Spikelets for long hair. How to weave a spikelet: various variations of a beautiful hairstyle

Spikelet, spikelet ... its popularity stretches from the distant past, the second name of which is the French braid. It is perfect for any age category female. By the way, the weaving itself is different.

How to weave a spikelet or a French braid diagram in the form of step by step photos

The spikelet hairstyle has its roots in France. It was there that it originated, which is why it is called: French braid. And in order to braid a French braid for yourself, a lot of effort is not required, but skill is needed, as in any other business.

Spikelet (French braid) can be braided tightly using thin strands. Or vice versa weakly with thick strands. Such spikelets will look different, although the weaving technique is the same. The first option is suitable more girls and young girls, and the second women. Most often, girls study weaving with interest from an early age, but it happens that interest in this wakes up a little later, this is not bad, the main thing is that there is a desire to learn new areas.

We start weaving the spikelet by combing the hair, and so that roosters do not remain, the hair should be clean and silky. Although if it is impossible to wash your hair, the spikelet will perfectly hide their greasy appearance.

Another simple but important rule hairdressers-stylists, this capture of new strands on the sides should be the same, this is the only way to achieve an even, beautiful braid. By the way, they capture these strands with the help of the nails of the little finger, which serves as a comb instead.

And so, let's look at step by step photos how to weave a spikelet for yourself (or how to braid a French braid yourself):

1. We take a strand in the upper part of the head and divide it into three parts (for example, into I, II, III)

2. Strand I put between strands II and III

3. Now we put strand III between II and I

4. The next step is to put strand II between III and I + to it we add a small bundle of hair taken from right side heads

5. Now again put the last strand (from the left between the other two) + add a bunch of hair to it, but from the left side of the head.

6. Again we return to points 4 and 5. And we act according to this scheme until we get closer to the neck and that's it side hair run out.

This is the easiest way to weave a spikelet, after you have mastered it, you can safely proceed to weaving a French braid in the reverse way, it has special kind and grabs the attention of others.

Such a spikelet can be woven in a variety of variations, many of which are described in the section

“Spikelet”, “dragon”, “French braid”, “ fish tail” - all these names are classical women's hairstyle, characterized by beauty, convenience and ease of weaving. This is one of the ways to braid a braid suitable for women of any age. And if you learn the basic version of the spikelet, then, starting from this, you can vary the hairstyle in various ways.

The French braid is not a new invention. It appeared - as we understood from the name - in France, and later it went out of fashion, then returned. But there is perhaps good reason consider this type of hairstyle a classic, because it is beautiful, elegant, and comfortable ... Such hairstyles should not disappear from use: simplicity and beauty are eternal!

But 10 years ago, the approach and view of the spikelet was different. Then it was believed that the hero of our story is suitable only for solemn events, for an elegant and spectacular exit. A cool and playful fishtail was a serious, strict hairstyle.

Now there is no such limited approach. Spikelet is suitable for almost any occasion: a friendly meeting, a party, a business trip, a walk ... whatever you want. The only criterion is the correct weaving. This is where the main lessons really need to be learned.

Basic spikelet weaving technique

So there are quite a few simple circuit, which will make it easy to braid the spikelet with your own hands. We will analyze different variants, but the main type of braid that we will be based on is the following:

Follow each item from the step-by-step instructions. We will explain step by step so that you can properly style your hair, as in the pictures.

  1. Wet your hair a little - just a little bit. This will make them more obedient and allow you to lay neater. If there is mousse, then you can use it. The main thing is that the hair becomes more obedient and does not unravel. Collect a strand of hair at the crown, as shown in Figure 3. Tie with an elastic band, since during weaving both hands will be busy with us, and there will be three strands.
    Figure 3. The elastic band holds the first strand of hair.
  2. Leaving the fixed strand in the center, collect two more on either side of it.
  3. Shift the right strand to the left side, and transfer the central one to the right so that it runs under the right strand of hair.
  4. Lay the left strand also to the right, but it should fit over the right, as shown in the figure.
  5. Now draw over the left strand, which is in this moment is on the right side, our central strand, but be sure to weave an additional strand together with it, having previously gathered it into one bundle. Should already be forming on the head bulk knot the base of the spikelet.
  6. Continue in the same pattern on both sides until you reach the neck area.
  7. Having reached the neck area, make a continuation in the form of a regular braid. Thus, the tail of the spikelet will be completed.

Well, the spikelet is ready. The elastic band holding the central strand is either carefully cut and removed, or hidden under the hair. Apply a little varnish and straighten it a little so that the dragon takes on a voluminous look.

This step-by-step instruction- only the base, the simplest foundation on which many other types of spikelet are based. Now, having knowledge of this base, you can change the look of your hairstyle according to your fantasies.

Side French braid

It will look beautiful and neat, for example, a spikelet braided on its side. It is both stylish and youthful, and looks good on the head of adult women. In principle, the scheme is the same as we said, only by adding side strands, it is necessary to twist it like a tourniquet.

Step by step:

  1. Comb your hair back;
  2. On the left or right side, collect a larger strand and make three small strands out of it;
  3. Start making a regular spikelet, as in the first steps of our instructions - before we began to weave additional strands;
    Weave an additional small strand into the pigtail from the side that was chosen in the first paragraph of this instruction;
  4. Add the next strand on the other side of the head;
  5. In turn, add strands on both sides, while not forgetting to tighten the pigtail so that the hair does not unravel and the spikelet does not lose its shape;
  6. In the final part, everything is the same as in the usual spikelet. Braid at the base of the neck regular braid. Secure the braid links with hairpins and gently straighten each one to make the hairstyle more voluminous.

In Figure 10, you can see a step-by-step illustration of the spikelet on its side in order to follow the execution of all instructions correctly.

Figure 10. Pigtail on the side

French braid inside out

This type of pigtail is not much different from the classic spikelet in the way it is woven. It looks very solid, the links are pronounced and puffy. Undoubtedly, such a hairstyle will look very elegant.

  1. On the left or right side of the hair caesura, select a larger strand and divide it into three equal strands.
  2. Move the right strand under the center strand. And move the last one up and to the right as in Figure 12.
    Figure 12. First link
  3. Then pass the strand on the left under the right and it goes into the central part of the pigtail.
  4. Start picking up strands from both sides of the pigtail, as has been shown many times.
  5. Connect the extra strand to the central one, which is now to the right of the pigtail.
  6. Draw two strands connected together under the central one.
  7. Do exactly the same with the left side.
  8. Continue weaving the links of the spikelet until you run out of additional strands. Then weave a regular braid, finishing with a ponytail. Straighten out for volume.

Actually, now you know how to weave several types of French braids. Be imaginative, you can use perfectly different ways in order to make the spikelet look more spectacular, more beautiful. Adjust the tightness of the braids so that they do not fall off and do not deteriorate, and on the other hand, they are not tightened too much. Change the central braid to shift the location of the entire braid. Experiment with color and use hairspray.

You can braid a spikelet around your head or do it in french style. Here's what the last one looks like:

The same hairstyle can be made double. By the way, a great solution for your daughter.

The spike weaving technique basically follows the same laws, as you can see. Surprisingly, this is a truly versatile hairstyle, while it always looks beautiful and neat. The little dragon does not allow the hair to fall on the face, which is very convenient and practical.

Braiding pigtails, try to capture the strands on each side in the same amount, evenly. How much hair you capture will determine the shape, which means the beauty of your hairstyle. In addition, it must be said that french braid braided, as a rule, for straight hair, so if you have curls, you will have to thoroughly iron them, level them so that the appearance of the spikelet does not deteriorate.

You can decorate the pigtail in different ways: with rhinestones, a bow, a rim, various hairpins. In this, perhaps, the matter is limited only by your taste.

If you want, then make two spikelets on the sides. It is not necessary to braid it tightly and collected. Lower the hairs, straighten the hairstyle so that it looks like you have been wearing it for more than a day. Look at Figure 21 and see for yourself:

Figure 21. Add simplicity

You see - there is no need to create a strict hairstyle. Improvise.

It does not hurt to release a few strands from the braid. Lower them so that they fall casually on both sides of the head.
If you made two spikelets, is there really a need to bring them into a mirror-symmetrical form? What for? After all, the hairstyle will look interesting if they are absolutely asymmetrical. Let go of the reins and cast off the blinkers! - let your imagination run wild. Believe me, this advice is no less important than the step-by-step instructions!

Make the spike “upside down”, i.e., so that the weaving goes from bottom to top. Only in this case, you should not make the tail in the form of an ordinary braid, but simply braid the remaining hair, tie it so that it looks beautiful.

In fact, the French braid is a hairstyle that MUST be free from restrictions. Monotony is contrary to the very meaning female beauty, after all the main objective- nice to be surprised. Take a look at figures 22 and 23.

The French braid is an unconditional trend for all time, only a few can braid it on themselves. The situation will change dramatically after you read our article and learn how to braid a spikelet for yourself.

We learn to weave a spikelet ourselves

Weaving complex braids for oneself is considered a very difficult task. But experience, you see, plays a huge role in beauty matters. Therefore, read our master class and experience it for yourself.

Step 1. Comb your hair with a comb.

Step 2. At the top of the head, separate a strand of hair and divide it into three equal parts.

Step 3. We skip strand No. 1 between strands No. 2 and No. 3.

Step 4. We put strand No. 3 between strand No. 1 and strand No. 2.

Step 5. We place strand No. 2 between strands No. 3 and No. 1. We immediately grab a small strand on the right and attach it to the weave.

Step 6. We put the last strand in the middle and again add a bunch of hair, but on the left. Make sure that the side strands are the same thickness, otherwise the hairstyle will turn out ugly.

Step 7. We repeat the two previous points, continuing to weave to the base of the neck.

Step 8. We braid the remaining hair into a regular braid. Tie the end with a rubber band.

This option french braid considered the simplest. If you manage to master it, then you will surely be able to conquer other variations on the spikelet theme.

French spikelet on the contrary

The spikelet weaving pattern, on the contrary, may look complicated to itself, but in practice everything will turn out to be very easy.

  1. We carefully comb the hair so that during weaving they do not get tangled.
  2. Separate a small strand at the top of the head and divide it into three identical sections.
  3. We grab the first curl (preferably on the left) and wind it down under the two remaining strands.
  4. We start the third strand under the first and second, that is, weave the pigtail inward.
  5. We repeat these steps again, picking up additional strands (small or large) either on the right or on the left.
  6. We adhere to this principle until the end of the length of the hair, and fix the tip with an elastic band.
  7. Do you want to make the spikelet more voluminous? Just lightly stretch the strands with your hands.

Lush spikelet on the side

The spikelet does not have to be placed in the middle of the head. With our tips, you can easily braid it to the side and create a romantic look.

  1. Comb your hair with a comb.
  2. We divide the hair with an oblique vertical parting.
  3. In the part that turns out to be larger, we separate the thin strand and divide it into three equal sections.
  4. We begin to weave the usual three-row braid.
  5. On the third weave, we connect the side strands to the spikelet. We grab them from above, then from below.

Step 6. We reach the earlobe and hold the tip of the pigtail with your hand.

Step 7. We twist the hair in the opposite part of the head into a tourniquet with our free hand. We move towards the spit.

Step 8. We connect both parts and weave the strands using the fishtail technique.

At the exit, the side spike should turn out to be disheveled and voluminous, so you don’t have to worry about the accuracy of weaving.

Several Yet fashion options braid weaving.

For those who are interested in how to weave a spikelet, there is a large number of step-by-step instructions with a photo, where all actions are described and illustrated step by step. it perfect hairstyle which is suitable for girls and women of any age. It does not lose its relevance, both on a normal day and on a holiday. At first, the process of weaving a spikelet will seem complicated, but a few workouts are enough to learn how to do it even for yourself.

On a note! To weave a spikelet, you need long hair or strands middle length. Strongly short haircuts not designed to create a similar hairstyle.

The previously popular spikelet hairstyle is now back in fashion. Over the past 10 years, she has been forgotten a little, and freer compositions have taken the place of the championship. But today the spikelet is weaved again modern fashionistas using it in various variations. And if earlier tight weaving was preferred, now slight negligence is welcomed.

During the weaving of the spikelet, beginners often face various problems. For example, the formation of the so-called "roosters", consisting of individual strands protruding from the pigtail. If you follow some recommendations, the process of weaving a spikelet will become easier.

To learn how to weave a spikelet correctly and avoid basic mistakes, you should listen to the following tips:

  • to create a fashionable, slightly loose braid, you must use larger strands and it is relatively rare to cross them;
  • in order to avoid the appearance of "roosters", it is worth combing each strand before weaving into a braid, and then gently pull it up;
  • if, before creating a hairstyle, spray your head a little with water, it will be much easier to weave a spikelet;
  • before learning how to weave a spikelet for yourself, it is advisable to practice for some time on another person;
  • if you want the spikelet to be in the middle, you should use strands of equal thickness for weaving it;
  • if roosters are still formed, you can remove them with a comb with fine teeth.

On a note! From thin strands, a small and elegant pigtail is obtained. Large strands are used for weaving voluminous braids.

Hairstyle can be decorated beautiful hairpins, headband, studs and other accessories. They will not only change the appearance in better side, but also help to fix individual details.

Spikelet Hairstyles: Photo Ideas

There are many hairstyles, the basis of which is a French braid called spikelet. They are suitable even for solemn occasions. If it’s problematic to come up with a hairstyle on your own, photo ideas will help.

Basic spikelet weaving technique

Below is a diagram of the basic weaving of the spikelet.

For beginners, you should first learn how to weave a spikelet correctly in this way, and only then move on to more complex hairstyle options.

To gradually learn how to weave a spikelet, you should use simple guide with photo:

  1. Lightly wet your hair and then comb through thoroughly. You can additionally use special mousses or gels that will help you quickly make your hair without flaws and keep its shape for a long time. Collect hair at the crown, as in the photo. Secure with an elastic band to make it more convenient to weave a spikelet.

  1. On each side of the fixed strand, separate two more of the same. It is desirable that all three strands have approximately equal thickness.

  1. Move the right strand to the left, and the central one should be shifted to the right so that it is under the right strand.

  1. Move the left strand to the right. It must be placed so that it passes over the right. This is clearly visible in the photo.

  1. At the moment, the left strand is on the right. The central strand must be drawn over it, only an additional curl should be woven on the side.

  1. Continue weaving the spikelet according to this pattern, alternately weaving strands into the braid on both sides.

  1. Having reached the base of the neck, continue weaving with a regular braid.

It remains to fix the tail of the pigtail with a hairpin. As for the elastic, which initially held the central strand, it must be carefully cut.

You can decorate your hair with beautiful hairpins. If you slightly stretch the strands on the sides, the ear will get more voluminous.

Spike "fishtail"

Judging by the name, you can immediately guess what it looks like this species spikelet. Its weaving is thin and fine. However, making such a hairstyle is quite difficult for beginners. It will take some skill and experience. You need to weave a spikelet from clean hair. Therefore, you must first wash your hair using shampoo and balm, which will make the strands more obedient.

To weave a fishtail spikelet, you will need the following step-by-step instructions with a photo:

  1. Comb your hair and then tie it into a high ponytail. After that, it is necessary to divide it into 4 strands of the same thickness.

  1. Start braiding. First, strands located near the temples are used. After completing several links of the braid, use the side strands in the weaving process.

  1. Continue weaving to the end, leaving a small tail.

  1. Secure the braid with an elastic band.

The result is a nice spikelet, appearance like a fish tail.

French braid on the side

The French braid looks equally beautiful on the hair of a girl and mature woman. Learning to braid it is quite simple even for a child. The main thing is not to forget to pre-comb the curls, adhering to the direction from the forehead.

For beginners, a diagram for stupid ones with a detailed description and step-by-step photos will help to learn how to weave a spikelet:

  1. Choose a strand of medium thickness, and then divide it into three equal parts.
  2. Weave a few links of a regular braid. Two or three elements of weaving are enough.
  3. Weave a strand into the resulting braid on one side. It is at this point that it is worth starting to weave the braid to the side.
  4. In the same way, weave strands of hair into a pigtail from the other end. In this way, braid the spikelet, alternately weaving strands on one side and the other. Do not forget to pull up your hair to make the spikelet more dense.
  5. When the spikelet reaches the base of the neck, you need to braid an ordinary braid. Its tip should be secured with an elastic band.

Decorate your hair with hairpins with beautiful beads, hairpins and other accessories. To make the French spikelet voluminous, it is enough to stretch out some strands.

Spikelet around the head

If you braid a spikelet around your head, it will come out interesting and very unusual hairstyle. It looks more beautiful on long hair, but it is quite feasible with a bob haircut. Perfect hairstyle looks on thick hair. If the hair is thin, a little bouffant at the roots will help to add volume.

Step-by-step instructions with a photo will help you learn how to weave a spikelet correctly:

  1. Before you start weaving the spikelet in a circle, you need to comb your hair well and also slightly moisten it. This will help ensure that they become obedient. Make a straight parting in the middle. As a result, the hair should be divided into two equal parts. Separate three strands of equal thickness from one end.
  2. Braid the braid in a spiral, adding new strands over and over again.
  3. Weaving ends at the opposite ear. The remaining tip is desirable to secure with a hairpin.
  4. In the same way, weave the spikelet, starting from the opposite side. Hide the remaining tip under the links of another pigtail and secure with hairpins.

Spikelet wreath

A hairstyle in the form of an ear-wreath will appeal to every girl, because it is quite unusual, so it will definitely attract attention. She looks especially attractive on thick long hair.

To learn how to properly braid such a spikelet, the following guide is presented with a photo, which describes each step in stages:

  1. Before starting work, you need to comb your hair well, you can additionally sprinkle it with water or special styling mousses. Divide the hair into 4 equal parts and fix each with a hairpin, as shown in the photo. You need to start weaving with one of lower parts, trying to keep the ear at a close distance from the forehead.
  2. This hairstyle is perfect for solemn events because the spike-wreath looks simply luxurious.

    Video: how to weave a spikelet?

    The advantages of the spikelet are that it can be woven with any haircut. The main thing is that the length of the hair is enough to create a braid. Unfortunately, the owners of short hair will have to abandon the weaving of the spikelet.

    In fact, the spikelet weaving technique is quite simple, so it will not be difficult to master it. Moreover, even children cope with it. It is enough to make just a few attempts to literally weave a French braid to yourself by touch. If it doesn't work right away, don't worry. It is better to familiarize yourself with the video, where the whole process is presented step by step.

Spikelet - a hairstyle is very practical and infinitely varied, and most importantly, invented for the convenience of a woman. About 20 years ago, French braids were considered hallmark high school students. Now, no, the braid has returned to fashion in a slightly modified form - a little sloppy, free, with loose strands and very feminine. If you wish and have the proper time for training, you can learn how to weave a spikelet on your own.

What is a hairstyle

A spikelet, also known as a French spikelet or a French braid, is a common name for this method of weaving hair, when strands are captured from the crown itself, from the parting, and hair is braided to them from the sides - and so on along the entire length. Loose strands are collected in the so-called Russian (regular) braid and secured with an elastic band or hairpin. There are about a dozen varieties of the spikelet - this is not counting those hairstyles, when loose hair, bangs or any other hairstyle is decorated with separate strands braided into a French braid. ponytail, for example.

French braid or spikelet can diversify other hairstyles

How will it look finished hairstyle, depends:

  • on which form of parting is chosen;
  • from the number of strands, there can be two, three or four;
  • from the thickness of the strands - only a few thin strands or all can be woven into a braid;
  • from the direction of weaving.

You can wrap up like this:

  • in a classic spikelet;
    A classic spikelet is woven from three strands
  • make a french braid to the side;
    Loose ends strands can be braided or collected in a ponytail
  • braid two;
    Braided braids can also be worn in different ways - wrapped around the head or gathered in a bun
  • braid a "reverse" braid;
    From the classic spikelet, the spikelet inside out differs in the direction of weaving - the strands are weaved down and inward
  • make a spikelet around the head;
    Everyday hairstyle can be diversified if you put a braid around your head
  • use weaving from four or five strands;
    Complex braids of 4-5 strands look very impressive
  • style your hair in a fishtail braid.
    A fishtail braid is woven from two strands

On the short hair there is also an option - a boho braid. You can make one or two, along the entire length of the hair or part of the length - from the parting to the ear. Weaving is free, besides, the strands can be pulled out a little, so you get a slightly sloppy and therefore fashionable look.

To learn how to weave a spikelet, you need right hands, innate accuracy, a little patience and improvised means - mirrors, a comb and elastic bands. It takes a little, but the skill of weaving a French braid will then come in handy for all your surroundings: children, sisters, girlfriends and neighbors. You will be in incredible demand, so learn!
