Summer color combinations. Summer color type: makeup, hair color and wardrobe

C vetotype Summer is the softest and most delicate of all the color directions of appearance. It is typical for the type of the middle lane, and therefore is the most common in Russia. It is characterized by a lack of contrast, calm, muffled colors. It is thanks to this that most owners of the summer type have a special aristocracy and femininity in their appearance.

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Color type Summer: what is it?
Natural shade of hair, eyes and skin

  • What determines the shade of hair, skin and eyes: three pigments of appearance
  • » Skin color: how to determine
  • » Hair color: how to determine
  • » The shade of the iris of the eyes: how to determine

Many women of this type find their appearance pale and inexpressive. "Mouse" hair color, dusty shade of the iris make attempts to "fix" what is given by nature. But far from always such attempts are crowned with success, they look organic and natural. Understanding the color features of your appearance will help to best emphasize all the advantages of color.

At this time of the year, the colors fade, become duller and more dusty. The skin tone of those whose appearance can be attributed to this type can be either “porcelain” - very light and quickly burns in the sun, or beige-pink, or have an olive undertone, on which the tan lies well and evenly. In any case, the skin is very thin, blushes easily and quickly, and it is not difficult to see the vascular network on it. If there is a tendency to freckles, then they are certainly a gray-brown hue.

Shades of hair are also quite diverse - from light straw to dark blond. They are united by an indispensable cold undertone, that is, no yellowness and a hint of a redhead. Even fading in the sun and acquiring light highlights, the hair still remains rather cold or neutral than warm.

Eyes - gray-blue, blue, gray-green or green or even hazel, light brown, but usually always dim, as if clouded with haze. Proteins have a milky tint, the iris is gray or brown. The depth of the eyes is emphasized by a frame of light brown eyebrows and eyelashes.

Suitable hair color

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  • » How to choose the right shade for hair coloring for women with the Summer color type

According to statistics, it is summer girls who most often resort to the hair coloring procedure, because they consider their native color to be not deep enough and saturated, “mouse” - as they themselves often call it. At the same time, they choose a hair dye that is strikingly different from the natural tone - much darker, which is the main mistake. Too dark hair color ages this type, and makes an unusual aristocratic appearance even more faded and inexpressive. Trying to emphasize the appearance, which has faded against the background of dark hair, girls of the summer type "rush into all serious things", doing make-up like "Indian war paint", which also does not add beauty.

Another typical mistake in choosing hair dye is warm shades. Although they do not age, they still introduce a very strong disharmony between hair and shades of appearance that are cold in nature: the color of the skin and eyes.

The most correct, optimal solution for girls who have defined their type as Summer will be hair coloring within a cold palette, with a difference of no more than two tones from the natural hair color (in any direction). If we move on to specifics, we can advise the following shades:

  • » The whole palette of light brown shades: from light to dark. The light brown color is “native”, so no matter what tone you choose, it will look as natural as possible. At first glance, light brown is the most nondescript of his palette of hair colors. But this is only at first glance. Its huge advantage is that it lays down unevenly, creating a unique play of shades, which always looks expensive and elegant.

Highlighting is suitable for the summer type, light coloring, which will emphasize the natural color of the hair, will give a “zest” to the hairstyle. Hairstyles should be light and airy. Preference is given to voluminous curls, slight negligence, “airy” strands.

The main task when coloring hair is to emphasize natural beauty. Overlapping the natural color of the hair, you can break the harmony of the color laid down by nature. If when applying makeup and choosing clothes, mistakes can be corrected easily by spending a little time, then proper coloring will take more time and effort. It is important to take a responsible attitude to the choice of a master and hair coloring products, so as not to harm and emphasize what nature has given.

A palette of shades for the Summer color type

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  • » What shades are suitable for the Summer color type

When choosing clothes, you should give preference to pastel soft tones of both cold and warm colors, but it is important that the colors are soft: all shades of gray, pale pink, pale blue, turquoise, dark blue, crimson, burgundy, cocoa, some shades of brown, yellow and beige. Some yellow-red (apricot) and pink (coral) tones are worth avoiding. The combination of colors in clothes according to the monochromatic principle suits the summer look better than any other types of color combinations.

A typical mistake of summer women is bold and harsh contrasts that bring out all the minor flaws in appearance.

Pure black and pure white are best avoided. The first is aging, and the second is only suitable for appearance with a good tan. It is better to look at the milky and eggshell shade. With fairly fair hair, light shades within the summer palette will suit better. And the darker the hair color, the darker tones can be used in clothing and makeup. Although there are exceptions to this rule.

Look at the beautiful combinations in clothes with different colors:

  • » With red
  • » With blue
  • » With gray
  • » With green
  • » With purple
  • » With beige
  • » With blue

Color type Cold summer

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Cold-type paints are cold, with a pronounced bluish undertone, but at the same time soft and calm. The admixture of blue pigment in the palette is an important component. The palette of colors is associated with mountain landscapes, spring water, the freshness of the forest after rain.

Makeup is calm, emphasizing the color of the eyes. Eye shadow is better to choose blue, cold gray and beige. White color should be replaced with shades of beige, to give "coldness" to the colors.

Depending on the time of day and the occasion, in makeup you can afford both classic black mascara and fashionable color, for example, purple. Brown mascara is a great option for everyday makeup. It is better to completely abandon the black pencil beloved by many, preferring gray, brown or any color (blue, green, purple).

As for the lips, here the choice will depend on the natural shade of the lips. With pale lips and a pinkish undertone of the skin, preference should be given to pink lipstick with a cold, blue undertone. It not only does not spoil, but also emphasizes the features characteristic of the Cold subtype.

The selection of a suitable foundation for Cold Summer makeup will directly depend on what tone your skin has. If it is pinkish and prone to redness, then a cool beige foundation will help correct the situation, and if it is olive, a little “greenish”, a pinkish-beige foundation will help revive the image. As for blush, everything is simple here: the less of them, the better. Just a light touch of light pink blush will be enough.

For the Cold Summer color type, patterns in clothes are suitable, in the form of a medium-sized cage, an enlarged pattern, medium-sized flowers and geometric shapes. The fabric can be denser, but not colorful. Preference is given to light knitwear, silk, fine cashmere and wool.

The color palette can be easily combined and combined with each other. Bright colors will allow you to focus on the important details of the image.

In addition, highlighting and lightening hair by one or two tones is suitable. The paint should not give yellowness. Cold and ashy shades are preferred for hair coloring.

  • » Makeup for the Cold Summer color type
  • » Lookbook: Cold Summer
  • » Cold Summer and Cold Winter: similarities and differences

Color type Contrasting summer

The Contrast Summer palette is similar to the Cold Summer palette.

The main difference is that all colors of the Contrast type should be brighter and more saturated. In accessories, you can safely use bright colors. For makeup, bright shades of lipsticks are suitable, allowing you to focus on the lips. Eye color can be emphasized with a rich colored or black pencil.

Contrasting Summer, unlike other summer subtypes, is allowed to use dark, rich mascara and black pencil not only in evening makeup. Eye makeup can and should be complex, with several intertwining shades. The fashionable and beloved by many Smokey Eyes technique is very suitable.

The combination of a palette of colors should also give contrast. Colors should not be muted or washed out. It should give the impression of a clear image.

The only “contraindication” in the wardrobe of a “contrasting” beauty is the classic white and black colors. Or rather, look exclusively in one of these colors, not diluted. Otherwise, you can safely experiment and choose both cold and warm colors.

The fabric for clothing is preferably dense, conveying texture and pattern. The pattern is highlighted, does not merge with the shade of the fabric. At the same time, the style of clothing can be any. It is important to combine the details in clothes. Bright and light accessories are more visible on a dark background. Dull and dark details - on light. In contrast, nothing should merge. The clarity and boundaries of all details are important - from makeup to accessories in clothes.

Color type Light summer

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Shades of the Light type of appearance are low-saturated and discreet. The contrast is minimal, almost non-existent. Colors in pastel colors without pronounced elements and patterns. Make-up is light, almost “absent”. The palette is associated with clouds, purity, tranquility, clean air.

In everything related to makeup, the main thing is moderation and delicacy. The gentle image of Bright Summer is easier to make heavy and overloaded than any other. Make-up should not be too intense, and the colors should be chosen very gentle, romantic: white, beige, peach, brown, light pink.

White for this type is preferably combined with gray and beige shades. Brown color should be "not thick" - with pink or beige tones. Smoky and light, almost "airy" brown - ideal for choosing eye shadow.

The Light Summer color type has a light skin tone, so when applying makeup, it is allowed to give the skin a slight blush. It is important not to overload the skin with makeup. The skin should have its natural natural tone. The foundation should be chosen according to the color of the skin, in no case darker. Dense makeup will highlight the face, focus on it. Make-up should not be overloaded with bright elements and tones.

This subtype is best suited for the lightest colors: white, beige, the whole pastel palette (that is, any colors used in the Light Summer wardrobe should be whitened).

Too bright, active colors (for example, lemon, bright yellow or hot pink) will overshadow the unique appearance, it will be just a featureless canvas for them. As for dark, saturated colors, they are permissible only in outerwear (cloaks, coats, jackets), and even then not all. Interestingly, wine, emerald and blue can be combined with this type of appearance, the rest will overload the image, make it heavy.

For hair coloring, it is better to use highlighting, or light coloring. Dark and bright colors are preferred for evening wear. Bright and catchy outfits are best combined with calm “not catchy” accessories and vice versa.

  • » Makeup for Light Summer color type
  • » Lookbook: Light Summer
  • » Bright Summer and Bright Spring: similarities and differences
  • » Test for determining the color type of appearance

Color type Soft summer

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Paints of the Soft type of appearance are softened, without sharpness and highlighted saturation, with gray-blue soft shades. The palette should be "cool" - neutral, calm tones. At the same time, colors can be both light and dark. The palette is associated with a light summer breeze, delicate violets, cool Sunday mornings, soft grass.

The palette of shades used in Soft Summer makeup should be as delicate as possible. Representatives of this subtype should not give preference to both too light and too dark tones, that is, the golden mean is good for them in everything. Any pastel colors are perfect. Textures should be velvety, matte.

The same rule can be safely applied in the selection of a wardrobe for the Soft Summer - it is better to refuse too light, dark or excessively bright colors, as well as active prints and decor in the form of sequins and sparkles. The style of clothing in this case can be anything.

Combining shades within the seasonal palette, you can experiment and add variety to your everyday look. It is important to choose calm and discreet colors. The fabric for clothing should be soft, slightly flowing, without coarse pile, splendor and pronounced shine. Patterns on the fabric are preferred in small sizes, the same color scheme with the fabric. A small cage, small neat flowers or geometric shapes are ideal for an image of the Soft Summer type.

It is better to dye your hair one or two tones in order to preserve the natural natural shine.

  • » Makeup for the Soft Summer color type
  • » Lookbook: Soft Summer
  • » Mild Summer and Mild Autumn: similarities and differences
  • » Test for determining the color type of appearance

Style, wardrobe, fabrics for a summer look

With the onset of summer, the spring riot of colors softens and calms down, giving way to subtle and delicate beauty. Nature seems to be painted with watercolors. The shades are close and softened, as if in a haze. Summer is a balance of active life and relaxation, the energy of balance. It is sunny, refined, subtle, delicate, gentle, noble, fragile, sensual, elegant, pure.

Summer is:

  • " round form
  • » curved lines
  • » small size accessories
  • » romantic clothing style
  • » feminine
  • » light cool colors
  • » thin delicate fabrics
  • » low and medium contrast
  • » monochromatic combination

The most suitable fabrics and materials are the thinnest, softest, flowing and delicate: chiffon, velvet, lace, moire, gauze, crepe georgette, jersey, voile. You can use thin options of wool, flannel, poplin, linen, cashmere, tweed and knitwear. The drawing on the fabric should emphasize all the femininity and elegance of the appearance. No clear geometric lines, no corners, cells and stripes. Only small, soft, enveloping shapes, fancy patterns. Abstractions and floral motifs will come in handy.

The closest in spirit to girls and women-summer is a gentle romantic style. However, the paradox is that many women do not accept it. The realities of modern life are taking their toll. A certain compromise between romanticism and the frantic pace of the city lies in the choice of calm and soft, tight-fitting silhouettes. Small patterns, feminine dresses, lace inserts and draperies - that's what will make you look modern and feminine at the same time. But trendy and flashy models should be avoided.

In order to create a stylish and harmonious look for women with the Summer color type, which is the most common in Russia, you need to learn how to understand the seasonal palette of shades and be able to combine them correctly.

In this article:

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How to create harmony in the image of women of the summer type

It is well known that the Summer color type is a cold direction in appearance, based on shades with a cold (blue) undertone. It seems that any shade in the range from blue-green to purple on the color wheel should fit a priori.

It really is. However, disharmony in appearance often arises in life not due to incorrect selection of warm and cold shades, but due to incorrectly created contrast in appearance, incorrectly selected shades of lightness and saturation.

For example, a typical summer look has medium contrast and low saturation. Such an appearance is unlikely to suit high contrast and bright spots of a large area in the wardrobe.

That is why, in order to create harmony, it is important to consider not only color temperature, but also lightness and saturation. Taking into account all these characteristics, seasonal palettes of shades have been created both for each color type as a whole and for their individual subtypes.

Seasonal palette of shades for the Summer color type

To get a seasonal palette of shades for the Summer color type, you need to take 8 primary colors (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet and purple) and make them a little colder and softer: add a drop of blue pigment and a gray tone to each of them . As a result, we get a general palette suitable for all summer types:

As you can see, there is no orange color in this palette, because it does not have a cold tonal range. And the second row is represented by cold shades of yellow, which are more green than yellow. The fact is that the cold variants of yellow are yellow with an admixture of green, which instantly makes the color “dirty” and sloppy. Be mindful of cool shades of yellow in your wardrobe to avoid looking messy.

Light shades of the palette for the summer type of appearance (grayish-beige, grayish-white, gray-pink, light gray-blue, pale lilac, light lilac, light green) - great for summer wardrobe, blouses and tops, accessories and additions, and also underwear.

Most dark palette shades(wine, lingonberry, dark pine needles, deep blue, sapphire, dark gray, wet asphalt, dark gray-brown) will look best in outerwear, “going out” clothes, as well as in office wardrobe. Bags and shoes of classic styles in these shades look harmonious.

Neutral shades, with medium lightness and low saturation, suitable for any season and most occasions. Soft and calm colors. Good both for clothes and shoes of the basic group, and for everyday wardrobe. These shades include medium gray, gray blue, gray green, gray brown, blue green, aquamarine, classic blue, dark blue, cold purple, dark lilac, etc.

Bright shades are the most juicy and lively colors of the palette. Ideal for summer and beach wardrobe. Very good for small accents in casual and business wardrobe. Suitable for celebrations. Used in shoes, bags, gloves, scarves and shawls, belts, etc. These shades include the color of red currant, purple, aquamarine, sky blue, deep blue, ultramarine, amethyst, lavender, deep pink.

The summer type of appearance is divided into three subtypes: cold, soft and light. Each of them has its own characteristics in the selection of colors.

  • » Color type Summer: description and subtypes
  • » Shades of hair for the Summer color type
  • » Makeup secrets for the Summer color type

Cold Summer Color Palette

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A clear cold undertone is the dominant characteristic of the Cold Summer. This is the case when color temperature comes to the fore. The coldest shades with a slight addition of gray within the seasonal palette are best suited for women of this type: dark blue, needle color, emerald green, medium gray, wet asphalt color, gray-black, etc.

As a rule, the degree of saturation of appearance is medium or higher. It must be reflected in the form. Choose medium-saturated and saturated shades in your wardrobe.

The degree of contrast is average or above average. Try to create the same contrast by combining fairly dark and light tones in one ensemble.

  • » Lookbook: Cold Summer

Color Palette for Mild Summer

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Softness and muffledness are the main characteristics of the appearance of women with the Soft Summer type. As a rule, blond or medium blond hair, dim eyes. Often, the owners of this type themselves call their appearance “mouse”.

You should not disturb the harmony conceived by nature, trying to give excessive brightness to the image. The palette of shades of Soft Summer should repeat the natural colors of the exterior, playing with a little more contrast to give expressiveness to the look.

Choose the softest shades within the overall summer palette: sagebrush, charcoal gray, gray green, grayish blue, taupe, etc.

Given the low degree of natural contrast in appearance, take a closer look at monochromatic combinations in your wardrobe.

Contrast in lightness will help make the appearance brighter. Combine light shades with medium-dark ones as part of a seasonal palette.

  • » Lookbook: Soft Summer

Color palette for Light Summer

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The Bright Summer palette consists mainly of light, pastel and low-saturated tones. It is these characteristics that the appearance of women of this type has.

It is noteworthy that pastel shades are remarkably combined with each other, regardless of the color temperature. Therefore, Bright Summer and Bright Spring have many common shades, both cold and warm. However, the summer type near the face should wear shades with a cool blue undertone (blue, purple, cold pink), which will make the complexion healthier.

Low natural contrast in appearance is transmitted in clothes: you can combine two light shades. Darker tones must be diluted with a contrasting light shade.

According to statistics, of all the color types of appearance, it is women of the summer type who most often resort to hair coloring. Often their natural shade seems to them not bright enough and saturated. It is called "mouse", dusty, dull. And then there is a desire to bring a little brightness to the image.

In this article:

Download the guide for matching hair color to eye color..

Natural hair color of summer type of appearance

Summer types are inherent in all shades of light brown. By the way, few people know that in the official gradation of shades of light brown hair does not exist. This is due to the fact that this shade is most inherent in people of Slavic origin. In European countries, light brown is synonymous with blond. Although in Russia it is customary to distinguish not only light blond, but also medium blond, as well as a dark blond shade, which is more likely to be brown-haired than blond.

It would not be superfluous to know that in special tables that hairdressers use when determining the lightness of hair, a dark blond shade has a gradation of 6 and is defined as “dark blond”, a medium blond shade has a gradation of 7 and is defined as “blonde”, and light fair-haired - "light blond", gradation 8.

  • » Color type Summer: characteristics
  • » What colors in the wardrobe are suitable for the Summer color type
  • » What shades to choose for makeup color type Summer

Secrets of dyeing blond hair

When choosing the right color for dyeing light brown hair, it should be remembered that light brown hair, by its nature, has the most natural shade of all that exists. And this natural harmony cannot be violated. That is why small changes in shade with the help of such types of coloring as highlighting, coloring, the use of shatush and balayage techniques, emphasize the natural color of the exterior much more favorably than full coloring in one tone.

Suitable hair color for the Cold Summer color type

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Women belonging to the Cold Summer subtype have a pronounced ashy shade of hair. This also includes gray hair. When choosing a staining technique, it is important to stay within the clearly cold range of shades.

Light cold shades are suitable for highlighting: platinum blond, ash blond. Gray hair will help to hide the full staining in these tones.

For coloring, it is better to use several shades, no more than 1-2 tones different from natural in lightness. However, these shades do not have to be light. The main thing is that they are as close to natural as possible.

  • » Lookbook: Cold Summer

Suitable hair color for the Contrast Summer color type

The Contrasting Summer subtype usually includes women with dark blond hair, which, against the background of a fairly fair face, create a noticeable contrast in appearance that is not inherent in other summer types.

Highlighting on dark hair does not look as good as balayazh or shatush, creating an amazing play of shades in all the variety of transitions from dark to light. Usually paint is applied to the ends of the hair, 4-5 tones lighter than the natural shade at the roots. Then, a gradient is drawn along the entire length of the hair from dark roots to tips with smooth transitions.

Suitable hair color for the Soft Summer color type

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Soft Summer, as a rule, has an appearance of medium lightness with low contrast: medium blond hair, slightly “dusty”, inexpressive eyes, dark skin. Do not try to break this harmony. You should not change the hair color by more than two tones in lightness relative to natural (in any direction).

To make hair a little lighter, give volume and texture, light highlighting 1-2 tones lighter is ideal. Choose light ash or beige tones: pearl, ash blond, platinum blond, light blond ash, light blond beige, light blond mother-of-pearl.

To make hair richer, darker by a couple of tones, use coloring in two or more shades that are close in lightness, but slightly different in tone. Shades should be selected from a cold or neutral palette. For example, it can be dark blond and cold mocha, dark blond and frosty chocolate, medium blond and sand, medium blond and cold chestnut.

  • » Lookbook: Soft Summer

Suitable hair color for Light Summer color type

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Highlighting on blond hair will not create the effect that bronding, one of the subspecies of coloring, is capable of. This technique assumes maximum naturalness, lack of obvious contrasts, smooth transitions. With the help of bronding, you can achieve different results: the effect of sun glare on the hair, the effect of burnt strands, highlighting the cheekbones and oval of the face, creating texture and volume in the haircut.

For bronding light hair, choose light cool and neutral (beige) tones: ash, pearl, mother-of-pearl, beige, light blond.

  • » Lookbook: Light Summer

What is your appearance color type?


Appearance color type test

What is your appearance color type?

The summer color type is perhaps the most common among women living in Russia. It is characterized by matte smoky colors and lack of contrast.

Usually, representatives of the summer color type have light brown hair of a gray (ashy) shade with a slight blurring effect. Gray shades also predominate in the eye color of the Summer woman: gray-blue, gray-blue, gray, hazel, while the whites almost do not contrast with the iris.

The skin color of a Summer woman can be very light, with a bluish tint, and dark (delicate hazel), with grey-brown freckles and a cold pink blush.

Thanks to this color scheme, an aristocratic, mysterious and sophisticated image of a woman-Summer is created.

The Summer color type is divided into three subspecies:

  • cold summer;
  • bright summer;
  • mild summer.

Cold (real) Summer

Cold Summer is a classic representative of the summer color type, it is no coincidence that it is also called the true (real) Summer. Its priority characteristic is the cold shade of hair, eyes and skin.

This summer color type is characterized as soft, cold, calm, muffled, feminine, sophisticated.

The main rule for this summer subtype is to exclude warm colors and choose muted shades with a blue undertone.

The most successful colors for a cold Summer are:

  • dark blue;
  • grey;
  • all shades of blue;
  • soft pink;
  • berry shades;
  • soft fuchsia;
  • cocoa color.

Least successful colors for a cold Summer:

  • golden brown;
  • yellow-green;
  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • peach;
  • bronze.

bright summer

The color type light Summer is a mixture of two color types - Summer and Spring.

The dominant characteristics of this summer subtype are light skin tones (pink-beige, porcelain with light gray-brown freckles and pink blush), eyes (blue, green-blue, cool gray) and hair (ash blond, light blond with a grayish undertone) .

This summer subtype is best suited for the neutral colors of the spring palette.

The most successful colors for a bright Summer are:

  • light gray;
  • powdery pink;
  • lactic;
  • sky blue;
  • light lavender;
  • dark blue.

The least successful colors for a light Summer:

  • the black;
  • saturated dark colors;
  • too bright colors;
  • flashy red.

If you really want to add brightness to the image, you can use bright contrasting details.

Soft Summer

Soft summer is a mixture of two color types - Summer and Autumn. It combines warm and cold shades, and the dominant characteristics are soft skin tones (pink, pinkish-beige, light olive), hair (medium blond and smoky brown) and eyes (blue-gray, hazel, blurry green). This summer color type is characterized as soft, velvety, natural, feminine.

The most important rule for women of this summer subtype is to use soft and muted tones and avoid flashy shades.

The most successful colors for a soft Summer are:

  • light gray;
  • violet;
  • crimson;
  • lactic;
  • light blue;
  • deep shade of pink.

Least successful colors for a soft Summer:

  • pink electric;
  • blue electric;
  • bright orange;
  • coral;
  • the black.

Wardrobe color type Summer

As you can see, the color scheme of the summer color type does not correspond to our ideas about summer. Catchy, bright, neon, flashy colors are not suitable for a Summer woman. She has more muted, soft, gentle tones to her face. The same applies to clothing style. Replenishing your wardrobe, a woman of the summer color type should avoid flashy trendy models. It is better to pay attention to gentle feminine romantic style outfits made of thin, soft, flowing and delicate fabrics: chiffon, lace, moire, gauze, Chinese crepe, veil, silk, satin, silky cambric, silk velvet, jersey.

Romantic models made of fine wool, cashmere, flannel, linen, poplin, tweed will also look good on women of the summer color type. But their pattern and texture must necessarily emphasize the femininity and elegance of the appearance of the Summer woman. A small pattern, blurry prints, lace inserts, draperies will help in this.

Antique silver jewelry, jewelry made of platinum and white gold using white and pink pearls, precious and semi-precious stones of cold shades (sapphire, aquamarine, sky lapis lazuli, green emerald) will perfectly complement the sophisticated image of a woman of a summer color type.

Makeup for the Summer color type

Without makeup, the face of the Summer woman, with her smoky delicate shades of the eyes of the skin and hair and the low contrast between them, looks rather dull and faded. However, this is the very refined and aristocratic diamond, which, when properly cut, i.e. skillful make-up, can really dazzle with its beauty. It is only important to choose the right colors for it.

Foundation, powder and blush for the Summer color type

Woman-Summer belongs to the cold color type, which means that for tonal foundation and powder it is better to use cold tones with a grayish undertone, avoiding warm brown and golden hues. It is not recommended for women of the summer color type to use self-tanning, which can give the skin an unhealthy yellow tint. To mask local problems on the skin (redness, acne, nearby capillaries), it is recommended to use a light green shade corrector.

Blush woman-Letu is best suited for cold pink and grayish-beige shades, but it is better not to use blush of terracotta, brick, coral and peach colors.

Shadows, mascaras and eyeliners of the Summer color type

The main principle when choosing the color of pencils and eyeliner for the eyes of a woman-Summer is the rejection of too dark shades. It is better to use anthracite or dark gray eyeliners, but not black. By the way, it is better for a woman of a summer color type to use not eyeliners, but eyeliners, because. they create a lighter and softer line that defines the eyes without weighing them down.

The most successful pencil colors for the summer color type:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • taupe;
  • black-gray;
  • lilac;
  • violet.

Naturally, the color of the eyeliner should be in harmony with the color of the eyebrow pencil.

The color of mascara for women of the summer color type is recommended:

  • the black;
  • grey;
  • violet.
  • turquoise;
  • bright blue;
  • emerald green.

As for the color of the shadows, the eyes of the Summer woman look most expressive surrounded by delicate pastel shades:

  • grey;
  • silver;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • blue;
  • smoky blue;
  • brown-gray;
  • silver beige;
  • blue and white;
  • gray-violet;
  • gray-green;
  • lime colors.
  • swamp green;
  • copper;
  • red-violet;
  • poisonous and neon shades.

Lipstick for color type Summer

The most suitable lipstick color for the summer color type:

  • pale pink with mother of pearl;
  • rich pink matte;
  • smoky purple;
  • soft cherry;
  • wine;
  • peach;
  • lilac;
  • berry.

The least suitable lipstick color for the summer color type:

  • coral;
  • brown;
  • Orange;
  • bright red.

This article is a continuation of the topic about the 12-season color typing system. To take an online test and find out your color type, as well as read about the 12-season system, you can look at the introductory article -. We recently looked at light and dark, warm and cold colors in more detail. Today, in the same way, we will get acquainted with soft color. It is divided into two color types - mild autumn, it belongs to the warm type, and mild summer, it refers to the cold.

Soft color

What you need to know about soft coloring:
- their colors seem to be in a haze, because they contain a lot of gray;
- their palettes are dominated by colors of medium saturation;
These colors are associated with naturalness and softness.

Now we will consider mild autumn and mild summer. We will see photos of people of this type of appearance. Let's analyze the palette into groups - light and dark colors, colors of medium saturation and bright colors. Then we will learn how to combine these colors with each other, and find out the best combinations for each of the color types. A picture will also be attached for associative connection with the color type. At the end of this article, we will compare both types, see how they differ. So let's get started!

soft autumn

Other name:
soft autumn

Color characteristics:
leading - soft, additional - warm

soft, warm, earthy, natural, pleasant

Color features:
Autumn colors with a slight summer influence. This color scheme is neutral: the range of suitable colors is from warmer to slightly cool, but never completely warm or cold. Caution - soft coloring does not mean that you need to turn yourself into dust. You just need to learn how to adjust the color saturation.

Repin "Autumn Bouquet"

The appearance of people of mild autumn is dominated by muted and warm tones. As a rule, there is no contrast in the colors of the exterior that needs to be repeated in clothes. Warm hair color. As well as warm skin tone. Eye color is most often green, brown, blue-green. I want to draw your attention to the fact that it does not matter whether the color type is suitable or not according to the description. And you don't have to rely solely on photos. Be sure to check this by applying different fabrics, scarves, scarves to your face. It is necessary to observe how the complexion changes to different colors, when it begins to fade, and when it begins to shine. And thus, you can find your color scheme.

Photos of people whose color type is soft autumn:

All colors can be divided into 4 groups:
- light; - dark;
- colors of medium saturation;
- bright.

Light colors

dark colors
Dark colors work well with casual and business wear, as well as accessories.

Medium saturation colors
Suitable for basic clothing. They are well combined with other colors, and serve as a bundle for the kit. I want to draw your attention - what a wealth of colors of medium saturation in mild autumn!

Bright colors
Bright colors are used as accents, in accessories, evening dresses. Colors from this group look very good in sportswear.

On the examples of the collage, you can see combinations for a mild autumn for the summer period. The first example - dark purple trousers and a light color blouse give a contrast in lightness, a contrast in the color of peach and dark purple. The second example is analog combination. The third example is an analogous combination of golden and brown shades, the color of sandals and the color of green jeans contrast a little. The fourth example is the colors of the T-shirt and earrings in green tones, the skirt and shoes of the base colors.

The first example is an analog combination in a red-brown scale. The second example is a contrasting combination of turquoise and gold. The third example is an analog combination in orange-red. The fourth example is an analog combination in golden brown, the colors of the bag and jeans are consistent in contrast with the rest of the colors of the image.

soft summer

Other name:
soft summer

Color characteristics:
leading - soft, additional - cold

soft, cold, natural, feminine

Color features:
Summer colors with a slight fall influence. This color scheme is neutral: the range of suitable colors is from colder to slightly warm, but never completely warm or cold. Caution - soft coloring does not mean that you need to turn yourself into dust. You just need to learn how to adjust the color saturation.

Serov "Girl, illuminated by the sun"

In appearance, people of mild summer are dominated by muted and cold tones. Cool hair. Eye color can be any. But more often blue, gray, blue-green. The skin tone is definitely cold.

Photos of people whose color type is soft summer:

Let's look at the palette for soft summer. It is also broken down into light, dark, medium saturation and bright colors.

Light colors
Light colors are suitable for underwear, blouses, summer and evening wear.

dark colors

Dark colors are well suited for coats, suits, skirts, trousers, jackets, shoes, belts, bags. They create a sense of stability, seriousness and restraint.

Medium saturation colors
Neutral colors are medium-dark colors of the palette, they are calm, not annoying, easily combined with other colors. As with mild autumn, the summer type also has many colors of medium saturation. Rich choice.

Bright colors
Bright colors are used in accessories, evening dresses, sportswear. They always attract with their color saturation. They are often used as color accents that can spice up an outfit.

In addition to light, dark, medium saturation colors and bright colors, there are also exterior colors. They look natural. Now with the help of a palette for soft summer we will combine colors.

On the examples of the collage, you can see color combinations for a mild summer for the summer period. The first example is a contrasting combination of a green top and a light pink skirt. The second example is a monochrome combination of red shades, the contrast in lightness can be seen on the earrings. The third example is an analogue combination of red-violet shades, the mint color on the shoes contrasts with the colors of the t-shirt and skirt. The fourth example is a monochrome combination of blue shades that contrasts with a yellow bag and brown shoes.

The first example is a monochrome combination of blue shades as a background, a scarf and a blouse of yellow shades contrast with these blue shades. The second example is the analog combination of blue and green. The third example is an analog combination of red and purple, gray is the base color. The fourth example is a monochrome combination of red shades, blue jeans contrast with the colors of the jacket and sweater.

Differences between mild autumn and mild summer
If you are in doubt between these color types, then you need to color proof the fabric. You need to look at what colors the skin tone will react to. From some colors, the face is illuminated and shines, while from others it dims. Muted and warm colors are suitable for a mild autumn. And for a mild summer - muffled and cold. The palettes of the two soft types have many colors of medium saturation, which differ only in temperature. But few bright colors. Of the combinations, monochrome and analog are well suited. Contrast can be used to enliven an image in small amounts.
How do you like the soft color? What emotions do mild autumn and mild summer evoke in you? Read privately:
