How to understand that you are being used. How to immediately understand that a man is using you: we bring the manipulator to clean water

Maybe the thought has flashed through your head more than once that a guy or husband is simply using you for money, for sex, as a “fallback option” or an “emergency airfield”. It's unpleasant to understand that you are being used. Our article will help confirm or dispel doubts about whether a man really uses you.

Do you think a man is using you? Let's find out!

1. You pay for everything

In the early stages of a relationship, it's normal for everyone to pay for themselves while going to a restaurant. But if you constantly pay for the expenses of a man, think about it: maybe he is just a goon, or he only needs your wallet? Why do you need a man who does not want or cannot even take you to a cafe?

2. He only comes when he needs something from you.

And if at the same time he does not help when you need his help, then he will definitely use you. If a person does not come to your rescue in trouble, why do you need him?

3. Financial dependency

In addition to the fact that you pay off during joint dates, you also pay for other expenses of the guy. You feel sorry for him: they say that he is still unemployed, and only his parents sometimes give him money. Stop tolerating it! Everyone has temporary troubles with employment, but if they have been dragging on for a year, then your boyfriend is a real lazy and freeloader. Think about whether he can provide for you if you go on maternity leave.

4. fallback

If you're the backup option for going to a concert and having fun, cut that guy out of your life once and for all. In a serious relationship, there can be no fallback, and attention is primarily paid to a loved one.

5. Emotional blackmail

He keeps saying that it’s your fault, that he doesn’t have a job, and all the problems are only because of you, but at the same time he continues to meet? It's time to say to such a person: "Goodbye!". He needs you only to vent his negative emotions.

6. He doesn't give gifts

You give him gifts, but he never gives you? Of course, in such cases, it is worth hinting (or saying in plain text) that you also want to get something for memory. But if he has not given you anything after that, he is using you.

7. He is not interested in your desires.

Do you only go where he wants to and do only what he wants? Are your interests not taken into account? Start saying what you want more often, and if the situation does not change, break up.

8. He doesn't think about your feelings.

Does he often do something that upsets or offends you, and at the same time he does not care how you feel? It is unlikely that this person loves you, because a loving person thinks about the feelings of his soulmate first of all.

9. He comes home late at night

There are rush jobs at work and friendly gatherings in a male company, but they can't happen every day, can they? If your young man tries to spend as little time with you as possible, comes home late, leaves for the weekend, etc., then why do you need him?

10. He doesn't take you with him.

In the early stages of a relationship, you most often want to just be alone. However, over time, he should introduce you to his social circle. Of course, a guy may worry that you will not like his friends or relatives, and that you will think badly of him because of this. But if you've been dating for a long time, and the guy insists that no one knows about your relationship, beware: he is clearly using you.

11. You don't make plans together.

People who want to live together usually make joint plans and bring them to life. If a person does not think about a joint future, then he probably believes that you are not in this future.

12. He is not interested in you

If a guy doesn't care what your hobbies are, what kind of music you listen to, how you spend time without him, etc., then he's not interested in you. A loving person does not have to share all your interests, but he will always want to know as much as possible about you.

13. He doesn't introduce you to his family.

If you have been dating for a long time, but the guy is not even going to introduce you to the family, then he believes that the family does not need to know about his relationship, because he does not see you as a future wife. It is unlikely that such a relationship will lead to marriage.

14. Listen to your stomach

You can’t understand yourself: your heart beats hard at the sight of a guy, but with your mind do you suspect this person of insincerity? Listen to your stomach. After all, the expression “you make me sick” appeared for a reason.

15. No emotions

If your feelings have faded away for a long time, but you are still together, think about why this is happening. Maybe you just got used to living together and using each other? If everything suits you, there are no questions. Otherwise, try to give an answer: why are you wasting your life, spending it with an unloved person?

Loves! And maybe ... still uses

At first glance, it seems that his intentions are pure and transparent, and the only driving force that brought you together is love, about which many have heard, but few have met. He does not try to find any obvious benefit in your relationship, appreciates your person unusually highly, brushes aside those who are ready to point out your shortcomings to him (sometimes he does it even somewhat exaggeratedly), and is happy that he is simply nearby and can blow the dust off you. He is not at all indifferent to what is in your soul - what you think about, what you worry about, what plans you make.

Not too doubting the sincerity of his feelings, still ask yourself - are there any motives that lie not on the surface? Maybe you got a hero whose meaning of life is to constantly save someone? Not a bad option, by the way, if you feel a kinship of souls with a kitten named Woof, who kept asking “Where are these troubles? They must be waiting for me." Maybe for him you are part of the image corresponding to his status? Then it makes sense to think about increasing your beauty budget. Even if you haven’t found a single secret reason, we don’t advise you to rest on your laurels and think that this man is definitely not going anywhere from you. Get away - if you stop meeting his expectations.

You can find out about the true attitude of a man towards you by his actions. If his love is visible only in words, and when you need help, he is not around, then it's time to think about the need for the presence of this person in your life. How to understand that a man is using you? Representatives of the stronger sex can use women when:

  • only interested in sex;
  • need financial support;
  • comfort is provided by a free "housekeeper" who will feed, warm and support morally;
  • the man is counting on a promotion (relationship with the boss);
  • there is a search for a more suitable woman for a serious relationship.

The main signs of men using women


Has your loved one introduced you to his friends? Men strive to be more successful than others, so they want to demonstrate their “trophy” in the form of a chosen one to their friends in order to get approval. If you often spend time exclusively together, then you should think about the seriousness of your companion's intentions.


How often do you get out together "in people"? Do you go to restaurants, to exhibitions, to the cinema? If your answers to these questions are negative and all your free time is spent in bed with you or at his house, then this is a sure sign of a frivolous attitude towards you. In addition to intimate relationships, a couple should be united by common interests and memories.


A man in love is not sorry for the money for gifts to his woman (unless, of course, he is a real miser). If, after a couple of dates, a loved one no longer wants to entertain you, does not give flowers, gifts, then his intentions can hardly be called serious. It is not uncommon to find relationships in which men turn events in such a way that a woman pays for them. Here you can immediately understand that a man is using you, because he is a real gigolo!


With a man should be comfortable and reliable. The ability to provide assistance at a difficult moment in life is especially appreciated. For example, you are sick, you need support. A real man, whose intentions are serious, will definitely help. If he believes that your relationship can only continue after the problems have passed, then such a boyfriend should be abandoned.


If a man has only one woman with whom he feels good, then he will try to spend all his free time in the company of his beloved. If a man makes appointments for you on weekdays, and he is busy on weekends, then this is evidence that he has other, more important interests. Another sign that allows you to understand that a man is using you is that he is there only when he has the time and desire for this. For example, a man calls closer to the night and announces a visit, but when you want to meet, he cannot, justifying this every time with a lot of reasons.


A loving man behaves respectfully with his beloved woman. Pay close attention to how he communicates with you in private and in front of other people. If you irritate a man, he may be rude, then you should think: is such a person needed nearby? Does he not look at you with a loving look in front of other people, avoids the manifestation of tender feelings? Such behavior should also alert.


Does he invite you to stay with him for the night, or does he want to get rid of you right after sex? A private home for a bachelor is very important. He will leave only the one who is trustworthy next to him for the night. Does he want to trust you? If you have never spent the night with your beloved man, then this also indicates the insincerity of his feelings.


If you are a backup option for a man who agrees to go to a concert and just have fun, then you should delete such a groom from your life as quickly as possible. A serious relationship does not imply any fallback options, all attention is given to a loved one.

emotional blackmail

Does your man accuse you of not having a job? Problems, in his opinion, appear only because of you? Say goodbye to this man. His negative emotions that will cover you daily will not lead to anything good.

Future plans

People who want to live together often make plans together to gradually make them a reality. If a person does not think about living together with you, then most likely he does not see you in his future.

Lack of feelings

If feelings have cooled down for a long time, but you are still together, then you should think about the situation. Perhaps you are used to such a life and use each other for joint convenience? If everything suits you in this state of affairs, then there are no questions. Otherwise, try to answer the question: is it worth wasting your own life living with the unloved?

The best advice: do not idealize the chosen one and take a closer look at the behavior of your loved one. If he behaves in an inappropriate way, then you need to think about whether it makes sense to continue to stay close to such a person. Of course, it is difficult to think when the heart beats faster, but still it is worth understanding that love passes over the years, but people do not change.

Hello dear readers! I, like other people, sometimes tend to succumb to the system of double standards. When, personally, this causes some suspicion and distrust in me. When I hear such words from a woman, the first reaction is almost always indignation towards the young man.

It is for this reason that today I would like to talk about how to understand that a man is using you, where such thoughts come from and how justified these accusations are, as well as much more, which will certainly be useful to those who are puzzled by such a question.

Let's start with a more detailed consideration of the system of double standards.

Double standards and the urgency of the problem

Men often talk about being used. Basically the same as women. And if in the first case this information raises a lot of questions, then the second is characterized by an instant negative reaction. Why is this happening?

In my opinion, the reason lies in the gender responsibilities imposed by society on a person. How can you use another for your own purposes? It is in the first place. Who pays, as they say, and enjoy.

Feminists were never able to win their war to the end, and therefore there is an opinion that a wallet should be in the hands of a man and if he uses it, then everything is fine, this is normal, if a woman owns money, then on the way she met .

Just as shocking is a man who accuses a girl of using his own funds, so are women who claim that their man is with them only because she is a "free housekeeper", "cook" or "mistress".

Before accusing a partner of using the feelings of a woman for his own purposes, it is necessary to think about gender stereotypes and norms that have been established in society.

Don't humiliate yourself

Your accusations are very serious. They testify not only to the failure of your chosen second half, but also to your own failures. Being in a pair, each of the partners gives something and receives something. A woman who accuses her man of using her implies that she is not such an interesting interlocutor, cannot provide proper support and perform other functions that her beloved can perform for her young man.

They do not love you, but simply coexist for the sake of some specific benefit - living space, money, a child, they are used as a fallback until they find something worthwhile, and so on. Such thoughts can significantly hit the psyche and

Of course, men are no less insidious than women, and therefore, even the most wonderful girl can fall for tricks.

About how quickly, and relationships can only harm the book will help Tanya Tank "Fear I'm with you". I strongly advise those girls who have already made mistakes more than once and fell in love with those who caused them only pain and suffering to pay attention to her.

Looking inside yourself

Another problem of "use" may lie in the initial self-identification of a woman. She comes into a relationship with a certain amount of knowledge, and then realizes that they are completely unsuitable for a full life.

I will give an example to make it clearer. The girl is convinced that the role of a woman, first of all, is to provide for life and household. She meekly prepares three-course dinners month after month, does not allow a man to go to the sink to wash the dishes and does not recognize any other help with the housework. Time passes, she gets tired and begins to accuse the man of lack of initiative. He doesn't help her at all.

In the first months of a relationship, certain stereotypes are laid,. If some of them do not suit you over time, you should not expect the situation to change quickly, and your dissatisfaction will be understood and met with joy.

Be patient and slowly accustom your partner to the new rules. Talk and, if the situation does not change, try not to repeat old mistakes with a new partner.

Symptoms and medications

In fact, it is quite difficult to make a classification of signs that would indicate that you are being used. Usually this is, and only then the justification of the problem is examined.

More often we are faced with just the opposite situation, when a girl or a guy is sure that he is being used, although in reality this is not true. insidious and therefore it is impossible to clearly identify causal relationships. I certainly would not undertake to hang labels on possibly innocent people.

Let's look at what factors they write about on the Web, and I, using several as an example, will show the irrelevance of these signs.

“He is not interested in your desires and you have no joint plans for the future” - it is quite possible that during this period of time your partner has not yet made a decisive choice and has not decided that he will spend the rest of his life with you.

In general, this is a very good sign, which indicates that your man is responsible for choosing a partner, and if he accepts it, he will not simply give up his idea. Far from the fact that this is an indicator of use.

"Doesn't care about your feelings." Yes, this is a serious problem, only its origins may lie in the fact that a young man, in principle, does not possess such qualities as empathy and. You are still different personalities, and he treats you based on his own judgments, experience and does not know how. Yes, and no one has canceled egoism!

"Comes home late or doesn't take you to social events." Erich Fromm believes that one of the aspects of true and true love of two adult personalities is the ability to maintain distance, to give personal freedom and independence.

Look at the specific situation and people, be critical of the information and doubt. Well, if negative feelings do not go away after communicating with a young man, and it seems to you that he is using you, leave. You don't owe anything or anyone. Everyone strives for happiness and sooner or later you will achieve it. At least get rid of the negative influence. It doesn't happen otherwise.

That's all for me. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. See you again.

Loves or uses, this thought often creeps in, giving rise to doubts in the feelings of a lover. In fact, he may simply maintain the illusion of cordial affection and act on several "fronts". After all, they scatter in compliments, give flowers sometimes for another reason - because of sex without obligations. Whereas love involves a deep feeling - with emotional attachment, loyalty and unconditional devotion. However, as they say: trust, but verify. What signs in behavior hint at the duplicity of a man? There can be many of them, although it is rather problematic to determine exactly what a partner really wants.

Raid meetings

If a loved one suddenly disappears for a long time, and then suddenly appears, this is the first signal bell that he needs a girl only for sex. On a date, he is attentive, affectionate, gentle, presents flowers and showers with beautiful words, but immediately after bed, he abruptly turns into his opposite: he becomes rude, cold, indifferent. Or, at best, he immediately runs away, motivating high employment, the need for a meeting at work or a long business trip.

Twinkle in the eyes

Considering that all men love with their eyes, admiring the image of a desired woman they see, then an extinct look at a meeting can only mean one thing - a lack of interest. But if the companion tries to look enthusiastically and without looking eye to eye, constantly looking among the crowd, then he is really in love.


The manifestation of a caring attitude is a sure sign of affection and warmth without the desire to deceive, deceive and persuade to primitive sex. The partner is concerned about the comfort of the girl, and not his own condition. A man who is not in love and fixated only on himself does not think about others, and even more so, he does not care.

He is not interested in the well-being of his companion, or where she would like to go, what movie to watch, what to do for the weekend. And if such a "beloved" intends to pass the evening (or even the night) in a beer bar, then he will definitely go there - even despite the woman's morbid condition. So there is no love here - only animal use to eat, sleep and get laid.

Words and deeds

They shouldn't diverge. For example, a completely bad sign if:

  • says that he wants to spend more time together, but leaves to have fun with friends on the side;
  • claims to want to see, but does not come or comes only from time to time;
  • admits that he is incredibly bored, but calls occasionally or even forgets to do it.

Sadly, but such an attitude does not speak of forgetfulness, but of the absence of a woman in the forefront of his preferences. When they really love, they don’t lie and don’t remember from time to time. Noodles on the ears, false confessions, empty oaths are also examples of when words and deeds have gone too far to go side by side.


A man in love is inspired by being near the chosen one, and an indifferent one becomes critical, harsh, irritable. On the one hand, this indicates indifference: for example, the girl is tired, has ceased to be uninteresting, since her partner has achieved his goal.

But on the other hand, it can talk about sudden difficulties in life, at work, at home, or about ambiguities with health. In this case, it is easiest to speak frankly in order to find out the circumstances of the alienation that has arisen.

Inattention to problems

The one to whom his beloved is dear does not leave her alone with difficulties. "Honey, are you sick? - Get well and get better! I'm going to football with my friends." "Grandma passed away? - Hang in there. When you arrive, call! “Honey, after work, buy a beer, you don’t care on the road. I'll wait at home."

All this is evidence that you are being used as a comfortable "living space". So a man shifts all major and small problems onto his partner, turning into the "navel of the earth", around which his companion revolves day and night.

Meeting Friends and Parents

Is the young man hiding you from his circle? A serious reason to think about the sincerity of his courtship. If it does not show for a long time, despite a long relationship, then:

Communication style

With a woman who is not indifferent, a man communicates politely, without generally accepted curses and swear words, even if he usually gushes with them in a company. That is, a person strives to look in the best light, because he wants to please. Therefore, talking about indifference and the desire to simply use is completely out of the question.

Another sign of love is delicacy. So the representative of the strong half of humanity wants to show gallantry and respect, so he gives his hand, opens the door, does not slap the girl on the shoulder like a bosom friend.

secret places

Almost everyone has favorite places associated with some kind of strong emotions. As a rule, this is a village house of a beloved grandmother, a river bank, a bench surrounded by trees, and the trees themselves. In general, such miniature little worlds, where, as a child, a person sincerely enjoyed life.

So, a man in love wants to bring a girl there so that she also becomes a part of them and enjoys the beauty, warmth, and peace. The indifferent will not even tell about the existence of such places, because the partner is indifferent to him.

Attention to details

The one who loves a woman:

  • remembers all her little addictions;
  • do not forget about the birthday;
  • pleases if not daily, then at least once a week with a nice surprise;
  • keeps in mind her walking routes;
  • remembers what they talked about on a date and so on.

That is, he is kind to his beloved, tries not to forget about her habits and preferences. On the contrary, a man who does not want to go into details, is indifferent to common dates, suggests indifference. He doesn't care about your birthday, or your favorite places, or you.

Other women

Even if you are just a couple who is dating, a person who is devoted to you will not go out with other girls. Even with the oldest childhood friends. And the reason is not that he does not need them. He just does not want to compromise himself in the eyes of his beloved with unworthy communication, because he values ​​\u200b\u200bher.

Conclusions on situations

So, how to understand whether they love you or use you, we draw conclusions. Although men are different in character, in relations with women they have a general tendency of behavior, by which one can understand the reaction. Basically, these are psychological techniques with the same line of development either in a negative or in a positive direction. Knowing how to read them, it is easy to avoid disappointment, prepare for a break in time or warn it, turning the relationship in the right direction.

But the fact that a man with whom a woman has been dating for a long time does not call for marriage in any way does not always mean dislike. It’s just that the satellite is desperately afraid to take a decisive step, fearing that drastic changes will follow him, not in his favor. So help me understand: this is not so! Everything will remain the same: you, your plans, tenderness, warmth and love. They will simply become common - one for two.
