How to make baby jeans ripped. Making fashionable ripped jeans with your own hands

The fashion for ripped jeans is not something strange: it is an echo of the country style, in which abrasions, protruding threads and large holes are common. You can easily turn simple jeans into stylish ones at home. Instead of buying designer masterpieces at exorbitant prices, it is enough to use scissors and tweezers correctly.


To make ripped jeans, you need to stock up on these tools:

  • fabric scissors, knife or blade;
  • sandpaper, grater, pumice - to create abrasions;
  • tweezers for pulling threads;
  • chalk or a piece of soap for marking.

Experimenting with scuffs and holes is not suitable for all models. Tight and stretchy trousers are unlikely to be torn beautifully. Holes and threads will make straight and wide-leg jeans more stylish.

Where to begin

To properly rip your jeans, you should first mark them. It is better to draw areas of future decor with chalk. It wipes off easily after work and will be noticeable during it. Before marking, put on your pants: this will make it easier to choose the final processing location. Another marking option is to place thick cardboard or something hard and flat under the trouser leg.

The hole can be any size, and the most common places are the hips and knees. In the latter case, the marking for the incision is placed just above the joint.

Advice! If the jeans are old, it is better to make small cuts and avoid places where there are bends. New jeans can be torn in all directions - their material is still quite strong.

How to rip jeans

How to make ripped jeans correctly:

  • It is recommended to make cuts slightly smaller than the markings so as not to accidentally damage the product.
  • It is convenient to cut jeans according to the markings, folding them in half at the intended center of the cut.
  • To create holes and protruding threads, two parallel cuts are made with an interval of 5 mm. Using tweezers, the transverse threads are pulled out. Only the longitudinal ones remain. If you make several cuts, the hole will be larger. The length of the cuts does not have to be the same - different ones will make the decor more interesting.

  • The threads look very impressive, but there is no need to leave them all. Some holes in jeans look good without threads. You just need to trim the edge.
  • To create abrasion, the fabric is treated with sandpaper, a grater or pumice. You can even try a nail file. The fringe is made along the edges of the cuts, while trying not to damage the transverse or lobar threads.
  • You can also get a fluffy edge using tweezers: you need to pull several threads with it.
  • To make the legs appear long, the incisions are placed vertically, randomly and sparingly.

Ripped jeans are not a new trend. This is rather proof that fashion is cyclical. Pants with holes were first worn by hippies back in the 60s. With deliberately careless clothing, the “flower children” wanted to emphasize their protest against generally accepted rules. The trend was picked up by rock stars: in the 70s, every self-respecting rocker wore ripped jeans, thereby challenging society. Naturally, at that time, torn jeans were not sold: rebels simply wore their pants to holes and did not sew them up - that’s the whole “fashionable” secret.

Everything changed when modern designers began to look for inspiration in the informal styles of yesteryear. So, the catwalks, and then the streets, were filled with “holey” jeans.

Holes in the pants add a touch of playfulness, sexuality, and freedom to the image of the fair sex. Men's distressed jeans are associated with rebellion. The trend, which fashion critics predicted would be fleeting, has not lost ground for three seasons now, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

Choice of model, fabric and color

Do you want your wardrobe to be replenished with fashionable ripped jeans? Go... no, no, not to the store, but to audit your closet. There are probably denim pants out there that you don't wear because the model is outdated or seems too boring. Or maybe you have favorite jeans that are worn out, but it was a pity to throw them away? Finally, feeling sorry for old things has justified itself: give your trousers a new life.

You can tear any pants. But your task is to arrange everything in such a way that no one suspects “independent activities.” This is only possible if you choose the “right” basis. Which jeans are better to rip?

  • Model. The flight of designer imagination knows no bounds: couturiers “tear” boyfriend jeans, mom jeans, and skinny jeans. For home experiments, it is better to choose pants that are not too wide and not too narrow: in the first case, the torn areas will simply get lost, in the second, the holes will look unaesthetic.
  • Textile. For the experiment, pants made of classic denim - moderately thick - are suitable. If you want to “upgrade” elastic jeggings with holes, then it’s better to abandon this idea. The result is unlikely to impress: if the base of the pants is made of elastane, you can make holes, but they will not look beautiful.
  • Color. It’s better to tear up classic denim - blue or blue denim. The contrast of the threads provides a stunning effect: even old trousers will look stylish.

Have you thrown out all your old jeans and have nothing to experiment with in fashion? Stop by the nearest second-hand store and pick up some pants that you can use to make “candy.” Don't like used clothes? Then buy the simplest jeans in a regular store and turn them into trendy ones. The savings will be significant: usually torn models cost two or even three times more than those without holes.

4 ways to create a designer hole in your pants

Decide on the shape of the holes and their location. Of course, a lot depends on your imagination: don’t be afraid to show it. However, it’s worth looking for inspiration first so that you don’t end up with pants that you can only wear in the countryside, where no one can see. You can look for ideas on the Internet. After studying the star looks, you will understand what the ideal ripped jeans should be.

You can run into a couple of stores and try on the “holey” models that they sell there. A raid on boutiques will also give you an idea of ​​what your jeans should ultimately turn out to be. Don't forget that beauty lies in simplicity. Ideal - a couple of holes or one big one, a couple of worn areas. It’s ridiculous to have jeans with a hole in them or pants that reveal areas of the body that are usually hidden. In a word, don't overdo it.

Stylish holes with white threads

What you will need:

  • a piece of plywood or thick cardboard;
  • stationery knife or sharp blade;
  • tweezers.

How to do

  1. Mark future “holey” areas with chalk.
  2. Lay the jeans out on a flat surface and place a piece of cardboard or a piece of plywood under the cut. This is protection against through holes.
  3. Using a utility knife, make several horizontal cuts of the same size in the outlined area. They must be parallel to each other. The knife needs to be guided along the threads located transversely.
  4. Using tweezers, pull out the blue threads. The white transverse ones should remain: they will beautifully cover the hole.
  5. Carefully trim any white threads that are sticking out. You can cut off some of the white threads to make the gap larger.

Pumice will help hide traces of “creativity”: rub it along the edges of the cuts. To make holes look stylish, bleach the fabric around them. To do this, you can use bleach or any commercial bleach. Then wash your jeans as usual.

Sloppy holes in grunge style

What you will need:

  • board or plywood;
  • stationery knife.

How to do

  1. Place a piece of plywood inside the leg. Make several parallel cuts with a utility knife. They should be located close to each other.
  2. Carefully run a knife between the cuts, cleaning off the transverse threads and freeing the longitudinal ones.
  3. Trim (or simply tear off) part of the longitudinal threads at one end to achieve the most careless effect. Grunge style jeans are ready!

Don't try to make the cuts beautiful if you want to end up with a grunge style. It’s not for nothing that this style is called a rebellion against glamor: deliberate negligence is very welcome. Jeans should look like they are torn from prolonged wear, but you don’t care about that.


What you will need:

  • chalk or simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • comb;
  • bleach.

How to do

  1. Lay your jeans out on a flat surface. Mark with chalk or a pencil the fragment that will be “empty.”
  2. Carefully cut out the marked piece.
  3. Walk along the edge of the fragment with tweezers, removing the threads. Fluff the edges with a comb.
  4. Soak a cotton pad in bleach and blot the edges of the cut piece. Wash your jeans afterwards.

“Voids” should not be placed on the knees, behind or too close to the waist. If you decide to cut a rectangle on the leg, then it is better not to make any more conspicuous holes on it, otherwise the jeans will look vulgar. But abrasions are possible.

Torn knees

What you will need:

  • chalk or pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • grater.

How to do

  1. Put on some jeans. Mark the knee line with chalk or pencil, which will become the cut.
  2. Remove the jeans and carefully make a cut along the marked line.
  3. Rub the slits. Wash your jeans and the cuts will become a little frayed, creating a “just torn” effect.

If black denim trousers are gathering dust in your closet, it’s time to take them out and turn them into trendy ones - cut them in the “knee” area. This has been all the rage for several seasons in a row. It’s not just women’s trousers that are being upgraded with neat holes at the knees: guys also like this trend.

Create a worn effect

Ripped jeans are an option for bold fashionistas and fashionistas. Even a calm image with holey pants carries a daring message. If you are not ready to “rebel”, but also do not want to lag behind fashion, try a less flashy (but no less stylish) version of the “upgrade” - wash your jeans. Scuffs are not as noticeable as holes, but this is how you can turn old or simply boring trousers into trendy ones. All you need is sandpaper or pumice, and a “backing” so as not to rub your pants through. Follow these four steps.

  1. Get wet. You need to wet the areas where the abrasions will be located with water. This will enhance the effect.
  2. Install the backing. Place a piece of plywood, a board or thick cardboard between the two parts of the trouser leg.
  3. Rub with pumice or sandpaper. Until you get the desired result.
  4. Wash your pants. And wear them for a couple of days in a row - the effect will intensify.

If the denim is too thick, then pumice will help “age” the jeans. Take the most common one. You will have to work longer with sandpaper, but the result cannot be distinguished from factory abrasions. It is better to use fine-grained sandpaper and not overdo it if holes in your pants are not part of your plans.

3 more trending ideas

Although torn and frayed jeans have been at the peak of popularity for several seasons, trends are changing. Do you want to keep up with the fashion world? Complement ripped pants with trendy elements.

  • Make a fringe. A disheveled bottom coupled with holes in jeans is a new trend that has resonated with fashionistas. It’s easy to copy the trend at home: you need to rip off the hem of your trousers with a blade and pull out the transverse threads with a needle. This is how you can transform old denim shorts: nothing complicated, but it looks fresh.
  • Decorate the holes with lace. Have you been dreaming of ripped jeans for a long time, but still don’t dare to bare your knees? Feel free to rip out your old pants! Large holes can be covered with lace - stylish and sexy. You can alternate “naked” holes and “lace” ones, make scuffs and fringes. The main thing is not to overdo it: everything will immediately look out of place.
  • Wear fishnet tights under ripped jeans. This trend clearly shows how changeable everything is in the fashion world. Until recently, “fishing nets” on the legs were considered vulgar and a sign of bad taste, but as soon as models wore fishnet tights under torn jeans, everyone around them lost their heads from such a decision. Do you want to be known as a real fashionista? Punch big holes in your jeans, put on some mesh, and voila! The only condition: you don’t need to make a lot of holes, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the notes of vulgarity in the image. Make one or two big rips, pull the tights over your waist so they peek out from under your jeans - your stylish look is ready!

Transforming trousers is actually not difficult. It is much more difficult to correctly combine torn pants with clothes and shoes. It is believed that holey models can be worn with anything (with pumps and a jacket, with plain T-shirts and loafers, with a vest and white sneakers), but on some they look stylish, on others they look ridiculous. Show your imagination, be inspired by the looks of stars, pay attention to street fashionistas - and you will be able to harmoniously fit ripped jeans into your wardrobe.

Times change, years fly by, fashion changes... Only torn jeans continue their victorious existence, sparing no one: torn jeans are loved by both women and men, and show business stars, and business people, schoolgirls and students.

“Ripped jeans” are loved by all models: classics, flares, bananas, boyfriends...

The older the jeans look, the more fashionable they are! Even the most expensive brands have found ripped jeans. Jeans are offered to be torn and made to order! “Master of Handicrafts” will save your money and teach you how to “aging” jeans with your own hands.

How to rip a fashion item so that it looks like a factory? How to make it shabby? How else can you customize this wardrobe item? Here you will find the most interesting ideas and, of course, master classes.

How to make holes in jeans

How often do your clothes become obsolete? Is the model outdated, torn, or just tired? Give your jeans a second chance, give them a second life!

We would like to note:

  • Blue or blue denim jeans are most suitable for “execution”; they will look more impressive
  • The silhouette should not be too tight, but not completely loose.
  • Read the ingredients, if it contains a word like “elastane”, you won’t be able to tear them.

In order to beautifully “perforate” jeans, we will need the following materials:

  • Stationery knife
  • Wooden plank (place under the knife)
  • Nail scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Needle or pin
  • Pumice stone, nail file, sandpaper
  • Soap

Stage 1:

Mark the areas you will be working on with a piece of soap.


  • If you are not a super model in terms of body composition, do not experiment with cuts on the loin, consider the holes at the knees, a little higher or a little lower.
  • Narrow and elongated slits along the central part will slim your legs
  • Wide holes below the pockets will make the hips wider.

If you mess up your trouser cutting technique, you'll ruin your jeans, so start with a small cut and increase it later if necessary.

Stage 2:

So, first we mark where the holes will be. Then lay the jeans out on a flat surface. Place a board under the cut to avoid cutting through the entire pant leg. Make a neat cut with a knife. We cut horizontally along the transverse threads.

If you need a small hole, quietly use tweezers to release the light threads, and use a brush to remove the blue threads, cutting off the longest ones.

3. Take out the blue threads and leave the white ones to get these jeans.

After you finish your work, wash your trousers in the washing machine, they will put an end to your creative mess.

Ripped jeans at home

So, there is a second way to get blue threads out of boring trousers.

We make cuts with scissors or a knife, pull out the blue threads with tweezers, leaving the white ones.

Cut off any excess long white threads.

How to rip jeans at the knees

If you want to get a hole on your knees with white threads, then read the previous paragraph.

How to get a big hole in your knees? As easy as pie:

  • Mark the cuts
  • Cut with scissors and pinch them a little with tweezers.
  • Wear until the holes themselves become huge and worn out from wear.

How to make distressed jeans

If you want to get distressed denim, arm yourself with a nail file, pumice stone or sandpaper and start rubbing and rubbing and rubbing. Sometimes even a grater comes into play!

DIY jeans with patches

Why not diversify your clothes with different kinds of patches?

A lace patch looks very impressive.

How to make a patch on jeans video

Text prepared by: Veronica

Anna Turetskaya

Reading time: 14 minutes


Every second girl experiments with things from her wardrobe. Especially if things are already old, unfashionable and require either disposal or urgent upgrading. The second option is certainly preferable.

You probably have a stack of jeans lying around in the far corner of your dresser that you hate to throw away.

We'll show you how to make them relevant and fashionable again!

What you will need: your old jeans, a seam ripper (blade or knife), soap and a small metal grater with garlic holes.

  • We choose a place for the future “scuff” on the jeans.
  • Carefully rub this area “horizontally” with a grater. We act as carefully as possible if the desired result is abrasion and not a gaping hole. The grater should only remove the top layer of thread.

For the holey effect:

  • We lay out the jeans on the table and mark strips with soap (maybe chalk) for future holes.
  • We make horizontal cuts using a seam ripper or scissors.
  • We pull out a few threads along the edges of the holes to make the jeans feel “worn” (note - or we wash them in the machine so that the threads stretch out on their own) - we create the shaggy appearance of our chaotic holes.
  • We make cuts based on our wishes - in several areas or immediately along the entire length of the trouser leg(s).
  • If desired, you can decorate the resulting holes using one of the following methods (lace, sequins, etc.).

To prevent the created “gaps” from spreading completely and ruining the presentation, you should sew guipure scraps to them from the inside out.

Bright colored space jeans - dye according to instructions

For this masterpiece you need: dark jeans, toothbrush, acrylic paint for fabrics of the desired colors, sponge, spray bottle, bleach and water solution (2:1), container for mixing paints.

  • We spread the jeans on top of the film on the floor.
  • We spray the bleach solution poured into the spray bottle on various areas - not copiously, but a little at a time and carefully. We are waiting for orange spots to appear. To increase their intensity, you can spray one more time.
  • Next, mix the first portion of acrylic paints and carefully apply it with a sponge around our orange spots. Let's experiment with colors! That is, we rinse the sponge from time to time and take a different color.
  • We highlight individual areas with white paint.
  • We paint the stars in our denim “galaxies” using a brush and diluted white paint. Everything is simple here: we dip the tooth/brush in the paint, and then, using our finger, we “spray” (splatter) the paint onto individual areas - we create clusters of stars.
  • Don't forget about the back of the jeans and the seams - they also need space. Wait until it dries completely (at least 24 hours).

Stylish “varenki” - if jeans have become “boring”

You will need: old jeans, whites, containers (a bucket or a large pan that mom won’t tear her hands away from later).

  • We choose dark jeans that are in dire need of a “fashion reboot.”
  • We twist our jeans tightly. Moreover, the more you twist, the fewer streaks there will be. If you want a vertical pattern, then secure the twist sections well with rubber bands. For horizontal twists, you need clamps, and for the “stars” in the twist areas, you need clothespins.
  • We fill a container with water - exactly half, heat it to 80 degrees (on average) and suddenly pour a full glass of white into it.
  • Bring our solution to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • After the “potion” boils, immerse the jeans completely in it. Are they getting out? Push it back with a ladle.
  • We wait 15 minutes, constantly pushing the jeans under the water. If the color does not want to change at all, add another half glass of the product.
  • After obtaining the desired shade, we take it out, take it into the bath, remove all the clips/elastic bands and thoroughly rinse the new jeans.

If you are too lazy to cook jeans, your mother won’t give you a pan, or you simply don’t have the necessary container, but you have Domestos - use it. We dilute half a glass of the product in 3 liters of water, soak the rolled jeans in the same way and wait for the lightening. Next, rinse and dry.

And - another way, more gentle

Alas, the resulting pattern as a result of the above method does not always bring joy. If you don't want to be upset, you can use using the following method:

  • Treat the desired areas of the jeans with a sponge soaked (thickly) in bleach.
  • Forget about jeans for 5 minutes (no more!).
  • If you want a gradient, you can spray more intense areas with a spray bottle.
  • Next, rinse the jeans and dry them.

Decorating jeans with lace - stylish and glamorous

Today this is the most fashionable finishing option.

You will need: old jeans with very large holes (for example, jeans on which you went too far with holes) and lace. You can also use regular jeans if the decor is external.

What options are there?

  • Lace sewn as a lining on the hole from the inside out. The denim edges around the lace patch, of course, need to be ruffled. White lace sticking out in the slits of blue jeans looks very piquant.
  • A lace ribbon sewn around the waist or just the front (only the back).
  • Back pockets completely decorated with lace.
  • Flowers cut out of lace (another pattern), sewn onto trouser legs like appliqués.

Just don't overdo it. An abundance of lace or its illiterate use can turn your jeans into a vulgar item.

What you will need: rhinestones, beads, beads, your jeans.

  • We select the desired area on the jeans, look for the desired pattern and transfer it to the jeans with chalk/pencil (pockets, sides of the legs, cuffs).
  • We select rhinestones of different sizes and glue them according to the pattern manually.

Sequins, beads or beads will have to be sewn on. The work is more painstaking, but the result is worth it.

If you don’t know how to draw, take drawings as a basis (among them there are many interesting sketches of flowers, birds, etc.).

And the jeans have cuffs!

Today, wide cuffs on jeans are considered the most fashionable. Although no one will stop you from making them according to your personal size and desire - you are a designer.

Having chosen the desired width, stitch the jeans or simply roll them straight out, baste along the seams and start decor of the received cuffs:

  • Decorate with rhinestones or beads.
  • Sew on the lace.
  • We use bright strips of fabric.
  • Making fringe.

Stamps are not always bad

If a bear stepped not only on your ear, but also on your hands, and you only know how to draw with chalk on the asphalt, it’s not a problem. They will come to the rescue stamps and stencils.

  • We take an ordinary children's rubber stamp for creativity with the desired pattern, dip it in fabric paint of the desired color and stamp it for health in the way your soul requires.
  • If there are no children's stamps, you can make it yourself from a potato, an eraser, etc.
  • You can also stamp with a sponge. Just use thicker paint and first test stamping on an unnecessary piece of paper so that the excess paint comes off the sponge - the design should turn out to be a fine snowball, not blots.

Stencils are also a good idea.

  • We draw a pattern on cardboard, cut it out, and attach it to the jeans with masking tape.
  • Apply the design with a brush or sponge.
  • Wait for it to dry and remove the stencil.

Drawing on jeans - an option for artists

Option 1:

  • We take fabric paints and brushes.
  • Apply the pattern with chalk, paint it, wait for it to dry.
  • You can use felt-tip pens for fabric (it’s even more convenient to draw with them).

Option 2:

  • We insert cardboard into the leg to protect the other side.
  • Place lace over the desired section of the leg and fasten it tightly with pins.
  • Using a sponge, toothbrush, or dotted by hand, paint the pattern through the lace and wait for it to dry.

Option 3:

  • We cut out the desired pattern from the lace and soak it in bleach until slightly damp (so that the lace does not crumble).
  • Place the lace on the trouser leg and press tightly for 10-30 minutes. Accordingly, the longer, the brighter the picture.
  • Next, remove the lace and briefly dip the jeans in a solution of water and vinegar (approx. 3:1). Afterwards, wash separately in a machine or by hand.

Jeans turn... into elegant capri pants

Everything is simple here. If you are tired of flares, or the bottoms of your trouser legs have become completely unusable, then it’s time to cut your jeans into capri pants (or shorts).

  • Select the desired length with a margin for cuffs.
  • Cut along the strips marked with soap.
  • We bend the legs outwards and decorate them using one of the above methods (fabric, lace, beads, etc.).

Patches are at the height of fashion!

If you are young, daring and have golden hands, you can use appliqués. They transform old jeans so much that then people they know ask where to buy this beauty?

There are many options - choose to your taste or look for something unique:

  • Bright rectangles made of multi-colored and multi-textured fabrics, randomly sewn onto the front legs of the trousers.
  • Applications using colored laces.
  • Applications in graffiti style.
  • “Dot” applications in the form of hearts, letters, patches, etc.
  • Using colored thin leather or denim in different shades.

You can also sew on appliques in different ways - from a regular stitch to a zigzag or even a satin stitch contour.

Embroidery on jeans is painstaking and time-consuming, but beautiful and durable

If you can surpass even your grandmothers in needlework talent, and you have a box full of floss, feel free to look for the desired pattern.

  • Apply the pattern to the desired area.
  • We embroider. It’s better to use satin stitch, it looks more impressive. Although, you can also use the cutwork technique, but in this case it is not recommended to experiment with colors - take 1 color of thread slightly lighter than the jeans fabric.

If desired, you can make voluminous flowers on jeans from threads:

  • We make loops around 2 fingers, remove the skein and tie it in the middle with a contrasting thread.
  • We cut off the ends, fluff our “dandelion”, and sew it to the jeans.
  • From below we embroider a stem with leaves.

Rivets on jeans are a timeless fashion

First, come up with a pattern or think about the geometry along which you will “screw” the rivets. If during the decorating process you realize that you have done “wrong” and “wrong”, it will be extremely difficult to correct.

  • We buy rivets in the store (those with “petals” on the inside).
  • We pierce the fabric with a rivet and bend the petals. If the jeans are too thick, make mini holes in advance.
  • Rivets will look most advantageous on side seams, pockets, waistbands or cuffs.

Ways to breathe new life into your old jeans - one cart and one small cart. Based on the above, you can come up with your own techniques and create a real masterpiece.

Remember: “hand-made” is valued at all times! You can even organize your own.

Hippies were the first to rip jeans in the last century. It was a protest, a riot. But fashionistas quickly adapted the new type of clothing to everyday life and began wearing them with sneakers and even heels.

Today, many girls, looking at beautiful but expensive jeans models in stores, think: how to make ripped jeans yourself, because it is not so difficult.

Not all jeans will look equally good with holes, so the first step is to determine which denim garments can be altered and which cannot. Sometimes, before making fashionable pants at home, it’s worth going shopping and looking at trends: where, how and how many holes modern designers make on jeans.

Ripped jeans for women

Fashionable ultra-tight jeggings, so beloved by girls, are not suitable for these purposes. The elastin on which they are sewn cannot be torn beautifully. But worn models that are medium in breadth are the right choice. They already have scuffs, holes will update them and make them more stylish.

However, if you really want to tear apart the new model, then you shouldn’t deny yourself either. Only You should choose inexpensive jeans. There is still a risk of ruining them; it will be a shame to throw away expensive clothes.

Sometimes, before you think about how to make ripped jeans at home, you should go shopping and look at trends: where, how and how many holes modern designers make on jeans.

Jeans of any color are suitable for experiments. However Blue and bright blue denim looks the most beautiful. It's all about the successful contrast of threads and fabric.

Ripped jeans for men

"Boyfriends" are more suitable for experimentation than any other models. They are wide, the holes look organic on them. Some girls use their husband’s old jeans for their first experiments and give them a second life.

Although many men are not against making interesting clothes with their own hands. Here it is important to be guided by the same principles as when modernizing women's models: Jeans should not be too tight or stretchy.

Typically, men choose blue ripped jeans. They are better than others at helping to create the image of a rebel and a “bad guy.”

What tools will you need for the job?

You can't tear jeans with your hands, but you can't just use scissors. It is important to understand that even when changing clothes at home, you need a specialized tool. Otherwise, there is a risk of making an unsightly torn and unwearable model.

The following tools are needed:

How to make ripped jeans step by step

In order to beautifully rip jeans from the bottom, you do not need to have any specific skills. There are several options for how to make ripped jeans at home.

Following the instructions, the question: how to make ripped jeans at home will not seem difficult.

For each option you need:

  1. Make markings where the holes will be.
  2. Place a piece of plywood or board inside the pant leg.

A girl should decide what kind of jeans she wants to get: neat ones, with a few small holes, or bright denim, torn almost to shreds. Both options will look great depending on the situation.

For the first one, you need to highlight the white threads that are found in any jeans:

  • make small horizontal cuts along the entire length of the jeans or to the knees. You should get small neat squares. A sharp utility knife is best suited for these purposes;
  • Using a darning needle or the tip of nail scissors, carefully, trying not to damage, pull out the white threads so that they become visible;
  • Pull out the dark threads that run perpendicular to the white ones using tweezers.

The second option involves more room for creativity and a little less scrupulousness:

In addition to these fairly standard options, there are others. Pants torn in a certain place will look interesting in different situations. These can also be made at home, but the instructions are slightly different from the ones above.

Ripped jeans on the knees

This model is one of the most popular. Generally, knee holes look good on skinny and dark jeans.

It's easy to make them:

  1. You need to put on jeans and make a mark on yourself: draw a wide horizontal line on one knee or two with soap or chalk.
  2. Then you should take off your pants and place a board under the future hole.
  3. Use a razor-sharp utility knife to make cuts along the marked line. Jeans torn in this way should look slightly careless, so the movements should be sharp and relatively sloppy.

This is the simplest option that can be created at home.

Ripped jeans on the butt

As a rule, girls' jeans rip under their butt, but there are brave women who make holes in this attractive place. This option is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended to tear jeans on the butt for those with curvy figures and adult women.

holes in the knees look good on skinny and dark jeans.

It will look vulgar. The rest can boldly challenge public opinion. And still in the holes created in such an intimate place, transverse threads should be left. This way the jeans will look interesting, provocative, but not cheesy.

Jeans with torn bottoms

Recently, the fashion for fringe has been returning. Many girls take jeans from the far corners of the closet that are very worn on the bottom and turn them into a stylish thing. Fringe can be a great solution for pants that need to be shortened.

Making pants that are torn at the bottom is very easy if you use the following instructions:

  1. Turn the jeans inside out and rip off the folded edges on both legs.
  2. Make a mark where the fringe will begin. Draw several stripes down from the intended line. They should be at the same distance of about two centimeters from each other.
  3. Cut jeans along vertical lines.
  4. All horizontal threads should be removed using a darning needle. There is no need to try to do this quickly, capturing many threads at once. It’s better that the process goes slowly, but the result will please you.
  5. To prevent the fringe from going further up, it must be secured with a needle and thread in the color of the jeans.

Fashionable ripped jeans

Incredible The combination of holes and scuffs looks interesting and stylish. But it is important to know when to stop. A competent combination of different types of cuts and fringe or just a raw edge will make jeans a fashionable outfit, and any excess will turn a girl into a clown.

Rolled up pants are still trendy this year. Ripped jeans decorated in this way will look stylish and beautiful. In this season Colored ripped jeans are popular: white, black and even red.

Fashionable ripped jeans 2018. Photo

How to make baby ripped jeans

Children are very active and energetic. They play, run, have fun and, of course, tear their clothes. Most often it goes to jeans. The baby may return with holes in his knees - this is a consequence of falling on the asphalt.

Or tear the side of your pants because you climbed a tree and accidentally caught on a branch. You can scold the child, but this is not an option. Children will still run and climb wherever possible.

Therefore, the best way out of the situation would be to forgive the baby’s pranks and think about how to make ripped jeans at home, thus disguising the damaged part.

Use the following instructions:

  1. First you need to assess the scale of the “catastrophe”. If the hole in the knee is very small, you can slightly enlarge it with scissors or a sharp blade, and then remove the threads with tweezers.
  2. Then, with chalk and a felt-tip pen, outline the location for the hole on the other, intact pant leg. Jeans will look more interesting if the new hole or fray is located slightly higher or slightly lower than the one already made.
  3. Place a board inside the trouser leg and make cuts with a blade or a stationery knife, and then also pull out the longitudinal threads.
  4. To prevent the holes from looking foreign, you can use sandpaper or pumice to add abrasions to the pockets. The image of the little fashionista is ready.
  5. Ripped jeans for girls can be decorated by sewing large beads in different parts of the pants.

DIY ripped jeans. Photo instructions

What to wear with

Making a new ripped model from old jeans at home is just the beginning. Now you need to figure out how they can be combined with other clothes and shoes. Things and accessories that match each other make the image complete and attractive, while unsuitable ones kill it.

Blue ripped jeans

Blue jeans look great with light-colored clothes. A spacious white T-shirt and light sneakers will add lightness and casual beauty. This is the simplest and most win-win option. If it's cool outside, you can throw a jacket on top that beautifully emphasizes your figure.

The T-shirt can be replaced with a vest. It also pairs interestingly with blue ripped jeans, but adds more sass and charm to the look. But we should not forget that light-colored clothes and horizontal stripes are suitable for slender girls. Those with curvier figures should opt for vertical stripes.

A competent combination of different types of cuts and fringe or just a raw edge will make jeans a fashionable outfit, and any excess will turn a girl into a clown.

Blue torn boyfriends go well with wide, flowy sweaters
in pastel colors. If you add stiletto heels and a large bag, you get a romantic and elegant look.

Black ripped jeans

The black color gives a girl a strict look, and the holes in her jeans give her a spirit of rebellion. That's why dark ripped jeans go best with a white long T-shirt and a leather jacket. Low-heeled shoes will complete the look.

A denim jacket and sneakers will create a sporty look. Black ripped jeans are simply made for girls who are passionate about fitness. and those who want to bring a little sport into their everyday look. Therefore, a model of this color looks great with sneakers or moccasins.

Not every company allows you to wear holey clothes to work, however, in combination with a light shirt and black heeled pumps, skinny ripped jeans will help create an elegant but daring office look.

White ripped jeans

White color is very delicate and at the same time bright. With its help you can create the image of a romantic princess. However, the holes in the jeans will hint that the gentle fairy is not as simple as it seems.

A ruffled top and high-heeled sandals are the perfect complement to distressed denim.. A blouse or fitted sweater in pastel shades will also look harmonious in this look.

A profitable solution is often to play with contrast. Ripped white models go well with a loose-fitting black jacket, T-shirts with bright prints and dark high-heeled shoes. The result is a very stylish, but slightly aggressive bow.

White jeans combined with a shirt and ballet flats or loafers will create the image of a stylish and confident big city resident rushing about business.

Red ripped jeans

Red ripped jeans, made at home, are a real challenge to dullness and everyday life. They will make the bow bright and unlike anything else. Like the color black, red goes well with white. A loose-fitting light blouse and ballet shoes are a great choice for walking and traveling.

Since the red color itself is very noticeable, you should not overload the look with an additional print on the jacket or jewelry. It is better to give preference to plain things.

Ripped red jeans go well with a black blouse or jacket. However, with this combination it is important to choose the right accessories and shoes. Black shoes or ankle boots with heels and a medium-sized dark bag will look good.

Being stylish, fashionable and modern is the natural desire of every woman. This is why representatives of the fair sex visit shopping centers so often. But in order to purchase something new, you don’t always need to go to the store. You can diversify your wardrobe quickly and easily if you understand how to make ripped jeans at home.

How to make ripped jeans:

How to make ripped jeans at home:
