Gas conspiracy. Quick treatment with conspiracies and prayers for abdominal pain

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A conspiracy that helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (poruhi)

From a letter:

"Thank you for your work. Tell me, please, a conspiracy for diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

Draw a circle with charcoal and lift your hand from the bed of the patient. For the first time, read the following plot, bringing the patient to a circle, the second time - leading in a circle, and the third time - putting him in a circle. Then the patient must erase this circle himself. The spoken words are:

Do not crush the Holy See,
The glory of Christ will not fail,
Do not spoil the servant of God (name).
Stand up lightly
Go quietly
You - the road, the ruin - the side.

How to speak polyps

From a letter:

“My mother has polyps in her intestines, however, while they do not bother her, but I know that treatment cannot be delayed. Is there any way to get rid of them, please?

This is an amazing, one might even say, priceless conspiracy. You can't even imagine the relief the patient feels after reading it. I have been doing magic for so many years, I know enough about both white and black magic, I have seen so much, but still I never tire of being surprised at the power of this conspiracy. And of course, rejoice for those patients whom he helped.

People who recover with difficulty and go to the toilet with blood, after treatment, forget that they once had this ailment.

Ask seven different houses (apartments) for water and pour it into one jar (half a liter). Then read over this water three times in a row a special conspiracy and give it to the patient to drink. The patient should wash the anus with the rest of the water. The spoken words are as follows:

The demonic blood ran
Human blood was shed.
Calm down and heal according to the word of Christ,
According to His deeds, according to the holy bodies.
Through the suffering of Christ,
Through the Cross and the crown of thorns,
Through Ivan the Baptist
Panteleimon the Healer help,
Forty saints, servant of God (name). Amen.

Another conspiracy from polyps

From a letter:

“My old grandmother suffers from intestinal polyps. (This, one might say, is her main disease, which brings her the greatest torment.) Because of this, she cannot go to the toilet normally, her stomach hurts all the time. She eats almost nothing - she is afraid. So, peck like a bird, and that's it. She haggard, lost weight, but stoically endures all adversity. I feel sorry for her. Of course, I understand that all sorts of sores appear with age, but still I can’t calmly look at how a loved one suffers. ”

The conspiracy that I will now teach you is considered one of the most powerful in the treatment of intestinal polyps. It sounds like this:

How Christ's Wound Has Overgrown
And left no trace
So are you, disease,
Fall away without a trace from the servant of God (name).
Come down to the dead field
On gray moss, on dry stump
From this day, from this hour,
From this moment, from my order.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from intestinal colic

From a letter:

“Help, please, I beg you! For two years now, I have had severe pain in my stomach in the navel. I did an ultrasound and everything was fine. I went to the gynecologist. He told me that I have an easily cured cyst. Was at the gastroenterologist - the diagnosis "gastritis". I went to the surgeon, he did not find anything at all. All this time, my pain did not stop, and they were so strong that only novocaine helped. Doctors concluded that it was the intestines that hurt. I drank a course of pills - all in vain. Tell me what to do. I was even forced to quit my studies because of this, since the pains are very strong and it is absolutely impossible to sit at lectures. Over time, I also developed fear: I’m afraid to go out into the street - what if I catch it ?!”

Put your left hand on your stomach and, baptized with your right hand, read the following plot:

If the hedgehog, if the belly of the wolf,
If the old gelding is at the withers,
And the servant of God (name) will get up and go,
And she doesn't sting anywhere. Amen.

What to do if the stomach swells

From a letter:

“Please tell me a conspiracy with which you can improve the work of the intestines, otherwise my stomach swells all the time. At the same time, my stomach boils, and this feeling is very unpleasant. ”

Look out the window or window exactly at midnight and, crossing yourself three times, say:

How can I not count all the stars in the sky,
So my intestines will not growl from now on.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

constipation treatment

From a letter:

“Thank you for your attention, understanding and kindness! God bless you! Tell me, please, how can I cure the intestines: I have been suffering from constipation since childhood. I have already tried everything: both herbs and pills ... But the improvements are only temporary. I am a young girl, and due to problems with the intestines, I have problems with the skin. Yes, and many other health problems. Please help, and be sure to print the answer in your book! A lot of people underestimate or dismiss this problem, and it's very serious."

Take the burdock burdock (roll the burdock into a ball about the size of a baby's fist) and pour 1 cup boiling water over it. Insist for 2 hours, and then cross the infusion and say these words over it:

I will open what is closed. Amen.

After that, drink the infusion.

Conspiracy from constipation

From a letter:

“I have such a delicate problem, it’s just uncomfortable to even write.

The thing is, I suffer from constipation. Natalya Ivanovna, please tell me how I can help ... "

As soon as you see someone's stool on the ground, immediately spit and say:

How did you recover
So I can easily do it.

Conspiracy from flatulence

From a letter:

“Please advise how you can cope with flatulence.

Since childhood, I have suffered from this disease, and if I am nervous, then the disease intensifies, often manifests itself in public, for example, when I am on a train or bus or I am in a team at work. You feel very embarrassed at the same time: you are ashamed in front of people and you can’t do anything about it. ”

Pour water over the icon, which then needs to be collected in a glass. After that, read a special plot over water and drink it. Then, with your little finger, collect the remnants of the charmed water from the bottom of the glass and draw a cross on your forehead. The spoken words are:

Mother of God washed
Dressed in a veil
Glory married.
Who will drink water from Her face,
He will never die of corruption.
How the body did not hurt, did not ache,
In the intestines it didn’t itch, it didn’t itch,
So it will be with my case.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Prayers read for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

From a letter:

“My health is very bad. I have suffered from a duodenal ulcer since the age of nineteen. Previously, after a course of treatment, the disease receded, but now no medicines have helped for six months. Any food, even oatmeal, causes heartburn and pain, and now also weakness in the hands. But I'm a musician, and it really interferes with my work. Maybe you can tell me what to do to alleviate my condition.

For any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they pray to the holy great martyr Artemy, who helps in the healing of such ailments. Belief in such abilities of the saint is connected with the fact that, according to church traditions, the pagans tortured Artemy and eventually crushed him with a heavy stone. A huge stone crushed the saint, and his entrails fell to the ground. After that, the Lord vouchsafed Saint Artemy to hear the prayers of the sick and help them. The words of the prayer are:

Holy Martyr Artemius! Look from the heavenly chamber to those who require your help and do not reject our petitions, but, as our eternal benefactor and intercessor, pray to Christ God, that he is philanthropic and merciful, save us from every fierce situation: from coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion foreigners and internecine strife. May he not condemn us sinners according to our iniquities, and may we not turn the good that is given to us from the All-Generous God into evil, but to the glory of His holy name and to the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us a world of thoughts, abstinence from pernicious passions and from all kinds of filth, and may He strengthen His One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church throughout the world, and has already acquired His honest Blood. Pray diligently, holy martyr, may Christ God bless the state, may it establish in His holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of the right faith and piety, that all its members, pure from superstition and superstition, worship Him in spirit and truth and diligently bake for the observance of His commandments, may we all live in peace and godliness in the present world and achieve blessed eternal life in Heaven, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and power are due with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers are also addressed to Saint Theodore the Studite, who during his lifetime suffered from ulcers, but, despite a serious illness, did not interrupt his prayers and fasts. The prayer goes like this:

Oh, Saint Theodore, confessor of Orthodoxy, zealot of the Law of God, mentor of the right faith, help us and look upon us, with faith and zeal, resorting to you! From the kings of iconoclasts, for the veneration of holy icons, you suffered chains, exile, imprisonment, reverend, and many grave wounds and cruel blows, from which you received an unbearable disease. The great and venerable Theodora, endured to the end in sorrow, and to us, overwhelmed by the misfortunes and anxieties of life, give strength of soul and body to fight troubles and to overcome the passions and machinations of the enemy. Pray for us the Merciful Lord, the faithful servant of God Theodora, may He deliver us from bitterness and coldness of heart and grant us meekness, without anger, gentleness, humility and love. Seeing Your help, we will glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we will thank you, our benefactor, reverently honoring your memory. Oh, all-glorious, reverend Theodora, who filled and rejoiced the Church of God with his teachings and songs, and enlighten us, blinded by the mind from the temptations and vanity of this world, with the knowledge of the truth and deliver us from delusions and doubts, so as not to be conformed to this age. Oh, saint of Christ Theodora, who received from God the grace of healing the sick, and especially those suffering from the stomach, heal us who are obsessed with various ailments and heal those who are sick with the stomach and give us health, vigor and peace of mind. Do not reject us who flow to you, but intercede and help us. Intercede for us before our Savior, heed our prayers and fulfill our petitions, but we are strengthened by you, in labors and good deeds we will complete the course of our life and be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. May we praise and glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together with you with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to cure hemorrhoids

From a letter:

“I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for four years now: constant pain, especially after I go to the toilet. Sometimes you just want to howl. Doctors are of little use, and no medicines help me. Maybe you can give me some advice about this misfortune.

You will forget once and for all that you once had hemorrhoids if you use the following plot. They read it over water, which then must be drunk for nine days in a row. The spoken words are:

God was born on Christmas night
At midnight.
God is dead, God is risen
God commanded the bleeding to stop
To close the wound
For the pain to go
And so that she does not turn into pus,
Not in the smell, not in the rotting body,
Like the five plagues of Jesus Christ.
Christ was born, died and rose again. Amen.

Another conspiracy from hemorrhoids

From a letter:

“Help, please, speak hemorrhoids. My friend is in a lot of pain, she bleeds all the time.”

Painful radish, prickly radish,
Loose radish, interior radish,
Wind radish, perish, perish,
Do not walk on the servant of God (name). Amen.

Getting rid of cystitis

From a letter:

"Sorry for disturbing you. I know that you have helped and are helping so many people, that's why I decided to write to you. I am twenty-nine years old, and for three years now I have been suffering from interstitial cystitis. There is no infection, no treatment helps. As a result of my illness, my periods are very scanty. Now I am looking for a job, but I can’t get a job anywhere because of this misfortune: who will endure my constant absences? And I really want to have a baby. With all my heart I ask for help! I don’t even know how to live on, I don’t have the strength to fight anymore. Help me please".

My grandmother used to advise patients with cystitis to take a bath with chamomile at night. It is also very good to use an infusion of dill seeds, drink milk in which almonds were boiled, and tea from lilac flowers. You can drink tea without restriction, of course, if you have no contraindications and you tolerate milk. Usually noticeable relief occurs within two days.

How to chastise "wild meat"

On a moonless night, take a piece of raw meat and, placing it to the left of the patient, read the following plot:

There is a hut in the wild forest,
At the hut there is a door, at the door lies a beast.
The beast does not rush, it waits for meat.
I will go to the servant of God (name),
I'll take wild meat from him,
I'll give it to a wild animal
To let you through the door
I'll walk past the beast through those doors.
An icon hangs in front of me,
And under it, a lamp is lit.
So would the disease from the servant of God (name)
Came down and burned
Through the wild forest, someone else's hut,
Beast of the forest, secret door
She left and would not return.
I'm baptized once, I'm baptized twice, I'm baptized three,
I turn to the wild beast:
Take wild meat from the servant of God (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then the meat that was used during the treatment must be thrown on the road away from home. After a person gets better, he must not eat any meat at all for exactly a year.

Conspiracy from the articular, tendon and bone panaritium (hair)

From a letter:

“Help me, please, I have something strange going on with my thumb on my left hand. There was no bruise or injection, but the finger began to swell, some bumps appeared on it. This sore is popularly called "hair". Surgeons don’t help me, I know that this misfortune is treated with a conspiracy, but how? .. Maybe you can tell me?”

Take a knife in your hand and “cut” the air next to the sore spot with it, saying:

Powers of Heaven, marriage cup.
Heal, Panteleimon,
With his gift to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from living hair

From a letter:

“My daughter thought she had a splinter in her finger: there was something dark. She felt like she pulled it out. However, later, on the same day, she ran up to me, as she noticed that hair was sticking out of her finger. I pulled it out with tweezers, my daughter was in pain. I heard that this is live hair, but I don’t know what to do in this case. ”

Living hair is very unpleasant, but, thank God, a rare disease. Nevertheless, any master should be able to speak it, and, unfortunately, few people can boast of this ability in our time.

As a rule, fingers and toes suffer from this disease. Faced with this disease, people know that even after surgery, hair reappears after a while. So, how to get rid of this disease?

Take the black horsehair and bring it to the bathhouse before you heat it up. Put your hair under the shelves, melt the bath, bring the patient into it and properly steam the leg or arm affected by the living hair. Then wrap horsehair around this place, cover it with a black rag on top and read the following plot:

Black hair, take live hair
From the bath to the stable,
From the stable to the field, to the wide expanse
From the servant of God (name).
The hair is alive, be dead to you. Amen.

Having said this, burn the rag and horsehair right there, in front of the sick person.

How to speak enuresis

From a letter:

“Help get rid of enuresis. I don't have the strength anymore, I'm exhausted.

I beg you, do not refuse to help.


Master, Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, affirm those who fall and raise up the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow correct. We pray to You, our God, to the servant (slave) of Yours (your) weak, visit with Your mercy, forgive him (her) any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, tame passion and every weakness that is hidden, and from the bed of embitterment, whole and perfect, grant it to Your church, pleasing and doing Your will. Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


There are three forces, there are three waters,
Three blood-water sisters.
Heavenly water - rain,
Ground water - sea water,
Groundwater is key
And there is also the water of God - holy,
In the human body, water is internal.
I conjure you, sea waters,
Rain, underground, saints,
Stop all the interior waters in the servant of God (name).
On you, interior water, stone wilderness,
And the servant of God (name) sandy land.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Enuresis conspiracy

From a letter:

“My friend has a son, already an adult. He has a problem - nocturnal enuresis. His mother said that when the guy was four years old, he was very scared by a dog: she snatched a pie from her hand. After the experienced fear, the child began to suffer from this disease. Maybe there are some ways to help in this situation? Whatever a friend has tried, nothing helps.

Take the sheet on which the patient urinated, and after sunset, rinse it in the river water, saying:

Water flows - it will take urine.
Water flows away - urine knows its place.
The water dries up
Urine disappears.
The keys of the moon on the horns,
And I'm on my feet.
So would the urine of a servant of God (name)
She knew her place, stood, did not expire.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Healing dropsy

From a letter:

“My son has dropsy of the testicles. What can be done in this case? Is there a conspiracy that helps in the treatment of such a disease?

On an odd day, read the following prayer in the right ear of the patient:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is glorified in the Council of the Right. For the light of the virtues of St. Hypatius shone before people, resorting to which from the depths of our hearts we cry out: you were a perfect monk, Hypatius, reverend, clearing your way to the gates of Heaven with many labors. Having come with your disciples to the uninhabited cenobitia of Rufin, you cleansed it and brought it back to its former splendor. Making sackcloths there, you were in great deeds. You received a gift from the Lord, Hypatius, the most praiseworthy, to heal various ailments, and most of all dropsy. Look after those suffering from this grave illness, Saint Hypatius, and propitiate with your favorable prayer of the Lord and appear weak with the invisible miraculous power of God, healing them by the great mercy of the Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Dropsy treatment

From a letter:

“I beg you, Natalya Ivanovna, tell me - how can dropsy be cured? There are no more forces! I pray to God that you read my letter as soon as possible. Answer, I beg you!"

Another post on the same subject:

“Natalya Ivanovna, my friend was diagnosed with dropsy of the brain. He is tormented by terrible headaches, he sees almost nothing, his body is constantly convulsing ... I am very scared, because the doctors do not say anything good. Please advise how we can help him."

In recent years, this disease, unfortunately, has become very common. People with dropsy do not live long. People usually come to me after a surgical intervention, and this greatly complicates the treatment. Today I will teach you a special, very strong conspiracy for dropsy, and I will also share an old recipe that helps in the treatment of this disease. So, the words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In a wide field stood the sea,
All the rivers run into it,
All streams are large and small.
The lake does not run into the sea.
So the water would not run into the servant of God (name)
To this day, to this hour, to this very minute.
At Mary's morning dawn,
At the evening dawn Maremyan
An oblique woman walked on the water,
And she had two big
Buckets in her hands.
She scooped water, dragged,
Poured into a bottomless barrel
She stumbled, fell, the water in the barrel disappeared.
So the water would disappear from the servant of God (name),
There was no dropsy.
Key to my words, lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

In the treatment of dropsy, the following composition also helps very well. Parsley (1 kg) finely chopped and put in a cast iron. After filling the parsley with milk, put it in a Russian stove so that the parsley in the milk does not boil, but languishes. The milk should be half-drained.

A sick person needs to drink the whole broth in a day and not go anywhere from the house, as he will urinate very often. Literally in one day, water will come out of a person in large quantities, the stomach will fall off and swelling from the face and legs will go away. During the treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to use herring, pickles, and salt in general, since all these products delay the discharge of water. You need to prepare a decoction every day for a month. Naturally, a city dweller will have to move to a village for this time, where traditional Russian stoves are still found. Of course, this is associated with a certain kind of inconvenience, but you will avoid surgery and get rid of the disease.

It will be very good if you read such a conspiracy on a decoction of parsley and milk:

She walked blind, but collapsed, fell,
And the servant of God (name) had dropsy.
How can a blind man not see white light,
So it is with the servant of God (name)
Dropsy in the body does not happen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or say the following conspiracy words:

The goat ran day and night, ran,
She ran, she ran, she ran, and she got up.
So that (name) dropsy also disappears.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Bloating (flatulence) is the accumulation of gases in the intestines due to indigestion. This process is most often accompanied by swelling, pains, cramping pains, an increase in the volume of the abdomen and an unpleasant feeling of fullness from the inside. Often, bloating is combined with belching or hiccups. Most often, bloating is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other, more serious diseases of the digestive system.

Conspiracies from (with) diseases (s) that help get rid of bloating.

Pour non-drinking water into a large cup, salt, put a knife, fork, spoon. Take a half-liter jar, light the paper, read “Our Father **”, lay the burning paper in the jar and, turning it over, lower it into a cup of water. Then they read the plot and alternately baptize water with a knife, fork, spoon. In this case, the cup is held over the patient's stomach.
“Dream light, night light is brewed, speaks from bones, from relics, from lived, from lived, from half-lived, from a white body, from red blood, from a zealous heart, from a violent head. Do not be in a white body, in red blood, in a violent head, do not get sick, do not itch, do not prick, do not swell. It’s not I who speak, but the twelve apostles, I also call out all the holy sorrows and illnesses. ”
Read once, then lift the jar and let the patient breathe from it.

Conspiracies from intestinal obstruction

I will rise, the servant of God (name), cross myself, go, praying to God, from the porch at the door, and the doors are locked. I'll take a poker and rip that constipation. Dissolve, constipation, in the house of the servant of God (name). Let him live well, oh well. The word is in gold, gold is in the mine, the mine is behind the Carpathian mountains, and the path to it is unknown. Amen.

The plot is done early in the morning. A poker is placed on the table in front of the speaker. The speaker squeezes his fingers with a lock. The speaker takes the poker and, uttering a conspiracy, with its help, disconnects the lock.

I baptize with the cross, I want to help the servant of God (name): I blow the pipes, wash them with water so that the intestines pass, they are healthy. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day. A small tube of any material is placed on the table in front of the speaker. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker blows it.

Conspiracies from duodenal ulcer

The servant of God (name) has a secret ud of twelve fingers ulcerated, red-hot. And I, the servant of God (name), I will take milk, I will pour it to the servant of God (name), so that the ulcer grows together, nothing is left of it. Forever and ever. Amen.

The plot is done at noon. A white cup of milk is placed on the table in front of the speaker. After pronouncing the conspiracy and imposing the final cross, the person being spoken to drinks milk.

Agnevo-archagnevo-seraphim-cherubim: ulcers and keels, if and pains, brush off, shake off, retreat from the servant of God (name). Old ulcers heal, but new ulcers do not happen. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conspiracies.

As soon as I have a servant of God (name), I connect this thread, so in the inside of a servant of God (name) everything would be connected, his ulceration grew together, the pain from the inside was removed. Amen, amen, amen.

The plot is done late in the evening. Two red threads are placed on the table in front of the speaker. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker ties them up and wraps them around the index finger of the right hand of the speaker. You can remove this winding only the next morning.

Conspiracies from bloating and gases

Belly you belly, don't puff, don't sulk, stick and deflate. Become a simple belly, you will not be a ball! Forever and ever. Amen.

The plot is done at noon. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker presses on the stomach of the person being spoken, as if squeezing the air out of it.

Wind-wind, blow in the mountains, blow in the forests, blow in the fields, blow on the street, and bypass the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conspiracies.

Conspiracies from constipation

I, the servant of God (name), will get up, cross myself, leave the house, pray. I'll go to the gate, and the gate is locked. Gate-gate, let me out, open up, open up, don't stand a stake, let me pass! It is said - open up, open up! Amen.

The plot is done at dawn. When pronouncing a plot, the speaker opens the doors and windows in the room.

On the sea-okiya, on the island of Buyan there is a table. There is a bottle on the table. We arrive on the island, open the bottle, release everything in it. Amen.

The plot is done at noon. A bottle of green glass (without labels!), Stopped with a cork, is placed on the table in front of the speaker. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker pulls the cork out of the bottle.

Conspiracies from diarrhea

The abyss of heaven opened up, the rain-winds do not let up. Shoo rain, shoo wind, calm down, weaken! So that there was peace and quiet, all grace. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning in accordance with the practice of conspiracies.

Drischanka-Dristanka, come down from the servant of God (name), go into the dark forest, find a bear, let him stop. And the servant of God (name) stops now. Forever and ever. Amen.

I baptize the belly of the servant of God (name), I want to calm the drisch. Calm down, in the name of Jesus Christ and his saints. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker baptizes the belly of the speaker.

Conspiracies from colitis

Paraskeva-Friday, the servant of God (name), wash the intestines from all pain, from colic and tin, from inflaming the interior, from everything bad. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at an arbitrary time of day on Friday in accordance with the practice of conspiracies.

At the sea-okiyana, near the island of Buyana, a whale-kitishche, a blue tail, swims. As that whale’s intestines do not hurt, they don’t itch, so the intestines of the servant of God (name) would not hurt and not itch. From this hour to every hour. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon in accordance with the practice of conspiracies.

A fast river runs through the high mountains, through the wide fields, through the dark forests. The river runs - it knows no barriers, it breaks through the dam. Sister Voditsa, break through all the locks and dams in the gut of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Every morning, pour boiled cool water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach to someone who suffers from constipation.

Conspiracy from diarrhea

The abysses of heaven have opened up, the rain-showers will not let up. Let the rain pass, but the servant of God (name) will bring peace, and there will be peace and quiet, and God's grace. Amen.

Pour tap water into a glass, slander it, and then slowly pour it into the sink.

Conspiracy from intestinal obstruction

On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a stone Alatyr. On that stone is a table, on the table is a bottle. The servant of God (name) sails to the island, opens the bottle, pours everything in it. Amen.

Pour boiled cold water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, slander and drink on an empty stomach to someone who has intestinal obstruction.

Conspiracy from colitis

Mother Paraskeva, wash me as soon as possible, wash the intestines of the servant of God (name) from dirt, from tin, from burning inside, from everything bad. Amen.

When colitis every hour, pour into a simple cup of tap water, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, slander and drink.

Conspiracy from bloating (flatulence)

Wind-wind, blow in the forests, blow in the fields, blow in the seas, blow on the street, and bypass the servant of God (name). Amen.

With flatulence, pour every morning into a simple cup of tap water, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, slander and drink.

Duodenal ulcer

Water-voditsa, red maiden, you enter the secret ud into the twelve fingers of the servant of God (name), wash the ulcer so that it grows together, nothing is left of it.

With a duodenal ulcer, pour every morning into a simple cup of boiled cool water, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, slander and drink.

After bowel surgery

Angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, let the keels and hernias from the servant of God (name) fall off, and the wounds heal. Amen.

If you have undergone an operation on the intestines, you need to pour boiled cool water into a simple cup every morning, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, slander and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach.

Conspiracy from postoperative adhesions

Water flows along the channel, washes away all the dirt, breaks through all the dams, knows no barriers. Voditsa-sister, wash all the dirt, break through all the dams, wash away the barriers in the gut of the servant of God (name). Amen.

If you have adhesions, you need to pour boiled cool water into a simple cup every morning, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, slander and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach.

Bath conspiracy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Attention! In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can go to the bath only in a state of remission!

When steaming a broom, say to the water:

The baennoy master-father Antipka, the baenny mistress-mother Anfisa, put on a birch, mountain ash, oak, linden broom for me, so that everything inside is cleansed, all diseases are gone from it. Amen.

Then, when you take a steam bath, say:

Baennoy owner-father Antipka. Baennaya mistress-mother Anfisa, give the park a long life, and let all diseases, all impurities go away with the steam. Amen.

Pouring cold water, say:

Voditsa-sister, you flow into mother earth, you take all my (name) sorrows and illnesses with you. Amen.

And leaving the bathhouse, do not forget to thank the bathhouse owners for their hospitality and help.
