Russian folk riddle on the theme of agricultural work. Collection of didactic games to familiarize children of senior preschool age with agricultural work

He plows and harrows,
Looks after the ears.
Answer: plowman

Not the sea, but worried.
Answer: field

Hairdresser unusual
Smooth forelock cuts wheat,
And lie behind him scattered
Stacks of golden hair.
Answer: harvester

Curve yes long
Wormwood bitterness.
In an open field lies
Protects the old.
Answer: boundary

He walks the field from end to end,
Cuts a black loaf.
Answer: plow

I don't go to the waterhole
Oats do not ask
If you want, I'll pop
If you want, I'll shut up.
Answer: tractor

Grew up in the field house
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a gold pillar.
Answer: rye, stems, ears

Small, hunchbacked
The whole field will be covered
Come running home -
A whole year will pass.
Answer: sickle

She is long, her nose is long,
And the handles are small.
Answer: braid

Lying man
In a golden coat
Belted, not a belt
If you don't lift it, it won't get up.
Answer: sheaf

They beat me with sticks
Press me with stones
Keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love.
Answer: bread

From under the linden bush
The snowstorm is thick.
Answer: flour

Between Pechora Mountains
The bull is liver,
Poppy crushed in the belly,
A knife is embedded in the side.
Answer: loaf

The giant ship does not sail on the sea,
The ship-giant on the earth goes.
The field will pass - the harvest will be harvested.
Answer: harvester

Pike wags its tail in the sea, sets mountains
Answer: mowing

Rural labor of people. FAQ

He plows the land - a plowman, a plowman.

With sharp teeth loosens the ground (breaks clods) - a harrow. A harrow is a soil-cultivating tool. To harrow - to loosen plowed land with a harrow.

When they sow - sowing. A machine for sowing seeds into the soil is a seeder.

He works on a tractor - a tractor driver.

Works on a combine harvester.

Grows bread - a grain grower.

Engaged in cultivation of vegetables - a vegetable grower.

Grows cotton - cotton grower (agricultural worker specializing in the cultivation of cotton). The main agricultural tool in the 18th century was, as before, the plow. Plow - the simplest agricultural tool for plowing the land.

In Russian agriculture, a prominent and important role has always belonged to the plow. A plow is an agricultural implement with a wide, often metal, plowshare for the main tillage - plowing the land.

"Name your profession"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about agricultural workers; to improve the ability to listen attentively to riddle verses, to instill in children respect for agricultural workers.

Material: circle, cards with images of agricultural workers, riddle verses about professions.

Game option 1: The teacher reads a riddle verse. The child names the profession, shows a card with its image.

Game option 2: The teacher rotates the circle. Where the arrow stopped, the child should look at the image and name the profession. If he finds it difficult, then the teacher reads a riddle verse.

Game option 3: The child spins the circle. On which card the arrow stopped - name the profession and write a short story about it.

Poems for the game "Name the profession"


She gets up very early

And with the dawn he goes to the farm.

Her cows are waiting there:

Sour cream, T-shirts, Yolki.

They all need to be fed.

Wash the udder with warm water,

Connect the milking machine -

The path of milk is very long.

Milk runs down the pipe

Will come to the table to me and to you!


To make the dough fluffy

Put yeast in a large vat,

Salt will add flour

And fill it with clean water.

He kneads the dough quickly

And when it fits

On the scales lumps will weigh,

And it will smash into forms.

Loaves of bread from the oven

Like the sun, hot.


And on the farm there are guys -

Very small calves.

It is necessary to give them milk to drink, Each to drink it in a cup. Give them soft hay -

You have to take it in the hay.

Create them warmth, comfort,

Dry sawdust will help here.

Who will take care of this

Only our children know!


The fields are busy.

And everyone has one concern:

How to transport grain

Save him from loss?

Here comes our savior -

Lord of all roads.

The engine hums in his car

The cool master sits in the cockpit:

All grain will ship on time

And take him to the current.

livestock specialist

There is farm man,

He knows the most here.

How feed cows properly

How many times to milk them.

He will competently compose a menu-ration,

Will tell you this or that

in add a feeder

Learn how calves live -

Cows are little kids.

As they grow, check

After all, kids are not for everyone

can be trusted.

vegetable grower

Here a bed grows on the field,

She should always be

in order.

Who rushes to help her,

Deftly waving his chopper?

They are lazy to work

In the sun all day.

Harvest is harvested by their hands.

You meet him soon.

It is rich in vitamins

Everyone will be happy with vegetables!

tractor driver

They are plows, he sows -

He has skills in this.

BUT when the sprouts come up Harrows traces will pass. Started when cleaning

Not he sits aside

By the field rushes he slips -

earth beveled disc.


Animals get sick too

Who who will heal them?

Who measure the temperature

will give calf potion? Gives an injection

To be always healthy?


For harvesting

He goes to the fields.

Thundering, threshing rumbles,

Like guns are firing. He fills the bunker with grain,

Unloads it into the back of the car. So the last roll is mowed - How much grain did you thresh, my friend?


When the calves grow up

They will come to me for rearing. I put fragrant hay in the feeder, I follow cleanliness and order. My bulls will grow up quickly, They will give good gains. I will give them more feed, Who am I, my friends?


Work is in full swing in the field,

Somewhere out there, a tractor is humming.

And sent him there

The one who always knows everything:

plant agrotechnics,

In this he, friends, is a genius,

How, and what, and where to sow -

These shoots he will cherish.

How to care for wheat

After all, she is already earing.

And the cleaning time will come -

All grain will go to the current.

"Wheel of History"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the sequence of performing field work on growing cereal crops and turning them into bread; learn to compose a story, based on the image in the circle, as on model diagrams. To cultivate a careful attitude to bread and respect for the work of the people who grew it.

Material: a circle with the image of objects related to certain labor processes.

Preliminary work:conversations, excursions, reading fiction, looking at the photo album “The way of bread from a grain to a store”.

Game progress

Bread on the table came to us for a long time,

Passed its history.

Wheel, you tell us about it,

Show me any picture.

Game Variant 1 : The child is spinning the wheel. On which image the arrow stops, it should tell about the labor process.

Game option 2: The teacher talks about the labor process, the child must show his image on the circle.

Option 3: The child, without mistake, must list the sequence of labor processes.


Wonder tree stands

Very strange on view:

Here are the loaves and bagels,

Cakes with fruit inside

On lush branches below

Cake, waffles, muffins - closer!

With jam pie, bagel, cookies–

What a wonderful meal!

Ah, the beautiful miracle garden,

Any passer-by is happy to see you!

Very tasty, we ate plenty,

We won't find this anywhere else.

Grow day by day, keep going

Multiply your rich grain harvest!

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about bakery products; to consolidate the ability to write short descriptive stories; to teach children to pronounce the words of the poem clearly and expressively, observing a moderate pace of speech; to cultivate respect for the work of grain growers and bakers.

Material: wood layout, dummies bakery products.

Rules of the game: children choose a bakery product, the winner is the one who never makes a mistake in the name of them and receives the most chips for answers.

Game options 1: The teacher shows a bakery product, the child must name it and talk about it.

Option 2: The teacher describes the bakery product, the child must name it and show it.

Option 3: One child describes the bakery product, the other child must name and describe it.

Didactic game "Parcel"

Target: generalize children's knowledge about machines and devices that facilitate the work of agricultural workers; to teach children to listen carefully to a riddle poem and mentally draw up a diagram: profession - mechanical assistants; to cultivate respect for the work of agricultural workers.

Material: a package containing illustrations of machines and devices that facilitate work, riddle poems.

Poetry intro:

You, parcel, show

You, parcel, tell me:

What mysteries lie within you

And the work of the peasants will be facilitated.

Option 1: The teacher takes out a picture and reads a riddle poem. Children have to guess what the subject is.

Option 2: The teacher reads the riddle. Children must determine which worker of which profession this item helps.

Puzzles .

Fast, agile and agile

Dropped grain into the ground.

And not at all tired

At least she worked until morning.

Would grow up faster

This is wheat land!(seeder)

The hero goes iron,

But he is a useful worker.

Dragging plows behind him

The conversation is with the spring.


She is dragging behind the plow -

Huge comb:

After all, our field needs

Spring hairstyle.


Here is the harvested wheat. Now the land requires

To her yellow, pungent "hedgehog"

I did not prick the legs of a hare here.

The tractor driver took over

Pinned to the tractor...


For harvesting

I go to the fields.

I go to the fields

And for several cars

I work there alone.


Grain lies on the current

You need to take him to the barn.

Who will help in this, children,

Well, quickly answer me?


The baker will come early in the morning

Kvashnu in a vat will lead.

He kneads the dough quickly

And when it fits -

On the scales lumps will weigh

And it will smash into forms.

Now I need to bake bread

And it will help...


Miracle pitchforks in front of us

With gripping hands.

One minute boldly

They load hay into the cart.


Formerly cow milkmaid

Milked with hands.

How difficult it is

We do not know with you.

But many days have passed...

What device came to

Help her?

(Milking machine)

"Name the plant grown by field growers"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about field crops; to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish them in appearance, to recognize them in illustrations.

Material: demonstration material, illustration cards of field crops, bags of cereal grains.

Game Variant 1 : The teacher shows a card with a picture of field plants, the children name the plant, say what benefits it brings.

Game option 2: The teacher names the plant. The child must find a card with his image and tell what benefits it brings.

Game option 3: The teacher talks about the plant, the children must name it.

Game option 4: The teacher shows a bag of grain. The child, having examined it, should name the grain crop.

“What is the use of this thinness?”

Target: to expand children's understanding of pets, how to take care of them and what to feed, about the benefits they bring to people; to instill a love for pets and a desire to take care of them.

Material: two circles: one depicts domestic animals, the second - products of their production.

Game option 1:

You, ringlet, circle, Yaka is good

You tell us the truth: From Tsey thinness?

The child spins a circle with the image of pets. When the arrow stops at one of them, the child must tell about this animal, how to take care of it, what to feed it, and on the second circle must show what benefit it brings to people.

Game option 2:

You, ringlet, circle, Who helped people here,

You tell us the truth: Did you give them products on time?

The child spins a circle depicting livestock products. When the arrow stops at one of them, the child must tell which animal it belongs to and how to care for it.

Didactic game "Grandma's porridge"

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that people not only bake bread or bakery products from cereals, but also prepare many tasty and healthy dishes; to consolidate the knowledge of children about what kind of cereal, what kind of porridge can be cooked; learn to compose a story based on model diagrams depicted on plates; to cultivate respect for the work of grain growers.

Material: one-time plates with drawings depicting cereals.

Game Variant 1 : The teacher shows a plate with the image of one of the cereals and asks about what kind of porridge granny cooked, what cereal she took to cook it.

Game option 2: All the plates are laid out on the table, the teacher calls the porridge cooked by the grandmother, and the child must find her image on the plate.

Game option 3: The teacher reads riddle verses, and the children must find the answers on the plates.

White porridge with milk On cow's milk

Do not call you anything, We cook porridge in a pot.

You can't see the cereal here... It's hearty, thick,

What kind of porridge, do you know? And the color is gold.

(Semolina) (Millet)

Grows strong

The one who eats this porridge

All diseases do not matter

If you like...


If you remove the “fur coat” from this grain

And sand well

Can we cook porridge?

And arrange on plates.

We wave the spoon often and deftly -

After all, this is a favorite porridge ...

(Pearl barley)

Cook this porridge

Our most beloved

Golden grain will help,

It's called...


This porridge has long grains.

It is very useful for everyone.

We will cook it a full bowl

This porridge is made from grains ...


Can you boil it with meat?

And it will go to the side dish.

Extinguish on fire - and ready

Very hearty tasty pilaf.

Now think, kids

What kind of grain will go

In these dishes?


What kind of grain is in porridge -

Is it brown?



How interesting is this grain,

It looks so white.

Put in milk

With sugar and salt

Let's eat plenty of porridge.(Rice)

Eat, good people!

Side dish for this dish

Our cereals are of high quality,

And the porridge is called...


Olga Vokhmyanina
Presentation "Studying agricultural machines"

Target: the formation of generalized ideas about agricultural machinery facilitating the work of people; expansion of ideas about the device of some types of technology.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea

The giant ship is on the ground

The field will pass - the harvest will be harvested. (Combine)

An iron nose has grown into the ground,

Digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow)

Rides a steel horse growls

Behind the plows drags. (Tractor)

Riding in the field on his back

And across the field on your feet. (Harrow)

A cow walks in the field

soot tongue,

The cow cuts the grass,

Under the spine. (Mower)

Behind the iron horse

The box stretches with grain,

Through the holey bottom

The grain spills out. (seeder)

The hero goes iron

But he is a useful worker.

Pulls plows behind him

The conversation takes place in the spring. (Tractor)

I am stronger than ten horses

Where in the fields I will pass in the spring

In summer, bread will rise like a wall. (Tractor)

Iron Horse,

Fire in the belly

The hay does not ask

Plow, sow, mow. (Tractor)

She walks behind a tractor across the field,

Selected grains are poured into it.

And where her trace lies a little noticeable,

Then there is a bountiful harvest. (seeder)

iron nose,

Rooted into the ground

Digging, digging

The earth loosens. (Plow)

Toothy, not biting. (Rake)

Strongmen scurry in the fields

With boxes on the shoulders.

From the fields barely go:

The harvest is big. (Trucks)

Miracle pitchforks in front of us

With gripping hands.

One minute boldly

They load hay into the cart. (Chain Launcher)

She is dragging behind the plow -

Huge hairbrush:

After all, our field needs

Spring hairstyle. (Harrow)

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Riddles about tools with answers

1. He tries everything on the tooth: and pine, and elm, and oak. (Saw.)

2. A new boat is sailing along a wooden river,

Its pine smoke curls into rings. (Plane.)

3. The first is a note, the second is a game,

The whole will meet at the carpenter. (Bit.)

4. Tenacious cancer on those angry

Who sits in vain on the board. (Ticks.)

5. The horse, the hunchback has wooden sides.

He has white shavings running from under his hooves. (Plane.)

6. I gnawed and bit the board, I threw crumbs on the floor.

But I didn’t eat a single piece, you know, a tasteless board. (Saw.)

7. Wonderful buddy: wooden hand

Yes, the iron butt is a hardened comb.

He is held in high esteem by the carpenter -

Every day with him at work. (Axe.)

8. Thick thin will beat -

Thin something will beat. (Hammer and nail.)

9. She started dancing like a screw,

And he, spinning, got stuck in the board. (Screwdriver and screw.)

10. Everywhere sticks his twisted nose, pierces a hole in the wall,

To find out what's on the other side. (Drill.)

Riddles about transport equipment

1. What kind of bird - does not sing songs,

Nests do not build, people and cargo are lucky? (Airplane.)

2. Two wheels in a row, they turn their legs,

And on top of the upright, the owner himself crocheted. (Bike.)

3. Four brothers agreed to race.

No matter how they run, they will not catch up with each other. (Wheels.)

4. I had a cart, but I didn’t have a horse.

And suddenly she neighed, neighed - ran.

Look, a cart without a horse ran! (Freight car.)

5. What a miracle - a blue house, bright windows all around,

He wears shoes made of rubber and eats gasoline. (Bus.)

6. On a clear morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road.

On the road, legs ride and two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer - this is my ... (bicycle).

7. Rushing and shooting, grumbling in a patter.

The tram can't keep up with this gibberish. (Motorbike.)

8. Does rain have four wheels?

Tell me what these miracles are called. (Watering machine.)

9. The brothers were equipped to visit, clung to each other

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke. (Locomotive and wagons.)

10. He touches the clouds with his wing in the boundless ocean.

It will turn around - under the rays it casts silver. (Airplane.)

11. Underwater iron whale. The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night under water guards my peace. (Submarine.)

12. The car itself opened the doors for us,

Stairs lead to the city.

We do not believe our eyes:

Everyone stands, she goes. (Escalator in the subway.)

Riddles about agricultural machinery

1. I don’t go to a watering hole, I don’t ask for oats.

If you want, I'll pop, if you want, I'll shut up. (Tractor.)

2. Walks the field from end to end,

Cuts a black loaf. (Plow.)

3. Itself is long, the nose is long, and the handle is small. (Scythe.)

4. I am stronger than ten horses.

Where in the fields I will pass in the spring -

In summer, the bread is thick. (Tractor.)

5. Behind the forest, the mustachioed sea lies,

Wave after wave rolls across the sea.

A giant steamer will pass through the waves

And take every drop with him. (Combine.)

6. A cow walks in the field - a planted tongue.

The cow cuts the grass under the very spine. (Self-propelled mower.)

Riddles about construction equipment

1. A hand walks in the sky, touches the clouds.

And under it there is din and thunder - a new house is growing. (Tap.)

2. Over the river across the giant once lay down.

He let me walk across the river on my back. (Bridge.)

3. I am not alive, but I am walking, I am helping to dig the earth.

Instead of a thousand shovels, I am glad to work alone. (Excavator.)

4. I turn my long neck, I pick up a heavy load.

Where they order - I'll put it. I serve the man. (Crane.)

5. Like a planer I plan the earth, I help to make roads.

Where is the new building - attention is everywhere

Nice car with a difficult name. (Bulldozer.)

6. A rolling pin walks along the road, heavy, huge,

And now we have a road, like a ruler, smooth. (Grader.)

7. A handy, toothy one walks and wanders along the street.

It is snowing and grabbing, and the janitor only squints.

And the janitor smiles: the snow is raked without him. (Snow plow.)

Riddles about household appliances

1. We have a robot in our apartment, it has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness and buzzes like a TU liner. (A vacuum cleaner.)

2. There are no legs, but I walk, there is no mouth, but I will say: When to sleep,

When to get up

When to start work. (Watch.)

3. The whole universe lives in it,

And it's an ordinary thing. (Television.)

4. In this white chest we store food on the shelves.

It is hot outside, cold in the chest. (Fridge.)

5. Point the glass eye,

We click once - and we remember you. (Camera.)

He runs along the wires, you say here, but you can hear it there. (Telephone.)

Riddles "Tell me a word"

1. Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking birds flight,

The man controls it. What is it? .. (Airplane.)

2. I take off without acceleration, I remind a dragonfly.

Our Russian is taking off... (helicopter).

3. There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

A few minutes later, it descended ... (parachute).

4. She spread her scarlet tail, flew off into a flock of stars.

Our people built this interplanetary ... (rocket).

5. When it is sometimes lonely, suddenly a ringing bursts into silence,

Labor is an integral part of every person's life. This is a guarantee of spiritual, moral and material development. From a very young age, we teach children to put away their toys and then their dishes. A little later, he helps his parents sweep and vacuum.

And then comes a very important stage - school. This is actually a real job for the child. He goes to school every day and does various tasks.

And riddles about work will help the child instill a love for work, and then decide on a future profession.

Riddles about labor with answers

  1. You are called young
    If you really love...
  2. From monkeys people created who neat?
    (Now the process, in my opinion, has gone reverse)
  3. Hey, get up, couch potato,
    You are not at all tired.
    Success and luck are waiting for you.
    And it will help you...
  4. Who
    For all ages and years
    King of nature?
    King of the fields
    Who is he?
    What's his name?
    Well, of course,
  5. How boldly from a monkey
    Can a person be made?
    And which tool
    Helped in the progress of this?
  6. Do you want to always be the first
    To live well and healthy?
    My advice: don't be lazy
    And work and...
    work hard
  7. Who is never bored?
    Work, work are afraid of him.
    He is a master of affairs, loved by all
    Human …
  8. I'm sitting on the beach
    Picturesque pond.
    What I can't do without
    Take the fish out of the pond?

Riddles about tools for schoolchildren

  1. We eat herbs - I will blunt my teeth,
    I’ll grab the sand - I’ll sharpen it again.
  2. Covers everyone in the world
    What he sews, he does not wear.
  3. I'm running bald -
    I cut curls from my bald head.
  4. How I envy the couch potato
    that rolls around without any use,
    I'll pin him to the board
    Yes, as I hit on the head,
    The poor thing will hide in the board,
    you can barely see his cap.
    (A hammer)
  5. Vostroushka-pinwheel
    I rested my foot on the screw,
    The talker lost his peace.
  6. Khlopotun Yegorka
    Took care of:
    I went dancing around the room,
    I looked around - a clean floor!
  7. In a woolen meadow
    Dancing thin-legged,
    From under a steel shoe
    The stitch comes out.
    (Sewing machine)
  8. Himself thin - a head with a pood.
    I went to work - everyone heard.
    (A hammer)
  9. Where will rest the tail,
    There will be a hole later.
  10. She started dancing with a screw, -
    And he, whirling, Got stuck in the board!
    (screw and screwdriver)
  11. Quietly, quietly it snows
    White snow, shaggy.
    We'll clear the snow and ice
    In the yard …
    (with a shovel)
  12. In the summer on the meadow, and in the winter on the hook.
  13. If you see - I'm spinning,
    It means I'm working.
  14. A thin thread is threaded into a narrow eye,
    And swam after the ship quickly.
    Sews, sews and pricks sharply,
    They call it a ship...
  15. On a mirror on a skating rink
    On a single skate
    He rode once -
    And the whole skating rink fell apart.
    (glass cutter)
  16. They have hard work
    All the time something is pressing.
  17. I'm always on the go with people
    At least my character is cool.
    Where you need to knock - I will come,
    After all, my hard work.
    (A hammer)
  18. The bird is small
    dives with its nose,
    Tail wag,
    Will lead the way.
    (Needle and thread)
  19. They beat Yermilka on the back of the head,
    He doesn't cry, he just hides his nose.
  20. I'll walk a little hot
    And the sheet will be smooth.
    I can fix bugs
    And put arrows on the trousers.
  21. We can do a lot:
    Cut, cut and cut.
    Don't play with us kids:
    We can punish you!
  22. That gardener
    lives with a long nose.
    Where he shakes his nose
    water will flow there.
    (Watering can)
  23. I walk next to the janitor,
    I'm shoveling snow all around.
    And I help the guys
    Make a mountain, build a house.
  24. The iron nose has grown into the ground.
    Digs, cripples, sparkles with a mirror.
  25. I am a curious tool:
    I know everything in one moment:
    Everywhere I stick my twisted nose,
    Poke a hole in the wall
    To find out what's on the one
    Back side!
  26. She got down to business
    She screamed and sang.
    Ate, ate oak, oak,
    Broken tooth, tooth.
  27. The teeth have
    don't know about toothache
