Holding a silver wedding in the village script. Silver wedding script - contests and songs from the toastmaster for the anniversary

An interesting, romantic and solemn scenario for a silver wedding.

The script for the silver wedding "Non-extinguishing fire"

Silver wedding banquet

To decorate the festive hall, you can use balls, paper branches, large hearts or the numbers "25" from artificial flowers - all this is covered with silver-colored paint from a spray can. And if some attributes from the wedding day of the heroes of the occasion have been preserved, for example, hand-drawn posters, then it will also be good to use them in the design. From such posters and enlarged black and white photographs of that time, an interesting collage on the wall will turn out.

Not only beautiful, but also symbolic will look on a silver "bride" dress in silver color.

After twenty-five years of married life, it's a good idea to refresh your memory of the impressions of a distant wedding day. To do this, the "groom" redeems the "bride" again. He must pay with "silver" coins (you need to prepare a lot of little things).

Tamada begins the holiday with the ransom of the bride. It is very good if the groom's witness is again present.


Who is knocking on my door

On a silver horse?

What a sir sir

Didn't just come to us?

Maybe just got lost

Has he lost his way?

Ile came my sir

For a young bride?

The husband answers why he came.


For the bride? That's so amazing!

To act so ugly:

You are a married person

You have a ring on your hand!

The husband explains that he is married to this "bride".


Ah, what an inconsistency!

Decided to deceive cleverly?

No check, sir

We won't give it up!

How old is she

Do you have a beloved wife?

The husband replies: "Twenty-five."

Toastmaster(for guests):

I look at the sir

Let me not put my mind to it:

For what - not everyone will understand -

Marry the same twice?

What a strange reason

Answer like a man!

The husband says he loves this woman.


This occasion is good for everyone!

But you won't find a bride

Well hidden

Hidden from human eyes!

If the sir is brave and honest,

The bride will love it

Will take her home

And throw a feast on the mountain!

Twenty-five years is, of course, a very long time. But love alone is not enough! Years passed, and the husband could already forget what it means to be an ideal husband.

Therefore, he is sent for urgent recertification and must pass the exams! Only then will the spouse be admitted to further family life.

Silver foil "footprints" are pasted on the floor. After passing each stage of the redemption, the spouse moves forward to the next track.

Toastmaster: So, the first exam is mathematics. You have to solve very simple problems, they are for attention and memory. Do not use cheat sheets, do not listen to tips!

All answers are preliminarily learned from the spouse.

The wedding sang and danced

"Lighted" and walked,

Made all guests happy...

How many were on it?

(The husband should remember the number of guests at his wedding.)

How old is your beloved mother-in-law?

Answer fast!

(In order not to get into a mess, you must first find out if the mother-in-law is alive.)

You solved two problems

The third difficult triple:

How many coats did you give

Dear to your wife?

Shine before the chosen one

By his erudition:

Call without hesitation

Children's birthdays!

(If there are children.)

And the last problem

You will never decide!

How many times have you kissed

For joint years?

(Here the answer can be anything - a million, a billion, etc.) If the husband answered incorrectly somewhere, he pays off with “silver”.

The toastmaster asks the guests what rating the "groom" deserves, after which he moves one step forward.

Toastmaster: It was a very easy exam, and of course you passed it with a smile! But do not relax, difficulties are ahead. The next exam is geography!

The spouse is shown enlarged photographs of various events in the life of the family, the most interesting: trips, meetings, etc. He must correctly name the city (village, town) in which the event depicted in the photograph took place.

The husband confesses his love in those languages ​​that he knows.

Toastmaster: In a foreign language, you also prepared well. The next subject is botany!

1. What are your wife's favorite flowers?

2. What flowers were used in her wedding bouquet?

3. What does your wife grow on the windowsill?

4. Her favorite fruit?

Toastmaster: Botany is good too! Now let's check how the respected "groom" learned to sing serenades for his beautiful lady in twenty-five years! The next exam is in singing!

The task of the "groom" is to sing an excerpt from any song about love.

Toastmaster: You sing very well - it can be seen that long practice is taking its toll! And now is the time to stretch a little and move around. Therefore, the next (and last) subject we pass physical education! But do not flatter yourself, the exam is decisive, and a lot depends on it.

While the “groom” is being blindfolded, several women (including the redeemed spouse) sit on chairs. The husband must feel by touch on the legs to the knees to determine which of the ladies is his wife. It is possible to plant a man among women. If he guessed wrong, he pays off and guesses again after the women change seats in a different order.

So, the “bride” is recognized, redeemed, and the “groom” presents her with a bouquet of twenty-five roses.

The march of Mendelssohn sounds, the guests applaud the couple.

Toastmaster: Once again, good evening, friends! Take your seats at this bountiful table! To whom are all eyes in this hall riveted today? Who is in the center of attention, who are the heroes of the occasion? These are our beautiful silver newlyweds! Our good fellow and the red maiden, the swan and the swan, the valiant knight and his lady of the heart!

Silver moonlight,

A scattering of stars in the window ...

twenty five wonderful years

They flew by like birds.

The morning dawn melts

The dew falls

Twenty-five wonderful years

Oh love page!

In every letter and line

Tenderness minutes,

Fire in your hearth

Never goes out!

So many years hand in hand

This is not a joke to you

In the fast river of life

Happiness will not drown!

An excerpt from the song "Twenty-five long years" (from the repertoire of A. Terekhov) sounds.

Toastmaster: Our beautiful "bride" has been redeemed. And what do they do after the bride is redeemed? That's right, they take her to the registry office and sign!

Tamada gives the spouses a "certificate of a silver marriage." Such a document can be purchased or printed by yourself, decorated with silver foil.

Toastmaster(to spouse): Do you, (name of spouse), agree to extend your marriage to a citizen (name of spouse) for another 25 years?

The wife replies that she agrees.

Toastmaster(to spouse): Do you, (name of spouse), agree to extend your marriage to a citizen (name of spouse) for the same period?

The husband replies that he agrees.


To strengthen marriage bonds

Today, on a blessed day,

Bond with the sacred signature

Your quarter century union!

The couple signs the "testimony".

The toastmaster specifies in advance whether the spouses have an exchange of silver rings according to the tradition that exists on the 25th anniversary of their marriage. If yes, then the husband and wife put each other's rings on the middle finger, next to the wedding ring.

Toastmaster: And we declare you silver husband and wife! Get ready for the next recertification in another twenty-five years!

Song for the "silver" couple to the motive of "Songs of the Crocodile Gena" (you need to print more copies and distribute to the guests so that they unanimously congratulate the couple).

Silver glasses,

They have a lot in them

And where there is little - rather a share!

Guests are waiting, guests believe

And the doors are open

For your silver anniversary!


And I play

On the harmonica

About love...

to your couple

Everyone is envious

Twenty five years old!

Toastmaster: Dear guests, and now it's time to present the silver young people with gifts that you have prepared for them with love, and tell them the most important and heartfelt words!

The toastmaster in turn gives the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the couple and give gifts. First of all, congratulations to the children.

Traditionally, things made of silver or cupronickel are given to a silver wedding - these are beautiful, symbolic, and useful gifts: jewelry, cutlery and dishes, pens, trays. You can also choose something for the house: clocks, paintings, bedspreads, good books.

It sounds like a romantic tune.


Your pair is twenty-five!

What a wonderful date!

Know that love is to blame

What managed to bind you!

Grown firmly together

For years, soul with soul,

Happiness is strong, great

Knocked together - do not break!

Marriage filled with warmth

Deserved and laid down

Doors open for love

To your cozy, generous home!

And I announce the first dance of the silver young!

Tamada performs the song "Silver Weddings" (from the repertoire of Valentina Tolkunova), the couple dance.

Then the toastmaster invites the guests to a round dance to praise the young.

Round dance "Like a silver wedding"(to the motive of the folk song "Loaf").

The toastmaster leads a round dance with everyone around the “young” and sings, the guests pick up. The toastmaster shows what movements to do, the guests repeat.

Like a silver wedding

The whole family gathered:

That's the width!

(Hands spread wide to the sides.)

Here is such coolness!

(Fingers are made in a fan.)

Here is such a height!

(Tamada points to the tallest of the guests, everyone raises their hands up.)

Here is such a bottom!

(Pointing to the smallest of the children, everyone squats.)

Like a silver wedding

We would eat and dance,

We would like to hug the young

Shout "bitterly" together!

Everyone shouts “Bitter!” to the young, hugs them.

A dance break is announced, as the congratulations of the guests could take quite a long time.

Toastmaster(after a break): There is a wise saying that a person is the director of his life. Then it turns out that if two people have been together for many years, then their life turns into such a movie that Hollywood screenwriters would simply turn green with envy! And I have one short test for our silver newlyweds. Let's see what a twenty-five-year-long movie they made!

Test "Marriage in Hollywood"

1. Your marriage most resembles:

A. Comedy.

B. Melodrama.

B. Crime detective.

2. The main character of this comedy (or melodrama, or crime detective):

3. Which of the movie couples do you look like, in your opinion?

A. Cinderella and the prince.

B. Scarlett and Rhett Butler.

B. Thumbelina and Mole.

4. Your vehicle on set:

A. Limousine.

B. Russian troika.

B. Retro car.

5. Where does the bulk of your film's budget go:

A. On the hairstyles, make-up and dresses of the heroine.

B. For transportation costs.

B. To relieve stress after a day of shooting.

Whatever the answers of the "young" ones, the toastmaster announces one test result.

Toastmaster: On this, as they say, stop, filmed, thank you all! Now let's decipher the result of this test! He says your marriage deserves the Academy Award for Best Family Life Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Actor and Actress! (Tamada gives the couple a porcelain figurine.) We are sure that we will see more than one episode of this film and that there will definitely be a happy ending in the finale!

An excerpt from the song “What kind of people are in Hollywood” sounds (from the repertoire of the group “Combination”).

Toastmaster: Every movie has its own audience.

Let's check if your twenty-five episodes were watched carefully by the audience guests? I'll ask a few questions, and you answer in unison!

Questions should be very simple, for example:

1. What date did the wedding of our heroes take place?

2. Who was born first, son or daughter? (If there are children.)

3. How many grandchildren do spouses have? (If there are grandchildren.)

4. What kind of wedding will we meet in another twenty-five years?

Toastmaster: Wonderful! All viewers are very attentive and remember the history of this family well!

Each family has its own hearth. For twenty-five years, a lot of wood has been broken and bridges burned. But the hearth of this wonderful family is still burning brightly and hotly, warming everyone around with its warmth! Let's throw some more wood into this fire together. What firewood is needed so that it does not fade away?

Guests suggest: love, tenderness, passion, etc.

An excerpt from the song “There is a hearth burning for me” (from the repertoire of Igor Kornelyuk) sounds.

The number of guests should not be less than 25, it would not be bad if the same guests were present as 25 years ago. "Invitations" to perform on a silver background with rings, you can order, you can pick up ready-made. Cake with the number 25 and in a silver frame, the cake can be replaced with a large cake.

(The guests have already settled down at the tables, to the sound of the bell ringing, the heroes of the day enter the hall and solemnly pass to their places. The guests applaud while standing.)

- You lived together for 25 years,
You valued your love.
The highest award
Be next to each other!
Pure, heartfelt love
She lives in you, excites the blood.
That love is the limit of our dreams,
For her, we give you flowers!

(To applause, the guests give flowers, many bouquets are placed around the heroes of the occasion.)

- All the flowers lay at your feet
But one bouquet has not yet laid down
He is the most beautiful and sweetest of all
Gifted to the bride on her birthday!

(The husband gets up from the table and brings out the prepared bouquet, usually bright red roses.)

- Let the silver ring
pouring wine
To the brim, filling glasses
Full cup of good
Full cup of wine
With a full cup of love, we drink to glory!
The first toast to the newlyweds, I propose to drink while standing.

(Guests drink while standing.)

- Unite hearts
Unite their fate
Let two silver rings
on the finger next to gold sparkle.

(Mendelssohn's waltz sounds, silver rings are taken out on red pillows. Husband and wife, like 25 years ago, put rings on each other, now they have two rings on their finger.

- Your silver wedding
The strongest union
The cup is not yet completely drunk
And the tart taste in this bowl
And after so many years each other
You have known many days
The fruits of a wonderful union
You have raised your children!
To congratulate your parents, let me invite children (names) here. Together with them there are grandchildren (names), they all want to congratulate their grandparents in the same way.

(Children congratulate their parents, give them gifts, grandchildren kiss them.
A table break, guests drink and have a snack, soft music sounds.)

- Years have passed, feelings remain,
Which simply has no price,
Although sometimes a little sad
What can not return the former spring.
Let the silver lay invisibly
For your long years, -
You need each other
Today is the same as always.
But today we will wash away the years
Let the silvery water
Wash each other's hands
And trouble will not touch you!
The rite of washing, the oldest rite, I ask you to bring a silver vessel.

(Water is brought into the hall, preferably in a silver bowl. Husband and wife wash each other's hands, they are given a towel. You can wash not only your hands, but also your face, it all depends on the wishes of the "newlyweds".)

- As if there are no 25 years
Like being young again
And again the strength and beauty flourish
Healthy, beautiful, family!
For these wise words
We drink everything to the bottom.

(Dinner break, guests drink and eat.)

- Spinning in a silver whirlwind
The change of years passed imperceptibly
But the man still loves
And she still loves.
Remembering when you first
To the cheers and screams of the crowd
The bride was spinning in a white dress
And in a suit you were spinning with her. Your wedding dance, you have to restore in your memory, to the nearest centimeter. Please, please, please!

(To the sounds of the waltz, the "newlyweds" dance a dance. It will be very good if the music is the same as 25 years ago. Later, the rest of the guests can also take part in the dance.)

(Feast and dance break.)

- Scrolls time calendar
For them it's all nonsense
Let's try to restore the years
Let's see how it was then.

(Here it is appropriate to show clippings from the wedding video, if there is none, then use the photos to show the guests.)

- We have guests
Like then, at your wedding
They are witnesses to the birth of the family
And we are happy to welcome today
They are with us again, they have come again.
To congratulate the "newlyweds" the floor is given to witnesses (names).

(Witnesses congratulate the anniversaries on the twentieth anniversary of their life together, give gifts, shout “bitterly”, and if possible break glasses for happiness, like 25 years ago.)

- Husband and wife sat up
Looked at each other
It is necessary to reset twenty-five years
We will play like children.

Held game "Clothespin".
Two participants are selected, five clothespins are attached to them. The players are blindfolded, they must remove the clothespins from each other.
You can hold several games for adults, it all depends on the state of the company.

- Everything was on the path of life
And hills, and pits, and hillocks
You managed to get through them together
Let it sound bitter again today!
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

(Guests shout bitterly! and keep score.)

- And this wedding, wedding, wedding, sang and danced,
And the wings carried this wedding into the distance,
There was little room for this wide wedding,
And the sky was not enough and the earth.
Let's all sing along, loud and friendly.

(The musical composition “Oh, this wedding” performed by M. Magomaev sounds. You can take this composition in karaoke and perform it for several singers, if you wish.)

- Play accordion my cheerful
Dance people and sing songs
Called to the competition
Almost anyone.

(A “Hold the Balloon” contest is held, couples must dance without missing the balloon between each other. The contest can be complicated if the balloon should burst.)

- Silver wedding - twenty-five
Years flew by like a moment
you have learned to accept
Sometimes difficult decisions
We wish the sun a full house
The road to be smooth
To gather at the table
To drink, eat very sweet
And by the way, I must say
You haven't changed at all
And again we want to scream
As for the first time at Gorko's wedding!
Let's drink to the health of our young!

(Drinking pause.)

- Solemn and majestic
You walked along the road of life together
For you the melody sounded
And the wedding cake was brought in
And you two held him
And cut in half
Pieces of happiness handed out
So that you have more happiness
So today in this hall
You have to keep it
Cut in half, while
Give a piece of happiness to everyone
A piece of winged love
What lifts you high
With a lovely silver date
Move forward just as smoothly and easily!

(A wedding cake or a large cake is brought into the hall, the "newlyweds" cut it and treat each guest.)

This is where the solemn part ends, but the holiday can continue, at the discretion of the hosts.


Today joy and fun
Both relatives and friends,
Came to celebrate with the mood
Your twenty-fifth anniversary!
Did you know love and tenderness,
Hand in hand walked through life,
Warmth of feelings, warmth and fidelity
You have saved for ages!
So let the time of happiness last
For many long, long years;
Pass on to your children and grandchildren
Life's trade secret!


25 is not that much
It's only halfway.
A long life ahead
You still have to go through together.
Everything happens in life
Fate is patient with you:
Made friends, got married
Made it to silver.
Silver wedding for you
Knocked on the threshold.
This day is so happy
He helped us all get together.
We wish our couple
Have fun, don't get sick
With a mutual spirit
To your happiness to see!
Let's drink to the anniversaries!


During their 25 years of living together ... (names and patronymics of the anniversaries) went through many different sciences. And therefore, they are entitled to diplomas. This diploma was issued by _________________________________________________________________ (full name of the hero of the day) as a certificate that he completed the 25-year course for future husbands in the specialty "Love is a ring, and the ring has no end."

He defended his thesis on the topic "Husband and wife - one Satan." With excellent behavior, he showed the following abilities:
1. Fidelity to wife - 5 (exc.) - on the hands, and in the bath.
2. Bringing up children - 5 (ex.) - good fruit from a good tree
3. Shopping run - 4 (hor.) - water does not flow under a lying stone.
4. Repair of electrical appliances - 5 (exc.) - of all trades from boredom.
5. Cooking - 4 (ghor.) - at least rinse your mouth with cabbage soup!
6. Driving a car - 5 (exc.) - there are rights to everything.
7. Getting money - 5 (ex.) - the husband has the right to work, the wife has the right to rest.
8. Conquest of the cave - 5 (exc.) - with a cute paradise and in a hut!
9. Going to mother-in-law for pancakes - 5 (ex.) - mother-in-law for son-in-law - a very high argument.
By the decision of the Supreme Council of Families with experience, the qualification "Tender husband and caring father" was awarded. Chairman - Lyubov
Secretary - Happiness DIPLOMA OF THE WIFE from "___" _____________200_g. This diploma was issued by ________________________________________________________________ (full name of the hero of the day) as a certificate that she completed a 25-year course for wives in the specialty "Where there is love, there is advice."

She defended her thesis on the topic “Husband is the head, wife is the neck”. With excellent behavior, she showed the following abilities:
1. Loyalty to her husband - 5 (exc.) - the wife in the family is the president, the husband is her deputy.
2. Parenting - 5 (ex.) - a kiss is something that is given to children for free.
3. Housekeeping - 5 (exc.) - what works, such and fruits.
4. Economy - 5 (exc.) - grain to grain will be a bag.
5. Cooking - 5 (ex.) - lick your fingers!
6. Shopping run - 5 (exc.) - does not carry its own burden.
7. Beauty and charm - 5 (exc.) - in any outfit you, darling, are good!
8. Weather forecast in the house - 5 (ex.) - wisdom is the daughter of experience.
9. Hospitality - 5 (ex.) - honor to the guest - honor to the owner.
By the decision of the Supreme Council of Families with experience, the qualification "Affectionate wife and loving mother" was awarded. Chairman - Lyubov
Secretary - Happiness


For men:

O The decision to marry was your last independent decision.
O Carry your wife in your arms, and she will sit on your neck herself.
O You should help your wife on March 8, but on the rest of the days, do everything yourself.
O When walking with your wife, do not look to the left, as you may not notice that she is looking to the right.
O Getting up in the morning, kiss your wife, maybe you will be the first.
O Love and respect your wife, but do not allow her to be the mistress of the house, be the master yourself, so that, escaping from the wrath of your wife, sitting under the table, you can say to everyone: “I am the master of the house! Wherever I want, I sit there!


O If the husband came home late, give him the opportunity to tell what you have known for a long time.
O In money matters observe a strict division of labor. Leave the important and honorable right to earn money to your husband. And take on the difficult, difficult task of spending them. You have to give in at least something.
O It is strictly forbidden to tease and call your husband the names of the inhabitants of the zoo!
O Never argue with your husband, but start crying right away.
O If the husband starts to work late, change the husband's profession.
O Love and take care of your husband and his nervous system, never tell him the true cost of purchases.
Maybe we got it mixed up when we poured invaluable experience into verbal form ... But even if so, do not be angry with us, because our intentions were the same - to amuse all our honest company!


"Body parts":

For her, you need to prepare in advance two identical sets of pieces of paper on which parts of the body are written: head, back, arm, chest, buttocks, leg, etc., to the best of your imagination and the degree of looseness of the company. Then each set is placed in a separate box (hat). It is desirable that the boxes are somehow different. This is necessary so that in the future the sets of pieces of paper do not mix. Then all those present are divided into boy-girl pairs. Then a pair is chosen to start the game. Each is given a personal set of papers. To begin with, everyone randomly pulls out one piece of paper from their set. For example, a man pulls out a piece of paper “hand”, and a lady gets “back”. With these parts of the body, they must touch. Next, the participants pull out one more piece of paper. Now they must, while maintaining their previous contacts, come into contact with new parts of the body. And so on. During the game, the posture can and should be constantly changed. After the couple pulls out the third or fourth piece of paper, it is usually impossible to stand on your feet. This is where auxiliary tools come into play - chairs, a sofa, a floor. Any furniture is allowed. The game continues until the couple can no longer keep in contact at the same time all those parts of the body, the indications for which they pulled out. Then the next pair is called, the papers are placed in boxes, and everything starts anew. Spectators have every right to advise the players, offering their own options for various positions. The winner is the pair that managed to keep the largest number of contacts at the same time.

Presenter:(to the winning couple): Congratulations on your ability to hold on tight to each other in any position. I think that __________ and __________ (names of anniversaries) will take an example from you in this. Perhaps you will need this prize... (He rewards the couple with a bottle of stationery glue).


So empty bottles appeared on our table. Now we can finally announce Spin the Bottle! Whom the bottle points to, he takes a card with a word, and we will explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game.


The bottle is spun on a tray of cards; during the game, the cards are sorted out in turn by those whom the bottle points to. Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur - kiss the neighbors of all.
Pipes - kiss a neighbor on the lips.
Point - whoever you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
The host can put the cards back until all the guests kiss each other.


But we have a couple more wishes, but not simple ones, but personal ones! This is for you, __________ (husband's name):
25 years you have already lived
With dear wife,
Does the saddle press hard on you?
Is the girth tight?
You've already begun to understand
How is marriage.
Who rules over you
At the table and in a fight?
Or do you not hit her?
Dove more and more
Gently press to your heart
Will you buy a ring?
Well done, you found out
How to achieve everything.
Fly away from accusations
From the nest of a titmouse.

And this is for you, __________ (wife's name):
25 years you lived
With my beloved hubby
She gave birth to two sons
For him, loved ones.
Father-in-law dreams of fishing -
"Break out of the house,
Yes, take it with you
Dear husband."
Well, don't be a simpleton;
A friend called
Stay and sleep
Sleep without a spouse.
Let him snore alone in bed
Breakfast will be prepared
And by the end of such a week
He will howl with anguish.
Then ask him
Fur coat or sheepskin coat,
Explain what is warm in it
Let him spare no money.


And now I invite everyone to take part in one unusual relay race. The most important thing here is not to pay attention to anyone, to be guided only by your own imagination and ingenuity. The main thing is to run from one chair to another, and make it the most interesting. So let's get ready to start...
Run in a triangle! No, not three people and not a triangle, but a triangle. How do triangles run?
Now, in the other direction, run in a dotted line! They ran in squares, in an oblique line, in a column, soft-boiled ...
In this competition, everything is decided by the host's imagination and the ingenuity of the players. The winner, who is chosen by the hosts of the holiday, gets the right to say a toast.


Respectable people gathered at the table. And the question arose among women: “What is love?”
One woman says: "Love is probably a disease."
The doctor gets up: “No, this is not a disease. Most likely, this is work, because a very large amount of energy is released.
The architect stands up: “Well, what kind of work is this? Because everything is so perfect. Rather, it is art."
An art critic stands up: “No, no. Art needs an audience. And it happens one on one. Rather, it is a process."
A lawyer stands up: “What kind of process is it when two parties are satisfied. Rather, it is science."
An old professor gets up: “What kind of science is this when every young student can, but I, an old professor, cannot!”
So let's drink to the eternal students! In love!

"Congratulations from the circus":

Under the musical intro to the program “In the World of Animals”, two guests appear in the hall, one in the form of a trainer, the other a monkey, which can be dressed in black or brown tights. The face is under the mask.
Animal trainer: Mickey, say hello to the guests!
(The monkey bows picturesquely, almost thrusting his head between his legs and moving his hands back)
Trainer: Mickey, now welcome the guests!
(Monkey claps his hands)
Trainer: Mickey, did you want to say something to the anniversaries?
(The monkey actively nods its head and hums)
Trainer: Well, say so, and I will translate your speech.
(The monkey, screaming, beats his chest with his fists and utters the cry of Tarzan)
Trainer: A faction of chimpanzees and gorillas in our zoo...
(The monkey jumps in place, screaming, turning around itself)
Trainer: ...with great joy and enthusiasm...
(The monkey approaches the trainer, hugs him and kisses him three times)
Trainer:... met the news...
(The monkey clicks on its neck - makes a gesture that means "drink")
Animal Trainer: ...about your upcoming anniversary.
(Monkey lets out Tarzan's cry again)
Trainer: A faction of chimpanzees and gorillas in our zoo...
(The monkey "tearing a vest on his chest")
Trainer:...wishing you with all my heart...
(The monkey hugs and kisses the anniversaries and guests)
Trainer:...happiness in your personal life...
(The monkey takes out a purse from the trainer's pocket, puts a leaf of greenery or a paper napkin into it)
Animal trainer: ... a lot, a lot of money ...
(The monkey pulls out a pack of cigarettes from another pocket of the trainer, tears it up, throws it on the floor and tramples)
Trainer: ...and good health and moderation in everything!
(The monkey enthusiastically begins to look in the head for an insect trainer)
Trainer: And also a complete immersion in nirvana.
(The monkey jumps into the hands of the trainer)
Trainer: Let the children give you many grandchildren...
(The monkey jumps on the trainer's back)
Trainer: ... and grandchildren - great-grandchildren.
(The monkey jumps in place, turning around itself)
Trainer: And of course, it's fun to celebrate the anniversary day...
(The monkey takes out a bundle of bananas stored in advance nearby and carries it to the hero of the day)
Trainer:...why the monkeys of our zoo give you the most valuable thing they have...
(The monkey hugs and kisses the hero of the day)
Animal trainer: ...and invited to spend the holidays in their company.
(The monkey returns to the trainer, clapping his hands)
Trainer: Once again, congratulations on the anniversary and join all the congratulations.
(Monkey bows)
Trainer: Goodbye!
(The monkey, with a frightened look, points his finger at the window to the trainer and, while he listens and tries to understand what is happening there, pulls the bottle off the table and runs away with a cheerful cry.)


"The investigation is led by a musician":
The facilitator encourages the participants to restore the lyrics of the song. For example, the last words of each of the four lines are given: birth, give, spring, speak. Therefore, we can understand that the next song is encrypted. I can’t give you a birthday
Giving expensive gifts
But on these spring nights,
I can talk about love.


1. A dolphin fell in love with a mermaid with a deep, reverent love.
He kept her light sleep, carried pearls to her head.
He forgot that he was a dolphin, he forgot his own family,
He flew from the depths of the sea in the hope of a timid kiss.

2. Old maple, old maple,
Old maple knocks on glass
Inviting us with friends for a walk,
Why, why
Why is it so bright for me?
Because you're walking down the alley!

3. Yellow guitar bend
You hug softly
Echo Shard String
Pierces the tight height...

4. The train will go to Tikhoretskaya.
The trailer will move, the platform will remain.
Brick wall, station clock,
white handkerchiefs white handkerchiefs
Handkerchiefs are white, eyes are sad.

5. In autumn on a rainy gray day
A deer ran through the city
He ran along the echoing pavement
A red forest shot by an arrow.

6. Don't overthink seconds.
When the time comes, you will understand.
They whistle like bullets at the temple
Moments, moments, moments.


"Understand me!":

In this game, there are two competitors who want to show off the level of their mutual understanding. Anniversaries themselves can take part in it, if they wish. What you need to play:

Large print text
The first participant, looking at the text that the leader holds in front of him, must convey its content to the second participant with facial expressions and gestures, who, trying to understand the message, explains it.

Examples of texts for "transmission":

1. Once upon a time there was an eared Elephant in hot Africa. And although the Baby Elephant was very small, he was already friends with the huge Rhinoceros and the hairy Gorilla. All three of them splashed in muddy puddles, ate juicy bananas and basked in the African sun. Once, when a baby elephant was drinking water from a river, a toothy crocodile grabbed him by the trunk. But a huge Rhinoceros and a hairy Gorilla rushed to the aid of the eared Elephant. The rhinoceros stepped on the crocodile's paw, and the gorilla bit him on the tail. The crocodile howled in pain and released the Baby Elephant. So friendship conquered evil and deceit.

2. Once I turned on the TV and started watching my favorite program “Good night, kids!”. Only Khryusha and Stepashka greeted me, when suddenly they started to fight! I climbed into the TV to separate them. Khryusha gave me a hoof in the eye, and Stepashka bit me on the ear, but I said: “Sailors don’t give up!” and grabbed Piggy by the tail, and Stepashka by the ears. Khryusha and Stepashka immediately drooped and asked me for forgiveness, I let them go, got out of the TV and did not watch “Good night, kids!” anymore, but began to watch an erotic film.


"Road of Happiness":

Two teams compete: who has the longest road of happiness. You need to take off your things (even down to your underpants) and lay them out in one length, whoever got the longer road won.


"Musical competition":

We invite you to hold a music competition. We will compete in the knowledge of love songs. Let's try to remember as many love songs as possible and recite or sing a few lines from them. The last one wins. (The song named last is sung in its entirety. The winner gets a prize - a raw egg for healing the vocal cords).



Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys, it's more fun). The girl gets between the guys, and they have to dress the girl in a minute, but only with the clothes that they themselves have on (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the team with the most clothes on the girl wins.



"WEDDING" penetrated the well-known phrases. She swallowed various words. It is required to remove the alien and restore justice. For example: "Weddings are counted in the fall" - "Chickens are counted in the fall." If everything is clear to everyone, then you can start. If not, then we'll start anyway.
-There will be a wedding on our street.
- Dashing wedding beginning.
-Wedding is worse than bondage.
-Before the wedding, do not inhale.
-Wash your hands before the wedding.
-Weddings! Let's live in peace!
- Nu, wedding, wait a minute!

-Every dog ​​has his day.
-Down and Out trouble started.
-Hunting is worse than bondage.
-While there is life there is hope.
-Wash your hands before eating.
-Guys! Let's live in peace!
- Well, hare, wait!


"Princess on the Pea":

Only women participate in the game. It is necessary to put stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (3-4 is best). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such sweets, they are small koloboks in shape), you can use buttons on the leg (preferably larger). For example, on the first stool - 3 sweets, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. From above, the stools are covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are finished. Those who wish are called. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. We usually include the song "Move your booty" for this contest. And so, dancing, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many sweets are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Are you going to celebrate ? We invite you to try and evaluate this .

A quarter of a century of a happy life together flies by quickly - a married couple is on the verge of a grand anniversary, looking for a scenario for holding a silver wedding at home for the celebration.

The moment is touching, exciting, and it is necessary to take into account the nuances, trifles, so that the holiday becomes memorable and magnificent, revives the memories of youth and youthful passion in the hearts. There are some interesting, unusual ways to celebrate a significant anniversary.

Invite only those whom you sincerely wish to see at the celebration. Prepare beautiful invitations and send them to recipients in advance. The ideal choice would be silver postcards - indicate in them:

  • holiday date;
  • start time of the celebration;
  • place of celebration.

Decorate the room - collect your photos, make collages and stands out of them, preferably in retro style. Select important, meaningful shots:

  • from the wedding
  • from the birth of children;
  • from travel.

Unusual Scenarios

Love and appreciate each other, like a quarter of a century ago!

Twenty-five years of marriage is a serious period. Not all married couples, according to statistics, live such a period together. The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is silver. It should be celebrated on a grand scale.. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that, no matter how richly and beautifully the table is set, you in any case, you need to write a script for the event. Otherwise, it risks turning into a boring and dull feast with occasional breaks for dancing. The scenario of a silver wedding can be funny and comic, because, despite the seriousness of this event, your guests will probably want to have fun.

Room decoration

You can celebrate a silver wedding at home or in a restaurant, the main thing is to decorate the room correctly. You should try to make the decor of the hall resemble the room in which the wedding itself is celebrated.

This can be done with the help of balls, fresh flowers and fabric. The places where the newlyweds will sit should be decorated with an arch or a figure of balls. Since you are planning to celebrate a silver wedding, you can take silver and white balls. You can also make a photo collage or wall newspaper, which will contain pictures of the spouses from the wedding, from family holidays, as well as a photo where they are captured before the wedding.

Start of the event

Meet the newlyweds should be the same as on the wedding day. Therefore, all guests should gather at the entrance to the room where the holiday will take place, a little earlier than the heroes of the occasion. Newlyweds should be showered with rose petals, rice and sweets. Parents or older relatives should meet them with bread and salt and icons. After everyone is seated in their places, the event can begin. presenter:

Hello, hello, dear guests, everyone is so smart!

Oh, and these are young people, we will praise them again.

Now let's have a drink

For the health of the young!

We're not here today just to be in good company. We have a special occasion - our heroes of the occasion lived together for twenty-five years. Is this a serious period? Of course, serious. Do you know why the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is called silver? Because this metal is strong, expensive and durable. And only a strong and lasting union, built on strong mutual love, can withstand such a period.. After all, having a faithful life partner is a big deal! This is precisely the quiet family happiness that many dream of. That is why all evening today we will praise the young.

Presentation of the film "Silver ringing of unquenchable feelings"

Before the celebration of the wedding anniversary, the presenter or her assistants should go to visit the married couple and ask them for an archive of family photos. Scanned images should be used to create a film for the holiday.

presenter: Dear newlyweds and guests, I invite you to take part in watching a film made especially for our newlyweds. It is called "Silver ringing of unquenchable feelings." The duration of the film should be approximately 15-20 minutes. During this time, you will surely have time to tell about the history of the spouses' family and not tire the guests.

Competition "Turtle Race"

presenter: Somehow our guests are depressed and bored. Let's have a running contest. It's called Turtle Run. Our "turtles" will not only compete in skill and dexterity, they will do a useful job - to carry fruit. The essence of the competition is as follows: twelve participants are invited from the hall to the stage. They are divided into teams. The turtle is represented by two. One person stands straight, the other hugs him around the waist and bends down. The first holds the pelvis over the second in such a way that it looks like a tortoise shell.

What are traditionally done for medium length hair? There are countless options, the main thing is to choose the right one! If you are planning to celebrate a wedding in a narrow circle, we will use our scenario for you.

At the command of the presenter, they run to the other side of the hall, where there are tables or chairs with fruit. They should be carried without touching them with your hands. After all the "turtles" return to their places, the presenter will announce the winning team. The trick of the competition is that the team that comes to the finish line last wins, because turtles, as everyone knows, move very slowly: they rather crawl.

Competition "Do children remember?"

presenter: The next test is for the children of our heroes of the occasion. Now we will check how well they know everything about the life of their parents. Come on, come join us! Before you are two daisies. The petals of one are questions about the mother, the other is about the father. Children take turns tearing them off the chamomile and answering questions. They may be as follows:

  • When did the parents meet?
  • Under what circumstances did this happen?
  • What gift did dad give mom for the first time?
  • Where did your father serve in the military?
  • What perfume did your mother wear when she was young?
  • What scent does she prefer now?
  • Did dad take mom to the sea, and if so, what resort did they visit?
  • Mom's birthday?
  • Father's birthday?

The first dance of the young

presenter: Dear newlyweds, you probably remember your wedding day as if it were yesterday. Do you remember your first dance? Don't want to repeat? Now we are inviting the newlyweds to the center of the hall, so that after twenty-five years they will repeat their first dance. Only we will have one condition - you must show us all the passion and tenderness that you could carry in your union through many years. For the first dance of the young, you can choose any melody. True, it is better to give preference to the one that sounded on their wedding day twenty-five years ago. Surely the husband or wife remembers what kind of composition it was. Ask them about it, respectively, should be in advance so that you have time to search for a song.

Contest "Hat of Predictions"

presenter: A magician friend gave me some magical thing here. Look, it looks like an ordinary hat, but it can read minds. Now I will try it on, and you will see for yourself. After the hat is on the leader's head, an excerpt of the song "It's great that we are all here today" sounds. presenter: And now let's find out what people here think about. Let's start, of course, with the newlyweds. Song excerpts for this competition should be prepared in advance. Here is a sample list of them:

  • Spouse- "I love you to tears";
  • Spouse- "Together and forever";
  • Single friend of the newlyweds- "I am free";
  • Unmarried friend of the newlyweds- “We are all bitch women”;
  • Newlyweds daughter- “Oh my God, what a man” (at this moment, the presenter should be told that this girl thinks so, looking at her chosen one, if she came to the holiday with him, or looking at one of the guests, so that it becomes a little intrigue of the evening);
  • The happiest guest- "Well, girls, little by little?";
  • The most drunk guest“If only the sea were beer.”

The list of songs can be anything, the main thing is that the guests and the heroes of the occasion like it.

Competition "Raising money for a grandson"

Before describing this process, an amendment should be made to the fact that many married couples already have grandchildren by the age of twenty-five years of family life. If they already exist, then you should organize fees for the next one, but if not, then, of course, for the first-born. For this contest you will need pink and blue sliders. presenter: Dear newlyweds, do you remember how twenty-five years ago the guests present at your wedding collected money for your first child. Remember who then gave more bills and coins? Did the guests' prediction come true? Let's check it out again and have a fundraiser for the birth of your grandson. Do you want a grandson? So, guests, I remind you of the conditions: those who want a grandson to be the first to appear in the family, put money into blue sliders, and those who wish our newlyweds a granddaughter, into pink ones.

Congratulations to the newlyweds

presenter: Dear guests, some of you have not yet had time to congratulate our wonderful married couple on their twenty-fifth anniversary of family life. Now you have such an opportunity. And I, with your permission, will begin:

Today is a bright day, wonderful,

And we're all gathered here together

To express my respect

Beautiful bride and groom.

We heartily congratulate you

With such a difficult date,

And, of course, we wish

Drinking song competition

presenter: Today we danced and had fun, and now it's time for songs. You are ready? Well, fine! I suggest that those who want to take part in the competition split into two groups: one will be called "Young-Green", and the other we will call "Experienced Generation". But you were not lucky with the repertoire, because today the young will sing songs of the old times, but the second group, on the contrary, will deal with youth hits. For this competition, you should prepare the backing tracks of songs and leaflets with text in advance. Not bad if there is a karaoke system in the room where the event is held.

Final stage of the event

presenter: Dear guests, let's invite the newlyweds to the center of the hall, and I will ask you to wrap them in an impromptu friendly embrace. Form a circle around them, please. Now I will give the newlyweds two large candles in their hands. Each of you will receive a small candle. Light them from those in the hands of our newlyweds. And you do not feel sorry for the warmth, pass on the light to everyone who has gathered here. When all the candles are lit, it is necessary to turn off the lights in the room and turn on the music. A married couple will dance in a circle of their guests holding small candles. This is an incredibly beautiful sight! In conclusion, we offer you a small “video sketch”, which will undoubtedly be useful to the hosts of the festive event during its official part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J_jWUKOneA
