How do they perform marital duties on their wedding night in African tribes. How to prepare for your first wedding night

The first wedding night is a pleasant, but exciting event. Compliance with easy rules will make this night unforgettable and deprive you of any unpleasant sensations.

Try to relax before an exciting event. Left alone with your husband, drink some wine or champagne, eat a light snack. Alcohol will help you relax, but don't overdo it or it will backfire. Chocolate and seafood are natural aphrodisiacs that increase arousal. Buy assorted chocolates, order sushi or a salad with seafood - aphrodisiacs will also help you relax and liberate yourself. To create a romantic atmosphere, light scented candles, turn on quiet music, or take a bath together. Ask your husband not to rush, let him wait until you are ready. If you are very worried, discuss it with your future husband before the wedding. Tell him about your fears, ask questions of interest. A loving husband will reassure and tell you what you need to do.

It is better to spend your wedding night in a romantic setting, for example, in a hotel room, where they can bring you champagne and snacks.

Tell your husband comfortable positions

There are several positions in which defloration occurs most painlessly. The most popular position is the classic missionary. Here you can relax and give the initiative to your husband. Control his actions, and defloration will be quite easy. For more relaxation, place a pillow under your buttocks and pull your bent legs to your chest. Another good position suitable for a virgin is the “man from behind”. Lie on your stomach on the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Let the husband rest his hands on the bed and enter you while standing. In this position, the hymen is stretched, and its rupture is easy. During sex, it is better not to experiment, the positions of the rider, sitting and standing are not for you yet. If during sex there is pain and bleeding, it is better to stop contact. Blood is released in most cases, but sometimes it may not be. With severe bleeding, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for several days.

If the bleeding does not go away for more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

How to behave after sex

After sexual intercourse, you may be tired or, conversely, feel excited. But do not forget to pay attention to your husband. He was as worried as you were that something would go wrong. Thank him for his care, give free rein to kisses and hugs. We can take a shower together. Be sure to tell what you liked about your husband's actions, and only then you can give some critical remarks. Note what you would like next time.

How to spend your first wedding night

Since ancient times, we honor the traditions of the first wedding night. Let in modern society marriage night for many, it is only a convention, since for the bride and groom it is not at all the first. However, this night should be special.

  1. First marriage night although it has lost its traditional meaning, it is still a symbol of new life for spouses. This is the first night as married people, and it must pass in a special way. This is the start of your new life night should serve as the foundation of your marital relationship.
  2. The wedding ceremony and celebrations on this occasion are extremely exhausting for both spouses. Therefore, by the end of the holiday, there is a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible, because there is simply no strength left for something more. It is desirable to have a marriage night in a good hotel. It is in an unfamiliar environment.
  3. In a hotel or hotel, book a wedding room. Your room will be decorated in a special way. A large and soft bed will be strewn with rose petals, silk linens will spice up this night. Make sure that no one even accidentally violates your privacy. Make love or not this night- it's up to you to decide. In the morning you will wake up for the first time as a married couple.

How to relax without alcohol

  • Spend the evening with a bottle of beer, and on holidays not limit yourself to one bottle, and maybe even take something stronger on your chest - this habit exists among many. Some even cannot understand at all whether it is really possible to relax without resorting to the use of alcoholic beverages. However, they do not think that alcohol just does not allow the body to rest, but on the contrary, exhausts it even more.
  • Listen to yourself: why can't you relax without drinking? Maybe it's just a psychological addiction. When drinking with friends, you feel more relaxed and it seems to you that you are resting both in body and soul. And it is quite possible that the dependence is no longer only psychological and it is time to take drastic measures.
  • If you're determined to eliminate alcohol or significantly reduce the amount of alcohol in your life, think about how else you can relax. After all, you usually drink with friends in a bar, a nightclub or even in a park on a bench. Change your circle of interests and places of visits.
  • Go to museums, theaters, exhibitions. In such cultural places alcohol no, and you will feel that even without it you can spend time interestingly and with benefit for self-education. By the way, about education - start going to courses of what you have long dreamed of learning. Playing the guitar, learning a foreign language. If this is your long-standing desire, you will not get tired of such work.
  • Get active in sports. Volleyball, basketball, football, whatever. Sports activities not only cheer up and give a positive charge to the whole body, but also improve the appearance. Get involved in social activities.
  • An important role is played by communication with animals. Furry friends are great for relieving stress. Get out in nature more often. Watching her calms and fills the body with energy.
  • If you choose the right way to spend your free time, you will be pleasantly surprised that even without alcohol you don't feel worse. On the contrary, your body will begin to truly relax, thanks to sports, the body will tighten up, and the new acquired knowledge may help you achieve those goals that you could not even dream of sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer.

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How is the first wedding night

Initially, the first wedding night was really the first in the life of the newlyweds. Girls kept their innocence for one single person - her husband. In modern society, the first night is considered just a beautiful ritual.

  1. Decide in advance on the place for the wedding night. It could be a honeymoon suite in a hotel or your apartment, which you move into after your wedding. If you have been living together for a long time, you can, of course, arrange a wedding night at home, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create the right atmosphere.
  2. Take care of decorating the room. Tie heart-shaped balloons, arrange candles, prepare rose petals. Don't forget to stock up on light snacks. In the process, you will probably get hungry, and the remnants of the banquet, carefully packed by your parents, will be out of place. Buy fruits, berries, chocolate, cheese. Put a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator.
  3. The first wedding night is a beautiful end to the wedding day. It is very important that it takes place in a romantic atmosphere of love. Therefore, igniting the celebration, be sure to leave the strength to continue the holiday tête-à-tête with your spouse.
  4. Make your bed with fresh linens ahead of time. It is good if it is washed with a conditioner that will give a light scent. Turn off your phones and make time for each other. Many newlyweds, having reached the place of the first night, begin to count the donated money. Do not get carried away with this and immediately start planning expenses. Calculate the amount and save until tomorrow.
  5. Let the newly-made husband free his beloved from the shackles of the wedding dress corset. Girls should take care of wedding underwear in advance. It can be a thinner corset or a set. It is beautiful when the bride's underwear is made in white and decorated with lace.
  6. In order to relieve fatigue after an emotional day, you can take a bath with your spouse. Stored rose petals, candles and champagne will come in handy here. Turn on beautiful music, put wine glasses and fruits on the table next to the bathroom and relax while sharing your wedding impressions.
  7. A pleasant surprise for the young spouse will be a private dance performed by his wife. You can learn it from videos on the Internet, and practice it in advance at home. It's not scary if the movements are not honed. The main thing here is to surprise.
  8. The first wedding night is a time of affection, tenderness, romance. Imagine that this is your first experience, kiss and hug more, take time for foreplay. Listen to your partner's desires during intercourse. And during breaks, feed each other fruits and sweets, clink glasses and rejoice, because you are now a family.

In order not to waste time and not look for containers for donated flowers in the middle of the night, stock up on a couple of plastic buckets.

If you spend the night in an apartment or house, take care of breakfast in the morning in advance. Good for toast, scrambled eggs, fruit, wedding cake leftovers.

What is the first wedding night

Previously, the first wedding night involved the first sexual contact of the newlyweds. In the modern world, this expression has a slightly different meaning. However, this does not prevent the newlyweds from looking forward to their wedding night.

  • With the wedding night, many peoples are sometimes associated with very strange customs. In some African tribes, the innocence of the bride was considered a disgrace. And the blood that appears during the deprivation of virginity could bring illness to her husband. Therefore, girls were deprived of innocence with a special bone knife or just a finger. In other tribes, everyone took turns taking possession of the bride. And only after that the "experienced" wife could go to bed with her husband. Fortunately, to date, such rituals have been preserved only in a few wild tribes.
  • In most cultures, the bride's virginity was highly valued. In Muslim countries, the tradition is still preserved, according to which, after the wedding night, the groom must provide evidence of the bride's innocence. Blood-stained sheets are hung out for all to see.
  • In seemingly civilized Europe, there was a "right of the first night." And it did not belong to the groom. The girls had to spend their first wedding night in the beds of feudal lords. This applied to a greater extent to serfs, brides from noble families could avoid such a “privilege”. This barbaric custom existed in some countries until the 18th century. But in Germany, France and Scotland, another funny tradition has been preserved since ancient times. Friends of the bride and groom do their best to prevent the newlyweds from being alone. They make noise under the windows, sing obscene songs, they can hide a dozen alarm clocks in the bedroom. The newlyweds manage to enjoy each other only after the guests get tired and fall asleep.
  • In Russian traditions, the wedding night was given great importance. The bride and groom were forbidden to drink strong drinks during the wedding feast. The bed for the newlyweds was made in a cold non-residential area. The newlyweds were escorted there by friends and matchmakers. The bride removed the boots from the groom. This custom was not intended to humiliate the young. In one boot, the groom hid gold and silver coins. If the newlywed guessed where the money was, she got the right not to maintain the family budget. In pre-Christian Russia, the virginity of the bride was a desirable phenomenon, but not mandatory.
  • For modern couples leaving the registry office, the concept of "wedding night" is very arbitrary. The innocent bride is the exception rather than the rule. Most newlyweds enter into an intimate relationship before the official registration of marriage, and this does not shock anyone. Some couples even manage to have a baby before marriage. However, all this should not detract from the solemnity of the first night in marriage. On the contrary, the wedding night gives the couple an opportunity to return to a time when they were just discovering the joys of sex with each other. It is better to postpone the revision of gifts until the morning and do what the wedding night is intended for - love.

How to relax before sex

Intimate relationships are an integral part of the life of many modern couples. For some, sex becomes a way to get to know yourself and your partner better, to feel trust and become closer not only physically, but also emotionally. However, only those who are absolutely relaxed can be completely liberated in bed.

You will need

  • - beautiful underwear;
  • - feather, puff or tassel;
  • – massage oil/cream;
  • - nice music


  1. A liberated person will be able to get maximum pleasure from intimacy. With such a girl, the partner will feel cozy and comfortable, and will try his best to please her. To fully surrender to the process, you need to relax before sex.
  2. Your favorite music and beautiful underwear will help you get in the right mood. Just get dressed, listen to a few tracks, meditate or, on the contrary, actively move around. This will help you forget about problems, get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. If your partner knows about your excitement, you can conduct a “relaxation act” together.
  3. A long foreplay will also help to relax before sex. Show your partner your erogenous zones, gently stimulating his sensitive areas as well. Pay special attention to the head, neck, ears and the area behind them. If you want to extend the time of sexual games, first use flirting by touching your loved one with accessories: puff, feather or soft brush. Gradually move on to closer contact.
  4. Prolonged tactile contact will help to imbue trust in a partner. Ask your man to give you a light back massage. To make the touch more pleasant, use oil or cream. There are many nerve endings in the region of the back, shoulder girdle, and lower back. Their massaging will respond with pleasant sensations, help you relax and tune in to intimacy. Some girls are very excited about this foreplay. Especially if the partner, in addition to hands, uses lips and tongue.
  5. If you are only at the very beginning of a relationship and you will have sex for the first time, try to “postpone” it until the morning, and spend the night in a confidential conversation and sleep together. Sexologists claim that the time spent together will help you emotionally bond with your partner and feel relaxed in his presence. Therefore, morning sex will be a logical and pleasant start to a new day (and a strong relationship).

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A man can also be very nervous before sex. Therefore, a long prelude will become for him the same "lifeline" as it is for you. The main thing is not to be embarrassed by your fears and try to overcome tightness and tension with joint efforts.

Some relaxation sources recommend drinking a glass of champagne or wine. However, remember: this method is a sure way to rash acts that you may regret. Such relaxation can also negatively affect your health.

What to do on your wedding night

Basically, all brides think about the wedding: the dress, the ceremonial hall, the toastmaster and other moments of this day are worked out to the smallest detail. But some people forget about another important question - what to do on their wedding night? When husband and wife are left alone in a new official status.

You will need

  • - rose petals;
  • - aroma candles;
  • - silk bed linen;
  • - Beautiful underwear.


  • Don't come home, make this night unforgettable. Book in advance a room in a good hotel, with a large bed and a beautiful view from the window. It is best to choose a honeymoon suite. This will help you get rid of pressing problems, relax and enjoy your wedding night.
  • If you do not have the opportunity or desire to spend your wedding night in a hotel, you can go home. But make sure that there is no one at home, only you and your spouse. To create a romantic atmosphere, you need to take care of auxiliary items in advance. Rose petals on the bed, scented candles around, subdued lights and silk linens. Light snacks and cream can be prepared to use during foreplay.
  • It is desirable for a girl to purchase beautiful underwear, a negligee to impress her husband. After a long day, makeup can get dirty and rice can get stuck in your hair, so it's worth going to the bathroom and cleaning yourself up. Do not take off your wedding dress yourself, let your husband do it.
  • When you get rid of the uncomfortable dress, you can move on to the main thing. No need to rush, because you have the whole night ahead of you. Play some romantic music in the background to create the right atmosphere. Tune in to the right mood by taking a bubble bath together. After it, you can give each other a relaxing massage, smoothly turning into foreplay.
  • If you are intimate for the first time on your wedding night, you must carefully deflorate. Place a folded towel under you to keep your bedding from getting bloody. Do not worry and try to relax so that the process is not so painful. There are two positions that will allow you to do this quickly and without unnecessary pain.
  1. First: you lie on your back with a small pillow under your buttocks, knees bent and pulled up to your chest. In this position, the hymen is stretched and quickly torn, so that the pain is of a short-term nature. For the second position, you need to lie across the bed and lower your legs to the floor. Your spouse takes a position between the thighs and enters from this position. The defloration process is fast and you will not feel much pain.

After that, it is recommended to wait with sex until the wound heals a little. So you can end the wedding night with kisses and mutual caresses. If you do not want to go to bed after this, think in advance what to do on your wedding night later.

An Englishwoman married a Frenchman. On the wedding night, the husband comes naked to his young wife. She wraps herself in a blanket and says:
- And it is customary for us on the wedding night to go into the room to his wife in a tailcoat.
- And it is customary for us to go in tailcoats only to premieres!

Hello, are you married? Well, what do you say for the wedding night?
- Ta! Changed my last name on social media all night...

The guy decided to get married, he was very modest, he comes to the boys and asks:
- Friends, I'm getting married, what should I do on my wedding night, how should I behave?
- Yes, you do not worry, do everything that she did! And everything will be great!
The wedding night came, the wife does not see initiative from her husband, she took everything upon herself, undressed and he followed, went to bed and he, they lie together, she spread her legs, trying to attract, and he is the same, they are silent. . . .
- Honey, what's next?
- Wait, maybe someone will fuck us. .

Nowadays, the wedding night now looks like this: a girl sits all night at the computer and changes her last name in profiles ...

The wedding night.
The husband strokes his wife's belly and says:
- This is my field, here I will plant potatoes, - and fell asleep.
On the second night, he strokes his back and says:
- Here I will plant cabbage, - and fell asleep.
On the third night, his wife says to him:
- Hey, farmer, if you don’t plant carrots tonight, then I’ll rent the field!

What is the first wedding night compared to the first extramarital!

The most common phrase on the wedding night:
- Only 500 rubles?! They also call friends!

Newlyweds before the wedding. The bride blushes and asks the groom:
- Honey, you know, I'm still a girl, I don't know what and how, I'm afraid, please be kind to me on my wedding night.
The groom proudly assures her:
- Don't worry, I'll do everything right, don't be afraid! Well, at first it will hurt a little, and then I will try and make you happy!
And now the wedding night, the groom puffs, sweats and tries on her, the bride calmly watches his attempts. Then he asks:
- And when will it hurt?
Groom, through teeth:
- But right now I'll finish - and you'll get it for fucking!

The wedding night.
- Honey, - the newlywed confesses, - I want to be honest: you are not my first ....
- I want to be honest too: I don't believe you!

If on the wedding night the young wife was not a virgin, then
according to the law of the mountains, it is she who is hung on the fence instead of a sheet.

What should a newly minted, modern young married couple do on their wedding night so as not to stain the sheet?
- Wash your feet.

So how was your wedding night?
- So-so. Simply outraged. The bride turned out to be quite inexperienced!

I found out on my wedding night that my wife was a virgin. The only embarrassing thing is that this is her second marriage!

The wedding night…
The husband takes the bride, fills a full bath and drowns her ... And no sex!!! So four nights...
A frightened wife calls her mother ...
- Mom what is it! I can’t have sex with my husband for the fourth night ... Everything is gaining a full bath and drowning me ...
Mother of the bride...
- Be patient, daughter, he is a tire fitter, he is probably looking for a hole !!!

Blonde - girlfriend:
- When on the wedding night my husband demanded min @ t - I, like Stirlitz, was on the verge of failure: I almost declared that I don’t even do min @ t to my boss.

A man comes to work after his wedding. Colleagues:
- Well, how was the first wedding night?
- I do not remember! I lost consciousness after she peeled off my eyelashes ...

Photo models got married: a guy and a girl.
The wedding night. They lie in bed for 10, 20...., 40 minutes.
Then the guy breaks down and says:
- I didn’t even understand, will someone fuck us today or not?

The wedding night.
The groom takes out his instrument, and it is green. The bride laughed: "Why is it green?"
The groom hits the bride in the face: "Where did you see the other one?"

A seventy-year-old count married a young fashion model. The wedding night. Young people in bed. The old man takes his hand out from under the blanket and shows his wife three fingers. The model exclaims in anticipation:
- What only three times?!
- No, choose which one!

The first wedding night, the husband mentally prepares his wife:
- Darling, now it will hurt a little, and then it will be nice ...
An hour later, the newlywed is interested in:
- And when will it hurt?
- But now I'll finish and ladies in the face!

The wedding night. The groom leads the bride into the bedroom.
- You know, dear, it's good that you didn't give yourself up.
me before the wedding. I must confess otherwise I would
I guess he didn't marry you.
- Didn't I know? How many men have already thrown me like that.
until I figured out what it was.

An old man married a young girl. The first wedding night has come. They are sitting on the bed. Husband asks:
- What do you need to do, you know?
- Nope...
"And your mother didn't explain?"
- Nope...
- And girlfriends did not share?
- Nope...
- Didn't you see it on TV?
- Nope...
- Oh, that's what I forgot!

An elderly teacher married a young student and on their wedding night asks:
- Lenochka, did you have boys?
- Not.
- Lenochka, didn't your mother tell you anything?
- Not.
- What about girlfriends?
- Not.
- Have you read anything in books?
- Not.
- That's the trouble, and I forgot everything,

The wedding night ... Only the young went to bed, the persistent ringing at the door.
The groom, swearing, goes into the hallway and opens the door.
Two men with a coffin on their shoulders enter the apartment without a word, go around the marital bed and - to the exit. Groom:
- Not understood!! What the hell?
- Sorry, bro! Do not turn around in the entrance!!

I imagine a modern wedding night like this: a woman sits and convulsively changes her last name in profiles.

Once, an 80-year-old grandfather decided to marry a 75-year-old grandmother. And took.
The wedding night. Two "young" in bed. Grandfather takes the woman by the hand and falls asleep.
This goes on throughout the honeymoon.
After the aforementioned month, the grandfather again tries to grab hold of the grandmother's hand, and she pulls it out with the words:
- I don't want to today. My head hurts.

My wife asked me to help her change the sheets.
Refueling. Wife:
- Do you recognize this linen?
- No, - I answer, - should I?
- This is the linen on which we slept on our wedding night!
- Yes? I do not remember...
I turn the duvet cover in all directions, trying to figure out how to stuff the blanket into it, I shout in my hearts:
- Damn, where's the hole?!
Wife, unperturbed:
- That's it ... You ask the same questions ...

The old lord married a young wife. On his wedding night, he fails. And he asks the butler to hold the candlestick. Still nothing works. Then he asks the butler to take his place, while he himself holds the candlestick. Everything works out for the butler, the young wife is in ecstasy.
The old lord says to the butler:
- That's what it means to hold a candlestick correctly, Barrymore ...

Naturally, we slept on the first night. This is always the case in serious relationships.

Honey, do you remember our first night?
- Do you think I can forget this horror?

The newlyweds say:
- The wedding night was - WOW!
The whole apartment was shaking.
- And who was the first to say: "Enough, I can't take it anymore!"?
- Neighbor...

The end of the year. A man is going to carry a declaration to the tax office. He thinks: "I will dress in dirty clothes - they will think that I work from morning to evening, a lot of money. I will dress in a suit - I definitely have money."
He went to ask his wife, and she told him:
- Let me tell you a better story. When I married you, I asked my mother what night pajamas to wear on the wedding night: plain or silk. And my mother answered me: "Whatever you wear, daughter, you still ** ut."

The end of the year. A man is going to carry a declaration to the tax office.
He thinks: "I will dress in dirty clothes - they will think that I work from morning to evening, a lot of money. I will dress in a suit - I definitely have money." He went to ask his wife, and she told him:
- Let me tell you a better story. When I married you, I asked my mother what kind of pajamas to wear on the wedding night: plain or silk. And my mother answered me: "Whatever you wear, daughter, they will still fuck."

The newlyweds say:
- Wedding night was - swing! The whole apartment was shaking!
- And who was the first to say: "Enough, I can't take it anymore!"?
- Neighbor behind the wall ...

Want to spend tonight in bed with a few crumbs? Then eat croutons at night.

Russian Railways offers me discounts on reserved seats on New Year's Eve. And
so far this is the best New Year's Eve offer.

The clients and staff of the resort hotel are on their ears after the news that a couple is arriving there for their honeymoon - a 95-year-old groom and a 22-year-old bride.
When they arrived, the old man was such a pitiful sight that everyone began to fear that the wedding night would kill him. However, the next morning the bride slowly left the room and, convulsively clinging to the railing, went down to the first floor. The receptionist, seeing her like this, asked what had happened.
The lady replied:
- He said that he had been saving for 75 years. I thought it was about money...

There were two twin brothers.
One was still a virgin, and the other was walking
right and left. And so they decided to get married on the same day.
During the wedding, the reveler brother decided to play a joke on
brother-virgins and challenged him to a competition - who is the first
If he throws more sticks on his wedding night, he won.
He agreed. And so the tempted brother throws the first stick.
He puts a wand on the wall, then throws a second and puts another
dash, hardly throws the third stick, puts a mark on the wall
and falls asleep in exhaustion. In the morning his brother wakes him up and asks
how much do you have. He hardly points to the wall.
He sees three dashes there (III) and sighs:
- One hundred eleven. You won. You have four more.

Remember, as a child, when you stayed at a party for the night, on the second night you feel like a stranger and want to go to your mommy? So, the same garbage is married.

On the wedding night, the newly-made husband asks his wife:
- Darling, tell me frankly, am I the first man who sleeps with you?
- Well, if you're going to sleep, then yes! - So Littel?!!
He - just a minute - Twisted his right ear.
She (looking under the covers): Wow! But very thin.
He: Wait a minute - Twisted his left ear.
Her: Wow!!!
And they got it.
The night has passed. The next morning the aliens flew away. Vasya and Manya are sitting and sharing their impressions.
Manya: Such a night, such a night. I will never forget her.
Vasya: And this one, instead of sex, twisted my ears all night.

Even if a young woman did not have proper sex education, which is observed quite often, by the time of marriage, she is still to some extent prepared for sexual life, knowing something from conversations with friends, from books, popular scientific medical journals . It is considered normal that she awaits with excitement and fear the first wedding night, which, as she hopes, will connect her with her beloved man for the rest of her life.

The first wedding night is extremely important for the emergence of female sensuality. It is enough for a man not to show tact, tenderness and understanding, as a young woman may have an aversion to sexual intercourse and sexual coldness for the rest of her life. And no matter who she later meets on her life path, it can be very difficult or impossible to fix it.

The first wedding night should be full of romance and tenderness, because this happens to any person only once in a lifetime. If a man is affectionate with a young wife, helpful, then this to some extent relieves her constraint, arouses desire.

When young people go to bed, the man should caress the woman all the erogenous zones (nipples, inner thighs, clitoris). It is even desirable that a man bring her to orgasm with these caresses. And after 2-3 hours, he must deflorate with all the tenderness and care he is capable of. In the future, such a woman will accept her husband's caresses with gratitude, wait for them and respond to him in the same way. But if, instead of the expected tenderness on the wedding night, a woman is faced with rudeness, cynicism and unbridled desires of a man harassing her, then in the future her psyche will be wounded, and this is the first step of future sexual coldness. Even a very experienced man in sexual relations should not demonstrate all his abilities on their wedding night, as this can strike a young woman very unpleasantly. Men should remember that the main reasons for disrespect for a husband by a wife can be weak will, low position in society, physical unattractiveness, rudeness. But my most important thing is rudeness in sexual relations, and especially during the first sexual intercourse.

Intimate intimacy between a man and a woman, especially on the wedding night, should take place in a state of absolute sobriety. This wise law has existed in Russia since very ancient times and determines the ritual of a wedding feast. It is forbidden for young people to drink intoxicating drinks and eat up during the wedding. This is done because any amount of alcohol adversely affects the offspring, and since the first wedding night can be very active sexually, the possibility of conception increases dramatically. And when a child is conceived by parents in a state of intoxication, he is rarely full-fledged, which may not appear immediately, but several years after birth.

Sometimes you can make an exception and allow young people to drink a glass of champagne to relieve nervous tension and modesty. In addition, champagne to some extent improves sexual sensitivity. And countless toasts to the cries of "Bitter!" unacceptable for young people.

Most people have an erroneous opinion that the defloration of a woman must necessarily occur on her wedding night. This is not always the case. A lot here depends not only on the elasticity of the penis, but also on how the hymen is arranged. There are times when it is so dense that it breaks only after a number of attempts. Such phenomena can injure a man who is sexually illiterate. There are cases when a woman's hymen is absent from birth or has been damaged as a result of injury, inept washing, during sports. Both men and women should know all these factors in order to avoid misunderstandings and mutual distrust.

If a young man is illiterate in matters of sexual life and has never been with a woman before, then the wedding night can also cause him a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. In this case, a great support for him will be the advice of his father or older brother, with whom he should talk before the wedding. These more experienced people in matters of sexual life should dispel the anxieties of the young man, tell him how best to behave in certain situations, since if the first attempts are unsuccessful, then for a long time he may experience a kind of inhibition in the nervous system. centers, which is very difficult to treat.

The first wedding night is always a turning point in the life of a man and a woman, even if they have had sexual intercourse before. It should become unique and special, remembered for a lifetime.

That night, full of secrets, which the newlyweds are anxiously awaiting. It is advisable for young people to put on elegant clothes, perfume themselves with incense. The groom, who entered the bride, must first greet her, give her a small gift, treat her with something and talk heart to heart. Then it is desirable that young people separately pray two rak'ahs of prayer and ask Allah to make their life happy and full of abundance. This will help young people to get a little distracted and calm down, because prayer has a powerful psychological effect.

If the wedding night falls on the menstrual cycle of the bride, then sexual intercourse, of course, is postponed to other days, because sexual intercourse on the days of haida is haram.

I would not like to ignore the custom, still common among Muslim peoples, to wait for the completion of sexual intimacy between young people outside the door of the room in order to check the bed and make sure of the innocence of the bride. But controlling the young, investigating matters that should remain a secret between spouses, is a custom that leads to haraam. This custom violates the injunctions of Islam not to spy or spy on other people. He makes public what should be a secret between spouses, for their relationship is the sacrament of marriage. A situation may also arise that the bride may become the object of unfounded suspicion, her honor and dignity may be offended. Such customs can cast a shadow on the relationship of the young and darken the rest of their lives. Therefore, Muslims should make every effort to abandon such practices that are contrary to the foundations of Islam.

The wedding night requires patience and delicacy. A lot of responsibility rests on the shoulders of men. The fright and excitement of the bride is quite normal and the man must do everything so that this night does not disgust the bride and does not frighten her, because this can leave an imprint on her whole life.

Firstly, it is quite difficult for a girl to leave her parental home, where she spent all her years, and start a new life in a new house, submit to a man, and at this moment she really needs understanding and affection. No woman will ever forget her first man. And if the first night is full of new and pleasant sensations, if everything is surrounded by affection and love, she will be grateful to him all her life. Even if they part for some reason, the memories of the first night will always make them feel good.

Some young people think that they need to show their masculinity on the first night, and act rudely and tactlessly. The wedding night requires delicacy, and a man must give more than he takes. Every man needs to learn that the first night can have a big impact on the future life of the family.

You can not immediately start with undressing. It is desirable that the girl does it herself. In this case, in no case should you immediately eagerly examine the body of the bride. In most cases, undressing in front of a man for the first time in her life, a girl experiences unprecedented shame. The body of a man causes her fear. Therefore, for the first time, it is necessary to turn off or reduce the light of the lamp or undress behind the curtain, and it is best for a man not to look in the direction of the bride. First you need to remove outer clothing, and underwear - already in bed, under the covers.

On the wedding night love games and caresses are very important. No matter how bashful the girl is, no matter how embarrassing she is, but gradually she will begin to calm down. If a man shows delicacy and behaves as expected, the bride will slowly begin to awaken desire.

Defloration is not a painful act, as it seems to many girls. It will not cause any trouble for a normal girl and boy. The main thing is to prepare the girl for sexual intercourse with preliminary love games. If the bride cannot calm down and is very agitated, the groom should try to understand her and postpone sexual intercourse until the next day.

Excessive perseverance or brute force can cause a girl to have a disease called vaginismus. With this disease, a spasm of the female genital organs occurs, and penetration into the vagina of the male genital organ becomes impossible. Even if sexual intercourse occurs, it causes excruciating pain in a woman.

Try to relax before an exciting event. Left alone with your husband, drink some wine or champagne, eat a light snack. Alcohol will help you relax, but don't overdo it or it will backfire. Chocolate and seafood are natural aphrodisiacs that increase arousal. Buy assorted chocolates, order sushi or a salad with seafood - aphrodisiacs will also help you relax and liberate yourself. To create a romantic atmosphere, light scented candles, turn on quiet music, or take a bath together. Ask your husband not to rush, let him wait until you are ready. If you are very worried, discuss it with your future husband before the wedding. Tell him about your fears, ask questions of interest. A loving husband will reassure and tell you what you need to do.
It is better to spend your wedding night in a romantic setting, for example, in a hotel room, where they can bring you champagne and snacks.

Tell your husband comfortable positions

There are several positions in which defloration occurs most painlessly. The most popular position is the classic missionary. Here you can relax and give the initiative to your husband. Control his actions, and defloration will be quite easy. For more relaxation, place a pillow under your buttocks and pull your bent legs to your chest. Another good pose suitable for is the "man in the back." Lie on your stomach on the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Let the husband rest his hands on the bed and enter you while standing. In this position, the hymen is stretched, and its rupture is easy. During sex, it is better not to experiment, sitting and standing are not for you yet. If during sex there is pain and bleeding, it is better to stop contact. Blood is released in most cases, but sometimes it may not be. With severe bleeding, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for several days.
If the bleeding does not go away for more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

How to behave after sex

After sexual intercourse, you may be tired or, conversely, feel excited. But do not forget to pay attention to your husband. He was as worried as you were that something would go wrong. Thank him for his care, give free rein to kisses and hugs. We can take a shower together. Be sure to tell what you liked about your husband's actions, and only then you can give some critical remarks. Note what you would like next time.

Since ancient times, we honor the traditions of the first wedding night. Suppose that in modern society marriage is only a convention for many, since for the bride and groom it is not at all the first. However, this night should be special.


The wedding ceremony and celebrations on this occasion are extremely exhausting for both spouses. Therefore, by the end of the holiday, there is a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible, because there is simply no strength left for something more. It is desirable to have a marriage night in good . It's in the setting.

In a hotel or hotel, book a wedding room. Your room will be decorated in a special way. A large and soft bed will be strewn with rose petals, silk linens will spice up this night. Make sure that no one even accidentally violates your privacy. To engage or not in this night- you decide. In the morning you will wake up married for the first time.

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Spend the evening with a bottle of beer, and on holidays not limit yourself to one bottle, and maybe even take something stronger on your chest - this habit exists among many. Some even cannot understand at all whether it is really possible to relax without resorting to the use of alcoholic beverages. However, they do not think that alcohol just does not allow the body to rest, but rather exhausts it even more.


Listen to yourself: can't you relax without drinking? Maybe it's just a psychological addiction. When drinking with friends, you feel more relaxed and it seems to you that you are resting both in body and soul. And it is quite possible that the dependence is no longer only psychological and it is time to take drastic measures.

If you are determined to eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of it in your life, think about how else you can relax. After all, you usually drink with a bar, a nightclub, or even on a bench. Change your circle of interests and places of visits.

Go to museums, theaters, exhibitions. In such cultural places alcohol no, and you will feel that even without it you can spend time interestingly and for self-education. By the way, about education - start going to courses of what you have long dreamed of learning. Game, learning a foreign language. If this is your long-standing desire, you will not get tired of such work.

Get active in sports. Volleyball, whatever. Sports activities not only cheer up and give a positive charge to the whole body, but also improve the appearance. Get involved in social activities.

If you choose the right way to spend your free time, you will be pleasantly surprised that even without alcohol you don't feel worse. On the contrary, your body will begin to truly relax, thanks to sports, the body will tighten up, and the new acquired knowledge may help you achieve those goals that you could not even dream of sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer.

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Initially, the first wedding night was really the first in the life of the newlyweds. Girls kept their innocence for one single person - her husband. In modern society, the first night is considered just a beautiful ritual.


Decide in advance on the place for the wedding night. It could be a honeymoon suite in a hotel or your apartment, which you move into after your wedding. If you have been living together for a long time, you can, of course, arrange a wedding night at home, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create the right atmosphere.

Take care of decorating the room. Tie heart-shaped balloons, arrange candles, prepare rose petals. Don't forget to stock up on light snacks. In the process, you will probably get hungry, and the remnants of the banquet, carefully packed by your parents, will be out of place. Buy fruits, berries, chocolate, cheese. Put a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator.

The first wedding night is a beautiful end to the wedding day. It is very important that it takes place in a romantic atmosphere of love. Therefore, igniting the celebration, be sure to leave the strength to continue the holiday tête-à-tête with your spouse.

Make your bed with fresh linens ahead of time. It is good if it is washed with a conditioner that will give a light scent. Turn off your phones and make time for each other. Many newlyweds, having reached the place of the first night, begin to count the donated money. Do not get carried away with this and immediately start planning expenses. Calculate the amount and save until tomorrow.

Let the newly-made husband free his beloved from the shackles of the wedding dress corset. Girls should take care of wedding underwear in advance. It can be a thinner corset or a set. It is beautiful when the bride's underwear is made in white and decorated with lace.

In order to relieve fatigue after an emotional day, you can take a bath with your spouse. Stored rose petals, candles and champagne will come in handy here. Turn on beautiful music, put wine glasses and fruits on the table next to the bathroom and relax while sharing your wedding impressions.

The first wedding night is a time of affection, tenderness, romance. Imagine that this is your first experience, kiss and hug more, take time for foreplay. Listen to your partner's desires during intercourse. And during breaks, feed each other fruits and sweets, clink glasses and rejoice, because you are now a family.


In order not to waste time and not look for containers for donated flowers in the middle of the night, stock up on a couple of plastic buckets.

Useful advice

If you spend the night in an apartment or house, take care of breakfast in the morning in advance. Good for toast, scrambled eggs, fruit, wedding cake leftovers.

Previously, the first wedding night involved the first sexual contact of the newlyweds. In the modern world, this expression has a slightly different meaning. However, this does not prevent the newlyweds from looking forward to their wedding night.


With the wedding night, many peoples are sometimes associated with very strange customs. In some African tribes, the innocence of the bride was considered a disgrace. And the blood that appears when it could bring illness to her husband. Therefore, girls were deprived of innocence with a special bone knife or just a finger. In other tribes, everyone took turns taking possession of the bride. And only after that the "experienced" wife could go to bed with her husband. Fortunately, to date, such rituals have been preserved only in a few wild tribes.

In most cultures, the bride's virginity was highly valued. In Muslim countries, the tradition is still preserved, according to which, after the wedding night, the groom must provide evidence of the bride's innocence. Blood-stained sheets are hung out for all to see.

In seemingly civilized Europe, there was a "right of the first night." And it did not belong to the groom. The girls had to spend their first wedding night in the beds of feudal lords. This applied to a greater extent to serfs, brides from noble families could avoid such a “privilege”. This barbaric custom existed in some countries until the 18th century. But in Germany, France and Scotland, another funny tradition has been preserved since ancient times. Friends of the bride and groom do their best to prevent the newlyweds from being alone. They make noise under the windows, sing obscene songs, they can hide a dozen alarm clocks in the bedroom. The newlyweds manage to enjoy each other only after the guests get tired and fall asleep.

In Russian traditions, the wedding night was given great importance. The bride and groom were forbidden to drink strong drinks during the wedding feast. The bed for the newlyweds was made in a cold non-residential area. The newlyweds were escorted there by friends and matchmakers. The bride removed the boots from the groom. This custom was not intended to humiliate the young. In one boot, the groom hid gold and silver coins. If the newlywed guessed where the money was, she got the right not to maintain the family budget. In pre-Christian Russia, the virginity of the bride was a desirable phenomenon, but not mandatory.

For modern couples leaving the registry office, the concept of "wedding night" is very arbitrary. The innocent bride is the exception rather than the rule. Most newlyweds enter into an intimate relationship before the official registration of marriage, and this does not shock anyone. Some couples even manage to have a baby before marriage. However, all this should not detract from the solemnity of the first night in marriage. On the contrary, the wedding night gives the couple an opportunity to return to a time when they were just discovering the joys of sex with each other. It is better to postpone the revision of gifts until the morning and do what the wedding night is intended for - love.

Intimate relationships are an integral part of the life of many modern couples. For some, sex becomes a way to get to know yourself and your partner better, to feel trust and become closer not only physically, but also emotionally. However, only those who are absolutely relaxed can be completely liberated in bed.

You will need

  • - beautiful underwear;
  • - feather, puff or tassel;
  • - massage oil/cream;
  • - nice music


A liberated person will be able to get maximum pleasure from intimacy. With such a girl, the partner will feel cozy and comfortable, and will try his best to please her. To fully surrender to the process, you need to relax before sex.

Your favorite music and beautiful underwear will help you get in the right mood. Just get dressed, listen to a few tracks, meditate or, on the contrary, actively move around. This will help you forget about problems, get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. If your partner knows about your excitement, you can conduct a “relaxation act” together.

A long foreplay will also help to relax before sex. Show your partner your erogenous zones, gently stimulating his sensitive areas as well. Pay special attention to the head, neck, ears and the area behind them. If you want to extend the time of sexual games, first use flirting by touching your loved one with accessories: puff, feather or soft brush. Gradually move on to closer contact.
