How to dye your hair with basma in a dark color. Henna and basma for hair: proportions, colors and coloring rules

Mehendi, belly dance, oriental sweets, Turkish series about love - the popularity of all this is due to the interest of our compatriots in the life and culture of the East. Exactly the same logical result of curiosity was the use of natural henna and basma dyes for hair coloring. Residents of India, Iran, Sudan and other countries have long used vegetable raw materials to become more attractive, to make the natural color of curls brighter, and the strands themselves healthier. To learn how to dye your hair with henna and basma at home, choose the right proportions and mix both components, just read this article with photos, tips and detailed instructions.

What is the benefits

Both paints have a completely natural composition, because they are made from plants. To obtain henna, the lower leaves of the non-thorny lavsonia shrub are ground, and for basma, indigo leaves from the Legume family are rubbed. In the first case, the powder has a green, and in the second - a gray-green color.

Attention! The main advantage of both products lies not only in a sparing, but even in a therapeutic effect on the hair: strengthening, nourishing curls, and regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Henna in its pure form colors the strands red. There are other varieties of it, with which you can get golden, red shades, several tones of brown.

If only basma is used for coloring, the hair becomes blue-green. Therefore, indigofer leaf powder is almost never used as an independent dye and in most cases it is mixed with henna. Such a tandem benefits both components: the combination neutralizes bright pigments and creates beautiful, natural shades on the hair. Which ones - depends on the ratio of coloring agents.

Pros and cons

Advantages of natural dyes:

  • undeniable benefits for hair. With their help, you can solve many problems - loss, slow growth, dandruff, excessive oiliness of the head;
  • improvement of the general condition of the hair, which becomes shiny, thicker, more beautiful;
  • obtaining various shades without chemical exposure to a permanent;
  • effective painting of gray hair with a combination of both components(henna itself, unlike basma, does not cope well with the “silver” in the hair);
  • the possibility of combination with other natural ingredients, allowing to diversify the original palette (this includes plant juices, herbal decoctions, spices, tea, coffee);
  • low cost of dyes;
  • ease of use at home;
  • hypoallergenicity.

If you are going to stain with henna and basma, consider also the cons:

  • with frequent use, the therapeutic effect becomes subtle, because natural powders can be harmful: dry hair;
  • to repaint, you have to work hard. Henna and basma are "not friendly" with chemical compounds;
  • after the procedure, it is difficult to rid the curls of the remnants of dyes, consisting of particles of grass. It takes a long time and patiently to wash the hair;
  • for some time, the hair exudes a specific smell;
  • picking up the desired shade the first time is quite difficult. Often you have to experiment with proportions and composition to get what you need.

Advice. At the time of purchase, check if the expiration date of natural raw materials has expired. Its quality directly determines the result of painting.


If the strands are dry, brittle, or the scalp is very dry, it is better to postpone the packages with powders until better times. An alternative could be a combination of them when stained with kefir, sour cream, oils. It is not recommended to do the procedure during pregnancy and lactation: the changed hormonal background will negatively affect how the paint lies.

Care should be taken to use natural ingredients on light curls, because you can get ugly yellowish-green shades.

It is undesirable to color hair with henna and basma after a recent perm or the use of a permanent, semi-permanent composition. In the first case, expect a quick straightening of the curls, in the second, an uneven color scheme.

In the same way, you should not apply ammonia or ammonia-free paint from well-known manufacturers to dyed hair if vegetable powders have been used before. Most likely, the new color will disappoint you, if it appears at all on the hair.

Important! In some cases, even powders of plant origin can cause an allergic reaction: itching, redness, swelling. Pre-test the dyes on the skin of the wrist or elbow.

Shades and proportions

It should be noted right away that information on the number of drugs is advisory in nature.. You may need to adjust the proportions in one direction or another. Much depends on the structure, condition, shade of hair. To understand how the combined color meets your expectations, it will be possible only by experience. With each new staining, the tone will appear stronger and become richer.

If you mix henna with basma in equal amounts, you will get a chestnut color of different intensity (on blondes - lighter, on brown-haired women - with a copper tint). Keep the mixture on your head for 1-2 hours. For other combinations, use the following ratios:

  • blond- the result of mixing 3 parts of henna and one part of basma. The color will appear within half an hour. The original shade of the hair should be light.
  • Ginger. A soft variety of bright color is obtained by combining henna and basma in a 2: 1 ratio. The recipe is suitable for blondes and requires aging the paste for no longer than 10-15 minutes.
  • Bronze. The ratio of colors is the same, 2 to 1, but you need to apply the mixture on dark curls and do not wash it off for 30 minutes. It is possible to change the proportions: 1.5 parts of henna plus basma in the same amount (1 part).
  • Chocolate brown. This color is given by a combination of 1 share of their Lavsonia powder and 2 shares of Indigofera. The composition is left on the hair for 15-50 minutes.
  • Black color obtained by using the same proportion, 1:2, and increasing the exposure time to 1.5–2 hours.

You can use the funds not only in the form of a homogeneous mixture, but also in turn. In this case, the duration of staining depends on what color you need to get in the end:

  • if light brown, then first apply henna for 60 minutes, then basma for 20 minutes;
  • if you want rich chocolate - leave the time for the first component the same, for the second - increase to 40–50 minutes;
  • to get black, take 40 minutes for henna, 2 hours for basma.

Note, the amount of powder you need for dyeing depends on the length, thickness of the hair, and also on which ratio you prefer. For short and medium strands, from 100 to 300 grams of dry matter may be required, for long ones - 300–500 grams.

  1. To breed basma, you need water. This dye, unlike henna, is not afraid of boiling water and high temperature.
  2. Lavsonia powder is best diluted with kefir (if the hair is normal or dry) or lemon juice, water with vinegar (if the strands are greasy). An acidic environment contributes to a bright, saturated color.
  3. Combine ready-made solutions before use, but make sure that they are not too hot.
  4. Do not use for the preparation and application of metal products.
  5. After staining, the composition will be washed off more easily if 1-2 egg yolks are introduced into it at the preparation stage.
  6. Cosmetic oil, flaxseed decoction or pharmaceutical glycerin added to the solution will prevent dry hair.
  7. Too much basma in relation to henna can give curls a green color.
  8. The paint should have a medium consistency. Too liquid mixture will flow over the face, clothes, causing discomfort. Very thick will harden faster than the hair will acquire a new shade.
  9. The temperature of the composition should be moderately warm. Cold dye works more slowly, and hot dye can cause burns.
  10. When staining at home, especially long curls, it is convenient to use a water bath to heat the drug.
  11. Hair should be clean, dry or slightly damp. It has been proven that the pigment penetrates better into the structure of moistened strands.
  12. If you use a mixture of herbal ingredients, be sure to wrap your head in plastic, then a towel.
  13. With separate application of paint, you can warm your hair only during the application of henna. Without this, the color will turn out very bright. Basma does not require such measures.
  14. To activate blood circulation and enhance the effect of coloring agents by distributing them over your hair, drink tea with ginger, lemon, or a little light alcoholic drink.
  15. Do not use shampoo and balm when washing off henna and basma. This rule also applies in the first three days after the procedure.
  16. To fix the color, rinse your head with vinegar or rosehip decoction (a tablespoon of any ingredient per liter of cool water).
  17. If the resulting shade seems too bright for you, use olive oil. Just distribute it through the hair before the next wash of hair.
  18. Too dark colors can be lightened by washing the curls with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

Advice. Rinse with henna and basma will help to update the color, make it brighter. Take 25 grams of both products, dissolve in 1.5 liters of boiling water. Strain, cool and use as directed. You can take 50 grams of one henna for the same amount of water.

Painting techniques

There are two ways to color hair with henna and basma: separate and simultaneous. According to reviews, both give approximately the same result. However, in the case of sequential application of dyes, you can control which color is obtained and correct it right during the procedure.

For both methods, you will need to prepare:

  • 2 containers for mixing solutions;
  • the same number of brushes or sponges (depending on the chosen method);
  • 2 spoons or sticks to stir the mixture;
  • comb-comb;
  • hairdressing clips or hairpins-crabs;
  • vaseline or fat cream;
  • plastic bag, shower cap or cling film;
  • a towel that you don't mind getting dirty;
  • gloves;
  • waterproof peignoir / old bathrobe or T-shirt.

How to paint with henna and basma using the simultaneous method:

  1. Dilute the powders in different containers, then mix.
  2. Bring the composition to a temperature of 40 ° C and leave in a bowl of hot water so that it does not cool.
  3. Lubricate the hairline with a greasy cream (Vaseline).
  4. Put on gloves, a robe or a T-shirt.
  5. Divide the hair into 4 zones: occipital, crown and two temporal. Secure each with hairpins.
  6. Start painting from the back of the head. Divide this part of the curls into separate strands.
  7. Sequentially apply a little warm composition to each. Move from the root zone to the tips.
  8. Next, treat the temporal and crown zones in a similar way.
  9. Gather your hair in a bun, put on a bathing cap (bag) or wrap your head with a film.
  10. Then wrap your hair with a towel.
  11. After waiting for the right time, wash off the mixture with plenty of warm water.

Advice. If the remnants of the powder are not removed well, apply a little balm to the dyed hair, because you can not use shampoo.

Coloring in a separate way is carried out in almost the same way:

  1. Prepare the henna first - it is always applied first.
  2. Protect your clothes with a bathrobe, hands with gloves, and the skin on your forehead, temples, and back of your head with cream or petroleum jelly.
  3. Form 4 zones from the hair, pin them with clips.
  4. Treat the curls in the same way as when staining in a simultaneous way.
  5. When the required time has passed, wash off the composition with water. You can use a balm.
  6. Then dilute the basma, distribute it among the strands.
  7. Don't wrap your head.
  8. Wash off the dye after the set time.

The separate method is more often practiced to obtain black.

Coloring gray hair

Henna is rarely used as an independent dye for gray hair, only if there is little “silver” on the strands. Otherwise, a very bright orange color is obtained. The combination with basma makes it possible to soften a little, muffle the screaming shade, make it more natural.

Gray-haired curls are poorly stained, so either several procedures are required, or a long exposure of the composition (up to 5–6 hours). Soft hair absorbs pigment faster, hard hair slower.

Important point! To paint over gray hair, it is best to act in stages, applying the mixture in a separate way. Hue saturation will depend on the exposure time of each component.

  • to get blonde, including very light, henna should act on the hair for 2-5 minutes. Then the hair is doused with basma and immediately washed off with water;
  • for a darker blonde apply a mixture of lavsonia powder for 8–10 minutes, an indigo remedy for 4–5 minutes;
  • light or dark shade of brown- the result of holding henna for 10-40 minutes, basma - 5-30 minutes. The longer, the more saturated the tone will turn out. You need to increase the time proportionally for both dyes;
  • so that the chestnut color comes out, apply both preparations in sequence for 20–25 or 40–45 minutes each (for a lighter or darker version, respectively);
  • paint it black it is possible if you withstand first henna, and then basma for 1–1.5 hours.

Natural raw materials of plant origin make it possible to obtain a new color and at the same time treat the hair. Just do not get carried away with natural ingredients. It is enough to renew the color every 2-3 months, and tint the roots the rest of the time.

By experimenting with the proportions of henna and basma, you can choose the most successful shade for your hair.

Useful videos

Coloring with henna and basma.

How to dye your hair.

If you have been thinking about changing your image and becoming a burning brunette, but do not want to spoil your hair with ordinary hair dyes, then pay attention to dyeing your hair with henna and basma. And we'll tell you how.


Such natural dyes as not only provide the hair with a bright shade, but also help to make it healthy and shiny. In addition, they are great as a method at home. Today we will talk about how to dye your hair black with basma.

What is useful basma?

Basma is a natural dye that has been known to man since the time of the ancient Egyptians. It is a blue-green powder that is obtained from the dried leaves of a tropical plant. From it you can get two basic bright blue dyes. This is an ecological and absolutely safe product that allows you to color and. It contains useful tannins, wax and has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. Helps get rid of dandruff and prevent hair loss.

Use exclusively natural basma without chemical impurities. It is also important to understand that basma is a very active ingredient that changes the structure of the hair. If after dark hair coloring you want to be blonde, then it will be very difficult to remove the color.

With the help of basma, you can give them a healthy shine and get additional hair volume (due to the fact that it improves the condition of the hair). Especially, basma is recommended for use when the hair is dry and lifeless, and the scalp has some problems. Basma is also suitable if there is some sensitivity to components or an allergy to cosmetics.

How to dye your hair with basma?

It is important to understand that with the help it is worth very carefully and carefully. Firstly, basma in its purest form will give your hair a blue-black tint, which in some cases can. Of course, if this hair color is your ultimate goal, everything is fine (no, we do not judge), but in other cases it is worth following some rules.

  1. We do not recommend dyeing very blond hair with basma. If you are, then it’s better to start with henna or use it, since such hair is too well dyed. The hue may turn out too bright and too saturated.
  2. Be prepared for the fact that the color can turn out to be unpredictable. Therefore, the proportions of basma should be calculated, albeit by eye, but taking into account the density, length and color of your hair. The longer, thicker the hair, the more basma.
  3. Basma staining lasts for several months, but it will definitely acquire other shades. Black, red, blue-violet. Therefore, it is worth tinting.
  4. You should not dye your hair for a month after dyeing with basma. She can enter into a reaction that does not end in something positive for you.
  5. Basma can dry your hair after dyeing (but this is not accurate).
  6. Basma should not be used more than once a month.
  7. Add to the solution with basma (any other will do, coconut or almond oil, for example).

Use exclusively natural basma without chemical impurities. It is also important to understand that basma is a very active ingredient that changes the structure of the hair. If after dark hair coloring you want to be blonde, then it will be very difficult to remove the color.

Henna and basma: how to paint

As we have already said, staining with basma in its pure form can give a very blue or, so it is recommended to use it in tandem with henna, which, as we know, gives a reddish color. Together they allow you to get a beautiful chestnut or dark shade.

So, basma along with henna should be applied to clean and damp hair. To get a black tint, it is worth applying henna and basma separately.

The amount of henna and basma depends on the length of the hair and the desired shade. Usually, they take from 25 to 100 grams of the product in dry form. An equal ratio of henna and basma will give a chestnut shade, 1 part of henna and 2 parts of basma - black, 2 parts of henna and 1 basma - bronze. Everything is simple. The darker the shade, the more basma will be required.

Powders need to be ground in a glass with a wooden spoon with a small amount of hot water or infusion of natural coffee. The substance should be in the state of a thick porridge. You can also add a decoction of flax, shampoo or glycerin to the solution - this will extend the life of the stain and apply more evenly.

So, if we are talking about dyeing black with basma, then we take basma and henna in a ratio of 2 to 1. We heat it on a “porridge” in a water bath, add 3-4 teaspoons of fresh and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. We apply the composition to clean, dried hair, cover the skin along the hairline with petroleum jelly so that the head does not color. Cover your hair evenly, starting at the back of your head. We hold the paint for up to 3 hours - depending on the saturation of the desired dark shade.

Approximate time looks like this:

  • 15-20 minutes - blond hair;
  • 1-1.5 hours -;
  • 2-3 hours - black hair.


Also watch a video that will tell you in detail and show you how to dye your hair with basma.

Before the invention of hair dye, as we know it now, women used basma and henna for dyeing purposes - natural means of giving hair the desired color. They are used to this day. Basma itself is a fairly cheap product with a lot of useful properties. About them and how to dye your hair with basma will be discussed in detail in the article below.

What is basma and how can you dye your hair with it

Basma is a natural dye that has been known since ancient Egypt. It is a blue-green powder obtained by grinding the dried leaves of the indigo plant.

This natural dye not only gives hair color, but also heals them, nourishing them with vitamin C and useful tannins, promotes skin regeneration, and prevents inflammation. It is also used to treat dandruff and strengthen hair.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Natural basma should be used without the addition of chemicals. The paint affects the hair very intensively, changing their structure, which is why the resulting dark shade is very difficult to remove.

Using pure basma for coloring, it must be borne in mind that the result will be saturated black with shades of blue. Therefore, it is often mixed with henna, which allows you to achieve from copper to dark chestnut color.

The mixture is applied to washed, towel-dried hair. To obtain black color, basma and henna are applied sequentially, separately from each other.

The powder of both substances is mixed in a glass container with hot water or brewed coffee in a small amount. the output should be a mushy mixture. To enhance the effect, you can add shampoo, flax extract, glycerin - this will contribute to easier application, and subsequently the color is washed out longer.

Types of basma and its cost

The type of basma depends on its territorial origin. It can be Turkish, Iranian, Yemeni or well-known Indian. The latter is just the most popular of all those listed, since staining with it is soft, and the color stays on the head longer.

Iranian is used in most cases to obtain chestnut shades. Indian - for the acquisition of black.

Within the market, the cost of these natural paints ranges from 20 to 400 rubles per pack. Most often, the brand plays a role and the presence or absence of various auxiliary beneficial additives and vitamin complexes. Here everyone decides for himself what he needs. It can only be noted that basma itself is an excellent restorative remedy.

Reviews of readers and professionals about hair coloring with basma

The network is replete with comments on these products, in reviews directly to the product and on thematic forums. Many argue that the transition from chemical paints to natural was the best choice. Someone complains about an unfortunate shade (with imprudent and reckless staining, it can turn out to be slightly greenish), about the difficulty with washing out the color. Again, the reason for this is only improper handling of the product, violation of the rules of storage and use. With strict adherence to the instructions and techniques for applying basma, such problems should not arise.

Professionals do not recognize henna and basma in view of one simple circumstance - it is difficult to wash off, and then it is difficult to recolor the hair into another, especially lighter color. But this, of course, is only their, hairdressing, interest.

What is the result, before and after photos

Below are photos after applying basma.




Burgundy dark



What hair color can be obtained by dyeing basma

The proportions of basma will be considered below: henna.

  • natural black — 2:1;
  • blue-black- 3:1 (plus 1 tbsp. salt);
  • dark chocolate- 2:1 (leave first henna for an hour and a half, then basma - for an hour);
  • classic chestnut- 1:1 (add ground coffee in the proportion of 5 tablespoons per 100 grams of dry powder);
  • dark chestnut- 2:1 (pour hot red wine or hibiscus);
  • copper — 1:2.

How to dye your hair with basma at home

As mentioned earlier, basma should be used in conjunction with henna, as such a move will help to avoid unexpected shades. Unless, of course, the desired shade is not swamp green.

The paint should be stored according to the instructions on the package, and the storage itself should not exceed its expiration date. It is better to take fresher, then the result will be better.

Directly painting looks like this:

  1. A glass, ceramic or porcelain container is taken, basma and henna powders are mixed in it in the right proportions. Depending on the length of the hair and the degree of their density, the mass of the dry mixture will be approximately 50-200 grams.
  2. The powder is filled with water(coffee, tea, hot red wine), the liquid should be heated or brought to a boil (it is better to boil the water, heat the rest of the gastronomic liquids over low heat). The resulting slurry in consistency should resemble sour cream. You can also add your favorite essential oils for fragrance and ease of application.
  3. Put on disposable hairdressing gloves(usually they are cellophane), change into old clothes, which, in case of something unforeseen, will not be a pity. Cover your shoulders with a towel. It is better not to leave open skin, on which a dye can potentially get.
  4. Apply paint using a hairdresser's brush. Basma cannot be allowed to cool, so it is advisable to apply it as soon as possible.
  5. Paint over the back of the head, after - the crown, then - whiskey. Distribute the mixture evenly along the entire length.
  6. After staining all indicated areas, apply another coat on top to set the color and avoid missing some areas.
  7. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag, cling film or a specially designed cap to keep warm.
  8. Keep the paint on your head from 15-20 minutes to an hour, depending on the intensity of the color you want to get.
  9. Wash your hair with warm running water without using shampoo. It is important that in the end, clean streams of water flow from the dyed strands. To consolidate the result, it is recommended not to wash your hair for another three consecutive days.

Features of dyeing gray hair

To paint over gray hair with basma is not an easy task. In this case, you can do it in two ways:

  • carry out two standard staining in a row;
  • apply henna, wash it off, apply basma.

Do you paint with henna and basma?


The effect will depend on the exposure time of the paint (in case the gray hair is up to 100% of the entire hair).

  • sand or wheat blond - 3 minutes;
  • blond light - 5 minutes;
  • dark blond - 10 minutes;
  • light chestnut - 20 minutes;
  • natural chestnut - 30 min.;
  • dark chestnut - 40 minutes;
  • bitter chocolate - 45 min.;
  • black - 60 min.

How to dye basma hair black - step by step instructions, proportions, tips

To achieve black, you need to mix henna and basma in a ratio of 1: 2. There is an option not to mix, but simply apply separately.

Actually, the instruction:

  1. Apply a mixture of henna to the hair and let it work for about an hour.
  2. Rinse to clean water flowing from the hair, and dry with a towel.
  3. Apply basma, leave it for 3 hours.
  4. After that, rinse your hair with running water, without using shampoo and balms or conditioners.
  5. Black color can be observed a couple of days after the procedure.

IMPORTANT! The method is not suitable for use on gray hair.

Chestnut Coloring - Detailed Technique

  • Take henna and basma in a ratio of 2: 1, pour boiled coffee (2 tablespoons) into about 150-200 ml of water.
  • 1 pack of henna - 4 tsp coffee, boil, add paint.
  • Also, the mixture can be poured with nettle decoction.
  • Or add to the dry mixture 3 or 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and pour over warm water.
  • Dilute the mixture with strong black tea, add hops if desired. For 25 grams of paint - 1 tsp. hop decoction.
  • Having chosen one of the proposed methods for diluting the powder, dye your hair according to the standard technique given a few points above.

How to dilute basma for hair coloring

To begin with, basma must be diluted with henna. The proportions depend on the desired outcome of hair dyeing.

To get a light chestnut color, it is necessary to dilute basma with henna 1: 1 in glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes (the main thing is not metal).

Natural chestnut can be obtained by mixing henna with basma in a 2: 1 ratio.

For black henna and basma, mix as 1: 2. For black saturated - 1: 3.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You can brew the coloring mixture with water at a temperature of 80 degrees, herbal decoctions or infusions. To get a chestnut color, you need to use strongly brewed natural ground coffee or strong black tea. For a rich copper hue, hot red wine is suitable, for a noble purple - beet juice. A golden hue can be achieved by pouring the powder with sour water (use lemon juice, diluted citric acid, apple cider vinegar) in a proportion of 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water. The shade "mahogany" is obtained by adding 5 or 4 tsp. cocoa powder.
  2. Pour boiling water over 25 to 200 grams of the dry mixture (gramming depends on the length and thickness of the hair), stirring with a wooden bowl. A sort of thick slurry should form.
  3. Let it brew for 40 minutes, then apply to the hair according to a suitable technique.

A few tips:

  • if the hair is sparse or dry, you can dilute the paint with hot milk, kefir or yogurt;
  • to distribute the paint evenly, you need to add one or two teaspoons of olive or linseed oil;
  • basma of sour cream consistency is to paint the roots; for coloring the hair along the entire length, a doubly diluted slurry is better suited, it is easier to distribute.

Is it possible to mix henna and basma for hair coloring

Answer: you can! Moreover, in most cases it is even necessary!

By diluting basma with henna, you warn yourself against unexpected and undesirable results in the form of a blue or dirty green tint, which, by the way, is washed out with great difficulty.

Pros and cons

The advantages of dyeing hair with basma include:

  • improving the structure and appearance of the hair;
  • improving hair growth;
  • a hair drink with useful substances, including tannins and vitamin C;
  • prevention of section, reduction of loss;
  • elimination of dandruff;
  • removal of skin irritation, healing of small wounds.

The cons include:

  • the appearance of a green tint when stained with pure basma (if this happens, it is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo and apply pure henna for 20 minutes);
  • basma is difficult to withdraw;
  • it is undesirable to apply paint of artificial origin on basma in the near future.

Who is suitable and contraindications

You can dye your hair with basma if:

  • they are brittle, sparse and dry;
  • I want to resort to an eco-friendly method of staining;
  • previously the hair was not dyed with synthetic paint;
  • you need to get a natural color without damaging the structure of the hair.

You should not do this if:

  • there is an individual intolerance;
  • hair dyed with chemical dye;
  • this is done on a bet (though not worth it).

Today, the fashion trend is the use of cosmetic products based on natural ingredients, since the substances contained in their composition have a beneficial effect on the body.

The modern cosmetology industry offers a variety of hair coloring products, according to advertising, current paints heal, moisturize, nourish, protect, restore.

However, even the most expensive paints contain in their composition a lot of substances that have a detrimental effect on the skin and hairline. Therefore, many women preferred natural dyes. Basma is one of the most popular natural dyes.

Basma is a natural product made from the indigo dye plant, which grows in tropical countries. Indigo dye is known for the following properties:

Basma has a positive effect on hair and scalp:

  • Deeply nourishes the hair;
  • Intensively moisturizes the scalp;
  • Treats dandruff;
  • Eliminates itching and peeling;
  • Gives hair a beautiful shade and paints over gray hair;
  • Activates the growth of healthy hair;
  • Restores the structure of damaged hair;
  • Strengthens hair follicles;
  • Protects the hairline from the aggressive effects of thermal, climatic, chemical factors;
  • Gives natural shine and natural volume.

The effect is achieved due to the composition of the product, which contains:

  • natural resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Mineral components;
  • Vitamin complex;
  • plant extracts.

Despite the positive properties, there are contraindications:

  • Recent professional paint;
  • Perm;
  • Too light hair;
  • Individual intolerance.

The proportions of the use of basma and henna to achieve the desired color

Basma is a persistent dye that gives a rich blue or green color, which is why it is customary to use a natural product with henna.

To get the desired shade, mix henna with basma correctly, in proportions:

  • Light chestnut - 1: 1;
  • Copper - 4: 1;
  • Bronze - 2:1;
  • Dark chestnut - 1: 2;
  • Dark chocolate - 1:3;
  • Black - 1:4.

In addition to the above colors, you can get other shades with the addition of the following products:

  • Chamomile decoction for a golden-red tone;
  • Red wine - for the color "Mahogany";
  • Strong black tea - for a chestnut tone with a reddish tint;
  • Natural coffee - for a chocolate shade;
  • Beetroot juice - for the color "Dark Bordeaux".

No less attractive tones are obtained by adding tinctures and decoctions from oak bark, saffron, onion peel, as well as cocoa powder, cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables.

The amount of henna and basma depends on the length of the hair:

  • Up to 70 gr. henna and basma - for short hair;
  • 100 g - for hair up to the neck;
  • 150 g - for shoulder-length hair;
  • 200 g - for hair up to the shoulder blades;
  • 250 g - for hair to the waist.

Subject to the proportions of basma and henna, you will definitely get a beautiful hair tone.

You can read more about henna hair coloring.

The classic recipe for making paint based on basma and henna

To prepare natural paint, stock up:

  • Basma (the amount depends on the length of the strands and the desired tone)
  • Henna (the amount depends on the length of the hair and the desired shade)
  • water

In a ceramic, glass or plastic container, mix basma and henna (the amount depends on the length of the hair and the desired tone). Heat water to 90 degrees. Pour henna and basma with water, stir the mixture thoroughly until it becomes a paste. Other natural dyes can be added if desired. Cool natural paint. The hair coloring agent is ready for use.

Rules for the procedure

For hair coloring to be successful, follow the rules:

Apply natural paint 1 time in 2-3 months.

Following the advice of experts, basma will give an attractive tone without harm to the skin and hairline.

Basma is a wonderful tool that will not only color your hair, but also heal it, giving it strength, vitality and beauty.

Basma is a natural dye known to mankind since ancient times. Its main function has always been to dye hair, although sometimes it was used to give the desired color to fabrics.

The substance in question is a powder with a gray-green color. It is produced from the tropical indigo plant, the dried leaves of which are ground until the desired consistency is obtained.

Benefit and harm

Among the positive properties of this tool are:

  • It is an environmentally friendly product that is not capable of harming the hair and scalp;
  • Can heal wounds;
  • Removes inflammatory processes;
  • The composition contains vitamin C, wax, various resins, tannins, minerals that have a healing effect on damaged strands;
  • Resists hair loss, strengthening hair follicles;
  • Prevents dandruff;
  • Destroys harmful bacteria that cause diseases of the scalp;
  • Promotes the growth of healthy and strong curls;
  • Increases volume, creating a feeling of thick hair, which is important for those who have naturally thin and not very thick hair;
  • Suitable for sensitive scalp;
  • Curls become shiny, acquire a rich dark color.

When planning to dye your hair with basma, you first need to know about the harm it can cause:

  1. It is washed off hard and requires a significant period of time for this;
  2. When staining occurs for the first time or after using other paints, basma may appear in an unpredictable color;
  3. You can’t perm your hair, because you can end up with a green color on your head;
  4. Poorly stains gray hair, making them visible against the general background;
  5. With frequent use, it makes strands dry and brittle.

ATTENTION! Basma is combined with henna before use. This will protect you from getting a green, blue tint on the strands.

What color does natural basma give

Without the use of additives, natural basma gives a blue or green tint. It depends on the natural hair color. Henna will help to give them the necessary shade. It is added to the analyzed paint in a certain amount.

The combination of henna and basma

Paying attention to what shade you want to get on your head, you need to observe different proportions of these two components:

  1. It will be possible to get a chestnut color if you mix basma with henna in equal amounts;
  2. To make the strands turn black with a blue tint, combine a portion of henna and exactly twice as much basma;
  3. If you want to make a bronze tint, prepare a mass of a certain amount of basma and henna, the amount of which should be twice as much.

In order not to spoil the appearance, paint over one curl with the tool in question, evaluate the result and think about whether you want to see yourself like this in the mirror.

How to prepare a solution and choose a shade

To avoid surprises on your head, prepare a mixture of basma and henna and carefully apply it to a small section of the strands. Leave for a certain amount of time and rinse off. In the event that you do not know what result can be obtained after applying the paint, remember that it will be difficult or almost impossible to wash it off. If the resulting color suits you, continue the staining procedure.


The preparation of the solution is as follows:

  1. Mix dry paints;
  2. Heat water to 90 degrees and gradually add it to the powder;
  3. If you want to give your hair an interesting shade, add additional components instead of water;
  4. The finished mass should resemble thick sour cream;
  5. Add a few drops of any essential oil so that the hair is not dry and the dye lays down more easily.

Some components will help to diversify the color of basma and make it more unique:

  • Green tea will help to get a chestnut tint to blond hair;
  • Onion infusion will give the strands a brown color;
  • Elderberry juice will make hair pink or purple;
  • Blue onions will give a purple hue;
  • Freshly ground coffee will make the brunette strands chocolate.

The right proportions to get the right color

It will be possible to obtain the desired shade only if the necessary proportion of the two components is observed:

  1. Mix the same amount of basma and henna and you can get a light brown or pale chestnut shade;
  2. One tablespoon of henna and two tablespoons of basma will give a rich brown or chestnut color;
  3. To give strands a bronze or copper tint, combine one tablespoon of basma and two tablespoons of henna;
  4. A 1:3 ratio (henna and basma, respectively) will give a black color with a blue tint.

Hair coloring with henna and basma

The natural paint in question is quite specific. That is why you need to know how to properly carry out the procedure for changing hair color at home.

Painting methods

There are two staining methods:

  1. By mixing the components in a dry form among themselves;
  2. Sequentially applying and washing off each of them (used most often for gray hair to achieve a more uniform staining).

How often can you paint

You can change the color of the strands with basma no more than once a month. Otherwise, they may become overdried and lose their strength.

Coloring instructions

To avoid unforeseen consequences, it is necessary to carry out the staining procedure in accordance with the basic rules and recommendations. Consider them in more detail:

  • First of all, you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, without using conditioner;
  • Apply a cream on the face (it will facilitate the washing off of smudges);
  • Prepare the necessary mixture, immediately apply it with a special brush on the strands;
  • It begins to distribute the mass on the back of the head, because it should be on it a little longer in order to evenly paint over;
  • After that, we gradually move to the area of ​​the temples, forehead and crown;
  • The brush should move towards the tips of the strands from the roots;
  • Wipe the skin around the hair and all excess material;
  • Cover your hair with a cap or plastic bag.

ATTENTION! While in position or breastfeeding, first apply a small amount of paint to the skin and wait a few minutes. If redness, spots or itching appear, you are strictly forbidden to use this remedy.

How much to keep

It all depends on the type of hair, the thickness of the strands and color. The lighter they are, the faster the hue will change. If you want to get a rich color, then you need to keep the paint longer.

For beautiful shades, there is a certain exposure time for hair dye:

  • Fair-haired - 30 minutes;
  • Gentle chestnut - no more than an hour;
  • Saturated chestnut, brown - an hour and a half;
  • Copper or bronze - an hour and a half;
  • Black, acquiring a blue tint - about 4 hours.

How to wash off

For washing, use only ordinary warm water. Rinse your hair until the water runs completely clear. Shampoos and conditioners should not be applied, as they can lighten the tone of the curls.

In the event that the paint was overexposed, and the color turned out to be very dark, you can try to lather your head with soap. In some cases, lemon juice helps.

Hair care after dyeing

After the remnants of the mixture have been washed off, the strands can be treated with an acidified liquid. Vinegar or lemon juice is added to it. They will make the strands more bright and shiny. Try to dry your curls with a hair dryer as little as possible so as not to injure or overdry them.

Poll: How do you dye your hair?

Features of dyeing hair black

Achieving the color in question is quite simple. To do this, spread henna for 60 minutes, rinse and dye the strands with basma. The longer it stays on the hair, the color will turn out to be just black or turn blue (if the procedure takes up to 4 hours).

chocolate color

You can get such a beautiful color if you add freshly ground coffee in the amount of 1 teaspoon to henna (no more than 25 g). You can pre-boil coffee for 5 minutes, cool it, and then add it to the dry mass.

Painting with henna and basma of gray hair

You will have to evenly paint over ordinary and gray strands in several passes. First of all, henna is distributed, rinsed, and then the strands are treated with basma. Leave it in accordance with the desired result:

  • Up to three minutes - sand color;
  • No more than five minutes - light blond;
  • 8 to 10 minutes - dark blond;
  • About 20-25 minutes - brown with a light shade;
  • Half an hour - natural brown hair;
  • Almost 40 minutes - dark brown hair;
  • 45 minutes - beautiful chocolate color;
  • An hour or more is black.

In the event that the color does not change after a while, and the gray roots already begin to grow, it is enough to tint only them, and do not touch the entire hair.

If you decide to dye your hair at home, do not forget about some tricks that will help you achieve the desired effect:

  1. Apply only to wet strands. If they are pre-dried naturally or with a hair dryer, the paint will go badly;
  2. Make sure that the place where you will carry out the entire procedure is covered with polyethylene. This is explained by the fact that once on any surface, it will be quite difficult to wipe off the product4
  3. It is necessary to put on gloves on your hands before starting staining and cover your shoulders with an unnecessary towel;
  4. Basma is applied to curls only with a special brush;
  5. To prevent the paint from flowing through your hair, add a little glycerin, a decoction of flax seeds or ordinary oil to it. The presence of additional components in the end will not affect the color;
  6. It is better to mix basma and henna in a glass, plastic or porcelain container so as not to cause oxidation with metal;
  7. Do not leave the finished mass until the next time, because the color will not be what you planned;
  8. When buying a product, study its composition. It must be natural;
  9. Do not purchase expired paint;
  10. Apple cider vinegar, which is added during the rinsing process, will help make your hair even softer and shiny.
