Clothes for thin men: how to create a stylish look. About skinny guys ()

It’s not that I hate them, they just won’t arouse any interest in me, absolutely like empty space....what could be attractive about a skinny guy’s chicken carcass? I really don’t like fat people either...everything should be in moderation. ..HOW picky I am! :-)

Kashtanka, 09/11/02
A skinny guy is just anti-sexual. It's disgusting, it makes me cringe. And if this dystrophic person is also a metalhead, then this is generally...brrr, I have a couple of friends like that, in leather jackets they look like a worm in a polo shirt. No, the guy must have a heavy build (but not pumped up), otherwise I won’t even look in his direction.

Zyuzik, 09/11/02
A man, growing up, must acquire some stigmas: a paunch, gray hair, a bald head, a beard (well, not all together, of course :)) And a skinny man doesn’t look serious :(

Morinhal, 25/11/03
about girls, not about guys, what a disgrace - discrimination. Now it will be about guys. So, it just horrifies me when in the summer on the beach I see these stooped, skinny, worm-like creatures... they have bones sticking out everywhere, they are always somehow awkward... horror, in short. skinny *namely skinny, not slender androgynous* guy - this is the most terrible sight in the world :)

Liberty, 18/12/03
I'm disgusted. The exact definition is that I don’t notice any signs of gender at all. Are these these suffocating assholes with the figure of an 11-year-old boy? The most disgusting sight. A young man should be, if not a jock, then at least have a hint of muscles, broad shoulders, not massiveness, but slimness. Youthful, half-formed grace, and not complete absence, in general... Sexless figures (the kind perverts love). Do push-ups quickly!!!

Vampire_hunter_Leila, 18/12/03
What's good about them is that they're dead, and if he needs to save the girl, he'll miss with his fist and he'll already be tired. The best thing is that they are slim and athletic! Fat guys are also a nightmare!

Morinhal, 18/12/03
heh, it turns out there is such a topic :) *otherwise everyone was discussing girls...* so, I can’t imagine a scarier sight than a skinny guy. it’s terrible when a man’s bones stick out, and if very skinny girls They can also be beautiful - when they are thin and miniature... then the guys - uh... it’s better if they’re fat.

SOMEL, 18/12/03
Well, what kind of guy is this if the wind blows him away, you can grab his biceps with two fingers, his shoulders are narrower than his head, and his pants are hanging in the place where his butt should be??? A man must be, must be STRONG and STRONG, otherwise he is not a man but something of a neuter kind. A little extra fat is better than not enough! The ideal for me is above 180, strong build (not a jock!), proportional figure, a face marked by intelligence, and there must BE A BUTT!

MacroN, 19/12/03
The guy should have a fit, athletic figure! A jock is not necessarily wider than a closet - but also not with shoulders as wide as his ass. Otherwise, this is not a guy, but, excuse me, an effeminate faggot. Such people disgrace all men with their mere existence... let nature not gift you with a huge shoulder girdle and thick biceps, but you must be able to do 70 push-ups from the floor and you don’t have the right to have a hand that, like a girl, you can grasp with two fingers!

Quiet imp, 19/12/03
They walk around as thin as sticks - it’s disgusting to look at, as if they came out after a worldwide famine, or they were kept somewhere without food for five years. Well, guys, can't you be a little more plump? Isn’t it possible to at least give yourself a little meat or, at worst, pump up some muscles? For me it’s just a disgusting sight when I see a skinny guy on the street... and when I’m on the beach, it makes me really sick... this is not a sight for the faint of heart, don’t you understand this yourself?... It’s terrible

Dess, 04/12/04
No, you just don't understand. Don’t be a “fixated”, narcissistic jock, a suffering exhibitionist at every opportunity... :) Let’s just say Vallo from Him is 180 tall and weighs as much as 66 kg. You just can’t imagine how dystrophic a 55 kg person will be with a height of 180. I knew one guy, he was 180 and 60kg. In my opinion, this is asexual. :-/ In general, the most. a big problem the fact that everyone is fixated on appearance and does not notice the inner harmony of a person. Just stereotypes. So you accuse the jocks of being all with “small households”, obsessed with their appearance, “with excess fat”. The belly is like a woman’s, the chest is sunken and arms are like matchsticks. Don't speak for all girls. There are 2.5 of you on LoveHeight, and there are 3 billion representatives of the weaker half in the world. The fact is that girls love athletic (not fat) guys. Although I personally put the inner content of people first. I am not a limited person at all. You can simply combine intelligence with physical development.

CSKA_Hool, 07/12/04
Bo rickets. Our hall is constantly filled with people like this, before summer, and by dates - New Year there, vacation... Lord, well, these are not the children of the starving Volga region and, judging by latest models mobile phones - not from the poor. But, damn it, it’s as if they’ve been kept on bread and water all their lives. The arms are twigs, the legs are like spider legs, in short, dystrophans. Yes, and, a man with a height of 180 should weigh not 60 (it will be carried away by the wind), but 90 kg. But not fat, but muscle, I was fat myself, that’s also disgusting. In short, you need to have a harmoniously developed body, so go to the gym, everyone to the gym. The barbell will cure everyone. Dixi.

Innervate, 07/12/04
Mmmmm, what can we say about such men - basically this is a super inflated EGO, due to compensation in other places - that's all you need to know about them! Although, of course, it should be noted that there are some pleasant exceptions, oh, but they are so rare...

Dess, 07/12/04
I have some advantage: I went through all 3 conditions that you name. Until I was 14 years old, I was fat (at the age of 10, with a height of 150 cm, I weighed 59 kg), then dystrophan (at the age of 14, with a height of 180 cm, I weighed 64 kg), and now, after 1.5 years in the gym, I weigh 95 kg with a height of 190 cm. (I weighed 75kg a year and a half ago). I don't know how. I’m even surprised that there are so many people in such a topic in the right column. But it’s more pleasant for me to be athletic, broad-shouldered, without a hanging belly, and with normal arms. Somehow more confident. :-/

Dess, 07/12/04
By the way, about these diets: “don’t eat anything.” Damn, this is very unhealthy. I know it from myself. I lost 11 kg in 2 months, I didn’t spend time in the hospital, but nevertheless there was some weakness after that. In everything you need to know when to stop. And some people spend their whole lives on diets, and in their dreams they dream that they are thin. How this world has distorted people's lives, in which those who deviate from the standards feel inferior. In the store's complaint book it was written: "Couldn't find small size shoes p.s.: not all men with small feet have the appropriate economy." I’m not kidding, that’s how it was written. Just STEREOTYPES.

They live longer. They have better health. They are more beautiful. I'm like that myself. I got this from my mother and her relatives. Among the singers, the guys are thin and the girls love them very much. But among the fat ones there are a lot of drivers and loaders whom no one likes. And being overweight is a sign that a person is addicted to food and does not have the willpower to stop. Ideal weight for guys - 60-70 kg. Almost all talented and brilliant guys are thin. Skinny guys kinder and smarter. And fat guys with muscles have no brains. By the way, I read on the Internet that girls like skinny guys (not pimples or anorexics), but only like jocks and fat guys a large number of girls, and even those who are fat or athletes. But people who judge guys by weight are nonhumans, monsters and barbarians. By the way, girls don’t pay as much attention to appearance, unlike guys. Mon, 10 Aug 2015 00:05:58 +0300
I hate skinny guys
I don't hate them because... himself is thin, but the fact is that women choose guys with a body, plump or with muscles, and ideally a combination of thick thighs and butts with pumped up arms and a wide back. But nevertheless, there are examples when thin people were successful. For example, Guillermo Rigondeaux, a Cuban boxer with the greatest achievements in the sport. his height is 162 cm and his weight is only 55 kg. But at the same time, he has pure muscles and he looks very athletic. Another thing is that a sick guy like me with a weight of 54-56 kg and a height of 176 cm is unlikely to be liked by anyone. Sick guys, we can only dream about women. Even a prostitute won’t give me money, I look so miserable with my thinness Sun, 02 Aug 2015 13:11:37 +0300
I love skinny guys
Oh, I love boys and men like this, I don’t like chubby ones. Guys like this always attract my eye, I find them very sexy, skinny handsome men, any clothes look great on them, and it’s easier to feed))))))) Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:07:43 +0300
I love skinny guys
I love skinny guys. Perhaps even skinny ones, but not always. I love it when a guy is naturally thin and doesn’t go on any diets or starve. Nothing superfluous, no fat hanging anywhere, tattoos look great. In general, everything is fine *o* By the way, in terms of skinny guys, my ideal is David Bowie in the film “The Man Who Fell to Earth.” Sun, 07 Jun 2015 17:45:26 +0300
I love skinny guys
I've always been attracted to skinny guys. I can’t consider pumped up and overweight people as a potential partner. It's really exciting. Especially when you can see the bones on your chest. Sat, 02 May 2015 19:59:34 +0300
I love skinny guys
What can I do, I have some kind of pathological attraction to them, especially even to skinny and pale ones, maybe it comes from the fact that I myself am quite thin... But in general, thin guys, especially if they have good manners and not stupid - especially good. Thu, 09 Apr 2015 21:56:53 +0300
I hate skinny guys
I believe that a man, first of all, should be a man, and not a barbell. Of course, you don’t need to be a wild boar over 100 kg either, but even for that it will be easier to lose weight than to gain weight. In addition, pimples are weaker, based on my observations. They are insecure about everything. I have a friend who the look is dense, and walks around hugging 2 beautiful and slender girls, and is always positive. And there is a friend of the drab Andryukha, who can’t go out anywhere alone, constantly worries about what they will think of him and sits...thinking at home alone. He tells everyone that he likes it, that he doesn’t like people. This is at 21 years old! The jocks are also cool guys. I remember going to the gym once, it was tight, the guys helped, suggested that yes how and motivation what a feeling when you are with such people in the gym every training session! So, respect to you guys. Yes, and it’s better when a friend who will cover your back than one who stands on the sidelines will run away or get punched in the nose and go to sleep. Although I don’t hate pimples, they are all sick guys who are unlucky (except for South Africa and similar countries). Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:45:41 +0300
I love skinny guys
who cares what height or weight a guy is... the main thing is that he is a man in his head. It has long been proven that, unlike guys who are sexually attracted to girls, appearance is what is important for girls in this matter. inner side. I analyzed this myself and realized own experience, that for arousal it is much more important to me what kind of man he is, not on the outside... well, I will never want a guy just because of his beautiful pumped up body. Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:30:23 +0300
I love skinny guys
I love skinny guys so-called. "chicken build", with thin, thin arms and legs and a cute face. But I don’t like pumped-up big guys or (gods forbid!) fat ones. Big guys make me sick. And to those who write something like: “People like that can’t protect their girlfriend,” I can say one thing. The girl herself must always protect herself; shifting everything to the guy is stupid and selfish. And if I had a boyfriend, gopniks would pester us and the guy would rush to defend me, then in no case would I wait on the sidelines for the outcome, but would defend myself. After all, this is my boyfriend, not a bodyguard. P.S. I'm a skinny girl myself. True, strong. Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:22:51 +0300
I hate skinny guys
Thinness is far from a criterion male beauty. A man must be strong and reliable, a real man. And if he is skinny, thin-boned, weighs 35 kg, then why is he needed. Should you carry it in your arms? But I really like moderately slender men (and normal average height, not giants or dwarfs). Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:21:18 +0300
I love skinny guys
And now I’m 26, I’ve lost weight to my normal 72 kilos (for an asthenic person, my wrist is 16 cm), and although it doesn’t look as great as at 82, it’s still better than 97... So, guys, no rush from one extreme to another, unhealthy fanaticism is bad. Measures are needed everywhere golden mean, ideal after all. Strive for it, everyone has their own. Being too thin is bad - they have specific diseases; being too fat is even more so. Everything is good in moderation. And most importantly health. Those who have everything normal, including the fat layer, will be fine. Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:20:02 +0300
I love skinny guys
Then I went crazy, in pursuit of the scale, I added a bunch of fast carbohydrates to my diet, and finally, the idiot’s dream came true - my weight was 82 kilos with a small layer of fat. But even this was not enough for me. As a result, I became absolutely fat, with pieces of fat and saggy tits, a 97-kilogram man, and this at 23 years old. I was told that this is no longer muscle mass, and fat, but I didn’t care, I’m now powerful, as I thought. But once I looked at my photo shoot on the beach, so to speak, I was horrified... I began to urgently lose weight, my immunity dropped, I gained some chronic diseases and even abandoned the hall. Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:17:19 +0300
I love skinny guys
Guys and girls! Almost every one of you writes in the column to which he personally identifies! I have been in the shoes of both a fat man and a skeleton. In my first year, with a height of 181 cm, I had a formidable 63 kilos of almost live weight! At the same time, he was athletic and played football. Then I went to the gym, worked out for a couple of months, but without a competent approach to nutrition I got nothing but joint pain. Then I met a powerlifter and began training under his guidance, quit smoking and balanced my diet to a minimum. After 3 months, with a weight of already 67 kilos, I squeeze 105 kg using clean equipment. Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:23:04 +0300
I love skinny guys
I love it, but only if such guys have broad shoulders and high growth, then it’s really beautiful, sexy and courageous. If the boy narrow hips and narrow shoulders are ugly and unattractive, in this case you will really look like a downtrodden scumbag, this also applies to guys with narrow shoulders and fat asses (you know, there are those guys whose asses are like plump apples), this type of guy generally makes me sick, I won’t even talk about jock broiler chickens. Actually, the result is this: when correct proportions A man's thinness is an attractive thing. Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:11:54 +0300
I love skinny guys
I’m thin myself) My height is 180 cm and my weight is about 50-55 kg. I’ve always been like this and will always be. There’s nothing that can help me, not a rocking chair, not asteroids, etc., it’s better to be thin. Of course, all girls love jocks, and there are probably such who love skinny people, I myself love skinny people, I can’t stand pumped-up girls or I love athletes ordinary girls not tall......... Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:04:44 +0300
I hate skinny guys
Being skinny isn't very good. Especially if you are tall, in general. Shopping for clothes turns into horror. Instead of quickly buying what you like, you have to spend hours circling markets and trading floors, trying to find at least something that will sit more or less tolerably. Shirts/T-shirts/sweaters are either too small or hang loose. Pants that are the right length can fit two people like me in the waistband. Not cool at all. Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:37:57 +0400
I love skinny guys
Guys! Wake up! My height is 186 and my weight is 65! Do you think I have any complexes? to some extent, yes.. but in fact, the problem is not your weight!) but the fact that you have already convinced yourself of this!) A skinny guy has a lot of advantages!) Give it up)) Open your eyes!) You can achieve anything! you just have to want... put yourself in the place of fat guys or jocks? Why is there pride in this?) Many people believe that jocks have an advantage in fights! where? in what? is it that after 5 minutes they will run out of steam?) or the fact that a skinny guy can order a series of blows around him) I have many friends who are ardent fans of iron) but they were so afraid of skinny guys that they are afraid) they know that they will rake him and that’s good) The question is in terms of girls) A well-dressed, polite guy will never be left without the attention of a girl! Believe me) and many girls understand one more fact!) thin people are better in bed;) Don’t get carried away with this topic) it’s all up to you, you build your own happiness !)Smooth roads everyone!) Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:40:25 +0400
I hate skinny guys
195 height / 67 kg weight / 25 years old / and this is me / I just hate myself!!! I hate skinny people!!! A man must at least be well-fed. I can’t be friends with sports yet (I had heart surgery... The gym is cancelled(I eat a lot(I tried to keep a schedule like in the army(nothing helps(and when I eat a lot of meat, I start to sweat in my sleep (metabolism) thereby the body) does not allow you to gain even 100 grams of weight. Many here write that they are skinny. neuter gender etc. I have lived with this complex all my life, or rather I try to live out my life. I’ve never had any problems with girls, my appearance and other characteristic qualities probably save me) the whole problem is that I’ll probably hate myself all my life... I don’t even know what to do... Thank you for your attention!!! Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:34:42 +0400
I love skinny guys
I don't like dicks too much. It looks painful and such a guy looks like a child. I prefer guys with an athletic build, moderately pumped up, so, of course, not outrageously bloated with muscles, but in moderation. A guy 180 tall and weighing 90 kilograms is a guy of the most class. Looks great and healthy. But I don’t like fat people either, but I don’t blame them either. In this life, I don’t condemn much at all, I’m a calm and balanced person and I don’t care about other people’s aggression, especially since negativity is bad for health.
I love skinny guys
Boy. 22 years old. Height 174. Weight 48. It takes me a long time to choose clothes, but you can easily find them according to your figure. I’m not making complexes)) but I’m working on myself, developing a core. No, not a sport)) I don’t think about swinging. I accept my body as it is. Be restrained, tactful, sophisticated, know that you are worth something, have your own opinion on any matter. And then any configuration will only be an addition to your PERSONALITY! It's not the body that matters, it's how you use it

If you have to desperately fight overweight, then you probably have friends or acquaintances who in this sense cause envy. These lucky people are endowed with organisms capable of processing kilograms of fatty meat, cakes, white bread, and this does not affect their waistlines. However, as practice shows, a thin person is not always a healthy person.

Why are people thin or fat?

Each person is an individual. Each person's metabolism is individual. This is determined by genetic factors, hereditary characteristics of possible physiological reactions in the body. Some manage to gain weight immediately as soon as the diet loses its previous balance, while others are able to eat instant noodles for years and not gain a single gram of weight. This circumstance contributes to the fact that thin people mistakenly believe that they are lucky, since they have no inclination to education overweight bodies. But to think so is a big mistake.

The heart may suffer

Usually, in people who are thin by nature, blood vessels suffer. Skinny person is not afraid of gaining weight, and usually pays little attention to what he eats. A person eats extremely high-calorie foods, which contain large amounts of saturated animal fats and bad cholesterol. Such a diet can lead any body to disturbances in the ratio of fats in the blood. The vessels are gradually affected due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in them. Little by little, an outwardly absolutely healthy, thin person with normal index in body weight is able to bring himself to the same diseases that his peers who have overweight. First of all, the vessels of the heart are affected, coronary heart disease matures, and myocardial infarction occurs.

In people with normal metabolism, as practice shows, most often the diet is poor and lacks variety. This is due to the fact that, due to objective necessity, they do not have to expand the boundaries of their usual diet at the expense of dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables in order to limit the consumption of other dishes due to these products.

A lack of dietary fiber gradually and inevitably leads to disruption of the gastric function. intestinal tract. This can result in more than just diarrhea or constipation. The body is forcibly deprived of not only its own digestive bacteria, but also a significant portion of vitamins, vitamin complexes group B. Ordinary constipation associated with fiber deficiency can become chronic. The pathogenic process ends in organic intestinal pathology, and to cure it sometimes it is necessary to resort to hospitalization. And the worst result of a lack of fiber is possible intestinal cancer in all those who neglect fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet.

Thinness in my understanding is leanness. My personal opinion is that people with this body type, the so-called “hard gainers,” are usually very good people(again, my opinion, although I have seen thin ones among non-hardgainers, but they cause slight irritation due to stooping and protruding bones without muscles). I’m 179, 62, I’ve never worked out much, girls like me, not least because of my slender figure (but they advise me to rock). So, thinness, in the sense of leanness - bare muscles, without an ounce of fat - is cool. But atrophied muscles are bad.

24/09/12, cocolatte
I love such handsome men very much! Only in moderation, of course, and if they are also tall)

29/09/12, zistebA
I would like to do a lot to become thin. In my opinion, I would only look better. Although I am far from being that fat, and, moreover, not short, I still would like to become even thinner. Unfortunately, now many people have recovered, and it is difficult to move away from the delicious food.

29/09/12, zistebA
By the way, I already had this happen once: I was crossing the road and got hit by a car. The blow was very strong, and I was lucky that I was not actually hurt. But after that I was under a lot of stress, and during that period my appetite worsened, and I lost 10-11 kg. But then I dialed it again. :((

29/09/12, Reactor13
I'm skinny, so what? Thanks to the light weight, it’s easier for me to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, I have more endurance, I run fast, and I sweat less. Well, I can also climb everywhere; it’s easier for me, for example, to climb onto the roof. Well, there are several more advantages. The main thing is to run and do pull-ups, and generally play sports. And then everything will be fine.

29/09/12, Dementors
It seems to me that it is better to be thin than fat. No matter how fast you run, you perform normally physical exercise. I myself am 173 cm tall and weigh 53 kg, but I do pull-ups, push-ups, and pump my abs normally. That is, a thin-athletic physique)

01/10/12, nikvrn
skinny is without excess weight man, a man just needs to play sports.

08/10/12, Huper
I’m 23, I’m a skinny physique, I went in for sports but the results were small, so what am I doing anyway! If there are money, then everyone who writes about such guys on the right is forgotten in an instant. 173/56 - crappy, but my shoulders are not wide, so I’m wiry, not a single girl complained about my chest, but my legs need to be pumped up. Moreover, if in Beha’s garage from Germany the 5ka is new and stable high income then not a single woman will refuse, that’s why I hate them, they talk nonsense about ideal tall and muscular men, and in the end they give up like sluts for an unfortunate iPhone. So forget about it female gaze and get busy better deal than sports, but with material well-being the weight will already increase. Think about your future, why you will buy bread for your family, this is why women love men and not for their abs.

17/10/12, Italian Hardstyle Classics
Fuck, this Oleg excites me so much, fuck!! Especially when he smokes. Damn, he's so skinny, it turns me on terribly!! I really want sex with him. I just can’t, what should I do?! This Seryozha is already infuriating me, and at the same time I even feel sorry for him. He just really loves me. And he's fucked up!! He constantly says how much he loves me and all that, bunny, bunny, ugh! These flowers are infuriating, they give me almost every day. How to get rid of him, huh?? Well, I think we’ll get drunk on the weekend at my friend’s house, Oleg will be there, well, maybe we’ll have sex there if we’re drunk. And skinny guys are finally sexy, I can’t take my eyes off them!! Not like these jocks

18/10/12, misan342
why should I hate them, if I’m one of them?) die-hard fans of a healthy lifestyle can endlessly talk about the beauty of a muscular body, about “chicks only give to jocks” and other nonsense, I’ve always respected thinness, although sports are still desirable, wiry is definitely a minus will not be)

20/10/12, Chirurg
Well, yes, "chicks" are given only to jocks. A normal girls they look at the person himself, and not at his “cubes” with “bitsukha”. Otherwise, he may be skinny, but he has so much spirit that he would trample any unafraid jock into the ground for her.

20/10/12, tiara second coming
It doesn’t matter, as long as the wallet is thick. and even thin ones dance pleasantly with bones.

03/11/12, Eyjafjallajokull
I'm also a skinny guy and a virgin at 26 years old. Get yourself hurt, man. I like skinny girls, but they don't like me. Just great.

06/11/12, Vallerie
I love skinny ones! I don’t just love them, they blow my mind! I am attracted exclusively to fragile boys with pretty faces. + femininity!! as much femininity as possible!! to look at this beautiful creature and wonder if it’s a girl or a boy)))

06/11/12, Dima19
And yet, yes, it is better to be thin than fat. Every fat person secretly dreams of becoming thin, but no thin person wants to be fat!!! Even so, between the two extremes, being thin is much better - it’s aesthetically pleasing, the disadvantages of being fat can be described for a very long time - it’s not agility and a greater susceptibility to diseases (especially heart attacks). Besides!!! if you are fat, your chances of finding a soul mate/lover are greatly reduced, which very little can be said about thin people. Skinny people excite a lot of people, but fat people - almost no one, in general there are continuous disadvantages from excess fat, I would rather be thin as a worm than fat... And if there was a choice between thinness and average weight, I would choose still thin. I’m thin myself (not very thin, but in moderation) and I’m very happy about it)))

06/11/12, Otar
Skinny doesn't mean dead :) I'm with early childhood I do martial arts and cannot boast of a massive figure, I can only say that I have a lean figure, broad shoulders, and it is not necessary to slouch and wear shapeless clothes) I wear only those that emphasize my advantages and hide this “thinness” where it is necessary)) if I look dead in clothes, but no one will say this on the beach) appearances are deceiving, aren’t they? Girls especially love to judge skinny guys, but as soon as you take off your T-shirt, that’s it: their mouths water and their eyes light up with an infuriating sparkle. I also don’t like it when people slouch, I constantly keep my posture (several times they thought about me that I was from noble society), I’m 188 tall, thin, and what is the popular name for people like that? Drish?) yes, yes, drisch) and it doesn’t matter what a person looks like, the main thing is what he is like inside :)

06/11/12, Dobrozhevatel
It is certainly more convenient and practical to be thin than to be fat, but ultimately, the whole person is assessed as a whole. There are people who are thin, but apart from this, they have no other advantages.

06/11/12, Otar
And also for girls who say: “eat more” or “work out”, believe me, this is stupid on your part) we have a completely different metabolism, muscles grow slower than those of big guys. Ours is increasing physical strength, but not volume. To pump up, you have to EAT, excuse me, supplements and sit down very strict regime workouts and diets. 99% of people will no longer have such a desire after a month of living like this :) I lived like this for two years (without using supplements), gained weight from 60 to 78, but I don’t want to kill myself like this anymore

06/11/12, Quite quirky
Skinny boys smell delicious. You look at this and want to eat it! They are so cute, especially the ones with the pretty faces. Well, how can you not love them?

06/11/12, KarinkO
I love it...What, do you want fat ones? Well-fed - some kind of horror. They get sick more often with all sorts of diseases.... in general, I’m still for the thin, and only for the thin, because I’m like that myself...

06/11/12, Velvet
Having looked through my life, I realized that I love (now)) and loved (before). I just don't like fat guys. When you can see little from behind your belly)) and also have fat butts... ugh! Fatness suits girls, but not men. and skinny guys always look young)))

07/11/12, Frostbyte
Girls who hate skinny guys are probably like cows themselves!!!

08/11/12, Green Fog
I myself am thin, with a height of 184-185 cm, weight about 70 kg. Maybe it's because I smoke weed, maybe it's not. But my thinness doesn’t bother me at all.

08/11/12, djonys
I am thin, height 174, weight 52-55 depending on how I eat. I think thin people are better than fat ones, because a thin person can gain weight, but it’s hard for a fat person to lose weight. I'd like to meet a girl, by the way, here's my page

11/11/12, Superman of Supermen
Being thin is 100 times better than being a fat, clumsy lump; people from the red column are probably overweight))

16/12/12, zyboskal
In his youth, he knew a boxer whose last name was Uritsky, he performed masters, he boxed at the Ukrainian championship, he had a problem finding an opponent, he boxed with ten-year-old boys. As a joke, they put a KRAZ tire on his back, he almost died, but he was a master.

25/12/12, Marincale
A real man should weigh no more than 60 kilograms! Well, of course, you say, it’s not a matter of weight, you can love both a fat man and a jock, if only he were a good person! And yet, it’s cool to approach a skinny guy from behind, hug him, give him a back massage, wrap him in a blanket, give him some lime tea... And in bed he’ll show you such class! Skinny guys look so touching and defenseless, but in sex they are incredibly lively!
