Lip care - to keep your lips beautiful. How to make lips bigger at home? Review of the best methods

Plump and bright lips have always been considered a sign of sexuality - indeed, when sexually aroused, women's lips increase in volume, and men react to this circumstance accordingly. The example of Angelina Jolie, who “snatched” the first Hollywood handsome man, and the transparent hints of physiognomy specialists that those with thin lips are all evil and greedy, only added fuel to the fire. So plump lips have become the dream of many women. How to realize this dream without harm to your health, how to make your lips plump? Does beauty necessarily require sacrifice, or are there ways to make lips voluminous and sexy easily and painlessly?

Radically. Many consider the simplest and most obvious way to make lips plump to turn to plastic surgeons. This method is suitable for those who are in excellent physical shape (after all, this is an operation!). In no case is it permissible for a surgeon to intervene if there is some kind of disease (even a simple cold) in an acute form; in this case, the procedure should be postponed until better times. Lip surgery is contraindicated for those who have oral herpes, diabetes mellitus, or untreated teeth.

Plastic surgery clinics may offer to lift the upper lip (this is done in cases where it is not enough to increase the volume of the lips, but also need to change their shape), insert implants (they can be synthetic or made from human tissue) or make injections. The first two options are surgeries, and they can cause complications even if performed by an experienced surgeon.

Most often, injections are used to enlarge lips. The material for them can be collagen, subcutaneous fat or polymers. Be careful if you have ever had allergies - injections can be harmful to your health.

Hyaluronic acid is considered the safest material. Preparations based on it do not cause allergies (if other drugs are used, a test must be done). The effect of such an injection will be noticeable immediately and will last about six months, perhaps even a year, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. But even from these gentle injections, swelling may not subside for quite a long time, and nodules may form at the injection sites. If you nevertheless decide to resort to the services of surgeons, it is extremely important to carry out the procedure only in a good clinic where experienced specialists work. This will help reduce the risk of an adverse outcome to a minimum.

Today, salons offer many options for this procedure, including visually making lips plumper. As in the previous case, it is important that the salon is good and the master is competent. Then the dream of ideal lip shape will become a reality.

To create the effect of swelling, artists use various tricks: shading the tone (darkening some areas and highlighting others, they achieve the visual effect of increasing volume), and a light stripe above the upper lip. A tattoo with a 3D effect will help not only increase volume, but also always look “A+”: a professional makeup artist will select the shape of your lips, and the effect of painted lips will be with you in the pool, at sea, and early in the morning before your first look in the mirror .

You need to know: the first days your lips will be swollen and their color will be unnaturally bright, but over time the swelling will go away. To avoid unnecessary questions, it is better to do this procedure, for example, during vacation.

Traditional methods.
To make your lips plumper, you can use folk remedies and achieve the desired result at home. The effect, of course, will be less noticeable than from injections or high-quality permanent makeup, but it will be there.

Since it is moisture that gives volume and beautiful appearance to lips, you need to make sure that there is enough of it. This requires proper care for the delicate skin of your lips. The main components of proper care are hydration, nutrition and protection.

If your lips peel and crack, this will not add beauty. You can use a special lip peeling, or use a facial peeling for this purpose. Daily lip massage will improve blood circulation and make lips more voluminous - use a soft toothbrush for this.

A kind of contrast shower is also suitable for increasing volume - during the morning shower, direct either cold or hot “rain” onto your lips.

Lip masks are very easy to make, one of them tastes very pleasant and you don’t even have to think about how to wash it off: you just need to smear your lips with honey for 15 minutes and then lick them.

The same goes for the curd mask. Mix fat cottage cheese with cream and apply to lips. You need to hold it for 10-15 minutes.

An excellent moisturizing mask is sour cream with a few drops of lemon juice.

Also, to make your lips plump, you can apply olive, or better yet, peach or almond oil to them. An oil solution of vitamin E will add elasticity and volume.

Don't forget to apply lipstick after the mask. By the way, the skin on the lips does not contain natural ultraviolet filters, so for the summer it is better to choose lipsticks or glosses that contain these filters, or use a moisturizer with an SPF of at least fifteen.

Cosmetics and makeup.
Cosmetics manufacturers are sympathetic to women's desire to add volume to their lips. Many companies already have lip balms containing menthol, red pepper and other irritants that cause the desired swelling. And some even produce decorative cosmetics (glosses and lipsticks) with these ingredients. What can I say here - use it for your health. Just don’t kiss your boyfriend with all this beauty on your lips: the burning and tingling sensation will be passed on to him, and men are much less tolerant of such effects than we are.

Properly done makeup will also help visually increase the volume of your lips. One of the tricks that makeup artists use is, before applying lipstick, draw a line above the upper lip that exactly follows its contour with a white cosmetic pencil and shade it. And then paint your lips as usual.

You can also paint the corners of your lips with a slightly darker lipstick, and the center with a lighter one. Or apply a little gloss in the center of your lips.

If we talk about cosmetic “finds,” glosses with the so-called holographic effect can make your lips look more voluminous.

However, the first place among the most pleasant and painless ways to make lips plump is rightfully occupied by passionate kisses. Which is what we wish for you in large quantities.

Every third woman dreams of beautiful and voluminous lips. Men like plump lips and make a girl’s face look young and attractive. But what if nature has not endowed you so generously?

Lip massage at home

Practice massaging your lips with a regular soft toothbrush. You can additionally apply a drop of nourishing cream to the bristles. This way, you will make your lips brighter and fuller, and your lip contour more defined. At the same time, try not to overdo it; the duration of the massage should not exceed 30 seconds, and the brush should not be hard. Give preference to a hypoallergenic nourishing cream, for example, for children. After performing this procedure, blot your lips with a napkin and apply hygienic lipstick.

Ice massage

Ice is an excellent way to enlarge lips. It is necessary to massage the sponges with a piece of ice for 10 seconds (for this you can freeze herbal decoctions or natural juices), then immediately apply a napkin soaked in water, the temperature of which is at least 60 degrees. Repeat the procedure until a slight tingling sensation appears in the lips. It is worth noting that the effect of this procedure lasts up to one hour.

Lip masks

Coffee mask

You can prepare an excellent natural scrub mask that perfectly stimulates blood flow, perfectly solves several problems at once: exfoliates, nourishes, moisturizes and increases blood flow to the lips. Take a little candied honey, add half a teaspoon of oil (olive or cocoa butter), 3 drops of mint essential oil and a pinch of ground coffee. Stir, apply the warm mixture to your lips for 10 minutes, then massage your lips well with this mixture for a couple of minutes and rinse. After this procedure, your lips will become tender, juicy, soft and acquire the desired volume.

Cinnamon mask

Cinnamon in powder or essential oil form is also good for volume and helps plump lips at home. This spice has a warming and blood circulation stimulating effect. You can prepare this cinnamon balm in two versions:

The first option (simple): take a teaspoon of Vaseline and add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. To stir thoroughly. Apply this balm as needed. Lips become brighter and plumper.

Second option (more complex): 20 grams of solid cocoa butter + 10 grams of beeswax + 10 grams of almond oil + 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil + 2 drops of ginger essential oil + 2 drops of mint essential oil. First, melt the cocoa butter and beeswax in a water bath, then add liquid almond oil, stir the mixture well and remove from the water bath. Add essential oils and mix. Pour the mixture into a suitable mold and put it in the refrigerator to cool. After cooling, you can use the balm for its intended purpose. It causes a strong rush of blood to the lips, as a result of which they become juicy and plump, the contour becomes clear, and the lips themselves will be soft and tender.

Red pepper mask

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of ground red pepper, pour in half a teaspoon of peach oil (can be replaced with any other cosmetic oil). Mix all ingredients together and apply thickly on lips. Keep for 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then remove with a damp cotton pad.

Glycerin mask

In a small container, mix 15 g of sugar, lemon juice, Vaseline, honey and 8 g of glycerin. Whisk all the ingredients and place on the stove (5 minutes will be enough). After cooling, apply the mass to the surface of the lips in a dense layer and wait 15 minutes. We remove the frozen product with a cotton pad and rinse the sponges with cool spring or well water.

Mint for lip enhancement

You need to take fresh mint leaves and squeeze the juice out of them (you only need a few drops). Then apply the resulting juice to your lips for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile decoction.

Lip cosmetics

Pay attention to cosmetic lip care products. If you want to use them to enlarge your lips, choose ones that contain menthol. It is one of the most effective and safe methods for increasing lip volume. The secret of menthol is as follows. It increases blood flow to the lips, making them appear fuller. The modern market is rich in a huge variety of glosses and lipsticks with menthol oil, so you have the opportunity to easily choose something suitable for yourself. After applying this lipstick or gloss, you will feel a slight burning or tingling sensation. You should not be afraid of these sensations, since such a reaction is normal to vasodilation.

Try to visually enlarge your lips with the help of proper makeup. First, use a care balm that will moisturize your lips and smooth out fine wrinkles. Apply a light concealer along the lip contour to add volume. Then, using a light, skin-colored pencil, draw a line just above the lip line, starting at the corner in the center of the upper lip. Lift the ends of your lips, connecting the outer corners to the center of your upper lip. This will make your face look younger. Starting from the middle of the lips, do not paint the contour. Use light lipstick and gloss with the effect of wet lips. The more shimmer particles, the fuller the lips look. Dark, bright shades are not for you - they will make your lips look smaller and emphasize the nasolabial folds.

Lip trainer

If you want to add volume to your lips, then try using a special exercise machine. This new product in the beauty industry is rapidly gaining momentum. Fullips is a specially designed plastic cap. Simple movements create a vacuum, which allows you to pump up your lips and significantly increase their volume.

Lip exercises

Be careful when performing exercises, try not to stretch the skin around your lips so that unnecessary wrinkles do not form.

The shape, appearance and expression of the lips also determines the facial expression. The shape of your lips can be improved with lipstick, but cosmetics cannot change their expression. Clenched lips age and give the face a tougher expression. Drooping corners of the mouth make the face look preoccupied, tired and dissatisfied. An ugly grimace spoils even the most beautiful lips.

If you want to look good, your lips should be slightly closed and your teeth should not be clenched. In order to prevent drooping of the corners of the mouth, it is necessary to do exercises 2-3 times a day based on a slight, almost imperceptible (with the mouth closed, but without clenching the teeth) lifting the corners of the mouth upward. The exercise must be repeated 5-6 times.

Before washing your lips in the evening, you must first remove the lipstick. To do this, lubricate the lips with a small amount of cream or olive oil, and then remove the lipstick with a light paper napkin.

Women who do not paint their lips should also lubricate them with a cream (best containing vitamin A) or colorless lipstick to prevent them from drying out.

Drying or peeling of lips can be caused by frequent licking of them with the tongue, poorly chosen lipstick or lack of vitamins, mainly A and C. If lips crack and bleed, you should stop painting them, lubricate them with colorless lipstick during the day, and in the evening with zinc ointment mixed in equal proportions with boric ointment or calendula ointment.

During bad weather and frost, a thick layer of lipstick will protect your lips well. When sunbathing or during winter sports, it is better to lubricate your lips with cream or colorless lipstick.

Lubricating with honey, cucumber or carrot juice, as well as a mask of a teaspoon of cottage cheese mixed with a teaspoon of carrot juice, refreshes the lips very well and protects them from drying out. The mask is applied to the lips and washed off after 5-10 minutes with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water. You should not forget about your lips when applying vegetable masks to your face.

Some lipsticks can cause redness and swelling of the lips, and sometimes even cracking and itching. In this case, you should stop using this lipstick and lubricate your lips with boric ointment. If inflammatory manifestations still persist, you should consult a doctor.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth can be the result of damage to the lips (for example, during dental treatment) or a lack of vitamins, mainly A and B2. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you should start taking vitamins, and alternately lubricate the cracks with zinc ointment and fish oil. If there is still no improvement, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

And the plumpness of the lips corresponds to blood circulation. So stimulating blood flow will help you become the owner of amazingly attractive lips. How can you stimulate blood circulation? First of all, don't avoid it. During exfoliating procedures, the skin of the lips is effectively renewed and prepared for the active intake of various nutrients. An excellent natural scrub for gud is ordinary crystallized honey - simply take a drop of honey and apply it to your lips, massaging gently, then leave for a few minutes. Your lips will receive an excellent dose of various nutrients and will look amazing.

You can also practice massage using an ordinary soft toothbrush, onto which you can apply a drop of rich or nourishing cream - your lips will instantly become brighter and noticeably more beautiful. Of course, you shouldn’t be too zealous, the massage should last no more than 30 seconds, and the brush should never be harsh. Give preference to hypoallergenic nourishing creams - for example, rich baby creams. After this procedure, you should blot your lips with a napkin and apply a protective hygiene product. Another plus of this is that the contour of the lips becomes very clear.

You should pay attention to care products containing menthol. This is one of the safest and most effective ways to increase lip volume. The fact is that menthol extract increases blood flow to the lips, they become much more voluminous and plump. There are quite a lot of glosses and hygienic lipsticks with menthol essential oil, and you can easily find something for yourself. After application, as a rule, a slight burning or tingling sensation occurs - you should not be afraid, this is an absolutely normal reaction to vasodilation.

Nourishing masks made from various oils can make your lips a little more voluminous and brighter. For example, from almond and olive. You can also use apricot or peach oil - these oils should be applied slightly warmed up, with the addition of any other additional ingredients. For example, vitamin E or jojoba oil are great. Apply the warm mixture to your lips, massaging with a wrung-out cotton pad soaked in hot water, and your lips will become plumper.

Video on the topic


  • how to pump up ypur lips
  • make lips plumper

Every third woman dreams of beautiful and voluminous lips. plump lips Men like them and make a girl’s face look young and attractive. But what if nature has not endowed you so generously?


Try to visually enlarge lips with the help of proper makeup. First use a care balm that will moisturize lips and smooth out small wrinkles. Apply a light concealer along the lip contour to add volume. Then, using a light skin-colored pencil, draw a line just above the contour of the lips, starting from the corner in the center of the upper lips. Lift the tips of your lips, connecting the outer corners with the center of the upper lips. The face will do it. Starting from the middle of the lips, do not paint the contour. Use light lipstick and gloss with the effect of wet lips. The more shimmering particles, the more they look lips. Dark, bright shades are not for you - it will reduce lips and emphasizes.

Choose lip glosses and creams that add volume using special ingredients. Menthol and pepper extract can temporarily create a slight swelling. Constant use of acid and collagen products will make the skin of your lips more moisturized, smooth and beautiful, and will remove fine wrinkles around the mouth.

Be careful when using methods. It is important to choose a good specialist who will achieve results with minimal impact. If, in addition to adding volume, you want to change the contour of your lips, take an interest in your lips. Using a special device, safe pigment particles are injected under the skin. The effect lasts from several months to five years
