Djungarian and Syrian hamsters comparison. What is the difference between a Syrian hamster and a Dzungarian hamster? Which hamster is suitable for a child

When a person decides to purchase a pet, the first thing he decides on is the species. Everything is simple here: you need to decide which one suits him best. Big or small? Fluffy or short haired? Affectionate or character? Exotic or homemade? There can be many questions, you need to try to answer as honestly as possible a few in order to decide.

But now the difficult choice has been made, it was decided to get a hamster. Further, a purposeful person goes to the market, to a pet store or to a website and finds out that there are many types of hamsters. Of course, there are many more than two, but most often the question arises before him: which hamster is better, Dzungarian or Syrian? In order to answer it, it is necessary to consider the situation in detail from all sides and determine which breed is suitable for this particular person. Below are the features of each breed and their comparison.

Description of the Syrian

Similar in size to a rat, but without long tail. It grows, on average, up to 16-17 cm in length and weighs about 160-180 grams. The life expectancy of Syrian hamsters ranges from two to six years and directly depends on the place of residence, conditions of detention and nutrition of the animal. Recently, a world record was set - a hamster lived for seven years. The color of the coat is different, we can say that this is the most versatile and multifaceted breed. To keep it, you need a spacious cage and a running wheel, because this breed is the most energetic among its relatives. During the night, they easily run five kilometers. Easily gets used to the person and gives in to training. He can be taught to use the tray, learn his name, respond to the voice of the owner. It is better to communicate with the baby daily, otherwise he will quickly get bored and run wild. He needs to walk several times a week outside the cage, in the hands of the owner or in a special running ball. Difficulties may arise with the selection of houses and running wheels, because a large animal needs large accessories (from 18 cm in diameter). It is also necessary to remember that this species jealously guards its territory and does not let anyone near it. It requires a lot of attention and care from its owner, because it cannot be satisfied with a couple sharing for communication. But the most tame and quickly attached to a person, have good learning ability.

Description of the dzhungarik

It is more like a mouse than a rat in size. Therefore, it looks two times smaller than the Syrian one. Its weight is only about forty grams. Characteristic features breeds can be named big eyes, spherical body. These babies have a unique, incomparable coat: a dark gray color with a long stripe on the back and a light belly. Life is shorter than their competitors. They live only three to four years with proper care. The most sociable among all dwarf hamsters. Therefore, do not start them if you can not pay enough attention to the baby. Like the Syrians, they are not accustomed to living in packs, although they show to relatives where less aggression. There are several other species often sold under the name Dzungarian. They are very similar in appearance, but differ in character. Not all pygmy rodents are tamed quickly, some may require a lot of effort and patience. However, they are beautiful in appearance and have a large army of their fans. Such animals are brought in more as part of the interior than as a friend. He lives in isolation, practically does not get out of the cage, but it is very exciting to observe the life of a hamster even through glass or bars. They are good for busy owners who have no time to play with their pet for a long time.

Main differences

So all the same, how does one hamster differ from another, if you miss nothing for common man unimportant genetic traits?

  • Dimensions. If you put two kids side by side, then with the naked eye you can see where which breed is. After all syrian hamster naturally larger by two or even three times.
  • Coat color and type. The coat color of the Syrian breed varies, most often cream or golden. The length of the coat also varies from medium to very long. Dzungarian hamsters are darker, have a pronounced stripe on the back and are short-haired, and the color of their fur coat is similar to that of a mouse.
  • Cell. Since Syrian hamsters are more mobile, and even more so, there are more Dzungarian ones, their house should also be bigger and with necessary quantity running toys. However, the jungars are more fond of all sorts of manholes and attractions, therefore it is worth putting tunnels and ladders in their house.
  • Contact with people. Other things being equal, it is much easier to tame a Syrian than a Dzungarian. This does not mean at all that the second species is wild, it just takes more time to socialize it.
  • Smell. Syrian hamsters have a more unpleasant and Strong smell. In order not to be heard, the cage needs almost daily care.
  • Pair housing. In general, hamsters do not get along well with their fellows, they often fight, they can even eat an objectionable neighbor. Therefore, it is better to seat them in single cells. If there is a need to keep the animals in pairs, then for this purpose it is better to buy a jungarik. The Syrian will not tolerate a competitor.

To summarize: who is better?

The Syrian is suitable for people who crave communication with a pet. It is larger, so it is suitable even for children (less risk that your child will choke or press the body hard). This subspecies lends itself better to training and is more easily tamed by hand.

Dzhungarik is ideal for those who like to observe the unusual behavior of animals, but have little free time. He is harder to tame, but requires less space and more active. It can also be kept in a cage in pairs (just be sure to plant the female mother and her children).

Both breeds need love and care, both will give you a lot positive emotions and joy. It doesn't matter which one you end up choosing. It is important that you sincerely rejoice at this acquisition, then the animal will give you its love.

The domestication of the hamster began in the middle of the last century. Sooner or later, a person has a strong need to take care of a small pet and the question involuntarily arises, which animal to choose as a friend?

If in doubt between a hamster and other small pets, this article will help you decide.

Hamsters are perhaps the most unpretentious and tiny pets, but communication with them brings great joy to adults and children. Fluffy lumps can surprise, upset and laugh.

Undoubtedly, hamsters are trouble-free pets, and the content has more pros than cons. But, in any case, the owner must be aware of the degree of responsibility for a small life.

Apart from known fact that a hamster needs to be looked after, fed and cleaned in a cage, there are a lot of advantages that speak loudly “for” in favor of acquiring a pet:

Hamsters, like any pet, There is cons in content. But, compared to a cat or a dog, they are negligible in argumentation:

    Unpleasant smell emanating from the pet. Misconception, which directly depends on .

    Relatively short life. Alas, a short time is applicable to any animal.

    If you keep in mind that the hamster is a rodent and in his natural desires there is a habit to try on the tooth, then the argument is not significant. The more often communication occurs, the faster the animal stops using its teeth.

    Considering natural factors, it must be remembered that The activity of the pet falls on the dark time of the day. The problem is solved by a thoughtful location of the cell.

Before purchasing a pet, you need to evaluate the possibilities. Busyness or neglect cannot be an excuse for a careless attitude towards a pet in the event of an imminent death.

How to choose

Before buying a hamster, people are puzzled, which pet to take? In general, hamsters do not differ much in terms of care and maintenance. The choice of a particular animal, the length of the coat, color, size and other external signs depend on personal preferences.

Which is better to buy a child

An animal is not a toy, but a great responsibility. Undoubtedly, caring for a pet develops responsibility, observation and in every possible way stimulates the child to communicate with animals.

However, it should be borne in mind that keeping a hamster in a family with a small toddler can have a deplorable effect on the fate of the pet. If the parents in an accessible form did not explain to the baby about the fragility of the body, then the child, without calculating his strength, can cause pain.

The hamster will not keep you waiting and will repay with a very painful bite. The friendliness of the pet or the type of breed is not important here, the reaction of any rodent will be the same.

For a child who distinguishes what is good and what is bad care about pet would be great for general development. Affectionate and Attentive attitude bring mutual pleasure.

If the child has allergic reactions 6 is not worth getting a pet.

Which is better: Dzungarian or Syriac

The charm of the Syrian or the charm of the Jungar? Despite the fact that all hamsters are charming animals, there are clear differences among the breeds in color, habits, size and training of the pet.

Syrian hamster takes leading place in the world in terms of popularity and are rightfully considered a friendly breed towards the owner and his family.

Perhaps the largest rodent that can grow up to 250 grams. The hamster is both long-haired and short-haired. The color of the fur coat is of all shades of gold, but the predominance of a dark color is also acceptable - black, brown or gray.

Syrians are real centenarians, life expectancy reaches 4 years. Smart, easily trained animals, willingly make contact. Active and inquisitive. Muscle development requires additional accessories, walks around the apartment and sand for bathing. At bad care the coat exudes an unpleasant smell.

If the owner’s plans do not include breeding offspring, then the maintenance of the Syrian hamster should be single, due to a zealous attitude towards his home.

Dzungaria get along well with children. Djungarian hamster - adorable fluffy pet. Common as a pet and loved for sociability, gentle nature and activity. Clean, grows up to 10 cm, weight 35-65 grams.

Changes coat color depending on ambient temperature warm time has a gray color, and with the onset of cold weather turns white. It is distinguished by special agility, when trying to escape, it develops decent speed, which makes it difficult to catch.

Curious, often exhibits exploratory talent and is easily trained. The animal is prone to obesity and the development of diabetes, requires a more carefully thought-out diet.

Boy or girl: who is better?

A calm male or an affectionate female? When choosing between gender, there is no particular difference between animals. If the owner does not have a question about breeding the breed, then the differences between the male and the female are in a small discrepancy:

  • Hamster girls are energetic, able to be active in daytime. May show aggression, especially towards offspring. Clean, the dwelling is looked after as diligently as the condition of the coat. They do not tolerate interference in personal territory. They love to hug their owner.
  • Males are calmer, but more odorous. In addition to the ability to mark territory, secrets are secreted from endocrine system. They exceed females in size, for possession they develop fighting qualities.

Comparing rodents: hamster or rat or guinea pig?

Who is better homa or rat

All over the world for decades there have been fierce disputes between rodent lovers, who is better, a rat or a hamster? The differences between the two fundamentally different animals are obvious:


The rat is clean.

Rats are pack animals, they need the company of their brethren. The rodent is affectionate and appreciates the owner's company. Easily tamed, quickly remembers the name and hands of the owner. The sharpness of mind and ingenuity of rats have long been legendary.

Rarely show aggression, even with a rough attitude they are not able to bite before the appearance of blood. Easily adapt to human mode. Despite the strong structure of the skeleton and the hardy body, they often suffer from infectious diseases.


Hamsters are individualists, they do not need cage mates, rodents are ready to fight to the point of blood for personal space. The animals do not yearn for the owner and do not take offense at the lack of affection. The hamster is primitive in care and nutrition, which significantly reduces maintenance costs.

Due to its small size, the pet manages a cage with minimum dimensions And necessary accessories in the form of a drinker and a feeder. Stays awake at night making noise.

Guinea pig or hamster?

Pigs are practically incapable of showing aggression. The guinea pig is a very sociable and friendly rodent, which calmly tolerates neighborhood with other pets. Strives for the company of the owner, loves to bask.

Animals are talkative, using a wide range of sounds to express emotions. Easy to get used to hands. Life expectancy is 5 to 8 years. Activity occurs during daylight hours.

The pig is not aggressive, trainable, but if mistreated, it can hold a grudge. When living with a family, spaciousness and walks around the apartment are required. With pleasure consumes food from the list of acceptable products.

Hamster does not require special attention. Shows aggression when mistreated. During the day he sleeps and will perfect pet for the owner who likes to observe the behavior of the animal. Hearing and sense of smell are well developed. Hamsters are clean, rarely get sick and do not require constant attention.

All rodents are cute in their own way. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. Whatever animal is chosen as a friend, caring attitude and care remains the main requirement.

Who is better? Hamster or guinea pig?

Guinea pig!Hamster!

What to look for when choosing

When acquiring a friend, you need to remember the rules that will help you acquire healthy pet, because it is the main component for a long and active life.

  • The rodent must be at least three weeks old. from birth and not older than two months. Too small a pet, cut off from its mother early, is not able to absorb a diet designed for an adult. The age animal quickly runs wild and is difficult to tame.
  • Given the natural biorhythms, it is better to choose a rodent in the evening, when the animal has had enough sleep, is ready for games and cannot be confused with a sick animal. The first signs of the disease are a dull, fallen fur coat, a soiled anal canal and purulent discharge from the eyes and nose.
  • No need to purchase two pets at once, males often divide territory. Females - only if they are from the same litter.
  • Healed scars on the ears and tail of the hamster speak of the pugnacity and cockiness of the rodent, and the bald patches on the body indicate infection with a fungus or withers.

Out of pity, you should not acquire a lethargic or apathetic animal in the hope of curing him and giving decent life. Most often, despite the efforts expended, the animal dies.

Using the information received to choose a future friend, each person will choose a pet that will delight throughout his life.

In contact with

Hamster is one of the coolest pets. He does not require big care but is quite funny and interesting. But there are many types of such animals. And the most popular of them are the Dzungarian and Syrian hamsters. They are very similar, but there are differences between them. And which hamster is better than Dzungarian or Syrian, we will try to figure it out.

What is a Djungarian hamster?

This animal is the smallest of its kind. It resembles a field mouse in size, but does not have a tail. He lives quite a long time - 3 years. And his offspring reaches 6 cubs, which is quite a lot by the standards of rodents.

These animals have developed front legs, which are somewhat similar to hands. They can hold their food almost like a human. And that makes them quite funny.

Because of their size, dzungars are less of a hassle. They need little care, and they eat little. They are also quite agile and active. Although, they also sleep a lot, since their activity falls on the evening and night.

What is a Syrian Hamster?

This is a medium sized animal. It is larger than the Dzungarian counterpart by about 2 times. The color of this pet is a little golden. He looks quite nice.

It is important to note that such animals can reach up to 200 grams in weight. The females here are slightly larger than the males. Due to their size, they are easier to iron. And they are quite fluffy to the touch. But there are also smooth-haired individuals.

Syrian hamsters live for about 2 years. They are less active, but also funny. Due to their parameters, they require more care. They need to be fed more and the cage cleaned more often.

It is important to know that none of the types of hamsters like water. If you want to bathe an animal, then you should buy special sand. In it, the hamster will clean his own hair.

At the same time, both the Dzungarian and the Syrian hamster eat the same thing. There are no differences in feeding. So, you can safely try to have individuals of both individuals.

Which hamster is better and who to choose?

For those who do not particularly like to care for animals, the Djungarian hamster is suitable. It is more autonomous in every way. Even if you forget to feed him or clean the cage, nothing will happen. And if you buy a small hamster, then it will not be noticeable at all.

But for big animal lovers, Syrian hamsters are better suited. They are larger. They are easier to accustom to hands and stroke. They are also more beautiful and interesting. Often young children tend to just such hamsters.

remember, that Djungarian hamsters more wild. Communicating with them, you are very likely to be bitten. But on the other hand, dzhungars do not have a specific animal smell.

In addition, you can try to get a Siberian hamster. It is larger, but also more unusual. Such a hamster looks like a guinea pig and is in great demand.

The Syrian hamster (Mesocrisetus auratus) is known to many as the Persian hamster. This rodent, belonging to the hamster family, is very popular and is often kept as an unpretentious decorative pet.

Description and appearance

Syrian hamsters were artificially bred on the basis of enough rare species wild hamsters, accidentally found in Syria in the last century. An adult animal is of medium size.

The length of the entire body of a mature individual does not exceed 13.5 cm with a tail length of one and a half centimeters. The average body weight does not exceed 230-250 gr. Female Syrian hamsters are slightly larger than males of this species, and also have a fairly short and stocky body.

The surface of the body is covered with soft and fairly thick fur with golden coloring.. IN natural conditions Syrian hamsters are found near the city of Aleppo and in eastern Turkey.

This is interesting! The front paws of the Persian or Syrian hamster have four fingers, and for hind legs characterized by the presence of five fingers on each.

The muzzle is rounded, and the ears are small. The tail is also very small and almost invisible under a rather thick coat. Syrian hamsters can be long-haired or short-haired.


As practice and experience show, the average life expectancy of a Syrian hamster in nature and at home maintenance is approximately the same, and does not exceed two to three years.

In order to maximize the life of such an unpretentious pet, it is very important to follow the basic rules for keeping it in captivity.

IN last years it is this species that has become extremely popular, and is kept as a domestic ornamental animal in many countries of the world. Important feature Syrian hamsters are represented by the presence of a fairly stable immunity in such a domestic rodent and unpretentiousness in care.

How many hamsters to get

You can buy both one hamster and several individuals, but in this case you need to remember that such pets belong to the category of territorial animals that, in natural conditions, live alone and zealously defend their territory.

Such natural habits are laid down at the genetic level of rodents, and therefore it is absolutely impossible to keep hamsters in pairs, as well as in groups. The exception to the rule is the social Roborovsky hamsters, who do well in small groups or pairs.

Selection and filling of the cell

Compared to many other breeds, the Syrian hamster is quite large.. The best option for the Syrian will be a large cage equipped with wheels with built-in labyrinths.

The affordable model has rectangular shape and dimensions 37x27 cm with a height of 36 cm. A cell is convenient, the second floor of which is located in the middle of the structure and extends over the entire area. The features of the cell for the Syrian are as follows:

  • the size and diameter of the cell is more important than the number of storeys;
  • the dimensions of the cell bottom cannot be less than 50x30 cm;
  • too tight a cage causes the development of hypodynamia and obesity in a pet;
  • the standard distance between the first and second floors should not be less than 30 cm;
  • the cage door should not be too narrow;
  • between the bars there should be a distance within 5.0-10mm;
  • the best option is a cage equipped not with a mesh, but with a solid pallet.

Hamster apartments should be equipped with a wheel, and it is advisable to fill the bottom with sawdust, which perfectly absorb not only moisture, but also all specific odors.

This is interesting! In the cage, you can install a kind of hut in which the hamster will spend the night and rest. It must be remembered that a significant number of different holes will make the life of the Syrian hamster interesting and active. Noah.

Care and hygiene

A prerequisite for keeping a Syrian hamster in captivity is a weekly general cleaning, during which the top is removed, the old bedding and food debris are removed. It is also very important to carry out daily minor cleanings, changing feed and bedding.

After performing each general cleaning, the hamster's cage in without fail disinfected with special safe drugs and then rubbed dry paper towel or pure cotton fabric. Bowls, drinkers and all cage accessories should be washed regularly.

What to feed a Syrian hamster

Proper home keeping of any rodents, including Syrian hamsters, involves the use of a thoughtful diet, well balanced, with the presence of special treats.

The ideal option is to use ready-made diets designed for feeding rodents, including hamsters. Such a factory-made product is able to provide the decorative pet with the necessary amount of vitamins and essential nutrients. The food is given to the hamster strictly in portions.

The composition should include:

  • proteins - from 17% to 23%;
  • fats - about 5-6%;
  • fiber - about 10%.

The main menu can be represented by hard grains, including wheat, oats and millet. Uneaten food during the day must be removed from the feeder, which will eliminate the risk of pet poisoning.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use such products as citrus crops, sunflower seeds, cabbage, chocolate and other sweets, as well as dairy and dairy products except for cheese.

So that the teeth of a domestic rodent do not outgrow, it is necessary to give the hamster twigs of such fruit trees like apple and cherry. The hamster's diet should include apples, carrots, persimmons, zucchini, raspberries and turnips.

Health, disease and prevention

The most common diseases of domestic Syrian hamsters are:

  • abscesses;
  • dental problems;
  • obesity;
  • baldness;
  • inflammation of the "sacs";
  • wet tail;
  • herpes;
  • coli;
  • Aujeszky's disease or "false rabies";
  • trichomoniasis;
  • conjunctivitis.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of symptoms in a pet, represented by:

  • sharp and unmotivated aggressiveness;
  • heavy breathing;
  • complete lack of response to external stimuli;
  • damp fur, matted wool;
  • the appearance of "bald patches" on the coat;
  • the appearance of wounds, sores or swelling;
  • loose or too dry stools that have a strong odor or an unusual color.

The owner of the hamster should be alerted by the constant trembling of the pet, and also if the animal is too active and often itches, combing its skin until blood appears.

It is categorically impossible to self-medicate, and the main prevention of diseases is strict adherence to the rules for caring for a rodent and providing it with adequate feeding. You also need to remember that the cage should be in a well-ventilated, but draft-free room.

Reproduction and offspring

At the time of mating, the male must reach the age of three months, and the female cannot be less than four months. To obtain a successful mating, it is required to determine the presence of estrus in the female, which most often occurs in the Syrian hamster at intervals of five days. During this period, you need to put the female and male in a separate, fairly spacious cage.

The Syrian hamster bears its offspring for eighteen days, after which four to fifteen babies are born. Before the onset of childbirth, you need to very carefully clean the cage, as well as put clean bedding and a sufficient amount of food in it.

Since in the first days it is extremely undesirable to disturb the female and offspring. During first four weeks after birth, Syrian hamster cubs feed only on mother's milk.

During pregnancy, as well as feeding babies, the nutrition of the female Syrian hamster should be enriched with:

  • protein products;
  • boiled egg yolk;
  • cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content;
  • boiled chicken meat.

Among other things, the female needs to ensure complete peace, and place the cage with the pet in a fairly dark place. Born hamsters can be transplanted at the age of one month and a week.

According to a survey of visitors to the Khomkin.Ru website, about 95% of domestic hamsters are Syrian or Dzungarian. Dzhungariki lead by a small margin.

Sometimes, by mistake, Syrian hamsters are called: Ussuri, Persian, Iranian or Sicilian. If the seller of an animal in the market insists on such a name, it is worth considering before acquiring an incomprehensible animal.

Dzungaria and golden Syrians are the most sought-after representatives of the species.

Representatives of the breeds differ not only in appearance, they have different tempers and habits. To understand who to choose a Syrian or Djungarian hamster, get to know the rodents closer!

As soon as you look at representatives of both breeds, you will immediately understand how the Syrian hamster differs from the Dzungarian. Dzhungariki are smaller than Syrians (length with a tail up to 10 cm, weight up to 50 grams), a Syrian can grow up to 20 cm and weigh 100-150 grams, which suggests that it is almost twice as large.

Djungarian hamster (left) and two Syrian

The Syrian hamster is a large and common breed. Distinctive features: the Syrian female quickly bears children, after 16 days the offspring is born, while the Dzungarians bear children for 18-22 days. To date, many subspecies of Syrian hamsters have been bred with different length wool. Short-haired and long-haired babies are in demand.

Dzungaria look like a mouse, the difference is in the length of the tail. They belong to the furry hamsters. Changing coat color winter time year, it becomes light, almost white, the stripe on the back during this period is weakly expressed.

Some pets partially change color, it looks extraordinary and exotic: dark gray spots on white wool, all this is complemented by a stripe on the back.

Probably, you have already made a choice for yourself who is better than a jungarik or a Syrian hamster, and soon he will become an honorary resident of your home.

What kind of hamster to buy a child?

Hamsters are popular with the population, especially kids love them. There are many reasons for this - not pickiness in care, the low cost of a pet, and most importantly, a rodent, along with its home, takes up little space in the apartment.

Hamsters are often bought for children. It is very important to choose the right animal, for this you need to know the difference between the Djungarian hamster and the Syrian hamster. The former are more temperamental, they can bite, the latter behave more calmly.

shaggy Syrian hamster (angora) - a type of Syrian hamster

Explain to your child that a hamster needs to be looked after, no matter what breed you prefer. Both representatives are suitable for keeping in an apartment. Jungars need more space, for them it is better to buy . The Syrians love to climb in tunnels and labyrinths, they are suitable for them.

For jungars, it is better to choose a cage with the smallest possible distance between the bars, this will prevent escape. Dzungaria are very mobile hamsters and as soon as they have the opportunity to escape, they will certainly use it.

Djungarian hamsters live an average of 2-2.5 years, while their Syrian counterparts live 2.5-3.5.

For both breeds, the life span is primarily determined by living conditions. At good care, the absence of diseases, including tumors, to which rodents are most susceptible, life expectancy increases.

It is important to recognize diseases of hamsters in time:

  • the hamster looks restless, constantly itches;
  • does not show activity, as before;
  • the pet has watery eyes, mucus is released from the nose;
  • he bites, squeaks, shows aggression when you want to take him in your arms;
  • on certain area a tumor that becomes a focus of disease and pain.

If you gave your child a Syrian or Dzungarian, periodically inspect the rodent, at the slightest suspicion of a disease, consult a veterinarian. So that the pet does not have problems with teeth, make sure that there is always chalk or mineral stone for grinding teeth, as well as branches of fruit trees.

Content Features

How do Djungarian hamsters differ from Syrian hamsters, except for their appearance and character? Smell, although it is difficult to say which hamsters smell more. Dzungarian males and Syrian females secrete a sexual secret, this is accompanied by the release of odors. At the same time, it cannot be argued that the Dzungarian and Syrian hamsters smell unpleasant, the aroma is barely perceptible.

Dzungaria are more sociable, easier to train, although they like to bite more. Syrians are calmer, they rarely bite, they are more willing to walk on their hands.

By nature, Syrian hamsters are closer to guinea pig: more calm and tame. You can also find it on our website.

What is the difference between a Syrian hamster and a Djungarian hamster

Djungarian hamstersSyrian hamsters
1 The size of the animal does not exceed 10 cmThe length of the calf can reach 20 cm
2 The back is decorated with a wide strip, a rhombus is clearly “drawn” on the headMost often found golden, but there are other colors. There are no stripes.
3 Very mobile and nimbleA little more phlegmatic
4 Quite sociable, getting used to, make contact with a personHigh probability of becoming a favorite of the whole family. With rare exceptions, she loves to sit in her arms and receive affection from a person.
5 Needs enough space as it is very mobileNeeds a lot of space due to large size
6 Too fragile and nimble for children of primary school ageAnimal-loving schoolchild will get a lot of joy from close communication.
7 It is not always possible to teach a hamster to use the tray. He is neat, but less prone to training.Very clean, easily accustomed to the "tray".
8 You can keep in standard cages for rodents with a fine lattice.Due to its size, it has fewer opportunities to get out of the cage
9 prone to disease diabetes, you can not give some sweet fruitsOmnivorous, but do not abuse it. The animal requires a complete diet of quality food.
10 Males are more odorous than females1 time in 3 days, during estrus, females can smell
11 Have short hairThere are individuals with both short and long hair.
12 Smell glands are located on the abdomenGlands on the sides

Comparison of the most common breeds can be carried out indefinitely. But they have a lot in common, at least the fact that both the Syrians and the Dzhungars are cute creatures.
