The most popular schedrivkas in Ukrainian. Shchedrovka for the old new year in Russian

Beautiful Shchedrivkas are great for congratulating friends and family on the coming Old New Year. It is believed that they are able to bring love, success and prosperity to the house. It is customary to tell generosity to both adults and children. You can recite poems and sing Shchedrovka songs in Russian and Ukrainian. They are suitable for children of different ages: toddlers, schoolchildren and teenagers. You can tell funny and funny shedrivkas in Ukrainian during a family celebration or when visiting neighbors. This article provides examples of well-known schedrivkas in Russian. Below you can find generosity of children in Ukrainian language.

Funny children's generosity in Russian - for kids and teenagers

Beautiful and funny gifts are great for kids of all ages. Toddlers memorize funny rhymes very quickly, and teenagers can tell them with enthusiasm. Short shchedrivkas in Russian are great for remembering on the eve of the Old New Year. With such poems and songs, children will be able to go to the homes of acquaintances, friends or neighbors, wishing them happiness and health in the coming year. Shchedrivkas in Russian may include other wishes: goodness, prosperity.

When choosing schudrivkas in Russian, you should pay attention to the age of the children: short schudrivkas are more suitable for crumbs, which they can easily remember and then tell adults. But it is better to offer long funny generosity in Russian to teenagers. This will help to diversify the festive program during the performance. A beautiful shedrivka in Russian can not only be told, but also pronounced in a singsong voice.


Happy New Year.

Give me a ruble or a nickel -

Let's not leave here like this.

I sow, I sow, I sow

Happy New Year!

For the New Year, for the new happiness

Ugly wheat,

Peas, lentils!

On the field - shocks,

On the table - pies!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Although the "old" New Year -

It still brings good!

We wish the old fashioned way

Fertility - cattle,

Warm booth - a dog,

Saucers of milk - for a kitten,

A handful of wheat - a cockerel,

Red girl - friend,

Small children - mom and dad,

Grandmother - small grandchildren!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Open the chest

Get a piglet!

Beautiful and short shedrivkas in Ukrainian and Russian

Many children who want to be generous on the Old New Year wish to learn unusual generous words in Ukrainian. Therefore, for children of primary and secondary school age, teenagers, you can offer schedrivkas in Ukrainian. Despite minor differences from Russian schedrovkas, they are no less easy to remember. And if desired, during the performance, children will be able to alternate poems and songs in Russian and Ukrainian, delighting the owners of the visited house with unusual works.

You need to chant with a smile in both Ukrainian and Russian. After all, they help to drive away evil forces from the visited house and bring real happiness to the owners. In the texts of schedrivkas in Russian and Ukrainian, you can find a variety of wishes and congratulations that adults will certainly like. It is recommended to pick up schedrovkas in Ukrainian for the Old New Year together with the children themselves: kids will be able to find the most attractive short poems, and teenagers will be able to pick up long and funny schudrovkas in Ukrainian.

How many donkeys

So many pigs for you;

How many trees

So many cows;

How many candles

So many sheep.

Happiness to you

Owner with hostess

Great health

Happy New Year

With all kind!

We have come to visit you,

Shchob usikh shanuvat.

Sієm, sієmo grain,

Novy rіk shob buv with wine.

Look at the steel breaking,

Sob and bread is not overwhelmed.

Sієm, sієm, sow,

Happiness and joy bazhaєm.

Sob i at home, i on the field

You were satisfied with everything.

Sієm, sієm, sow,

With the new rock we will beat you!

I sow, sow, sow,

With New Rock you are blown!

On that new river,

It’s better to give birth,

Lower Torik!

We are generous in Ukrainian: generous children for kids

In Ukrainian, even schedrivkas familiar from childhood can sound completely different. Even the name Shchedrivka child has completely different pronunciation features. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement the usual performance of small children and teenagers with unusual poems and songs in Ukrainian. Before learning schedrivka in Ukrainian, it is necessary to explain to the kid the meaning of the rhyme. It is advisable for babies and children of primary school age to select short works in Ukrainian that they can easily remember. Indeed, in the usual Russian language, you can pick up longer songs and poems. In the process of generosity, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the performance of the kids. They should be warned in advance that the boy should enter the housing and tell the first short generosity.


Give me a dumpling


Gray boar.

Іz spikelet -

Zhita bowl, Zі sheaf -

Tsіla barrel.

Meni - baby,

porridge breast,

A couple of eggs.

Shchedryk is kind,

I'm not dead

Give me milk

Which is bigger!

What a generous

That pampushka

What a generous

That's a dumpling.


Give me a dumpling!

Porridge breast,

Kіltse kovbaski.

More little -

Give me fat.

And yet not all -

Give me a pig!

Funny and funny generosity - lyrics and poems

A mandatory requirement for generosity is to create a great mood for all household members, wherever children come with generosity. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance for the Old New Year: learn funny tricks, make costumes and rehearse the performance. Both folk costumes and animal-shaped costumes can be used as costumes. If the owners of the house where the children will come to generously hear funny generosity from the lips of a cute lamb or chanterelle, then they will definitely endow all the speakers with both money and tasty treats.

We should not forget about sowing the visited house with coins and grains of wheat. While the girls will tell funny songs of generosity, the boys can pour coins and grains in the rooms of the house. It is advisable to select large golden coins before the performance: they, together with short generous wishes, will help bring happiness, prosperity and success to the house. After the performance and receiving treats, all children should thank the owners of the house for their hospitality. However, you can leave the house you are visiting by singing chants in Ukrainian or Russian.

Shchedrovochka was generous,

Spent the night under the window

Chi ram, chi sheep,

Serve the pancake

Don't bite, don't break

But in general, let's.

Generous evening, oh good evening.

Don't give me cheesecakes -

You'll get it on top!

Don't give me a pie -

I'll take the cow by the horns.

Today the walk

divination, skating!

Pancakes, pies, tea party,

And pranks and dates.

Winter is rushing us, hurry up!

Hurry to see

hear, participate!

Dress up and get out of the houses,

Carol, dance, joke!

Good evening to you

affectionate host,

Rejoice, rejoice earth

The Son of God was born into the world.

We are here for you, master

With good news.

Rejoice, rejoice earth

The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news

From the holy city

Rejoice, rejoice earth

The Son of God was born into the world.

Short bobbleheads for primary school children and teenagers

Short and very funny shedrovkas in Russian can be reinforced during the performance and musical accompaniment. Harmonica, rattles, tambourine are perfect for this task. They will help kids not only to speak to adults in an original way, but also to tell generosity to a certain beat. Thus, the crumbs will not go astray, but will be able to fervently and cheerfully congratulate all visited hosts in Russian and Ukrainian with generosity. Kids can be entrusted with wooden spoons, which are an important attribute of folk festivals.

Telling generosity, children can dance and dance. Teenagers can play short funny scenes about the Old New Year. Such a performance will be received with special joy, because the kids did their best, preparing for visiting friends and neighbors. You can use short generosity for children both in the scenes themselves and to complement them. But in order for the performance with we tell schedrivok in Russian and Ukrainian, with songs, dances and music to be successful, you need to rehearse it all together for at least 2-3 days. Then no one will forget the words, and the order of speech will be maintained.

The sparrow is flying

twirls its tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Meet Christmas!


Give me a dumpling!

a spoonful of porridge,

Top sausages.

It's not enough

Give me a piece of fat.

Take it out quickly

Don't freeze the kids!

Don't give me cheesecakes -

You'll get it on top!

Don't give me a pie -

I'll take the cow by the horns.

Vasilyeva mother

Went to be generous

Scatter wheat across the field.

Generate, God, wheat,

Barley, buckwheat.

Funny and funny songs are great for learning by kids, primary school children, teenagers. Children can prepare performances, including schedrivkas in them, both in Russian and in Ukrainian, dances, dances. Separately, you can entrust the crumbs with musical accompaniment using wooden spoons, a tambourine or rattles. Original numbers with schedrivkas are perfect for celebrating the Old New Year or for staging ritual numbers in schools and kindergartens. Shchedrovkas in Russian and Ukrainian can be arranged in short skits. After all, both Russian schedrovka and children schedrovka in Ukrainian will help create an unforgettable holiday for children of all ages.

One of the traditional Ukrainian songs, known as "Shchedryk", in the musical arrangement of Nikolai Leontovich, became world famous. Known in English as "Carol of the Bells". Not a single Christmas in the USA, Britain and other Western countries is complete without this Ukrainian song.


Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow came,
I began to twitter,
Viklikati Lord:
- See, see, Lord,
Look at the cat
There the sheep were crouching
And the lambs were born.
In you the goods are all good,
You will be a mother to the world of pennies.
Want not a penny, then half,
There is a black-browed woman in you.
Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow has arrived.

Generous, generous, generous,
Beagle in the evening to the town.
And from the place that th to hati,
In a generous evening, be generous!
generously, generously generous,
Generous joy bestowed!
Generously generous I give birth!
Zapashno loaf!
Goodness in the screens of all the hooks,
I buy pennies for rahunki!
Sob in your spell you sizzled,
Srіblo-gold turned green!
Generously happy again again!
A hotel for the generous people!

Yak walked and wandered
That generously chiseled.

With her we came to the hut,
So let's be generous!

Happiness, joy, prosperity,
In defense - angel!

Hai come to the donkey
Friends are virn and fun,

A sea of ​​laughter and love.
May you be healthy!

Melanochka walked,
Vasilechka asked:
- Vasilechka, my brother,
Let me go to the hut.
Rejoice, people
It will be holy to you
Make tables
Give us a pie.

The sky is clear, the stars vkryli,
Our land was sanctified.
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Snow was arguing
Put on the road.
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Good evening, my lord
We brought praise to God.
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Our songs garni dari
Born to be praised
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Good God, good God,
Send a happy river to people!
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Good evening, good evening
You are happy!

Sob was in your homeland
Baby is rich!

Sob be healthy
I did not know grief!

Vyshivanka creeped
Shobi your share!

Sob in your homeland your friend
Smіh lunav usyudi!

Good evening, good evening
You are beaten, people!

Oh, in Jerusalem they called early,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

And the Virgin Mary walked in the garden,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

I walked around the garden, gave birth to a son,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

Sina gave birth, carried in her arms,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

Oh school of thought
Malanka pastured two kachura.

Oh she pastured, pastured, ruined,
Oh shit, I got lost.

Lost in an open field
Already there Vasilko plow ore.

Oh ore, ore, bring the plow itself,
Youmu Malanka must be worn.

Oh let that one go for a walk,
Yak pike-fish along the Danube.

Yak pike-fish with perch,
Our Malanka with young people.

Generous evening, good evening -
I am mature, and I am small!

Happiness, joy, love,
Sob forever be healthy

I rich, and fun
І yards, і in donkeys.

Sob the Lord protected,
I gave you everything you need,

Shchab vy kvіtli with leather crocodile,
We live with New Rock!

Generously-generously steel nakritii!
Bude river rich, sity,

Be happy and healthy "I,
You will live with love,

Chesnі will do the right thing,
All your dreams come true!

Generously, generously to you!
With New Rock you are blown!

Yak walked and wandered
That generously chiseled.

With her we came to the hut,
So let's be generous!

Happiness, joy, prosperity,
In defense - angel!

Hai come to the donkey
Friends are virn and fun,

A sea of ​​laughter and love.
May you be healthy!

A generous evening is a folk holiday of the Slavs; evening on the eve of the Old New Year. Among Ukrainians, Belarusians and in the south of Russia, the name Generous Evening is more common, in central Russia and in the north - Vasiliev Evening. Its celebration comes from an ancient, probably pre-Christian custom. According to the Christian calendar, this is also the day of St. Melania (Melanka, Malanka, Milanka).

On this day, in the morning, they begin to prepare the second ritual kutya - generous. Unlike lean (for Kolyada), it can be seasoned with squirrel (meat and lard). For a rich evening, kutya is put on pokuti (in the red corner). In addition, housewives bake pancakes, pies and dumplings with cottage cheese to thank those who are generous and sowing.

In the evening and until midnight, generous people go around the houses. According to a long tradition, New Year's detours of the sowers, as well as Christmas carolers, take place after sunset, that is, when all evil spirits rule. Teenage girls, alone or together, run around the neighbors to show their generosity.

We have prepared for you a selection of generosity (scholarships) that can be easily learned with young children:

Shchedrovochka was generous,
Spent the night under the window
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake
Don't bite, don't break
But in general, let's go!
Good evening, good evening!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
What are you aunt, cooked,
What are you aunt, baked?
Bring it quickly to the window.
Don't pinch, don't break
But in general, come on.

Good evening, generous evening,

Good people to health.

The falcon has flown

Sat on the window

Kroil sukontse.

And the rest of the owners for hats,

And the trimmings and the belts,

Hello, Happy Holidays!

Shchedrovochka was generous,

Spent the night under the window

Chi ram, chi sheep,

Serve the pancake

Don't bite, don't break

But in general, let's.

Generous evening, oh good evening. Ilya goes to Vasily,

Carries a scarecrow

Where will wave - rye grows,

Kind of God rye, wheat

and any arable land.

In the field of the core,

Good in the house.

In the field of spikelets

And in the house - a pie.

Hello! Happy New Year,

with Vasily!

Give me a dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the kids!

You, the owner, do not torment

Donate quickly!

How is the current frost?

Does not tell you to stand for a long time,

Orders to submit soon:

Either from the oven pies,

Or money piglet,

Or cabbage soup!

Give you God

Full yard of bellies!

And in the stable of horses

calf shack,

To the hut guys

And in the back of kittens!

Today the walk

Pancakes, pies, tea party,

And pranks and dates.

Winter is rushing us, hurry up!

Hurry to see


Dress up and get out of the houses,

Carol, dance, joke!

* * *
Vasilyeva mother
Went to be generous
On the open field
Sow millet.
Generate, God, wheat,
Barley and buckwheat!

I will carry dinner

Godfather today

I already know - baptized

Hungry on the Holy Evening!

And godparents

Ask about health

Get something tasty

The sparrow is flying

twirls its tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Meet Christmas!

Vasilyeva mother

Went to be generous

Scatter wheat across the field.

Generate, God, wheat,

Barley, buckwheat.


Hurry, give me a carol!

Legs are chilly

I'll run home.

Who will give

He is the prince

Who will not give

Togo in the dirt!

And we will be generous
for they let us into the house.
Your house is nice and clean
And a solemn Christmas tree.
We sing generously -
We wish everyone happiness in the house.
For your wheat to grow
And gave birth to all the bread,
And so that bread and pies
They were always on the table.
For money to flow
to make sure the products are good.
And so that hryvnia and "green"
Stuffed your pocket.
Let there be a barrel of honey for you,
And for my daughter to get married.
And if there is no daughter,
Let the owner buy it.
And how do you still have a son -
May God give you a daughter-in-law.
To have livestock
And for us - sweet muffin.
We pray for kindness
Throw another sausage into the bag.
We were all sincerely generous,
so that they give lard in a bag.
How will this rich year go,
We'll come back to be generous.

A collection of funny short generosity in Ukrainian - for children and adults

Since ancient times, Ukraine celebrates the Old New Year or Melanka, who comes with St. Basil to the Generous Evening. For this cheerful and "mystical" holiday in the old days, a generous table was prepared with kutya, sausages, roasted pig, pancakes and other goodies. The hostesses tried to put the best dishes on the festive table.

On the Generous Evening, it is traditionally customary to “appease” generous people (Melankars) with gifts so that the coming year will be in prosperity and wealth. As the sun went down, cheerful songs of schedrovniks were heard in the street - in the melodious Ukrainian language, schedrovkas sound simply amazing! Unlike Christopher Christmas carols, Ukrainian schedrovkas are funny poems and songs with wishes for well-being and prosperity. In addition, adult performers often "fall" into a bag and alcohol - along with festive food. We have prepared for you a collection of funny short generosity in Ukrainian - let the Generous evening be remembered for a long time for children and adults!

Generous evening, good evening,

Good health to people!

And sir, like a master,

Lord, like a viburnum,

And children, like flowers!

Generous evening, good evening,

Good health to people!

Oh lord, lord

Let melanochka into the house,

Melanochka walk cleanly,

Do not mess up anything in the hut.

How to mess up, then pomie,

Їsti call that nakri.

Good evening!

Generous, generous - I smell pies.

Yak do not give a pie,

I'll take the ox by the horns,

I see beyond the threshold,

I'll pay for a pie.

I will blow the trumpet,

And work as a wolf.

De Volik with a horn - There is a haystack of life.

De volik with a foot - There is a living dig.

September 13 - holy in honor of the noble Roman woman Melania (Malanki, Melanki), as from her youthful years and until the end of her days she straightened up to Christ. Svyatkuetsya ahead of the New Rock for the old style (that and ahead of St. Basil).

September 14 - in Ukraine, the days of old are celebrated sacredly in honor of Basil (Vasil) the Great (329-379), Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Kapadokia, in Asia Minor. Ascetic, theologian, vcheniy, Vasil was the author of the black life code. 14 September (behind the church calendar) - one more holy day - the Holy Circumcision of the Lord (on this day, the church church, the baptism of Jesus Christ was baptized for the Jewish name).

September 14 is also the first day of the New Rock for the old style.

Shchedrivka - ancient grand Ukrainian folk ritual songs. Shcherdrivkas are consigned to New River and Yordan near Shchedry Vechir. Vіdpovіdno to rіzdvyano-novorіchnyh ukrainian sounds, shchedrіvka, yak and carols, magnify the ruler and members of his motherland.

At generous houses, there is a blessing to the lord of the rich donkey, I give birth, I am healthy to the whole motherland, good-natured, the offspring of thinness, a good birth of bdzhil. The clocks of Kievan Rus were born in old schedrivkas and carols, and the images of the princely retinue were also preserved. Shchedrivkas and carols of the Christian cycle have motifs of biblical and evangelical and apocryphal references: pictures of the people of Christ, worship of the Magi and shepherds.

Shchedrivkas and carols of Christian hours are marked by deep ethical zmist and great mystical beauty. The main motives of such songs are Christian love, mercy, deeply sent to the mother.

Wealth of wealth and poetic form of generosity hoarded Ukrainian writers and composers - Mykola Lysenko, Mykola Leontovich (Vidomiy "Shchedryk"), Kyrylo Stetsenko, Mikhailo Verikivsky, Kostyantyn Dankevich and others. Folk generosity is the true wealth of the nation, which conveys the spirit of the people through generous songs, its sound and traditions.

We choose generosity in Ukrainian language in order to save the people's wisdom, calling our ancestors for our treasures. Beautiful Ukrainian language for children and grown-ups. On the evening of September 13, ahead of the Old New Year, for the old-fashioned sounds and traditions of Ukrainians, go generous.


Oleg Skrypka "Shchedryk": Video

Children of generosity

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow came,
I began to twitter,
Viklikati Lord:
- See, see, Lord,
Look at the cat
There the sheep were crouching
And the lambs were born.
In you the goods are all good,
You will be a mother to the world of pennies.
Want not a penny, then half,
There is a black-browed woman in you.
Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow has arrived.

Shchedryk's first recording in 1922

A recording of the song "Shchedryk" was posted on the Internet, as a victor in the Ukrainian National Choir under Oleksandr Koshyts' ceremonial work in Prague in 1922! Music for "Shchedryk" was written bula in 1916 by composer Mykola Leontovich.

shchedryk bucket

Shchedryk bucket, give me a dumpling,
A breast of porridge, a kіltse kovbaska,
More than that is not enough - give more fat;
More than that three - give cakes;

Abo give the cowbass, I'll carry it home,
And if you give me a gut, then we'll be quiet!
Vinesіt knish, more let mish into the hut.
Blame the cowbass, I'll blow the whole hut!

Shchedriki-thighs, give me dumplings,
Mati said that they gave fat,
And the father, having welded, so that he did not get into trouble,
More short scrolls, then freezing litters

Shchedrik-Vedrik, give me a dumpling,
Shchedryk-vedrik, gray boar.
From a spikelet - a bowl,
From snipochka - barrel size.
Meni - baby,
Porridge breast, a couple of eggs

Good evening, good evening
I'm generous with my uncle.
Give me, uncle, a pie.
Yak do not give a pie -
I'll take the ox by the horn,
I will see you on merug,
I twist the crooked circle
I will be an ox to work,
Blowing a crooked horn.

We walked around the villages,
That generously chiseled.
From her axis came to the hati,
So let's be generous!
Happiness, joy, prosperity,
In defense - yangoliatko!
Hai come to the donkey
Friends are virn and fun,
Hai die to the feet
Our cursed enemies.
Peace to all, goodness, love.
May you be healthy!

Give me a dumpling
Gray boar.
Іz spikelet -
The bowl lives
From snipochka -
Tsіla barrel.
Meni - baby,
porridge breast,
A couple of eggs.

carols, carols, carolers,
Goodness with honey spitting,
Not so without honey
Give me some pie.
Yak do not give a pie,
I'll take the bik by the horns,
I'll take you to the market
I will buy my own pie.

Oh lord, lord

Let melanochka into the house,

Melanochka walk cleanly,

Do not mess up anything in the hut.

How to mess up, then pomie,

Їsti call that nakri.

Good evening!


Tolya and Petrik

toru stitch,


People are afraid

Happily, I give birth.

Generous evening to all of us, happy year,

She gave birth to the Diva of the Ancient Sin:

Lado, Lado, Lado!

Everyone in the world is happy:

Generous evening on earth!

She did not give birth to God in the food chambers,

And in the dark den of the Lord she spun.

Lado, Lado, Lado!

Everyone in the world is happy:

Generous evening on earth!

Kolo krinichki is green grass.

Oh come on, God.

Oh, there Vasyuno konika passe,

Conika pass, play the tune.

And that horse has a golden mane,

Golden mane, silver hoard.

Silver hoard, shovkov tails.

The whole field of gold is a mane,

Sribni hoards a stone to peel,

Shovkov's tails are swept up.

Shchedryk on the hip.

Give me a dumpling

Mother said.

Schob gave fat.

Dad got married.

Shchob not barivsya.

But let's be skinny

Let's beat the shparch.

More short scrolls

We freeze the litas.

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,

The swallow has arrived.

That and the beginning of Twitter,

Ґazdu s hati viklikati.

Viidi, viidi, ґazdo, s hati,

Maesh joy about the hati.

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,

Melanochka is already coming.

Melanochka from Kolomiy

Lagu mastit, prich miє.

Lagu mast, prich miє,

Їst call, now nakri.

To call їsti and nip "єtsya,

She will lead to the place.

Melanochka in the city saw,

Soaked dry apron.

Poviy, wild wind,

Sushi apron thin.

Melanochka is ours, ours

She caught a bird in her hands.

Sleeping, lost,

Lost in a clean field.

Oh listen, goat,

De trumpet buzz,

There is a milky oven,

That is what we will be given.

The owner is gone, carry the belongings,

First treasure -

World of buckwheat,

Another treasure -

Mirochka is alive,

Third possession -

Vivsa sieve,

That is all generosity!

For qi generosity -

Kovbaska spinner,

A z tsієї movi

Be healthy!

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochko

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochko,

Go from hati to hati

Good friends with a kind word -

Welcome with your heart.

Pies, get out of the oven,

Pour yourself wine.

Good evening, generous evening,

Mother Ukraine.

Kilim, kilim, fun

The call of the guests in the donkey,

I spіvankoy thick

Rise up to the stele.

We became in a pair, we became in a pair

Arrow sisters.

More chari, more chari.


Wind bass, wind bass,

And violins - huh.

Bubo has warmed up for a month

From pruga to pruga.

snowy face

I Frost red -

Hands to the sides and vihilyas -

Drive it aloud.

Who is there, who is there in a knock?

Maybe a distant guest?

Maybe they froze for a vicon

Youth death -

That is a generous mandrivochka

Go from hati to hati...

Good evening, generous evening,

Ukrainian mother.

At our clinic

Tits swim.

And you, young people,

Bake burners,

Take out the oven

Give us a pie.

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

And behind this word, be healthy to us,

Possibly panonka, my lord,

Not by himself, by the master,

With the master of that and with the children.

Wish you good luck, healthy "pits,

Happiness, healthy "pits and new rock,

And new rock and old age!

Vinshuem Thee, Lord

Vinshuem Thee, Lord

From Team Novim Rock,

Happiness, Strength and Healthy "I,

І s new Dorobkom.

That old Rick hi nikoli

Do not turn to us,

Every dashing vovik vіki

Let's get lost.

That New R_k schob brought to you

Hello "I'm that Seely,

And schobi-St, Lord,

Many years have lived!

Bigla Telichka z Naberezhnichka

Beagle Telichka from Naberezhnichka,

She ran into Didiv Dvir.

I will generously give you Didu,

Give me the Pie.

Yak do not give the Pie,

I'll take Vol by the horns,

I will see you beyond the Threshold,

Zib "yoma Praviy Rig.

I will blow the horn

I will work as an Ox,

I will foul with my tail,

Earn your own money.

Generous evening, good evening -
Shire, good holy!
Sob was in your homeland
Baby is rich!
Sob be healthy,
Spawn the Romanian!
Sob your share was creeping,
Come on vyshivanka!
Sob in your homeland your friend
Smіh kotivsya generously!
Generous evening, good evening,
All the best to the world!

We are generous and sleep under the window.

Happily, share you with the whole herd.

Hai count your fields of gold,

So that life was happy in my future.

I am a little shepherd

Burning up in a hood

I play the violin

I'm blowing you.

And you, people, listen,

Prepare a carol -

Apple, peas

Children for potishki.

Shchedrivonka was generous,

pіd vіkontse pіdbіgala,

What are you, titko, baked,

Blame us until the end.

What are you, uncle, give us a drink,

Blame us on tick.

Mati said that they gave fat,

Batko having welded himself, so that he didn’t fight.

Under the rubble of blue, on the rubble of a candle,

The whole hut smells of fresh litter.

For the joy we grow up for the little ones

Come to us with the guest Shchedry Dobry vechir!

Oh gray-haired and zozulechka

Oh, gray-haired and zozulechka.

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

Mustache, sit down and dangle,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

But in one she did not happen.

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

And in that garden there are three towers:

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

The first one has a red sun,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

For another, the month is clear,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

And in the third - dribni zirki,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

The moon is clear - sir gospodar,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

The red sun is yoga yoga,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

Dribni zirki - yogo children,

Generous evening, good evening,

Kind people to health "I!

I am Little Boy

Willis on Stovpchik,

I play at the pipe,

I take carols (I amuse children)

And all the best to you

I pray at the World!

Our goat

Already an old bird

Recently from Kiev,

With old kitties:

I'll stop with my feet,

I'll cut off my horns,

Tail snake!

The goat needed three pieces of fat,

Meow, meow... fat!

So the goat got up.

Oh, get tired, goat,

You get scared.

Which house

According to the sovereign

Have fun!

The swallow came,

Strength, fell on the vіkonechko.

Generous evening,

good evening,

kind people

You're welcome...

Сієм - вієм, sow

Sієm-vієm, sіvaєm,

With the New Rock we will beat you!

Happiness, joy, health "I

We bless you all.

Sіsya-born, life, wheat!

Schob on Novy Rik,

It gave birth better, lower torik.

So that the children are healthy,

Take the porridge, everything is ready,

Sob you will have fun with them,

And to us - pennies from pіvmіha!

Sієm-vієm, sіvaєm,

With the New Rock we will beat you!


I sow, sow, sow,

I don't pass your house

With Novim rock I go to hati,

I wish you may win:

Soby the children are all healthy,

Take the porridge, everything is ready,

Sob you will have fun with them,

And we want pennies pіvmіha!

I sow, sow, sow,

With New Rock you are blown!

On that new river,

It’s better to give birth,

Lower Torik!

Sisya, be born,

Zhito, wheat,

Any arable land:

Zіspodu rooty,

Above the spikelet.

Be holy with health

Z Novim rock!

Go-go-go, goat

Go-go-go Goat, go-go gray
Oh cheer up-cheer up
In this yard, in a merry way!
De Koza to go there to give birth
De not buvaє there wiggle!
De Koza with a foot there is a dig
De Koza with a horn there is a haystack of life!
And in Mikhaylivtsy all the lads-striltsy
They shot the Goat in the right eye
In the right ear in the very heart
Puts Goat fell dead became
And Mixonosha take a pipe
Nadima Kozi tay at the vein!
Puffed up lived Goat came to life!
Tai pishla Goat tai stribayuchi
Tai extinguish your child, tai joke!

Oh, because of the Kreminnaya mountain

Oh s-behind the fire, s-z Kreminnoy
Zіyshov mіsyats sche z zoroy
Zіyshov month, the dawn is clear
Our Malanka kachura grazed
Pasla-pasla tay ruined
Lost in a clean field
Lost in a clean field
And there Vasil plow ore
Plow ore zhito sіє
Behind him is a living green
Oh Vasil-Vasilechka
Take me to the path
Take me to the track
I will send you in the town
I will poke you
Water three times a day
Water three times a day
Shosuboti pierce
Shosuboti pierce
Lay a scythe for Rus
Rusa braid to the waist
Combed to the hair
Behind the belt is a red card
Our Malanka Garnaya Divka
Yakby Malanka conscience is small
Vaughn would take us to the hati
Vaughn would take us to the hati
I put a quarter of the burner on the table
A quarter of a burner a couple of kolachiv
A couple of kolachіv dіvka in addition

Only looking at the sky
Good evening, good evening
Waving before us.
Yishov - not Yishov, but just shedding,
Mi yoga checked
For Great Ukraine
Famously crushed.
All our homeland
Uviyshov verse -
І to the skin core
Light way of the know.
Shredded the sparkle of generosity
I words win!
Good evening, good evening...
Good afternoon, come on!

Come generously to your hati.
Generous evening, good evening!
Here the lord lives - the riches of the Volodar.
Generous evening, good evening!
And yoga wealth is golden hands.
Generous evening, good evening!
And yogo potiha is a good child.
Generous evening, good evening!

Old New Year is considered the most "contradictory" domestic holiday, the naming of which often confuses foreign guests. In fact, this amazing phenomenon is typical for many countries of the post-Soviet space, in particular, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. The fact is that until 1918 Russia lived according to the Julian calendar (“old” style), inherited “inherited” from the great emperor Julius Caesar. With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the tsarist regime was overthrown, and the Gregorian calendar was introduced into use, according to which the chronology is from the Nativity of Christ. At the moment, the difference between the "old" and "new" style is 13 days - however, one day is added to this number every 100 years. Given such a "fortunate" set of circumstances, the New Year's Eve can be celebrated twice. So, first we celebrate the "new" New Year, coming on the night of December 31 to January 1, and after a couple of weeks - a holiday according to the "old" style (from January 13 to 14). Moreover, by the Old New Year, the Christmas fast is already ending, and believing Christians can “take their souls away” at a generous festive table. According to the church calendar, the day before the Old New Year is the day of St. Melania - hence the popular name "Melanka's living rooms". But the Generous Evening, coming on January 13, came from our pagan ancestors. So, as a result of the interweaving of traditions, we got a wonderful opportunity to once again plunge into the festive New Year's atmosphere. Like at Christmas, on the Generous Evening, mummers walk around the yards - with cheerful songs and poems, in which they congratulate the owners, wishing them happiness and well-being. Such ritual songs in Russian are called "shchedrivka", and in Ukrainian - "shchedrivki". In the evening, crowds of young people or children go to be generous, driving away evil spirits with loud, cheerful chants, which are activated on this day after sunset. On the eve of the holiday, we offer you a selection of gifts (shedrovok) for children and youth on the Generous Evening - funny short songs and poems to congratulate and praise the owners. Choose the most beautiful gifts in Russian or Ukrainian and - generous gifts to you in a bag!

Funny sheds in Russian - ritual songs and poems for the Old New Year

According to the established tradition, every year from January 13 to 14, Russians and Ukrainians celebrate the Old New Year and Generous Evening. On this day, in the morning, the housewives start preparing delicious dishes - unlike the Lenten table at Christmas, the gala dinner on the Generous Evening consists of fast dishes. Ritual kutya is also considered “generous” this evening, since it is seasoned “from the heart” with lard and meat. In addition to kutia, pies and dumplings with various fillings, pancakes, and meat dishes are put on the table. After sunset, it's time to be generous - just like at Christmas, groups of young guys or girls dress up as animals, fairy-tale characters, put on funny masks. Going to bypass the houses, the mummers sing Russian songs and poems, playing out whole festive performances for the owners. Like Christmas carols, Russian schedrivkas are considered ritual songs containing wishes for wealth, abundance and prosperity, as well as words of magnificence for the owners of the house. In our selection you will find the coolest funny generosity in Russian - ritual songs and poems for youth and children. When choosing a song repertoire for the Generous Evening, it is important to take into account the age of the generous people. So, it is better for young children to pick up short and easy-to-sing songs, and adult generous people will delight listeners with beautiful long songs in Russian.

You, the owner, do not torment
Donate quickly!
How is the current frost?
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon:
Either from the oven pies,
Or money piglet,
Or cabbage soup!
Give you God
Full yard of bellies!
And in the stable of horses
In the barn of calves,
To the hut guys
And in the litter of kittens!

We are generous and sing under the window.
Happiness, fate we wish you the whole group.
Let your golden fields bloom,
To have a happy life in the future.

Shchedrovochka was generous,
Spent the night under the window
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake
Don't bite, don't break
But in general, let's go!
Good evening, good evening!

A collection of funny short generosity in Ukrainian - for children and adults

Since ancient times, Ukraine celebrates the Old New Year or Melanka, who comes with St. Basil to the Generous Evening. For this cheerful and "mystical" holiday in the old days, a generous table was prepared with kutya, sausages, roasted pig, pancakes and other goodies. The hostesses tried to put the best dishes on the festive table. On the Generous Evening, it is traditionally customary to “appease” generous people (Melankars) with gifts so that the coming year will be in prosperity and wealth. As the sun went down, cheerful songs of schedrovniks were heard in the street - in the melodious Ukrainian language, schedrovkas sound simply amazing! Unlike Christopher Christmas carols, Ukrainian schedrovkas are funny poems and songs with wishes for well-being and prosperity. In addition, adult performers often "fall" into a bag and alcohol - along with festive food. So, in the Kiev and Chernihiv regions in the old days, it was customary among the generous guys to choose the “Old Year” and “New Year” - the first one was dressed up in old torn clothes, a casing turned inside out and hung with strings of onions. And for the role of "New Year" was elected a young guy, smartly dressed and decorated with bright ribbons. During the visits to the houses, the generous people acted out real theatrical performances with the participation of these funny characters - to the cheerful Ukrainian songs, the generous people performed a symbolic “expulsion” from the hut of the “Old Year”, and the young “New Year” was solemnly seated on a bench. We have prepared for you a collection of funny short generosity in Ukrainian - let the Generous evening be remembered for a long time for children and adults!

Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!
And sir, like a master,
Lord, like a viburnum,
And children, like flowers!
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

Oh lord, lord
Let melanochka into the house,
Melanochka walk cleanly,
Do not mess up anything in the hut.
How to mess up, then pomie,
Їsti call that nakri.
Good evening!

generous, generous
I smell pies.
Yak do not give a pie,
I'll take the ox by the horns,
I see beyond the threshold,
I'll pay for a pie.
I will blow the trumpet,
And work as a wolf.
De Volik with a horn -
There is a lot of life there.
Devolik foot -
There is a lot of life there.

Children of Shchedrivka (Shchedrovka) in Ukrainian - funny short songs for a Generous Evening

A generous evening and cheerful winter fun are especially awaited by children. And although today many ancient rituals have been forgotten, the main festive attributes are still considered: a richly laid table, crowds of mummers, funny scenes and funny short generosities in Russian or Ukrainian. After sunset, gangs of generous people gather on the streets - children and adults who go from house to house, playing musical instruments and singing laudatory songs of generosity. By the way, Russian and Ukrainian generous chants are extremely similar in meaning, since they have a single source of origin - Slavic. According to tradition, among the mummers you can often meet boys or guys - the generous ones gather in their "girlish" companies. Male groups of generous people usually "asked" to enter the house, and the girls were generous under the windows. As a rule, children's sheds (in Ukrainian - "children shedrivka") are short ritual poems or songs with a simple, understandable meaning and texts. Our pages contain the best funny short generosity for children in Ukrainian, which can be learned by the Old New Year. With the help of such cool melodic generosity songs, children will be able to receive many different treats and ringing coins in gratitude from the owners.

Generous evening, good evening,

Good people for the whole evening!

A generous one has arrived,

The strength of the end of the window:

See, see, Lord,

Look at the cat.

There the cows calved

Two bichechki were born.

The stench of the garni is very good,

How to grow, there will be pennies.

Shchedryk - bucket,
Give me a dumpling
Porridge breast,
Kіltse kovbaski,
And also varenichka,
And also a stick,
And also for income
Palyanitsu and bread,
Vivsa sieve,
And the cowbas beast!
Good evening!

The generous woman was squeamish,
With New Rock you were in the air.
Sob and pigs fought in you,
Sob and smoke rushed at you,
Schob and whale at the hut nyavkav,
І dog barking in the yard.

Funny generosity for the Old New Year - sincere kind texts of generous songs and poems

According to tradition, on January 13, for many Slavic peoples, the mysterious and long-awaited Generous Evening comes. In every house, the family gathers at a generously laid table - what is there! Generous kutya, meat, bacon, pies, dumplings with cottage cheese, pancakes and many other dishes, the taste of which everyone managed to “miss” during the forty-day Christmas fast. Now it remains to wait for the sunset and you can meet generous people - children, young guys and girls in funny costumes and masks. As a rule, at the head of a cheerful noisy crowd is "Melanka" - a young guy dressed in women's clothes. Funny funny generosity is accompanied by loud music, laughter, jokes, jokes. Vociferous generous children are treated by the owners with sweets - pies, apples, nuts. Small coins are also a welcome "booty" for the Generous Evening. So it’s better to learn a few funny short generosities in advance and please relatives and neighbors on the Old New Year.

Vasilyeva mother

Went to be generous

Scatter wheat across the field.

Generate, God, wheat,

Barley, buckwheat.
