Scenarios of the last call. words of congratulations and awards from the director of the school

Every year at the end of May, thousands of students hear the last bell and say goodbye to the school. This official part called - the last call or solemn ruler. Both students and teachers are preparing for this event. And if the teachers want everything to be official and solemn, then the students want to dilute it all with humor and funny moments. Look new contemporary script to the last call in the 11th grade, which combined all this in itself. funny scenario teachers will like it, and graduates will leave good memories of themselves.

Hello dear teachers and students! Parents and the main persons of today's holiday are 11th grade graduates! We invite you to the solemn line dedicated to the last call!

In these moments, parents stand and remember the day when they first brought their child here, to this school. That was exactly eleven years ago. How quickly time flies.
And the graduates at this moment are standing and thinking, if all this would end as soon as possible, for eleven years now we have been suffering in this school. How long time goes by!
So let's get down to the official part of our solemn program!

Students of the 1st grade come on stage and read the verse. This is one verse. But it's long. Therefore, it must be divided into parts, and each first grader will learn his part.

These are the wishes that sound to today's graduates from first-graders. We don't know which one of you will become. We cannot see into the future. But we can go back in time and see how you beat when you came to school.

Photos of graduates from the first line and primary school appear on the projector.

See how small they were! And now let me greet you - already adult graduates!

Graduates of the 11th grade enter the stage. They are greeted with applause.

Now in front of you solemn speech the principal of the school (full name of the director), and the head teacher (full name) will speak

The director and the head teacher speak their words.

I will ask the director and the vice teacher to stay on stage. I know that the graduates have prepared their speech.

Dear (full name of director and head teacher). Students and other guests! We have been in school for eleven years. And during this time we have accumulated a lot of experience. And we have ideas how to make the understanding between teachers and students right. We sketched out our ideas of what can be done at the school in the future, so that everyone would be happy. And so, listen.
1. The students unanimously expressed their desire to increase the number of such lessons as: physical education and computer science, drawing and computer classes. Because of this increase, you don’t even have to do additional lessons. We will perfectly fit into the allotted framework if we reduce such subjects as: chemistry, physics, algebra and geometry.
2. We know what teachers don't like. When on their lessons the students start to deal with their appearance. Girls paint their nails, do their hair and so on. To make everyone happy, he suggests taking mini breaks for five minutes at each lesson: during this time, the girls will be able to make up, and the boys will check their personal messages in contact.
3. We are constantly told that we are not spending our leisure time properly. So that we can be in your sight in our free time. We offer daily after school and in the evening to organize gambling tournaments on the school grounds.
4. This item is written specifically to protect all class teachers who are constantly running around looking for the right students around the school and beyond. We want to say - stop running! Take care of yourself. If a student needs to find you, he will definitely find you himself.
5. Next. We are often told that we are tactless. Are teachers being tactful? We propose to introduce an item that allows you to change the topic of conversation if the student at the blackboard cannot answer the question. So the teachers will behave tactfully, and the student will be calm.
6. Lastly, help students. They sacrifice a lot and always go to great lengths for magazine ratings. They even go to class!

Thank you for your attention!

Is that the suggestions? Well, dear director and head teacher - consider the wishes of graduates?
As you can see, it was a joke. And now graduates will say thanks to all teachers in an adult and serious way!

Graduates sing to each teacher a song in his subject.

Well, once again time flew by very quickly. And now there are only a few moments left when their last bell will sound for the graduates.
For the solemn last call invited to the stage (full name)

By tradition, the last bell rings for high school students on May 25. After this holiday, preparation for exams and the final exams themselves begin.

The Last Bell Holiday is colored for graduates, on the one hand, with joy - they are finishing school and ahead new life, full of all sorts of surprises and discoveries, and on the other - sadness; because from this day they begin their countdown last days, in which graduates live their usual lives, communicate with their school friends and teachers who have already become family.

We deliberately do not provide any clear scenario of the Last Call, since it is impossible to cover such a huge topic in one article, however, in this article we offer some preparations and recommendations for holding this celebration. We understand that different schools have different possibilities, so come up with some one universal scheme Holidays are pretty hard. But we tried to embrace the immensity and hope that our recommendations will help make the holiday extraordinary, memorable and bright.

Last call- one of the main school holidays. It requires quite a serious and lengthy preparation. There are many things to take into account: the design of the hall where the celebration will take place, equipment (you may have to urgently repair something or even buy something); special emphasis should be placed on good knowledge texts of songs and poems that will be performed by graduates, as many will be worried at the holiday and will be able to completely forget everything from excitement. Therefore, if possible, it makes sense for the organizers of the holiday to insist that students know their texts by heart. In addition, everyone should have their text written on the sheet in their hands to help in case of any overlays.

Do not leave for the last day drawing posters and wall newspapers with which the hall will be decorated. As a rule, such preparation requires a long time. The same applies to rehearsals: they need to be held at least three, and common ones. By these rehearsals, all the texts should already be learned by heart.

The holiday begins with a solemn line, at which the headmaster, class teachers and some teachers congratulate the graduates. After that, the word is given to the students. Not only graduates, but also primary school students can perform.

Here is one example of congratulations to graduates by first grade students - ditties.

We came to you today

Prick up your ears

Clap your hands louder

We will sing ditties.

You are now graduates

And we are first graders

Let's turn back the days

Let's talk about your life.

In the first class - beauty,

Just great!

Just learn to write

It is necessary!

Well, in the second class

Sheer torment!

Remember everything like a bad dream

Multiplication table.

Backpacks are heavy

More textbooks

In the third grade, all the guys

Learn, try.

In the fifth grade - that's the trouble,

Problems started:

Everyone sits and waits

There will come a change.

A year has passed, and the sixth grade

Worn around school

All teachers suffer

From such grief.

Grade seven and physics:

They introduced a new science.

According to the laws of acceleration

The class runs to the cafeteria.

Eighth class. Not before learning -

Everyone is falling in love!

Nothing, no matter how you learn

Not remembered.

In the ninth grade they grew wiser,

A whole year of teaching

How did the exams go?

Everyone immediately forgot.

In the tenth grade - what a misfortune!

Everyone is changing their image.

You can faint

How do you see the students?

The last class is graduation

Parting soon.

We wish you not to forget

My home school!

Congratulations from teachers to graduates do not have to be solemn, comic wishes and congratulations will bring some note of fun and defuse the tension and excitement that is obligatory on this holiday.

The so-called "reworked" songs are very fun in schools. We will give some examples of this kind of congratulations:

Director(to the motive of any march):

Aty - Baty, we have come

Everything is like a parade

And, of course, our director

We are terribly happy.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

We must admit

What to students and school

You are very needed.

He is all in business, worries

In the morning...

To our director

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Russian language and literature teacher(to the motive of the song "Electric Train" by A. Apina): To improve your culture,

Back to literature

Pushkin, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky... Alas,

You gave us lessons back

And we did not read, we did not read,

What should we do, because we must answer?


How can we write an essay now?

Hands tremble more and more with excitement,

It's just terrible, what a torment,

Perhaps, all of a sudden, it will be possible to write off?

How can I remember what I forgot and do not know

Maybe I'll get lucky and guess the plot

What kind of literature is this!

No luck ... So the deuce again!

Math teacher(to the motive of the song "Oh, viburnum blooms"):

Here I am standing again in the classroom at the blackboard,

In grief and sadness, I cry from longing.

How am I going to solve the equation, oh!

How can I find this cunning X?

I understand: you need to learn the formulas,

Only reluctance. How should I be now?

Where can I get stronger teeth for a boy,

To gnaw science - mathematics.

physical education teacher(to the motive of the song "Over the Four Seas" by the group "Brilliant", the girls sing):

Remember, you promised the "five",

I just don't have the strength to run.

We will never forget the gym,

And the words that you told us:

Gotta run fast

You have to jump higher

And then we can win the competition

Dexterity and skill

Will and patience...

And now everywhere we repeat, like a spell:

Gotta run fast

You have to jump higher

Do not moan, do not whimper, and then victory awaits us!

Let's remember forever

We are your lessons

Dear teacher, we wish you a lot of happiness!

History teacher(to the motive of the song "What were you ..." from the movie "Kuban Cossacks"):

Everyone knows how hard you tried

History to teach us

And we tried to learn history,

But they tried to forget everything.

And you do not take offense at us,

The lessons were not in vain!

Always beautiful, stay kind!

We wish you with all our hearts!

Chemistry teacher(to the motive of the song “If you don’t have an aunt”) from the movie “Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”):

If you have an apartment

That may not be her

If you mix the reagents

And blow everything up, and blow everything up

And blow everything up.

If you don't have soap

Then it can be boiled

And to know the components,

Chemistry is necessary, chemistry is necessary,

Chemistry must be taught.

The orchestra rumbles

Chemistry means to be.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself

To teach or not to teach

to teach or not to teach!

Physics teacher(to the tune of Alsou's song "Sometimes"):

Where has it been seen, who invented it,

That you definitely need to learn physics,

To know at least a little the laws of life.

What is saved? How is it accelerating?

For some reason I don't remember

I'm completely frozen to absolute zero.

Sometimes I wait for her

Sometimes I love her

And then it seems to me

What control can solve.

Sometimes I suffer

Sometimes I get confused

You know, with this physics

It's not easy to live at all.

Geography teacher(to the motive of "The Song of the Little Red Riding Hood"):

If long, long, long

Explore the seas and mountains

Rivers, countries, continents

And state capitals.

That's probably right, right

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

Of course, then of course

You can become the smartest!

Ah, we sing a song about geography,

Ah, we learn it both at night and during the day.

Ah, we say "thank you" to you,

Ah, we say "thank you" to you

Ah, our dear teacher,

Ah, our dear teacher!

teacher foreign language (to the motive of V. Markin's song “I see a shadow obliquely”): If our life is like a film

Scroll back ten years

Let's remember how we learned English

Every day ten times in a row.

Every student is accustomed

Express yourself in English.

Foreign difficult language

Became almost family and friends.

Here are just a few examples playful congratulations graduate teachers. Something can always be changed or supplemented depending on the bias and the possibilities of the school. But in any case, it is necessary to end the holiday on a solemn note. Perhaps it will be the school anthem or, if the school does not have its own anthem, an appropriate song for the occasion. It is best to perform it all together - both schoolchildren and teachers. And, of course, it is up to you to decide whether the last bell will ring during the anthem or after. The solemnity of the moment will help to give Balloons, which graduates will release into the sky during the last call or immediately after it. Such a finale of the holiday is very beautiful.

Scenario of the solemn line "Last call in 11 classes"
(fanfare sounds)
Teacher organizer:
Good afternoon to all present! We welcome students
teachers, parents and guests. Today, ______, we solemnly
ship to outer space towards exams and adulthood
11th class crew. We meet!
The first teacher introduces his pupils, students of grade 11, into the hall
_____________________ and class teacher ___________________
The students enter the hall to the music.
Gulyash N.A.: Crew spaceship 11 years went through a serious
training on the basis of school number 71. Experienced
mentors. During this time, 150 kg of chalk was spent, 2300 pieces of total
notebooks, 2 million 300 thousand nerve cells, 150 cubic meters of ink, eaten
880 thousand pies in our buffet, 120 thousand cubic meters of compote were drunk
and tea.
Vedas. 1. Good, fine, today,
We got this day

Our last school bell.
Vedas. 1. Exams, rest, study
They flash in their turn.
Vedas. 2. And we are outgoing school year
Let's wave sadly.
Vedas. 1. We strive for happiness and believe:
Farewell to the school of the meeting is a pledge.
Vedas. 2. The school has a premiere today
Our sad last call.
Teacher organizer: Attention! Ceremonial line dedicated to
The last call for students __________ is declared open.
The anthem of Russia sounds.
Teacher organizer: Here they are adults and it still seems our little ones
children, a little agitated, a little alarmed by the strangeness of the present
celebrations. Your sweet carefree childhood is over, exams are ahead of you,
prom, and of course adulthood with her worries, anxieties,
joys and sorrows. On behalf of those who went through the whole school with you
way, who thought about you, strangers yesterday, now relatives, who are in the school ringing
silence after the last lesson pondered over your questions and
weighed his answers, on behalf of the teachers, according to tradition, he addresses you
head teacher ______________________.

Speech by the principal of the school.
Veda 1: It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,
Blackboard, textbook and expensive class.
Frankly, we are now, of course, it hurts
Leave the house that has become dear to us.
Vedas. 2: A word for greeting and reading the order for the admission of students to
exams are provided to the Deputy Director for Education
educational work ____________________
Speech by the DA on OIA
Veda 1: "All life is a theater, and people in it are actors",
The poet said and was, of course, right,
Having played on the school stage for so many years,
We will go to life to play other roles.
Vedas 2: We played different roles:
Child, adult, student,
Teachers dreamed of playing ...
Once in a lifetime… the role of a graduate.
Ved.2 School, beautiful school years. 11 years ago we came to school with
wide open eyes waiting for a miracle. We were like pure whites
pages on which you, our teachers, wrote your text, created
person. Over the years, we have had 12 thousand lessons, more than 120 textbooks, and in
there are more than 25 thousand pages. On average, from home to school and back for these
years we have traveled a distance equal to 3500 kilometers, 25
thousand calls, and today the last one in our life will ring for us
school bell.
Lead 1: Our school teachers!
We treat you like parents!
But especially dear to us
Our awesome leaders!
Ved.2: The word for greeting is provided class teachers:
Presentation by class teachers
Veda 1: Do you remember, many years ago,
When I entered the school for the first time,
Your teachers here met a kind look.
And you opened a new textbook.
Vedas 2: May long days and years pass,
After all, his work was not wasted:
He taught us to write and count,
And understand the beauty of nature

Ved.1: He invested a lot of strength in us, unintelligent ones.
After all, no one has canceled kindness yet ...
Teacher first, we want now
From you to hear a life order.
Performance of the first teachers.
Veda 2: Who is nearby in moments of joy and trial, who gives you
all the warmth of your heart, all your love and care? Of course, these are the most
relatives and Dear people- moms and dads.
Veda 1: Parents are not given to predict
What awaits their children in this world,
But every father and mother
Wish only happiness to children.
Vedas 2: To those who say goodbye to school,
To those about whom the rumor is buzzing
To those who stepped into youth
Sons and daughters
Relatives and relatives came
To say parting words.
Vedas.1: The word for parting words is given to parents
Presentation by parents.
Vedas.1 Our path has never been strewn with roses, because for them there is no
there was room. This place was occupied: Pechorin's quest and suffering
Tatyana, syntax and punctuation, biquadratic equations and
triangles named after Pythagoras.
Ved.2: Periodic table and that happy apple that fell on the head
thinking Newton. As well as continents and oceans, battles and
battles, crosses and races.
Veda 1: Our main task was to eat from the tree of knowledge all these years.
We ate, and some got indigestion.
Vedas.2: We tried to destroy the granite foundation of science and as a result
Together they gnawed a huge hole in it.
Vedas 1: Where did the trade winds constantly come from on us, so many of us
chronic runny nose.
Vedas 2: And, despite all this, we are still just as cheerful and cheerful,
like 11 years ago.
Veda 1: A whole life fit in these 11 years.
Veda 2: This life would be boring and joyless if we were not accompanied
our teachers are reliable comrades, excellent advisers.
Vedas 1: They tried to put their souls into us without a trace, although we do not always
could appreciate the good and bright that lay in us

Vedas 2: And today we have the opportunity to say all the words
gratitude, appreciation, love, respect to you, our dear teachers.
Ved.1: So, let the ceremony of declaration of love be considered open!
Presentation by 11th grade students.
Teacher organizer: Dear graduates, you are forever leaving your native
school, and new guys will come to replace you, who will keep the ones you started
traditions and will follow you along the difficult path of life.
The word for congratulations is given to students of the 10th grade.
Presentation by tenth graders.
Teacher organizer: Attention! Following the traditions of our school on
the last line, graduates pass the symbols of the school to tenth graders.
The right to hand over the key to the school is granted to a student in grade 11
The right to accept the key to the school is granted to a student in grade 10 _______
Teacher-organizer: The right to pass the torch of knowledge is granted
11th grade student _____________
The right to take the torch of knowledge is granted to a student of grade 10 ___________
Teacher organizer: Attention! Graduates prepare for transfer
school symbols! Transfer characters!
The transfer of school symbols to music.
Teacher organizer: The most solemn, exciting
moment of our holiday. For you, dear graduates, the last
school bell. Remember this moment. The right to give the last call
provided to a student of grade 11 ______________ and a student of grade 1
Give the last call to the release of __________!
The last bell rings.
Veda 1: Everyone has hopes, expectations
Look at life, do not deceive!
And at this hour in a silent hall

"Last Call" in 11th grade
Scenario class hour at 11 a

- Dear Guys!
— Dear parents!
So the day has come when the last bell rang for you. The latter is always unfair. The last one always hurts. Never again will you be a student, never again will you enter a class as a student. In the fall, other students will enter this office as owners. And I will remember about you, and tell new generations of young people, I will compare them with you.

Of course, parting is always sad. But parting means the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another. There is a new life ahead of you. Unusual, complex, not entirely clear. But it's beautiful, this new life. And I wish you success in this new, adult life.

I look at you and remember the days
When did you enter fifth grade?
Like the first time we were alone
And I, worried, studied you.
There was an interest in me in your views:
What is she? And what are they?
I burned on a slow fire
You burned like field poppies.
Days passed, and months, and years flew by.
And now we are almost alone again ...
Well, what would you like to remember today?
How did you hustle in class?
Did you go to physical education?
Did you study literature?
How did you cover each other
Did they give teachers nicknames?
Yes, it was all once
And you had nicknames too.
But I will remember you guys
Like the coolest class in the world.

- Yes, seven years have passed since then ... But in fact school life started earlier for you. Let's remember how it all happened.
So it all started on a September morning ten years ago.

Word to students:

1. On this day, overly excited mothers, looking tenderly at us, first-graders, carefully straightened the folds on our festive clothes, which managed to get pretty wrinkled and dirty in just a few hours ....

2. And they asked the same question, while smiling nervously for some reason:

3. - Well, how? Did you enjoy your first day at school?

All: Loved it!

4. What else could we answer?

5. For example, I didn’t say that the new shoes are very tight and not even green at all, as I wanted ...

6. I also didn’t tell my mother that I don’t need this tie, “like dad’s”, if you can’t wipe dirty hands on it ...

7. And most importantly, from sitting in one place for a long time, for example, tingling begins in certain parts of the body.

All: We all loved it!

1. And flowers, and noise, and turmoil on this day!

2. But most of all we liked the beautiful, smart aunt, who immediately came up to us and took my hand in a friendly way.

3. She didn't have a name "teacher", as in kindergarten, but quite another - "teacher"!

4. She was completely unfamiliar to us, but she smiled like relatives, both to us and to our mothers.

5. Communicating with our teacher every day, we comprehended, in addition to school curriculum simple truths...

6. That in the morning it would be quite nice to come to the lesson on time ...

1. What should be written not on the desk and not on the hands, but only in a notebook ...

2. That elders should not be rude, but kids must be protected ...

3. And many other wisdoms that an educated person should know, even such young age as a 1st grade student.

4. No, of course, parents told us about this ...

5. But the teacher brought all our disheveled knowledge into a system

6. And now we can proudly say that this system ...

Everything is working!

7. All our lives we will remember how, without melting a smile,
You returned us a notebook where there was no mistake

1. How upset you were when, though rarely,
You owe us a bad mark

2. We were children and sometimes, alas, did not notice
In the look of your kind eyes of care and sadness

3. We thank you for everything, for us you are always the FIRST!
We to you

All: Thank you!

(Give flowers to Tatyana Petrovna)

— Dear Tatyana Petrovna, the word is yours.

Word to students:

8. Well, how can we not remember today about those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter

9. Who collected daily for school

10. And sometimes he burned out of shame for us ...

11. Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble with you is not a problem!

12. And joy - so full to have fun!

13. After all, with us you still have to study ...

7. Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire! Your kids have grown! What you see in front of you is the result of your daily work!

8. It was we who provided you with life in extreme situations all these years! it is to us that you owe unbearable days, smoothly turning into sleepless nights!

9. Yes! We did not always bring you only joys and diaries proudly swollen from fives.

10. Hand on heart, we are ready to admit that you cannot call us exemplary children!

11. But we know that no matter what we do, no matter what we throw out SOMETHING, you will write it off for a protracted transitional age and you will love us even more

12. And we want to tell you a secret:

All: We love you too!

(the song sounds parental home» performed by students)

- A word to parents.

— Dear parents! I would also like to thank you for your dedication, help, responsiveness, support and mutual understanding.
(delivery thank you letters parents)

Word to students:

Very soon we will say goodbye to school,
Our final bell will ring.
We anxiously sit down at our desks,
As once on the first lesson.
Within these walls we were taught good;
We went to school, as in our family.
Here we spent our childhood
Here we met our youth.
It is very sad that at this hour
We will not hear the overflow of the call ...
He does not call us to class anymore
To lessons under the school roof.
We can't believe that already
We don't have to wear a shift
Run away from class sometimes
Looking forward to a fun change.
You don't have to stand at the blackboard
And drive on the map with a pointer,
You don't have to write cheat sheets
And with a plea to catch clues.
Everything will be left behind...
There is a big road ahead.
We say to the school: "I'm sorry,
Please don't judge us harshly."
Well, to you, dear, relatives,
The best in the world, our
amazing teachers,
We Thanks a lot let's say.
Forgive us for all sins
What have they done over the years.
We admit our guilt
We weren't the best.
How much pain, resentment and tears
They accidentally hurt you.
Please forgive us
Anyway, we loved you very much.
You whisper to us: "See you!",
Tears will be wiped from your eyes.
Please don't forget about us
Even by typing a new class.
In the meantime, exams are ahead.
Wish us: "Good luck!"
We hope: our knowledge
In a difficult moment they will not leave us.

Song (to the tune of "Your Honor, Lady Luck")

Your honor, lady luck,
For whom you are kind, and to whom - otherwise.
Faithful friend, do not let us down:
Unlucky in grades, lucky in love.
Your honor, lady separation,
We leave the school - that's such a thing.
IN Hard time, school, help:
Unlucky with a ticket, lucky in love.
Your honor, lady victory,
We will endure all difficulties - we promise it.
Only all the good things in life are ahead:
You will be lucky with the exam - just believe and wait!

My children! Lovely! Native!
How glad I am to see you now
Mature, beautiful, big
Not my first, but my favorite class.
How can I live without you now,
Can I fill the void?
Separation from you I will be ill,
I just don't know what I'll find instead.
Let the years fly by - I will remember
All your eyes radiant kind light
And no matter how long it takes, I will hear
And your voices, and sonorous laughter.
And in many years you will be loved,
Believe so T.G. to you
Guys, dear, you are unique,
And in this life you are my bright moment.

- And now your attention is invited to "Mini-Oscar 11a"
19 very interesting characters, whose stay in the walls of school No. 2 was closely associated with the name "11a class". Several nominations have been made.

- The first nomination "Intellectual leader 11a" - Gataullina Roza
She sang so many praises,
That I can hardly sing better.
Close to her are Present Simple and iambic,
Both optics and integrals.
Few years will pass
And once, in verse, or in prose
From TV we will say hello
The Coolest Academician Rosa

- Next nomination: "Honor and Conscience 11a" - Melikhova Natasha
She is reliable, fair,
Smart, no doubt, and beautiful.
Her eyes and eyelashes
Someone will dream for a long time.
She is our mind, honor and conscience.
She is the elder, Natasha

- In the nomination "Strength and Glory 11a" - two young people - Sharanov Maxim, Vashkevich Vitaly
He is the answer to every question.
Find it without a doubt
He will dance and sing
And the role will play in the performance.
He is the best shooter. Can you with him
Chatting sometimes for hours.
He is a thrifty guy
The richest, our Maxim

Beautiful as an angel: cilia, eyes, waist.
He is a hockey player and an excellent football player,
In short: in sports he knows his own worth.
He is a future policeman, Vitaly
commendation (commendation)

- The next nomination "Kindness itself 11a" - Nasledov Kirill
kindest soul, good friend, and
An athlete, and on the parade ground he will show the bearing,
Hardworking and honest. Eyelashes - as if in mascara,
Like blue lakes - eyes. ... He is an artist, Kirill
commendation (commendation)

- Nomination "Challenge to the podium from 11a" - Melnikova Natasha
Slender as a cypress. She is modest at times
Sometimes it's so mischievous
“Don’t put your finger in your mouth” - This happens even
And she is smart, fashion model Natasha
commendation (commendation)

- The next nomination - "Elegance and gallantry 11a" - Egor Buldakov
A shy smile, a slightly downcast look,
A wave of rye hair, always dressed with taste.
A little Don Juan, sorry, not born French
Gallant gentleman and gentleman Egor
commendation (commendation)

- Nomination "Turgenev girl from 11a" - Mordvintseva Olya
Twig girl, stem girl
So fragile, so vulnerable.
Sometimes thoughtful: how much she cares
To overcome more, worrying and dreaming!
Slightly slow. So much romance in it -
She should have been born two hundred years ago, Olga
commendation (commendation)

- In the nomination "The highlight of any program 11a" - Stanislav Popov and Almira Mirmanova
He shine on stage, where in the colloquial genre
And a hundred decades he will not be equal.
It is impossible to imagine him without jokes and pranks
He, in general, kind guy, our fidget Stas

She is, of course, a brat.
And freckles on her nose.
She is an artist, not a scientist.
Sometimes sad, like Madonna.
And sometimes wild curls
Her personality is mischievous
Involuntarily presented to the world
Such a different Almira
commendation (commendation)

— Nomination "Find of the Year" - Olga Shutova
Guitar, "Kish", hard rock,
Bandana and patched jeans.
She will easily follow the principle
She is like a warm breeze.
For a year, the school became native.
A little shy. She
Full of all kinds of advantages -
Such a "thing" Helga - Olya
commendation (commendation)

- The next nomination - "Charm 11a" - Khovanskaya Kristina
Having set a goal, go to it boldly.
"History" is needed for business.
Freckles, blue eyes,
Sweet smile. picture
You should draw with her -
Christina is getting prettier
commendation (commendation)

- Nomination "Truth Seeker from 11a" - Alexey Dorokhov
Not everyone, perhaps, will understand
What do feelings mean to a man...
His last school year
Passed under the sign of Katherine.
He was so unlucky so often:
Reproaches, disputes, quarrels. Yet
In love, he is happy to spite everyone,
He is a strong guy, our Alyosha
commendation (commendation)

- We have and creative people. In the nomination "Talent and creativity 11a" - Osipova Masha, Yurova Margarita
Have you seen the faces of saints? Do you remember their eyes?
Do you remember how much sadness and depth they have?
The mystery is deep in faces and thoughts are captured.
... And wow - as the saint had to call her.
Her face is like an icon. Smart, and I bet
Through thorns straight to the stars, no doubt, Maria will break through

I had a dream somehow
(Oh, how strange this dream was!)
She painted on glass
Proudly dancing the Charleston
orange yellow lemon
She painted on glass
And bracelets of silver ringing
Tact echoed her movements.
Oh, what a wonderful dream it was!
The south wind played with silks,
Timidly the hem of the dress stirred ...
reflection moonlight fell…
In the waves of red curls that Zephyr
Aromas of the East intertwined ...
commendation (commendation)

— In the nomination "Unsolved mystery (terra incognita) 11a" - Alexey Kotelnikov
Born on Cosmonautics Day
And endowed with charm
Good by yourself. The girls are crying
When he is near, they blush.
He is always with friends. But still
Very mysterious Alyosha
commendation (commendation)

- nomination Golden heart 11a" - Khovanskaya Regina
She loves every animal
And with cats - almost relatives.
Like a reflection of her
She has a younger sister next to her.
Sometimes shy, vulnerable,
Regina is tender like a May flower
commendation (commendation)

— Nomination "Golden Hands 11a" - Anya Artemenko
Firm in decisions, temper - like a light,
She doesn't have the courage. to someone
Probably really unaware
How persistent Anyuta is with us
commendation (commendation)

- And, finally, the last nomination "Casanova from 11a" - Pavel Kulishenko
I want to dedicate poetry to you.
What for? Yes, just for memory.
School days are over...
If possible, I would like to leave
I am a light trace in your memory ...

How can you possibly forget so many days?
It's hard to forget you, believe me -
Nice guy: legs, shoulders, lips
And such a "suspended" language
Jokes, jokes - it's instant!
There are makings to become cool, rich.
... The wind has already died down in the yard ...
Who would have thought that once
I will create an acrostic about you...
commendation (commendation)

- Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, expectation,
And I want to say in memory:
“The whole path is the one that we went through together,
Walking the steep steps
I will remember for a long time, honestly!
You have become family to me forever.
Enjoyed you all the years
I gave you all my soul
Like a mother - children, I admired
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path
Whichever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul.
