Make a bouquet of men's underpants. How to make a bouquet for a man with your own hands? Original bouquet for a man

Without flowers, a holiday is not a holiday. More precisely, without a bouquet. But what this bouquet will be made of - it already depends on your imagination. Sock flowers can look no worse, but much better than real ones. And they also have a lot of advantages. Such a bouquet will never fade, the person you present will be able to pinch a pair of socks from it and admire further. Jokes aside, but it is very useful to learn how to make such a creative bouquet of socks with your own hands. You can buy ready-made gifts for men from us. But where are they up to a bouquet of socks! We will learn how to make a bouquet for a man, a child or a beloved friend. The principle is the same, our site has prepared three master classes on sock-bouquet art. A bouquet of socks is a great gift for a man on February 23 or Valentine's Day.

How to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands

We will need socks, straws for a cocktail or wooden sticks, wrinkled green paper and colored tape or tape. Leaves can be bought at a craft store or made by hand. Leaves made of fabric or paper are suitable.

We take a sock, twist it into a tight roll and turn it inside out from one end to make a flower. Twist so that the middle is longer than the petals.

Now we put a cocktail straw into the finished flower and wrap it tightly with tape so that the bud does not slide along the stem. It is better to take green sticks so as not to wrap them with colored paper. This is a rather difficult stage, which takes a lot of time. If the straw is green, then it is not necessary to wrap it. Now you just need to attach the leaves to the stem and you can put the bouquet in a basket.

The second master class is a bouquet of socks for a man. All the same steps and nothing complicated. You can then attach the flowers to the same straw.

Another bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands. We will fasten the toe flowers with ordinary safety pins. We take any number of socks, straws and pins. We need a ribbon to decorate a vase.

We lay out the first sock on the table, as shown in the photo.

From the side of the elastic, we bend one edge and begin to tightly twist the sock into a roll.

We twist not evenly, but so that the middle remains longer than the petals.

When the flower from the sock is ready, we cut off the edge with a pin so that it does not unfold.

We put a cocktail straw or a plastic stick inside the flower (wooden ones are also suitable). And put the flowers in a vase.

We fill the vase tightly with socks so that the pins are not visible. We decorate the vase with a cloth or ribbon.

The principle of making a bouquet of socks is clear, and then it’s a matter of technology. It may not work the first time, so you need to practice. A bouquet of socks can be presented to a man for any occasion. Just do not make such gifts to an unfamiliar man or, for example, an employee. Socks are a rather intimate thing, so you can give them only to loved ones. For decoration, you can use a vase, a beautifully decorated box or even a bucket. Only not a ten-liter, but a child's.

You can add additionally for the beauty of small artificial flowers and greenery. Get a nice decor.

Flowers in dollars are a worthy and material gift. Socks can be taken plain, several colors, or with stripes, in a rhombus.

Very beautiful bouquets are obtained from women's and children's socks. "Plant" them in a flowerpot and decorate with tulle.

Additionally, you can tie a flowerpot with a satin ribbon.

Many women regularly ask themselves the question of what to give to a loved one, especially when the relationship is not the first year and everything that could be given has already been donated. Meanwhile, if you approach this issue from a creative side, then even the most ordinary thing can be presented as an original gift. For example, giving flowers to men is somehow not very accepted, but you can present ordinary underpants or socks decorated in a bouquet. How to make a bouquet of underpants as a gift for the holidays and just for men, you will learn from this article.

The advantage of such a gift is that it is not only original and beautiful, but also practical, and men really appreciate practical gifts, and an unusual design will show your special attitude, both to the gift itself and to its recipient. One has only to stipulate the moment that such a gift is quite intimate and should be given to a close man, that is, it is hardly suitable for a work colleague. Although if you are sure that the gift will be received with due humor, then you can take a chance or replace panties with socks or ties in the bouquet. A bouquet of ties and socks looks no less original.

Most importantly, such a gift is suitable for a man of any age, whether it be a husband, son or father. Everyone with pleasure and genuine interest will disassemble such a bouquet.

In order to make an original bouquet of underpants, you will need underpants for men, adhesive tape for fastening the bouquet, wrapping paper and a basket or box that can serve as the basis for the bouquet. The step-by-step technology for forming such a bouquet consists of several stages: first, we fold this wardrobe item into tubes so that they look like flower buds, while we do not forget to fasten them with adhesive tape so that they do not fall apart, and then carefully place them in a basket decorated with packaging paper or film. In conclusion, you can decorate the whole bouquet with a large bow.

If you want your bouquet to be livelier, then you should make buds of different sizes. To achieve this effect, you need to choose things for him from different fabrics - from a denser fabric you will get large buds, and from a thin fabric - smaller buds.

So, let's take a closer look at the creation of an original bouquet of underpants using the presented master class as an example. To complete the composition, we will add several pairs of socks to our bouquet.

We study a master class on making a bouquet of underpants and socks for a man

Required materials and tools:

  • Briefs and socks in bright colors to make the bouquet more fun (of course, within the taste preferences of the recipient of the gift);
  • Skewers or wire for stems;
  • Colored paper or floral tape for wrapping wire;
  • Rubber band for money;
  • Scotch;
  • Ribbons, beads and various decorations for a bouquet;
  • Wrapping paper for flowers.

We start by folding panties into bouquets. To do this, fold them in half, then roll the elastic into a roller, then lift the bottom and wrap around the elastic to make a kind of bud.

It turned out the central part of our flower, while we put it aside and proceed to the formation of "petals"

We will make “petals” from socks, for this we fold them in such a way that the round heels and toes are at the top and lay these petals around the already formed bud. We grab the base of the flower with an elastic band for money or tape so that the flower does not fall apart.

At this stage, you need to collect all the flowers in a bouquet and decorate it in some way, depending on your imagination and improvised materials. You can put flowers on skewers, pre-wrapped with floral tape or colored paper, decorate with artificial leaves and wrap in flower wrapping paper.

You can do it easier and put these flowers without stems in a small basket and decorate it with a tie, as in the photo

In such a simple way, you can make an original gift with your own hands for a loved one for any occasion. If you present such a gift, then be sure that it will not only attract everyone's attention, but also arouse the interest of absolutely all guests.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a few videos about what other bouquets of underpants, socks and ties you can make for a loved one with your own hands, without spending large sums of money on such presentations so that your gift does not go unnoticed by the recipient.

On holidays it is customary to give various gifts. Many women try to surprise their relatives and friends.

Wives try to give men socks. But many halves want to give something unusual, unconventional to make a surprise so that it will be remembered for a long time.

There is not always money to please your family with expensive things.

If there is no free money, and there is free time, you can make any creative and unusual gift with your own hands.

Even the simplest socks can be turned into a beautiful bouquet with a little imagination and diligence.

An amazing gift will appeal not only to the male half, but also to the woman and the child.

For men, it is best to make a bouquet of dark socks, you can insert light colors in the middle. Women prefer to wear white socks. Children will love the multi-colored colors.

To independently make a bouquet of socks for men with your own hands, you need to prepare the necessary items:

  • Socks of the desired color.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Scotch.
  • Wooden skewers or toothpicks.
  • Wrapping.
  • Multicolored ribbons.

If you have never encountered such crafts, you first need to practice on simple ideas. When it starts to turn out, you can conduct a master class at home, decorating bouquets with various materials.

Consider how to make the simplest bouquet of new socks:

  1. Remove socks from packaging.
  2. Twist one object into a tube, starting with an elastic band to a sock to make a bud.
  3. Spread the edges of the bud a little to make petals. Strong twisting is not recommended.
  4. To fasten the bud, you will need a pin, or a sewing needle with a bead.
  5. Run similar buds from the rest of the socks.
  6. Insert a wooden skewer into the middle of the flower and secure it with tape.

Important! To make the bouquet look like a living thing, it is better to use socks from different materials, to make roses of different sizes.

At the end of the work, the bouquet must be issued as a gift. It can be wrapped in colored paper and decorated with beads, ribbons and artificial flowers.

You can independently make a bouquet of socks and underpants for your husband. Such a gift is not suitable for friends. Underpants are personal hygiene products, the taste and color are individual.

Consider step by step how to make a composition of socks and underpants for your husband:

  1. Straighten the underwear, fold them in half and twist into a tube so that the elastic is in the center.
  2. Make petals from identical socks. Fold the heel to the toe in the form of a petal and attach them with a pin to the base of the flower.
  3. Secure with a rubber band so they don't fall apart.
  4. Carefully put all the compositions on wooden toothpicks, fixing with tape.
  5. Having made several elements, collect in one bouquet.
  6. Wrap it in pretty wrapping paper and tie it with ribbon.
  7. Decorate to taste with colored paper, candy, beads.

In the middle of the flowers made of underpants, you can attach a candy each, and instead of a ribbon, tie it with a tie. It will turn out not only original, but also a sweet craft.

A bouquet of socks for a child

A small child, girl or boy will be pleased to receive a composition in the form of a bouquet of socks.

Consider in the table several options for compositions:

Composition Execution technique
Cake To work, you will need two white socks, a colored napkin and a cake mold.

Roll both products into a tube, lay them on top of each other and tie with a ribbon.

From a scarf or napkin, make a mold in the form of a cake, lay the rolls on top. You can add artificial flowers and beads

Tank Take 4 pairs of dark socks. Twist the tubes out of 5 pieces and lay them on one sock, wrapping the others on top.

Attach caterpillars in the form of ribbons, tie up the rolls in two places. Roll one product into a tube, fix with tape and attach with a pin instead of the cabin.

From the rest, roll up a thin long tube, which will serve as a cannon from the tank. Insert a skewer, pen or pencil into it and fix it with a pin to the cabin

Bouquet Roll 3-4 pairs of multi-colored socks into rolls and bend the edges like petals. Put them on felt-tip pens, securing with tape.

Attach round candies to the center of each flower. Choose the size of the basket, put the foam inside.

Insert felt-tip pens with flowers into it. You can decorate the composition with additional pieces of paper, ribbons

Cupcake in a glass Pick up a nice cocktail mug. Twist their socks into beautiful rolls, tie them with a ribbon at the bottom.

Place the rolls in a cup, you will get a set in the form of a cupcake or a cocktail in a glass

Candies in a box Take the candy out of the box. In the places where there were sweets, put roses made from wardrobe items.

Attach sweets to the center of the roses. The box can be wrapped in wrapping paper and decorated with ribbons, flowers and beads.

Important! For the manufacture of children's compositions, it is better not to use sharp objects so that they do not get hurt.

Small children will love the decorations with sweets, which will cause pleasure and delight.

Little tricks

To surprise your loved ones with a composition made by yourself, you need to use useful tips:

  • To facilitate work and save your time, you need to prepare a basket, flower pots in advance and lay foam on the bottom.
  • To add volume, stick the flowers into the foam in a clockwise direction around. It can be supplemented with artificial flowers made independently from corrugated paper and petals.
  • It is allowed to make not only roses, but also gladioli. Under each roll on a skewer, wind another product in a spiral.
  • For children, insert sweets with wrappers, without tips, into each item.
  • It is allowed to decorate with various decors to decorate the craft.

Without resorting to additional costs, you can delight your friends and loved ones with crafts made by yourself.

In return for the work done, you can get a lot of pleasure, delight and laudatory words.

Useful video

Choosing a gift for the stronger sex is often difficult. Not every woman, having received an expensive present from a man, can respond with a gift equal in price. When it comes to choosing an option for a loved one, the best way to show your feelings is not the cost of the thing, but how much work, imagination, humor was invested in it. And if you add a nuance to an unusual idea that hints at the closeness of the relationship, the man will appreciate your efforts.

Bouquet of men's underpants- an original, practical, and most importantly, a fun surprise from your hands.

What is needed to create it?

    Actually, the gift itself is panties, at least three pieces, their number, according to the rule of the bouquet, should be odd, if there are four items in the package, one flower can be rolled up from a pair of socks.

    Stems from artificial flowers or a wire frame wrapped in green paper (adhesive tape, electrical tape).

    Rubber bands for banknotes - to fix the buds.

    Pins with a bead on the end.

    Wrapping paper for bouquet decoration.

    Colored ribbons - fill the bouquet with additional "greenery".

    Mesh, beads, butterflies - to give a finished look to the composition.


    Fold the pants in half horizontally. We tightly wind it onto the stem, attaching it to the side where the elastic band of the panties is located. Thus we form buds.

    We fix the bud on the stem by pulling the base with bank rubber bands. For reliability and so that the flower does not fall off, we pull it with two elastic bands at a distance of 2-3 cm.

    We straighten the upper petals (the lower edge of the underpants), from the middle we slightly stretch the corner of the elastic band of the underpants. So that the “rose” does not lose its shape, we chop the petals with pins from top to bottom at an angle to the stem.

    From the prepared flowers we compose a bouquet and wrap it with decorative paper.

    We squeeze green satin ribbons between the flowers, folded in half in the form of leaves.

    The final touch - we decorate the whole composition with beads, you can plant a ladybug or a butterfly. The original gift is ready!

This form of gift requires not so much skill as the ability to harmoniously choose the color scheme of all components. A tastefully folded composition will surprise and delight your man - at the first stage. And, having figured out what the bouquet is made of, in gratitude you will receive confidence in his sense of humor, and a bunch of positive emotions!

Video how to make a tank from men's underpants and socks. Master Class

With a little imagination, you can completely transform even the most trivial gift. For example, create a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands. This present combines several advantages at once: practicality, originality and beauty of design, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate to the donee a special approach to both the gift and himself. How to make a bouquet of socks and / or shorts?

How difficult is it to make such a masterpiece? Our tips will help you evaluate this in practice.

It is believed that such wardrobe items can only be presented to the closest people: husband, son, father, brother. However, this rule can be broken - with an original presentation and the hero of the occasion has an excellent sense of humor. A practical and beautiful bouquet from a combination of underpants and socks or these items of men's wardrobe, taken separately, will be a great addition to the main gift. Complementing your masterpiece with a floristic net, beads and artificial leaves, you will make the recipient thoroughly break his head before he realizes what the composition presented to him is made of!

So, how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands?

First, decide whether the "flowers" will consist of individual socks or folded in pairs. Remember that the number of colors must be odd. And therefore, when choosing the first option, one pair will need to be added together. Such a flower will turn out to be larger and denser than others, so it can be used to decorate the central part of the composition.

So, let's start creating a gift-bouquet.


  • several pairs of multi-colored socks;
  • pins or rubber bands for pulling bills;
  • floral tapes, nets, etc.;
  • corrugated paper, decorative bucket, vase or other items used to finalize the gift.


If you want to create a bouquet of socks for a man, the master class will help you successfully solve this problem.

For greater convenience, you can consider the process of making a gift step by step.

  1. Gently straighten the sock.
  2. Start rolling it into a roll, gradually moving from the toe to the heel, and then to the fingers.
  3. In order for the flower to keep its shape better, the sock must be bent in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot.
  4. Gently wrap the bottom of the sock around the base of your bud and secure it with a pin or rubber band.
  5. Gently straighten the top of your flower.
  6. For the convenience of assembling a bouquet, all tightly twisted socks should be put on bamboo skewers or cocktail tubes.

To make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, it can be supplemented with artificial flowers in a contrasting color. They will enliven the composition and make it truly festive.

Alternatively, your creation can be placed in the original "vase". For this purpose, a decorative bucket of bright color is suitable. Dried flowers and floral paper, indispensable for decorating bouquets, will complement the picture.

In general, turn on your imagination at full capacity!

A bouquet for a man made of socks and shorts will look no less original.

The sequence of actions is almost the same as in the manufacture of bouquets of socks. You are required to fold your shorts in half. Then you should twist the elastic band of the underwear into a tight roller. This part will play the role of the middle of the flower. Now fold up the lower, colored part of the underpants (“trouser legs”) and wrap them around the “bud”. Petals are ready! Fasten the craft with an elastic band, pulling off the base of the flower with it, and start making a new component of the bouquet.

Combining bright shorts with monochrome socks, candy flowers and saturated floral paper, you can create a real masterpiece that is guaranteed to impress not only the recipient of the gift, but also the rest of the guests of the holiday! It is unlikely that they will be able to guess the first time what such a bouquet is made of.

How to choose the optimal components of the bouquet?

Long gone are the days when men wore exclusively white, gray or black socks. The same goes for underwear. The modern textile industry offers the representatives of the stronger sex a huge selection of products that are different in composition, colors and textures. You can combine light summer socks with woolen winter ones, creating voluminous "flowers" and small "roses" of contrasting colors, allowing you to fill in the voids between the main components of the composition. The recipient of such a demi-season gift will be able to appreciate not only the beauty of the bouquet design, but also its practicality.

And the variety of shades of underwear will allow you to be "creative" without any restrictions. The main thing is to consider the rules for combining colors and the taste preferences of the recipient of the gift. If you have to solve the problem of how to make a bouquet of socks for a future man, that is, for a child, you can break all stereotypes and present the baby with a delicate composition of white, red and pink “roses”!
