Chewing gum Sex Love Exciting. Exciting chewing gum for women and features of its use

Many out of habit believe that there is only one stimulant of sexual activity - Viagra. A number of men and women live with problems in their sexual life, but do not dare to try stimulants, fearing synthetic drugs. It is for this group of people that a special group of pathogens has been developed for a long time, the active components of which are of natural origin. Exciting chewing gum for women and men refers precisely to such means.

What is popular in the market

Currently, more than one exciting chewing gum is being produced, and their range is expanding every year. Everyone is free to choose the pathogen on their own, based on the reviews of men and women who have already tried the product, the opinions of experts, and someone pays special attention to the composition of the product. For your convenience, we have collected the most popular brands and present them below:

  • Exciting chewing gum for women and men sex gum. The manufacturer of the novelty promises a high result and an instant effect. Sex gum works as follows:
  1. Increases blood flow to the genitals, which is typical for physiologically flowing excitation.
  2. The sensations and sensitivity of erogenous zones after the use of sex gum increase significantly.
  3. Stimulates libido.

It is impossible to understand whether sex gum is an exciting chewing gum for women and men or a truly benign product without a detailed acquaintance with its main components. The instruction to the tool contains information that the composition of sex gum includes:

  1. Pomeranian. Reviews of experts indicate that the fruits of this plant really have a stimulating effect. The active substances contained in the orange relax, relieve excessive anxiety, which is important for a full immersion in intimate relationships.
  2. Ginger. Since ancient times, ginger root has been recommended to men who had problems with potency.
  3. L-arginine. A rare sexual stimulant does without this essential amino acid. L-arginine significantly increases the blood supply to the genitals and enhances arousal.
  4. Raspberry extract. Stimulates blood circulation, female pathogen.
  5. Caffeine. Gives tone, excites, increases sexual endurance.
  6. Ginseng. Reviews of Eastern healers indicate that the root of life is able to heal almost any disease. Ginseng is an excellent adaptogen, stimulant, immunocorrector. Proper use of the root of life prolongs youth and strengthens health.
  7. L-citrulline. Improves blood circulation.
  8. Royal jelly of bees. A storehouse of vitamins, microelements and enzymes necessary for everyone.
  9. Lemongrass. Stimulates libido.
  10. Taurine. Universal supplier of energy, which is so necessary to increase the duration of sex.

We did not find harmful components in the composition of exciting sex gum chewing gum. All of them are truly natural and have proven effectiveness. We will talk about the use of the tool a little below.

  • The next universal exciting gum is mega exstaz. The instructional video and the manufacturer's testimonials say that the product is safe and effective, but at the same time a completely natural pathogen. All components of Mega Ecstasy are powerful aphrodisiacs. Is it true or a scam - let's figure it out by considering the composition of the product:
  1. Eleutherococcus. Reviews of eastern folk healers indicate that in terms of its effectiveness this plant is in no way inferior to the well-known ginseng. Eleutherococcus has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, exacerbates sensations during sex.
  2. Rhodiola rosea. Exciting chewing gums, including mega ecstasy, which include rhodiola, help to overcome fatigue, increase sexual stamina, and prolong the time of sexual intercourse.
  3. Levzeya. It has a tonic effect, stimulates libido, increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones.
  4. Pomeranian. We talked about this valuable fruit a little higher. A powerful aphrodisiac with proven effectiveness.

The manufacturer of mega exstaz promises strong and long-lasting excitement within 5 minutes after chewing the lozenge. In addition to excitement, chewing gum mega ecstasy will help improve health, help you relax and overcome unnecessary complexes.

Also on the market are chewing gums Detonator, Eroshok and others. For all types, the composition, effect and even the price are quite similar. You can read more detailed information on specialized sites.


If we talk about the advantage of exciting chewing gum over other stimulants, then they are obvious. Reviews of men and women who have already managed to try out such funds confirm this. The most commonly cited benefits are:

  • OTC sale, which is especially important for shy people. Although in the pharmacy, not every person, when there is a queue behind him, will be able to openly purchase a sexual pathogen.
  • Fast effect. The active active components of exciting chewing gums begin to be absorbed into the blood and have the proper effect from the very first minutes after use.
  • Naturalness. According to our statistics, any type of stimulating chewing gum contains at least 90% natural ingredients.
  • Ease of use. Lack of water will not prevent you from taking the pathogen.
  • As close to natural effect as possible.

We have read the instructions for various types of stimulating chewing gums. The contraindications for use indicated in them can be listed by bending the fingers on one hand. Reviews of doctors indicate that it is forbidden to take the pathogen:

  • People who are allergic to any component of the product. Read the ingredients carefully.
  • Persons under 18 years old.
  • Pregnant women.

Clinical trials in the last two groups were not conducted, so doctors do not recommend the use of sexual pathogens. If you do not find any contraindications to the use of exciting chewing gum, but still doubt the advisability of this because of concerns for your own health, consult your doctor before use. The specialist will dispel doubts.

How to use

The method of use is similar for different types of exciting rubber bands. We will tell you how to take the above products:

If sexual arousal has not passed after the specified period of time, then doctors recommend contacting a medical institution. In most cases, such a reaction does not threaten health, but speaks of the individual reactivity of the organism. Either way, it doesn't hurt to be safe.

Where to buy and cost

You can buy various types of exciting chewing gums on specialized sites, prices for them are also presented there. In order not to fall for another scam, carefully read all the terms of the purchase of funds. The average cost of exciting chewing gums is as follows:

If you are worried about decreased libido, problems with sexual desire, or just want to try something new in sex, then natural sexual stimulants will be the right solution. Numerous

In theory, causes sexual arousal within 5 minutes after ingestion. Equally affects both men and women. According to the manufacturers, the "Detonator" is of completely natural origin.

Composition of chewing gum

  • Evrikoma;
  • Levzeya;
  • Yohimbe;
  • Pomeranian;
  • Menthol;
  • Eleutherococcus prickly;
  • Guarana.

But what is known about these plants? Do they really have a positive effect on libido?

Let's begin with that eurycoma it is written through the letter "e", not "e" (as in the screenshot). This plant is used not only in medicine, but also by athletes. Indeed, aphrodisiac properties are often attributed to her - i.e. excitatory substance. Although there are no official confirmations (as well as denials) of such properties.

Manufacturers leuzei safrolovidnaya argue about its positive effect on potency and relieving the effects of overwork. Yohimbe also considered an aphrodisiac eleutherococcus senticosus- a strong tonic, as well as guarana. Menthol, apparently, for freshness, and orange, perhaps for smell.

Well, the composition is thought out well - you can't fault it. Another thing is that the existence of aphrodisiacs has not been scientifically proven. Although the specialist Tkachenko A.S. claims the opposite. True, Tkachenko's "many-sidedness" is somewhat embarrassing and makes one doubt his recommendations.

Reviews about the tool

To finally understand whether the “Detonator” exciting chewing gum has an effect on libido, let's move on to the reviews of real people. Are there those who were dissatisfied with the acquisition?

The result was predictable: another divorce on an intimate topic.


Exciting chewing gum "Detonator" does not have a significant effect on sexual desire. Even if it contains all the declared medicinal plants, judge for yourself: what an insignificant part of these components will enter the body along with saliva?

Everything else you chew and spit out, paying a decent amount for it. And while the placebo effect can work and help someone feel more liberated, the Detonator cannot have a real effect on the physiology.

Active and filled with amazing sensations sexual life is one of the most important aspects of the existence of any person, regardless of gender. Regular, and most importantly, pleasurable sexual relationships have a positive effect on health, mood, and self-confidence.

Thanks to the modern achievements of Chinese pharmacists, today there is no need to take pills or insist on herbs for a long time with a decrease in libido or lack of arousal. Exciting chewing gum, which is already saturated with all the necessary components, will help to cope with these problems.

The main effects of exciting chewing gum

For men, this remedy has the following effects:

The female gender needs other effects:

  • More active secretion of vaginal lubrication.
  • Increased blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  • Improving sexual sensations and increasing the duration of orgasm.
  • Increased libido.
  • Increased sense of self-attractiveness.

If you study the reviews of the fair sex, then an exciting chewing gum for women acts as a tool that can not only increase the brightness of intimate sensations, but also restore the sharpness of old relationships.

There is a fairly large selection of exciting chewing gum, but mega exstaz and sex gum have the best positive reviews. Both of these remedies are united by the fact that they are completely composed of natural ingredients and act as a sexual stimulant.

This chewing gum should not be combined with alcoholic beverages.

The most common types

  • Mega exstas

Composition of the product:

  1. Rhodiola rosea. This plant is used in modern medicine as a remedy for sexual disorders. It can have a stimulating effect on the brain.
  2. Levzeya. This plant has a calming effect. It is considered surprising that it has a relaxing effect on women, and in men it causes a surge of vigor and strength. One of the disadvantages of this remedy is that after a burst of energy, drowsiness sets in.
  3. Pomeranian. This plant has the ability to significantly increase sexuality. This in most cases leads to positive customer reviews. However, an overdose of this plant can cause a backlash, so the exciting chewing gum should be used exactly according to the instructions.
  4. Spiny eleutherococcus. This plant evokes a feeling of relaxation and emancipation.


Mega ecstasy first heard about the aphrodisiac from a friend. At first I did not pay attention, but then I consulted with my wife and bought it. We both liked the effect. It felt like we went back 14 years to our first dates.

This gum was recommended to try by a friend. At first I was skeptical about this tool. But out of interest, I took a couple of pieces to meet a guy. The effect stunned me.

  • sex gum

This remedy is saturated with plant aphrodisiacs, which, being absorbed during chewing through the oral mucosa, provide a quick and lasting effect.

Consider the composition of the tool. Sex gum consists of the following components:

  1. Spiny eleutherococcus.
  2. Eucomes. As part of sex gum, it increases potency.
  3. Pomeranian.
  4. Levzeya.
  5. Yohimbe. It has a general strengthening effect and increases the production of testosterone in men.
  6. Menthol. It has a refreshing and tonic effect.
  7. Guarana. Stimulates the nervous system, increases physical endurance.

All these aphrodisiacs, which are part of sex gum, can enhance the brightness and richness of sexual sensations in both men and women. Already after taking one pad, a strong excitement sets in, which can make the night of love long and unforgettable.

Exciting chewing gum does not differ in appearance from regular chewing gum and is suitable for men and women.

Take this remedy 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. The effect comes almost immediately. Sex gum has positive reviews from both men and women, not only due to its action, but also due to the absence of contraindications. To make sure that this is not a scam, you can read customer reviews.

The price of one package of sex gum is about 1500 rubles. If they offer a lower cost, then this is a scam and a fake.

Aphrodisiacs have been used by people since ancient times. Recipes for pathogens are found in ancient Chinese, Indian, Greek treatises. The demand for these drugs has not passed in our time, only the methods of their manufacture have changed. For example, in specialized stores you can find aphrodisiacs in the form of exciting chewing gum. And they are, so to speak, female and male.

Exciting chewing gums are inexpensive compared to other means, they are extremely easy to use (we all know how to chew gum from childhood), the taste and smell are pleasant. But how effective are they? Let's find out if exciting chewing gum can really increase the libido of women and men. To do this, we will study the composition of chewing gum, analyze how they work, and also consider the prices and reviews of men and women about this tool.

About the composition

There are many stimulating chewing gums, however, as a rule, they contain the following herbal ingredients:

  • Rhodiola rosea - increases endurance, relieves fatigue, prolongs sexual intercourse.
  • Leuzea - ​​tones, increases the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Spiny eleutherococcus - has a tonic effect.
  • Pomeranian - helps relieve nervous tension, improves blood circulation.
  • Ginseng is a well-known natural pathogen.

These plant components have long been known for their positive effects on the reproductive system of men and women. They are used in folk medicine for the preparation of infusions and decoctions that increase the erection of men or the sensitivity of women. These plants are also part of many well-known pharmacological agents. Thus, the composition of exciting chewing gums is credible.

Exciting chewing gums have almost no side effects.


Having studied the reviews of men and women on chewing gums that increase male and female libido, a number of advantages can be distinguished for which people praise this product:

  • The minimum list of contraindications (even if chewing gum does not help, at least it will not harm). The main contraindication of the remedy is an allergy to the components of the chewing gum, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, burning sensation in the oral cavity, swelling of the tongue, and an increase in temperature.
  • Ease of use - these are not pills or potions that need to be washed down or diluted in water. All that needs to be done is to chew half an hour before the planned sexual contact.
  • Doesn't attract attention. If a man or woman does not want to advertise that he is taking an aphrodisiac, then chewing gum will be the best option. It looks like regular chewing gum.


Having talked about the advantages, it is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of the tool. Moreover, reviews on exciting chewing gums are quite contradictory - there are a lot of negative reviews. What is it connected with? First of all, the abundance of negative feedback is due to the fact that there are a lot of fakes on the market. It is very easy to run into a fake with a dubious composition, which is definitely not able to affect the male or female body.

Another reason for the large number of negative reviews is a misunderstanding of the specifics of this drug. Naturally, the drug, consisting of natural ingredients, cannot compete with drugs that act due to synthetic active substances (Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, etc.). Herbal ingredients act gently, but more safely. However, they are perceived differently by different people. Someone after taking notes a strong excitement, but someone does not feel any changes.

The third disadvantage of exciting chewing gum, which people write about in their reviews, is a bad effect on the teeth (as, in fact, any other chewing gum) and the stomach. It is also worth remembering this: despite the fact that the active substances in the composition of plant origin, but the dyes and flavor enhancers are artificial.

The herbal ingredients that make up the chewing gum act gently, but more safely.

Finally, the fourth minus that men and women talk about in the reviews is how much an exciting chewing gum costs. The cost of this tool ranges from 500 to 1200 rubles. for a pack of 20, 40 or 100 pieces. This is a rather high price, although it is worth noting that other stimulants (pills, creams, perfumes, etc.) are usually more expensive.

Popular types

After analyzing the reviews on various exciting chewing gums, we will highlight the most popular remedies and analyze their features:

  • Chewing gum Detonator (its second name is MegaEcstasy or Mega Exstaz).

The annotation states that the tool is able to increase the level of excitation by 30%. Can be used by both men and women. Ingredients: rhodiola rosea, orange, leuzea, prickly eutherococcus. It is taken 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. Valid for 60 minutes. If necessary, you can double the dose.

  • Super Lowing Chewing Gum.

Exciting chewing gum for men. The main component in the composition is ginseng extract. Also added vitamins E and B6 for a general strengthening effect on the body. A nice bonus to the main task of chewing gum - it whitens teeth and gives freshness to breath. Super Lowing Chewing Gum should be used half an hour before sexual intercourse and chewed for at least 10 minutes. Valid for 4 hours.

  • sex love.

Chinese stimulating chewing gum for women. It consists of components such as Rhodiola rosea, ginseng and pad root. Manufacturers recommend that women chew gum daily for 10 minutes for six months. In this case, the remedy can have a positive effect on the female genitourinary system, which will achieve a natural increase in libido and get rid of the further need for taking stimulant drugs.

  • sex gum.

Exciting male chewing gum containing extracts of leuzea, orange, eurycoma, yohimbe, guarana. It comes in different flavors - strawberry, cherry, menthol. It is taken 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. Works for a couple of hours.

Be careful not to buy regular chewing gum under the guise of an aphrodisiac.

So, we examined such a product as an exciting chewing gum for women and men. Judging by its composition, it is really capable of affecting the level of libido, but you should not fully rely on it. This is not a medical product, and it acts due to herbal ingredients, so no one can guarantee a strong result after one chewing gum pad.

In addition, you should be wary of counterfeits - when ordinary chewing gum is sold under the brand name of stimulants. In order not to run into a fake, do not buy the drug in dubious stores at a low price, carefully study the composition and read the reviews of people who have already tried this chewing gum.

In the package: 10 chews

Country: China

A good-tasting chewing gum will start to excite your girlfriend long before sexual intercourse, give her confidence and prepare for intimacy.

Ingredient: Herbal ingredients 100%
Trade name: Sexlove chewing gum
In the package: 5 records
Manufacturer: Zhin Yuan Na Lu
Country: China

Sex Love+ Stimulating Chewing Gum for Women is the latest high-performance aphrodisiac for girls. This tool is designed specifically to make any woman become highly sexy and hot in her intimate life.

Ingredient: Herbal ingredients 100%
Brand Name: Super Lover
In the package: 20 chewing gums
Manufacturer: Jaguar Power
Country: France

Super Lover Chewing Gum - Male Sex Gum will increase the pleasure of sex and give you strength for long-term intercourse! Pleasant in taste, it will also help whiten teeth and freshen breath. Good for preventing prostatitis.

Quantity: 1 - 818 rubles. pack

Exciting chewing gum - New among aphrodisiacs!

Exciting chewing gum is available in ordinary packaging, like a simple chewing gum. But after you start chewing it, after 10-15 minutes, strange and unusually pleasant things begin to happen in the body. There is a growing excitement throughout the body, and blood rushes to the lower abdomen and to the genitals, which swell, filling with blood. In general, everything happens as if someone turned you on. And excited in earnest.

If you have a love date ahead - such exciting chewing gum- exactly what you need. We have two products on our website. Chewing gum is made in China, and Chinese medicine has been actively using all the amazing properties of aphrodisiacs for many millennia. Chewing gum is 100% plant-based, including plants such as ginseng, aloe and guarana.

The composition of this wonderful chewing gum also includes such useful components for the body as flower pollen and royal jelly. In addition, it contains proteins and vitamins that contribute to the growth of female attractiveness, in particular, the substance biotin, which is called the “beauty vitamin”. Such a composition makes a strong female pathogen out of ordinary chewing gum, which will allow you to feel like a real Aphrodite - the goddess of love, capable of driving any man and woman crazy. buy such a female pathogen, as easy as shelling pears, in our store.

Exciting chewing gum for men

Sometimes, you really want to prolong the pleasure of a love date, but your strength is already running out. There can be many reasons. And just physical fatigue, and psychological problems, and much more. In this case, help exciting chewing gum for men.

Just take a plate out of the package, put it in your mouth and start chewing. After 10-15 minutes, everything will immediately fall into place. You will again be ready for any exploits. The ginseng present in the exciting chewing gum for men grants simply extraordinary power. The increased blood flow is again sent to the place you need, and additional plant components will completely drive all problems out of your head and make you feel like after a long rest.

And even if you don't have any problems, anyway, taking a hot chewing gum for men will make your date unforgettable for both you and your girlfriend. The energy seething in your veins, which appeared after you take this male pathogen, will find its way out in indescribable sexual pleasure.

As already mentioned, all exciting chewing gums contain only herbal ingredients carefully selected by Chinese pharmacists. The action of one component complements and enhances the action of another, and all of them, in combination, have this amazing stimulating and rejuvenating effect.

Aphrodisiacs in the form of chewing gum!

Since ancient times, people have known substances that stimulate sexual desire. They were named " aphrodisiacs”, named after the goddess of love from Greek mythology. Almost all cultures know herbs, spices and aromatic oils that have an exciting effect on both men and women. Of the most well-known - this is the aromatic oil of patchouli and ylang-ylang, tincture of ginseng root and radiola rosea, flower pollen and bee jelly.

Unfortunately, in those distant times, all these substances had to be properly prepared for consumption. It was necessary to make a tincture from ginseng, which required certain skills. Pour aromatic oil into special lamps. Flower pollen and bee jelly also needed processing. It was not very convenient and required time and knowledge. People could only dream of exciting chewing gum. After all, in it, all the necessary aphrodisiacs are already served ready-made.

It would be wrong to say that these substances affect only the sexual sphere. The centuries-old experience of traditional medicine and the research of modern scientists have repeatedly proved that the intake of aphrodisiacs has a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole, increasing vitality, giving energy and vigor. In addition to affecting physical well-being, aphrodisiacs prevent the appearance of depressive states, feelings of self-doubt, and similar disorders that have become the scourge of modern society.

Of course, aphrodisiacs also perform their direct function, increasing sexual desire, both in men and women. Sexual life becomes brighter, the sensations are sharper, and the orgasm is more violent and prolonged. Numerous reviews of people who regularly take these drugs indicate that there is a huge benefit from taking them.

The progress of mankind does not stand still, and now all these substances that have a beneficial effect on the body are produced in an unusually convenient form - in chewing gum. You can easily buy a pathogen in this form in our Djenerik online store, simply by selecting a delicate product and clicking once.

Female pathogen and male pathogen in the form of chewing gum is a new word in pharmaceuticals. Indeed, to take them, you do not need to open a bottle of pills, and even more so, you do not need to prepare an infusion or decoction. You just need to take the plate out of the package and start chewing. That is, to do what we do many times a day, using chewing gum.

Buy exciter, both female and male can be on our website with courier delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as Russian post to the regions of the Russian Federation.
