How to refresh your face at home? After cleansing, the skin needs nourishing oil and a light massage. Svetlana Shabalina, Clinique Training Manager

If I could always sleep a lot, eat only natural healthy food, drink exceptionally pure water and breathe only mountain air, I would most likely have less questions about how to put myself in order. But I live in a modern metropolis, in an eternal hurry, with electric light, I sleep little and drink a lot of coffee, I have a hot business lunch, and there is dust on the streets of my city. Therefore, I have to work hard to keep my skin looking fresh and healthy.

Of course, the easiest way is to eliminate all the unfavorable factors that make my skin tired and me nervous. These are: artificial lighting, malnutrition, coffee abuse, nicotine, lack of sleep and stress. But for this I will have to quit my job and go to Bali, which I still cannot afford. Have to twist.

Dry skin

The main enemy of the skin is air conditioners and central heating batteries. They dry it up in winter and summer, day and night, and there seems to be no escape from them. And on the street, dust settles on the skin, it irritates her (and me). The water in the tap flows hard, and after washing it, the face seems to be on fire. Dehydration of the skin is, I'm not afraid of exaggeration, a real scourge of modern women. What to do with it? Well, of course, you need to drink a lot. I try to minimize the consumption of coffee, which removes water from the body, and replace it with pure still water and green tea. So far, it turns out so-so - I am not able to refuse a morning cup of coffee at the moment. But during the day I try to constantly drink clean water - every half an hour I take a few sips.

To fix dehydrated skin, I I only wash my face without soap- I like Thai cleansers with aloe, tea tree or natural oils. Great for washing and micellar water.

Sometimes I make light masses with ice - I have ice with a secret! I freeze aloe juice and essential oils of mint, sage, almond. Such procedures improve blood circulation, and hence skin nutrition.

I use scrubs only with fruit acids - mechanical peeling injures the skin and promotes the release of water from it (as well as mechanical cleansing of the skin of the face). Twice a day, I apply a moisturizing face cream to damp skin. In the office (and at home in the winter, when the heating is on), I use thermal water - it also saves me on airplanes.

Express remedy for dehydration- a gauze compress with a decoction of chamomile or calendula or green tea for 15 minutes, then - a light massage with your fingertips and a moisturizer.


With dehydration, everything seems to be clear, but what to do with edema? I ate salty fish in the evening - I can’t fit in the mirror in the morning. It's just that you have to drink a lot. I drink green tea with rose hips. Liters. Until all the water comes out. Soda baths (for the whole body) and soda compresses (for the face) also help well. A very good effect - after such a bath and a compress, up to 1.5 liters of liquid comes out.

Face colour

Another problem I have to contend with is skin color. Coffee, little sleep, a lot of stress, a sharply continental climate, rainy summers, winter, when the night takes 2/3 of the day - all this leads to the fact that my skin sometimes takes on a color that is indecent for a woman's skin in the prime of life. We have to fight.

vitamin for skin tone is beta-carotene (vitamin A).

Beta-carotene is found in all orange-colored plant foods:

  • carrot,
  • pumpkin,
  • citrus,
  • sea ​​buckthorn, etc.

In the body, it turns into vitamin A, which dissolves in fats, and they deliver it to the skin.

To have a good complexion, I consume liters of freshly squeezed carrot juice, and from the gruel that remains in the microwave, I make carrot-sour cream masks with aloe or tea tree oil.

If I need to even out my complexion(for example, with an uneven tan or an abundance of freckles), I rub it with lemon juice twice a day. Nutritious creams, of course, and constant walks in the fresh air are also necessary. Express method - a mask of yogurt, sea buckthorn oil and mint oil for 10 minutes.

_ Food

The skin needs to be nourished, otherwise it will look bad and make me look old, and I don't want that. It is best to nourish the skin with masks and creams. I buy creams at the pharmacy. I make my own masks. Best Mask Products- yogurt, fresh fruits and berries, as well as vegetables, essential oils (I chose a few of my favorites and now I always use only them), aloe juice, natural mummy, honey, eggs, wheat germ and oatmeal, as well as cosmetic clay. I do masks every 3-4 days, sometimes in courses, sometimes one-time. With severe fatigue, I do unscheduled compress of green tea and natural oils. I drink a complex of B vitamins and vitamins A and E with zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium and sulfur.

Be healthy and happy, because beauty starts from within!

Every girl is not averse to learning how to quickly refresh her face at home. Night shifts, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition - all these factors can cause bruising under the eyes, and the skin looks pale and tired. Dealing with the problem is easy. There are even express methods that will put your face in order in half an hour.

If you want to know the maximum information about them, then carefully study the article. We will need the ingredients that every housewife has. It can be oatmeal, cottage cheese, citrus fruits, fruits and much more. Separately, I would like to highlight ice cubes. They tone up, promote good blood microcirculation, but there are some pitfalls in use, which should not be forgotten. So, for example, the procedure should not last more than 2-3 minutes. In the neck, behind the ears, there is a cluster of lymph nodes, make sure not to catch a cold, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

How to quickly refresh your face at home? To answer this question, you need to carefully consider the composition of masks and other products that will make the skin more elastic, give the face a healthy glow. Taking into account all the nuances, the effect can be achieved as soon as possible. Also, do not forget about the right makeup. Foundation, concealer or highlighter are essential companions for every girl. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's start considering methods that will help every lady look well-groomed and attractive.

Making masks

It was a fun night, and there is an important event ahead, where you need to look perfect? Don't worry, there is a way out. Masks will help, the recipes of which will be presented below.

№1 . For cooking we need:

  • Boiled water (glass);
  • A teaspoon of table salt;
  • 15 g lemon juice.
Mix all components. Make sure that the salt is completely dissolved, otherwise you will get a scrub effect that is not needed at all. We prepare a mask from the fabric (do not forget about the slits for the eyes and lips). You can make it from ordinary cotton fabric. Synthetics will not work, an allergic reaction may occur.

Soak the fabric with a solution, put on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. This mask perfectly tones the skin.

№2 . The following mask will help improve complexion:

  • A tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese. It is better to use homemade products;
  • 30 g of sour cream or cream;
  • A teaspoon of salt.
Mix the ingredients, apply on the face. The mask is liquid, so it is better to do the procedure in a supine position. 15 minutes will be enough to make the face look attractive and fresh.

Remember, if the skin is oily, this option is clearly not for you.

№3 . The following recipe is suitable for dry skin:

  • Green tea leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • 100 g mayonnaise.

Briefly on the preparation of the components:

  • Pour boiling water over large-leaf green tea. Let it brew so that the tea leaves are completely “opened”. Then strain through a sieve, finely chop the leaves;
  • Mayonnaise should not be taken from the store. Trust me, it's easy to prepare. You will need 1 yolk and sunflower oil. Beat the egg with a blender in a thin stream, add the oil, you will see how the mixture begins to thicken. In the classic recipe, mustard is added, you should not do this so as not to cause allergies. But a couple of drops of lemon juice will not hurt.
Mix all ingredients, apply on face. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse better with warm water.

№4 . The coffee mask is suitable for all skin types. There is one contraindication - rosacea.

To prepare the mixture, we will need:

  • 10 g ground coffee (only natural varieties);
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (can be replaced with vegetable oil);
  • 15 g of warm milk;
  • A teaspoon of honey.
We heat the honey a little in a steam bath, it is important that the crystals dissolve. We add all the ingredients. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse carefully, coffee will create a scrubbing effect.

These masks are very popular. Use the ingredients in the quantities indicated in the recipes.

Express Methods

There are recipes that instantly tone the skin of the face. The most popular is rubbing with ice cubes. This should be done carefully so as not to make problems for yourself in the form of inflamed lymph nodes and boils that have jumped up.

Water also needs to be frozen boiled or spring. Mineral water without gas with the addition of lemon juice is suitable. If you have time, you can experiment with herbs. Brew chamomile or oak bark, pour into molds and freeze.

Apply ice cubes with massage movements around the perimeter of the entire face. Pay special attention to the nasolabial folds, the area of ​​the temples, the area under the eyes. Try to relax, you should enjoy the procedure.

In no case should the method be used for colds, lesions of the facial nerves, rashes, boils. This will only make things worse.

Another important rule - the face should not be steamed. After taking a bath, no one does such procedures. The maximum process should last 2 minutes, then take a break and repeat the rubdown again. Be sure to dry your face with a soft, fluffy towel.

This method works 100%. The skin remains in good shape, blood flow increases, bruises and swelling under the eyes disappear. Try it and see for yourself.

Let's stop on the spray

Many cosmetologists suggest using a spray in addition to masks. It is not difficult to make it. Consider popular options.
"Cucumber and Green Tea"

So, we need:

  • Brewed green tea. It is better to take in bags so as not to mess with the leaves;
  • Cucumber pulp (no skin)
  • Rose petals or rose oil.
Grind all ingredients in a blender. Wipe the face with a sponge soaked in the prepared solution.

« The power of flowers". Do not throw away roses after they have withered. Collect the petals, rinse well. Place on the bottom of the pan, fill with water, so that it covers the flowers a little. Put on the fire, let it boil. Next, boil the petals until they lose their natural color. Strain the water. Spray ready. In addition to toning the skin, it perfectly helps to cope with the summer heat.

Sprays are convenient to use, they can be prepared and carried with you in your purse, using as needed.

To maximize the effect of masks, consider the following points:

  • The mixture must be homogeneous. Try to keep the ingredients used as finely chopped as possible;
  • Apply the mixture in an even layer with a special spatula or sponge;
  • When washing off the mask, do not use cosmetics, they will greatly dry the skin. The water temperature should not be hot (not higher than 35°C);
  • Remember, every body is different. What works for one girl may not work for another.
Looking beautiful and attractive is sometimes very difficult. After all, external factors and life situations make their own adjustments.
Therefore, every woman should know how to quickly refresh her face at home. The article described recipes for popular masks and sprays. Try them on yourself and notice how the skin becomes elastic, bruises and puffiness under the eyes go away.

The face is a reflection of the way of life. Unfortunately, everything that happens to us remains on it: this is a long stay under the scorching sun, and any noisy party, and lack of sleep, and malnutrition, as well as smoking and alcohol. That is why the skin of the face must be maintained and protected. And how to achieve quick and good results, we will tell below.

How to refresh your face at home

It is not always possible to visit a beautician, but you can arrange a SPA-salon at home and put yourself in order. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it, so take care of your face now so that you can only correct minor flaws in the future.

To quickly refresh the face is suitable. It perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin. For cooking, you will need ordinary milk and ice molds: pour the liquid into containers and freeze. You can use it every day after morning procedures, lightly massaging the skin of the face. Instead of milk, herbal infusions are perfect. So, chamomile has an antiseptic effect, sage and calendula fight acne and inflammation, parsley smoothes fine wrinkles, and helps to quickly tone the skin.

Lightning effect of freshness of the face can be achieved using lemon. It will help eliminate stagnant acne spots, tighten the skin and narrow the pores. To do this, wipe the skin with a slice of lemon or a cotton pad dipped in freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can also prepare a refreshing lotion using lemon juice and mineral water 1:1.

An excellent remedy is egg white. It not only helps to refresh the face, but also fights the appearance of blackheads with regular use. Just rub the protein into the skin and wash off after half an hour. Cucumber slices will help tighten the skin and remove flabbiness. Cut the vegetable into circles and place on problem areas. The effect is visible after 10 minutes.

When there is no time for various refreshing treatments in the morning, make a light massage at night with the use of vitamin E in an oil solution, in the morning your skin will glow. By the way, for greater effect, you can use Aevit capsules.

Refreshing face masks

  • Mask with kefir and porridge: heat kefir, add oatmeal until a homogeneous mass is formed, apply on face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Honey and cinnamon: heat honey in a water bath, add a pinch of cinnamon, keep for about 20 minutes.
  • Banana mask: grate a banana into a grater and cover the skin of the face with a thin layer. The procedure will give an instant tonic effect.
  • and olive oil: dilute the clay in warm water and add a couple of drops of oil. Wash off when the mask begins to dry.

How to quickly refresh your face

There are moments when there is no time even for masks. Then you can use home express care. The easiest way is to rinse your face with cold water. Soaking an ordinary towel in ice water and putting it on your face for a short time will help your skin get a healthy color. Tea bags or cotton pads soaked in tea solution will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes: just put them on your eyes for a few minutes.

For oily skin, this treatment is well suited: rinse your face with a solution of peroxide and soda (for a better effect, you can massage lightly). To give the skin smoothness, make a coffee scrub: for this, you should mix a handful of any ground coffee with facial wash, rub it on your face, rinse. For sensitive skin, an oatmeal scrub is suitable - pour oatmeal with warm water, massage your face with the resulting pulp.

Take care of your skin and it will thank you! By the way, all the above methods have been tested by the author of the article.

Every woman monitors the condition of her skin, as she clearly understands that failure to follow the simplest rules leads to premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. However, sometimes it is not enough to do with ordinary washing and using your favorite cream, since the appearance of the skin is affected by the unfavorable environmental situation, diseases, especially of the stomach, poor-quality food, insufficient water intake, the influence of central heating, etc. Refreshing homemade face masks made from natural products can correct the situation. At home, you can make such a miracle gruel with your own hands. At the same time, after winter, give preference to natural refreshing masks.

Rules for the use of refreshing masks

If you are interested in effective face masks, remember that only a natural mixture can enrich the skin with vitamins, deeply moisturize it and have a mild effect. This remedy is ideal after a sleepless night, before a holiday, in the heat, or when you need to freshen up your face before a party or renew your face. You can apply it at home at any time convenient for you: morning, afternoon or evening. But keep in mind, it is very important to cleanse the skin before this, using a special washing gel, foam, or some other product.

At the same time, the recipe for a refreshing face mask should be suitable for your type, as a result of which you need to take the choice responsibly, choosing the product that contains those components that are closer to you. Only in this case, a quick mask will meet your expectations and bring an excellent result.

A mask for refreshing the skin of the face is applied no more than three times a week. To enhance the effect, steam the skin. After applying the product, it is very important to lie down in a comfortable position and relax. It is impossible to keep the miraculous mixture for more than the specified time, this will not improve the effect, it can harm your skin.

The best recipes for homemade refreshing face masks

So, let's see how to refresh your face at home.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Refreshing & Firming Mask

Result: the mask refreshes, invigorates and tones, you will notice the result immediately after application.


  • green tea - three bags;
  • water - fifty grams;
  • yolk - one piece;
  • mayonnaise - six tablespoons.

Refreshing & Purifying Mask

Result: this mask is ideal for those who want to slightly tighten their skin, refresh and give it a healthy look. This mask is also recommended for those people who have been sick for a long time, as it will quickly restore the skin.


  • cream (can be replaced with yogurt) - four tablespoons;
  • glycerin - one spoon;
  • essential oil (use lemon, cedar or chamomile) - a few drops.

Preparation: add essential oil to the glycerin-cream mass and apply it for twenty minutes.

Refreshing face mask for dry skin

Result: dry skin needs not only refreshment, but also enhanced hydration, otherwise the aging process starts much earlier in it.


  • cottage cheese - one spoon;
  • sour cream - one spoon;
  • honey - two spoons;
  • milk - one spoon.

Preparation: mix liquid honey with sour cream and milk, then add cottage cheese. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, and use at least twice a week.

Refreshing face mask for oily skin

Result: the skin becomes more beautiful, toned, you get rid of oily sheen, fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of acne.


  • strawberries - a few berries;
  • raspberries - a few berries;
  • lemon juice - one spoon;
  • honey - one spoon.

Preparation: grind the berries to make a porridge, then add liquid honey and lemon juice into it. We hold for ten minutes.

Refreshing honey mask


  • olive oil - one spoon;
  • pomegranate - 0.5 fruit;
  • honey - three tablespoons.

Preparation: squeeze the juice from the pomegranate, dilute with olive oil and add liquid honey. You can apply it daily, keeping the miraculous mixture on your face for about twenty minutes.

Video recipe: Mask with honey and yogurt to refresh the skin

Refreshing Cucumber Mask

Result: the mask perfectly refreshes and restores the lipid-water balance, removes the first signs of aging.



  • cucumber - one piece;
  • tomato - 0.5 pieces;
  • yolk - one piece;
  • oatmeal - one spoon.

Preparation: steam the oatmeal with boiling water, after a few minutes add the yolk, tomato juice and grated cucumber. The mixture is applied for fifteen minutes.

Refreshing oatmeal mask

Result: for those who are interested in homemade oatmeal masks, we recommend that you pay attention to this recipe. It is great for young skin that needs hydration, nourishment and refreshment.


  • berries (it is best to use a mixture of black currants and raspberries) - two tablespoons of chopped gruel;
  • oatmeal - one spoon.

Application: steam oatmeal with water and add berry puree to it. Keep it on your face for thirty minutes.

Refreshing yolk mask

Result: egg mask moisturizes, nourishes and regenerates the skin. This recipe is perfect for oily skin types.


  • yolk - one piece;
  • coffee (we use exclusively natural ground product) - one spoon;
  • vegetable oil - one spoon;
  • honey - one spoon.

Application: heat honey and vegetable oil to fifty degrees, add coffee and egg yolk. Keep the mixture for twenty minutes. It is contraindicated for the category of people who have problems with the face, namely the expansion of blood vessels.

Refreshing banana mask

Result: many folk recipes contain a banana. This ingredient is known for its nutritional properties. Plus, it contains a lot of vitamins that saturate the skin and prevent premature aging. This refreshing mask is suitable for everyone.


  • strawberries - a few berries;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • honey - one spoon.

Application: Grind strawberries and bananas, making gruel out of them, apply to the skin. Rinse off after thirty minutes with clean water, it is best to use a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Refreshing potato mask

Result: suitable for aging skin. Perfectly tightens, tones and cleanses.


  • potatoes - one piece;
  • milk - one spoon;
  • peach - 0.5 pieces;
  • parsley - a bunch.

Application: squeeze the juice from the parsley, after chopping it. Grate the potatoes along with the peach. Mix liquids by adding milk to a common container. Apply for ten minutes.

Refreshing clay mask

The result of such a mask largely depends on what kind of clay you will use: blue, black, gray, white or some other. However, each of them removes harmful substances from the skin, rejuvenates it and improves its appearance.


  • clay - one spoon;
  • cabbage - a spoonful of juice;
  • kefir - one spoon.

Application: Squeeze the juice from the cabbage and add to the above ingredients. Apply the "medicine" for fifteen minutes.

Refreshing lemon mask

Result: lemon refreshes, brightens the skin, helps to get rid of pigmentation, fine lines and "gray" color.


  • lemon - 0.5 fruit;
  • grapes - 1 tablespoon of juice;
  • berries (you can use any: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, including frozen ones) - one tablespoon of juice;
  • cheese - two tablespoons.

Application: squeeze the juice from the fruit and mix the ingredients. Hold for ten minutes.

Video recipe: Homemade refreshing face mask with carrots and apple

Looking for a quick and easy way to smooth your skin and enhance its beauty? Try this easy recipe for fresh, healthy skin.

To get smooth skin, a clear and bright complexion, try the Lemon Almond Milk Wash. Almond oil will provide the skin with a boost of vitamins A and E, soothe dry and irritated skin, reduce redness and inflammation. And lemon juice will help smooth out scars and pimples, making your face fresh and clean. And, the last ingredient, but no less valuable, is milk, it contains lactic acid and milk fat, which will moisturize and nourish the skin, so try to use milk with at least 2% fat.

How to Refresh Your Skin

We will need a food processor or coffee grinder, a measuring cup, a measuring spoon and a deep plate.

  • 1/8 cup ground almonds (preferably with a coffee grinder, as it makes the particles smaller)
  • 2 tablespoons milk or cream (preferably fresh country milk bought in the market rather than in bags from supermarkets)
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • After preparing the products themselves, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. On this, the preparation of the mask will be considered complete.
    This morning wash can be used to gently cleanse the skin. With your fingertips, apply the mask to the skin of the face and gently cleanse the skin in a circular motion, making a light peeling. During this time, the skin absorbs all the valuable substances of the mask components. After the procedure, rinse your face well with warm water. As a result, you will refresh your facial skin, give it a glow to others, and enjoy its silkiness yourself. If a few grains of almonds remain, they will not be superfluous, eat them. Almond kernels provide the nutrition you need to keep your hair and skin healthy throughout your body.

    Facial masks that will help you quickly refresh your skin

    1. It is best to start improving complexion with washing. Contrasting washes can restore skin tone. But chlorinated water is not very good for skin cells, especially tired and dull. Therefore, if you need to clean up your face quickly, wipe it instead of washing with ice cubes. But also, you can wash not only with ice cubes made from mineral water. Decoctions of chamomile and calendula, sage or nettle flowers work wonderfully. They will help both refresh the face and soothe the skin in case of irritation. The application of ice is as follows: taking one cube in a napkin, you should drive it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, moving from the center to the temples, starting from the chin. It will also be good to capture the skin of the eyelids, this will help to reduce bags and bruises under the eyes. Do not allow hypothermia of the skin, do not linger in one area for longer than 5 seconds. This icy procedure immediately visibly refreshes the face, gives it a natural glow and a healthy glow. True, it is contraindicated for those close to the skin and dilated vessels.
    2. Express lifting honey mask for all skin types. Grind walnut kernels (5 pieces), add pre-melted butter (a teaspoon), yolk and honey (a teaspoon) to them.
    3. Yeast mask for oily skin. Dilute fresh yeast (a teaspoon) with fresh juice from sauerkraut (a tablespoon), add camphor oil (half a teaspoon).
    4. Tea express mask for the area around the eyes. Pour boiling water over the tea bags, leave for 5 minutes, cool in the freezer (another 2-3 minutes), apply to the eyes.
    5. Cucumber mask for tired skin. Peel the cucumber from the peel, grate. Cucumber masks are suitable for all skin types. Cucumber quickly refreshes the face and gives a healthy look. Cosmetic oil, honey, sour cream or lemon juice can be added to cucumber gruel. Apply the mask on the skin of the face and leave for half an hour, then rinse with water.
    6. Potato mask. Grate raw potatoes (2 tablespoons), add olive oil (a teaspoon) or sour cream (the same amount).
    7. Refreshing mask with salt. In mineral water without gas (a glass), dissolve sea or ordinary salt (a teaspoon), add lemon juice (a tablespoon). Soak a washcloth in the solution and apply to the face. This solution increases blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, the skin will look fresh, a healthy glow will appear.
    8. Beat the egg white, add wheat flour (a teaspoon), dilute with milk to the desired consistency.
    9. Fresh watermelon or apple juice tones the skin well. It is enough to wipe your face well with a piece of watermelon, and you will notice how it will take on a more radiant and refreshed look. In the off season, or in the absence of watermelon, squeeze juice from more acidic or sweet and sour varieties of apples with a juicer, soak a cotton swab in it, and wipe your face thoroughly. After these procedures, you can not wash your face, and apply the cream after the juice dries.
    10. Oil mask for tired skin. For the recipe, you will need to purchase vegetable oil of peach, apricot, mango, pumpkin, rosehip or chamomile. To 1 tbsp. spoon of the selected oil should add 2 drops of essential oil of orange, lemon, frankincense or basil. The resulting mixture should be well lubricated face, leave for 15-20 minutes, and then wash with warm water. More suitable for dry skin types.
    11. Another face mask for fatigue from kelp seaweed. True, it takes time to prepare this remedy, but an amazing result is noticeable immediately after application! So, buy dried kelp in the pharmacy, in powder form, measure 2 teaspoons, and pour about half a glass of water at room temperature. Leave for 1 hour, then squeeze out the swollen mass from excess water, and apply it on the face for 25-30 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the algae with a cotton pad, and rinse your face with warm water. To prevent the algal mass from dripping during application, do this procedure in the supine position.
    12. If your skin is dry or normal, make a curd mask to refresh your face and improve its complexion. Rub 1 tbsp. cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. sour cream, add 1 tsp to the mixture. table salt. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and then cool water.
    13. To quickly improve the color of mature skin, mash a few orange slices into a pulp, add 1 tbsp. olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this resuscitating mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
    14. Down with swelling under the eyes. Grate a raw potato on a fine grater. Then put the resulting slurry on your eyes and hold for 20 minutes. This remedy perfectly “pulls out” excess fluid from the eyelids.
    15. To relieve fatigue and restore beauty to the skin of the face and freshness, make a kefir mask. Recipe: you will need 100-200 ml of fatty yogurt. Lubricate your face with kefir several times for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water.
    16. If you have oily skin and usually “shine” spoils your mood and makeup, the secret of a beautician will help you. Mix some water and white vinegar in a jar, soak a cotton swab in this mixture and wipe your face. Vinegar will remove oil and impurities in the pores. Do this procedure before applying evening makeup - and it will last longer.
    17. Mix until smooth the protein of one egg, 1 tablespoon of linseed oil and 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice. Apply to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Immediately after the mask, apply a moisturizer to your face. An orange mask is indicated for owners of oily skin with inflammation, it will relieve redness and help control the secretion of sebum so that the face does not shine.
    18. Spray for the face "Water + green tea" Pour a bag of green tea with a quarter cup of boiling water. Cool the brewed tea. Add half a cucumber and one drop of rose oil. Grind all contents until smooth with a blender. Spray on your skin.
    19. Spray "Pink". Achieve hydration, rejuvenation and give the skin a pleasant light fragrance under the power of rose petals. Place the rose petals at the bottom of the pot and fill them with water. Put the saucepan on low heat. "Tomite" the petals until they lose their color. Cool, refresh the skin with the resulting spray. You can also use dried rose petals.
    20. From swollen eyelids. Soak 2 cotton swabs in cold milk and place them on your eyelids for 10 minutes. 10 minutes is enough, as the liquid is cold. It also helps with swelling of the eyelids - tapping with your fingertips from the bridge of the nose, along the cheekbones and to the temples. This stimulates the upper eyelids. After 20 repetitions, puffiness and circles under the eyes will decrease.
    21. Grape mask smoothes wrinkles on the skin and has a tonic effect. To prepare it, you need to put a few grapes in a cup, mash them and apply on your face for 5-10 minutes. If you add a few drops of lemon juice to grapes, you get a whitening and pore-tightening mask.
    22. Among herbal ingredients, it gives freshness and improves the color of the product based on chamomile flowers. For its preparation, crushed chamomile flowers, flaxseed flour (equally) and half as much oatmeal are combined. This mixture is poured with boiling water, insisted, cooled and, having applied it to the face, covered with parchment paper with holes for the eyes and nose, and with a terry towel on top. Wash off after 15 minutes.
    23. Curd-salt mask. Grind 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and add 1 teaspoon of table salt. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and then cold water. The mask has a tonic, softening and slightly whitening effect. Use for normal, dry and oily skin prone to aging and pigmentation.
    24. To quickly refresh and smooth the skin of a tired face, beat 1 egg white until foamy. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, finely chopped or grated lemon rind, and 1-2 teaspoons almond bran. Mix everything until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained and apply on the face for 10 minutes. If you leave the mask for a longer time, it will quickly harden. After softening the mask with a cold compress, gently (knead it and wash your face with cold water. This mask is effective, but it is not recommended to do it no more than 2-3 times a month. It is used in cases where you need to look good, and there is very little time.
    25. 25 g of alcohol, 25 ml of water (2 tablespoons each) and 100 g of slightly warmed honey mix well until smooth. Keep the resulting mass on the skin of the face for 10 minutes. This mask very quickly cleanses, disinfects and softens the skin. The effect is noticeable, as they say, to the naked eye.
    26. Apply warm liquid mashed potatoes to the face and neck until completely cool and dry. Rinse off with warm water and apply a cream suitable for your skin type. This mask perfectly cleanses and tightens the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles.
    27. Mask for edematous facial skin. Mix raw potato juice or gruel with wheat flour or oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
    28. Mask after a sleepless night. Mix 1 cup of mashed potatoes with the juice of 1 lemon, add fine sea salt on the tip of a knife, mix. Then apply to the skin and wash off after 20-30 minutes with warm water. Finally, rinse your face with cold water or rub your skin with an ice cube.
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