Do-it-yourself star of Bethlehem on the top of the Christmas tree. Crafts from newspaper tubes

New Year's holidays will come very soon, and with them - and Christmas. That is why, when decorating a Christmas tree, you need to remember about the Christmas or New Year star, which you can easily make with your own hands. Of course, you can buy a New Year's star in the store. But if you visit our master class, it will not only help you save money - it is believed that a homemade New Year's star is a lucky talisman that will surely attract happiness to your home in the New Year.

What you need to make a voluminous Christmas star with your own hands

Here you can make such a beautiful New Year's star from thick colored paper.

And it takes quite a bit to do this:

  • two squares of thick colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • loop ribbon.

If you already have all this, then we can begin.

Volumetric Christmas star made of paper - master class

Take one sheet of colored paper and, if necessary, give it a square shape. Please note that for this star you need exactly thick paper, then the rays of the craft will be strong enough.

First fold the paper square vertically - iron the fold line well. Then fold horizontally - and iron again.

Now you need to fold the same square along one diagonal, and then along the other.

As a result, you will get something like this.

Take your scissors and cut half the perpendicular folds.

Bend the workpiece in this way, as shown in the photo.

Bend all four beams like this, then grease half of each with PVA glue

and glue. Just like you see in the photo.

We got such a half of the future New Year's star.

Now we do the same operations with the second paper sheet.

Lubricate the halves of the star with glue

and glue so that the rays are arranged obliquely from each other.

That's all wisdom. Our New Year's star is ready. Now it remains only to glue a loop of ribbon to one of the rays or simply stretch a strong thread through it - and you can hang the New Year's star wherever you like.

What you need to make an origami Christmas star

Using the Japanese origami technique, you can make just such an eight-pointed Christmas star with your own hands.

To make it you will need:

  • 8 sheets of colored paper measuring 15x15 cm;
  • a lot of patience;
  • accuracy;
  • good mood.

We invite you to our master class.

New Year's star in origami technique - master class

This New Year's star is made in the technique of the so-called modular origami. This means that at first several identical blanks-modules are made, which are then connected into a single figure without the help of glue. Take one of the sheets of colored paper, turn it face down and fold along both diagonals, smoothing the folds well.

Unfold the workpiece and lay the left side of the sheet to one of the diagonals. That's the way.

Now you need to bend the upper left corner along the second diagonal.

Bend the top layer of paper along the line AB marked in the photo

Turn the piece over.

Bend the right side to the left along the vertical axis.

Bend the protruding tail along the line marked in the photo.

One of the modules is completely ready. Now you need to prepare seven more in the same way.

Let's start assembling our New Year's star. Take one of the prepared modules and slightly bend its right side. That's the way.

Take the second module and simply put it in the existing pocket. That's how it is shown in the photo.

Slightly bend the second module to the left.

    We take a square sheet, fold it in half (to make a triangle), then make cuts! retreating from the middle of about 1 cm hover text

    then we decompose the sheet (diamond) and glue the edges in turn, forward, then behind, so that it turns out like this:

    We make 6 such parts and glue them together!

    I suggest another way to simply cut a star out of cardboard, then cover with foil. This is the easiest way and not nearly worse than the previous ones, I did this as a child. You can take foil from under coffee or tea.

    I like this version of making a star out of paper the most:

    The beauty of this method is that in winter it is a Christmas, New Year's star. And in the summer, without changing the technique, you can make a starfish out of it, just by adding the appropriate colors :)

    Make a Christmas star out of paper can be done in different ways, but, in my opinion, voluminous stars look better. You can use origami techniques or assemble from cones, you can generally take waste materials at hand, from which a very beautiful star will turn out.

    The simplest three-dimensional star can be assembled from two stars made of thick paper or cardboard.

    But such

    New Year's volumetric star

    made of thick paper, painted on both sides.

    Squares of 4 sizes (8 squares each) must be folded as in the picture, and then glued according to size. The very first will be a large square and then in descending order.

    make an origami star

    Below, the manufacturing process of such stars is shown in detail in the photo.

    Star from book pages

    in this case, old unnecessary technical books that have lost their relevance are used, which can be replaced with old newspapers.

    A plastic or cardboard three-dimensional star is not used as a basis for. Doing it is very easy. Cone-shaped blanks (in the form of little bags) are made from the halves of the pages and glued onto the base. After that, a little glue can be applied to the edges of the star and sprinkled with sparkles.

    star of bethlehem

    made from A-4 paper (you need about 50 sheets, you can take color)

    Cut sheets of paper in half lengthwise, twist from each half of the bun, grease the edges with glue and twist tightly. Fasten with a stapler 3 beams in the form of a fan, and then string the fans on a thread, tightly pulling and tying the ends. You should get a star, shaped like a ball. If the paper is white, you can spray paint.

    small sized stars

    can be used for interior decoration, and for postcards, gifts.

    You will need colored paper (you can use glossy magazines). The strips of paper should be even and should be done carefully so as not to tear the workpiece.

    How to make such an asterisk. From the strip you need to make a loop, then wrap a short tail, tying it in a knot. Gently tighten the knot, press and hide the remaining tail in the middle. You should get an even pentagon.

    Then you need to wrap the long end of the strip each side of this pentagon 12-15 times, that is, at least two times each face. The remaining tip of the paper must be hidden inside the star.

    To give the asterisk volume, you need to take the 5-gon with two fingers and lightly press on one face with the fingertip of the other hand (you need to get into its middle). A similar operation must be done with all the faces, then you get a beautiful three-dimensional star.

    Here are a few more video tutorials on how to make a New Year's volumetric star

    There are many different techniques for creating New Year's stars from paper. Stars can be voluminous and flat, cut and glued, large and small.

    I offer several techniques for creating stars.

    It is quite possible that you will like one of them.

    the simplest example of a beautiful paper star

    But the technique is more complicated)

    DIY Christmas star

    Winter time is the time of crafts for kindergarten, schools, home. If you want to make a paper star, then I offer you a couple of simple options.

    Making an asterisk out of paper is quite easy and, most importantly, low-cost, which is especially important in December, when you have to spend large sums on gifts.

    To make such a star, you will need to cut out a square from paper with sides of 21 centimeters. The paper must be folded according to the scheme, so that a star is obtained. The details of the process can be seen in the video.

    A do-it-yourself New Year or Christmas star made of paper will decorate your home for the New Year and help create a festive mood in nm. You can make such stars in various ways.

    For example, such voluminous two-color stars are made very quickly and simply, but they look very beautiful - especially if you hang them on the bow:

    Such homemade eight-pointed Christmas stars can be used as original locker decorations, or decorate a window or a chandelier in a room with them.

The star has long been an image-symbol that carries its own meaning. We are used to seeing a star at the top of the Christmas tree and in the interior of our rooms on the eve of the winter holidays.

So that you can also decorate your favorite corner and make it a little cozier, you can try to make a star out of paper and cardboard with your own hands. Although it is simple, such crafts look very interesting and impressive. From ready-made small stars, you can make a garland or a whole composition, as well as simply throw voluminous paper stars into a gift box. It will look great!

  • The five-pointed star inscribed in a circle is nothing but a symbol of perfection. It means 5 elements (5 elements that make up the whole world).
  • The six-pointed Star of Bethlehem refers to the Nativity of Christ.
  • Eight-pointed - began to bear the name of the Virgin.

How to make a paper star different ways

So, the first and quite popular way to make paper crafts is a technique called quilling. It consists in creating some compositions from strips of colored paper, twisted in a certain way and interconnected.

To make a very simple quilling star, we will need: strips of paper of several colors (you can buy it at a craft store or cut it yourself, the desired width is 5 mm), scissors, PVA glue, an awl, a pen rod or a toothpick (to wind paper strips).

For each beam, you need to make 3 small elements in the form of a leaf or a drop, one medium, which will be in the middle, and one more - the largest, encircling all the others. First connect the middle loop with one of the small elements, then glue two more on the sides. And only at the end encircle the entire resulting part with another strip. Do this in several layers so that the loop is stronger. Make 5 such parts and glue together. Here is our first star!

Gallery: paper star (25 photos)

Volumetric eight-pointed and five-pointed star made of paper

The simplest way

There is also a simpler version of a voluminous five-pointed star. Just cut out 2 parts of the star according to the template or according to your own drawing. To make the drawing even, you can first draw a circle and enter the finished star into it. So all the rays will be the same length. Better to use thick cardboard, can be different colors. In each of the details, make an incision to the centers. In one - in the center of one of the rays (upper), and in the second - in the center of one of the recesses (lower). It remains only to insert them into each other and that's it.

All of these options are more suitable, for example, as Christmas decorations or just pendants for something, as they turn out to be quite large. But you can make small convex stars. Of these, a garland will look very interesting if you string them on a strong thread. So how are they made?

Small bulging stars

To make such stars, prepare strips of paper 9 mm wide and 221 mm long. It is important to make them even so that there are no difficulties in further work. Closer to one of the ends, make a loop and stick the end of the strip into it. Then remove it inward from the back of the workpiece, and wrap the remaining strip around the resulting pentagon. For each face - at least 2 layers. It remains only to squeeze out their middle to the center, and the first asterisk is ready.

An excellent New Year's decoration of the Christmas tree, the premises - a voluminous star made of paper. The asterisk looks chic, and making it is not at all difficult.

What will be needed for work?

  • Colored cardboard or white, depending on what color the star is needed;
  • Scissors, glue. It glues well any stationery, for example, PVA or glue stick. But when connecting two finished parts of the star, for reliability, you can use Moment glue, a glue gun.

How to make a three-dimensional paper star?

Cut out two identical squares from cardboard. When determining the size, one must be guided by the square itself, what is its size, so will the star, since the corners of the square correspond to its rays.

Fold one square in half, corner to corner. Straighten and fold in half again, but this time the second corner to the opposite corner.

It should turn out on a square like these two cross folds.

You will get 4 cross folds in the form of a snowflake.

Now you need to make the rays of the star. To do this, you need to bend one edge of the corner, aligning it with the fold.

Then another.

Repeat the action with all corners.

The rays need to be glued, the cross shows which side it is better to apply glue on. Spread it well on all triangular sides, from the corner to the straight bottom. It is possible not all at once, but to take one beam into work.

The glue was applied, and then glue the side that is without glue on top.

Glue all the rays.

It will turn out such one part of a three-dimensional star. By the way, it can be used for applications.

Make the second part of the second square.

And then simply glue them together, middle to middle. Try to keep each ray of one part to the maximum in the center of the two rays of the second. Sometimes the point of contact between them is very small, first check it, connect without glue, determine the connection points, and apply glue there. You may need Moment glue or a glue gun.

To decorate the interior, you do not need to buy expensive decorations for the interior. Many of them you can do yourself. For example, flowers and butterflies, pillows and paintings. As for the design of the festive interior, a do-it-yourself star will look great both on the Christmas tree for the New Year and Christmas, and on any other holiday. It can be hung from the ceiling, put on a table, window sill, laid out on a shelf above the fireplace.

A star can be made of paper, you can sew a pillow in the shape of a star, and if you cut it out large enough, you get it. We offer you several options for performing and collecting stars.

Need a little experience or the help of a man.

We will need:

  • plywood or fiberboard: square with a side of 40 cm;
  • round bar d=15 mm, L=1.5 m;
  • three screws or screws;
  • tinsel, rain or shiny serpentine;
  • glitter spray paint;
  • scissors, ruler, sandpaper, pencil;
  • screwdriver, glue or glue gun, sharp knife, saw or jigsaw.

To make a star with your own hands, you need to draw an eight-pointed star on a piece of plywood or fiberboard. You can immediately on plywood or redraw from a stencil. Cut it out with a jigsaw or saw. Clean up the edges with sandpaper.

Cover the star with spray paint. This should be done on the street or on the balcony. Glue shiny tinsel to the star. You can paste over only the tips or the entire star.

We take the bar and fasten the star to it with screws. We hang or put it anywhere.

This do-it-yourself paper star is simple in shape and easy to make. For it you will need thick paper or cardboard in two colors.

In addition to paper, we need scissors, a pencil and a ruler. Draw a five-pointed star on paper.

How to draw it, you can see in the video.

You can leave it as it is, or decorate it with a pattern, appliqué or tinsel. We cut out our blanks and make an incision, as in the photo. We insert one star into another. The star is ready.


  • colored paper;
  • Printer;
  • glue, scissors.

Using the template, print out the star blank. The first template for a small star. By printing the second template 2 times and the third 1 time, get a big star.

Cut out the blanks and bend them along the dotted lines. Glue one piece to the other. Let the glue dry. The star is ready.

A very beautiful do-it-yourself star is obtained from cardboard and sparkles.

  • cardboard from the box;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • hair spray;
  • dry glitter;
  • tinsel;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • scotch.

Cut out two identical five-pointed stars from cardboard. How to do this, we have already told.

We bend the star to make it voluminous. Glue with tape. Place crumpled paper or cloth inside for volume.

So that the star can be installed as a top on a Christmas tree, we place a wire spiral inside the star. To do this, a wire is tightly wound on a stick. Cut off the end. Measure the length of the wire and the diameter of the coils with the size of the star.

Lubricate the resulting star with glue, sprinkle generously with sparkles. When the glue dries, spray the star with hairspray so that the sparkles do not scatter. The edge of the star can be decorated with tinsel. The star on the Christmas tree is ready.

It's easy and simple to make a star from a regular bottle with a corrugated bottom.

  1. We take 2 bottles with a bottom in the form of a star as in the photo.
  2. Cut off the bottom so that there are no side parts left. That is, only the bottom.
  3. We cut off the plastic between the bulges with a triangle. Try to do the same for both blanks.
  4. Glue the resulting stars, attach a thread to them. Inside the star, you can put tinsel, pour sparkles, beads, ribbons or sequins.

The star is ready.

The star is not only a temporary decoration. It can be practical if it is.

So let's take:

  • fabric of two colors;
  • any filler;
  • needles, scissors, threads;
  • big button;
  • pencil, ruler, tailor's pins.

Step 1. Cut out identical triangles from the fabric with a side, for example, 20 or 30 cm.

Step 2. Sew the triangles together, alternating colors (see assembly diagram). We sew both top and bottom.

Step 3. We sew the upper and lower parts, leaving a segment for eversion and filling.

Step 4. Turn inside out, fill with filler, sew up the remaining area.

Step 5. Having wrapped the button with a cloth, we sew it to the center of the pillow through and through. So that it is sewn both to the top and to the bottom.

We fluff up the pillow. If you cut out larger triangles, you get a floor pillow.

Such a star can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also any door in the room.


  • tinsel;
  • wire or hanger;
  • pliers.

We take an ordinary aluminum hanger and straighten it. We leave the hook - we need it.

Mark with a marker every 5 cm, starting from the place where the hook is twisted. Based on the size of the hanger. You can divide the length of the wire by the number of pieces.

According to the marks, we bend the wire in the shape of a star inward or outward.

We connect the beginning and end of the wire, forming a star. Call on your husband to help - you will need strength. We bite off the unnecessary, wrap the attachment point with tape. We wrap the star with tinsel. We glue the ends so that they do not scatter.
