Light vertical chemistry. Hair perm

For women, everything is very simple: long strands - cut, short - grow, curly - smooth, and straight - wind! Have you just decided to do curly hair? Wet chemicals, which came into fashion at the end of the 20th century, are in great demand among women of all ages. We offer to find out what the procedure consists of and for whom it is suitable.

What is wet chemistry?

Wet chemistry is a special styling that is performed using special tools. How to make the effect of wet chemistry? Curls after curling are treated with gel, varnish, foam or mousse only from the middle of the length, but the root part is left without composition. The result is a very stylish hairstyle - the roots create volume, and the ends look like a woman got caught in a recent summer rain. Modern wet waving allows you to get elastic and shiny curls. At the same time, the hair itself looks very natural, well-groomed and beautiful.

Advantages and disadvantages of wet curling

This hairstyle has a lot of important advantages:

  • Persistent root volume without frizzy hair;
  • Daily saving of effort and time for styling. Even without complex manipulations, the hairstyle looks very beautiful;
  • Reducing the fat content of the strands;
  • naturalness;
  • Versatility - this curling option can be done for any type and length of hair;
  • Modern chemical compositions for chemistry not only do not harm the health of the strands, but also affect them in a good way.

But the disadvantages include the following:

  • The effect of wet chemistry lasts from several weeks to 6 months (depending on the individual characteristics of the hair and the aggressiveness of the composition);
  • There is a high risk of mechanical trauma to the strands;
  • Heavy and thick hair is not susceptible to composition;
  • The procedure is not suitable for newly dyed hair (more than 2 weeks must pass);
  • Before chemistry, you will have to slightly refresh the ends.

Advice! Wet chemistry is considered to be a rather expensive procedure, therefore, before performing it, it is necessary to consult with an experienced master. Otherwise, money may be wasted.

Types of wet waving

Experts distinguish two types of chemistry with a wet effect. Let's consider each of them.

vertical or spiral

Vertical wet waving is performed exclusively on long hair. To get "spirals", the strands are twisted into a bundle and wound onto cone-shaped bobbins. It is very important that the coils fit snugly against each other and have one direction of movement. As a result, we get beautiful large curls.


Japanese chemistry is ideal for problem hair (medium or very long) or sensitive skin. In the process of wrapping, a lipid-protein complex is used, thanks to which the curls become shiny and elastic. The curl itself is performed using a plastic cap with small holes. The composition processes only those strands that are pulled through these holes, so the scalp remains intact. Curl size is medium.

Attention! Wet chemistry is categorically not suitable for full stately women, as well as owners of overly oily hair. In this case, it will only once again emphasize their sloppy appearance.

Compositions for creating wet chemistry

Compositions for creating such a hairstyle are divided into several types:

  1. Acids - are in great demand due to the long period of action (about six months). Acid formulations are contraindicated for sparse and thin strands.
  2. Alkalis - have a more gentle effect (curls last about 4.5 months). Can be safely used on any type of hair.
  3. Neutral - treat the hair very carefully, but reduce the period of "curly" to 3 months.
  4. Biowave - has a long-lasting effect and makes the hair well-groomed and healthy. The mixture for biowave consists of natural ingredients and does not contain ammonia.
  5. Amino acids - used for carving, light wet waving. In addition to the beautiful appearance, the strands receive additional treatment and nutrition. The harm from this procedure is reduced to almost zero.

Advice! When choosing a composition, listen to the opinion of the master. He will assess the condition of your hair and help you make the best decision.

home curling procedure

How to make wet chemistry at home? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, just follow these instructions and stock up on all the necessary materials:

  • Waterproof cape;
  • Cone-shaped curlers-bobbins;
  • Comb with a sharp tip and frequent teeth;
  • Non-metallic container for mixing the composition;
  • Retainer;
  • Sponge;
  • Towels
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Vinegar 9 or 6%;
  • Cap for insulation;
  • Balm.

In the following video you can see the step-by-step perm of hair at home:

Step 1. First, do an allergy test - apply a small amount of a chemical composition to the inside of the wrist. Wait 10-15 minutes and wash it off with water. If the treated area of ​​​​skin does not turn red and does not become covered with a rash, feel free to continue on.

Step 2. On the day of the curl, wash your hair with ordinary laundry soap - it is advisable to do this twice. Soap will loosen the structure of the hair and enhance the possible effect.

Step 3. Lightly dry the strands.

Step 4. Starting from the back of the head, divide the hair into small squares - their width should be equal to the length of the curler. Fix each of them so that they do not interfere with work.

Step 5. Wind these strands onto thin bobbins, gently wrapping them around its axis. Secure the curlers with rubber clips. For haircuts with bangs, there are two options - it is better to leave a short bang straight, but an elongated one can be twisted along with the rest of the hair.

Step 6 Lubricate the skin along the hairline with any oily cream, and wrap it with a towel twisted into a bundle on top.

Step 7. Put gloves on your hands, and throw a plastic cape over your shoulders.

Step 8. Mix the wet chemistry compound according to the instructions.

Step 9. Without delay, apply it on the head with a regular sponge. Be careful to make sure the mixture is evenly distributed.

Step 10. Wrap your head with a warming cap and wait for the time indicated in the instructions.

Step 11 Without removing the bobbins, rinse the first composition with running water.

Step 12 Apply fixative for 10 minutes.

Step 13 Carefully remove the curlers and leave the strands loose for about 5 minutes.

Step 14. Wash the strands thoroughly with shampoo and rinse them with a mild vinegar solution.

We hope this instruction with a photo will help you carry out the home curling procedure in accordance with all the rules.

Important! It is better not to wash your hair for 3 days.

As you can see, the independent implementation of wet chemistry is available to any of you. It will only require free time and certain skills. The main thing is not to get carried away! Despite the fact that wet waving preparations have a rather mild effect, the hair after them can become stiff and unruly.

Advice! For winding, use wooden or polymer bobbins, as they do not react to chemicals. And one more thing - before the procedure, it is worth treating the hair with special means - serums, balms, masks, etc.

Wet chemistry on a short haircut

Wet waving is most often performed on short hair. It will be perfect if you follow these very simple tips:

  • Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hair with shampoo. This will remove sebum and allow you to make curls more rigid and elastic;
  • Wind the strands in the direction from roots to ends - this will increase the strength of the curls;
  • For symmetrical stacking, place the bobbins evenly;
  • The density of the rows of curlers should be maximum.

Important! The elasticity of the curls depends on several factors - individual predisposition, the exposure time of the composition, the quality of the drugs used and the air temperature in the room (above 20 degrees).

Wet perm for medium and long strands

When creating chemistry for long and medium hair, you need to use gentle products that do not harm their health and structure. It is advisable to use nourishing drugs. As for fixing curls, it is better to take varnish or foam.

How to take care of your hair after a wet perm?

Proper care of curls after wet chemistry is one of the main conditions for a beautiful stylish hairstyle. In order for the curls after the procedure to please you with elasticity and health for a long time, listen to the advice of experienced specialists:

  • To wash your hair, choose a good therapeutic shampoo, a moisturizing conditioner and a nourishing mask - they will quickly restore all possible damage, heal your hair and restore natural shine. This is especially true for those who have permed long hair. For them, you need to use a stronger composition, and the procedure time will be much longer, so long hair needs additional nourishment;
  • Apply shampoo only to the scalp and root area. For the rest of the length, you should not worry - it will be perfectly washed with the remnants of the rinsed off product;
  • Chemically permed hair is very dry, so you need to dry it only in a natural way. Blot damp curls with a towel, but do not rub or wrinkle them - this is the best thing to do;
  • Do not comb wet curls - wait for them to dry completely;
  • Do not go to bed with a wet head - there will be creases on the curls.

Perm has a long history. For more than a century, women have been enjoying the opportunities that this wonderful procedure provides. Beautiful curls, extra volume, no need to spend time on complicated styling - these huge pluses invariably attract the fair sex. Even light chemicals on medium hair can transform them, change the whole look beyond recognition. Modern perm no longer injures curls like a dozen years ago, in addition, beauties can choose according to their taste what result they want to see: large or small curls, vertical or spiral chemistry. And that is not all. Let's take a closer look at what procedures the masters offer to their clients.

Curls after curling become more supple, they are easier to style, so chemical treatment is a real find for owners of unruly curls. The procedure no longer resembles terrifying frames from science fiction films, as in the photo below. Now everything is simple, convenient and fast enough. Thanks to gentle compositions, the hair remains beautiful and healthy, and proper care will keep it that way for a long time.

Perm is based on the fact that after applying a special preparation, the keratin, which is part of the hair, is damaged. The master winds the hair on bobbins of suitable size, thereby forming curls. Then the result is fixed, which consists in the restoration of keratin. After all these manipulations, we get the hair in the same state as it was before them, but in a different shape.

What, large or small, curls you want to get does not affect the speed of the process, but it affects how elastic the curl will be. The smaller the curls, the more elastic they turn out. Also, this indicator is affected by the quality and type of composition used, the individual characteristics of the hair.

Curling can not be done endlessly, sooner or later you will have to allocate time for the growth and healing of hair. The fact is that with each procedure, the curls lose keratin, gradually it turns into a substance that is very weakly affected. In addition, their appearance begins to wish for the best. If you have long hair that you would be very sorry to part with, you should choose the most gentle procedures and carefully strengthen and treat curls between them.

There are many types and methods of curling.

root method

Root waving is a great choice for those who want to add extra volume to their hair and make their daily styling easier. After it, the hair looks healthier and more beautiful. Experts advise giving preference to this method for those whose hair has already been permed and grown back. This will help give them an impressive look without causing additional damage. Since only the root part will be processed, the main length will have the opportunity to rest and recover.

The procedure is very easy and fairly fast. First, the hair is wound on bobbins, while trying not to use the previously processed part (if any). Then a chemical mixture is applied and lasts from ten to thirty minutes, depending on the desired result, the quality of the hair, the composition itself.

The next step involves fixing. Usually hydrogen peroxide is used for it. After applying it, wait ten minutes, spin the bobbins, use the peroxide again for five minutes and rinse.

vertical method

Vertical waving has been known for many decades, but women's love for it does not fade away. And this is not surprising, because light playful curls are the best decoration, attract attention and allow you not to think about your own hairstyle. Who would not want to have such a gorgeous mane as in the photo?!

This method is used on any hair, but long curls are especially spectacular.

The procedure requires special cone-shaped bobbins. It is necessary to wind the hair on them from the roots, moving towards the ends.

The whole perm involves the following steps:

  • all hair is divided into small squares, fixed, a chemical mixture is applied to them;
  • processed strands are wound on bobbins;
  • future curls are kept under a special apparatus and exposed to steam;
  • the hair is washed and treated with a fixative.

If everything is done correctly, then after all the manipulations, a thick shock of springy curls forms on the head, as in the photo in glossy magazines. The vertical procedure is very popular among stars and ordinary women who always strive to look beautiful.

spiral method

Perming with spirals is carried out using special bobbins. In this case, the strands are first twisted with flagella, and after that they are wound on them so that each next turn is as close as possible to the previous one.

Japanese method

The Japanese perm method is a great solution for those women who experience problems when their scalp comes in contact with chemicals. The fact is that for work a special cap with holes is put on the head. Strands are threaded into them and after that they are processed. The composition also uses a specific lipid-protein complex. It has a gentle and gentle effect.

Long hair looks especially impressive after the described procedure.

wet effect

Wet chemistry on medium hair fits perfectly and is suitable for those ladies who dream of getting curls, but do not want them to fluff, as often happens as a result of such procedures. Curls are small and elastic. To create them, special small curlers are used, like the girl in the photo.

The result lasts for about three months, but a lot depends on the quality of the hair. For example, for hard ones, this procedure is not recommended at all, since they will unwind very quickly.


Carving is a fairly new procedure that many girls have adopted with pleasure. It allows you to turn long hair into light beautiful waves, and short hair - to give extra volume. The beauty of this curling method is that it uses gentle formulations that practically do not damage curls. Curlers are taken in different sizes to create a natural effect.

voluminous curls

For this procedure, large-diameter curlers are used, as in the photo. Since such strands do not hold well and quickly unwind, a special compound is used to secure them. Elasticity depends on the exposure time, the shorter it is, the softer the curls you will get.


Chemistry affects any hair negatively, even the most gentle and professional in any case damages them. Therefore, they must be properly cared for in order to strengthen and heal.

First of all, you need to stop washing your hair frequently. It will not be very difficult, because the perm itself makes the curls less greasy. The ideal choice would be baby shampoo and special products for hair that has undergone a similar procedure.

If you have long hair, trim the ends. This will not only improve their appearance from an aesthetic point of view, but also stimulate growth.

Take vitamin B, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the hair, but also nails and skin.

When choosing a hair treatment, listen carefully to the advice of a specialist and look at the photos together to decide on the one that suits you best.

I know firsthand how difficult it is for owners of sparse and straight hair to radically change their image and give their hair an unimaginable volume. In addition, if there is no longer patience and strength to wait until the curls grow to the desired length, the mood drops below zero, and everything in life stops going well. Proven and well known the way to create luxurious curls and playful curls with the help of curlers is already tired because you spend a lot of time, and the result does not last long. I have been looking for a way out of this situation for a long time and finally I was rewarded for my patience. The most reliable way to keep a curly hairstyle for a long time is a perm.

To date, stylists have improved the chemical method of waving, which contains ammonia in minimal doses, and additional components strengthen and protect the structure of curls from injury. Let's discuss together a photo of hairstyles after chemistry for medium length hair, we will also analyze in detail the perm before and after and how to properly style it on medium hair.




The use of chemistry is recommended for individuals who have sparse, nondescript hair, who want to give their hair additional visual volume, as well as radically change their image. Before deciding on such a procedure, take the choice of the type of perm very seriously. Chemistry for medium hair has several varieties: spiral, basal, vertical, light, large and wet - after looking on the Internet for photos of the happy owners of the listed perms, you start to get lost in choosing the right hairstyle for yourself.

Chemistry for medium hair at home

We will need:

  • chemical solution and neutralizer;
  • 30-40 bobbins;
  • retainer;
  • comb with frequent teeth;
  • disposable gloves;
  • shower cap or bonnet;
  • foam sponge.

Preparation and application process:

  1. We thoroughly comb the pre-washed curls and wind bobbins on them. Curls must be wound tightly so that the curl retains its shape longer.

  2. Dip a sponge in the perming solution and apply it to curled hair. To make the solution better absorbed, I recommend blotting each bobbin several times.

  3. We hide the hair under a shower cap and wrap it well with a towel.

  4. We withstand the solution on the head, depending on the desired result. Ten minutes is enough to get natural curls, for elastic and expressive curls - thirty to forty minutes.
  5. Without spinning the bobbin, rinse the solution from the hair.

  6. We apply a neutralizer to the curls and wait another twenty minutes.

  7. We unwind the curlers and rinse the hair with water to remove the neutralizer.
  8. We cover the hair with a fixative and rest for about ten minutes.
  9. Rinse hair thoroughly in warm water, comb and dry naturally.

What is better to do go to a beauty salon or do chemistry at home

Precautionary measures

Reviews about chemistry for medium hair

One of the well-known cosmetology sites held an online conference with the participation of several professional cosmetologists and broadcast it live. It was about a perm on curls of medium length and its various varieties. All site visitors have the opportunity to ask their questions and leave your feedback to invited guests. For you, I have compiled a selection of the most interesting answers from experts.

Marina, 20 years old

How long does chemistry last on hair?

Expert answer: Women with thick hair can enjoy stylish curls for two to four months, while women with thin curls will have to be content with a maximum of two months. The term to a large extent depends on how you care for your hair after a perm, so be patient and do not forget about masks, balms, conditioners and special shampoos.

Alexandra, 25 years old

What size curler is best for medium length hair?

Expert answer: Firstly, in no case do not save on curlers - a low-quality product can enter into a chemical reaction with a perm solution and ruin your hair. If the average length of your hair is close to short, curling with large curlers will look silly - it is better to use small or medium curlers. On average, you will need about 30-40 pieces - it depends on the density of the hair.

Valya, 19 years old

I decided on an independent perm and lost my hair - my hair began to fall out on the same day. I can’t understand what’s wrong, I did everything according to the instructions, since it was my first time. What could go wrong?

Expert answer: In order to make sure that the solution is really suitable for your hair, you must first test it. Take a thin section of your curls and apply a little curling solution. If after five minutes your curls begin to feel brittle and weak, dilute the composition with a little water and repeat the test procedure. I assume that this is your problem. Good luck on future attempts!

Chemistry for medium hair on video

Every woman is a very passionate nature, whose desires change at the speed of sound - either she dreams of long straight curls, then she suddenly wants to curl her hair and enjoy luxurious, playful curls. Owners of long curls often want to get rid of a heavy burden on their heads, and short-haired beauties are thrilled by the thought of braiding. The modern beauty industry pleases everyone with the fact that can satisfy the desires of any representative of the female half of humanity in a matter of hours.

For those who like to perceive information visually, I offer several videos that will help you figure out how to properly do chemistry on medium-length hair.

Video for beginners

Video master class for beginners

Step by step before and after:

Playful curls secretly want to have almost all straight-haired ladies. This desire is quite achievable with the help of perm hair. There are several variations of this procedure.

You should figure out which option to choose for yourself and how to make chemistry yourself at home.

Owners of short hair do not need to give up at all; on such strands, she looks no less stylish. So, it was decided to make a perm, it remains to decide on the type of perm.

Type of Result
Root perm Designed for maximum volume. The flaws of this type of curling include damage to the health of the hair. When the hair grows back, it does not look so impressive.
End curl For short hair, this procedure is recommended if the girl has an oval face type. Very effective for weakened hair, they take on a flowering appearance.
biological waving Contains gentle ingredients. Therefore, this type is very popular among girls.
Acid perm Great for short hair. She is quite persistent and is able to please the eyes of others for six months.

It is better for owners of naturally thin hair to refuse chemistry, as problems associated with brittle strands may arise. Before perming the hair, it is necessary to insure and carry out restorative procedures (cutting dry ends or a hot haircut).


Carving is a new gentle procedure for curling curls, often called light chemistry. It harms the health of the hair to a lesser extent. It is used to achieve the maximum effect on giving volume from the hair root. It is used as a long-term styling, as such it is for 2 months.

Large curls look equally attractive on strands of different lengths, and short haircuts are no exception. Such a hairstyle suits all, without exception, a charming lady, which every woman considers herself to be. Fancy curls are able to revive the image, giving it femininity. Unfortunately, not all women are given to have wavy hair by nature. This is easily corrected by perm.

Among the owners of short haircuts, large chemistry is especially popular, as it looks more natural. In the procedure of large chemistry, there is an important nuance - the selected diameter of the curler. Larger curlers should be used, small ones will give a “lamb” result. It is recommended to use plastic curlers. The result is fashionable curls.

The procedure for conducting a spiral perm is distinguished by the technique of winding and curlers. Knitting needles, spiral curlers, papilettes and boomerangs are used here, the result directly depends on this. This variant of chemistry provides for obtaining curls of different elasticity and sizes. At the moment, African curls are especially popular. Spiral chemistry is a rather laborious procedure and requires a lot of time. To get a visible volume, it is necessary to form a large number of spiral curls. The strand wound on curlers should be as thin as possible. Many ladies with short hair are hesitant to do spiral chemo. There is a misconception that spiral curls are not for short hair. Short spirals on such strands look no less impressive than on long ones.

Spiral chemistry for short strands requires special home care. Hair needs to be treated with oil. Drying with a hair dryer

use a diffuser attachment and set a wide stream of hot air. Otherwise, the curls will fluff.

How to make chemistry for short hair at home yourself

Despite the complexity of the procedure, strictly following the recommendations, perm can be done independently and at home.

Tool and all necessary components

  • Special fixing composition. You can cook it yourself or buy it ready-made in a professional store.
  • A sachet of citric acid or vinegar;
  • Shampoo or shower gel;
  • A remedy that restores the hair structure, Londovital is often used for this purpose;
  • Castor oil;
  • Plastic curlers, their diameter depends on the size of the desired curls;
  • Comb in one row with a long handle;
  • Sponge;
  • Gloves;
  • Containers for the mixture, it is advisable to use plastic or ceramic products.

Carrying out the procedure

  1. Before curling, you need to put your hair in order, you can make a haircut, taking into account the visual reduction in length.
  2. Conduct a response analysis. To do this, just apply a little chemical composition to the skin.
  3. Wet strands are easier to wind, their width should be 2 cm narrower than the width of the curler.
  4. As with hair coloring, the entire density is divided into zones. Each strand is lubricated with a chemical composition using a sponge. Winding should begin with the occipital, then the parietal and then process the temporal zones. After winding each of the zones, it is necessary to additionally process the mixture.
  5. After winding is completed, the skin along the hairline should be lubricated with a greasy cream or cosmetic petroleum jelly. Put a shower cap on your head and wrap it with a heated towel.
  6. The holding time of the chemical mixture is about 20 minutes. It is important to check the quality of the chemistry, 15 minutes after winding, you can dissolve one strand.
  7. Unwind all the strands and rinse them with vinegar or a solution of water and citric acid, dry and apply Londovital.
  8. The perm is over, you can start styling your hair.

Thanks to such a painstaking, but quite doable procedure, every woman can afford gorgeous curls. This hairstyle is in perfect harmony with any face shape and looks beautiful on haircuts of different lengths.

There are at least a dozen types of perm, and it is not so easy to give preference to the most optimal one. Modern types of perm hair are more gentle than those used in the last century, and do not cause such severe harm.

There are not so many ways to perm, so choosing the best one for yourself is not so difficult. It all depends on what kind of curls you want to get - soft waves, vertical spirals, or simply increase the volume of the hairstyle by making "chemistry" only on the hair roots.

What are the types of perms and methods of curling hair, you will learn on this page and you can choose the most appropriate one. You will also see a photo of what perms are, and get acquainted with their description.

Acid type perm hair

Acid waving is by far the most popular and persistent hair perm technology. It stays on the hair for up to 6 months. The active ingredient of the drug for acid perm is glyceryl monothioglycolate. The pH level of such a composition is lower than that of an alkaline composition, and ranges from 6.9 to 7.2 pH.

Although acid hair perm cannot be called absolutely harmless and safe, it has a significant advantage over other technologies. The curling agent penetrates deep into the hair through the outer layer of scales, but does not open the scales themselves. In the language of physics, this process is called osmosis. Acid perm is accompanied by exposure to high temperature, due to which strong curls are created.

Preparations for chemical acid waving, unlike alkaline ones, do not cause severe swelling of the hair, so the strands can be wrapped and fixed with a certain tension. Without tension, the curls will turn out to be of different shapes and will be weak. As a result, the curl is quite rigid and lasts for several months.

Unfortunately, this method of perm hair is not suitable for everyone. Thin and soft hair under the influence of drugs stretch at the roots and do not hold their shape well. In addition, acid makes hair more brittle. If you decide to give preference to acid perm of all types of perm, remember that this method is not safe for owners of sensitive scalp and brittle dry hair.

Alkaline version of permed hair

The pH level of alkaline waving products is between 8 and 9.5. Alkaline perm is less resistant than acid. It keeps for about 3 months. Alkaline perm is used mainly for styling unruly hair. They also do it if the client’s perm was weak before. This perm method allows you to get a tighter curl. After an alkaline curl, the curls are elastic and natural.

The active component of the composition for alkaline waving is ammonium thioglycolate. This is a chemical compound that is formed by the reaction of glycolic acid with ammonia. Preparations for alkaline waving penetrate the hair, opening the scales of the cuticle. This type of perm is faster than acid. In addition, it is safer for the hair, since it does not require the use of high temperature. Of course, in no case should the drug be kept on the hair for longer than the time specified in the instructions.

When analyzing what chemical perms are, and choosing the more acceptable one for yourself, know that an alkaline perm has a softer effect on the hair. But it does not suit all hair. For example, on straight, coarse and heavy hair, an alkaline perm holds worse and disappears after 1.5 months.

The alkali concentration in the curling product is high. Therefore, the master needs the skill of working with such preparations in order to avoid damage to the hair structure and chemical burns of the client's scalp.

Tint paints do not cover gray hair, so if you want to know how the new shade will look when buying them, keep in mind: your look will not be quite the same as when stained with permanent paint.

This type of perm hair involves the obligatory twisting or wrapping. Under the influence of alkali, the hair noticeably increases in volume. If they are wrapped with too much tension, the product will not be distributed evenly and the hair will be damaged.

As you can see in the photo, when performing this type of perm, the hair must be wound on bobbins without much tension, but so that they fit snugly against the surface of the curler.

Type of perm with thioglycolic acid

This type of perm is considered gentle. Hair during chemical treatment does not swell as sharply as with acid or alkaline perms. It can even be done on colored hair. However, the effect will be short-lived. Perm with thioglycolic acid begins to come off after a month.

Neutral type of perm hair (with photo)

The pH level of the neutral perm product is 7.4. Compositions for such a wave are made taking into account water-repellent (hydrophobic) zones and zones that more easily absorb excess liquid. A neutral perm balances these differences. With this type of perm, the hair does not swell too much and is spared from additional stress. The curl obtained as a result of a neutral perm is quite resistant, but in appearance it differs from the alkaline one.

Pay attention to the photo: this type of perm hair provides strong, elastic curls that look natural:

Neutral hair curl is suitable for any curls, even very soft ones.

What kind of perm to do: amino acid perm

The amino acid waving preparation is based on amino acids and proteins. If you have not yet decided which perm to do, you can choose this particular method, as it provides a gentle procedure, minimizes the harm that chemicals cause to your hair.

In addition, amino acids and proteins nourish and treat hair. Curls are soft and natural. However, amino acid hair perm cannot be classified as persistent. Therefore, it is not recommended to do it on hard, long and heavy hair: under the influence of its own weight, such hair develops even faster than others.

Modern look of perm hair with silk proteins

This modern type of hair perm with silk proteins is also called a silk perm, or a silk wave. The composition of preparations for such a perm includes silk proteins. They improve the condition of the hair. Such chemistry is useful even for bleached hair.

Look at the photo of this type of perm hair: the curls are soft and last about 2 months:

To make silk protein curling more resistant, it is recommended to perform it on short hair or medium length hair. Then they will not straighten under the weight of their own weight.

Biowave - a type of perm hair

Hair biowave is a relatively new and already very fashionable type of perm. To date, this type of perm hair is considered one of the safest. The main feature of preparations for biowave is that they do not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and thioglycolic acid. Instead, a drug similar to hair molecules is used. Curls are resistant and natural, and hair looks healthy and well-groomed.

Chemical biowave of hair keeps on hair from 3 to 6 months. Curly hair can last up to 9 months.

This variant of perm hair is carried out in three stages. First, the hair is wound on curlers and treated with a special curling compound. At this stage, the hair is saturated with protein. Then the master applies the following composition, which causes a thickening of the protein that soaked the hair in the first stage. Finally, the hair is treated with a third composition to restore the normal acid-base balance and fix the curls.

For biowave, curlers of different diameters are used, which allows you to adjust the size of the curls. To make the hairstyle look more natural, you can use curlers of several diameters at the same time.

Best of all, biowave is obtained on normal or oily hair. It is not recommended to perform such a perm on dry, damaged, brittle, bleached hair, with baldness. The end result of a biowave largely depends on the professionalism of the hairdresser, as well as on the quality of the preparations that are used to treat the hair.

What are perms: hair carving (with photo)

If you are interested in how there are more perms, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the new method. Hair carving is a technology for treating hair with a special chemical composition to subsequently give it the necessary shape. Although chemicals are used for it, this type of perm cannot be classified as chemical.

As you can see in the photo, hair carving lifts the curls at the roots, due to which the hairstyle acquires splendor:

Curling hair carving allows you to get small curls, imitate vertical chemistry, slightly twist the ends of the hair or curl the entire hair into curls. If desired, you can create a feeling of negligence - the so-called "artistic mess". It is no coincidence that this type of curl is called "long-term styling."

Compared to conventional perm technologies, carving is as safe as possible for hair. A hairstyle created using carving lasts for 1-2 months. After this period, the hair gradually straightens. A well-made carving does not damage the hair, and when the curls come off, there will be no curl marks left.

How to make a carving hair curl

How carving is done, and how long this procedure takes, are questions that concern many. On average, this method of curling will take you about 1.5 hours. The master applies a chemical composition to the hair and curls the strands on curlers, forming a hairstyle. After the set time, the curlers are removed, the hair is washed, styled and dried.

Like any other curling technology, carving has its limitations. It is not advisable to perform it on long, thick, coarse and heavy hair, as they will quickly straighten out under their own weight.

Carving is useful for owners of oily hair. Thanks to him, the hair will dry out and look neater.

No matter how safe carving technology is, it is still associated with the treatment of hair with chemicals. Therefore, the procedure is not recommended for weak, thin, highlighted or bleached hair.

It is better to carve hair that is not too long, strong and healthy enough to transfer the treatment normally. The hair should also be soft enough to curl.

American way of curling hair

The end result of a perm depends on the chosen method of curling the hair. The hairdresser determines the optimal method, focusing on the client's hairstyle, the structure and condition of his hair, the shape of the face, and the figure. There are several methods for curling hair.

The American way of winding hair is usually performed on long hair and medium length hair. Hair is wound on special curlers or knitting needles. The curls are large, stiff and look natural.

Such a perm is very suitable for people with large facial features, as curls frame the face well. The advantage of this winding method is that as the hair grows, the border between the curled and uncurled part of them remains almost imperceptible. However, "American chemistry" is not cheap.

Type of hair winding antichemistry and his photo

The anti-chemistry of hair is the straightening of curls. This type of hair winding is performed on curls that are strongly curly by nature. It also allows you to correct the shortcomings of the usual perm in the event that the curls are too steep. To perform anti-chemistry, a perm solution is applied to the hair, and then, during the period of action of the drug, the hair is constantly combed with a comb.

As you can see in the photo of this type of winding, the hair does not become absolutely smooth, but straightens significantly:

Perm Wellaformer

Vellaformer is not the name of the perm method, but the device with which it is performed. Vellaformer is a latex bag in which strands of hair are placed. The bags are compressed, due to which the hair curls. This perm is suitable for hair of medium length or slightly longer.

Vertical perm hair and her photo

Vertical perm is suitable for long hair. To create it, long spiral curlers are used.

Pay attention to the photo: with a vertical perm, the bobbin is placed vertically in relation to the surface of the head and a strand is wound onto it from the roots to the tips. Then the curlers are fixed.

Vertical perm hair looks very nice, but it has a serious drawback. As the hair grows, the border between curled and uncurled areas becomes more and more noticeable. Therefore, hair with regrown vertical chemistry requires complex care.

Horizontal perm hair (with photo)

Horizontal perm is the most common method for perm on bobbins of any size. Bobbins are placed horizontally with respect to the base of the strand. This placement is observed in all areas of the head.

As you can see in the photo, with a horizontal perm, the strands are wound from the ends to the base:

Double winding with perm

Double winding with perm is performed on long hair. In order for the curls to be more intense, the root part of the strand must be wound onto bobbins of a smaller diameter.

Bobbins should be wound towards each other, then the strands will be evenly curled along their entire length. Each strand is separated with a zigzag parting, carefully combed and wound.

Method of perm hair ends

The method of perming the ends of the hair is great for thin and sparse hair cut in a cascade. This perm makes the hair lush, facilitates further modeling of the hairstyle. The curled ends of the hair also help to visually expand the bottom of the triangular face.

Perm on papillottes (with photo)

Papillots are soft bobbins. The result of a perm on papillots is different from a perm on ordinary hard bobbins. With the help of papillots, you can get soft natural curls without creases at the ends of the strands.

With this winding method, the strand is separated with a zigzag parting, combed and wound on a papillot, trying to get as close as possible to the scalp. The ends of the papillots are bent into a ring to secure the twisted strand.

As you can see in the photo, curling on papillots begins with strands combed from the marginal hairline:

The first three papillots are placed on the forehead and temples. The hair of the occipital zone is wound from the neck to the crown along the contour so that subsequent rows of hairpins can be easily placed inside this contour. As a result, the papillots are arranged around the head in tiers, moving from the neck to the top of the head.

Spiral waving on papillots is performed on medium length hair. Hair begins to wind from the back of the head. With vertical partings, the hair is divided into thin strands, which are wound onto bobbins in a spiral, moving from bottom to top. Difficulties can arise due to different hair lengths. To avoid them, use papers. The papillots are fixed with an L-shaped bend.

The method of perm at the roots of the hair

Perm at the roots of the hair is performed on short haircuts that need to be given volume. This winding method is also used to correct hairstyles, if the previously curled hair has already grown back, and the curls have not yet come off. In the latter case, the hair is wound on curlers and covered with a weaker composition. Only the root part of the hair is subjected to chemical treatment.

Perm at the roots can also be done on straight hair to give it extra volume or to dry out problem areas.

Unfortunately, the effect of such a perm is short-lived. Hair grows, and the curled part moves down from the root zone.

Trapezoidal twisting with a perm

Trapezoidal twisting during a perm allows you to give the hair additional volume near the face, but at the same time practically does not increase the splendor of the hair on the crown and in the root zone.

Hair is twisted starting from the lower occipital zone. The first strand is separated from the marginal hairline and wound onto a bobbin to the very base. A frame is attached to this bobbin. It is needed in order to hold the remaining bobbins in the shape of a trapezoid.

Subsequent strands are wound not along the entire length, but depending on the future hairstyle. Previous strands should overlap with subsequent ones.

French bubble perm

The French bubble perm method was first proposed by the famous French company L'Oreal. The peculiarity of this method is that before applying to the hair, the perm composition is whipped into foam.

Hence the name of the method - "bubble". Thanks to the foam, the necessary temperature conditions for curling are provided, and the hair is saturated with oxygen, which is formed when the preparation is whipped. Curls are very natural, so this method of curling is recommended even for men.
