Social assistance to foster families. foster family

Photo: Press services of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Denis Grishkin

By November 2016, more than 90 percent of the capital's orphans and children left without parental care have already been placed in new families. the site tells what benefits new dads and moms can count on, how adoption differs from guardianship, and how to take a child into a family.

The number of Muscovites who are not indifferent to the fate of children from orphanages is increasing every year. The number of foster families in just nine months of 2016 increased by 4.3 percent - from 2537 to 2646 families, and 240 children found a new home in foster families.

Over the past six years, the number of orphans and children left without parental care who have found a new family has increased by 48 percent.

Centers for the promotion of family education

All boarding schools, orphanages and children's homes, as well as boarding schools for mentally retarded children in Moscow, by the end of 2015, were transformed into centers for the promotion of family education. Here, residents can communicate with their children, learn how to arrange guardianship or patronage, become foster parents or adopt children.

In Moscow, there are 31 state centers and 7 more private institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. At the same time, the number of children brought up in them has decreased by 20 percent since the beginning of 2016 - from 2473 to 1980 people. Basically, these are children over 10 years old and with disabilities, including those suffering from Down syndrome. In general, over the past six years, the number of pupils in boarding schools has more than halved.

More than 18.7 thousand children are brought up in foster families. The most common form of family placement is gratuitous guardianship (guardianship), followed by adoption, a foster family.

guardianship and guardianship

Now there are 7.6 thousand guardian families in the city, in which almost 8.6 thousand children are brought up.

Adult capable citizens, most often relatives of children, become guardians and trustees. At the same time, the moral qualities of a person and the desire of the child himself are taken into account.

Guardians are appointed for minor citizens under 14 years of age. They become legal representatives and can act on their behalf, undertake to raise children, educate them, care for and protect their interests. When the child turns 14, the guardian becomes the trustee. Guardianship ends when the foster child turns 18 or when he or she gets married.

Guardians (custodians) are paid money for the maintenance of the child, support is provided in organizing his education, recreation and treatment.

Living with guardians, the child can, if desired, see blood relatives. But it will not be possible to change the surname or date of birth of children during guardianship.

Adoption (adoption)

Since the beginning of the year, 187 children have been adopted in Moscow. In total, there are now more than 5.1 thousand families in the city, where 5.7 thousand adopted children are brought up.

Upon adoption, persons who have adopted a child into their family acquire all parental rights and obligations. Adoptive parents give the child their last name and raise it as their own.

The age difference between the future parents and the child must be more than 16 years. Only able-bodied citizens who do not have a criminal record under serious articles can become adoptive parents, provided that they have housing and the necessary income. Children will not be placed in families where parents use alcohol or drugs, are carriers of infections, suffer from mental illness, or have previously lost parental rights or have been removed from their duties as a guardian.

foster families

In the nine months of 2016, 109 foster families appeared in the capital, in which 240 children were taken. In total, there are 2.6 thousand foster families in the city. 4412 children are brought up in them.

Such a family is created under an agreement concluded with the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Foster parents become the legal guardians of the child and his legal representatives. But unlike ordinary guardians, they receive remuneration for their services.

Both married couples and single citizens can become parents. The main thing is not to have serious illnesses and convictions, not to use drugs and alcohol, and also to be able to provide the child with everything necessary for life and study.

Learn to be a parent

Spouses who want to adopt or take custody of children can get specialist advice at foster parents' schools. Here they will tell you what documents you need to prepare, what benefits you can count on, how to help the child adapt to a new family and avoid conflict situations, as well as how to educate children with disabilities.

Today there are 57 schools for foster parents in the city. Only in the first nine months of this year, 2,637 people were trained in them. Another 54 organizations support foster families. Accompaniment agreements have been concluded with 1149 families where 1754 children are being brought up.

Social payments to families with orphans and children left without parental care

When a child is transferred to a family for upbringing, the capital's social security authorities pay a one-time allowance provided for by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”.

The allowance is paid for all forms of family placement of children left without parental care (adoption, establishment of guardianship (trusteeship), transfer to foster care). The amount of the allowance is:

- for persons who have adopted a disabled child, a child over the age of seven, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters - 118,529 rubles 25 kopecks;

- for persons who have adopted an orphan child, a child left without parental care, in a foster family or under guardianship (guardianship), as well as for persons who have adopted an orphan child, a child left without parental care, who is not disabled, a child under seven years or a child not adopted at the same time as a brother (sister) - 15,512 rubles 65 kopecks.

Last year, the allowance was paid for 2,304 children placed in foster families, including the parents of 106 children who received the maximum amount of the allowance. Since the beginning of this year, parents of 1,855 children have received it. Families of 100 children - 118.5 thousand rubles each.

In addition, families receive a monthly payment from the capital's budget. From January 1 of this year, the amount of monthly allowances for orphans and children left without parental care, who are in the families of guardians, trustees, foster parents, foster caregivers, as well as the monthly compensation payment to persons who adopted in the city of Moscow after January 1, 2009 for an orphan child or a child left without parental care is increased by 10 percent and ranges from 16.5 thousand to 27.5 thousand rubles a month, depending on the age, number of children and their state of health.

Since January 01, the amount of the monthly remuneration paid to foster parents (foster caregivers) has also been increased.

Foster parents and foster caregivers receive monthly remuneration in the amount of 16.7 thousand rubles for each foster child, and the payment for a disabled child has been increased to 28,390 rubles. At the same time, in families with one or two children, only one of the parents receives payments, and when raising more than three children, the monthly remuneration is due to both spouses for each child.

The one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the adoption of a child in Moscow depends on the order of adoption of children and amounts to 76.9 thousand rubles, 107.7 thousand rubles or 153.8 thousand rubles.

In addition, the city reimburses families for the cost of housing and communal services and telephone, provides free travel on public transport. Children are provided with holiday vouchers every year, and once every two years they can relax with their foster parents. Also, since 2014, foster families have been compensated for part of the cost - up to 45 thousand rubles - of self-purchased vouchers.

After reaching the age of majority, orphans or children without parental care, who do not have a dwelling assigned to them, are provided with housing that meets established social standards.

New family - new home

Since 2014, a project has been launched in the capital to provide financial support to families who have adopted older orphans and (or) disabled children.

Families that have adopted at least five orphans, three of whom are over 10 years old and (or) disabled, receive housing for a comfortable living of a large family. The area of ​​a house or apartment is calculated at a rate of 10 to 18 square meters for each family member (parents, their own minor children and adopted children).

If the spouses have been married for at least three years and successfully pass psychological diagnostics, then an agreement is concluded with them for the free use of residential premises for 10 years. After this period, the family has the right to receive an apartment under a social tenancy agreement.

The project participants were 34 foster families, to which 203 children were transferred. Of these, 63 children are disabled, 93 children are over 10 years old.

Truly a family award

For a significant contribution to the development of the family structure, residents and organizations are awarded the "Stork Wings" award. The laureates receive a commemorative sign - a figurine depicting a flying stork and a child.

Natalia's family became the laureates of the "Stork Wings" award in one of the most significant nominations "To Adoptive Parents, Guardians (Trusters), Foster or Foster Families for a Special Personal Contribution to the Development of the Family Placement of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care in the City of Moscow" and Valery Zhuravlev. They are raising three biological and 15 adopted children, six of whom have Down syndrome. At the same time, the spouses assisted in the transfer of 38 more children with this diagnosis to other families.

And the award among public organizations was received by the St. Sophia Orphanage, which became one of the first non-state orphanages in Russia for people with disabilities with severe multiple developmental disorders. Now there are 22 children in it. Employees are looking for their families. And those who remain in this institution will be taken care of even after they come of age.

Here, children have opportunities not only for learning, but also for social adaptation - volunteers help them with this.

This year there is a new nomination - "Person". The award in this nomination is awarded for a special personal contribution to the development of the family structure. It was received by Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychological Anthropology at Moscow State Pedagogical University Galina Semya.

Orphanages and boarding schools in Russia are overcrowded. An increasing number of children are left without parental care. The state is doing everything possible to ensure that more families take such children for upbringing. Adopting citizens are entitled to additional benefits of a material and non-material nature, which the government implements in order to encourage.

Basic moments

Adoptive parents are more interested in the question of what types of payments they can count on when adopting a child. Before deciding on such responsibility, one must clearly understand the legal consequences that arise after this procedure.

Attention! Regardless of the origin of the child, after the fact of adoption is registered, the adoptive parent has the same rights / obligations as in relation to the natural offspring.

It does not matter if it is a pupil of an orphanage or a child of the second spouse, he will receive all the privileges of a child born in the family. For example, Fosters are entitled to enjoy all the benefits of a parent until the age of majority.

Let's deal with issues related to supporting adopted children:

  1. What is this type of assistance?
  2. What types of benefits are provided by the state?

Adoptive parents, together with an adopted child, can count on material and non-material types of support from the state. Assistance is expressed in the form of cash payments, tax breaks, utility subsidies and other benefits.

Payments to families with adopted children can be provided:

  • at the federal level;
  • at the regional level.

The presence of a Moscow residence permit is a prerequisite for receiving regional payments. The rules, the features of their provision, are negotiated and fixed by law on the ground.

Attention! To receive regional benefits, the child must be registered in Moscow or the region.

What allowance for a foster child can be issued to guardians in Moscow?

Benefits provided at the federation level:

  1. The amount will be 100% of the citizen's earnings for the reporting period, but within 52 thousand rubles.
  2. Monthly payments for the period of forced leave associated with the care of a child. They are paid
  3. A one-time payment to the family, which is carried out when the pupil is transferred to the family. Assistance for the second adopted child is 250 thousand rubles.
  4. Monthly compensation payments.

Legal grounds:

  1. Federal Law No. 81 "On Benefits for Families with Children"
  2. Rules of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No1012н.

The amount of the benefit depends on the situation and as of 2016 amounted to:

  • 15,512 rubles for the adoption of a non-disabled child under the age of 7;
  • 118529 rub. for the adoption of a disabled person, a person over 7 years old, children who are in family ties.

Required paperwork for the application:

  • statement;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • adoptive parent's passport;
  • documents confirming the relationship between adopted children (if this fact takes place);
  • a medical report on the disability of a minor (if he has injuries, health problems that give the right to register a group);
  • court order on the transfer of the child to the adoptive parent;
  • bank statement with details of the account to which payments will be credited.

Foreigners and stateless persons will be required to:

  • resident card;
  • the document by which the identity card is carried out;
  • employment contract / book;
  • reference paper issued by a branch of the Social Insurance Fund of Russia on registration of the applicant as an insurer;
  • refugee certificate.

Financial one-time assistance at the level of Moscow

Legal grounds:

  1. Law "On additional guarantees provided in the region to orphans, children without parental care", act No. 61 of November 30, 2005 in part of Art. 5.
  2. Decree No. 376-PP, which was adopted on November 30, 2005 with the title "On Measures for the Implementation of Law No. 61".

The amount of payments depends on the PM (living wage) and is:

  • 5 minimums per child;
  • 7 minimums for the second adopted citizen;
  • 10 minimums on the third and subsequent charges.

Such assistance is paid from 01/01/2009. The legal basis for its appointment is the Regulations on the procedure for the EKB (monthly compensation payment) No492-PP. Date of adoption of the act 26.05.2009

The amount of the allowance depends on the age and number of wards:

  • 16500 rub. relies on a minor citizen under 12 years old;
  • 22000 rub. paid for a citizen aged 12-18;
  • 19 80 are issued for a child in the age range of 0-12 years, provided that he is the third child in the family;
  • 25300 rub. for a person in the age range of 12-18 years, provided that the family has three or more children;
  • 27500 - the amount that is paid for each child of a disabled person.

Registration of benefits takes place one month after the adoption, but no later than one year. It can be appointed no later than one month before the ward comes of age.

List of required documents:

In addition to material support, citizens who have adopted a child can count on other preferences:

  • reimbursement of expenses for the repayment of housing and communal services;
  • receiving free meals in the dairy kitchen for children whose age is within 2 years;
  • free medicines prescribed by a doctor for children under the age of 3;
  • 50% discount on preschool services;
  • free school textbooks plus two meals a day at school;
  • the right to get registered with the adopted person at the age of 14.

Attention! For foundlings, abandoned children, additional compensation payments are paid on a regular monthly basis.

For adoptive parents and adopted children, the following benefits are provided in Moscow:

  • for each adopted child, a salary in the amount of 3 minimum wages (the minimum wage);
  • the period spent on education is included in the length of service;
  • all of the above preferences for children under guardianship apply to adopted persons;
  • an adoptive citizen, upon reaching the age of 18, receives the right to separate housing;
  • the adopted person retains all payments that he received before finding a family. These are alimony, pension for the loss of a breadwinner or disability;
  • the right to use housing, in its absence, the right to receive it;
  • the opportunity to purchase products at specialized bases at preferential prices.

How much do they pay for a foster child in Russia? There are a lot of rumors about this. Articles regularly appear in newspapers, magazines and virtual publications devoted to tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles allegedly received by guardians. Some journalists confidently claim that people take children from the baby house only because of the money. The amounts attributed to adoptive parents can solve any financial problems - debts, mortgages, a new car ... However, there are those who rightly doubt whether all these stories can be trusted.

Money: income and expenditure

You can try for a long time to count the money in someone else's wallet, but from the outside it is still not clear how these amounts are combined with everyday life. For example, when adopting a disabled person, the guardian receives from the state up to half a million rubles, but only with this money he will have to purchase all the equipment necessary for a full-fledged life of the baby. And it will not work to save money - the social service carefully monitors compliance with the terms of the agreement with the state. The authorities do not just give the child away from the baby house, but also control that his life is at a high level.

Should I count money in someone else's wallet? Some citizens of our country who have adopted several orphans, including disabled people, regularly encounter media interest. Journalists actively count the money received in such families, but rarely evaluate real expenses. But new parents not only provide housing for orphans, care and concern, but also give love, a sense of family, which is incredibly important for future socialization.

Foster Child Benefit: how it works

In fact, the money that the state gives is not the property of the guardian. The allowance for orphans belongs to them. Of course, there are restrictions associated with the age of majority, so the funds are transferred to the name of the guardian. But this happens only on the condition that the finances will be spent on the orphan himself, adopted into a new family.

However, when registering a foster family, you can receive funds for which you do not need to write reports. True, this is not easy to do, so many adoptive parents prefer not to fool themselves and simply raise orphans as guardians. To some extent, they can be compared with the managers of orphanages. And how much do they pay for a foster child in an orphanage? The turnover of such an institution is up to 45 million. True, the money, as well as in the case of guardians, goes only to the wards, and they will have to be accounted for. By the way, the words about reporting are not empty. The guardian must keep all checks and return them regularly to the social services.

What's the problem?

While the media are counting how much money carers can get, these people themselves say that raising a child from an orphanage is not an easy task. It is necessary not only to provide housing for orphans, but also to provide them with decent living conditions. And everything would be fine, but only children are different. And this is not surprising, because who are usually given to shelters by newly-made parents? Those with whom there may be difficulties. For example, those with mental retardation or other features of physical and mental health, promising problems in the near future. Carers who take on these babies are ready for the hardships of everyday life.

What does the monthly foster care allowance go towards? In addition to medicines and food, clothing and utilities, you have to spend quite a lot of money to maintain the house in good condition. Many children with developmental delays suffer from increased aggression, which means that they will regularly break something. Some things you can get as a gift, something you have to buy yourself. The table is broken and needs a new one. Wardrobe is broken - will have to buy. The breakdown of expensive items (for example, a computer, TV, washing machine) can make a rather big hole in the family budget. Therefore, in fact, benefits for foster parents are not felt as an improvement in financial condition. In the best case, it will be possible to stay at the level at which the family lived before the appearance of the baby from the orphanage.

Foster children: it's important

I must say: despite the state program of financial support, there are quite a few people who want to get a foster child. Those who decide to adopt a child from an orphanage are aware that the foster child allowance will not cover all expenses for the maintenance of a new family member. Guardians, foster parents usually take someone, wanting to help the person, and this is the strongest motivation.

How much does the state pay for a foster child with a disability per month? Amount - from 25 thousand rubles and less. If guardians do not work, then they additionally pay a small amount of money. True, the specific amount of payments is determined not only by the child's illness, but also by the city in which the adoptive parents live. For example, Muscovites can count on large sums. On the other hand, prices in the capital are noticeably higher than in other cities. The state monthly transfers a certain amount to the address of the adoptive parent, which can be assessed as a salary, because caring for a disabled person from a shelter is work.

Where does the money go?

It would seem that the deduction for a foster child, a lump sum payment, monthly allowances and benefits in total give a real one. But what happens in practice? No matter how much the media clings to foster parents, claiming that they take children only for the sake of money, these families are not distinguished by wealth. And it's all about the treatment.

Some adopted children can count on free rehabilitation. But you have to buy medicines out of your own pocket. There is a rather small list of medicines provided by the state free of charge, but it is too narrow. Drug costs are high. Only one package of an effective drug, designed for 10-20 days of administration, can cost 2-3 thousand rubles. And such medicines require not one or two, but more. So it turns out that the foster child allowance is spent on medical preparations, and sometimes it is not even enough for them.

And about money: how much will we get?

So, how much do they pay for a foster child now? Payments are divided into several categories. There are federal They are provided from the state budget. For the current year, the amount is set at 14,703.93 rubles. To receive this money, you will have to prepare a package of documents. Among them should be papers confirming that the children are either deprived of their parents, or they cannot raise them, as well as a self-filled application and a copy of the agreement to transfer the child to a non-native family for upbringing. All these documents are sent to the guardianship authorities responsible for the custody of the child. You need to apply to the state authorities at the place of residence. For each new baby adopted into the family, a package of documents is prepared anew.

Additionally, certain funds can be counted on from the regional budget. How much is paid for an adopted child from this source? The amounts are not impressive. For the first adoption, you can get 4,556 rubles, for the second, a little more - 6,074, for each subsequent adoption from the regional budget, the family will be allocated 7,593 rubles. To get this money, you also have to fight the bureaucratic machine. You need to apply to the same state authority responsible for Foster parents write an application for money, attach a copy of the agreement on the adoption of the child into the family.

Is there anything else?

One hundred thousand rubles can be received from the regional budget. The amount is paid only once, at the moment when the family adopts a disabled person. To receive this money, you need to write an application to the social service responsible for foster children, attach documents proving the identity of the parent, documents from which it follows that he is a citizen of our country, as well as official papers confirming residence (permanently or most of the time) within this area.

You also need to attach documents proving the identity of a minor adoptable with a disability or a passport, if he already has one. The child must also live permanently or most of the time in the territory of the region, in the social bodies of which financial support is requested. This must be documented. You also need to provide documents proving that the adopted child is disabled, court papers legalizing the adoption, and a birth certificate of the child.

Every month - a little support

Guardians who have adopted a child can count on a small monthly support from the state. This payment is called "remuneration". If the child has not yet reached the age of 12, then 7,200 rubles per month are due for one adopted child, if this age limit is exceeded, the authorities will pay eight thousand rubles a month.

In order to receive what is due under the law, it is necessary to contact the state authority responsible for guardianship and guardianship. For each new member adopted into the family, you need to request help separately. Parents write a statement and provide a copy of the agreement that the child has been adopted.

special case

Slightly larger financial support is for those who take care of children with disabilities, children suffering from chronic diseases, or toddlers under three years of age. The difference is small, only three thousand for each adopted, but still financial support will not be superfluous.

To receive this money, the social authorities will have to provide not only an application from the adoptive parents and a copy of the agreement under which the child was adopted into the family, but also some special papers. This is the conclusion of doctors, officially confirming the presence of the disease, the status of disability. The money paid in this case is classified as wages for raising a child.

What if there are many children?

Some foster parents have the means, energy, and time to raise multiple children. Other families may adopt three or even more orphans. The state encourages this practice with financial assistance: for the third child and each subsequent one, the authorities pay extra three thousand.

To obtain what is required by law, it is necessary to submit an application and a copy of the agreement on the adoption of a new family member to the state authority.

Foster children: the state will help

If the situation in the child's life has developed in such a way that he was left without parental care, then you can count on being raised in a foster family. If there are people who are ready to take the baby to them, the state will pay a little money.

For children under seven years of age, financial assistance is provided in the amount of 7,037 rubles, for those under 12, the payment is 8,403 rubles, and at the age of 12-18 years, you can count on 9,250 rubles. You can get money if the adoptive parent writes a statement to social protection, supported by a copy of the agreement on the adoption of the child.

Social support: you need to know your rights

Under current legislation, families that have taken custody or adopted a child can count on benefits and preferences. In particular, for utilities, the benefit is almost a third of the cost if there are 1-2 adopted children in the family. In addition, such children can use public municipal transport free of charge. True, this does not apply to taxis and private minibuses.

If a family brings up three children or more, then the discount on a communal apartment remains the same (30%), but until the age of six, the country's authorities provide children with all the necessary medicines. It also provides for free use of municipal public transport, not only by children, but also by the family itself, which took them up.

For the placement of orphans in families, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various forms. Children can be adopted, placed under guardianship, taken under patronage or placed in a foster family. Citizens of Russia who choose one of these forms are entitled to count on budgetary concessions. The amount of the allowance depends on the category. So, the foster family is entitled to payments, which in 2018-2019 are calculated based on different data.

What are the benefits for foster families?

First of all, you need to understand that placing a child in a foster family is different from adoption. In the latter case, the orphan will receive the status of a full member of the family. The procedure is more complicated in registration, moreover, no subsidies or tax breaks are provided for adoption.

But residents of Russia who decide to take a foster child into a family can count on several types of benefits:

  • lump sum;
  • monthly;
  • tax relief.

The budget provides for such a measure of state support as a one-time monetary reward. It is paid both at the birth of a native child and at the placement of an orphan. In 2018, it is 16,350 rubles. If the foster family takes a disabled child, children over seven years old, or several children from an orphanage at once, the amount will be 124,929 rubles.

As for the amount of monthly payments to foster families, they depend on a number of factors. Firstly, the amount of the allowance is directly related to how many children will be arranged. Secondly, a substantial allowance is provided for a disabled child. Also, 1.5 - 2 times higher benefits for those children who have category 3 or 4 health status. In addition, regional authorities in some cases allocate additional funds, which also affects the amount of the benefit.

If a child under 3 years of age is placed in a foster family, one of the parents can arrange parental leave at the workplace. In this case, a monthly payment of 40% of the salary will be added to the state allowance. Accruals for the upbringing of an orphan are on average 15 thousand rubles. per month. In some regions, the amount increases several times if the family has the status of a large family.

By the way, even pensioners can take a child to be brought up. In this case, they will be equated to officially employed citizens.

Tax relief

There is also the possibility of obtaining additional benefits and payments. For example, one of the employed guardians can claim a tax deduction. The size depends on how many children the family takes to raise. On a monthly basis it is:

  • 1400 rub. for the first or second child;
  • 3000 rub. for the third and subsequent children;
  • 6000 rub. for the care of a child with a disability.

Guardians have the right to issue maternity capital if they take a second child to raise.

Regional authorities often offer foster families to take advantage of other measures of social support. Most often, they provide a discount on the purchase of food and essential goods. Guardians pay utility bills at lower rates and can get free vouchers to sanatoriums and children's health camps.

A nice bonus is the length of service that an unemployed parent receives for the duration of guardianship. The state provides a pupil of a foster family with free education at school and kindergarten. And if the child is disabled, he will receive the necessary means of rehabilitation in the first place.

In some cases (for example, when several children are placed in one family), the state provides land plots on which it is possible to build a residential building or run a personal subsidiary plot. When applying for a mortgage, guardians will be offered more favorable conditions.

How benefits increase

All government payments are indexed annually in February. True, this condition applies only to federal benefits. Regional authorities reserve the right not to increase their share.

There are exceptions. So, in 2016, indexation was not carried out at all, despite the growth in inflation. In 2018, some regions announced an increase in benefits. The capital is one of them. Monthly payments to foster families in Moscow will amount to 16.5 thousand rubles. for a child under 12 years old, for a teenager from 12 to 18 years old - 22 thousand rubles.

Registration procedure

Married couples and single citizens can become guardians. The procedure for obtaining benefits will be the same. Before contacting the social service, it is necessary to collect a package of documents. It includes:

  • parents' passports;
  • an agreement on the adoption of a child for upbringing;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • income statement.

When registering orphans in foster families, in order to receive payments in 2018, parents need to contact the social security service at the place of registration. You can apply for a benefit only after an agreement is signed with the guardianship authorities. Most likely, the social security institution will also offer to fill out an application for the assignment of benefits.

In cases where the benefit should be increased (for example, when raising a disabled child), supporting documents must be provided.

When contacting the Social Security Office, adoptive parents need to indicate how they want to receive benefits. There are options with a postal order or with crediting to a bank account, the details of which will need to be indicated in the application.

After receiving the package of documents, you need to wait for the consideration of the application. This takes up to ten days. If a discrepancy is found in any document, the period may be extended.

At the state level, the possibility of another increase in payments to foster families is being considered. Support measures are aimed at placing all orphans in foster families. However, a significant increase in benefits should not be expected, since the crisis continues, and there is no more money in the budget. At best, payments will be indexed to inflation.

7 orphans were returned to the orphanage:

Only adult capable citizens who have not been deprived of parental rights and do not have a conviction for an intentional crime against the life or health of citizens at the time of establishment of guardianship or guardianship can be appointed as guardians and trustees. Close relatives have a preferential right to become guardians of an incapacitated or partially incapacitated person over all other persons. Many do it for free, at the behest of their hearts, but even disinterested people are entitled to financial support from the state. If a person decides to become a guardian and wants to receive remuneration for these services, then he needs to conclude an appropriate agreement with the guardianship and guardianship authority at the place of residence of the ward. State and municipal authorities have established guardianship allowances at both the federal and regional levels. In this article, we will consider how much they pay for guardianship, and what payments to guardians are provided for in 2018 in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Please note that one person in need of guardianship can only have one guardian. One guardian can have only one ward, except in cases where brothers and sisters are taken under guardianship.

Is guardianship of a disabled citizen paid?

In guardianship of an adult incapacitated person, it is understood that the guardian performs his work without compensation. However, in some cases, cash payments from the state are still possible.

The list of such cases is recorded in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 343 of June 04, 2007 "On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group 1 ...".

In particular, the Resolution states that citizens receive payments for guardianship in the following cases:

  • If the guardian has no income and does not work;
  • If his age corresponds to the age of an able-bodied person: ;
  • His guardianship duties apply to an elderly person over 80 years old, an elderly person who needs constant care, or a group 1 disabled person.

At the same time, the conditions for receiving benefits do not indicate the need for the official appointment of a guardian of this person.

It turns out that any person, if he performs the duties of caring for a disabled person of group 1 or an elderly person in need of guardianship, is entitled to payments.

At the same time, he does not have the obligation to live with the ward, although he can live with him.

How much can such a guardian receive? The standard payment in such cases is 1200 rubles per month. It is the same for all of Russia, with the exception of the regions of the Far North, where multiplying coefficients apply.

A slightly larger amount paid to guardians caring for people with disabilities under the age of 18. For the guardians of such persons, the monthly payment is established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 175 of February 26, 2013 “On monthly payments to persons caring for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I” and it amounts to 5,500 rubles per month.

Parents of disabled children and their trustees receive the same monthly payment from the budget.

The amount and procedure for assigning payment for the guardians of the child

Guardians of minors receive several types of payments. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Monthly allowance;
  • One-time payment;
  • Benefit for children taken under guardianship established by regional authorities;
  • Reward for foster children who take children under their own responsibility.

Sum guardianship payments established in the text of the Federal Law "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children". According to the current legislation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2018 N 74), from February 01, 2018 (after indexation with a coefficient of 1.025), a one-time allowance for a child, taken for upbringing in a family, is established in the amount of 16,759.09 rubles. In 2017, this amount was 16,360.33 rubles, and in 2016 - 15,512.65 rubles. Obviously, the state tries to index the amount of payments annually, as prescribed by law.

In some regions of residence, guardianship pays a large amount due to the existence of a district coefficient.

Monthly guardianship payments

Every month, the department of social protection at the place of registration of the ward citizen carries out payment of allowance for the maintenance of a child taken under guardianship. Funds for social payments come from the budget of each subject of the Russian Federation, which determines the amount of payments.

For example, in Moscow, by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017, social benefits for 2018 are set in the following amounts:

  • Monthly compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or disabled from childhood under the age of 23 - 12,000 rubles.
  • Payment of monthly funds to guardians, trustees, for maintenance:
    • each orphan child or child left without parental care, aged 0 to 12 years, who is not a disabled child - 16,500 rubles;
    • each orphan child or child left without parental care, aged 12 to 18 years, who is not a disabled child - 22,000 rubles;
    • each orphan child or child left without parental care, aged 0 to 12 years, who is not a disabled child and is brought up in a family in which three or more orphans or children left without parental care are placed - 19,800 rubles;
    • each orphan child or child left without parental care, aged 12 to 18 years, who is not a disabled child and is brought up in a family in which three or more orphans or children left without parental care are placed - 25,300 rubles;
    • each disabled child under the age of 18 from among orphans and children left without parental care - 27,500 rubles.

These allowances are intended for the maintenance of the child and they must be spent on food, clothing, furniture for children, hygiene products, etc. At the same time, it is desirable to confirm all such expenses with checks, receipts, receipts, etc.

If custody of a child is established in the form of transferring him to a foster family, then an agreement is concluded between the foster parents and the guardianship authority. Then under the terms of the contract adoptive parents receive monetary compensation, like a salary. Such remuneration is regulated by regional authorities.

Payments to guardians in Moscow in 2018

For Moscow and the region, the law of the Moscow region No. 162/2008-OZ of October 31, 2008 established the amount of payment for foster parents:

  • Guardians or trustees who have concluded an agreement on reimbursable terms that do not provide for the payment of remuneration at the expense of income from the property of the ward, funds of third parties, are paid a monthly remuneration in the amount of 3,000 rubles;
  • Once a year, guardians, trustees, foster parents are paid a cash allowance for the purchase of hard equipment, toys, books, textbooks, stationery and other essentials, as well as for paying for vital services for children. The amount and procedure for payment of benefits is established by the Government of the Moscow Region. The payment is made by the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence of the ward at the expense of the budget of the Moscow Region.

And Article 2 of the Law of the Moscow Region dated October 31, 2008 No. 162/2008-OZ “On remuneration for guardians, trustees, foster parents and measures of social support for foster families” has been amended, as a result of which Part 1 is set out as follows:

"one. Each foster parent for the upbringing of a child adopted by a foster family is paid a monthly remuneration in the amount of:

  • 9200 rubles for the upbringing of one child over the age of 3 years, assigned to I-II health groups;
  • 12,650 rubles for the upbringing of one child under the age of 3 years, assigned to I-II health groups;
  • 25,000 rubles for the upbringing of one child assigned to III-V health groups.
