What to wear with silver jewelry. How and with what to wear silver jewelry

I look at my hands and am surprised: there are already so many rings on them that there are almost no free fingers left. The thing is, I love silver. It would seem that gold is more valuable, it has a bunch of useful properties, but I can’t wear it for a long time. And this is not just fiction and a fetish. When you put on a silver jewelry, you feel more secure, more calm and strong. Why do we subconsciously choose silver? How does it help us in life? And what dangers is fraught with a mysterious metal? I tried to find answers to these questions.


Silver is a precious metal with remarkable properties. It was known to man and used by him for thousands of years ago.
The Latin name for silver "argentum", like the ancient Greek "argitos", the Sumerian "kubabbar" and the ancient Egyptian "had", means "WHITE". The history of silver is closely connected with alchemy
In Russian "silver", in German "silber", English "silver" - these words go back to the ancient Indian word "sarpa", which denoted the Moon and the Sickle - the most ancient tool of the farmer. In Russia, silver has always had a special relationship.

Benefits for mind and body

The light sheen of silver is somewhat reminiscent of the light of the moon. Therefore, it is a lunar metal, the thinnest conductor. Silver can store information about the emotional world of the owner. Silver can remove and redistribute negative energy and therefore can be used to cleanse the human energy field. It is also able to compensate for the energy of the stomach and duodenum.
Its widespread use in Orthodox rituals speaks for itself: this metal is an excellent water purifier and antiseptic. The relics of saints are even kept in silver containers. You can and even need to put silver in drinking water and insist. It turns out that we consume about 7 milligrams of silver per day along with food and water. The lack of this metal in the body is replenished by immoderate consumption of sweets.

Who can wear silver?

If we consider silver in relation to astrology and the signs of the Zodiac, then it is best suited to the signs of Cancer and Pisces. They need to wear stones in silver. In general, silver is not contraindicated for people with pronounced signs of Water and Earth. True, you should not wear it all the time, you need to take it off periodically. Scorpios usually don't like silver. By the way, gold and silver, the metals of the Sun and the Moon, are very accustomed to the owner. Therefore, you should not give your jewelry to other people - you invite trouble.

Silver does not tolerate emotionally impoverished, tough and ruthless people. It either tries to get away from them or brings them great misfortune. Therefore, a pragmatist who does not believe in intuition, a pedant, a “rusk”, is better not to wear silver. But for people with a deep emotional nature, silver works well. It is kind to them. These people can and should wear silver things, as well as have as much silver as possible in the house: vases, statues, coasters, spoons and other things.
Silver mainly affects the soul of a person, his subconscious, forcing him to plunge into the inner world. Silver also affects the emotional nature, awakens impressionability, subtle sensitivity. However, in thin, sensitive people, silver can often awaken fantasies, make them dreamy. In the worst case, such a person, under the influence of silver, can be so immersed in illusions that he will not distinguish between what is desired and what is real. Too thin people cannot wear silver all the time.
If silver is not suitable for a person, then this can lead to serious health problems.
Some healers claim that silver has a cooling effect on the body, so older people should not wear it.


Silver is associated with lunar magic, the feminine and the image of the goddess Diana. It is believed that silver can protect against negative influences and evil spirits. The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Ra had silver bones. For the Incas, silver was a divine substance, they called it "lunar tears". And the emperor Nero simply shod thousands of his mules with silver.
Alchemists considered silver to be the "white philosopher's stone". In addition, silver is a spirit metal. As an astral guide, it helps to establish contact with the souls of the dead.

Magical weapons are made from silver alloys: since silver is a conductor of the energies of the subtle world associated with the divine world of our soul, any evil spirits devoid of a soul cannot stand it. In astral battles, black magicians, struck by silver weapons, simply burn out energetically. And silver bells drive away demons.
If silver nails are driven into the coffin, then the spirit of the deceased cannot rise. Silver amulets ward off evil spirits. In France, the custom has been preserved before the wedding to put on a silver chain for the newlyweds in order to avoid the effects of witchcraft. A silver bullet can "finish off" werewolves and other diabolical creatures. By the way, modern vampire fighters prefer to use injections of silver nitrate instead of aspen stake.

From the point of view of an astrologer and an alchemist, silver is a symbol of spiritual purity. This is a virgin metal associated with something intimate, deep, hidden inside. Silver is associated with some hidden properties and states of ours, which, under certain conditions, can sometimes be revealed and then hidden again. Silver is very strongly associated with prayer, which is why icons are often made of silver. Work with many astral forces and entities, contact with them can be carried out only through silver. Rings and rings with stones set in silver allow you to hold the subtle power of these stones. Silver alloys also contribute to this.

Why does it turn black?

Silver turns black at different rates for different people. It depends on the astral nature of a person, on the properties of his soul.
Silver also darkens upon prolonged contact with the protein and skin of an unhealthy person, hence the belief that silver has the ability to predict the serious illness of its owner.
The black substance on silver is silver oxide and silver sulfide in different proportions. People who use silver things do not like the fact that silver is getting dark, they try to clean it, but do not understand that it is not the jewelry that needs to be cleaned, but the soul. Although in cases of astral attack, silver will take a hit on itself and also darken. In general, if the silver has turned black, this is a certain sign that should be interpreted individually for each person.


Silver jewelry is innumerable. Chains, pendants, amulets, rings, bracelets, headbands... In general, choose what you like. A relatively unusual silver jewelry is a ring on the leg. For the first time, such a silver ring appeared among the Arabs, they were used by concubines from the Sultan's harem and they were worn not only as jewelry, they were a hallmark of belonging to the harem.

Traditionally, these rings are made of silver, although you can also find leg rings made of other precious metals, but silver is perfect for this purpose. Silver is a soft metal, it bends relatively easily and will quickly take on the desired shape, which will contribute to better comfort. This ring is perfect for everyone. Decorate your leg with an elegant ring with a geometric pattern, and you will become irresistible in a summer way both on the beach and in the city. There should not be many of them, they should be in harmony with each other, other decorations and clothes. The main thing is that the rings on the toes do not interfere with movement and do not disfigure the fingers.

Silver dream book of Nostradamus

Silver is a symbol of goodness, the moon.
To see a piece of silver being taken out of the ground - this dream means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income. Maybe it was open, how do we know? .. =)
Seeing a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of dubious luck, a union bought with money.
Seeing silver coins with the image of the Moon is a harbinger of the visit of creatures that no one knew anything about, but which have long been sending signals to Earth.
Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that portends a multi-level reform of banknotes.
Seeing a huge boa constrictor that guards a pile of silver is a symbol that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequences will be made, it will be of international importance and will change the history books of ancient civilizations.
Seeing the silver bayonets with which the front garden is fenced is a harbinger of an increase in aggression among underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Margarita Safonova

Information and photo:

Precious metal jewelry lovers prefer to separate gold and silver. For some, this is a way of manifesting well-being, others put a special meaning, passing on jewelry by inheritance, others believe in healing properties. Stereotypes of older generations warn against mixing jewelry. Fashion does not stand still, you need to understand - is it possible to wear gold and silver together?


Since Antiquity, people have believed in the ability of precious items to protect against diseases and protect against adversity. The nobility wore jewelry with religious symbolism or social status.

Silver items have been known for 6000 years. Do not give in to corrosion, do not rust, are not destroyed by acids. Antibacterial properties - disinfect water, kill 650 types of bacteria. Ancient peoples endowed metal with magical features. It was believed that it was frozen moonlight.

Why are the oldest luxury items made of gold? It is malleable and plastic, even in a cold state it stretches into the thinnest plates and threads. It has a wide palette of shades and is associated with the sun. In ancient states, representatives of the nobility adorned themselves with chains with pendants, and merchants used them for writing materials.

Manufacturing technology has changed, products have become cheaper and more accessible. Today, precious metals are not a total symbol of wealth and power, but also serve to manifest individuality.

Preferences and prejudices

Is it possible to combine gold and silver - different elements with opposite energies of the Sun and the Moon? The power of the luminary resonates with the masculine principle, carries cheerfulness, warmth and joy. The moon is feminine, bestows calmness, balance and sanity.

Gold jewelry helps a person become confident and spiritually hardy. Here is a sign: the ring is worn on the index finger of the right hand to develop the makings of a leader. Absorbs the negative or positive energy of the owner. A gift from parents can become a kind of amulet that protects a child from adversity.

Silver items soothe, encourage rest, sleep, reflection. In medicine, they eliminate inflammatory processes, are well suited for hypertensive patients, soothe headaches, and refresh the body. Golden ones are opposite - they invigorate, encourage action, increase blood pressure, and are used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Eating from silver utensils cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Blood pressure normalizes. Women who wear such earrings prefer to believe their eyes, they listen less to gossip and other people's advice. Wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand will help to accurately choose the right man as a husband.

modern medicine

Medical attitude to the question "is it possible to wear silver and gold at the same time?" loyally. It is unacceptable in prolonged contact and is permissible once.

The yellow metal is used in dentistry, pharmacology and radiation therapy. Consists of an alloy covered with a dense shell. Physical properties: visual nobility, plasticity, resistance to mechanical damage, inertness, absence of allergic and chemical reactions.

Medical alloy is used in oncology. With the help of colloidal particles, a reaction to infrared radiation occurs, affecting infected cells. The use of precious metal nanoparticles introduced into blood vessels blocks the supply of oxygen, and malignant tumors are treated.

Gold ions are added to skin care products for skin rejuvenation. It is used in water-soluble preparations for injections, aesthetic cosmetology.

There are contraindications for diabetes mellitus, severe consumption, liver disease, kidney failure, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. An increase in body temperature, painful processes in the intestines, depression, brittle hair and nails are possible. An increased number of ions causes changes in the functioning of organs, accumulating in them.

The use of silver is revealed:

  • in surgery;
  • traumatology;
  • burn medicine;
  • dermatology;
  • phthisiology;
  • nephrology;
  • urology;
  • gynecology and obstetrics;
  • dentistry; m
  • ophthalmology;
  • with immunodeficiency, gastroenterology, otorhinolaryngology, cosmetology, in complexes of biologically active substances.

Specialists in the medical field are not critical regarding the combination of products from precious alloys. Only with prolonged contact is an imbalance possible.


The combination of gold and silver in folk medicine is not welcome. Exceptions for a cross made of pure, without impurities, substance and a gold bracelet. The cross is not all attributed to decoration, more to the symbolism of religion.

What does ancient medicine say?

In ancient Eastern medicine, yellow metal was attributed to the energy of Yang, light - to the energy of Yin. Opposites, mixing of which leads to negative consequences in health. Platinum is no exception. The solution could be an alloy called electrum. Today it is almost impossible to get it.

Evidence of early medical use comes from China, where the idea of ​​the elixir of life was born. Alchemists believed: if gold is eaten, a person will receive immortality and unlimited power. The noble metal was used in rejuvenation, restoration of energy, in case of mercury poisoning. Wound healing plates were used. Antique treatises testify to a variety of uses in pure form, in powder, in the thinnest foil.

The peoples of the East to this day traditionally store water and drinks in silver vessels. They believe that this way you can protect the liquid from spoilage.

Jewelry marked belonging to dynasties, were an attribute of ritual ceremonies, performed the magical role of amulets and talismans. The ancients valued argentum more: it is associated with the mysteries and magic, endowed with sacred power.

How not to mix precious metals

For those who doubt their skill, it is worth refraining from exploring new images and sticking to your own style. However, fashionistas easily combine jewelry and do not think about it.

Age criteria also need to be considered. How to wear such a combination for a girl or a mature woman? Youth is a time of experimentation, rebellious appearance, bright accessories and unrestrained style, leather and silver decorative elements. For people 40-65 years old, an attempt to use bright and incompatible, massive jewelry will add age, absurdity.

A few rules to follow:

  • watches with rings from different tandems do not harmonize;
  • the proximity of products is unacceptable;
  • compromise is impossible between massive, luxurious specimens with large stones;
  • both metals cannot be worn if the jewelry is made in the same style;
  • simultaneous wearing of various bracelets, rings and chains is excluded;

For example, a gold chain and a silver necklace will not only lose the image, but will make it tasteless. And the presence of such rings, along with models from another metal, look stupid and ridiculous. Such a combination on the hand is a bad form. It is better to choose one option.

Combination rules: are gold and silver worn together

The style, fashion and creativity of the new time offers trends - fusion and eclecticism, which means mixing, destroying traditions. It is important to observe the amount of jewelry. The image is given by the general background and detailed addition.

Success lies in the right choice:

  • jewelry size;
  • distances;
  • compositions;
  • color similarities;
  • alternating layers;
  • color supplement.

True connoisseurs of jewelry are convinced that if you do it right and take into account all the subtleties, then such an ensemble looks elegant and aesthetically pleasing. It is quite possible to "dilute" the gold chain with a thin silver thread. In this case, it is necessary to supplement the combination with earrings that are suitable in design to the product in tone to which they are selected.

Modern jewelers have simplified the task for those who prefer all metals and are not sure if gold and silver are worn at the same time. An invaluable service in this matter was rendered by white gold, which in many jewelry collections not only acts as separate dominants, but also harmonizes perfectly with argentum. However, yellow is not inferior to him. Stylists suggest taking into account such factors that allow you to wear these colors at the same time:

  1. Silver will easily create harmony with white gold or platinum.
  2. Models that differ in design ideas can be made of different metals, but look great in a single tandem.
  3. It is necessary to combine a massive and thin model. In such an ensemble, one thing dominates, and the other complements it.
  4. If the elements are part of the alloy - do not worry, but feel free to try on and shine. Silver and gold colors go well together if one substance smoothly and monotonously passes into another.
  5. Silver jewelry with pale yellow gold and small diamonds looks original.

Solar metal is suitable for people of autumn and spring types of appearance: with peach and beige skin, green-eyed, fair-haired and brown-haired. Silver for representatives of winter and summer with porcelain skin or ivory, brunettes and blondes.

The purpose of the event is important. It must be taken into account that going out, working or business visit, ordinary everyday life require a special approach and image.

It is worth considering another important nuance. Many people prefer to wear a pectoral cross on a silver or gold chain. It does not belong to the category of decoration and acts as an independent religious attribute.


Metals have always attracted the attention of designers and jewelers. The modern world of fashion offers a large selection of jewelry, which are selected according to taste, desires and trends. With a skillful combination of such products, you can create an elegant look and remain a stylish and self-confident woman in any situation.

How to wear gold and silver together? Believe in prejudice or focus on personal preferences? This is everyone's business. The visual perception of connoisseurs is not based on the practice of ancient teachings. Any person is a legislator of his own fashion. The main thing is not to look stupid. Image is not only the skill of dressing in terms of style, but also the ability to present oneself, feeling confident and harmonious. The bottom line is that when wearing such jewelry, you should carefully consider your image - whether you will look funny or ridiculous by wearing all at once.

In the Avers pawnshop you can pick up exclusive accessories made of any metals at an attractive price.

Silver is one of the most affordable precious metals. However, with its beauty and quality, it is not inferior to gold and platinum. In addition, it looks more elegant and goes well with any natural stones. But how do you choose the right jewelry that suits you and goes well with your wardrobe?

Gold or silver?

This question is often asked by girls before buying. The problem is that gold is considered a more prestigious metal and costs more. Therefore, it is chosen as a material for the manufacture of wedding rings.

However, in recent years, silver has become increasingly popular and is pushing gold out of the market. There are several reasons for this:

  • Silver does not cause allergies. From such a decoration you will not have a rash or irritation on the skin. Unless, of course, it is of high quality with a minimum amount of impurities.
  • Has disinfectant properties. If you wear silver after piercing, the wound will heal faster and the risk of infection will decrease. Not to mention the fact that from ancient times this metal was thrown into the water to give it healing properties.
  • Silver is cheaper. No matter what they say about generosity, it is really very expensive to overpay for gold jewelry. Most young people simply do not have the money to buy expensive gifts for their loved ones.
  • Silver is suitable for girls of any type and race, looks good on both light and dark skin.

Of course, gold has its admirers, to whom it really suits. But this metal is more suitable for expensive receptions where people with high social status gather.

Pay attention to testing

If you decide to purchase a silver pendant or earrings, then do not be stingy. Pay attention to the test. The highest is 925, which indicates that the silver content is 92.5%. This metal has a very light shade. And it usually costs a lot more.

3 ways to recognize a fake

Silver has its own sound. No matter how strange this fact may seem, it will really help in choosing. You can simply throw the selected decoration on the counter. If the sound is high and clear, then you have real silver in front of you, a fake will sound booming and heavy.

Another good way is to simply run a sharp object from the inside of the jewelry. If the color of the scratch differs from the outer coating, then the product is silver plated. A significant drawback of this method is that the seller is unlikely to agree to damage to the jewelry, albeit from the inside.

The easiest way is with a magnet. Silver is not attracted, unlike other metals. Therefore, just bring the magnet to the decoration, if it remains in place, then you have real silver in front of you.

The history of metal and its magical properties

Silver has been known to mankind for a very long time. Archaeologists have found jewelry made of this metal dating back to the 3rd century BC. By the way, our ancestors used silver to create protective amulets.

Even then, people knew about its disinfectant properties and used it to purify and increase the shelf life of water and food. Perhaps that is why silver passed into the spiritual realm and began to be used for exhorcisms, that is, cleansing from the devil. Apparently, hence the legend that bullets from this metal can kill a werewolf.

In esotericism, silver is considered an excellent tool for energy cleansing of a person. Metal is also considered a symbol of the moon. This is due to the color, reminiscent of a heavenly body. Whereas gold has always been associated with the sun. And the moon, as many people know, has long been considered the patroness of magic and mysterious forces. Therefore, most magical rituals take place at night on a full moon using silver objects.

Alchemists considered silver to be one of the components of the philosopher's stone. They also attributed to him the ability to influence the surrounding reality. Therefore, many silver watches with various mysterious engravings have been preserved.

In the 17th to 21st centuries, metal was used to create tableware. There were many wars during this period. Many soldiers took silver flasks with them, as even swamp water was purified in them.

What goes with silver

Nowadays, few people ascribe magical properties to metal, with the exception of superstitious people. Most girls wear silver jewelry because of their beauty. However, to reveal the beauty of metal, you need to understand what it is best combined with.

To begin with, let's say that it is better not to mix silver and gold. Yes, jewelers often experiment with a combination of these metals, but this rarely brings decent results - they are too different in color.

Silver has a cold luster, so cold shades, such as blue, purple and blue, are ideally combined with it. You can choose jewelry with red stones, but then the silver frame should be very impressive so that the metal is not lost against the background of a bright shade.

Silver and clothes

Here you need to be able to play on contrasts. For example, a small silver pendant will look perfect with a black blouse, just like silver earrings with a dark outfit.

The glitter of silver goes well with metal inserts. However, make sure that such combinations are kept in the same style. For example, don't pair feminine earrings with aggressive studs on a leather jacket.

How to clean silver?

Silver, like any metal, tarnishes over time and loses its brightness. Therefore, cleaning jewelry, if you wear them often, is worth every 2-3 months. Do not forget that they require a delicate attitude and attention.

To clean the metal, you can buy a special tool in the store, or you can use the materials at hand. For example, mix ammonia and water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Wipe silver with this solution. This method is not the fastest, but effective.

You can also use a simple toothpaste. Apply it to the jewelry and rub it with a cloth, then rinse with water. This method perfectly returns the objects to their former brilliance and beauty.

Silver earrings

In recent years, this decoration is gaining more and more popularity. First of all, earrings are not a ring, the receipt of which as a gift a girl may mistakenly take for a marriage proposal. Necklaces are much more expensive and not everyone can afford to buy such a gift. Earrings are a universal gift-decoration that is suitable for any occasion and event.

Earrings with stones - who are they suitable for?

Silver with garnet looks perfect on brown-eyed brunettes. Red stones perfectly emphasize the beauty of this type of girl, and silver adds femininity and sophistication to the image.

Earrings with sapphires are an adornment for both brunettes and blondes. Creates an unforgettable impression. The stones go well with blue eyes or outfits in blue shades.

Silver with amethyst will suit persons with light brown hair. Also, the decoration is combined with purple outfits. The rich shade of the stones will emphasize the natural beauty and add expressiveness to the image.

Earrings with pearls

Natural pearls are more expensive material than gemstones. However, it goes well with silver and suits almost all types of women. The only thing to remember is that such decoration is not suitable for everyday toilet. Such things are worn only at formal receptions.

Silver jewelry is not inferior in popularity to gold, produced by such well-known brands as Tiffany, Mikimoto, Channel, Graff and others, they look stylish and beautiful, but only if certain rules for combining with accessories and clothes are observed.

Who suits silver jewelry?

Silver is a precious, elegant metal that lends itself perfectly to forging. Jewelry from it is distinguished by a variety of shapes and sizes. Openwork and massive, they look great both in solo performance and with crystals, gems, precious stones and artificial imitation.

The characteristic coldness of the alloy, traditionally attributed to the lunar element, endows products made from it with sophistication and elegance. This has given rise to the erroneous opinion that it suits only young ladies. You can wear silver at any age. The main thing, first of all, is to choose the right decoration:

  • Young girls. It is recommended to wear elegant openwork and original designer jewelry. Here it is important to think over the image, take into account your own preferences in the style of clothing, which go far beyond the strict office or sophisticated evening dress code. Diamonds in a silver setting are not the best choice. The exception is wedding rings. It is better for unmarried girls to give preference to pearls, turquoise, corals.
  • Middle aged women. Classic sets are ideal, which are perfectly combined with everyday, business, and evening dresses. Representatives of creative professions, on the contrary, should choose the most interesting designs. And if young girls wear a diamond ring not quite according to their "status", women can purchase jewelry with absolutely any stone. The only taboo is the signet. This ring is suitable for older ladies.

Silver jewelry, both without inserts and with stones, perfectly emphasizes and sets off the beauty of dark and snow-white skin. They look especially beautiful on the fair sex with dark eyes. Red-haired beauties should carefully approach the choice of jewelry, giving preference to products with bright inserts, blackening. The more unusual and intricate the design, the more profitable it will emphasize the beauty of the owner of the fiery hair.

Every fashionista has silver jewelry. They are considered much more affordable and less capricious than gold ones. Both of these statements are partly true. The cost depends on the insert and brand. Jewelry from eminent houses can be compared in value with gold. When it comes to how to wear silver to look stylish and fashionable, there are quite a few tips and tricks to follow.

There are several general rules. Some must be followed, while others are not so categorical and have some exceptions. In order for silver jewelry to look stylish and decorate its owner, you must:

  1. It is correct to wear silver with and without stones. Jewelry without inserts are democratic. They perfectly complement both a business suit and a sweater with jeans. Stones in a silver setting feel completely different, which add sophistication and elegance to jewelry. Products with precious and large inserts do not fit into everyday wardrobe. They perfectly emphasize the elegant evening ensemble. Especially when it is an insert of a white diamond or other precious stone, and not an imitation. The latter refers to costume jewelry, which is not entirely appropriate to combine with evening designer dresses.
  2. Choose color combinations wisely. Silver looks good with almost all shades, but there are those that create the most winning images. As a cool precious metal, it pairs best with a similar palette. Ash pink, grey, light blue, purple and blue are the perfect match for silver jewelry. Of the rich and bright shades, preference is given to turquoise, fuchsia, raspberry and scarlet. The main rule to consider when wanting to know how to wear silver is that the image must have a cold shade. The eternal classics of white and black colors are in priority.
  3. Don't reload the image. Some women of fashion prefer to purchase jewelry separately. Others, on the contrary, are in sets. Sets usually include three or four items. Wearing earrings, bracelet, ring, pendant at once is considered inappropriate. This rule has its exceptions. And if four gold jewelry borders on bad taste, then a similar amount of silver jewelry can look stylish, but, of course, not with any clothes. In classics and romance, it can overload the image, and in ethno and boho, on the contrary, it can emphasize courage and creativity. When there is no complete certainty, it is better to limit yourself to two or three products.
  4. Wear silver jewelry solo. Previously, the combination of gold and silver in one ensemble was considered bad form. Changeable fashion has made its own adjustments, jewelry houses began to produce products that combine several shades and alloys of precious metals at once, acting both as inserts and as full-fledged "partners". Bracelets with silver and gold charms, on the contrary, are considered stylish and fashionable jewelry. Opinions on how to wear silver with gold are mixed. On the one hand, you can get spectacular and stylish combinations, on the other hand, on the contrary, disharmony both in the image and in your own feelings.

The main thing is not to forget that any decoration should correspond to the individual characteristics of the figure and face, that is, it should fit both in shape and size, and also fully fit into the outfit. An evening dress requires an appropriate sophisticated set, while a daytime one, on the contrary, looks better with a simpler one, but appropriate for age, one's own style, place and occasion.

Jewelry made of silver is graceful and elegant. Even massive bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings look emphatically feminine. They fit perfectly both in a romantic look and in a street style. Products made in ethnic and boho style, unlike gold, never look tasteless, but, on the contrary, enliven the image even more. Such kits with blackening are considered the most advantageous. You have to be careful with inserts. The stone should either be one large in the neck decoration, or a small one, repeating in both the ring and the bracelet.

So that silver items do not get lost in everyday or evening wear, but, on the contrary, emphasize the impeccable taste of their owner, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Accessories. Handbags and straps with metallic finish look original and stylish. In the daytime look, you should refrain from elements made entirely in a silver palette. This is not a very good solution for everyday attire, on the contrary, it will look good in an evening ensemble.
  • Shoes. Sandals or silver-colored shoes with high heels in evening dress will perfectly emphasize the beauty of jewelry, create a vertical line that visually slims the silhouette. Black classic pumps with a metal toe cap are perfect for every day and in the office.

To enhance the beauty of a silver bracelet with an unusual design, you should wear a jacket with three-quarter sleeves. The lighthouse top does not look very nice with such decorations. It is better to wear a blouse with half-length sleeves.

Long chains in several rows go well with both casual leather jackets and masculine cut jackets in a business look. A powerful necklace looks most advantageous with shirts not buttoned to the very top so that the jewelry lies on the neckline, and the clothes seem to cover it slightly.

Solar and lunar metals are two opposites. Gold is an alloy that charges with positive energy and improves tone, while silver, on the contrary, has a calming effect. And if they are combined together, for obvious reasons, well-being can leave much to be desired. An uncomfortable inner feeling is transmitted to others and the image becomes unattractive.

Not all of the fair sex believe in the energy of precious metals and can easily wear silver and gold together without feeling any discomfort. Designers often use a similar combination, but stylists do not recommend repeating such experiments on their own:

  • Firstly, a woman wearing two precious metals at once may look “poor”, that is, give the impression that she pulled everything out of her jewelry box.
  • Secondly, gold and silver jewelry most often do not create a contrast, but simply disharmonize.

You can wear silver with gold, but be very careful, remembering that shiny metals are combined with shiny, and matte with matte. The main thing is not to overdo it, but it is even better to give preference to those combinations that were created by eminent designers and have become fashionable, or to purchase ready-made jewelry and sets where alloys harmoniously complement each other.


Silver suits absolutely everyone, but requires a combination with a cold bright palette, the presence of metallic finishes in accessories. Wearing it with gold is acceptable, but risky and not always justified.

Silver is one of the oldest noble metals. It has excellent characteristics for forging, so sometimes more interesting and elegant jewelry is obtained from it than from gold. Although this metal is not considered inexpensive, jewelry made from it has been popular and in demand for many centuries in a row. Let's look at what and in what circumstances silver looks best.

It is believed that silver is best worn during the day. This metal has no age criteria, but it is better for young girls to choose smaller items. If you like silver rings with stones, never wear more than one of these pieces on one hand. You can put on a few, but the rest should already be without stones. If the rings are with precious stones, then it is better to leave them for evening outings, and wear products decorated with cubic zirkonia on weekdays. Also, silver is a great addition to strict office attire. Usually, yellow metal looks catchy and defiant, which is completely inappropriate at business meetings. And silver products will not attract undue attention, but at the same time they will favorably emphasize the image.

Silver is a cold metal, so it looks best in combination with clothes in cold tones, such as blue, blue, purple, gray, black. Perfectly harmonizes with silver and white. Of course, you can wear silver jewelry with other colors in your wardrobe, but in this case it is better to complement them with other accessories, for example, a silver-colored strap, clutch or sandals.

Another remarkable quality of silver is its unpretentiousness. It goes well with both holiday outfits and casual jeans and sweaters. Only in the latter case is it appropriate to use jewelry without stones. This metal is in perfect harmony with pearls, but such products are best worn after 30 years. In general, silver can be worn anywhere, the main thing is not to “overdo it” with the number of items in one look.

The only negative that silver has is its tendency to darken. Even the highest quality samples sooner or later become covered with a dark coating, and from time to time the products need to be cleaned. To do this, you can use a soft toothbrush and regular soap.

Agree, dear ladies, that to give the image a finished look, you simply cannot do without suitable and fashionable accessories. We've been hard at work and made a special selection of accessories that will be in fashion in 2018 - everything from gloves to glasses.

Light scarves

Let's start with scarves. This year, voluminous and long wool scarves will replace light, silk scarves, neckerchiefs and even boas. Well-known designers have worked on various images and recommend trying to match scarves and shawls to match the clothes and pay special attention to the method of tying - it is not at all necessary to tie them around the neck. Designers also offer to combine a scarf and a necklace - this will give a special style to your look.


Yes, yes, dear fashionistas - long gloves are back in fashion. This season, it is long gloves that are in fashion, but there is complete freedom regarding the material and style - they can be absolutely anything: from colored leather, like Calvin Klein, lace with frills, like Ryan Lo, theatrical and dramatic from black suede like Marc Jacobs, or embellished with rhinestones - like Erdem.

Fashion belts and belts

The emphasis on the waist is still in fashion - it is stylish, relevant and, you see, beautiful. The best way to do this is to use a belt or belt. Well, this year you can use several belts for this at once. They can be either the same color or completely different colors.

Also, in another way to focus on the waist, you can do it quite unobtrusively - just do not tighten the belt tighter, or use chain straps. Designers assure this will give the image elegance and lightness.


This year, designers have worked hard to modify the usual forms - round tishades, the legendary "aviators", strict forms, a la "Matrix", the classic "butterfly" and "cat eye" forms. Designers traditionally "rehash" popular models of sunglasses, playing with the shape, color and material of the frames, adding zest in the form of decor and "repainting" the lenses in all possible colors.

Hair accessories

Fashionable women's hair accessories occupy a leading position among all kinds of jewelry. After all, massive bracelets, necklaces and earrings have been in fashion for several seasons, and such “precious” hairpins and luxurious headbands resembling tiaras or flower wreaths have not been on the catwalks for a long time.

Every self-respecting woman is simply obliged to have at least a couple of stylish handbags in her wardrobe. The new season is coming and for cute fashionistas we have prepared a brief overview on how to choose a fashionable bag in 2018 and not miscalculate with style? We will try to answer this question in our article. For the new season, our favorite designers have prepared for us a huge variety of options for self-expression. They have released amazing collections of stylish, elegant and trendy handbags and clutches. It is especially pleasing that, at fashion shows, fashion designers clearly demonstrate how to properly combine bags and fashionable clothes in the coming season. Thus, each girl can easily choose stylish combinations of clothes and accessories by viewing photos or videos from Paris, Milan or London catwalks.

It should be noted that next year fashion bags fall into two opposite trends: classic strict models on the one hand, and non-standard shapes and bold colors on the other. So, dear fashionistas, do not be afraid to experiment with the shape and color of your handbags, because they must match your image that you want to demonstrate to others.

As we have already said, in the coming season, non-standard forms and bold solutions will become popular, for example, a handbag in the form of a car, a flower pot or a butterfly will undoubtedly add a catchy accent to the most seemingly casual appearance. Of course, fashion designers and lovers of the classics did not bypass - a variety of backpacks and hobos, clutches and ordinary bags are still in fashion. The trend will be classic models of the 80s, which are made in the style of "glamorous rock": an abundance of straps, all kinds of fasteners and buckles - these are the features of such a fashionable handbag.

Stylish mimicry (when the color of the handbag completely repeats the print of the clothes) is another conqueror of the Fashion Olympus. She was popular in the outgoing season and will continue to hold a fashionable position in the future of 2018.

Trend colors 2018.

The next season, of course, pleases with its variety of colors. However, designers did not completely abandon the classic black color, which is considered to be basic, and a handbag of this color is easy to combine with any clothes.

But still, if we talk about other colors, then the hearts of fashion designers were completely captivated and conquered by the blue color. A variety of variations of this undoubtedly rich and interesting color: from soft blue to deep dark blue, will definitely bring sophistication and aristocracy even into an everyday look.

Trend materials 2018.

Needless to say, the texture that will never lose its status in the eyes of fashion designers is leather. And the next season was no exception - in their collections, designers and fashion designers presented a huge number of solutions in which this material played a major role. Leather hobos, rectangular bags of rigid shapes, which are simply adored by office girls, will be at the peak of their popularity next season.

In the next season, clutches secured their dominance, which this year are presented in a clearly defined geometric form. However, in order to somehow compensate for such a “narrow” style, the designers decided to use a variety of materials as decor. Everything is used: patterns, pendants, chains, bright, catchy locks, as well as rhinestones and pearls.

Summing up, we can safely say that all this splendor and more than a wide range will undoubtedly arouse the desire to buy more than one new bag.
