Landolt ring technique. The Landolt Ring Method: Test Tasks and Results Processing

Within 1 minute, Landolt rings with a given break direction are crossed out. Estimates of accuracy (T) and productivity (P) of the work performed are determined by the formulas:


C - the number of characters viewed;

m is the number of correctly crossed out rings;

n is the number of rings to cross out.

Appendix 5 to the Rules

Observation is determined by filling out the fire extinguishing scheme shown in fig. 1 corresponding digital indexes. One minute is given for memorization of the completed scheme (Fig. 2) and playback. When filling out the scheme, the subject uses a drawing with serial numbers of objects (Fig. 3).

Accounting for correctly affixed items is expressed as a percentage and is determined by the formula:


n is the number of correctly marked items;

m is the total number of items.

Fig 1. Scheme of fire extinguishing

Fig 2. Scheme of fire extinguishing with the image of objects

Rice. 3. Images of items with digital indexes

Appendix 6 to the Rules

The study of short-term verbal (auditory and visual) memory is carried out by presenting the subject with 12 words:

In the first case, the subject memorizes by ear, and in the second, he reads the presented material itself. One minute is given for memorization and reproduction.

The volume of auditory (Vs) and visual (Vs) memory is expressed as a percentage and is determined by the formula:


m is the number of given words;

n is the number of reproduced words.

Appendix 7 to the Rules

On a table with black and red numbers in the first task, black numbers are found in ascending order. In the second task - red numbers in descending order. In the third task, black numbers are alternately searched for in ascending order, red numbers in descending order. At the same time, the scoring of the attention function is carried out according to the integral criterion - the speed of switching attention (AT).


t k - counting time of red numbers, s;

t h - counting time of black numbers, s;

t cm is the time of the mixed account, s.


Appendix 8 to the Rules


Questions of the questionnaire are written on special cards (40 questions). The subject is asked to divide the entire set of cards into two groups corresponding to two possible answers (positive or negative).

The scoring is carried out according to a special code that takes into account the number of “incorrect” answers, i.e. characterizing the level of anxiety: the higher the score on the Taylor scale, the higher the level of anxiety.

1. Before going to the dentist, imagine that it will hurt.

2. It is unpleasant for me to be alone in the dark.

3. I am afraid of thunder and lightning.

4. I usually get off balance easily.

5. I have never been afraid of anything in my life.

6. I'm afraid of snakes.

7. I often dream about this. I wake up with fear.

8. When answering to a group, I feel very awkward.

9. When I go to the doctor, I worry about what he will tell me.

10. It never seems to me that a misfortune happened to someone close to me.

11. I get excited when I don’t know why my boss is calling me.

12. I get scared when I see a dead animal.

13. I don't like being alone in the open.

14. I have difficulty getting used to a new place or team.

15. Never worry about the future.

16. Having made a mistake, I remember it for a long time.

17. When I sit down to study, disturbing thoughts often interfere.

18. It often occurs to me that I might get sick or injured.

19. I consider myself more nervous than most people.

20. I worry about what others think of me.

21. I can’t focus on one thing for a long time.

22. I worry about money and about my job.

23. I often notice that my hands tremble when I try very hard to do something.

24. More often than others, I blush with embarrassment.

25. I have never seen terrible dreams.

26. I am often afraid that I am starting to blush.

27. I sweat easily even on cool days.

28. Embarrassed, covered with perspiration, which is very unpleasant for me.

29. I have periods when I lose sleep due to anxiety.

30. The thought of inferiority never occurs to me.

31. I am rarely in a good mood.

32. I almost always worry about someone or something.

33. A date with the boss makes me nervous.

34. I am more introspective than others.

35. Sometimes I feel the impossibility of overcoming difficulties.

36. Sometimes I worry for a non-existent reason.

37. Sometimes I'm afraid of things and people that can't really hurt me.

38. I lack self-confidence.

39. I do not like to face difficulties and make important decisions.

40. Sometimes I feel like a helpless person.

Key to the Taylor Questionnaire

Each item is listed on a separate card.

The subject is asked to carefully read the cards and choose those that characterize him.

Among the 40 items, 6 of them are reliability criteria (lies) - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. If the subject agrees with four or more statements of these items (puts the cards aside), then all answers are considered unreliable and use the results of this testing is not possible. The level of anxiety is considered high if the number of cards with the statements of which the subject agreed is 16 or more (i.e., the reliability coefficient is 16 or more). From this number of cards, cards with unreliable answers are subtracted, if they were there. The lower the ratio, the lower the level of anxiety.

A high coefficient of anxiety is characteristic of emotionally unstable people (for psychopaths it reaches 37), who cannot adequately assess the situation, especially an emergency, and ensure high reliability of actions in such conditions.

People who have an anxiety coefficient of 16 or more are not recommended to be used when working on a fire in an unbreathable environment.

Appendix 9 to the Rules


1. Do you often need friends who understand you, who can encourage or console you?

2. Do you find it difficult to say “no” to you?

3. If you promise to do something, do you always keep your promises (regardless of whether it is convenient for you or not)?

4. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

5. Do you often feel like an unhappy person for no good reason?

6. Do you feel shy and embarrassed when you want to start a conversation with a pretty stranger(s)?

7. Do you sometimes lose your temper, get angry?

8. Do you often worry about doing or saying things that you shouldn't have done or said?

9. Are you easily offended?

10. Do you sometimes have thoughts that you would like to hide from others?

11. Is it true that you are sometimes full of energy, so that everything burns in your hands, and sometimes you are completely lethargic?

12. Do you often daydream?

13. Do you often feel guilty?

14. Are all your habits good and desirable?

15. Do you consider yourself an excitable and sensitive person?

16. After doing something important, do you often feel that you could do it better?

17. Do you gossip sometimes?

18. Does it happen that you can't sleep because different thoughts come into your head?

19. Do you have palpitations?

20. Do you have trembling attacks?

21. Would you always pay for baggage on transport, if you were not afraid of checking?

22. Are you irritable?

23. Do you worry about some unpleasant events that might happen?

24. Have you ever been late for a date or work?

25. Do you often have nightmares?

26. Do you suffer from any pain?

27. Can you call yourself a nervous person?

28. Are there people among your acquaintances that you clearly do not like?

29. Are you easily offended when people point out your mistakes at work or your personal mistakes?

30. Are you bothered by the feeling that you are somehow worse than others?

31. Do you sometimes talk about things you don't understand?

32. Do you worry about your health?

33. Do you suffer from insomnia?

The key to the Eysenck questionnaire

This technique is used to identify the level of neuroticism.

"Neurotics" are characterized by instability, imbalance of neuropsychic processes, emotional and psychological instability and lability of the autonomic nervous system, they are easily excitable. They are characterized by mood variability, sensitivity, as well as anxiety, suspiciousness, slowness, a tendency to pessimism, and indecision.

Of the 33 questions on the cards, 24 are designed to detect neuroticism and 9 to control the reliability of answers.

Assess the character, not mental abilities.

The evaluation is carried out as follows.

1. Cards NN 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33 with the answer "yes" indicate neuroticism, with the answer "no" - about emotional stability.

If there are more than 12 cards with the answer "yes" - neuroticism, if there are 12 or less cards with the answer "yes" - emotional stability.

2. Cards NN 3, 14, 21 with the answer “yes” and cards NN 7, 10, 17, 24, 28, 31 with the answer “no” indicate the bias of the answers of possible stability or failure of self-assessment.

If the indicator of emotional stability (neuroticism) is 12 or less, the subject is emotionally stable, balanced. Taking into account the positive results of the assessment of other psychophysiological indicators, he is recognized as suitable for work on fires in an environment unsuitable for breathing.

Appendix 10 to the Rules

The subject is offered 10 drawings with answer options. We need to find the right answers. The number of correct answers is recorded and expressed as a percentage.


Exercise 1.

Which method of holding the hammer will make the blow stronger?


Task 2

Which of the wires must be connected to the broken wire so that the light bulb shines?

A - B - Both

Task 9

In what direction is the fire hose held by the fireman moving?

A - B - Back

Task 10

If a gear pump delivers fluid in the direction of the arrow, in which direction do the gears rotate?

A - B - Don't care

Key to the Bennett test

Test to identify technical thinking.

The subject is offered 10 drawings with answer options. It is necessary to choose the correct answer, which the subject considers correct. The percentage of correct answers is calculated and evaluated according to the scale given in Appendix 14.

Right answers:


Appendix 11 to the Rules

Checking visual acuity is a well-known procedure. However, its appearance was the result of the hard work of many scientists. In the article brought to your attention, we will talk about how vision was checked in antiquity and how the tables of optotypes familiar to everyone appeared.

Visual acuity through the lens of history

Visual acuity is the ability of the eyes to distinguish fine details of an object from a certain distance. It reflects the quality of vision: it indicates the vigilance of the eyes, it makes it possible to assess how clearly a person sees.
Since ancient times, people have tried to determine the sharpness. So, the Arab doctors of antiquity asked a person to look at the constellation Ursa Major, which has the shape of a bucket. If the subject could distinguish two stars at the end of the bucket handle - this is the 2nd magnitude star Mizar and the 4th magnitude star Alcor, the brightness of which is 7 times weaker, then he passed the test for visual acuity. There is evidence that the ancient Romans and Greeks also used the test of recognition of these two stars to assess visual acuity when recruiting soldiers. In modern terms, if a person has normal visual acuity, then he can make out these two stars, which are actually more than half a light year apart. Interestingly, in ancient Japan, the loss of the ability to distinguish between these two stars was associated with the onset of age-related changes. According to tradition, on the night of the Japanese New Year, each person tried to see two stars, which received a name that can be translated as "40 sunsets" - it was believed that after forty years a person loses the ability to distinguish them.

In humans, visual acuity changes with age, and it can be different for each eye due to hereditary characteristics or acquired disorders: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, cataracts, and others, so the problem of improving visual clarity has been relevant at all times. Glasses helped solve this problem, the appearance of which, according to many historical sources, dates back to the end of the 13th century.
The invention of printing in the middle of the 15th century contributed to the growth in the popularity of glasses, and the first, albeit imperfect, glasses really facilitated the process of reading and working at close range. The oldest image of glasses belongs to the Italian artist Tommaso da Modena (Tommaso da Modena; 1325-1379) - a fresco of 1352 in the church of San Nicolò in Treviso depicts Cardinal Hugo di Provence writing with glasses (Hugh of Provence; 1200-1263). Historical documents have been preserved showing that the dukes of Milan in the 15th-16th centuries ordered hundreds of valuable glasses to reward their courtiers.
An interesting fact is that until the 16th century, glasses were used only to correct presbyopia and farsightedness, and glasses with concave lenses to correct myopia appeared much later. The first scientifically reliable evidence of the use of glasses for myopia is considered to be a portrait of Pope Leo X, painted by Raphael around 1517-1519.
The first industrial revolution, which began at the end of the 18th century, led to the development of technology and the emergence of manufactory production of glasses. The quality of glasses and frames made in this way was poor, and the produced lenses were distinguished by optical power and sorted by the age of the client, based on the assumption that people of the same age have similar vision problems. These glasses were sold mainly through itinerant merchants, who offered them to choose from, which was based only on the person's own feelings. Individual selection of glasses with the help of special tools and devices did not exist then. The first set of trial glasses for spectacles was made in England in 1750, and the oldest surviving set of trial lenses is a 1778 set produced in Munich.
Diopter numbering for spectacle lenses was introduced in 1873. Physicists involved in the optics of the eye have proposed a now well-known measure of refractive errors - myopia or hyperopia, expressed as a "diopter". Diopter is a Greek word meaning "seeing through". It determines the focal length of the lens that corrects vision.
Today, visual acuity is defined as the reciprocal of the minimum angle, expressed in arcminutes, between two points that the eye can see separately. This angle is called the minimum angle of resolution of the eye - (minimum angle of resolution - MAR), and a MAR angle of one arc minute (1) corresponds to a visual acuity of 1.0. In practice, the minimum angle of eye resolution is not measured, but visual acuity is assessed by the patient's ability to recognize certain signs of standard sizes - the so-called optotypes.
Determining the minimum visual angle for the normal human eye as a measure of vigilance has a long history. Back in 1674, the English scientist and inventor Robert Hooke (Robert Hooke; 1635-1703) using a telescope established that the minimum distance between stars available for their separate perception with the naked eye is 1 minute of arc. Almost 200 years later, the Dutch ophthalmologist, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Utrecht and director of the Dutch Eye Hospital Hermann Snellen (1835-1908) used this value when constructing tables to determine visual acuity, taking visual angle 1 as the physiological norm.

The appearance of the first tables of optotypes

The appearance in 1862 of Snellen's first chart of optotypes provided ophthalmologists with a unique opportunity to standardize visual acuity and quantify its value. The Snellen tables consisted of 7 rows of letters, visible at an angle of 5 minutes at distances of 200, 100, 70, 50, 40, 30 and 20 feet. Later, the same tables were issued in metric measure, the letters were read at a distance of 60, 36, 24, 18, 12, 8 and 6 meters at the same angle. The result of the study of vision according to these tables was expressed as a fraction, in the numerator of which was the distance at which the study was carried out; and in the denominator - a row that the subject could read. Visual acuity was calculated using the Snellen formula: V = d/D, where V is visual acuity (Visus); d is the distance from which the patient sees; D is the distance from which an eye with normal visual acuity should see the signs of this row of the table.

The most widely used decimal tables proposed in 1875 by the French ophthalmologist Ferdinand Monoyer (Monoyer Ferdinand, 1836-1912). These tables are built on the principle of arithmetic progression and consist of 10 rows of letters, each of which differs from its neighbor by 0.1 visual acuity. Subsequently, 2 more lines were added for visual acuity: 1.5 and 2.0. The decimal method for determining visual acuity, proposed more than 130 years ago, is still used today.

Letters of the alphabet, various symbols, for example, in the form of the letter “E”, figures of numbers, were used as optotypes, but the optotypes proposed by the Swiss ophthalmologist Edmund Landolt (1846-1926) were included in international standards. In our country, the letters of the Russian alphabet are used in the Golovin-Sivtsev tables, which first appeared in 1928.

Landolt optotypes

Edmund Landolt was born in Switzerland in 1846. He studied at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zurich, where he was an assistant to the famous Swiss ophthalmologist Johann Friedrich Horner (Horner, 1831-1886). In 1869, Landolt received his doctorate and the next year, in the midst of the Franco-Prussian War, went to France. In 1874, Edmund Landolt headed the eye clinic he founded in Paris. He owns a number of works and studies on strabismus, on eyelid plastic surgery, on the insertion of artificial eyes, on various ophthalmic instruments (ophthalmoscope, ophthalmometer, ophthalmotrope, etc.). Among Landolt's patients was the famous French impressionist Edgar Degas. Landolt had a very high reputation as an ophthalmologist, and subsequently became professor of ophthalmology at the Sorbonne, where he trained future ophthalmologists. In 1888, Landolt proposed optotypes consisting of identical symbols - rings with gaps resembling the letter "C". The optotypes proposed by Landolt - Landolt rings for testing visual acuity - were first approved as an international standard in 1909 at the XI International Congress of Ophthalmologists.

Landolt optotypes are black rings of various sizes with gaps facing different directions, and by recognizing this gap, you can determine the minimum angle of eye resolution. The width of the Landolt ring and the width of the gap are 5 times smaller than its outer diameter, that is, the ratio of these parameters is 5: 1: 1. The direction of the ring gap can have four options (top, bottom, right and left) or eight (the same positions plus four oblique). Landolt optotypes are more complex and give a more objective assessment of visual acuity than optotypes in the form of letters or numbers. When recognizing the latter, the recognition factor may work, while when using Landolt rings, there is no recognition factor, and memorizing their sequence is more difficult than a standard combination of letters or numbers.

Today, Landolt rings are included in most modern tables used to determine visual acuity. In 1994, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) issued ISO 8596 “Optics and optical instruments. Checking visual acuity. Standard optotype and its presentation” and ISO 8597 “Optics and optical instruments. Checking visual acuity. Optotype correlation method”, where the Landolt ring was chosen as the main optotype. The most common way to display optotype tables is to install them in Roth's apparatus; in addition, electronic sign projectors are used, which project optotypes onto a screen.
The form for conducting research using Landolt optotypes contains a random set of rings with gaps directed in different directions. The test results are evaluated by the number of missed (not crossed out) rings, as well as by the time it takes to complete a given number of lines. When assessing the switchability of attention, the subject receives an instruction to cross out different sets of characters in the even and odd lines of the correction table.
The versatility of Landolt optotypes has led to their widespread use in the field of clinical, professional and school psychodiagnostics. The simplicity and reliability of research using these optotypes help to assess the features of attention and functional state, performance of the subject.

1 See: Lens Talk. P. 2: Tale of the Landolt Ring // MR View. 2013. N 2. P. 6-7.
2 See: Eyeglasses through the ages // . URL: (accessed 10/13/2013).
3 See: Where did goggles come from?.. or the history of the invention of glasses // Steampunker [Website]. URL: (date of access: 10/13/2013).
4 See: The history of the invention of glasses (from the 17th century to the present day // Class! Physics for the curious [Website]. URL: (date of access: 13.10. 2013).
5 See: Systems and rules for determining visual acuity // Modern ophthalmology [Website]. URL: (accessed 10/13/2013).
6 Visual acuity / Bochkareva A. [et al.] // Effective medicine (ophthalmology) [Website]. URL: (accessed 10/13/2013).
7 See: Balaguta M.G. Study of visual acuity according to optotype tables in accordance with international ISO standards // Firma OLIS [Website]. URL: (accessed 10/13/2013).
8 See: Leshchenko I. A. On systems and rules for determining visual acuity // Bulletin of Optometry. 2009. No. 3. S. 54-58.

Olga Shcherbakova, Veko magazine, 9/2013

2. Correction test

Corrective test as a method of studying attention was first proposed by B. Bourdon in 1895. The essence of the experiment is as follows: the subject is offered a table with various signs arranged in random order, in which he must, according to the instructions, cross out a certain sign. Currently, there are several versions of the proof test: alphabetic (Anfimov, 1908), digital (Amatuni, 1969) and with Landolt rings (the proof sheet contains a random set of rings with gaps directed in different directions). The traditional procedure for conducting a correction test allows you to assess the stability and concentration of attention. By changing the experimental procedure, it is possible to investigate the switching and distribution of attention.

Application range

The technique is used to examine both adults and school-age children (for examining young children, the variant with Landolt rings is more convenient). The technique is widely used in the clinic, school and professional psychodiagnostics.


1-2 corrective sample forms (see Appendix N 2), pencil, stopwatch. There are many different types of proofreading forms available. The choice of the form option is not indifferent to obtain unambiguous results of the experiment.

Purpose of the experiment

The study of individual characteristics of stability and concentration of voluntary attention.

Experiment procedure

Individual and group forms of the experiment are possible. The experimenter gives the subject a form of correction test and informs the instruction: “The letters of the Russian alphabet are printed in lines on the form. You must go through these letters line by line, from left to right, and cross out all the "k" and "p" letters. Try to work as quickly as possible, but the most important thing in this task is to work without errors, carefully, not to miss a single letter "k" and "p" and not to cross out a single extra one. Besides, when I say "Damn!" - put a vertical line next to the letter in which you found my signal, and continue to work on. All clear?" The experimenter starts the stopwatch and gives the subject a signal to start. Every 30 seconds (or every minute), the experimenter says the word "Damn!". The total duration of the experiment is from 3 to 10 minutes (depending on the age of the subject, the objectives of the study). After the end of the experiment, the correctness of the task is checked according to a pre-made "key". The “key” is a form on which all the letters to be crossed out are circled in a bright colored pencil, and at the end of each line there is a number indicating the number of such letters in this line.

Results processing

The processing of experimental data by different researchers is carried out in different ways, but two main indicators are always taken as the basis - speed and accuracy.

The speed indicator is the number of letters viewed by the subject during each time interval and for the entire experiment as a whole.

An indicator of the accuracy of the work is the number of errors (by interval and in general for the entire experiment). Errors include the omission of those letters that needed to be crossed out; incorrectly crossed out letters; missed lines. Based on the data obtained, a graph of the results of the subject is constructed. Two curves are combined on the graph - the change in the speed of work (by the number of letters viewed per unit of time) and the change in accuracy (by the number of errors in the same time intervals). The analysis of the results with this approach is carried out by analogy with the Kraepelin account method. Such a scheme for analyzing the results in a correction sample is followed by S.Ya. Rubinstein

In the works of other researchers, attempts are made to combine speed and accuracy indicators into one value using different formulas. In the future, this generalized indicator can be translated into a scale assessment. Such a system for processing the results makes it possible to compare the level of development of various properties of the attention of each subject.

For example, in the study by S.Ya. Lukomskaya and E.F. Rybalko, the results processing system is built as follows:

2. According to the formula K = (M/N) x 100 % evaluate the accuracy of the work performed .

In the formula M - the number of letters correctly crossed out during the work;

N - the number of letters that needed to be crossed out.

According to Table 2, we translate the indicator K into a score for accuracy - criterion C.

3. We calculate the integral indicator of attention stability (A) according to the formula A=B+C.

According to table 3, we translate indicator A into a scale assessment. The scale score is interpreted as follows:


Characteristics of the level of stability of attention

Low attention span

Below average attention span


Average attention span


Above average attention span


High attention span

The tables below contain the results obtained by S.A. Lukomskaya on a contingent of younger schoolchildren and adult subjects.

Tables can be used in practical work as indicative. (Experiment duration - 10 minutes).

Table 1

Assessment of attention span in points

Productivity (V)


Signs of younger students




Signs of younger students



< 1010

2495 – 2660

3160 – 3320

1010 – 1175

2660 – 2825

3320 – 3480


2825 – 2990

3480 – 3640

1175 – 1340

1560 – 1720

2990 – 3155

3640 – 3800

1720 – 1880

3155 – 3320

3800 – 3960

1340 – 1505

1880 – 2042

3320 – 3485

3960 – 4120

2042 – 2200

3485 – 3650

4120 – 4280

1505 – 1670

2200 – 2360

3650 – 3815

4280 – 4440

1670 – 1835

2360 – 2520

3815 – 3980

4440 – 4600

1835 - 2000

2520 – 2680

3980 – 4145

4600 – 4760

2000 – 2165

2680 – 2840

4145 – 4310

> 4760

2165 – 2330

2840 – 3000


2330 – 2495

3000 – 3160

table 2

Accuracy (C)



pupils, %

Adults, %



pupils, %

Adults, %

< 70

< 81.9

87 – 88

70 – 72

81,9 – 83,0

88 – 90

94,9 – 96,0

72 – 73

83,0 – 84,1

90 – 91

73 – 74

84,1 – 85,1

91 – 92

96,0 – 97,0

74 – 76

85,1 – 86,2

92 – 94

76 – 77

86,2 – 87,3

97,0 – 98,1

77 – 79

87,3 – 88,4

94 – 95

79 – 80

88,4 – 89,5

98,1 – 99,2

80 – 81

89,5 – 90,6

95 – 96

81 – 83

90,6 – 91,6


83 – 84

91,6 – 92,7

96 – 98

84 – 85

92,7 – 93,8

85 – 87

93,8- 94,9

> 98

Table 3

Scale for converting indicators

properties of attention into scale scores



Stability of attention of younger students

Sustained adult attention

> 50

42 – 43

25 – 27

25 – 26

23 – 24

23 – 24

48 – 49

20 – 22

46 – 47

39 – 40

16 – 19

20 – 21

44 – 45

37 – 38

14 – 15

18 – 19

39 – 43

35 – 36

12 – 13

36 – 38

33 – 34

9 – 11

34 – 35

31 – 33

30 – 32

28 – 30

27 – 29

> 9

12 – 15

Based on the results of the experiment, a conclusion should be made about the extent to which the attention of the subject is stable (taking into account the age norm). If attention is unstable, if possible, indicate the reasons for this phenomenon.

Correction test options

Correction test with Landolt rings


Blank with Landolt rings (see Appendix No. 3).

Purpose of the experiment

The study of individual characteristics of attention stability. This option differs from the traditional one only in the form used. The experimental procedure is similar to that described above. An approximate version of the instruction: “In front of you is a form with rings. Your task is to cross out rings with a cut in each line ... (any of eight options can be called: at 6, 12, 3, 9, 7, 11, 1, 5 hours; show the children the position of the cut. As soon as you are told “ Damn!", - put a vertical line in the place where the team found you. Then continue to work. Work as quickly as possible, but the most important thing in this task is to work without errors. Any questions? (Answer them). Now put the form like this so that the number 1 is located on the left, 4 on the right. I remind you: we cross out the rings with a cut ... (repeat). Let's start! "

Results processing

Graphs of the speed and accuracy of work are constructed, similar to those used in the "Kraepelin Count" and "Letter variant of the correction test" methods. The analysis of the results and conclusions is carried out according to the same scheme.

Correction test with switching


The study of individual features of switching attention.


Correction test forms (letter version or with Landolt rings), pencil, stopwatch.


The experiment is carried out in two series. The duration of the series is the same and is 5-10 minutes. Rest between series is about the same length. In the first series, the subject is given the task to cross out any letters, for example, "k" and "r". In the second series, two ways to complete the task alternate minute by minute. For example, the following instruction may be given: "During the first minute, you will cross out the letters 'c' and 'e'. This is the first way to work. In a minute I'll say: "Damn, the second way!". This means that you need to draw a vertical line at the place where the team will find you, and continue to work in the second way - cross out the letters “l” and “s”. A minute later, the command follows: “Damn, the first way! Put a line and start working in the first way, and so on. Any questions?". The experiment begins at the signal of the experimenter. Every minute (for a 10-minute experiment) or every 30 seconds (for a 5-minute experiment), the experimenter gives the signal "Damn!". Individual and group forms of the experiment are possible. If blanks with Landolt rings are used in the experiment, then in the second series, tasks alternate to cross out rings with any two different gap positions.

Results processing

Different authors offer different ways of processing the results. For example, the processing of results can be based on counting the number of switching errors (see: Dictionary-reference book on psychodiagnostics / Edited by L.F. Burlachuk, S.M. Morozov. - St. Petersburg, 2001.) In the proposed below, the essence of processing is a comparison of the effectiveness of the subject in two ways of working with switching and without switching. The following formulas can be used for calculations. In the first series, we calculate the indicator of concentration of attention E1 according to the formula:

E1= S 1 ----------- , where

N 1+ O 1

S l - the number of characters viewed during the first series of characters,

N1 - the number of characters correctly crossed out during the first series,

O 1 is the number of errors made.

Similarly, we calculate the indicator E2 for the second series. At the last stage of processing, we calculate the conditional indicator of switching attention

P = ------

Analysis of results

The P indicator, approximately equal to one or exceeding one, indicates a high or very high level of attention switching.

The closer P is to zero, the lower the level of attention switching. For a more substantiated conclusion, it is necessary to obtain normative conclusions of P indicators for subjects of different ages. An additional indicator in the analysis of the results is the nature of the mistakes made by the subjects in the second series. The so-called switching errors testify to the difficulties of switching attention. For example, after the signal "Damn!" the subject continues to cross out the same letters that he crossed out before the signal.


The experimenter must make a conclusion about the level of development of attention switching (in comparison with the average group results).

Correction test with distribution


The study of individual characteristics of the distribution of attention.


Forms of correction test, pencil, stopwatch.

Experiment procedure

The experiment is carried out individually. Includes two series, each lasting 5-10 minutes, with the same interval between them.

The first series of the experiment is carried out according to the traditional scheme. The subject crosses out any two letters, for example, "k" and "p". In the second series, he is given the task of crossing out two letters, for example, "s" and "b" and at the same time say out loud only even (or odd) numbers. The experimenter fixes all errors in the account, as well as the nature of the combination of two types of activity.

Processing and analysis of results

They are carried out according to the same scheme as in the "Correction test with switching" method. An additional indicator indicating difficulties in the distribution of attention are errors in counting, slow or uneven pace of counting.


The experimenter makes a conclusion about the level of development of the distribution of attention of the subject.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

- Diagnostics of the development of attention in children
- Development of attention in children (games and exercises)
- Mistakes due to inattention
- Attention problems

Correction tables (Landolt rings) are used to study voluntary attention and to assess the pace of psychomotor activity, performance and resistance to monotonous activities that require constant concentration of attention.

The examination is carried out using special forms containing a random set of rings with gaps directed in different directions. The subject looks through the row and crosses out certain rings indicated in the instructions. The results of the test are evaluated by the number of missing (not crossed out) characters, as well as by the time it takes to complete a given number of lines.

The child is shown a form with Landolt rings and it is explained that he must, carefully looking through the rings in rows, find among them those in which there is a gap located in a strictly defined place, and cross them out.

The work is carried out within 5 minutes. Every minute the experimenter pronounces the word "line", at this moment the child must put a line in the place of the form with Landolt's rings where this command found him.

After 5 minutes have elapsed, the experimenter says the word "stop". At this command, the child must stop working and in the place of the form with the rings where this command found him, put a double vertical line.

When processing the results, the experimenter determines the number of rings viewed by the child for each minute of work and for all five minutes. It also determines the number of mistakes made by him in the process of work for each minute, from the first to the fifth, and in general for all five minutes.

Attention level can be expressed using the precision index:

In the process of processing the results, five per-minute indicators S are calculated, relating to all five minutes of work taken together.

Based on the results obtained, a schedule for the child's work on the task is built.

Assessment of the distribution of attention.

The instructions that children receive in this technique are similar to those given to them when conducting the previous technique with Landolt rings. The same stimulus material is used in this experiment. However, in this case, children are invited to find and cross out in different ways at the same time two types of rings that have gaps in different places, for example, on top and on the left, and the first ring should be crossed out in one way, and the second in another.

The quantitative processing procedure and the method of graphical presentation of the results are the same as in the previous method, but the results are interpreted as data indicating the distribution of attention.

Comment. Strictly speaking, these data indicate not only the distribution of attention in its pure form, but also its productivity and sustainability. It is not possible to separate and independently evaluate these properties of attention.

Determining the scope of attention.

This technique is used in the form in which it was presented earlier. The same applies to older schoolchildren - teenagers and young men.

The amount of attention of the child is estimated on a ten-point scale. We have data that the average attention span of an adult is between 3 and 7 units. For children of older preschool and younger ages, its lower limit - 3 units, probably remains the same as for adults. As for the upper limit, it definitely depends on age, since attention in childhood, including its volume, develops. For older students and younger students, the upper limit of the attentional norm is approximately equal to the age of the children, if it does not exceed the average amount of attention of an adult. So, the average amount of attention of 3-4 year old children is approximately 3-4 units, and the average amount of attention of 4-5 year olds is 4-5 units, respectively, of 5-6 year olds - 5-6 units. Approximately at the last of the indicated levels, the average volume remains for children studying in the first two grades of the school, and then slightly increases, reaching by the 3rd-4th grades approximately the same value that is typical for adults.

In accordance with this, the following scale is established for translating the experimental indicators of the attention span of children into the accepted ten-point scale:

10 points - the amount of attention equal to 6 units and above.
8-9 points - the amount of attention, which is 4-5 units.
4-7 points - the amount of attention equal to 2-3 units.
0-3 points - the amount of attention is less than 2 units.

Children who receive 10 points are considered not only fully ready for school in terms of attention development, but also superior in this respect to many of their peers.

Children who receive 8-9 points are also considered quite ready to start school. However, if such an assessment is received by children already studying in grades 3-4, then it is considered as being below the norm.

For children entering school, attention spans of 4-7 are considered acceptable, while for children already in school, too low.

Finally, if a child scores 0-3, then whether they are enrolled in or already in school, their attention span is considered insufficient. With regard to such children, it is concluded that, according to the degree of development of their attention, they are not yet ready to study at school.

"Correction test with Landolt rings" is designed to study the performance of primary school students. Efficiency is the potential ability of an individual to perform the desired activity at a given level of efficiency for a certain time. Distinguish between maximum and reduced performance. In the process of long-term activity, performance is characterized by the following stages: working out, optimal performance, non-compensated and compensated fatigue, final impulse.

The child is offered a form with Landolt rings, accompanied by the following instructions: “Now we will play a game called“ Be careful and work as quickly as possible. ”In this game you will compete with other children, then we will see what result you have achieved in competition with them. I think you will do it just as well as the rest of the kids." Next, the child is shown a form with Landolt rings and it is explained that he must, carefully looking through the rings in rows, find among them those in which there is a gap located in a strictly defined place, and cross them out. The work is done within 5 minutes. Every minute the experimenter says "line", at this moment the child must put a line in the place of the form with rings where this command found him. After 5 minutes have elapsed, the experimenter pronounces the word "stop", and the child stops working, putting a double vertical line in this place of the form.

Results processing:

The number of rings viewed by the child for each minute of work is determined (N 1 =; N 2 =; N 3 =; N 4 =; N 5 =) and for all five minutes (N =).

The number of mistakes made by him in the course of work at each minute is determined (n 1 =; n 2 =; n 3 =; n 4 =; n 5 =) and in general for all five minutes (n =).

The more N and less n, the higher the concentration and stability of attention.

The productivity and stability of attention (S) is determined:

S= 0.5N - 2.8n,

where T is the operating time (in sec.)

  • S > 1.25 - attention productivity is very high, attention span is very high;
  • S = 1.00 - 1.24 - high attention productivity, high attention span;
  • S = 0.50 - 0.99 - average attention productivity, average attention span;
  • S = 0.25 - 0.49 - low attention productivity, low attention span;
  • S = 0.00 - 0.24 - attention productivity is very low, attention span is low.

The pictogram technique of A. R. Luria is designed to study the individual typological characteristics of children (artistic, mental type), i.e. to identify the features of the functioning of the "word-image", as well as the diversity of those images that the student operates as a means of memorization. Can be used both individually and in a group. The child is given a sheet of paper and a pen.

Instruction: "You are offered a list of words and phrases for memorization. This list is large, and it is difficult to remember it from the first presentation. However, to facilitate memorization, you can immediately after the presentation of a word or phrase perform one or another image as a "memory knot", which then he will help you reproduce the presented material. The quality of the drawing does not matter. Remember that you are doing this drawing for yourself in order to facilitate the reminder. Each image must correspond to the number of the presented word. "

After explaining the instructions to the students, the words are read out very clearly and once, alternately with an interval of 30 seconds. Before each word or phrase, its serial number is called, which is written down by the students, and then the drawing is already done. Reproduction of the presented verbal material can be carried out after an hour or more.

List of words and phrases for pictograms

  • 1. Happy holiday 11. Love 22. Laughter
  • 2. Joy 12. Deaf old woman 23. Courage
  • 3. Anger 13. Anger 24. Erudite
  • 4. Cowardly boy 14. Warm evening 25. Strong character
  • 5. Despair 15. Impulsiveness 26. Mobility
  • 6. Sociability 16. Energy 27. Success
  • 7. Plasticity 17. Speech 28. Friendship
  • 8. Fast person 18. Decisiveness 29. Development
  • 9. Speed ​​19. Sun 30. Disease
  • 10. Fear 20. Notebook 31. Dark night
  • 21. Grade

Processing of results: should be carried out according to the table and consists of the following:

Abstract - such images that are made in the form of lines, along which it is impossible to describe the content.

Sign-symbolic - images in the form of geometric shapes, arrows, etc.

Specific - an image of specific objects, for example, a watch, a car, and precisely in cases where these images are only one, not several objects associated with a certain meaning.

Plot - the image of a person in an expressive pose or situation, two or more participants in the situation.

Metaphorical - such images, which, as the name implies, contain a metaphor, fiction, grotesque, allegory, etc.

In addition to counting the images of the above classification, the following indicators are also entered in the table: the number of images of a person or parts of the human body, images of animals, plants; the number of reproduced words and phrases is counted - correctly and erroneously. Thus, the table has the following columns:

Based on the analysis of the table data, three groups are distinguished:

The first group - persons with high memory productivity, who were able to fully and without errors reproduce the material offered for memorization.

The second is that the faces reproduce the presented material in full, but with distortion.

Third - persons who reproduce the material incompletely, with significant distortions

Based on the analysis of the execution of drawings, the following groups are distinguished by the type of images used:

Group A - conditionally called "thinkers" - it includes persons who, when performing pictograms, use mainly abstract and sign-symbolic forms.

Group B - "realists" - this group includes individuals who are dominated by specific images.

Group C - "artists" - this includes persons who are dominated by plot and metaphorical6 images.

Studying the amount of logical and mechanical memory

Can be used both individually and in a group.

Instruction: "Now I will read a series of words that you must remember, these words form part of the sentences, the second parts of which will be read a little later." The psychologist reads the words of the 1st row at 5-second intervals. After a ten second break, read out the words of the second row with an interval of 10 seconds. The student writes down sentences made up of the words of the first and second rows.

Results processing:

  • A) the number of correctly memorized words in the sentences;
  • B) the number of words used in sentences from both rows and entered by the subject himself.

The development coefficient of logical memory is a fraction, where the numerator is the number of words included in the subject's logical sentences, the denominator is the total number of words of the first and second rows.

The coefficient of the relative development of mechanical memory is a fractional number: the numerator is the number of separately reproduced words, the denominator is the total number of words of the first and second rows.

Material: two rows of words and sentences made up of these words

First row Second row

Sunrise Drum

A bee sat on a flower

Dirt is the best vacation

Cowardice fire

Happened at the factory hung on the wall

Ancient city in the mountains

Bad quality in the room

Sleep very hot

Moscow boy

Metals iron and gold

Our country is the cause of the disease

Brought the book to the advanced state


The drum hung on the wall.

Dirt is the cause of disease.

The room is very hot.

Moscow is an ancient city.

Our country is an advanced state.

The bee sat on the flower.

Cowardice is a disgusting quality.

There was a fire in the factory.

The best rest is sleep.

Iron and gold are metals.

The boy brought a book.

Sunrise in the mountains
