How to boil baby clothes at home. Boiling aids

Any woman knows that before very often their grandmothers, great-grandmothers boiled laundry. This method of heat treatment of linen was used for the purpose of disinfection, as well as high-quality cleaning of things.

This method was especially effective with respect to natural fabrics, which cannot be cleaned with a powder. Currently, boiling laundry is especially important for those who have problems with allergies to modern chemicals, the laundry has lost its freshness and aesthetically attractive appearance.

Usually, modern housewives have a lot of questions: how to perform the procedure correctly, in what dishes to boil, how exactly to boil laundry at home so as not to spoil it. Usually the procedure is carried out in a saucepan, but not in aluminum - the container should only be enameled.

You can use a galvanized tank. There are several basic methods that will not only clean linen with high quality, but are also suitable for different types of fabric.

Among themselves, they differ in auxiliary substances responsible for disinfection and cleaning of linen:

  1. White linen is usually boiled in a solution of laundry soap and soda. In this case, it is almost impossible to overdo it with laundry soap, but you need to be more careful with soda. This means that the fabric will not deteriorate and will bleach as much as possible.

    The proportion of the solution is prepared in accordance with the following recommendations: 20 grams of crushed laundry soap and 1 teaspoon of baking soda are used per 1 liter of water. This method will be a suitable option for children's underwear and things.

  2. Bed linen is great to boil in a solution of oxygen bleach and water. For every 6 liters of water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of dry persalt mixture. Persol can be successfully replaced with hydrogen peroxide.

    It is possible to enhance the effect of exposure with the help of ammonia. For the same 6 liters, 1 spoon of ammonia is used.

  3. For colored linen and things, the above methods are usually not suitable, since textile paints can shed. It is also impossible to use whiteness for boiling colored things - the solution should be as gentle as possible.

    It is best to purchase special bleaches that are adapted for washing machines with a boiling function.

  4. It is important to properly boil underwear. It requires a particularly delicate attitude towards oneself. An ideal option would be a solution of washing powder and soda ash.

    Dissolve 100 grams of soda and 125 grams of powder in five liters of water. When the water boils, put the underwear and boil in the liquid. In this way, even children's textiles can be processed.

  5. Boiling things with vegetable oil, stain remover and powder. This processing method is fast and high quality. After this treatment, an active wash in the washing machine is required.

    Additional rinsing may be required, since the fatty base of vegetable, necessarily refined oil, is difficult to wash off.

There are a huge number of other mixtures that are used for heat treatment. Often they have unpredictable consequences, so they are used less often.

Boiled things usually smell fresh, but only after they are thoroughly rinsed and dried. Airing is carried out for a long time. Sometimes an extra rinse or wash is needed. These methods are the most effective and proven in practice.

How long does it take to boil laundry?

For bleaching, sparing substances and agents are usually used. A natural question arises: how long should the procedure be performed in order for things to be cleaned as much as possible and at the same time the fiber itself does not suffer.

Of particular importance is the aggressive effect of the components of the solutions over time. Even the most harmless remedy can ruin a thing completely or partially.

Note! Boiling can only be done effectively if the time is right.

At home, it is important to monitor the boiling time and the temperature of the stove on which the procedure is performed. It is possible to secure the procedure only if the function in the washing machine is used for boiling. Here the device determines the time itself.

The only drawback is the low boiling point - 95 degrees. Protecting things from fungus does not mean oyster mushrooms, but completely harmful spores. It will also prevent the further formation of almost all types of spore bacteria.

Boiling time of things when using different substances and methods of carrying out the procedure:

boiling solution Features of thermal exposure Boil time
Soap and soda solution If the process is carried out in a bucket, then the boiling time will decrease by a quarter, since the bottom of the galvanized bucket is quite thin and heats up quickly. In a soap and soda solution, the laundry should be boiled for about two hours.
oxygen bleach Boiling is carried out mainly with the use of a container such as a boil-out or a tank. It is not worth processing things in such a solution for a long time, since the components of the substance can adversely affect the textile base.
Washing powder + soda ash Produced in boiled water, but on low heat. A small container is used. Boiling is carried out for half an hour maximum. Then wash, rinse and dry.
vegetable oil solution If the procedure is performed on the stove, then it is especially worth monitoring the intensity of the boiling of water. The procedure takes only a few minutes - approximately 10-20 minutes.

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Despite the fact that hand washing has practically disappeared, giving way to a washing machine, some things even in an automatic way and with the help of promising powders do not acquire their original freshness. This is especially true for white and light colors. Among them are towels, shirts, socks. They become gray over time. Is there a way to give things that are not new the original whiteness and how to boil laundry at home?

Grandma's recipe for whiteness

It happens in life: no matter how technical progress strives forward, no matter what bleaching agents modern industry offers, and the old grandmother's methods will never sink into oblivion. For example, our grannies knew perfectly well how to boil laundry. Can you boast of the same snow-white tablecloths and kitchen towels? This refers to not just bought in the store, but battered textiles.

So, let's remember our ancestors - they were smart people! Some readers will surely remember that in their house there was a huge pan, proudly called boiled water. If you want to know how to boil laundry according to your grandmother's recipe, prepare the following:

  • water;
  • soda;
  • soap;
  • decoction.

Based on the fact that for every 1 liter of soap and soda is 20-25 grams, we prepare a solution: 6 liters per 1 kilogram of dirty things. The solution must be precisely prepared: things are placed in it, then the pan can be put on fire. If the laundry is laid after boiling water, then the dirt is not washed off, but can be absorbed into the products tightly.

As soon as the water boils, the fire can be reduced, and the contents of the tank are mixed several times with a special wooden stick. After completing the process, rinse the items thoroughly in a large volume of clean water.

Boil time

Now the most important thing: how long does it take to boil the laundry on low heat? Of course, it all depends on the degree of contamination of things. Usually they are boiled for no more than two hours, after which the tank can be placed in the bathroom for a while so that the water cools and becomes warm.

Then take out the contents of the tank. Some stains that do not come off during boiling should be washed by hand. Now, in a large basin or bath, wash everything again and rinse thoroughly. Hang out squeezed things on the balcony so that they acquire a pleasant smell of cleanliness from interaction with fresh air.

The question may arise about how to properly boil babies' underwear. Doctors say: despite modern powders with fragrances and substances safe for children, there is no better way than boiling diapers and undershirts. The only difference is the time: for children's things, just 20-30 minutes of boiling is enough.

Grandma's recipe for boiling clothes and textiles will definitely come in handy in life, especially for those who are allergic to chemical elements contained in powders. This method is within the power of any housewife, who now knows exactly how to boil laundry so that it pleases with its whiteness and cleanliness for a long time.

Even our grandmothers boiled laundry, because many years ago one could only dream of washing machines with a boiling function. Today things are somewhat different, and this processing of things is becoming a thing of the past. But not all people have completely abandoned boiling. Why and how to boil clothes?

The need for boiling

Boiling laundry takes a long time, but for some people this procedure is necessary.

  • In the case of hypersensitivity of the skin, the appearance of an allergic reaction to washing powders, gels, you have to boil the laundry in order to get rid of stains on clothes without harming yourself.
  • Linen can be boiled for the purpose of disinfection. For children's clothing, boiling is the best option in order to eliminate difficult stains and carry out proper processing.

As a rule, this process takes from half an hour to two. Time is determined by the degree of contamination of things, the type of fabric. After the recommended time has elapsed, you need to wait another half an hour - an hour for the laundry to cool down. This will prevent the possibility of burns.

Boiling white laundry

The question of how to boil laundry was asked by more than one housewife. The question is especially relevant in the case when you need to remove stains on white things, bring them freshness, and maintain whiteness.

  • You can wash white linen in a washing machine if it has a boiling mode. In this mode, the laundry is worked out at a temperature of 90–95 degrees, which is as close as possible to boiling.

Knowing how to boil white things, you can begin to prepare everything you need. You can boil white linen using laundry detergents. In order to boil things with powder or bleach, you need to observe the proportion of dilution of these products. In all other respects, the process is similar to that in which safe components are used. With their help, you can enhance the effect of boiling.

  • In an enameled container, draw 6 liters of water and dilute 40 grams of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap in it. Place 1 kilogram of white linen in the resulting mixture and send to a slow fire. Boil for 1.5 hours, let the laundry cool. Treated items can be rinsed in clean water.
  • Fill a pot or bucket with 10 liters of water. Add 3 tablespoons of ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Place linen in the resulting mixture and boil it for an hour. Then remove the container from the heat, and when the laundry has cooled, rinse it.

Boiling colored and children's things

At home, it is easy to bring an attractive look to white things. And how to boil colored laundry and is it possible to do this at all? Colored things are subject to boiling, but you need to take into account all the nuances regarding how long the boiling lasts and what means are recommended for this.

  • In order to boil colored clothes, take an enamel pot and fill it with 6 liters of water. Add 2 tablespoons of ammonia, 30 grams of soda and the same amount of grated soap to the water. Immerse colored clothes in the prepared solution and send to the fire. After half an hour - an hour after boiling water, remove the container from the heat, let it cool.

Quite often, mothers have to boil children's underwear in order to carry out proper disinfection and eliminate stubborn stains.

  • In order to boil children's things, prepare a pot or other enameled container and fill it with water. At home, prepare a means for boiling. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of bleach and soda. This number of components is calculated for 10 liters of water. Put baby clothes in a pot of water, bring to a boil. You can add baby soap to the solution.

In order not to spoil things, you need to know how long the boil lasts. It is recommended to boil clothes for no more than an hour. After this procedure, rinse children's things in clean water.

Boiling kitchen towels

Kitchen towels are daily exposed to pollution, which sometimes even products with an aggressive chemical composition cannot cope with. How to remove stains from kitchen towels, bring them freshness?

Boiling clothes is best done in an enameled pan, so kitchen towels will go through this procedure in this container. It is important to know how long it takes to boil kitchen towels. The recommended time ranges from 15 to 20 minutes.

In order to boil kitchen towels, you can use the following methods:

  • Place soiled kitchen towels in a saucepan. Fill the container with water so that the towels are completely immersed in it. Add grated laundry soap, 100 grams of glue (silicate). Place the container on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. After this time, remove the towels, wash them in clean water.
  • Fill an enameled bucket with water, put on fire. When the water boils, add dry bleach (no more than 2 tablespoons) and vegetable oil (the same volume as the bleach). Then pour 250 grams of washing powder, stir and immerse kitchen towels in the resulting solution. Remove the container from the heat and wait until the solution cools down. Then wash the towels.
  • Place kitchen towels in a saucepan, add soda, with the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 product, pour water and bring to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes, then wash in clean water.

Proper boiling means clean, disinfected things that have been treated with safe substances. Knowing how to properly boil laundry at home, you will keep the whiteness of light-colored clothes and the rich colors of your favorite things for a long time.

Boiling laundry remains one of the most popular methods to restore whiteness to fabrics and remove stains. Boil washing bleaches fabric and removes stubborn stains more effectively than modern household chemicals.

For digestion, both standard means for washing white fabrics and folk methods are used.

  1. Soda and soap. For 10 liters of water, dilute 250 gr. laundry soap, previously grated, and the same amount of soda. Stir the solution until the soap flakes are completely dissolved and put things in the tank.
  2. Soda and chlorine. A bottle of Whiteness (500 gr.) and a glass of soda are added to 10 liters of water. Stir and boil white things in the resulting composition. Such boiling of laundry for bleaching is good only in emergency situations. Frequent use of chlorine will damage fabric fibers.
  3. silicate glue. Apply to especially rough and polluted fabrics. They are boiled in a solution of 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of grated laundry soap, 1 cup of soda and 300 gr. silicate adhesive. This method is used to boil overalls made from natural fabrics with stains from fuel oil or other difficult-to-remove components.
  4. Sunflower oil. For boiling mix 250 gr. washing powder, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of stain remover, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of refined sunflower oil. Dissolve everything in 5 liters of water and boil clothes to remove old stains.
  5. Mustard. To refresh the color of towels and bed linen, a mixture of mustard and sunflower oil is used. For 5 liters of water, dissolve 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard and oil, add 200 gr. washing powder and mix well.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide. 3 art. spoons of 3% peroxide are added to 5 liters of warm water and things are soaked in the resulting composition for 1 hour. After the tank with soaked things is put on fire and boiled.
  7. Boric acid. For bleaching, stain removal and disinfection of T-shirts, T-shirts, socks and blouses, a solution of boric acid is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of acid for every 3 liters of water. The clothes are soaked in the composition for an hour, after which they are boiled for at least 30 minutes.
  8. Manganese. A solution of potassium permanganate will help restore the original color to white things. To do this, several crystals of manganese are dissolved in 10 liters of water so that the water acquires a pale pink color. Add 100 gr. washing powder and mix well. Dirty clothes are placed in a container with a solution and placed on a stove.

How much to boil

The boiling process can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the product chosen and the degree of contamination of the fabric. If chlorine or hydrogen peroxide is used for boiling, the treatment time should not exceed 30 minutes. For other methods, the optimal boil time is 1 hour, provided that the laundry remains in the solution until it cools.


If the algorithm is followed, then the boiling procedure will bring good results.

  1. Pour the required amount of water into the container. An old white towel is placed at the bottom so that the boiled things do not burn to the metal bottom.
  2. Add boiling water to the water and mix thoroughly. Lumps or flakes left undissolved will stain the fabric.
  3. Laundry is loosely placed in a container and put on a strong fire. After boiling, the fire is reduced so that the resulting foam does not spill.
  4. In the process of boiling things interfere 3-4 times for uniform bleaching. At the end of boiling, things are left in a hot solution, wrapping the container on top with a warm cloth so that the water cools more slowly.
  5. After the liquid has cooled, things are taken out, wrung out and placed in the washing machine for a quick wash or rinsed by hand. With manual rinsing, not the last stage, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar in 5 liters of water. This will enhance the whitening effect.

Preparing to boil

As with any procedure, boiling requires tools.

  1. For boiling, you will need a large enameled or galvanized tank with a volume of at least 10 liters and wooden tongs or a long stick for stirring the laundry during boiling.
  2. The container for digestion is taken absolutely clean, without chips and cracks on the enamel, otherwise rust spots will appear on the linen during processing.
  3. Before starting the process, the linen is washed in the machine to remove the main dust and dirt. Linens with blood stains are boiled after they are removed.
  4. The sorted linen is examined for the presence of old stains or greasy places. Spots are pre-rubbed with laundry soap and left for 30 minutes to soften the dirt.
  5. The means to be used for digestion are completely diluted in water so that no lumps or undissolved particles remain. To do this, they are stirred in a small amount of warm water until completely dissolved, after which the composition is poured into a boiling container filled with water.

Boiling rules

The basics of boiling have not changed since the days when there were no washing machines and this method was the main one for bleaching.

Compliance with these rules makes the whole process comfortable, safe and efficient:

  • the container is covered with a lid during boiling;
  • for 1 kg of dry laundry use at least 10 liters of water;
  • for every liter of water put 25 gr. detergents;
  • shake out the linen before boiling;
  • when using baby or laundry soap, rub it on a grater;
  • linen is placed in a cool liquid and then boiled, otherwise the dirt will not be washed off, but will eat into the fabric;
  • things of different shades are boiled separately;
  • after boiling, the gas is reduced so that the resulting foam does not spill out of the container;
  • the window in the room where the clothes are boiled is kept open throughout the process;
  • the fabric is laid loosely for uniform processing;
  • from time to time things interfere with a wooden spatula or tongs;
  • after the end of the process, the clothes are left in the tank until the solution cools;
  • dry things outside with a sunny side.

What can be boiled

For boiling, linen and cotton products are suitable.

  • Sheets and towels must be boiled to give them freshness and whiteness.
  • Synthetic fabrics are not designed to be washed at high temperatures. The optimum temperature for synthetics is 30-60 degrees, so it is unacceptable to boil it.
  • Products made of colored fabrics in the process of digestion lose their brightness and fade. They are boiled in emergency cases and sparingly.
  • Natural fabrics of white or beige color are boiled once a month for prevention.

Before boiling for bleaching, you should read the recommendations on the clothing label.

Why boil laundry

Washing laundry in a pre-boil machine with bleach is a great way to get rid of the greyish tint. Washed items are returned to their original color by boiling. In this way, any old stains are removed and clothes are disinfected.

For people suffering from severe allergies, boiling has become the only method to wash bedding without the use of chemicals. This method is used to remove stains and disinfect children's things.

So that the effect of boiling does not disappoint, and the laundry does not deteriorate, you need to follow the recommendations.

  1. For one digestion cycle, things of the same shade are selected. It is forbidden to boil clothes of different colors in the same tank.
  2. You can not boil things with fresh (not pre-washed) stains. In the process of boiling, they will be transferred to other clothes and tightly imprinted into the fabric.
  3. Do not use chlorine to boil colored clothes. Delicate fabrics are not recommended to be digested, they begin to tear, lose their shape and become unusable.

Boiling is an old but effective way to bleach clothes or linens. Despite the fact that in modern washing machines there is a washing mode at 90 degrees, digestion is still used because of the efficiency of the process at minimal financial cost.

Do not write off harmless old bleaching recipes, such as boiling laundry at home.

Boiling as a method of disinfection

Experienced housewives do not wonder why boil laundry, since the results of the procedure cannot be forgotten. In addition to snow-white cleanliness and unprecedented freshness of linen, boiling is one of the best natural ways to disinfect clothes at home. With prolonged exposure to a temperature of 100 °, all pathogenic living organisms are eliminated. Disinfection eliminates many dangerous microorganisms. We take note of how long it takes to boil laundry in order to eliminate certain types of viruses and bacteria:

  • Most of the infectious bacteria die in the fifth minute of boiling;
  • Resistant viruses like hepatitis and anthrax will be destroyed in an hour;
  • Tetanus spores are eliminated after 3 hours;
  • After 6 hours, the pathogens of the infectious-toxic disease of botulism will be eliminated;

The disinfecting effect of the procedure is enhanced by adding soda and soap (2%) to the water.

Boiling: a second life for laundry or a death sentence

Depending on the type of clothing and the purpose of boiling, various methods are used to boil white or colored laundry. At the time of the mass popularity of boiling at home, 90% of bed linen was made from natural cotton materials or linen. Absolutely picky fabrics perfectly tolerate the effects of hot water, while they do not deform, do not become thinner and the fibers retain their original structure.

The textile industry has increased the production of cheap synthetic materials, most of which are in color. After the procedure, colored synthetics will discolor by at least 10 tones if you boil the laundry in a saucepan for 20 minutes. There is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is possible to boil colored laundry, since there is no guarantee of 100% durability of dyes. To avoid making fatal mistakes, you must be guided by the manufacturer's information provided on the product label.

All natural fabrics, except for thin delicate silk and cambric, are not afraid of centigrade temperatures.

Video: how to boil laundry so that it turns white

Boiling bed linen at home

Before the process, you need to prepare a small set of tools:

  • decoction

To get started, prepare a volumetric container based on the number and total mass of things to be processed. During the Soviet era, every home had a so-called vyvarka, a pot larger than 10 liters, which was intended only for boiling clothes.

As a mandatory requirement, the boil must be enameled or made of stainless material, since it is pointless to boil white linen in a rusty pan. It is very convenient to use a volumetric galvanized tank as a boil-out.

  • Forceps

To stir laundry in boiling water, you need tongs made of neutral material. Wooden tongs are the best choice, they won't heat up quickly and won't damage whites. Hardware stores sell specialized washing tongs 50–70 cm long, but in the absence of such, you can use a narrow wooden board.


Tongs for stirring things during boiling should not be painted or varnished. A tool with a length of at least 70 cm will avoid burns from hot steam.

Below is a collection of the best pot-boiling recipes for everything from sanitizing to bleaching.

Recipe number 1 Classic way

The traditional solution includes the following components (based on a liter of water): 72% laundry soap shavings in the amount of 30 g, baking soda or soda ash 20 g. If necessary, immediately after cooling, the remaining stains are washed off.

Recipe number 2 Disinfection

For a disinfecting effect, soda ash and bleach are used (can be replaced with dry chlorine bleach), 50 g of each component per liter of water. Boiling with bleach lasts no more than an hour. For the purpose of disinfection, a classic soap-soda solution is used, then the process can be extended up to 6 hours.

Recipe number 3 Children's things

Children's clothing and bed linen require special harmlessness and hypoallergenicity from the constituent components, therefore, only baby soap or specialized powder is used. The digestion process will not take more than half an hour, and if after washing things it is planned to dry them in the sun, then only 15 minutes will be enough. When using the powder after boiling, the laundry is rinsed twice as long as usual to completely wash out the microparticles of the cleanser.

Video about bleaching children's things by boiling

Recipe No. 4 Ideal whitening effect

Flawless whiteness will provide a unique method, how to boil laundry for bleaching. A lasting effect is achieved by adding the following components to the ingredients from the classic recipe: ammonia 40 ml and hydrogen peroxide 30 ml. The procedure is standard, but you can increase the duration of digestion to a maximum of three hours.

Recipe No. 5 Aggressive bleaching of heavily soiled fabrics

Stubborn stains, such as stains from working solutions on overalls, are difficult to remove using ordinary powder, and in this case, the proposed aggressive method, how to boil laundry in a saucepan, cannot be dispensed with. Ingredients: 50 g of laundry soap shavings, 30 g of soda ash and 20 g of silicate glue. The substances dissolved in water are stirred and 20 ml of kerosene are added. After an hour of boiling, the solution is replaced with a regular soap composition (50 g of soap per liter of water) and boiled for another half hour.


The use of chemical reagents with volatile toxic substances, such as chlorine, concentrated bleaches, as well as auxiliary agents (kerosene, ammonia), requires compliance with safety rules during boiling. Use a respirator and work in a well-ventilated area.

How to boil white and colored laundry: the nuances

  • In order for the components of the proposed solutions to produce the intended effect, it is necessary to observe the ratio of linen and solution. For one kilogram of bedding or other clothing, 7 liters of solution will be required.
  • Colored denim should not be boiled, except for white and off-white shades. Jeans are boiled for one hour according to the classic recipe.
  • How long to boil underwear made from natural materials for perfect whitening? It depends on the density of the material. The standard is considered to be hourly digestion.
  • In order to give clothes a radiant whiteness, only clean, pre-washed items are boiled.
  • To prevent the foam from falling out and extinguishing the flame, reduce the heat immediately after the water boils and place a wooden spatula or tongs across the pan.

If you dry boiled clothes in direct sunlight, you can achieve an incredibly light natural fresh scent. Especially when hanging clothes in the fresh air in the cold, no air conditioner will give such freshness.

Time-tested and generation-tested recipes for boiling clothes will not only help whiten, but will also become the #1 remedy for removing difficult stains and disinfecting fabrics.
