A woman becomes like a good wine with age. It only gets better with age

The most painful topic for any woman over 40 is age. Many are embarrassed by their number in the passport, some are terribly complex that the years are irretrievably slipping away. And many women are generally sure that men are able to love only a young flirt. Dear ladies, on behalf of our entire editorial staff, we assure you - you are beautiful! If you are 40, 50 or 75 - you are always beautiful! Stop doubting yourself and your beauty.

Literally some time ago, a sensational message appeared on the network from Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke sharply and unambiguously about women over 40. However, the popular TV presenter, showman and brawler did not confirm, but did not deny his involvement in this sensational statement. We invite you to read the text of this statement!

“I have to admit, with age, I appreciate more and more women who are over forty. They are like fine wine, they only get better with age. Now I'll try to break it down.

For example, a 40-year-old woman will never wake you up in the middle of the night with the question “What are you thinking about?”. Do you know why? She doesn't care what you think!

If a 40-year-old woman is too lazy to watch football with you on TV, she will not sit and whine about it. She will simply leave and start doing something more interesting for her.

Ladies over forty have self-esteem and self-confidence. Believe me, such a woman is unlikely to throw a tantrum at you, these women can even calmly shoot you if you deserve it. Well, if they get away with it...

40 year old a woman will not play cat and mouse with you, she is not afraid to show you to her friends, because she is 100% confident in herself. Unlike young inexperienced girls, she just doesn’t care if her girlfriends find you attractive. She boldly trusts both you and them, not being afraid to lose anything.

In 40-year-old women, intuition works more abruptly than any psychic. Believe me. They do not need to find out where and with whom you were: they already know everything about you!

My friend, once you learn to ignore wrinkles, you will notice that women over forty are much sexier than younger ones. And they are always honest: if you are a beast and behave like the last scoundrel, they will say it directly. You never have to guess how she feels about you.

As you can see, there are many reasons to admire women over forty. For all the men who like to say, “Why buy a whole cow when you can get milk for free?” I have some amazing news: Today, 80% of women are not interested in marriage! Why? Because they understand that “it makes no sense to buy a whole pig for a sausage!”

We did not manage to find out to the end whether these words were really spoken by Dmitry himself, however, whoever the author is, his words are right on target. We can say with 99% confidence that Dmitry Nagiyev himself would definitely support these truly honest words about beautiful ladies over 40!

As you can see, if your age starts with a four, this is not a reason to despair - many men admire older ladies. Share this inspiring post with all your friends!

Be interesting with

With age, a woman, like wine, only gets better!

Beauty has no age!

Photographer Ari Seth Cohen

Eva Moon, 60. A letter to herself at 50

Hello Eva at 50! It's me, your Eve at 60. Still alive, as you can see. It's your anniversary, right? I remember how I couldn’t find a place for myself on the eve of my 50th birthday.

Menopause, what a nightmare, how can I survive it? Now, when I am 50 years old, will I have to finally grow up and become a respectable lady? I made so many mistakes in raising my children - is it really too late to correct them? Will I turn into a withered, faded, useless shadow that no one notices? But what about sex, is it over forever?

I will not laugh at your fears, they really seemed justified then. Instead, I'll give you some hints. The road from 50 to 60 will not be smooth, but you will master it. Troubles will indeed happen, but not at all the ones you were so afraid of. One by one, you will lose people who are dear to you: mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law. Your friends will also lose loved ones, and you will mourn their loss with them.

But the things that scared you will not be so scary. Menopause will come and you won't die. The children will be all right. They will grow up, find a job and turn into adults with whom you will be pleased to communicate on an equal footing. You coped with the role of a mother, do not worry.

You will grow a lump on your leg. You will need reading glasses. You will suddenly start to get fat, but you will be able to cope with the weight. As for sex: it's still there. Not the same as before, but also nothing. You have chosen a good man.

But many pleasant surprises will happen: you will start writing, and this will be the beginning of a new career. You can pour out your pain on paper, and the pain will turn into joy. Were you afraid you wouldn't survive your exit from the stage? Know: there is nothing more beautiful than standing backstage and listening to others, young people, pronounce your words. You will become their support and support.

You will remember that you have beloved girlfriends, and you will rediscover all the charms of friendship - before there was no time for them, you spent too much effort on being attractive to men. Don't worry. You still attract men.

In short, there are reasons for concern, but do not take them too seriously. I don't want to change anything about my past. And I do not want to stop the moment, because it turned out that there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

You thought that 50 years is the peak, beyond which there is a cliff and a long fall. But the view from the top is great. And by the age of 60, wings grow.

See you,

A good woman, like expensive wine, only gets better with age. And it is not youth that makes her beautiful, but the ability to take care of herself, health, good taste and fervent sparks in her eyes. Many people think that beautiful appearance depends on age. The older the woman, the less beauty in her, the faster she leaves. But it's not.

There are many examples of the fact that the matter is not in age, but in a huge variety of other factors. And our celebrities have proven this time and again. We present to your attention a selection of Russian stars who now look better than a few years ago.

Rosa Syabitova

One of the hosts of the “Let's Get Married” program, Roza Syabitova, has noticeably prettier not so long ago. The star got rid of excess weight and adjusted the size of her breasts. Proper care of your appearance and a slight weight loss allowed the famous woman to acquire a blooming look. Now she looks much better than a few years ago.

Svetlana Permyakova

She exterminated the extra pounds, chose to change the style of clothing and appearance. Now the actress looks a few years younger. She is blooming and feeling great.

Olga Kartunkova

The actress lost more than sixty kilograms, changed her image and seemed to look younger. The new look really suits her. She looks great and probably feels great too.

Anfisa Chekhova

The body of Anfisa Chekhova has always been popular with her fans. The star had never thought about losing weight before, but after a while she decided that it would be better. The result exceeded all expectations. An already beautiful celebrity has become even more beautiful!

Polina Gagarina

We all know how much slimmer Polina Gagarina has become. Having reduced her weight by almost half, the star began to look not only better or younger, she seemed to have become a different person. Now the chiseled figure of the singer only emphasizes her shining eyes, sweet smile and wonderful voice.

When a woman reaches her 40s, the world changes. Someone will surely joke that with age we acquire only the best qualities, become more expensive and more playful, like fine wine. Damn it, it's true! A mature woman has already found herself, she knows her strengths, put up with her weaknesses, she has a lot of experience, tons of wisdom and a battle-hardened character. But one of the main achievements of maturity can be called one thing - with age, women acquire endurance.

Achievements of maturity

It just so happened that young girls are too hot and emotional, they like to chop from the shoulder, they perceive the world through the prism of feelings. Snowstorms rage in their souls, and hormones control their consciousness. As soon as a guy says something stupid, she, without hesitation, will throw out all the power of her hatred on him, bombard him with angry messages, cut her face with her nails. And then the veil will fall - and again love to the grave. As soon as the boss hurts her ego, she will immediately slam the door, write a letter of resignation ... and an hour later, with shaking ears, she will come to ask to come back, thereby losing all respect for herself.

As you get older, your hormones calm down, your temper gets tougher, and you can say to yourself, “Stop!” A clear understanding comes that all our decisions have consequences, and the one who is able to control himself wins the war. This is not suppression of emotions, rather, management of them. When you consciously accept the rule of not deciding anything in the heat of the moment. It’s just that by this moment you respect yourself enough to wait a little, calm down and not spoil either your body or your nerves with empty tantrums.

Yours will be yours

The older a woman is, the more difficult it is to piss her off. She had seen so much, experienced so much, shed so many tears! It is difficult to surprise her ... Therefore, she will not stoop to be rude in response to rudeness, will not call a man who has not shown a single gram of interest in her, and will not run with apologies to a man who has been guilty himself, but for some reason does not value relationships. A completely clear understanding comes to her: what is yours will remain with you, and you should not scatter energy on strangers. This is how peace, inner harmony and contentment come into life.

Women with age begin to value time more, and therefore do not waste energy on storytellers and windbags. So what if she is 37, and tomorrow she will turn 38? She will not throw herself at anything, poison herself with the poison of dislike with the first person she meets, it is better to wait, she knows how to wait. If you're lucky, you'll meet yours. And if you are not lucky, she will find something to fill her life with, fortunately, there are so many opportunities and ways of entertainment around! She will look for exactly what she deserves, because she has no time to spend her life on self-pity, constant throwing and worrying, her health is too dear to her.

With age, the need to respond to enemy attacks disappears, you just wait and hit the upstart right on target when you were not expected to. To not be indulgent. With age, the need to eat anything goes away, on the contrary, I want to please every cell of the body with life-giving moisture. You suddenly find yourself, the center of inner balance, and the world no longer seems so scary and indifferent. You just want to live, find a soul mate, brew fragrant tea and enjoy the beautiful sunset. With age, women discover a taste for life, and it's worth a lot!
