Graduation - script, poems, congratulations to teachers. Graduation Poems

So the school days are over...
Your last call will ring
And his melodic trills
You won't be called to class.

A white dove flew into the blue sky -
Symbol of peace, freedom, love...
For the first time you went to school timidly,
And now all roads are yours.

Ahead - adulthood pages,
And friends, and love, and dreams.
White birds will fly away to childhood,
And in the other direction - you.

Doors open for you
To the big world. It will become difficult more than once
You will move towards your chosen goal,
Like at school you go from class to class.

This day will be a little sad
Do not be sad - friends are with you,
And takes you to the door
your school big family!

Graduation - farewell to childhood,
New life stage.
I wish with interest
Walk the path of fate.

May pleasant discoveries
Fill your life.
Fateful events
They will be just right, on the shoulder.

Let it happen in your life
Real love.
To achieve all your goals
Be honest with yourself.

Graduation - the beginning of a new life,
School age already behind.
But no tears, no sadness,
Great things are waiting for you!

Will you remember school years
And the friends that went to your class.
You skillfully shared cheat sheets,
The teachers were rooting for you.

We wish you new success
And aspirations for a cherished dream.
Fulfillment, love, achievements
And pleasant events in fate!

Recently in 1st grade
Mom and dad saw you off
And now in last time
You folded your school books.

We wish you that this start
Was inspirational and successful
Getting up from school desks
You walked confidently, slowly.

Let everyone find their berth
He will master the work to his liking,
Let everything be done, get
Successfully build your life!

Let today you are very big.
I will talk about you as children for a long time.
The bell rang yesterday, but now the time has come
For you to leave the school, saying goodbye.
Parents got a little older
And you are much taller and stronger.
I wish you that your road
She was a special person, it was easy to walk along it.
Strong, reliable friends to you,
Good work, love!
Successful fate, unique!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation in prose

But this does not mean that congratulations on graduation in prose will be less sincere. Sometimes you can express more and more meaningfully in your own words than in poetry. See next original congratulations with graduation in prose.

Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life. High school graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school and so many roads are opening up to a new life. I wish you always with warmth to remember your school years, school friends and of course the teachers who gave you such an important impetus to life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I want you to do right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, help you get around all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

Today you are leaving home school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinion, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital letter without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

This is the end of another stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to tell you parting words. Always follow your dream and don't back down, find happiness in life and don't miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we enter into a new life. So let each of us today be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said nice words, will not be forgotten.

In this important and wonderful holiday We wish to realize everything that is conceived, what is dreamed of. Ahead is the responsible life of an adult. So let there be no adversity and obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they put into each of their efforts and work!

Congratulations to graduates on graduation at school in 2018

Not only graduates are looking for good poetry to congratulate each other and teachers on this sad holiday. Very often they look for congratulations to graduates from their parents at graduation 2018. After all, congratulations from parents at graduation in grade 11 sound like a farewell to childhood. The child, leaving the school, plunges into the adult and independent life. Congratulations on graduation from parents sound like parting words, like a guideline on what you need to rely on in life. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we publish congratulations on prom from parents or congratulations to children on graduation.

Today farewell to school
We are proud and happy for you.
We remember past years,
How we took you to first grade.

We want to create and learn
Work, search, create:
Don't be afraid to make mistakes sometimes.
It's scary not to dream at all.

The school years are over
This is your graduation night.
We wish, in any weather
For you to return home.

Accept from parents
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
How long have you been in school
You could learn a lot.

And now the new one is ready
Stage of life you start.
All roads are in front of you.
Your job is to choose.

We wish you success
In this choice of fate.
May luck help you
The path is worthy of walking.

Well, the school, your school
Will always be remembered.
Childhood and youth passed in her,
And there were friends around.

Children grow up unnoticed
And they leave home...
We are magnificent on this day,
On the most important holiday - graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find your calling, find your way.
Go forward, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems crack like nuts
At least there will be a lot of things.
We believe in you. And we love dearly.
Let you children be lucky!

This is how our children grew up
School is behind us
We, parents, congratulate everyone
After all, today is our graduation.

This is a day of anxiety and joy,
This is the day of the end and the beginning
Handing certificates to children,
The school has become a life start.

We wish you all success, good luck,
Let fate take its course
To children by the roads of happiness
We went through life only forward.

Our dear, our dear children,
Scatter like birds, you around the world,
Who will study, who will wish to work,
Let none of you relatives not forget.

The path will be both smooth and thorny,
Let the heart be kind, conscience clear,
And keep you in the hearts and souls, and in the minds
Memory of parents and teachers.

Congratulations to teachers and class teacher on graduation party 2018

How on such a touching day not to say "thank you" to those who worked for 11 years, passing on precious knowledge to their students. Congratulations to the teachers at the graduation is a modest opportunity to sincerely thank for the wisdom, invaluable experience and everything that the teachers of schoolchildren fed. To this end, we made a selection: congratulations to teachers on graduation, congratulations to the class teacher on graduation, as well as congratulations on graduation for teachers from parents.

How much they did for us
Can't put it all into words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compared to mother's love
which you have given us.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that relatives were nearby!

Being a teacher is a calling.
Keep your patience!
May for all your efforts
Fate will generously reward!

And boundless health
Happiness to flourish
You live - only "excellent",
Troubles and sorrows do not know.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
To embrace love.
At work, it's alright
Obedient students!

Thank you for your kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
Let you live like in a fairy tale
Without sadness and loss.

Today memory turns back time -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
For your invaluable work, we hasten to say
Thank you, our great leader!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, forcing to believe in strength,
We managed to rally our class with friendship
And taught unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, kindness,
Love and mercy... Forever
Before you, our teacher, we are indebted
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day by day
To the trill of the bell, we wish you the last!
And know that we won't let you down
What we remember, adore and miss!

You are one of the teachers for us dearest of all,
After all, we fled to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And shattered our differences.

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing for us,
After all, so many years under your leadership
Our class learned friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your great work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you much strength for long years.
You are a leader by calling!

Thanks to all teachers
For indulgence to our children!
For patience: noise and din
Transfer - health is necessary.

We go to work, wander,
You are a talent showcase.
We suddenly find
In notebooks, in the souls of diamonds ...

And this is the meaning and joy of life.
Let the May bell ring
But the moody continues,
Great life lesson!

Congratulations to parents on the graduation party in 2018

In addition to their beloved teachers, graduates at their holiday also want to express gratitude for sleepless nights, support, faith and unquestioning love to the dearest people. Therefore, congratulations to parents are indispensable. Congratulations to parents on the graduation party will definitely become a "highlight" and turn the event into spiritual holiday. Write down congratulations to parents for graduation 11th grade.

Thank you parents
For everything in my life.
You taught me to appreciate
Goodness, participation and honor.
Be healthy, dear ones,
Your advice is always important to me.
I thank you for the warmth
There is no one better than you in the world.

Dear you, our good ones!
How can I thank you for everything?
In our time, unthinkable complex,
It is very difficult to raise children.
So unbearable at times we were,
We would like everything at once.
You gave all your strength to the end
To your daughters and sons.
Dear you our parents!
So who else will love us?
For a long, long time you live in the world,
Wise, happy and good!

The people who are the most important in the world
We kiss you many times!
your little children
They love you very, very much!
With you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
Son - like dad, will be strong,
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time mom and dad
Never forget!

For moms and dads, which is the best in the world,
For those who love us with all their hearts,
Children say "thank you"
Solid, teenagers, kids.
They are, alas! - grow up so fast
They lose a thin thread with you,
And they go far from home
And they promise to call every day ...
And so the summer flies by.
You look forward to meeting them again and again.
Thank you parents for this.
For kindness, patience, love.
May the good angel not leave you,
A quiet light always shines in the soul,
Let to you more often children come
Giving care and love in return.

Dad and mom, what to repay
For everything you've done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much did you give to love?
You brought up, you cherished
From evil, misfortune and insults.
You always did your best
How to thank you?
you showed me good example
Honesty and kindness.
Anywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember family traits.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the passage of years.
Neither moms nor dads have days off,
There are no holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb relatives,
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
Bring you, dear.
Mom and Dad, I love you so much
May God always keep you.

We hope that our congratulations on graduation will help you choose the most touching and spend graduation 2018 in the warmest atmosphere. Happy holiday!

Photo:, open sources on the Web

Congratulations on the graduation party to the class:

Behind the year of your studies...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And tonight we wanted to
Do you remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
Ask for forgiveness - for something!
Let this evening with you again
The first meeting flies by.
And the first friend, and the first love -
Everything was remembered on this farewell evening.
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!
So that you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again!

Graduate wishes

The path of a new life lies before you.
Please accept our greetings, not loud, but cordial.
May faith and love be your endless spring
Do not clog up the essence of a difficult life.
Here comes the final bell
Habitual and unusual.
Here comes the last lesson -
Ordinary and unusual.
The teacher furtively wiped away a tear,
Pressing flowers to my chest
The tenth grader sighed enviously
Seeing you off the line.
Lots of things on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.
And you still remember, believe me, more than once
IN lucky days and in bad weather
Last call, and eleventh grade,
And the eyes of first graders are clear.
You will dare in life
Difficult and interesting
I want to live it
You are restless and honest.

Words of gratitude and congratulations to the teacher:

Everything was: both roads and hardships,
And the light of the sun and the light of beloved eyes:
I look back on the years
And with warm feeling I remember you.
After all, you planted it in my soul
Love for the earth, for those who live on earth,
To native forests, and to abundant fields,
And to warm scents poplars.
I took an example from you
Went to you for advice
The reward was the look of your living eyes,
You gave me so much warmth and light,
That's enough to warm ten people.
And you managed to breathe into me -
Always go ahead
And see the light of the promised goal
And do not be afraid of any adversity.
You give everything to great work,
You wake up a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for living
For your deeds and thoughts beauty!

Saying goodbye to the school

Farewell, dear school!
We have grown up
And we'll meet soon
And sadness lives in the soul:
Gave so much to all of us
Made my mind!..
We bow to the walls
We kiss the board.
Teachers! Farewell!
First graders are waiting for you!
Promise to live in happiness!
...Thank you for your hard work!!!

Graduation Poems

You are now called graduates,
What a pity to leave you today!
You have grown up, there is nothing to add here,
Congratulate everyone on graduation!
And I want to wish you so much:
May the path be bright, the road be easy!
May this holiday be wonderful school evening -
Will give warmth and joy of meeting!

Graduation Poems

And evening falls again over the city,
The guitar rang out, and the ball - lights out.
At least a little warmth of this memorable meeting
Take it with you, take it with you!
And we will not make promises crackling,
Loud words to speak, high oaths to give
Let's just try to live better on earth,
To never drop the school prestige.

All year they scared us all with an exam,
Teachers told us - we will not surrender.
We accepted the challenge of fate
Now we are all behind.
Brains are on fire
And knowledge comes out of my ears.
Blow up, or something, this school,
And along with it, teachers!
We will extract them from the rubble,
Let's put everyone on a pedestal.
Oh, here's a bigger salary,
I would be a teacher myself!

It all starts with a school bell
Desks set off on a long journey.
There will be steeper starts ahead,
And they will be more serious, but for now ...

I remember that cheerful call
What rang to us for the first time,
When they came to school with flowers,
In your best first class.

From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world
Which walk - the decision is yours:
Whether to continue studying
Whether to go to work -
You are in control of your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything needs effort
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now find a way
To comprehend the main essence of life.
There is preparation for life
Skill and skill
And God did not offend you with the mind.
Health is strength
And for happiness to be
You have to work hard to get it.
Work is the basis of life
For the good of the whole Fatherland,
And so it will be good for you too.
Work or study
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
To be happy, successful
May not be sinless in everything,
But love life and live with faith in your heart:
You deserve happiness!
And always stay tuned
Defeat any obstacles!

All paths are open before you
Everywhere luck awaits impatiently.
I will walk beside you,
And I want you to be happy.
I also want to be true
Your choice of business, friend and road,
So that the light of love warms your whole life,
May the gods be kind.

It's time to say goodbye to school.
You're not leaving for the summer, forever.
You will only return to her in your thoughts,
Remembering my childhood years.
You have already marked a bright path.
Luck would not be frightened off by accident
And do not turn off the right road -
Luck to you at least a little bit.
We believe in your indispensable success -
And at the institute you will shine.
As at school he was a friend for everyone,
So in the new team you can become
A student whose activity is visible
Who will help everyone, cheer up,
Who has no equal in mind.
Student life will captivate you!
Only a small step remains
To make it happen - I could become a student.
We believe that a happy day is not far away,
When you can read the lists
What did you do, your dream came true
And then you can make plans...
Now is the time of unrest.
But we are ready to support you.

Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life dare to go!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Let in the labyrinths of adult life
You will be simple and easy!
Serve the Cause and the Motherland
Near and far!
The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguingly large!
Let it be joyful from songs
Let the mainland be small!

Today you are a graduate!
Oh, what a beautiful moment of youth
Your soul is sublime and airy
And still you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all your desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace anymore
But your soul is still vulnerable!
The time has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings crowd in your chest!
A year will pass, and many years,
Fate will put all friends in their place.
Some of them, probably, will glorify,
Others, again, will set up barriers!
And it's very hard to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Don't be in a hurry to retreat
It is given only to the strong in life to win!
May your life be full
Always surrounded by the warmth of friends
And completely warmed by personal happiness,
And unusual as a comet!

Good luck, graduate
Good fortune and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magic spring
It will help you solve all problems!
Let the dream become available
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let beauty please life
And the calling will be found!

Graduation party for 11th graders! Touching and responsible moment! What awaits them behind the walls of the old good school?
This event is exciting not only for the graduates themselves, but also for their teachers and parents. How to make this day unforgettable? What words to say so that they are remembered for the rest of your life?
We want to help you find such words, so we have collected for you beautiful and touching wishes for graduates of grade 11.

Wishes to graduates are universal: in verse and in prose

The school years have gone by.
Congratulations on graduation.
But we want them to stay
You have a mischievous attitude.

So that everything works out for you
In the life of adults,
So that the dream smiles at you
And fate gave friends!

This is the end of another stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you.

Always follow your dream and don't back down, find happiness in life and don't miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

Here is the last lesson.
Life opens up many roads for you.
School years flew by in an instant.
We want you to try

Choose your right, true path,
Firmly walking on it, do not turn,
Don't be off-road.
Happiness, good luck and God's help!

Today you leave your native school and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive.

We learned to be friends, defend our opinions, love science, treat knowledge with care - that is, we gave the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital letter without!

We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

Graduates, happy road to you,
After all, your choice means a lot!
Believe in yourself, don't worry
I wish you all the luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of
Let life lead you to success!
I want you all to understand:
Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Wishes for graduation grade 11

Congratulations on graduating from school and wish that the road to adulthood goes along blooming garden so that the carriage of life will easily and happily carry you along the paths of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby. Good luck and prosperity!

We congratulate you today
You are now graduates.
Changes are waiting for you in life
Let dreams come true.

We wish you a new life
Don't deviate from the path
Achieve new goals
Keep up with the times.

We wish everyone only good
Don't forget us friends.
Come visit more often
And bring the kids.

Guys, now you proudly bear the title of "graduate", with which we want to congratulate you. May all your secret desires and dreams always come true, and everything conceived will certainly come true.

So you grew up, matured,
Leave the school walls
From the nest, as the chicks flew away,
To be happy without fail.
We wish you to conquer
All the heights you wanted
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew!

How quickly school years flew by. Here is your graduation party. I wish you to enter adulthood from the front door along the red carpet.

Carry yourself with dignity, nobility and honesty. Never make deals with conscience. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, no matter how incredible they are.

Congratulations on graduation!
And we hurry to give you a present today.
Joy, big victories,
kind words and warm songs.
We want to live a hundred years
To keep the world interesting.

This is your last day at this school. Today is your graduation!

We wish you a happy future, a prosperous life, in which there is a place for seriousness and fun, love and devotion, fulfillment of desires and successful work!

Keep memories in your heart school days and live easy!

Wishes to graduates from parents

Dear Guys! It seems that only yesterday we brought you to the first grade, and today you are already graduates. Time flew by quickly, but your path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the path continues - you have new heights and achievements ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Faith in yourself is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is the creed of an optimist. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not deviate from your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become sour if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. She inspires and gives strength. Walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any difficulties.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Save love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland.

Love relatives, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love and it will love you back!

Believe! Hope! Love! And you will succeed!

Dear, beloved, our dear,
The children grew up and got older quickly.
Now you have become beautiful exactly in a row,
And the tears from afar burn with a spark!
Today we cry and laugh with you,
And let's touch the cherished dream together!
Congratulations on the holiday - may you be lucky
Desires will come true - with God, all in flight!

Dear children, until recently funny and charming, you walked into the first class, clutching tightly at parental hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand.
And we still want to take the child by the palm, lead the story along this difficult life, bypassing all obstacles, substituting your shoulder.
We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity!

Today is your farewell evening, with school
We'll have to part, and soon
You will enter into life. You are eagerly awaited in it,
Please accept congratulations from your family.

With hope and faith live in the soul,
Fortunately for you, the road is already open,
And let this life seem difficult to you,
Dreaming of the impossible is also possible.

Be greedy for science and knowledge,
That's all we want to say goodbye
Happy road, success in everything,
Walk confidently this way.

Dear Guys! From this day begins new stage your life, it's time to do conscious choice and rely heavily on their own strengths.
Graduation is not a reason to be sad about the past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep it, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you.
We, your parents, are always ready to support and help you as soon as you need it.

Wishes to graduates from teachers

Dear our graduates! Today you have a responsible event - graduation party. You enter adulthood, leaving the walls of the school, and take the first serious steps on your way.
We, your teachers, wish you strength and courage to accept this responsibility and avoid irreparable mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly make decisions using reason and own feelings.
Let life be for you exciting journey, which will give you valuable lessons for future use.

We taught, and you surprised
Us success and kindness,
But you grew up fast
And now it's your graduation!

You guys have a happy road
In this life, sometimes difficult,
Let her be bright, beautiful,
Like today's graduation ball!

Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed both for you and for us - your teachers.
Throughout all these years, we have helped you as much as we could, and experienced failures together, rejoiced at your successes. So let there be a reliable shoulder next to each of you that can help you in Hard time.
Take care of your friends and do not forget your loved ones and your teachers, then luck will definitely smile at you in life!

Release your students
The school staff is so nice!
Know that his work is necessary,
Every teacher is happy.

Let the dream call beyond the horizon
And luck is waiting around the corner
In life there will be happiness and love,
Friendship and love!

Let in the labyrinths of adult life
You will be simple and easy!
Serve the Cause and the Motherland
Near and far!

The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguingly large!
Let it be joyful from songs
Let the mainland be small!

The day of parting has come, but, guys, know: teachers never forget their students. Years will pass, and you can always return to your native school, as to your home.
May your destiny be the best way and everyone will get what he deserves with perseverance, work and talent. Come on guys, the adult world is waiting for you!

We congratulate you, dear children!
You graduated from high school and now
We wish you to find ways such
To achieve goals without loss.

On us, students, do not be offended,
Don't get angry if something suddenly goes wrong.
We love you, no doubt about it.
May every new step be true.

And may you succeed
Everything you dream of right now.
We wish you aspirations, ambitions,
And so that love does not leave you!

We really hope that you liked our wishes to the graduates, and you will be able to give them real pleasure on their last evening within the walls of their native school.

Anyone who has ever gone to school remembers their graduation day well. Graduation is a milestone, a border between the stages of growing up, and being a graduate is already a great honor. This means that the student has learned the lessons of a large part of his life's journey and is ready to move on. But not only graduation makes this day unforgettable, it is decorated with congratulations from teachers and relatives, words of parting words and support from parents. If you cannot find warm words to congratulate your graduates, our site will help you. Soulful, beautiful and warm congratulations and wishes to graduates from this page you can use in your solemn speech at graduation.

Congratulations to graduates from parents

Our dear children! So your graduation party has come - evening joyful congratulations and sad goodbyes. Much will remain in the school walls dear to the heart: happy and carefree laughter, friendly conversations, the ringing trill of a bell inviting you to a lesson, and the calm voice of a teacher that carries you to the land of knowledge. Worries about poor grades and anxiety before the tests, the last call and final exams were left behind, but all these moments are forever inscribed bright colors into your hearts. Today we wholeheartedly want to congratulate you on your graduation from school and wish you further success on a difficult path to knowledge, reliable friends nearby and only joyful memorable moments.

Graduation party is just a few hours of life, however, how many emotions and impressions are hidden in them. Today we would like to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. It will forever be imprinted in your memory as one of the brightest and most touching events. Soon hospitable school doors will close behind your back and a new adult world will open its arms full of amazing discoveries and unexpected turns. We hope that on this path you will be able to choose the right direction and boldly move forward towards your goal.

Today, under touching words congratulations and enthusiastic conversations of friends, you say goodbye to school and enter another, yet unexplored student world. Behind there are many memorable events, excitements, anxieties and dizzying victories, which seem to gems will be buried in memories. You will forever remember the time spent in the school walls and those without whose help you would not have been able to master all the necessary knowledge - your teachers. We, your parents, have always tried to be there and we know how difficult it was to gnaw at the granite of science, so today, when all the worries are left behind, we want to wish you to keep a particle of warmth and childlike ease in yourself, which will forever be associated with school.

So your graduation party has come, our dear 9 classics. Some of you will continue your studies within the walls of the school, and someone will say goodbye to them and plunge headlong into student life, but all of you will remember the past school years with warm sadness and touching nostalgia. During this time, you have experienced tears of defeat, delight of victories, excitement before tests and the joy of good grades, but, most importantly, you have made friends, mastered new knowledge and gained great experience. Congratulations, our dear children, on a successful ending milestone your life and we hope that your further path to knowledge will consist only of positive segments.

Only a few events in life can compete with prom for touching and poignant joy. This holiday symbolizes not only the end of school, for those who decide to continue their studies within the walls of others educational institutions but also farewell to a carefree youth. The ninth grade is a real frontier between childish spontaneity and adult responsibility. We wish you that the knowledge that you will receive both within the walls of the school and outside it become reliable springboards on the way to your goal, and this path itself will be easy and interesting.

Congratulations to graduates of grade 11 from teachers

Our dear graduates! Now it's time for us to say goodbye. Over the past 11 years, you have become very close and dear to us, now a particle of our heart and the knowledge that we have tried to invest in you will forever remain in you. We very much hope that they will become the basis and significant help for the implementation of your plans and the realization of your dreams. You with honor passed such a difficult test as the final exams, and we are sure that you will also successfully cope with all the tasks that life will put before you. May luck accompany you in all your endeavors, love brightly illuminate your path, and friendship become a reliable bulwark in the troubled sea of ​​fate.

Graduation is always a milestone, a time to evaluate the past school years and exciting thoughts about the future. However, despite the fact that school doors will soon open to other students, do not be sad. We, your teachers, know how much is left behind: the delight of the first successes, the excitement before the first control tests and the great desire to become even better and gain new knowledge. There are many more discoveries and achievements ahead of you, however, it is the school years that will forever remain in your memory. We wish you to always look only forward, confidently move towards your goal and never turn off the chosen path.

Congratulations to graduates of grade 9 from teachers

There is nothing more inspiring than the end of one chapter of life and the beginning of another. Today is the day when it's time to think about what lies ahead and mourn a little about the past 9 years. school life. In the future adult life, a lot will have to be done anew: to make plans, gain new knowledge, think about the meaning of life, however, this is still ahead. Tonight's prom is the time when the clock seems to slow down and let you enjoy every moment. We, your teachers, want to share every minute of today's holiday with you and wish that the sun always shines brightly over your head, hope inspires, and confidence in own forces constantly kept on the fly.

Congratulations to graduates from the director grade 11

My dear graduates! Today is a very touching and exciting moment not only in your life, but in the life of the whole school - graduation party. We tried to make those 11 years that you spent in these hospitable walls become interesting, joyful and memorable for you. Each teacher strove to make your path to knowledge easy and exciting, he wanted the world of science to become more accessible and closer. I, as the director of the school, hope that everything worked out for us and the knowledge gained will be a real help in the future student life. I wish you to never rest on your laurels, in any situation to maintain self-confidence and always have a reliable shoulder nearby.

Congratulations to the 9th grade students for graduation from the director

Dear ninth graders. Today is rightfully your holiday - graduation party. However, despite the past school years, you are only at the very beginning of your journey. Ahead of you is still a lot of new and unknown, fresh knowledge and important life lessons. Those of you who spend another 2 years at school will still have time to enjoy a youthful carefree life and get all the necessary knowledge at home, and those who decide to plunge into student life will have to feel the wind of change and feel all the novelty of independence. I, as the director of the school, really want to wish you never to lose your individuality, constantly strive for new knowledge and never tire of enjoying the unique colors of life.
