Safe sledding for children and adults. Miracles on bends, or the rules of sledding Zelenograd administrative district

The favorite entertainment of children in winter is, of course, sledding. They can ride for days on end, from morning to evening. At the same time, sledding is a rather dangerous activity, although at first glance it looks absolutely harmless. Sledding can cause such injuries in a child as lacerations, bruises, concussion. But there is no need to panic! To avoid the negative consequences of skiing, it is enough to follow simple safety rules.

First of all, be careful when choosing a sled: they must be appropriate for the age of the child. For example, a good choice for a baby from six months to five years old can be called Snow Baby Dream from the German manufacturer of children's sleds, KHW.

Sledges for small children should be as stable as possible, so it is desirable that the distance between the runners be wide, and the sledges themselves be low. And so that during the ride the child’s legs do not fall under the runners and are not injured, the sled must be equipped with a footrest. In order for the child to be warmer, you can put a mattress on the sled. Check if there are any stones, metal objects and other things on the hill from which you are going to push the sled with the child that the sled can crash into.

It is advisable for children under four years old to ride slides where there are few people. It is better if it is not a steep slope, on which there are no crowds of schoolchildren. If your sled is equipped with seat belts, then be sure to fasten the child with them, this will avoid injury to the child if the sled rolls over.

A child older than four years old may already want to ride the big slides. Therefore, do not forget to tell your child that he can damage his teeth or head if he runs into a bump while lying on his stomach on a sled. In this position, it is quite difficult to control the sled. Do not allow your child to sled jump from trampolines, as this can cause injury to the coccyx as a result of a hard landing. Explain to the child that it is very dangerous to ride down the hill, which ends at the bottom of the roadway!

It is important to teach the baby to fall correctly. During the fall, you need to try to roll over on your side, bending and tucking your knees. In no case should you fall on your back or on outstretched arms.

Among other things, you must follow a few more rules:
- a child and an adult should not ride together on the same sled;
- when children are sledding, they must be supervised by an adult;
- before riding, put on elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet on the child;
- before the child sits on the sled, check if there are any malfunctions in it.

Sosnogorsk section of the GIMS Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Russia in the Komi Republic



(for school children)


With the advent of winter and the onset of frost, rivers, lakes, ponds, i.e. All bodies of water are covered with ice. And many of you do not even suspect that any stay of a person on the ice is fraught with danger for him.

The structure, strength and thickness of ice change throughout late autumn, winter and early spring. Autumn ice becomes strong only after continuous frosty days are established.

The first ice is very tricky. It seems that it is already strong, even withstands the weight of a person near the shore, but as soon as you take a few steps, a crack is suddenly heard - and you find yourself in the water. You can not go out on the ice until the first frost.

What kind of ice is safe? What do you need to know when crossing ice?

Safe for pedestrian crossing is ice with a greenish tint and a thickness of at least 7 centimeters. With the appearance of the first ice cover on rivers, lakes and ponds, it cannot be used for skating, skiing and for crossings. This is due to the fact that young ice is thin, fragile and cannot withstand the weight of a person. During thaw, hoarfrost and rain, the ice is usually covered with water and then freezes, especially after a snowfall. In this case, the color of the ice becomes dull or white, and sometimes acquires a yellowish color. If the ice cracks and bends under the weight of a person, such ice, guys, is fragile, and therefore life-threatening.

When crossing ice, it is necessary to use ice crossings. In places where there are no ice crossings, when crossing, it is imperative to check the strength of the ice with a stick, but in no case with your foot (you can immediately fall through). If no water appears after two or three blows with a stick, the ice is strong enough. If moisture suddenly began to appear, you must immediately turn to the shore, but do not rush and try to walk without taking your feet off the ice (with a sliding step). When moving, they hit with a stick in front and on both sides of themselves several times in the same place. When crossing in groups, the distance between pedestrians must be at least 6-6 meters.

When crossing the reservoir on ice on skis, it is recommended to use the paved ski track. You should unfasten the ski bindings and remove the loops of the ski poles from the hands. If you have a backpack and a knapsack, you need to take them on one shoulder. The distance between skiers should be 5-6 meters. While moving on the ice, the first skier checks the strength of the ice with sticks and follows its character.

Is it possible to sled and skate on the waters?

It is advisable to use specially equipped ski areas. Be careful and careful when sledding or skiing from a steep bank - there may be an ice hole, lane or polynya below.

It is dangerous to skate outside a specially equipped ice rink - you may not notice cracks or breaks covered with snow.

The use of ski areas on water bodies is allowed only after a thorough check of the strength of the ice. The thickness of the ice must be at least 12 cm, and for mass skating - at least 25 centimeters. And it is absolutely unacceptable for children to ride alone without adult supervision, and the case in Ozyag is a confirmation of this.

How can you tell if ice is solid?

By external signs: solid ice has a transparent appearance with a bluish or greenish tint. Strong ice has a flat, smooth surface, without cracks.

The thickness of the ice on the reservoir is not the same everywhere. Thin ice is located: near the coast, in the area of ​​rifts and rapids, at the confluence of rivers, at bends, meanders, near frozen objects, underground sources, in places where warm water and sewage drain into reservoirs. Ice under snow and snowdrifts is extremely dangerous and unreliable. The danger is polynyas, holes, cracks, holes, which are covered with a thin layer of ice. This ice breaks when stepping on it, and a person may suddenly find himself in cold water.

Our sledges ride by themselves in winter and summer in one color. The tree has nothing to do with it, the color is blue. However, the product, which will be discussed, made it possible to combine the riddle with the saying. In the snow, this is an ordinary plastic trough rushing down a hill, often referred to as an ice trough. Here without question. But how to roll down in the heat on the grass? Oh, there is nothing difficult in this! It is enough to get a Slicer, a couple of Icers and a refrigerator.

The all-weather Slicer sled is presented as the brainchild of ice meister, which has its roots in the international company Marketing and Promotional Services. The inventor of the sled has a "Scotch-Irish" name - Scott Ireland - but he is an American, from Denver. There is nothing more to say about them. And is it necessary?

Let's turn to such folk fun as Ice blocking, because it is in it, at the suggestion of the authors of Slicer, that its origins should be sought. Ice-blocking is popular where there is traditional tension with snow, and oh, how you want winter fun. For example in Australia. Everything is very simple - the guys “freeze out” large pieces of ice and headlong (sometimes literally) fly downhill.

On the other hand, ice-blockers have more than enough difficulties, the phrase “If you like to ride, love and ...” in their case ends with a listing. Firstly, not every freezer can make an ice brick of the right size. Secondly, these “sleighs” must also be delivered to the place without melting. Thirdly… Better look at it with your own eyes.

This is where the creators of the Slicer appear with their supposedly patent-protected proposal - the Icers. These are plastic containers that are filled with tap water and eventually become layers of ice.

Each container consists of four parts - two trays at the top and bottom and two honeycomb grids, between which water freezes “especially tenaciously”. In the freezer, Icers can be stacked on top of each other. In this form, they will have to stay in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours.

A “trunk” is provided in the belly of the Slicer sled - it is in it that the Ikers containers arrive at the place of the rides. Here the trays are released, and the ice blocks in the honeycombs are attached to the bottom of the sled, inserted into the grooves until they click. Everything, you can go.

It may seem to many that there is too much fuss with sleds on ice. In addition, in the summer you can, like everyone else, ride a bicycle, rollerblade, scooter and so on. Of course. But "Slicer" makes it possible to be original (illustrations from

The best slides are hills with steep slopes and "short cut", smooth grassy surface. And the most suitable temperatures for rolling are those that are above 25 ° C - this is how the ice "correctly" melts and the speed of the "congress" is as close as possible to that in winter. Oh, and speaking of time, the Slicer's ice skids will last about an hour.

For a longer ride, you will have to buy more Aisers - the kit costs $20. The price of the Slicer itself is $70. Not the cheapest, admittedly, sleds. But they will not be idle 10 months a year. Slicer will make life easier for ice-blockers, however, they will have to put up with another name for the “quasi-sport type” - Ice Sledding.

Users of the Slicer can collide... just collide, because the sled on the ice runners on the grass is almost uncontrollable. This is even more fun for overage extreme people, but you need to be more careful with children.

Well, it’s worth paying special attention to freezing water in Aisers: for example, if the container is crooked on the refrigerator shelf or if the water is underfilled / overfilled, there will be no ice, as they say.

In winter, ordinary sleds can be pulled by a rope. In the summer with Slicer, this number will not work, therefore, you will have to carry it on your hands. How much it weighs is not reported (photo from

Finally, we note that there are "summer sleds" without any problems with ice. Here it is appropriate to pay attention to the German "bump" on three wheels and the Hillracer on four, or on the American seven-wheeled

It is difficult to imagine winter without active skiing, and skiing itself without sledding.

In order for the rest to be not only pleasant, but also safe, you should be attentive to the choice of slides and means for skiing, which are now produced in a huge number - sleds, plastic ice rinks, ice troughs, snow scooters, inflatable sleds (we call them differently: cheesecakes , tubing, toboggans).

Remember that slides, slopes for skiing are a place of increased danger, and not just another entertainment on a winter walk along with making snowmen and feeding birds!

With small children, you should not go to the overcrowded hill with steep slopes and jumps. If the slide causes you concern, first ride it yourself, without a child - experience the descent.

If the child is already riding on a “busy” slide of different ages, be sure to keep an eye on him. It is best if one of the adults watches the descent from above, and someone from below helps the children quickly clear the way.

In no case do not use railway embankments and hills near the carriageway as slides.


Teach your children a few important rules of behavior on the slide and strictly follow the safety rules yourself:

1. Do not move down the hill until the previous descender has moved aside.

2. Do not linger at the bottom when you have moved out, but quickly crawl away or roll away to the side.

3. Do not cross the ice path. Explain to the child that it is impossible to cross the hill across, even if it seems to him that he will have time to run across before someone moves out. It is easy to slip on the ice and get under the feet of those moving out.

4. Climbing a snow or ice slide should only be done at a climbing point equipped with steps; it is forbidden to climb a hill where others slide down towards them.

5. To avoid injury, do not ride standing on your feet and squatting.

6. Try not to slide backwards or head forward (on your stomach), but always look ahead, both when descending and when ascending.

7. If it is impossible to avoid a collision (a tree, a person, etc. on the way), then you should try to fall on your side or roll away from the ice surface.

8. If a passer-by walks past the hill, wait until he passes, and only then make the descent. In recent years, inflatable sleds have become very popular. Riding on them is a recreation that is equally suitable for adults and children. But, unfortunately, tubing is one of the most traumatic types of recreation. Unlike conventional sleds, "cheesecakes" are able to develop greater speed and even spin around their axis during the descent. At the same time, they are absolutely uncontrollable and are not equipped with a braking device. This is the case when the health and life of the skiers is the business of the skiers themselves.

Therefore, in order to make your vacation enjoyable, and the descent on the “cheesecake” safe, you must:

1. Ride only on specially prepared tracks with a snowy surface.

2. The slope for skiing should be with a slope of no more than 20 degrees. At the bottom of the slope there should be enough space for braking. You should not ride tubing on slopes overgrown with trees.

3. You can’t ride slides with springboards - when landing, the cheesecake is very springy.

4. Before starting the descent along an unprepared track, inspect it for the presence of holes, mounds, protruding bushes, stones, fences that pose a danger to life and health.

5. Cheesecake sleds develop great speed, so pay attention to other skiers on the slope. Before starting the descent, make sure that there are no skiers in front of you, especially children.

6. Do not ride tubing while intoxicated.

7. You should ride a cheesecake sled while sitting. Do not try to ride the "cheesecake" while standing or jumping like a trampoline.

8. You can’t ride a tubing together with a child - it’s impossible to control the situation with one hand while holding the child, and with the other, holding on to the cheesecake.

9. Do not tie the inflatable sled to vehicles: snowmobiles, ATVs, cars, etc.

Dear parents!

Do not leave children alone, unattended!

Follow the simple rules of skiing from the hill, you will protect yourself and others from possible injuries and damage!

Winter, though rarely, though often, but pleases us with white snow and the opportunity to remember childhood, building snow towers and fortresses, wallowing in the snow and participating in fun fights with snowballs. Children are especially looking forward to the snow season, and a rare child does not ask parents impatient questions: when will we go skating? After all, all children consider it a real pleasure to slide down the slope at full speed so that it takes their breath away! How much fun can be seen in the eyes of the guys who, after skiing, are more like snowmen!

You can slide down the slides just like that (but what will mom say then?), on cardboard or oilcloth (but they quickly become unusable), and, of course, using the most popular attribute of winter for schoolchildren and kids - children's sleds.

Any parent will be only too happy to give their child such joy. But before you buy a children's sled and go for a drive, parents must take full responsibility for safety. Because without a careful approach to the choice, without knowledge of the elementary rules of skating, sleds can be quite a traumatic toy.

How to prevent injury and trouble while sledding

Some simple safety rules for children's sledding will help prevent unpleasant situations and leave only bright memories of winter games:

children must be constantly in sight in adults. There are many cases when they were injured when they collided with other sleds on the hill, if mom or dad was distracted by something;

- it is better if the children have wearing a protective helmet. You can take the one that is used while cycling in the summer;

obstacles in the path of the sled and at the end of the route in the form of protruding tree roots, holes, ledges, should be excluded. Therefore, it is better to choose already studied, familiar routes with knurled paths. Moreover, there should not be trees and poles in the way;

- in no case don't go down hills that overlook the roadway, even if the distance to it seems decent;

- you should not choose a hill or hill for skiing, at the foot of which people often walk;

- the hill should not be too cool(especially if kids will be sledding), because of the strong slope, it will be harder for children to cope with the sled during the descent;

- when going to places where many children ride, it is better to dress the child in bright clothes that are clearly visible from afar, and it is better for adults to choose the same outfit. This will not give the baby a chance to get lost in the crowd and get scared, losing adults out of sight;

- the little one should sit facing in the direction of the children's sled. If he sits with his back, the vestibular apparatus can fail, and the baby will fall. In addition, he will not be able to control the sled while sitting facing backwards;

- it is better not to put two or three children on one sled. Maneuverability then drops sharply, it is impossible to control them;

- it is worth explaining to the child that, having rolled down, you need to immediately inspect the hill: another baby can roll down from it, you need to be ready to step aside at any moment;

- climb up after rolling should be as far away from the “track” as possible;

– being at the top, before allowing the child to slide, it is necessary to make sure that there are no other children below.

The right choice of children's sled as a safety measure

Sufficient attention must also be paid to the issue of security. They should be made of quality materials, have handles that you can hold on to. You should not buy sleds based only on the low price or the “fashion” of the model.

Before each walk, it is worth checking the functionality of the sled, because even slightly broken runners can cause injury to the child.

Successful descents!

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