What games to play with a two year old? What games can you play with your children?

What educational games can you play with your preschooler? Preparing for school and games for the whole family.

The sweetest dreams are in childhood. The most delicious grandma's pies are made in childhood. The most interesting games are in childhood. Games for kids can be not only interesting, but also educational at the same time.

Playing logic educational games with the whole family is fun

Didactic games for preschool children

Play with your kids and practice math in the comfort of your own kitchen. After all, among the products there will always be 2-3 apples or tomatoes. All that remains is to give them to your baby and count the fruits or vegetables out loud. The task can be complicated if you tell the preschooler that he has three apples, and dad ate one apple. How many apples are left? The answer is in your child's hands.

The most ordinary plates or cups can also be useful for practicing in the kitchen. Ask your child which cup is smaller and which is larger? Or count how many plates you need for lunch today if the whole family is gathered at home?

How many of them are needed if guests come to the house? You can develop logical thinking if your mother gives you a more difficult task and asks you to fold two plates with three spoons. How many cutlery will you end up with?

Cooking and setting the table is both a useful activity and an interesting educational game

Today you can buy a huge number of educational board games in toy stores. What can you learn by playing? Learn letters and learn how to put them into syllables and words. Bright pictures will help you remember the letters.

Learn numbers and learn how to solve problems easily by playing math lotto. It happens that it is difficult for a child to get used to counting. Here pictures will come to the rescue, which you can pick up one by one and slowly count.

The games “Thinking”, “Fold a Pattern”, “Choose Words for a Story” will help develop logical thinking. Here you will need not just to read or count, but also to learn to think.

If several children play a board game at once, then along with learning letters or counting, they also learn the art of communication. The desire to be better, to know more and to be a leader will probably come to the table at the game.

Board games for preschoolers

Chess is a game that is interesting for both adults and children
  • Not only educational games are suitable for playing at home, but also those that the child would simply be interested in playing with peers or parents. There is no need to discount such time-tested games as dominoes, checkers, chess and backgammon
  • Perhaps someone will think that preschool children are too young to start playing such games. Well then, you can remember that Anatoly Karpov’s father taught him to play chess when he was 5 years old. Who knows, maybe your child will be a great chess player in the future
  • Dominoes for children can be traditional or with images of animals, vegetables or fruits on the bones. Choose the option for the game that will be more interesting for children

Role-playing game for children 4 - 6 years old

By playing role-playing games, the child “tryes on” different situations and learns to react to them correctly. Parents can come up with a plot for the game and assign roles, but it is better if the child himself is the director of the game. Themes for such games can be taken by playing out life situations - cooking in the kitchen, receiving guests, washing and ironing things, professions.

To play with dolls, it would be a good idea to buy or make doll beds, tables and cabinets yourself.

Mothers who know how to sew can sew bedding for cribs and new outfits for dolls. You can try to teach girls how to cut and sew simple clothes for dolls.

Children love to play “house” by copying the behavior of their parents. And often parents are surprised to see how the child screams at his toys, puts them in the corner, and forces them to eat everything from the toy plates.

Therefore, parents should try not to take it out on their children because of a bad mood or troubles at work.

Puppet theater game

Children love to go to puppet theaters for performances. What if you make such a theater at home? You can buy special dolls for such a theater that are worn on your hand. If there are no such toys, you can organize a performance with ordinary toys.

Make a small screen, come up with a plot for the performance with your child, or take a fairy tale that you have read and boldly create it in your mini-theater. If your child’s friends are participating in the performance, invite the parents of these children to the premiere of the performance.

Well, you can go further and make not a puppet show, but a real performance at home. Your children can be actors, scriptwriters and directors of such a play. Entrust them with the preparation of lines, costumes and sets; directing will help develop imagination.

Let the scenarios be not ideal, but invented by your child independently. By performing at home in front of parents whom children trust, they learn the art of public speaking, and even the most shy will find it easy to perform at similar performances in kindergarten or school.

A child needs outdoor games like air. You need to throw out the accumulated energy somewhere. It’s good if there is a spacious children’s room, it’s even better if parents installed the simplest sports equipment in such a room in the form of a gymnastic wall, rope or ladder. In this case, the child will find an active activity for himself.

If there is not enough space, jumping balls can save the situation. And trampoline playpens will simply become a lifesaver for parents. In such a playpen, children can jump to their heart's content and even compete to see who can jump the highest.

Of course, such a playpen must be stable and well secured to the floor. Games combined with movement include performing physical exercises and dancing to music.

You can even host a family dance competition inside. Who can dance better? Mom, dad, grandparents or baby? The winner's reward could be a chocolate medal, a toy or candy.

The reward for parents after such classes will ultimately be a child who can read, count, think logically, and is not afraid of public speaking. Therefore, while immersing yourself in everyday worries, set aside time to play with your children. Don’t brush off requests “Read it, Mom!” or “Mom, play with me!” After all, there is nothing more important in the world than children.

Video: Dad and daughter play the game “Thumbelina”

At the age of 3-5 years, a child actively explores the world around him. He is no longer interested simply in the objects and phenomena themselves, but also in the connections between them, as well as the reasons for their appearance. During this period, your baby turns into a little why, he needs to know literally everything. Constant questions and demands tire parents, and children often have to hear in response to the next “why” the words “mom is tired,” “I’ll tell you later,” “leave me alone,” “you better go play,” and so on.

This situation is not at all hopeless. The task of parents during this period is to organize the child’s leisure time as efficiently and usefully as possible. In this way, the child will explore the world through activities that captivate him, and tired parents will be able to devote their time to business or relaxation.

The best way to combine a child’s leisure time and satisfying his need for knowledge about the world around him is children’s educational and educational games for 3-5 years old. To carry them out, you may need toys, coloring books, board games, construction sets and, of course, your imagination.

So, we bring to your attention educational games for children 3-5 years old that will keep your baby occupied and help develop his thinking, logic and reactions.

“The Third Wheel” is a universal game that is suitable for both children of kindergarten and primary school age. An adult can independently adjust the level of difficulty depending on the age and level of development of the child. The rules are simple: an adult names 3 words, for example, cat-dog-crow, and the child must choose an extra word and explain why it is extra (a dog and a cat run, but a crow flies). With the help of this game, children not only train their thinking and logic, but also learn to classify objects according to various criteria. Game "Step-word". You can play this game with your baby if you are going somewhere and are not in a hurry, or with several children in the same area/room. To play the game, first of all, you need to choose a theme. For example, “who lives in water?” If you are playing on the spot, then it is worth agreeing on where the finish line will be, upon reaching which you can win. Next, on the chosen topic, participants must take turns naming words. One word equals one step. Whoever names the most words will get to the finish line faster, which means he will win. At the same time, by setting a topic, you can help replenish your child’s vocabulary in a particular area. In this educational game for a 3-year-old child, topics such as “animals”, “polite words”, “plants”, “what is in the apartment”, “what is on the playground”, “all green objects” are suitable, and for children From 5 years old, the relevant topics will be “countries of the world”, “cities”, “interesting places in your city”, “items of clothing”, “what can be used to make crafts”, “what do they take with them to school”, etc.

A game for developing logic. For this game you will need toys or any other items that you have on hand. If there are no suitable objects nearby, then even the landscape outside the window will do. The main thing is that the baby can clearly see what you are pointing at. Your task is to point your child to 3 different objects or offer 3 toys with some similar features. Then name 2 signs and invite the child to choose one object that has both. Naturally, the other two proposed items will have only one of these signs, each with its own. Example: a child is offered a ball, an apple and a banana; According to the terms of the game, he must choose one object that will be round and edible. Counting items. Even a simple counting can be turned into an exciting game, which, by the way, will allow the parent to be a little distracted by his own affairs. Once, with my own ears, I heard a rather funny conversation between a mother and her little son on public transport. The child begged his mother for another toy, and the wise mother, instead of refusing, decided to keep her child busy and said: “And you make a wish so that you have what you want. And then start counting the red cars outside the window. When you count 100 red cars, your wish will come true.” With the help of such a simple trick, the child found something to do and was distracted from the idea of ​​​​buying another toy. Depending on how old your child can count, you can ask him to independently count a variety of objects: passing cars, benches, clouds, yellow flowers, children in blue hats. If you are at home, your baby can count his toys, cutlery, shoes in the hallway, windows in the apartment, etc. This will not only satisfy the child’s cognitive and leisure needs, but also possibly awaken his thirst for knowledge - the child himself will come and ask what other numbers there are. At the age of 3-5 years, children show great interest in drawing. This process promotes the development of fine motor skills, the study of colors, and creative thinking. To keep your child engaged in a purposeful way, offer him a coloring book. After the child colors each picture, talk with him and discuss why he painted everything with those colors.

After 3 years, children master a new type of play activity - this is a developing and educational role-playing game. This is a game of dolls, and the familiar game of daughters and mothers, etc. When several children get together, the choice of plot and roles for the game occurs naturally and does not require the help of adults. If you want to organize the leisure time of one child using this game, then most likely you will need dolls, toys in the form of animals, cartoon or movie characters, etc. Come up with an interesting story together with your child, and then he will play on his own. Today, very often, parents allow their children to sit in front of the TV or play computer games, without even thinking that there are ways as simple as this game to engage the child in a useful way. Another educational game for ages 3 and up is “Cold/Hot.” Let me remind you of the rules. An adult hides an object in the house and invites the child to look for it. As the baby approaches what he is looking for, the adult tells him “cold”, “warmer”, “even warmer”, “colder”, “hot”, etc. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about outdoor games that children can play both at home and on the street.

A 2-year-old child is a small, independent person who explores the world around him with curiosity. Adults should help the child adapt as much as possible through play. Parents decide what to play with their 2-year-old child independently, depending on the child’s level of physical and intellectual development.

A 2-year-old child is a small, independent person who explores the world around him with curiosity. Adults should help the child adapt as much as possible through play. Parents decide what to play with their 2-year-old child independently, depending on the child’s level of physical and intellectual development.

What a child should be able to do by the age of two:

  1. Physical development:
    • correctly coordinate movements;
    • manage your body consistently;
    • develop large and fine motor skills.
  2. Self-service – meeting your needs:
    • hygienic;
    • nutrition;
    • undressing-dressing;
  3. Intellectual development:
    • vocabulary replenishment;
    • communication with adults and peers;
    • knowledge of the surrounding world;
    • drawing, music, dancing.

Games that promote better physical development

Ball games

Outdoor games with a ball are equally enjoyed by 2-year-old boys and girls. It should be borne in mind that a child at this age gets tired quite quickly, so it is advisable to alternate active entertainment with relaxation. It is not recommended to play for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the next time the baby will refuse this entertainment.
Even in a small apartment, you can play ball with your child, throwing it from close range into the baby’s hands. Grasping movements develop, improving control of your body. Sitting opposite each other and spreading your legs wide apart, like a kind of goal, you should teach a two-year-old child to roll the ball in a given direction.
Playing “edible - inedible” at home improves the baby’s reaction to external influences, increases knowledge in the area of ​​what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. A plus is the development of grasping movements when catching the ball.

    The playground should include a variety of games:
  • football - try to hit the ball with your foot while moving, alternating between the right and left foot;
  • throw the ball in a given direction;
  • throw the ball up so that a 2-year-old child tries to catch it;
  • throw a sports accessory to each other, standing in a circle with several children of approximately the same age.

In active entertainment, adults should not leave children to play alone without supervision:

  • a 2-3 year old child may fall and get injured;
  • being hit by a ball, even thrown by a peer, is quite painful;
  • parents should lead the game.

Overcoming obstacles

Children 2-3 years old are very fond of sports games:

  • climb the wall bars;
  • hang with the support of an adult on the horizontal bar;
  • walk on a log above ground level;
  • run, jump.

At this age, the baby has no sense of fear and danger, so adults are advised to constantly monitor the child to prevent accidents from occurring. It is recommended to tell your child about behavior on gymnastic equipment and the need to hold on tightly.

Irina Knyazeva - teacher of kindergarten No. 57

Experts advise what to play with a 2-year-old child on the street:

  • catching up with parents or other children playing nearby;
  • blind man's buff;
  • walking through a labyrinth, along a line drawn on the asphalt;
  • jumping ropes in place with alternating legs, from step to step, over the curb.

When jumping, you should hold a 2-year-old child's hand until he learns to jump without injury.
Active physical games are replaced at home by walking barefoot on grain and small pebbles. You can suggest and show a personal example of how to walk on tiptoes, holding a ball or soft toy between your knees. Children aged 2-3 years are happy to repeat the actions of adults.
Children really love massage with the story “The Train was Driving” - in a playful way, they strengthen their back muscles and improve their posture. Exercising with your child strengthens the body, increases immunity, and prevents the occurrence of many diseases.

Games to improve fine motor skills

The harmonious development of a little person is unthinkable without games that train fine motor skills of the hands. Movements of hands and fingers in children aged 2 years are directly related to the functioning of the brain - they contribute to better development of speech, logic, and visual coordination of movement.


Of course, not everything may work out right away, but it takes parental patience for a 2-year-old child to learn to do everything on his own:

  • draw with paints and pencils, color large drawings of coloring books;
  • cut out simple shapes with scissors;
  • sculpt sticks and balls from plasticine, clay or dough;
  • make applications and crafts from cardboard, colored paper, and other available materials.

You should play such games with a child aged 2 years only with adults who will explain and tell you in detail, show you in what sequence this or that craft should be made. A 2-year-old child, under the guidance of his parents, first does only simple actions: paints a large image, glues a figurine cut out by an adult.
All children love to draw. The child's future left-handedness or right-handedness is determined by the hand in which the child takes a pencil or brush. It is not recommended to forcibly transfer objects from the left hand to the right, as such methods will generally discourage creativity. Even if it is not clear what the child depicted, it is advisable to praise the child in order to encourage his efforts.

Sand games

Baby activities in the sandbox are very useful:

  • building castles develops imagination;
  • the production of “pies” from sand teaches you to distinguish the shape of the product;
  • sand massages the fingertips and palms, improving blood circulation and brain activity of the baby;
  • Playing with other children broadens your horizons and develops sociability.

Drawing on glass sprinkled with sand promotes the development of imagination and independence.

Speech development

You can play with a 2-year-old child by telling him fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes together, especially ones like “Teddy Bear,” which combine story and action. Effectively use musical accompaniment in games with a 2-year-old child: invite the child to make body movements to the beat of the music - jumping, squatting. Or play an instrument yourself.

In a playful way, children should be taught to pronounce words clearly and correct them if they are pronounced incorrectly. It is recommended to talk with the baby as with an adult, increasing the vocabulary of the little person.

Children 2 years old enjoy watching puppet shows that can be organized at home. It is not necessary to use professional dolls; you should use the child’s favorite toy. You can play the show with your child by teaching your child the rules of behavior in everyday life - at the table, in the bathroom while washing, helping mom clean the room, and the like.
At this age, children love to play role-playing games with peers or parents. Dressing and combing a doll's hair, treating a favorite bear, buying goods in a store - more suitable for girls who inherit their mother's behavior. And the boys are busy with cars, building garages out of cubes, and assembling simple figures from construction sets.

Determining the quality of items

How to play with a 2-year-old child so that the child learns to determine the shape of objects and is able to correctly apply the acquired knowledge in practice? It is recommended to take different shapes: cubes, balls, pyramids, dolls. Find the differences - such games help the child develop attention and intelligence. You need to roll them into the toy gate. Parents should clearly explain when playing with their child why the ball rolls the fastest and not the cube. Using the example of different toys, the baby will be able to distinguish the shape of objects.
Games to compare the quality of objects develop intelligence and attention: it is recommended to take 2 toys, for example, dolls dressed in different clothes, with different hairstyles, of different heights. A 2-year-old child must tell what they have in common and what is different. Frequently playing such games with your child is good training for mental development.

Sound environment

A good suggestion is to play with your baby to recognize sounds and surrounding space. You should listen carefully to the ticking of a clock, the buzzing of a fly, the noise of cars outside the window. When explaining to your child the origin of sounds, it is advisable to repeat them together. You can become the source of sound yourself: scratch your nails on the wall, glass, slam the door, cough, pretend what sounds pets make. By repeating after an adult, the child perceives less extraneous noise when going to bed and falling asleep.

Fine motor skills

What and how to play with children 2 years old is chosen by parents, guided by recommendations for the harmonious development of a child at 2-3 years old. Fine motor skills are developed by playing with small objects. Handling small objects - multi-colored buttons, beans, rings, sparkling jewelry - perfectly develops finger motor skills. It’s interesting for kids to string rings onto a pyramid. By alternating colors, a 2-year-old child remembers the sequence of correct addition of a figure.
Putting beans or buttons into a bottle with a narrow neck is a fun activity for kids, developing fine finger movements by massaging their pads, which has a beneficial effect on the child’s mental development.

Help mom

Children are happy to help adults do household chores

How to play with a 2-year-old child at home, the intelligence of the parents will tell you. From a young age, you can teach your son or daughter to help their mother with the simplest techniques: lay out napkins on the table, put forks and spoons for everyone, at the same time teaching the kids to count. How many people are in the family and how many utensils need to be put on the table. How many spoons, forks, plates should be placed.
Cleaning around the house teaches the child to be neat. Sweep the floor, vacuum the carpet, put away the toys - children are happy to do simple housework with mom or dad in charge. Adult supervision is required when working with electrical appliances. By arranging daily worries in the form of an exciting game, you can ensure that the child will help his elders in the future without constant reminders.
Many children like to cook with their mother, performing simple steps like a real chef: stir the dough, make a pie, peel boiled vegetables.

Development of attention

Playing puzzles develops intelligence, attention, and logic. First, you need to put together the simplest options from a small number of parts, gradually increasing the complexity of the task.
A simple game helps determine the shape and color of objects: put toys of different colors in 2 containers. Explain to the child which is which and ask for a toy of a certain color. For every correct action, it is advisable to reward the child with a word.
Blowing soap bubbles always brings delight. Blowing bubbles on your own develops the baby's respiratory system, and trying to catch a miracle shimmering in different colors improves coordination of movement.

Adults must participate in all games with a two-year-old child to prevent injury to the child. You should definitely praise the baby, regardless of whether the task turned out well or poorly. A child should feel the love and protection of his parents. The variety of games depends on the desires and imagination of mom and dad.

Similar materials

If your child is familiar with letters, write on paper the letters that make up his name or a word. Then cut the paper into different pieces so that each has one letter. Let the child collect the word. He may need your help.

You can also ask to find 10 objects that start with a certain letter, or that have two vowels “E” and “O” (grain, subway, root, knee, etc.).

You can make a list of different items and ask your child to find all these things.


This yard game is known to everyone. But with the help of adhesive tape it can be adapted for home use.

Using a tape that is not too wide, “draw” a rectangle on the floor with 10 squares inside.

The principle of the game is still the same: without stepping on the line, move the bat from one “class” to another, jumping on one leg. There are many varieties of this game. You and your child can come up with rules and additional details.

For example, when you need to consolidate your knowledge of numbers, you can draw numbers on a card and show these cards to your child one by one. Let him jump on one leg to the “class”, the serial number of which corresponds to the number indicated on the card.

In the same way, you can solve simple math problems involving addition and subtraction. In this case, the decision is the “class” in which the child needs to find himself.

Mysterious sounds

When you have a lot of free time that you have nothing to spend on, record various household sounds and noises on your mobile phone or an old tape recorder (the operation of the washing machine, the gurgle of water, dad coughing, the creaking of the door, the clatter of the keyboard, the voices of all family members, etc.).

In a similar way, the whole family can have fun by listening to recorded sounds and guessing their sources.

Train to station

This game uses the Chinese word principle: guess two words – the first and the second. The player’s task is to connect these words logically, using only singular nouns, nominative case.

It is better to start with words that are logically closest, and one word for the link. If your child enjoys this game, it can easily be made more difficult.


This game requires paper and two pens.

Place a certain number of dots on the sheet (at first 4-6, but as you master the game the task becomes more difficult) and number them out of order.

Players need to take turns “pulling the reins,” that is, draw lines from one number to another (in order), but in such a way that the lines do not intersect or touch.

If this fails, the player receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest points wins.


Again, take paper and pencils or markers. Now we need to draw some kind of animal. The whole point of the game is that each player imagines different animals and draws in turn from top to bottom, folding the edge of the sheet so as to hide their part of the drawing.

You can play with one piece of paper or two, exchanging them.


A simple game of antonyms (when you need to name a word that is opposite in meaning to what another player said) for children over 5 years old can be complicated by asking them to name an antonym for a word for which there is no opposite meaning as such. For example, to the name of a profession or item of clothing.

This game is good for developing unconventional thinking.

Guess the fairy tale

When you need to sit quietly, entertain your child with a fairy tale. But unusual.

Tell a well-known fairy tale, without using proper names and replacing old concepts with similar modern ones: a ball - with a disco, a carriage - with a car, a princess - with a supermodel.

I wonder when the child will understand what fairy tale you are telling him. But when the fairy tale is guessed, continue your exciting remake.

Let's cross the swamp

If the child crosses the swamp and does not get stuck in the mire, he will receive a reward (coins, candy, a new toy).

The swamp can only be crossed by stepping on green hummocks made of paper, cardboard or old wallpaper. Do not step on red bumps or the space between bumps of different colors. The bumps may need to be reinforced with double-sided tape to prevent your child from falling if they slip on it.

The reward can lie under the last bump, under the pillow, behind the books on the shelf, in a box...

If you play like this every day, you can use letters as a reward, from which you will later have to make a word.

River game

A carpet is not a carpet at all, but a fast mountain river, stepping into which is life-threatening. But what if you need to move to the other side?

Let the child use any available means - chairs, stools, small tables, a sofa. You can build a real bridge, or you can move around by rearranging just two stools.

Just be sure to ensure that your child does not injure himself while carrying furniture or climbing on it.

Children at the age of five are already quite socially active: they go to kindergarten, attend different sections and clubs - and communicate less and less with their parents. This is a critical period for both parents and children: it is important not to move away from your child in a couple of years, to become friends, and not just roommates who have difficulty understanding each other.

Outdoor games for children 5 years old - the main thing

Here every adequate adult should think: how to become closer to their growing 5-year-old child? In fact, everything is simple: communicate with your child, discuss the events of the day with him in the evening, and, of course, play together.

The most important thing for a 5-year-old child is the love of his parents.

You can remember the games that occupied mom and dad in childhood, you can come up with something of your own, or you can use the following tips.

Outdoor games


Man and bear. The game develops attentiveness, reaction speed, speech; and also involves a lot of fast running.

Mark with your 5-year-old child the places where there is a “man’s house” and a “bear’s den.” Objects should be at a great distance, but not too far. Then assign roles: who is a person and who is a bear. Take your starting positions in the “houses”. The game begins when a person leaves the house to “gather berries” in the bear’s territory. During the process, the person says the words: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take the berries. But the bear is not sleeping, he’s still looking at us.” As soon as the speech breaks off, the bear jumps out of the den and tries to catch the person. A person’s task is to get to his home.

Outdoor games are important for both physical and intellectual development

Step on your foot. A very simple game that will help keep you warm in the winter, and in the summer - keep a 5-year-old child occupied not only at home, but also in the city, if you need to wait a long time for something (for example, in line at a “boring” institution), or just have fun together. Players try to step on the opponent’s foot, and at the same time protect their feet from a retaliatory “offensive”.

The ball is the most important toy for 5-6 year olds

brain teaser

Ball game "I know"- this is a familiar way to many from childhood to throw an inflatable “friend”, while simultaneously developing speech and replenishing vocabulary. You can play it at home if you are careful and careful. The idea is simple: the players throw a ball to each other, each time saying one of the following words: “I know five names of boys (cities, names of plants, names of girls, animals, and so on) ....” When these words end, you need to list names or titles. The loser is the one who missed the ball or stumbled, unable to remember the right word.

Advice for parents: you can also play “edible-inedible”.

You can arrange a labyrinth for children using the example of a puzzle

The presenter throws the ball to the players one by one, randomly naming objects. The player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it if the named object is edible, and return it otherwise. Children 5 years old usually roar with laughter when an inattentive friend “eats”, for example, a table.

Logic games - ready-made and homemade

Treasure Hunt. This game involves the participation of one or more children; the adult only prepares everything necessary. In the process, kids develop ingenuity, attentiveness, learn to be persistent and achieve their goals. An adult is required to hide a treasure in the yard (sweets or a Kinder surprise), and then leave several interconnected clues in the apartment, in the entrance and on the street, each of which leads to the next, and the last to the treasure. The first hint note is given to the participants of the game at the very beginning.

Games for home


Draw a monster- also a simple game familiar to many of today's uncles and aunts. Develops imagination, gives an amazing feeling of anticipation of a miracle, makes you laugh and amuses. You will need any paper, pen or pencil. You can play together or with a group. The leading player begins to draw a certain creature, and then bends the leaf so that only a small part of the drawing is visible. The second player continues to draw, not knowing what he is finishing. And so on until the end.

Home games with parents

And then - the funniest thing. Unfold the piece of paper and admire the miracle Yudo that you and your child painted at home. Often very interesting specimens are obtained.

Toy show. The goal of the game is to stage a play or concert. The toys and dolls selected for participation must be divided into artists and spectators. The “spectators” should be seated in the “auditorium” at one end of the bed or table, and the “artists” should have a “stage” at the other end. The stage can be decorated with fabric, paper or whatever your heart desires. For the full impression, dress up the actors in costumes appropriate to their roles. Then the performance begins. This could be a concert where the dolls will sing songs, read poetry and dance. Or maybe a performance based on a 5-year-old child’s favorite fairy tale. It all depends on the desire and imagination of the participants in the game.

A homemade puppet theater can be organized from “nothing”

A trip to a fairyland. The main rule of this game: “Don’t wear black and white, and no, don’t talk!” If the kid says one of the forbidden words, he loses. The girl will be happy to come up with a story about how she went to the ball and met the prince there. The boy will be carried away by the story of a knight's tournament or a journey on a pirate ship.

The adult’s task is to ask clarifying questions throughout the story about the characters in the story, their outfits and surrounding objects.


Toyball will really appeal to mothers who are concerned about the difficult task of teaching their children order. You will need many, many small soft toys. They need to be divided equally between the players. Now everyone takes their pile of stuffed friends and sits in their own end of the room. At the signal, players grab one of their toys and throw it at their opponent. Further - in the same spirit. The winner is the one who gets rid of all his toys.

Winter activities are a great way to develop preschoolers

Helpful advice for parents: after playing enough, you can set up a “toy thrower”: take turns throwing scattered toys into a box specially designed for storing them.

Repetition is a game ideal for a fun morning exercise or to warm up after sitting in one place for a long time. By playing this game, the child learns to be attentive. The goal of the presenter is to perform movements invented on the fly to the music. The rest of the players try to repeat them as accurately as possible. It is desirable that the movements are fun and easy.

For attentiveness

What common? This game can be played both at home and on the street, in the yard or, say, while riding on the bus. The point of the action is to find similar features in surrounding people and objects. For example, a child notices a person with blond hair and immediately begins to count how many other blonds are around.

Games with clothespins - development of motor skills

Memos. For this game you will need special paired cards with bright pictures. You can buy them or make them yourself at home. First, the presenter lays out the cards on the table in random order, images down. The player takes two cards in one turn. If they have the same pictures, he takes it for himself. If not, he passes the move. The goal of the game is to collect as many cards as possible.

Logic game “Assemble a circle” - you can do it yourself

To prevent games with a child from turning into hard labor, it is important that the adult also enjoys the process.

And to do this, you need to turn off your seriousness, get involved in a fun, interesting activity, awaken your inner child, which is in every important uncle and always busy aunt. However, you cannot completely lose control, because it depends on the adult which path the rapidly developing psyche of a 5-year-old child will take. Therefore, an adult must watch what and how he says: do not scold for small failures, encourage the desire to move forward and achieve goals, praise even for the most insignificant successes.

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