The history of the emergence of embroidery technique with satin ribbons. satin ribbon story

History of ribbon embroidery

Ribbon embroidery has a pretty long history, originating in Ancient Greece, because the ancestor of the ribbon can be considered a rope made of plant fibers, with which ancient women tied their hair and clothes. Gradually, this rope turned into a braid, and with the advent of looms - into a ribbon.

It should be noted that even in ancient times, women wove into their hair narrow stripes fabrics decorated with gold and silver coins, precious stones, beads and threads. In ancient Greece, colored ribbons were also used to decorate clothes, and each social stratum had its own colors and materials.

In the Middle Ages in Italy, chairs, canopies began to be decorated with ribbons, heavy curtains were tied with them, which closed windows in the winter cold.

In the XIV century. silk ribbons were used more and more often, and this was facilitated by favorable climatic conditions in the south of Europe, which allowed the rapid development of the production of silk threads, and a long tradition of weaving in Lyon. After the Papal Curia, in connection with the move to Avignon, came under the tutelage of the French king, noble gentlemen began to decorate their clothes and shoes, according to their rank, with brocade ribbons or with a gold border.

In 1446, at the invitation of the future King Louis XI, Italian weavers arrived in Lyon for training. French masters. In addition, in the same year, a wide variety of silk-dressing and ribbon-making machines were brought to the city.

There is a legend about how the wife of the Chinese emperor Xi-Ling-Chi, who lived in 2640 BC. e., for the first time made fabric from silk threads, drawing attention to the thread produced by the silkworm caterpillar.

Gradually, the demand for silk ribbons grew, and Lyon became a major textile center. Already in 1560, 50,000 craftsmen worked on the manufacture of silk ribbons, and a little further south, in Saint-Etienne and Vezlay, 45,000 weavers made braid.

The production of ribbons expanded, and by the beginning of the next century in Saint-Etienne and nearby places, there were already 800,000 looms for the manufacture of ribbons and 350,000 for the production of braided products: galloons, braids, braids.

The King of France, Louis XIV, who loved to decorate his clothes and shoes with ribbons and precious stones, became a trendsetter and urged all courtiers to dress beautifully, originally and magnificently.

The reign of King Louis XV was marked by the Rococo era. The entire French court began to dress more frivolously, voluminous flying dresses, richly decorated with numerous ribbons, came into fashion. The king himself was fond of embroidery with ribbons and gave his products to all courtiers.

Court ladies decorated dresses with small roses, numerous flowers, leaves, pearls and precious stones, placing them on the corsage. Linen was also decorated with ribbons. In special studios, which were called "suppliers royal court”, made delightful masterpieces from silk ribbons. Today they can be seen in museums.

Gradually, ribbon embroidery from France spread to England, and from there to all countries of the British Empire. Thanks to the first settlers, this type of embroidery became known in America, where it quickly gained popularity.

The heyday of embroidery with ribbons fell on the 2nd half of the 19th century. At this time, not only clothes were embroidered, but also umbrellas, lampshades, hats, quilts, pillows, handbags and other household items.

In the XX century. after the Second World War, interest in this type of art faded, however, as in other types, which is not surprising, because people had other priorities. Only in the last 2 decades of the last century, interest in embroidery with silk ribbons revived again, and the art of this type of needlework began to delight with its exquisite beauty. Many craftswomen have begun to embroider with ribbons again, because this does not require special devices or high upfront costs.

Preparation for embroidery with ribbons takes place in several stages. First you need to find the motif of the pattern, and then pick up ribbons, needles, threads and other materials and tools for it. And it should be remembered that the beauty of your work primarily depends on harmonious combination fabrics and ribbons, as well as from right choice shades.

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The history of embroidery today has big role in the formation of this type of needlework. A woman who was engaged in such a hobby personified femininity. Once upon a time, every girl had to have a dowry made with her own hands, which was highly valued. The secrets of creating canvases were passed down from generation to generation and were considered something indispensable for every needlewoman.

The development of needlework in ancient peoples

In ancient times, clothing and interior items were decorated with strips of leather, making up marvelous patterns. With development folk art appeared and artistic views sewing. China is considered the birthplace of satin and silk embroidery, servants decorated the clothes of emperors, ancient ornaments dating back to the 5th-4th century BC. e. have been preserved to this day. France and King Louis contributed to the development of this fashionable trend at that time. The king liked to decorate clothes with silk ribbons and precious stones. They were decorative embroidery made on silk fabric from golden threads. Many centuries have passed, the fashion trends of each season in without fail include handmade elements on coats, trousers, wide skirts and hats.

Satin ribbons in the embroidery of paintings look amazingly beautiful and picturesque. Atlas is translated from Arabic as “smooth” and it fully justifies this name. They owe their extraordinary smoothness to special type weaving, it is called "satin" in the common people. On the one hand, the ribbons have a shiny texture, and on the other, they have a matte texture, this must be taken into account. Amazing ribbons came to our country from China and have remained a popular material for decorating clothes, interior items and ribbon embroidery.

In past decades, satin ribbon embroidery was not very popular, it was forgotten in favor of other types of arts and crafts, but today it is at the peak of its revival. The schemes changed with each generation of craftsmen, in addition to clothes, they also decorated the walls of the premises, curtains and, as a result, household items - bed sheets, paintings, etc.

It should also be noted that each country historically adhered to a certain embroidery motif, for example, in the history of Japanese ornaments, images of birds were quite common, the inhabitants of Ancient India, like the inhabitants of Iran, preferred to depict floral motifs on their creations. As for Ancient Greece, their embroidery could not do without figurines of living people and genre scenes. It was the Greeks who came up with the fashion to wear ribbons in their hair, and the Romans supplemented their hair with thin bandages that were embroidered with gold threads and decorated with jewelry. Color often spoke of a woman's class affiliation.

The art of embroidery was also known to the ancient Egyptians, as evidenced by the bright ornaments that adorned the clothes of the pharaohs. On the territory of our lands they began to decorate the outfit of the XIII century. Embroidery was noted on items of ladies' toiletry, on upholstered furniture, umbrellas, lamps, and other household items.

In the 70s of the 19th century, decorations from overhead ribbons began to come into fashion; they could be fastened with pins. Volumetric applications that were made from tinted gas were present in the hair, on the dresses of rich ladies and even on handbags. The Art Nouveau style, characterized by the first half of the 20th century, contributed to the rise of this type of arts and crafts, but by the middle of the 20th century, interest had noticeably decreased, which we are seeing.

The history of satin ribbons in fashion

Embroidery is a very entertaining hobby that will be of interest not only to older women, but also to girls who want to update their wardrobe using prints for ribbons.

Embroidery for beginners with step by step photos give a chance modern girls learn something new and touch the favorite business of their great-grandmothers. Embroidery skills will certainly come in handy for every young lady. hand made things are highly valued modern world, wealthy ladies ready to pay any money for a unique thing, and you will learn how to create them yourself.

Fashion designers in their collections are constantly trying to bring something new, while using old, once forgotten needlework techniques. When choosing a good technique, even a small embroidery indicates excellent taste and is considered a sign of good tone. It is a mistake to think that you will look rustic, the difference between modern and folk use, colossal. In addition to the usual decoration of the fabric itself, embroidered clothes are able to set an exquisite tone for the whole image. You can select schemes based on the style of clothing, decorating evening look floral motifs, A business suit abstraction. Interior designers do the same, complementing curtains and bedspreads with original silk and gauze ornaments.

History of ribbon embroidery

History of ribbon embroidery starts from ancient times. Initially, of course, there were no ribbons, so they used a rope made from plant fibers. And this rope gradually turned first into a braid, and over time into a ribbon.
Even in ancient times, people liked to decorate their hair with a variety of narrow strips of leather and fabric, on which expressive patterns were created. For example, women ancient rome and Ancient Greece decorated their hair with embroidered strips of fabric and ribbons embroidered with gold and precious stones. Women also trimmed clothes with colored ribbons. And for certain materials and the color of the tapes, it was possible to determine social status person.
The beautifully embroidered clothes of the pharaohs, which were embroidered in Ancient Egypt. The embroidery technique of the Egyptians was borrowed by the Jews and the Assyrians. The embroidery technique was original in the Middle Ages by Byzantine needlewomen. They embroidered special ornaments with gold and silk. Later, this technique spread to other European countries. In England, for example, luxurious floral ornaments began to be embroidered with silver, gold and silk. Decorated in Italy ribbons backs of chairs and canopies, they tied heavy curtains with which they closed windows in winter to protect them from cold and wind.

The wide application silk ribbons started in the 14th century. In the French city of Lyon, the production of silk fabrics and threads began to develop quite quickly. Representatives of the noble society began to wear luxurious clothes, which were embroidered with ribbons with a gold border, which corresponded to the origin and rank of the wearer.
In 1446, by order of the future King Louis XI, machines for silk dressing and ribbon making were brought in. He also invited Italian craftsmen to in turn teach this skill to local weavers. But his idea failed.
A little later, camisoles and cloaks were in fashion, which were trimmed with brocade and gold ribbons. The demand for such a product began to grow. The city of Lyon eventually became the largest textile center. In 1560, 50 thousand craftsmen already worked in it. They made various ribbons: gold, silk, brocade and satin. In the cities of Velzy and Saint-Etienne, located in the neighborhood, about 45 thousand weavers produced braid. In 1660, in Saint-Etienne and its environs, more than 80 thousand machines produced ribbons and 370 made gimbal products (galoon, lace, braid).
Ludwig XIV urged all his courtiers to dress beautifully and with fiction. At his court, all toilet items (from pantaloons to shoes) began to be decorated with ribbons embroidered with pearls and precious stones. The next French monarch, Louis XV, himself loved to embroider with ribbons and gave his products to the courtiers. During this period, fashion came into voluminous dresses with flying silhouettes, with folds and lots of ribbons.
noble ladies they decorated their dresses with ribbons, sewed many roses and other voluminous flowers on corsages, and also used crystals and pearls. Later they began to decorate with ribbons and underwear, which became more luxurious and elegant. There were even special ateliers in which real works of art were created with the help of a needle and silk ribbons. Some of these products have survived and are kept in various museums around the world. From the 17th-18th centuries, ribbons began to decorate not only women's, but also men's clothing. Even the vestments of the priests were decorated with ribbons.
In the 19th century, ribbon embroidery became popular among almost all segments of the population. The number of machines producing tapes also increased. In the city of Basel In 1775 there were 1225 of them, and in 1870 there were already 7631 of them. English embroidery added a special French chic. He not only decorated clothes with ribbons, but also embroidered various motifs on clothes with silk ribbons and braid. It was Charles Frederick Worth who became the founder of the fashion for decorating various accessories with embroidery. Underwear, shoes, gloves and fans began to be trimmed with ribbon and braid embroidery.
But gradually the New Zealand and British craftswomen seized the initiative, they became the best needlewomen at that time. In the 19th century, Queen Victoria instructed them to decorate her outfits. But in Australia, this type of needlework spread much more than embroidery with threads, since there was a tax on fibers and threads from Japan, and there was no tax on ribbons.
In our country, ribbons for decoration have been used since ancient times. In times immemorial, the bride, who was betrothed, put on her head a wreath with ribbons, which was called beauty. Another vintage dress for girls - ribbons - decorated with gold threads and colorful ribbons with beads. In the Rzhevsky district, women and girls wore a warrior - a headdress with sewn ribbons and embroidery of gold thread. The bottom of festive shirts was decorated with two stripes of red silk ribbons. Other shirts were sheathed with colorful ribbons. The bottom of the sundress was decorated with openwork stitching and ribbons. A vertical strip of cotton and silk ribbons was sewn in the center of the sundress. Often embroidered ribbons used instead of belts in festive attire.
clothes Don Cossacks in the 17th-18th centuries they were decorated with embroidery with silver, gold, silk threads and various ribbons. Shirts were decorated with embroidery and ribbons along the bottom of the hem and sleeves. The top, swing dress was embroidered with pearls and ribbons. Even shoes were decorated with ribbons.
Gradually, under the influence of the Rococo and Baroque styles, embroidery with silk ribbons of various floral patterns becomes popular in Russia. Ribbons decorated clothes by pulling the sleeves and forming bouquets of flowers.
In the 1870s, silk ribbon embroidery became most widespread. Skirts, sleeves, bodices, collars, cuffs of dresses, gloves, shawls, muffs were decorated with ribbons. In addition, quilts, lampshades, umbrellas and various items everyday life. And also various overhead decorations from jewelry have become fashionable: silk ribbons, curly sequins, voluminous applications from tinted gas with chenille. Could be combined different kinds embroideries, for example, silk ribbon appliqués were combined with colored satin stitch.
In the 20th century, interest in this type of needlework declined in the same way as in other types of needlework. At the end of the last century, silk ribbon embroidery began to reappear, recalling the history of ribbon embroidery, which is currently experiencing a rebirth.

Even in ancient times, people used ribbons, which were narrow strips of fabric. Moreover, the scope of their application was quite wide. Ribbons have been used in economic purposes, in everyday life, and also as decorations. The inhabitants of ancient Greece and ancient Rome often wove strips of fabric adorned with jewels into their hairstyles. Ribbons were also used to trim clothes, and their color could tell which social class the wearer belongs to. In Italy, in the Middle Ages, ribbons began to be used for interior decoration. They decorated furniture, curtains, canopies and so on.

However, silk ribbons were most widely used in the 14th century. This was due to the development of silk thread production at that time. In the middle of the 15th century, King Louis XI ordered to invite weavers from Italy who were to teach the French the art of silk dressing and the manufacture of silk ribbons. For this purpose, Lyon was brought a large number of machines designed for this. Thus, Lyon became the center textile production. French subjects were the first to trim clothes with ribbons. Noble ladies and gentlemen increasingly appeared in chic outfits, decorated with brocade or silk ribbons.

Naturally, the demand for tapes increased. Already a hundred years later, in Lyon, there were about fifty thousand weavers who were engaged in the production of a wide variety of silk ribbons. At the same time, the production of braid was established in Saint-Étienne and Vesley. By the middle of the 17th century, about three hundred and seventy machines for the production of gold and silver braid, as well as about 80 thousand looms for the production of silk ribbons, were already operating in these cities.

The peak of the use of silk ribbons falls on the beginning of the 18th century. King Louis XIV was very fond of decorating his outfits with numerous ribbons with jewels on them. Even the king's shoes were trimmed with ribbons. Louis XIV was not indifferent to original outfits and in every possible way encouraged his courtiers to dress unusually.

During the Rococo era in France, a somewhat frivolous lifestyle comes into fashion. Responding to the trends of the times, French fashionistas decorate their dresses with numerous ruffles, ribbons and tucks. During this period, there the new kind finishing of clothes - embroidery with silk ribbons. Following France, such fashion trends were picked up in England, and later throughout Europe.

The history of satin ribbon originates from the usual braid made of plant fibers, which was used mainly for weaving into hair. This decoration has been popular since prehistoric times. What is confirmed by the finds of archaeologists in the parking lots ancient man in various parts of our planet. And already in the ancient period, the history of the satin ribbon reaches its peak. At this time, they begin to decorate it with embroidery, stones, coins. All this is done with the help of expensive materials. Naturally, then the atlas was made from natural threads - cotton, linen.

IN Ancient China for this, of course, silk was used. So all ancient civilizations used these beautiful shiny satin ribbons. The history of their use in each state was different: somewhere they were a distinction, somewhere they were used exclusively by women, or only by men, they were a privilege of the upper class or had a sacred meaning.

In general, history satin ribbon has great amount years. And for all this time, it has not lost its relevance, attractiveness. Now the tape is produced both from natural and from synthetic threads. If earlier it was mainly one-sided (with a pronounced facial and wrong sides), now it is also made double-sided. Extraordinary beauty is achieved with the help of special way weaving threads in the manufacture of satin ribbon.

History gives us the opportunity to follow how the fashion and tastes of people have changed. Now you will no longer meet a girl with ribbons woven into a braid, but in the manufacture of clothes they are still used the same way (except for the fact that now satin ribbons are firmly entrenched precisely in women's outfits, and almost completely left the men's). Their use in interior decoration has also remained unchanged. Any kind satin ribbons we can offer to our clients. They are available in a variety of colors, plain and patterned, in various widths. Our ribbons are suitable for bringing your ideas to life.
