Lunar calendar of haircuts in September f5. Home treatment for drug allergies

The calendar is calculated according to Moscow time. For other cities it is necessary to make an appropriate adjustment.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You may be influenced by bad thoughts

September 3, Tue. (5th lunar day, Sun. 10:50 - Sun. 21:15), moon in Scorpio

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth. A good day to lighten your hair.

September 4, Wed. (6th lunar day, Sun. 12:14 - Sun. 21:36), moon in Scorpio

A haircut on this day helps to improve the health of the body and get rid of negativity. It is better to refuse coloring; it can lead to conflicts in the team.

September 5, Thu. (7th lunar day, Sun. 13:35 - Sun. 22:02), moon in Sagittarius

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may also arise at work.

September 6, Fri. (8th lunar day, Sun. 14:50 - Sun. 22:35), moon in Sagittarius

A very favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Gain health and longevity.

September 7, Sat. (9th lunar day, Sun. 15:56 - Sun. 23:16), moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and other manipulations with hair. You can attract illness.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Your health may deteriorate. It will be useful to dye your hair with henna, this will increase your authority at work and strengthen your immune system.

September 9, Mon. (11th lunar day, Sun. 17:35 - Sun. 0:07), moon in Capricorn

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will enhance your mental acuity and intuition. Painting it gold or copper can bring you profit.

September 10, Tue. (12th lunar day, Sun. 18:09 - Sun. 1:06), moon in Aquarius

Stop cutting your hair and chemical coloring hair, you can cause troubles and quarrels. On this day it is better to dye your hair natural natural dyes, this will attract profit to you.

September 11, Wed. (13th lunar day, Sun. 18:34 - Zech. 2:12), moon in Aquarius

Favorable day for cutting hair. A haircut will attract happiness and improve your appearance. But it’s better to refuse coloring.

September 12, Thursday (14th lunar day, sun.18:54 - zech.3:21), moon in Aquarius

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Financial condition will improve. Staining with soft dyes is recommended.

September 13, Fri. (15th lunar day, sun.19:11 - zech.4:31), moon in Pisces

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may arise. This day is lucky only for those who dye their hair dark shades natural dyes.

September 14, Sat. (16th lunar day, sun.19:26 - zech.5:41), moon in Pisces

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. You will experience mental discomfort. Dye your curls only dark colors natural paints. To conserve energy, wear your hair in a ponytail or bun.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. There may be obstacles in business. Dyeing your hair in light or red shades will be successful.

It's better to give up the haircut. Trouble will arise. Dye your hair the color that brings you luck and confidence.

A good day for cutting and coloring hair in natural colors. A haircut will improve your health.

September 18, Wed. (20th lunar day, Sun.20:23 - Sun.10:25), moon in Taurus

Not a very good day for cutting and coloring hair. You may not like the result.

September 19, Thursday (21st lunar day, Sun. 20:42 - Sun. 11:38), moon in Taurus

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will give beauty and well-being. Successful shades for coloring there will be light and red ones.

September 20, Fri. (22nd lunar day, Sun. 21:08 - Sun. 12:53), moon in Gemini

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions. However, there is a possibility of gaining excess weight. For coloring, choose natural shades.

September 21, Sat. (23 lunar day, Sun. 21:42 - Sun. 14:05), moon in Gemini

Cutting and coloring can be a hassle.

A very bad day for cutting and coloring. Health problems may arise. You can choose natural dark shades for coloring; this will attract success at work.

September 23, Mon. (25 lunar day, Sun. 23:30 - Sun. 16:11), moon in Cancer

A very bad day for a haircut. Health problems may arise. Coloring can cause conflicts.

September 25, Wed. (26 lunar day, sun.0:45 - z.17:32), moon in Leo

Haircut can attract depression.

September 26, Thursday (27 lunar day, sun.2:11 - zech.17:59), moon in Leo

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You will find warmth. A radical change in hair color will bring you health and profit.

Favorable day for cutting hair. People will like you. You should not dye your hair.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair, you may lose positive energy, face financial problems.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair; you may lose positive energy and face financial problems. Will fix financial difficulties hair coloring tint balm or foam.

Unfavorable day for cutting and bleaching hair. A haircut will lead to waste. Coloring natural dyes will help in career growth.

Waxing moon in September - from 1 to 13 September and from 29 to 30 September. A haircut on the waxing moon will speed up hair growth and promote profits.

Waning moon in September - from 15 to 27 September. Cutting your hair during a waning moon will slow down hair growth and keep your hair in shape longer.

Moon phase change:

In order for a haircut to please and bring good luck, it is often planned in advance, looking for suitable hairstyles and consulting with a hairdresser. Please also refer to the lunar calendar to find out all about the days favorable for visiting the salon.

September 1st and 2nd. Judging by the forecasts of astrologers, you can change your image from the first days of autumn. In the first days of September, the condition of your hair will be influenced by the Moon in the Zodiac Sign Virgo. On September 1 it will also be favorable, but the New Moon coinciding with solar eclipse, can confuse your cards. Therefore, when choosing between numbers 1 and 2, it is better to give preference to the 2nd when the Moon begins to grow. Amazing effect They acquire caring procedures on such days. So feel free to try hair masks and treat yourself to self-massage to enhance the effect.

September 11 and 12. These two days are also suitable for anyone who has long wanted to strengthen their hair or make it healthier, more beautiful and attractive. Moon in Capricorn and this one practical Sign The Zodiac favors everyone who has decided to get rid of split ends and untidiness. Astrologers especially advise getting a haircut for those whose hearts are not occupied or suffer from unrequited love New hairstyle may attract the attention of your future soulmate.

September 19 and 20. Moon in Taurus. Hairdresser's scissors will work wonders for those who are susceptible to autumn depression and blues. Drive her away and boldly change! These two days will help you get a haircut that will look status and expensive. This means that you will give the impression of a confident person - an indispensable aid for those who are going to take an exam, undergo an interview or, for example, take a driving test.

Finally, last days September. The numbers from 26 to 30 are completely favorable for making an appointment with the hairdresser. If you have been planning to update your appearance for a long time, make up your mind and do it while September, favorable for such an undertaking, is in force. Leo, Virgo and Libra, who will alternately influence your affairs these days, will not let you down in any case, since stylish and extravagant experiments are not only welcomed, but highly recommended by all astrologers. And you and only you set the boundaries - a shocking hairstyle is good when you feel at ease with it.

We wish you a safe appointment at the salon and be delighted with the results. Choose the right day for a haircut, look at the lunar calendars more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.08.2016 07:54

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September is just around the corner, which means not only that summer is almost behind us, but also that now is the time to get yourself in order before the new working season. The summer heat has been replaced by warm autumn days, and although the hair is no longer subject to constant drying, it needs restoration. Astrologers recommend listening to the stars when acceptance is needed important decision. Therefore, we suggest that you find out from the lunar calendar haircuts and when in September 2016 it is better to have a manicure, surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016

If you decide to change your image or just get a haircut, don't better days is the time when the Moon stopped in the constellations Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Leo. The condition of the hair depends on the waxing and waning of the Moon - in the interval from new moon to full moon it grows faster, and during the waning Moon - slower. Since in September, according to the lunar calendar, these days for haircuts and coloring are: new moon - September 2, full moon - September 17, hair growth will be better in the first half of the month.

A haircut during the waning Moon in Capricorn, as well as a haircut during the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase, will have a bad effect on your hair. By day of the week, the best days for haircuts were distributed as follows: Saturday, two Mondays and Wednesday. As you know, it is not recommended to cut your hair on Friday, when most of our biochemical processes are slowed down. The most favorable days for cutting hair in September 2016: 2-7, 11, 14, 22, 24 and 30.

Lunar coloring calendar for September 2016

The stars say that when the Moon enters the constellation Aquarius, you can safely engage in such manipulations as dyeing, laminating or coloring your hair. It is during this period that your hair will absorb the effects of chemical ingredients contained in dyes and hair care products without harm. Also, in order to successfully paint your hair, you should choose the days when the Moon is on the calendar. auspicious days for cutting and coloring is located in Libra (September 3-5), Gemini (September 21-23), Virgo (September 1-2, September 28 and September 19).

It has also been noted that when painted during the waxing moon, the paint lasts longer. According to the lunar calendar for September 2016, this is the period from September 2 to September 15. Favorable days for hair coloring in September 2016: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting and manicure for September 2016

If you are planning to grow your nails or do stylish nail art, do it on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 27th, 29th and 30th. Optimal from an astrological point of view, the day will help cleanse the aura and improve the situation in important areas of life.

Wherein lunar forecast as of September 2016, he recommends avoiding visiting the specialist on the 1st, 8th, 14-15, 17th, 22nd, 24th and 28th. These days are considered negative for any change in image, even something as minor as painting or cutting your nails. TO unpleasant consequences will lead to injuries nail plate. Therefore, be careful and try to reschedule your trip to the salon for a more favorable period. The most favorable days for cutting nails in September 2016: 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21.

Lunar beauty calendar for September 2016

After summer heat Many women note that their skin has become dry. The skin requires resuscitation measures. However, autumn is not only a time to restore and nourish the skin. This time of year provides an opportunity to carry out procedures that were unacceptable just a few months ago. We are talking about peeling, whitening and hair removal. And you also need to plan them taking into account the lunar calendar of favorable days for September 2016.

It is better to visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist in September on even dates and in the first half of the day. Injection procedures, mesotherapy and Botox injections according to the lunar calendar of favorable days are recommended to be carried out on the waxing Moon - from September 2 to 15. Mechanical cleaning The face is shown in the second half of the month, when the Moon enters its waning phase - from September 17 to 30.

Also, September is the time when you need to prepare your health for cold weather and... Favorable days health this month will be on the 4th, 6th, 12th, 16th, 19th and 23rd. According to the lunar calendar for September 2016, these days the Moon will have a positive effect on people who are undergoing examinations, starting a course of treatment and general improvement of the body. The period is good for sports and...

Please note that the second week of the first autumn month is unfavorable according to the lunar calendar for any surgical interventions and complex diagnostic procedures. According to the lunar calendar of operations, favorable weeks to perform surgical procedures will be the first and third.

We will be glad if our lunar calendar of haircuts, coloring, manicures and procedures for September 2016 will help you successfully plan a trip to a beauty salon and home beauty treatments. Read also lunar year, which has not yet ended, on the pages of our magazine.

Neutral days when you can go to the salon to maintain your hair in proper form. The waxing moon has not yet entered into full force, hair cut these days should grow quite actively, but don’t expect miracles just in case.

The lunar calendar for hair cutting for September 2016 shows us several days suitable for a visit to the salon. This is a great time to experiment; if you want to update your look with a haircut and styling at the same time, it would be great to do it now. The coloring should also turn out well, so go ahead to everything new!

Period autumn equinoxbeautiful time do your hair. This year the moon will be especially kind to wavy and curly hair, if you wanted to take care of your curls, do it now.

Good days for haircuts short hair. Want to trim your bangs? Do it these days and she will have it for a long time decent looking. Do you want to cut your hair very short and enjoy your boldness for a long time? The haircut you make these days will remain the way you intended it, without frequent hikes to the master.

Enough neutral days for haircut. Everything will depend on your well-being and mood. What you definitely don’t need is to get your hair cut these days if you’re counting on fast growth hair later. For short hairstyles and for those who want to maintain style, it is better to listen to themselves.

Favorable days for coloring and care in September 2016

A good day for coloring, especially if the paint contains oils, nutrients and other caring additives. If you want to change your look after your vacation, now is a good time.

The beginning of September is a great time for moisturizing and nutritional treatments, this tells us not only the lunar hair cutting calendar for September 2016, but also common sense: There are so many fresh fruits and vegetables on sale (or maybe you have some from your garden?), it’s time to make a hair mask rich in vitamins from all this splendor.

It's time for cleansers. You can prepare it at home, from all the greens that have appeared in stores and markets, or use professional shampoos and serums for oily hair.

The perm done on this day will turn out beautiful, the hair will not resist. And if, on the contrary, you want to straighten them, then this is also a good date. However, you shouldn’t dye them while curling them; the dye won’t stick to your hair as firmly as you would like.

Unfavorable days lunar calendar for hair cutting in September 2016

New Moon – bad time cut your hair and generally do something with your body, because immunity is low, the body does not tolerate any stress well. Bad news for schoolchildren (Happy Knowledge Day!) and those who don’t have to go to school, but already have an appointment with the hairdresser. It's better to reschedule it for another day.

This is not a good time to get a haircut; your hair will become thinner and unmanageable. However, there should be no problems with other procedures; the waxing moon will help the hair recover if something goes wrong.

Even though it's a full moon Vital energy tall, and the hair is more elastic than ever, this time in given time It is better to refrain from cutting your hair. The hair will not obey, and will grow back after it has been cut, although it will become thin and unhealthy.

Bad days for a haircut, the hair will not grow well, and may even begin to fall out. During this time of low energy (waning moon), give them rest and support them with a healthy diet and care.

Photo: Haircut calendar for June 2017

In September, many ladies, after the “dry season,” experience dandruff, and their curls become dry, losing natural shine. In order to get rid of fragility and restore the structure of the strands, it is recommended to use the September 2016 calendar for hair. Choosing the right dates will help your hair grow quickly, effectively restoring its structure. In addition, using a calendar when going to a stylist will help attract luck and strengthen financial well-being.

September 1- not the best date for hairstyle correction, since the result from visiting the hairdresser will not please you. In addition to a shapeless haircut, you will also “gain” thinning hair. You should also wait with coloring your curls, otherwise the color will quickly wash out.

September 2 and 3 promise to be good dates for cutting, but you should only trust the hands of a professional. Not best time for experiments and changing the master. Updating your hairstyle will increase your self-esteem and restore self-confidence. A haircut during this period will promote accelerated growth of strands.

September 4-5– extremely unfavorable dates for changing your image. Thinning hair, loss of strands and the formation of a magnifying glass - these are the results of visiting a stylist. Even a minor hairstyle correction (cutting the ends or thinning) can throw you off track.

From 6 to 8 September You can safely go to the salon. Welcome cardinal change image, with choice short length hair and variegated shade. Other procedures (coloring, perm, etc.) are also doomed to success. Changing your hairstyle during this period guarantees the development of charisma and work success.

September 9-10– generally neutral dates. Side effect A trip to the hairdresser these days is due to the slow growth of strands.

Haircut September 11 will become a catalyst for the development of mental and physical activity. You will be able to manage to complete a colossal amount of tasks, causing approval from your superiors. Complex hairstyles will be successful on September 11, and homemade masks will quickly restore the structure of curls.

September 12-13 going to the hairdresser should be postponed. It is not even recommended to twist, straighten or wash your hair. Any manipulation can be harmful to overall health.

Go to a beauty salon September 14 and 15. A haircut at this time will please you with an aesthetically pleasing appearance, will keep its shape for a long time.

Forecasts for the second half of the month:

  • September 16-17 – even slightly trimmed ends will attract a series of failures into your life. A haircut in the middle of the month will make you vulnerable to the evil eye. Not excluded serious problems with health. Strands during this period are extremely unruly and even in the hands of an experienced stylist the hairstyle will turn out shapeless. Home care procedures are not prohibited, however increased efficiency there's no point in waiting;
  • September 18-20 – continuation of the unfavorable period. The haircut will not be successful, it may worsen inner fears, there is a high probability of depression. During this period, the risk of skin diseases in the salon increases significantly - pediculosis,;
  • September 21 is a neutral day, however, a haircut in the first half of the day may not live up to expectations and even push away the luck that is coming your way;
  • September 22-23 – seek advice from a stylist when choosing a hairstyle and the result will not disappoint you. Children's haircuts during this period will make the baby more diligent and patient. General state hair will noticeably improve, the end of the month will cause accelerated growth strands;
  • September 24-26 is generally not a bad period for a visit to the salon, but you should avoid too much short haircuts that will push luck out of your life;
  • September 27-28 – after the haircut, the strands will become very unruly, home styling will turn into a real challenge. Of course, this will cause a bad mood and increased irritability;
  • September 29-30 is a good period to regain strength and return to your normal lifestyle. In the end of the month . A haircut will strengthen their structure and accelerate growth.

September welcomes bright hues, be sure to take this into account when choosing paint. Wheat, honey and copper palettes will make luck your faithful companion. Brunettes are recommended to choose muted shades. In general, after the summer heat, the coloring procedure is extremely undesirable, but the following dates will smooth it out bad influence colors: September 3, 22 and 29.

Success in the perm procedure is guaranteed by the constellations Libra and Gemini. At this time, the curls are especially lush and natural. To go to the salon, it is recommended to choose the following dates: September 6, 8, 14.
