherited wonderful ears, and from the second - the absence of wool. According to the description of the standard, Levkoys do not have a fur coat, but a light brush is allowed. Folds are visible in the abdomen, neck and head. Ukrainian Levkoy are distinguished by a kind and sociable character, they are easy to train, they are patient and unobtrusive, which is what fans of the Sphynx breed fell in love with.


The elf hairless cat breed was born in the USA - they decided to cross the Canadian Sphynx with the American Curl. This breed is distributed mainly in North America. Its main feature is large ears, with tips gently curved back. Otherwise, elves are similar to cats of other species of the Sphynx breed.

Elves are friendly and affectionate animals. They do not distinguish between members of the family in which they live, but love everyone equally. Cats love to climb on their owner's lap to take a nap in the warmth. Having a playful nature, they drive the ball around the house, attracting attention.

Elf cats can hardly endure loneliness: they get bored when no one is at home, and sincerely rejoice at the return of their owners. To rest, they need a warm secluded place. It can be a special soft basket or a house for cats. Elves are smart animals, it is not difficult to accustom them to a tray or scratching post.


The name of the Bambino cat breed speaks for itself. Its representatives are small in size and retain a childish expression of the muzzle until the end of their lives. Bambinos are called dachshunds in the body of a cat. Indeed, their physiques are similar - cats have an elongated torso and short legs. Bambinos weigh less than other representatives of the Sphynx breed.

Animals look at the world with round, wide-open eyes. The picture is complemented by a wedge-shaped muzzle and large, widely spaced ears. The skin of the cat is soft and pleasant to the touch. Light folds do not spoil it, but look pretty cute.

The character of a bald cat is soft, affectionate and loving. She will not miss the moment to climb into the owner's arms or settle down next to her. They are extremely playful and agile animals that love to run and jump. They jump, however, not very high, the reason for this is short paws.


The average life expectancy of sphinxes is twelve to fifteen years. Its duration depends on the conditions in which the cat lives and what diseases bother him. For the most part, Sphynx cats do not complain about health, but there are a number of diseases that are typical for representatives of the breed:

  1. Sphynxes are prone to infectious diseases. Usually cats easily tolerate them, and after recovery they acquire immunity. To protect cats from this type of disease, they need to be vaccinated regularly.
  2. Salmonellosis is a serious infectious disease of cats. Its symptoms are: refusal to feed, agitation, apathy, diarrhea, vomiting. Treat salmonellosis under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. Rabies can lie in wait for sphinxes that come into contact with other animals. During illness, cats experience sharp jumps in behavior - apathy is replaced by aggression. Convulsions lead to muscle paralysis and the animal dies. To prevent infection with this type of disease, sphinxes should not communicate with unfamiliar stray animals, and starting from three months, it is shown to be vaccinated.
  4. Sphynx cats are prone to a condition called feline acne. This is an acne rash that affects the skin of an animal. Rashes are observed in the abdomen, on the chin, on the muzzle. Pimples fester, burst, and then dry up. The disease often has a hereditary character and can accompany the animal throughout life - either appearing or disappearing. To reduce acne, use special disinfectants and ointments for the skin.
  5. Sphynxes are prone to allergies to food and external environmental factors.

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Warmth is key for cats

Caring for Sphynx kittens does not require titanic efforts on the part of the owners, but it has some features. Hairless cats are extremely “frozen” - therefore, the temperature in the apartment where the cat lives should be at least twenty degrees. Dampness and drafts are also not allowed. If the temperature in the house is low, then the cat can be put on special clothes for animals. Buying it today is not a problem, and lovers of sewing or knitting will be able to make it on their own.

Trying to keep warm, sphinxes like to lie near the radiator or sunbathe in the sun. And one and the second can be dangerous for the animal. Cats burn in the sun, and their delicate body can get burned from a battery or a fireplace. Sphynxes sweat profusely, so they need to be bathed regularly and wiped with a damp cloth. Wash the cat in such a way that water does not get into his ears and eyes.

The large ears of the sphinx are not protected by hair, so they need to be looked after - carefully cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in water. Otherwise, otitis media may develop. To prevent the cat from scratching itself, its claws are cut as it grows. The procedure is performed with special nippers.


Your pet's health directly depends on what he eats. The diet of the sphinx should include meat, fish, cottage cheese. Meat choose low-fat varieties: beef or chicken. To saturate the animal's body with fiber, give the animal boiled carrots, cauliflower, zucchini - choose the product that your pet eats. If the cat eats chicken eggs, then offer her the yolk that sphinxes need, but not more than once a week.

To provide the body of the animal with vitamins, it is necessary to include vegetables and greens in the diet. They are crushed and added to the meat. The problem is that not every cat eats such a "supplement". If yours is one of the “choosy” ones, buy him a special germinated grass.

Purchase and breeding

If you have purchased a Sphynx kitten for the soul, and are not going to breed, then be prepared for such a very unpleasant phenomenon as “spring exacerbation”. This problem affects boys and girls, and sterilization will help solve it. You can castrate a cat from the age of seven months. For this, you need to contact your veterinarian.


As for how much a representative of the Sphynx breed costs, it depends on many factors. The first is the type of breed. For example, the price for kittens of the Don Sphynx breed starts from one hundred and fifty US dollars, which in rubles is close to ten thousand. Approximately the same price is for the Peterbald and the Canadian Sphynx. The price of elf kittens starts from five hundred dollars.

The cost is affected by the class of the kitten - the higher it is, the more expensive you will have to pay for it. The price of Sphynx kittens of the pet class is the lowest. Pet-class are pets that are unsuitable for breeding and must be sterilized. The breeding class is bought for breeding, and the price of its representatives is in the middle range of cost. Show-class kittens take part in exhibitions, have an excellent pedigree and are more expensive than others.

History is silent about when and where the first hairless cats appeared. Some historians believe that the first "bald man" - Egyptian, is depicted sitting under the chair of the pharaoh.

Others are for the spontaneous appearance of a mutation at different times and on different continents. Today, three breeds are officially registered, created on two spontaneous mutations.

The first breed of hairless porridge. "Canadian" in the name appeared after the registration of other breeds of sphinxes.

The breed was created on the basis of a natural mutation in Holland, when they received two hairless kittens from Canada, born in 1979 and 1980.

From the mating of one of them with a Devon Rex, a cat was born, later mated with his mother. In the first litter of mating this cat with his mother, among the three hairless kittens was the cat Stardust's Winni Rinkle of Rinkurl, who became the ancestor of the breed. Her name is present in most of the pedigrees of modern cats of this breed.

Empirically, it was found that the hairless gene of sphinxes is recessive, that is, it must be carried by both parents.


Canadian sphinxes do not tolerate loneliness and are very attached to their owners. Cats are emotional, affectionate and smart, offended by a lack of attention, but this is the only breed of Sphynx that is prohibited by the standard from excessive activity.

Donskoy sphinx

An aboriginal breed created by Russian felinologists on a natural mutation.

The history of the Donchaks dates back to 1986, when a kitten was picked up in Rostov-on-Don - a fluffy girl named Varvara. At the age of 4 months she became bald, but the treatment for microsporia prescribed by the local veterinarian did not affect the growth of hair.

From the marriage of Varvara with the short-haired Vasily, the first generation of Don Chaks was born, which were officially recognized in Russian felinology in 1994, at the international level - in 1998.

Don Sphynxes are larger than their Canadian counterparts, the hairless gene of the Don Sphynxes is dominant, thanks to which the breed has developed rapidly.

A feature of the breed is the natural abundant lubrication of the body and ears. Donchians are recommended daily wiping the folds on the head and body with baby wipes.


They are playful, agile and very kind, they love children and often make friends with dogs. They are unobtrusive and not vindictive. Excellent companions - tactful and seasoned.

Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald

Another breed created in Russia. Hairless variant of the Oriental breed.

Created in 1994 by felinologist, AB WCF expert Olga Mironova. The basis was an interbreed mating of a cat - the Don Sphynx and a cat of the Oriental Shorthair breed. Of the two litters of this pair, 4 kittens were chosen, which became the progenitors of all Peterbalds.

Despite the kinship with the Donchaks, the Peterbald does not sweat, does not require frequent rubbing of the body, regular examination of the folds and ears is needed. With a graceful physique, these are large powerful cats.


Peterbald took many character traits from the Oriental: he is temperamental, active, talkative, and friendly with other animals. He is attached to the owner, dependent on him and follows him like a dog.

Compare sphinxes

It is easy to understand which Sphynx is Canadian, Don or St. Petersburg: below is a table that compares their breed statistics:

Become canadian sphynx Donskoy sphinx Petersburg Sfin ks
Head Modified wedge with prominent zygomatic arches and pinch. The length is slightly longer than the width. Slightly rounded skull with a flat area in front of the auricles. Straight nose with light stop. Bulging mustache pads. Strong chin Wedge-shaped, cheekbones and superciliary arches are clearly defined. Flat forehead, straight nose, medium length, with a slight transition to the forehead. Short, slightly rounded muzzle, light pinch, strong chin Wedge-shaped, widens from the nose to the ears. Long straight nose, flat forehead. The profile is slightly convex. The muzzle is narrow with a strong chin
Eyes Large, lemon-shaped, set slightly obliquely and wide apart. Any eye color Almond-shaped, set obliquely, medium in size and open Almond-shaped, slightly slanting bright green, blue in colorpoints, rich color preferred
Ears Large or very large, broad at base, well open, set straight and slightly angled to head Large, set high and wide, slightly leaning forward and wide open. The tips are rounded Very large, with pointed tips. The set of the ears forms a continuation of the wedge of the head.
Body Medium size and length, heavy, muscular. Wide and rounded chest, full rounded belly Strong bones, developed muscles, dense structure with a wide croup and deep groin Elegant medium size, slender and muscular. Chest, shoulders and hips are the same width
Legs The legs are medium, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front. Paws with long thin fingers. Paw pads are voluminous, which gives the impression of walking on an "air cushion" Straight forearms. Long movable fingers Straight, with graceful oval paws and long movable fingers
Tail Very flexible, graceful, tapering towards the tip, slight feathering of the tip of the tail is allowed. Straight, long and flexible The tail is very long, thin at the base, elastic and ends with a pointed tip.
Color Any, excluding zonal hair dyeing Without Borders Without Borders
Skin covering Allowed pubescence 2 mm long on the body, on the paws, outside the ear, scrotum. Feels like suede or velour. Thick skin with many folds on the head, between the ears and on the shoulders. Vibrissae short, tortuous, may be broken off or absent Significant wrinkles on the head, vertical, radiating to the superciliary ridges, neck, armpits and groin. In winter, there may be slight pubescence over the body. Whiskers are thick, may be broken off or absent The skin is soft and elastic, naked or slightly pubescent. Abundant folding on the head, less on the body. Vibrissa are desirable. Complete absence of hair is preferable
Flaws Large amount and length of wool. Thin or fragile body. Narrow head, straight profile. playfulness Too narrow, round or short head. Small or malset ears, round or malset eyes, weak or short body, uncorrected tail, excessive body hair. Absence of folds on the head, crooked limbs, too thin bone structure.

Types of wool and skin of sphinxes

In all breeds of the Sphynx group, the complete absence of wool is welcomed, but cats with residual hairiness can also take part in breeding.

Types of skin in sphinxes 4:

  1. Brush. Short hair on the back and head, fully pubescent tail. There may be areas of partial baldness. A variation of the brush point is a short thick coat on the points and a flock on the body.
  2. Velours. Short residual hairiness on legs and muzzle. In some cases, Velor Sphynxes are completely undressed by the age of two.
  3. Flock. Gentle silky to the touch skin with residual hair no more than 2 mm on the body. To the touch, the difference between a flocked and a simply shaved cat is immediately noticeable.
  4. Hairless. Lack of hair on the body, flock on points is possible. Due to skin secretions, the skin feels rubbery and slightly stretches behind the hand.

The flat-haired variety stands apart - a descendant of the hairless sphinx and an animal without the hairlessness gene, they are used in breeding to maintain the type of peterbald.

All sphinxes are united by the absence of wool and increased body temperature. They all love warmth, they catch cold easily. The Sphinx wears a sweater at home, especially in the off-season. They sleep in bed with the owners, covered with a blanket.

An increased temperature and an accelerated metabolism require increased nutrition: the Sphynx has an excellent appetite, but only the Don Chaks are allowed to have a pear-shaped body with a rounded tummy.

Peterbalds, especially those participating in exhibitions, “should keep their figure”, for them ROYAL CANIN has developed a special dry food that takes into account all the features of hairless cats.

It is not advisable to wash cats more than once every 1-2 months, and you should use a neutral, fragrance-free shampoo, or better, a professional shampoo for hairless cat breeds.

Sphynx kitten

Sphynx kittens are gentle creatures, absolutely not aggressive, very playful and temperamental. Due to the lack of wool, they are prone to colds, so it is advisable to take them into the family strong, with a full set of vaccinations, at the age of 4-6 months.

The kitten must be socialized, have club documents on the origin and a veterinary passport with marks of vaccinations against rabies, viral and skin diseases. Vaccinations are repeated annually.

When purchasing a Sphynx kitten, be prepared for the fact that you will have to dress up your pet in dresses and sweaters. It is not desirable for the Sphynx to sunbathe in the sun - it can easily burn and spoil the skin and color for a long time.

The feeding regimen is the same as for kittens of other breeds: 4 times from 3 to 6 months, 3 times from 6 to 10, then - as an adult animal twice a day.

Nutrition - mostly premium and super premium class dry food, fermented milk products and raw meat are a must. Vegetables and fruits are optional, but they must be taught from infancy, adult animals will not want to change their diet.

Unrecognized breeds

Ukrainian Levkoy

Despite the ban in the European Union on the creation of animal breeds with 2-3 mutations, some breeders continue to create interbreed mixes based on hairless cats:

  1. Ukrainian Levkoy- a hairless cat with the body of the Don Sphynx and forward-curved ears of the Scottish fold.
  2. Bambino- a hairless cat with Munchkin legs and the head of a Canadian Sphynx.
  3. Elf American Curl is a hairless cat with recurved ears.
  4. Dwelf She is a hairless cat with short Munchkin legs and American Curl ears turned back.

Issue price

The price for a kitten of any breed depends on the breed type - compliance with the international standard, color - some color-point colors are very rare, the cattery is promoted.

You can buy a Sphynx kitten from an ad on the Internet for 5-8 thousand rubles, but no one will give a guarantee for health, most likely there will be “left documents on the origin and there will be no necessary vaccinations.

A guaranteed healthy and socialized animal from a well-known cattery, but with slight deviations from the standard - a pet class will cost more - from 20 to 50 thousand. The cost of animals suitable for breeding is even higher - from 50 to 100 thousand, and the breeder may require the conclusion of an agreement with certain restrictions.

The price for stars - show-class kittens starts from 100 thousand, but such unique kittens are rarely sold to beginners, as a rule, they stay in the cattery or leave for the exchange of breeding material to other catteries.

These prices apply to all breeds of the Sphynx group, but there may be regional differences.

But it is not all that bad. Often large nurseries sell young animals at the age of 2-3 years, who have completed breeding activities, for the price of sterilization, but under an agreement with tracking their fate.

A small kitten is not always a blessing: feeding 4-5 times a day, accustoming to the toilet and the rules of the hostel (furniture, curtains, tables) for a modern working resident of a metropolis is a big problem! And buying a young and healthy, fully vaccinated and socialized animal for little money is an excellent choice in this situation.


Sphinxes for 50 years of history have become habitual inhabitants of our houses and apartments. Like no other breed, due to their vulnerability to our climate, they need care and respect, giving selfless love in return. These mobile, friendly cats, similar to aliens, have won a place of honor in the cat world - not so long ago they were singled out as a separate breed group.
