The longest kiss in the world. How long was the longest kiss in the world

The kiss can last incredibly long. This has been proven in practice: one couple kissed continuously for almost 18 days! This was longest kiss in the world which cost the lovers their health. After such an interesting experiment, young people ended up in the hospital with severe exhaustion.

A little about the benefits of kissing

Kissing is useful if it continues in moderation. In order for the body to feel its beneficial effect, you need to kiss for at least three minutes. In this case, it helps to relieve stress, according to researchers at one of the clinics in Montreal.

A long kiss triggers biochemical reactions in the body that are detrimental to “stress hormones”. When a person kisses, natural antibiotics are actively produced in the body, which have a bactericidal and analgesic effect. During a kiss, special substances appear in saliva that promote the healing of wounds in the oral cavity.

A kiss is the most complex chemical reaction, since at this time between people there is an exchange of 0.7 milligrams of protein, 7 mg of fat and 0.4 mg of mineral components. We can say that these substances decrease from one organism, and arrive in another. The longer the kiss lasts, the more turns of exchange occur between partners. What can we say about the longest kiss in the world - it's just an endless exchange of various substances!

Another undoubted plus of a kiss is that it helps to train the facial muscles. Kissing is recommended for those who want to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. 38 facial muscles are involved in a kiss! No massage or gymnastics for the face can give such an effect!

How did they do it?

After learning about the duration of the longest kiss in the world, you will probably be interested in how the partners ate or went to the toilet if both mouths were busy? The thing is that this record has its own subtleties. The guys were allowed to take a breather for 5 minutes after every hour of non-stop kissing. They had the opportunity to eat, go to the shower or toilet, which took 2 hours a day.

The longest non-stop kiss in the world

The couple from Thailand kissed the longest without a break. Their record was recorded on Valentine's Day, in 2004. The kiss lasted 46 hours! According to the rules of the competition, the participants had no right to make a stop. They could go to the restroom only together, without separation from each other. At the end of a tough competition, the record holders received the main prize, for which they endured all these torments - several thousand dollars and a diamond ring. This pair was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

The world achievement in the field of kissing in 2011 was interrupted by a new record. The competition, which took place on February 14 in Pattaya, made it possible to single out new winners. The rules of this competition are quite simple: couples must kiss without interruption. They can only take food and water through a straw. A visit to the toilet is possible if the partners can do it together, but not earlier than three hours after the start. The lips of the partners should not come off each other, this is monitored by a strict judge.

Competition winners for longest kiss in the world were two homosexuals. They kissed for 50 hours and 25 minutes! For this, they were awarded a ring with a large diamond, the cost of which is about 3,500 thousand dollars. In addition, they were given a $7,000 voucher for a luxury hotel stay. Do not be surprised that gays and transvestites participated in the competition. In Thailand, a huge number of gay people have a rest.

The couple who won the competition were completely exhausted. It's hard to kiss for 50 hours without rest! Record holders have not yet been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, but experts unanimously recognized them as the longest kiss in the world.

The lips of a loved one are honey! Kissing is perhaps one of the brightest and most beautiful manifestations of feelings! They make us happier, prettier and even healthier! When you kiss your loved one, tenderness envelops every cell of the body ... It is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the desired lips! Let's find out how long the longest kisses in the world lasted, why the 2012 record caused a lot of rumors and negative reviews, and, of course, whose kiss got into the Guinness Book of Records in 2013!

So ... The history of the longest kisses in the world dates back to the distant 90s. It was at this time that a passionate couple from Chicago set a record: they kissed for 17 days, 10 hours and 30 minutes! The couple were allowed to take short breaks of five minutes every hour - that is, they only had about 2 hours a day to rest, eat and sleep! When the record, which, of course, got into the Guinness Book of Records, was set, the couple ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of "wasting the body." Later, unfortunately, they disappeared.

The organizers of the competition decided to slightly change the conditions for the participants - and already in 1998, the couples kissed continuously and, accordingly, less time! Then the Americans Mark and Roberta Griswald became the winners, who merged in a passionate kiss for as much as 29 hours! However, their fame did not last long...

Already in 1999, a new record was set in Israel - Karmit Subera and Dror Orpaz kissed continuously for 30 hours and 45 minutes.

With a small margin (15 minutes) in 2000, the longest kiss in the world was the kiss of a young couple from New Jersey - Louise Almodovar and Rich Langley. This record lasted until 2004, until it was "beaten" by an Italian couple on February 16 - the kiss of lovers lasted 31 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds.

In 2005, Britons James Belshaw and Sophia Severin became the new champions, who kissed continuously for 31 hours and 30 minutes. Their record was only broken in 2011 by a Thai couple who enjoyed each other's lips for 50 hours.

In 2012, a new record was set. A kiss lasting 50 hours, 20 minutes and 1 second was recognized not only as the longest in the world, but also the most controversial. It caused a lot of protests and indignation around the world, as it was installed by representatives of non-traditional orientation - a gay couple from Thailand.

In 2013, the Thais again became the record holders for kisses! 44-year-old security officer Ekkahai Tiranarath and 33-year-old housewife Laksana kissed for 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds! According to the record holders, they decided to take part in this "marathon" not only for fame and prizes (the winners received 2 diamond rings and $ 3,300), but in order to once again emphasize the importance of family values ​​and love in the life of every person.


Whether you're in a relationship or not, it's pretty easy to get caught up in the Valentine's Day vibe. Many couples on this day decide to celebrate Valentine's Day on a grand scale, setting the most romantic world records.

1. The longest kiss

Husband and wife Yekkachay(Ekkachai) and Lakshana Tiranarat(Laksana Tiranarat) joined lips in the longest kiss lasting 46 hours and 24 minutes to celebrate Valentine's Day, breaking a new Guinness World Record. The couple competed in the 2011 contest in Thailand, where as many as seven couples broke the previous 2009 world record of 32 hours and 7 minutes.

2. The longest underwater kiss

In order to set this record, you need two applicants who are hardy enough to hold their breath for a long time. Italians Michelle Fucarino(Michele Fucarino) and Elisa Lazzarini(Elisa Lazzarini) turned out to be just such daredevils who were able to kiss underwater for a whole 3 minutes 24 seconds.

3. The most expensive kiss

Are you a fan of Sharon Stone? Probably not as zealous as Joni Rimm(Joni Rimm), who laid out a tidy sum of $ 50,000 for one kiss with an actress. The kiss was part of a charity auction that was organized to help people with AIDS and HIV.

4. The largest number of simultaneous marriages under water

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2001, 34 couples from 22 countries simultaneously exchanged wedding vows 10 meters underwater near Kradan Island in southern Thailand. The underwater wedding ceremony now attracts many tourists who gather every year on Valentine's Day to seal their union underwater.

5. The longest hug

It seems very strange, but the longest hug in the world was a whole day shorter than the longest kiss. World record set Ron O'Neil(Ron O "Neil) and Teresa Kerr(Teresa Kerr) from Canada who hugged continuously for 24 hours and 33 minutes.

6. Longest Hug Marathon

Did you know January 21st is National Hug Day? Six couples from the UK knew this for sure when they broke the record for the longest hug marathon, which lasted 24 hours and 44 minutes, although two couples dropped out of the marathon because they let go of the hug.

How is a hug marathon different from a regular hug record, you ask? The only difference is that marathon runners are allowed to take a 5-minute break every hour to eat and go to the bathroom.

7. Biggest group hug ever

If you don't want to hug one person for a long time, you can always take part in a big hug. The current record is held by 10,554 couples who embraced on May 7, 2010 in Ottawa, Canada's capital.

8. Most hugs per day

Those who are the most loving can try to hug as many people as possible in a 24-hour period. Such a record will be very difficult to break, as the current record belongs to Jeff Ondash(Jeff Ondash), who managed to make 7777 hugs per day on Valentine's Day.

Do not think that in order to break a record you need to be young and hardy. So the oldest couple (based on cumulative age) to get married was François Frenandez(Francois Frenandez) and Madeleine Francino(Madeleine Francineau), married in 2002 at the age of 96 and 94 respectively.

10 Longest Marriage

Herbert(Herbert) and Zelmira Fischer(Zelmyra Fisher) tested the oath "until death do us part" by living in a marriage for more than 86 years. They married in May 1924 in North Carolina, USA.

11. Most repeated marital vows

Although this record is far from the longest marriage, Lauren(Lauren) and David Blair(David Blair) celebrated the most marriage bonding ceremonies, exchanging vows over 100 times, having been married for 27 years.

12. The biggest chocolate in the world

One of the invariable attributes of Valentine's Day is chocolate. If you want to really impress your lover, then consider a giant chocolate called Kiss (kiss), created by the company Hershey in 2007, which weighs 13,852 kg.

13. The most expensive diamond

If a girl's best friend is diamonds, then a 100-carat diamond sold for $16,561,171 in 1995 is the best friend anyone could wish for.

It turns out that records can also be found in the art of love. We have collected the most unusual records from the Guinness Book of Records and Hymen.

longest love letter

In June 2006, in St. Petersburg, citizens created the world's largest postcard - 15.3 m by 9.99 m, with a total area of ​​150.15 square meters and weighing 56.2 kg. On the canvas, everyone could write their love message to any addressee. A special commission recorded a new world record and entered it into the Guinness Book of Records. 198 stamps for the total amount of 1980 rubles were pasted on the postcard. And she went to the Popov Museum of Communications to take her place in the Mail Art department.

The fastest love SMS

The 16-year-old citizen of Singapore got into the Guinness Book of Records for the skill of lightning-fast typing of SMS. It takes only 41 seconds for a 160-character text. As the young man admits, he managed to develop such a high speed after he ... fell in love! Using the phone, he helped his girlfriend solve school tests.

Gulliver and Lilliputian

56-year-old Chinese shepherd Bao Xishun, recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man on Earth - his height is 2 m 36 cm - found a bride, 28-year-old clothing saleswoman Xia Shujuan. With a height of 1 meter 68 centimeters, she barely reaches the elbow of her fiancé. Xia was found by an advertisement - there were more than 20 people who wanted to marry Bao.

longest kiss

At a kissing contest held at Tel Aviv's Rabin Square, Carmit Zubera and Dror Orlaz shared a kiss for 30 hours and 45 minutes. This figure was included in the Guinness Book of Records. And the newlyweds from Tokyo set their own record: they kissed for only 2 minutes 18 seconds, but under water.

The fastest kisses

Alfred Wolfram from New Bridgeton managed to kiss 8001 women in 8 hours. Those. his speed was 16 women per minute. Two points are interesting here at once: where did he get so many women, and what was their motivation, given that he spent less than 4 seconds on each? Turns out it was during the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. The women's record in this nomination belongs to Barbara Augustin: in 3 hours she kissed 76 men.

The Biggest Kiss

The largest number of kissing couples - 1588 - in one place at one time was recorded on February 13, 1999 at the Sarkian sports and entertainment center of Ontario.

Most lovers

King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia (1902-1969) began having sex at the age of 11. And until his death, he had an average of 3 intercourse a day, each time with a new girl. However, about the new girl, the fact is clearly indisputable, because it would only be possible for Rain Man to keep 20,000 partners in memory. The daughter of the Roman emperor Augustus Julia (39 - 14 BC) slept with 80,000 men. For her depraved behavior, her father exiled her to the island of Panderia. If there were men on the island, the father's punishment can hardly be considered too severe.

longest sex

Lasted 15 hours. The record for movie star Mae West and her lover Ted was held by a sexologist, Dr. Vernon Colman. It is possible that they succeeded thanks to his timely advice.

Most Curious Marriage

In 1986, the wedding of an eleven-month-old boy and a three-month-old girl took place in Bangladesh - in such a non-standard way, the parents of the children tried to stop the 20-year-old feud of families over a farm and some property.

The oldest newlyweds

The wedding ceremony of 96-year-old Raymand Robson and 90-year-old Fane Weber took place in the presence of 22 children who were born to the newlyweds from previous marriages. By the way, the bride and groom met in one of the English nursing homes. Reymand read aloud to a neighbor because her eyesight no longer allowed her to do it on her own. But this couple did not get into the Guinness Book of Records, since a few years ago it already recorded the record of another French couple - 96 years for the groom and 94 years for the bride.

Longest engagement

Octavio Guillen and Adriana Martins have been preparing for marriage for 67 years. They got married in Mexico City when they were both 82 years old.

longest marriage

Lasted 81 years. A married couple from Great Britain registered their union in the 19th century, and it was interrupted due to the death of Thomas Morgan's wife, Elizabeth, at the age of 105. The total age of the spouses at that time was 209 years. The inconsolable husband outlived his wife by only 2 years. A compatriot of the couple undertook to fix the record, accidentally discovering their tombstones in a cemetery in Wales.

The longest veil

A bride from the city of Guangzhou walked down the aisle in a dress with a train, the length of which was 200.8 m. After the ceremony, the outfit was sold at a charity auction. For the Chinese, this is a record, and the world figure is 775 m. That was the length of the train on the wedding dress of one eccentric Dutch woman.

The most unusual wedding

Was with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and Ekaterina Dmitrieva. When the newlyweds said "yes", the bride was in Houston, and Yuri was in Earth's orbit.

The most virtual wedding

In Germany, young people chose a taxi salon as a place of marriage. Thanks to the video cameras installed inside, the audience of the World Wide Web was able to share this holiday with the newlyweds.

The most massive wedding

2,000 couples decided to tie the knot at the same time, and it happened in Egypt. Wholesale wedding - real savings on the ceremony and celebration!

Most unstable marriage

The Jerusalem court has dissolved the marriage of the same couple already 4 times in 19 years. For the first time they divorced after 6 years of marriage, but piety forced them to remarry. Since then, they regularly come to court. The rabbis even suggested that the combination with divorce and marriage could bring some material benefits to the couple, but after a thorough check, they made sure that, on the contrary, their expenses in connection with the dissolution and remarriage were quite large. There was also speculation that the couple hoped to get into the Guinness Book of Records in order to become famous and receive an award. But after a short conversation, it turned out that they have no idea who Guinness is, and what kind of book he has.

Most Persuasive Marriage

Two American couples at once - Martins and Robles - married 51 times! Each time after the wedding in one of the states, they changed their place of residence and issued new documents in order to celebrate the wedding again. If they move to Russia, they will be able to register in 86 of our regions until the end of their lives.

How long can you kiss? Take your partner and try to find out how long you can last. For an hour? Two? You will probably be incredibly surprised when you find out that the longest kiss lasted as much as 17 days 10 hours and 30 minutes!

Is this possible? Yes. True, after that the record holders ended up in the hospital with severe exhaustion of the body. Are they kissing now? We cannot say this, although we believe that after the record they no longer saw each other - in more than 17 days you can really get bored with your partner ...

You will surely ask us - how did the couple eat or visit the restroom if the partners' mouths were constantly busy? The fact is that this record has some subtleties. So, the guys were allowed to take a five-minute break every hour, and they were also given two hours a day for eating and for such needs as going to the toilet or taking a shower.

The longest non-stop kiss

Therefore, we will tell you about another record, which is much shorter than the one we described above, and it is called "the longest continuous kiss." It was staged back in 2004 on Valentine's Day, that is, February 14th. A couple from Thailand kissed non-stop for 46 hours. The most interesting thing is that the rules of the competition forbade taking any breaks, including even going to the bathroom (although the couple could do this together - the main thing is that the partners do not break away from each other). As a result, the guys not only received a valuable prize of several thousand dollars and rings with a large diamond, but also got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Unrecorded in the Guinness Book of Records

However, already last year this record was broken, however, until it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. On the same day, February 14, the competition for the longest kiss in the world began again. He started at the city beach in Pattaya on Sunday. The rules are simple - couples cannot move, since their movements are limited by extremely scarce space, they have the right to take food and food only through a straw, and going to the toilet is possible only after the first three hours from the start of the competition, while the couple is obliged to go to the toilet together, which if the lips of the partners did not come off each other. All this must be observed by the judge.

As a result, two homosexuals set a new record - they kissed for 50 hours and 25 minutes continuously! For this, the couple received a diamond ring worth about 3.5 thousand dollars, as well as a gift voucher to the hotel for $ 7 thousand.

Do not be surprised that it was an unconventional couple who became the winner - Thailand is known to the whole world for its huge number of homosexuals and transvestites.
