How to make a crochet amigurumi from threads. Necessary tools and materials

Amigurumi is the Japanese art of making knitted miniature toys using knitting needles or crochet. But crochet toys have gained the greatest popularity.

The main feature of these crafts is the knitting technique - seamless circular crochet of a smaller crochet in relation to the thickness of the yarn.

Amigurumi for beginners

To create such cute toys, minimal knowledge of crochet is required. Any toy begins with knitting a ring. Following a visual diagram, you can easily master this technique:

The next stage of acquaintance with amigurumi for beginners is a master class on how to crochet a circle or an oval. This is the most important step on the way to creating a toy, since any craft using the amigurumi technique consists of these details. I offer several options for crocheting a circle, so you can choose the most convenient way for yourself:

And for knitting an oval, there is a classic pattern:

For fans of amigurumi, video tutorials for beginners will not be superfluous, which will introduce you to the technique of crocheting in more detail:

Amigurumi mouse

So, when the basic crochet points are mastered, you can proceed directly to creating simple amigurumi toys. Let's start with a small mouse.

Materials for work:

  • cotton yarn for knitting (50 gr - 100 m)
  • hook number 3
  • filler (holofiber)


We start knitting the mouse from the end, that is, from the back of the body.

We collect 4 air.p (VP) and close the knitting in a ring. In the next rows, we continue knitting in a spiral.

1 row: in the resulting ring we knit 8 tbsp. single crochet (SC)

2 row: we knit 2 sc in each loop to the end of the circular row. Total should be 16 RLS

3 row: we continue to expand the body of the mouse and repeat the rapport to the end of the row - 1 sc, 2 sc. It turns out 24 sc

4 row: we increase the number of sc to 32, knitting a rapport to the end of the row - 1 sc, 1 sc, 2 sc.

5 row: again we make an addition, knitting 2 sc in each 4 loops. The total should be 40 sc.

We knit the next 6 rows without increments.

We begin to form the muzzle of the mouse, for this we start the 12th row with decreases.

12 row: every 7 loops we make decreases. In the end, we should get 35 sc

13 row: we knit similarly to the previous row

14 row: again we make decreases, but now every 6 loops. Total should remain 30 RLS

15 row: knit without changes

16 row: reduce the number of sc every 5 loops. It turns out 25 sc

17 row: decrease the number of sc every 4 loops. 20 sc left

18 row: continue to reduce loops and do this every 3 loops. It turned out 15 sc

At this stage, the mouse can already be stuffed with holofiber.

19 row: again reduce the number of columns and continue to make decreases until we close the hole in the workpiece.

To complete the muzzle, we tighten the knitting and distribute the stuffing inside the body of the mouse.

Now let's move on to knitting the ears. To do this, we again dial 4 VP and close it in a ring.

In the first row we make 6 sc in the resulting ring. In the second row, we expand the workpiece, knitting 2 sc in each loop to get 12 sc. In the last 3rd row, you should get 16 sc by knitting 2 sc in each 2 loops. We cut the thread from knitting and with its help we sew the ears to the body of the mouse.

Every needlewoman, when she first sees amigurumi (small knitted toys), falls in love with them immediately and forever. And he immediately wants to get to work to impose a lot of bunnies, cats, bears, crochet dolls. But there is no need to hurry in this matter. Even if you know how to knit a little, amigurumi needs a little more practice, perseverance and mindfulness. For example, for crocheting napkins, airiness and lightness are important, for knitted toys - on the contrary: density, perfectly even relief of the fabric, compliance with special rules, which can be found in the article "7 most common mistakes among beginners" on our website.

It is better to start knitting toys with simple, understandable and proven descriptions (diagrams). Especially for beginners, we have made the best selection for beginners. It is on these toys that it is best to learn to knit. They are simple, detailed, error-free (very important for beginners) and easy to assemble. Let's tell you a secret: assembly and design is the most difficult, but at the same time exciting process in creating amigurumi. Though yours may be different.

7. Great to train on ladybugs and snails. The most simple and naturalistic cow won't take much of your time. You can knit a lot of such cows, in different colors and give them away to all friends or colleagues. Of the more complex (if you feel the strength in yourself), needlewomen fell in love with cow Dusya. Snails are good because they can be made from yarn of any color. They are not difficult to assemble, and the design ends with a banal sewing on of the eye. Highly good and sufficient simple snails live on our forum, and there are also healthy snails from Olesya Solozhenko.

8. Although the Year of the Horse has already passed, there are very successful descriptions of these beautiful animals that left no one indifferent. For example, this simple horse from Natalia Kalmykova. Learning to knit on these horses is a very good idea.

9. Not tired of cats yet? There is a very simple and funny cat from Diana Egoyan. You can take yarn of any color, a minimum of assembly and a very cheerful design - what beginners in knitting toys need in order not to lose interest in amigurumi.

10. Sheep. Knitting sheep, of course, is better with textured yarn. As you know, this is quite difficult, especially for beginners. However, there is textured yarn that is quite easy to crochet. For example, "Lotus weed stretch" from Kamteks or Adelia "VALERI" (you can learn more from the topic "In the world of yarn" on our forum). The most popular sheep of Runet -

The skill of creating miniature toys is based on the ability to crochet. However, many novice needlewomen believe that this is the same thing, which is why they make many mistakes during work. To eradicate them, use these little tricks and helpful amigurumi tips for beginners.

Reading the schema according to the rules

There are several options for amigurumi patterns for beginners, and each of them has its own characteristics. Instructions may vary by the way they are written or by country of origin.

Russian schemes

These include instructions for creating two types of amigurumi toys:

  • verbal descriptions for beginners;
  • diagram instructions.

The first option is great for those who are just learning to crochet toys. It describes in detail the location of the loops in each row, after how many columns the increase is knitted, what type of loops are used.

The second option is more concise - it can be understood by those who have already trained a little in this type of needlework. The schemes are presented in the form of tables with several columns: the first indicates the number of the row, and the second indicates the number of loops in it. Sometimes a third column is added with a graphic designation of loops, which are used in crochet.

If it is not there, then the whole scheme is based on the use of single crochets.

This option seems more difficult for beginners because it does not indicate when to perform increases and decreases. As a rule, in this case, loops should be added or removed evenly, for example, after every second or third loop.

Japanese schemes

It was from them that Russian instructions were written off. The Japanese description consists of a table and a graphic circular diagram of an image of an amigurumi toy.

The table always consists of only 2 columns indicating the number of rows and the number of loops in them. The type of loops used is shown in a illustrative example.

Here, as a rule, single crochet columns are also used - in the pictures they are shown in the form of crosses. If the cross is above the checkmark, you need to make an increase, if “in the house” - a decrease.

From simple to complex - gradually

The most common mistake beginners make in the amigurumi technique is overestimating their strength. As soon as you learn how to make the first loop, a chain of air loops and amigurumi, you will immediately want to make beautiful knitted toys with many different parts of the body, using different types of loops.

Acquaintance with amigurumi is better to start small. Let your first amigurumi toys look like knitted balls with faces. The work is very simple to perform, but by repeating it several times, you will hone the skill of knitting decreases and increases, loops of the same size - for beginners, this practice is very useful.

Gradually, you can move on to more complex patterns, creating beautiful knitted toys. The height of skill is the ability to work with pile yarn, the loops of which are difficult to pick up and process because of the large cap of fluffy fibers in the form of “wool” sticking out in all directions.

Where to start knitting?

Let's say you have already chosen a pattern for crocheting. Now act on the contrary: the first step is to knit those details that seem to you the most difficult, most often this is the head of an amigurumi toy.

This principle is easy to explain: beginners should develop a reflex to correct mistakes. For example, if you missed a loop in the middle of a row, knitted an extra one, did it somehow wrong, the work will have to be dissolved to the end or to the place from which you can continue without error.

Among beginners, many neglect this rule and their mistakes, thinking that "it will do." The minimal consequences of such an attitude are unaesthetic holes or pellets in the fabric, the maximum ones are skewed work, a change in the number of loops, and the inability to knit further.

Row marking

A little trick that experienced craftsmen have been using lately will make it much easier for beginners to work with amigurumi - try marking the beginning of the row on a crocheted toy.

There are two ways to designate the first or last loop in a row:

  • with a pin;
  • using a bright thread in a contrasting color.

Just thread a pin or thread through the first or last stitch of the first row: each time you reach the marker, you will understand that you have knitted the required number of loops and you can proceed to the next level.

Some experienced craftswomen use for this purpose the tip of the same thread with which they started knitting amigurumi - they simply bring it to the wrong side of the work. However, for beginners, this method may seem too complicated.

Sometimes a small iron ring is also used - it is put on one of the knitting needles to indicate a certain number of loops on the amigurumi toy.

When you knit to the marker, simply remove it from the already free needle and continue working. For example, this way you can designate a place where you need to make an increase or decrease.

Additions and allowances

Most of the difficulties for beginners appear at the stage of adding and decreasing loops while crocheting an amigurumi toy. This is due to a misunderstanding of the instructions or ignorance of the process.

In fact, everything is quite simple. The classic addition of amigurumi can be shown schematically:

  • knit the first single crochet in one loop;
  • in the same loop, tie the second single crochet.

You get one loop more than you had. In the same way, you can add 3 or even 4 columns to one loop of the previous row of crochet amigurumi.

The resulting columns must be of the same size, otherwise ugly holes and sloppy transitions will remain in the canvas.

Reducing the number of loops in a row is performed as follows:

  • grab the first loop of the previous row as if you are starting to knit a single crochet;
  • pass the hook through the next loop of the previous row;
  • Grab the working thread with a hook and pull it through all the loops.

If you need to increase three or four columns, work on the same principle.

You can learn a few more tips for knitting amigurumi for beginners from an experienced knitter Gia, who maintains her video blog:

We all learn from mistakes. And in 90% of cases - on their own. Those who start knitting amigurumi also rarely manage to avoid blots. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Moreover, this does not mean that toys that are not connected according to the rules are less beautiful, cute and desirable. But you must always strive for excellence.
We have described the mistakes that occur most often when knitting amigurumi. We hope they will help you make tiny animals and dolls even more perfect and perfect.

Attention! The headlines contain errors, not advice.

1. From complex to simple

Beginners often grab onto complex toys because they are more "live" and cute. It is not right. Always start simple! From a small amigurumi, which has a minimum of details. This will help to understand the principle of knitting, try decreases and increases, adapt to the threads, the hook. If it doesn’t work out, it’s not so a pity to dissolve and start over. Of course, you may have a natural talent (or you are already an experienced knitter) and it is quite possible to knit a complex toy the first time, but the “from simple to complex” rule is very good.

2. We knit for one wall of the loop

Amigurumi are knitted on both sides of the loop. It is clear that if you knit only for the front or back wall, the toy will also work, but a not very aesthetic scar will appear on the canvas, which spoils the appearance of the product. It should not be (unless otherwise specified in the diagram). Toys connected by only one wall of the loop are more elongated and thin, i.e. the original will be somewhat similar.

Look at photo 1: these bears are connected according to the same pattern. However, the right one is behind the back wall of the loop, and the left one is behind both. The scar is clearly visible on the right. Moreover, it is thinner and longer, which is more of a disadvantage than an advantage for a toy.

3. Knit counterclockwise

Yes, at first we really knit counterclockwise, but after a couple of rows, the product must be turned out and continue to knit clockwise. This is exactly what the front side of the amigurumi is (i.e., the starting thread should remain inside). You can easily recognize the wrong side by such dashes in each row ——. Why is it bad to confuse the wrong side and the right side of knitting? Imagine that you have to sew a ball out of fabric. And you accidentally sewed it inside out. What will happen? Ball with seams at the top. Not very pretty, is it? Increases and decreases also form a kind of seam - they are slightly more convex on the wrong side than regular single crochets. Therefore, on the head and other parts of the body of bears, bunnies and dolls, these same “seams” - stripes will be visible. Therefore, it is better to knit clockwise, turning the fabric inside out at the very beginning.

Look at photo 2. This is the front side of the amigurumi. This is how the body parts of the toy should look. Look at photo 3. This is the wrong side. There is a starting thread and dashes, which were described above.

4. On the decrease, skip one loop

Somewhere on the Internet there is such advice. But this is wrong. If you are knitting a decrease, then you need not just skip the loop, knitting only the next one, but thread the thread through both loops and knit together. This way you can avoid holes through which the stuffing will show through.

5. Holes in the canvas do not spoil the appearance

They spoil and even very much! A brown bear does not look very aesthetically pleasing, in which a white synthetic winterizer shines through its paws, torso and head. And even if you are knitting a completely white toy, it is better that the toy is as dense as possible. So that none of your friends guess what's inside. To do this, it is important to take a hook that would be thinner than the yarn. Those. if you usually knit acrylic with hook number 3 and more, then hooks that are smaller than number 2 are best suited for amigurumi. For "iris" - No. 0.6-1. If in the process of knitting you see solid holes in the fabric, urgently change the hook to a smaller size and try to knit more tightly.

6. We do not correct mistakes in the knitting process

It is always a pity to dissolve the canvas if there is a lot connected, and the mistake is noticed only now. But believe me, if you continue to knit, then you may have to unravel even more. If you leave it as it is, the toy may turn out to be "author's" (that is, not similar to the original). Or you will always remember this mistake when looking at the toy. Therefore, it is better to fix everything at once.

7. Even cotton wool is suitable for stuffing

No, cotton wool will not work. It cakes, so the toy will lose its appearance very quickly. In addition, cotton wool absorbs moisture very well, but the worst thing is that it does not spring back, and the toy will be oak and heavy. Believe me, you probably have a synthetic winterizer or silicone at home. It can be stuffing from an old jacket or an unwanted small decorative pillow. You can also use the stuffing of a cheap Chinese toy.

Look at photo 4: this is the filler most often used by needlewomen (silicone). It can be bought at a furniture store.

Regards, your

Amigurumi is a Japanese art that has long crossed the borders of its country and has become popular all over the world. Now the whole world makes various figurines of animals, birds, insects, fruits and even dishes using thread and crochet. Many admire such figurines, but do not knit themselves, because they consider amigurumi very difficult. If you know how to crochet single crochets, then you can do a great job with this technique.

The main part of amigurumi products is knitted in circular rows with single crochets. The first round is necessarily done in the amigurumi ring. How to crochet an amigurumi ring and the first row on it, we will consider in this article step by step. Look carefully at the photos and follow the description below them and you will do just fine. Take a hook and any yarn that you feel comfortable working with.

Let's get started

We form a loop from the thread in such a way as shown in the photo, so that the main, working thread with which we will knit lies on top.

We stick the hook into the formed circle and, picking up the main thread, we pull it back, getting a loop on the hook.

Now we hook the thread again and pull it through this loop.

Thus, the initial loop turned out. Once again we hook the working thread and stretch it through the initial loop.

There is one loop left on the hook, which is called the lifting loop. And again we stick the hook into the circle, grab the working thread and stretch it back.

Grab the working thread again and pull it through this loop.

There are 2 loops left on the hook.

Once again we grab the working thread and stretch it through both loops on the hook.

Here we tied the first single crochet into an amigurumi ring. Then we knit in the same way. Usually the first round of amigurumi is made from 6 single crochets, or depending on the product.

We knit 6 columns without a crochet in a ring. We pull out our larger working loop so that it does not accidentally bloom and pull on the free end.

The ring is pulled together and there will be no hole in the middle.

Again we put the hook into the loop and stick it into our lifting loop.

We make a connecting column with which we close the ring in a circle.

So we got the amigurumi ring in which we made the first row. Then you make 1 lifting air loop and continue to knit in a circle, depending on the description of the product.
