How to create your own image. Basic rules for building a wardrobe

We are all girls, women strive to be attractive. Our attractiveness depends on many factors: ot of our appearance, from our natural data, from the ability to select clothes, to shape our basic wardrobe, the use of cosmetics, our gait, our ability to carry ourselves, our sense of humor. And there is much more that affects our attractiveness.

Attractive women find it easier to find a life partner and build a career. Let's talk today about one of the important factors influencing the formation of the opinions of others. About style in clothes. About how to choose the right clothes for yourself.

Regardless of her income and amount of money, a girl can dress tastefully or not. What is the minimum that any self-respecting girl should have in her basic wardrobe? What things will always be fashionable?

Choosing the right basic wardrobe

1. A business suit is one of the main elements of a basic wardrobe

Whether you work in an office or not. There are times in everyone's life when you need to look strict and stylish. When I started building my career, I thought: How to choose the right clothes to look decent. Like any girl, I wanted to have new image. And I found a way out - I always have a three-piece suit in my wardrobe. This is a skirt, jacket and trousers.

How to choose the right clothes according to the type of fabric:

The fabric should contain predominantly natural ingredients. In this case, you will feel comfortable in any situation. Synthetic fabrics, as a rule, look cheap, and it is difficult for the body to breathe in them.

How to choose the right clothes according to style

Suit style: Classic-cut trousers are straight, maybe slightly wider at the bottom. This shape lengthens the silhouette. It's better to choose a skirt straight cut. Its length is to the middle or below the knee. The jacket is true to size. You should not choose baggy shapes, even if you are prone to being overweight. The fitted silhouette always gives a feminine figure. And what could be sexier than a combination of severity and femininity? Color palette suit preferably in calmer colors: gray, black, classic stripes. Having this option in your basic wardrobe, you can always look different by changing shirts or blouses. Depending on the weather and situation, you can wear either pantsuit, or option with a skirt. With or without a jacket.

As we see - business suit required attribute basic wardrobe.

2. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl

My weakness is white shirts, in my basic wardrobe there are always several of them: under cufflinks, with frills, classic, similar to male version etc. But you can start with a couple. White shirt will refresh your look, add style and rigor. It can be worn with a skirt, trousers, jeans. Always a white shirt a win-win. It can be combined with many accessories: brooches, beads, ties and scarves. In addition to the white shirt, you can buy a couple more plain shirts or in a beautiful stripe.

Blouses are a more romantic option. Wearing them with a suit will make you look feminine. It is enough to have a couple of them in your basic wardrobe.

The white shirt is my favorite wardrobe staple.

3. Jeans are simply an irreplaceable item in any basic wardrobe.

Who doesn't have this universal item in their basic wardrobe? There probably won't be any! But you need to know how to choose the right jeans.

How to choose the right jeans:

Properly selected jeans will highlight your figure. Poorly chosen jeans will only concentrate attention on the shortcomings, the cut and color are very important, I like deep dark blue ones, with beautiful wear or without them at all. A light version can also look advantageous.

But in the case of in a light tone multiple abrasions can give the appearance of “consumer demand”. Never buy jeans smaller size than your own. If due to top edge jeans will show parts of the body that are wider than the waistband; this will definitely not benefit your look. Baggy wide jeans not an option either. The best styles These are classic straight or slightly flared at the bottom. Ribbed jeans also look very good. They are convenient to tuck into boots and in combination with a short jacket the look will look stylish.

No girl's basic wardrobe is complete without jeans.

4. Dresses are the most feminine attribute of a girl’s basic wardrobe.

Until recently I did not pay special attention Add this convenient and beautiful solution to your basic wardrobe. Good dress can be your trump card in solving both personal and business issues. In addition, this is a very comfortable form of clothing. Now in my basic wardrobe I definitely have several knitted dresses for winter weather and several lighter options for summer period. A dress is clothing that emphasizes your figure and creates a complete feminine look.

It is the girl in the dress that men pay most attention to. Tested on personal experience more than once!

So, if we want to attract the attention of men, then dresses simply must be in the basic wardrobe!

5. Blouses and sweaters are comfortable basic wardrobe items

Sweatshirts will also help diversify your look and keep you warm during the cold season. IN in this case It’s better to turn your attention to the brighter ones, rich colors. Then, in combination with a calm skirt or trousers, they will attract attention to you.

Dear and thoughtful items of the basic wardrobe are blouses and sweaters.

6. The necessary elements of a basic wardrobe are accessories; they will add uniqueness and completeness to a girl’s image.

Every woman loves to decorate herself jewelry. If you don’t have the funds for expensive options, there is a way out in this case too.

Even a small thread freshwater pearls will look very elegant. In addition, this stone can be suitable for both business and romantic image. But remember, pearls must be worn in pairs. Those. if you have beads, buy also small earrings, maybe studs. Artificial pearls It’s better not to buy it, it costs almost the same as natural river water, but looks much worse. You just need to learn to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones.

You can choose beautiful ones silver jewelry. Sometimes they look no worse than gold ones.

Pearls and silver are jewelry that will add sophistication to an outfit and are desirable for a basic wardrobe.

7. Outerwear, no basic wardrobe can do without it.

  • Demi-season coat - the best option This fitted coat Italian Dina(slightly below the knee) made of good plain fabric. I bought this at the time black coat and paired it with colorful scarves and bags. It served me for 7 years. And that year, when I was going to buy a new one, one of my friends met me on the street and asked: “Zhenya, where did you buy this?” fashionable coat? Just the trend of the season.” The Italian length will allow you to wear the coat with both dresses and trousers. I even wore my black coat with jeans, and this option also looked stylish.

Jacket. So many are on sale now fashionable options short demi-season jackets that will be comfortable and beautiful. A well-chosen jacket can be worn not only with trousers, but also with dresses and skirts. The jacket can be leather or made of another material. The main thing is its model. A fitted jacket just below the waist in a solid color can be worn with a skirt, trousers or a knitted dress.

Winter clothes. Of course, we all dream of a fur coat, preferably a mink one; for those who have higher needs, this article is not relevant at all. But if you don’t have money for a fur coat, but want to look luxurious? When I couldn't afford to buy one for myself mink coat, I bought silver fox fur, came up with stylish style and ordered a coat from the studio with a collar made of this fur. The coat was unique and very beautiful. I noticed how many people turned around to follow me.

Well, a down jacket for weekend walks in winter won’t hurt at all.

In conclusion, I want to say that the right approach shopping will also help you create the perfect basic wardrobe, and you won’t spend a lot of money.

How to choose the right one when buying clothes:

When going to the store, first of all, clearly formulate to yourself what you are looking for. At one time I really wanted to buy myself a white one demi-season coat. Not just white, but also in my favorite Italian length. In my case, it’s generally very difficult to find the right option, because... I short and many models simply do not suit me. I went into different departments, they offered me options for red, black and other colors, but I needed white, and I finally found it! And now I wear it with pleasure.

Also, when I try on any clothes, I always adhere to the principle that if I don’t want to take them off, then this is my option. And if doubts arise, then you shouldn’t even think about it, I don’t need this thing!

I hope my article was useful for you and now when you go to the store you can imagine what things should be present in a basic wardrobe, and which, if you don’t have the funds, you can ignore))).

And most importantly, now you can answer the question: How to choose the right clothes.

And don’t forget about such feminine and fashion accessory like a fashionable scarf or handkerchief.

In order to choose your basic wardrobe, it would be useful to learn to understand what types of

The goddess of fashion herself, the unrivaled Coco Chanel, said that fashion passes, but style remains. That's why find your own style many people strive, but especially those people who do not want to depend on the whims of designers.

But before answering the question of how to create your own style of clothing, you need to understand what style is.

The concept of style includes a combination of many components. If clothes, shoes and accessories match each other, as well as the place where they were worn, the time of year, the personality, character and appearance of a person, then it can be argued that this is a style. However, find yours individual style– the task is not easy. Such a search may take up to a year, but it is really worth it. But how to create your own clothing style? In order to do this, you need to learn how to choose among numerous fashionable things that will suit a person’s figure and appearance, as well as his lifestyle, habits and interests.

Of course, it is impossible to solve such a problem overnight. However, the process of finding your own style can be very, very exciting. And the reward for your efforts will be an impeccable appearance and the admiring glances of others!

On the path to your own style, you need to go through several important and mandatory stages:

  1. Decide on your desires. Simply put, you need to outline the end result for yourself. Try to define the style you want to follow. Do you always want to look sophisticated, glamorous or elegant? Or perhaps your goal is eccentric and bright style? Or do you strive for strict or, on the contrary, sexy image? You should also think about how you would not want to look at any cost.
  2. Pick up color scheme. An incorrectly chosen color of clothing can ruin even the most sophisticated design, as well as add several extra years, ruin the tone of the face and hair. You should determine your color type. Based on it, it is necessary to select color combinations.
  3. Pay attention to the figure. This is also extremely important. It is necessary to impartially analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the figure. Pay attention to height and body proportions. It is best, of course, to determine your body type (for example, “ hourglass"or "pear"). Today it is easy to find information on how you can visually correct figure flaws using clothing. You should not neglect this information - it will be very useful when choosing a clothing style.
  4. Analyze your lifestyle and environment. In order to answer the question of how to create your own style of clothing, you need to go through this stage. Although you see the people who surround you very often, take a closer look at them. Analyze the environment that most often surrounds you. All of this should give you a hint as to which direction you need to go. If, for example, you are a young mother and spend a lot of time outside with a stroller, should you wear clothes? evening dresses and high heels?
  5. Explore fashion trends. Despite the fact that fashion is less stable than style, it is not permissible to ignore it. Fashion is a mandatory addition to style. Of course, you should not follow it blindly. But you can’t completely ignore the designers’ recommendations either.
  6. Conduct analysis style directions. This stage can be considered the final one. Find information about what features characterize each individual clothing style. Look carefully at the illustrations in the descriptions. Having put together the results of the research you have done previously (regarding your type of appearance, figure, lifestyle, interests, etc.), choose the style that best matches the conclusions you could draw. And don't be afraid to experiment. Sometimes we ourselves have no idea what exactly might suit us best!

Professional stylists also often give their advice on how to create your own clothing style. They recommend giving preference to branded items. But the point is not only that they are of higher quality. It’s just that branded brands always think through style before the smallest details. But stylish look must be completed. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase clothes in brand stores, take a closer look at the things: you will have to correct the designers’ shortcomings.

Have you completed all the stages on the path to your own style, but you are not entirely happy with the result? Well, this is also possible! Most likely, you did not take into account some points (for example, body features). But it’s not for nothing that there is a stylist profession that people have to study for a long time. Perhaps you need to turn to professionals?

Dressing well is an art. Talent can be instilled in childhood, or it can develop throughout life. Unfortunately, most of us do not have the time, energy, patience or money to build our own casual clothes to rank high fashion. Therefore, our goal is to feel comfortable, confident and chic in the things that are available to us. Famous designers talk about how to find your own style and look perfect.

Looking stylish does not mean wearing things, from the pages fashion magazines. It's how you wear and combine them that matters. It could be like designer brands, and democratic - the main thing is a sense of one’s own taste. Your goal is a personal style that matches your character.

8 tips on how to find your style:

1. Do not copy the images of stars, models or other people, and do not dress in the same brand.

2. Always choose and combine things in your own way.

3. Don't stick to just one style: experiment with new looks. Remember that style should change over the years.

4. If you like a thing, wear it regardless of fashion trends.

5. Trends should please you and bring you joy, don’t be a slave to fashion.

6. Don’t overload the image with everything at once - keep it simple.

7. Don't forget about accessories - bags, shoes, jewelry, belts and scarves.

8. Experiment with every item in your wardrobe and try to combine it with all the details of your wardrobe.

Designer tips for finding style

Donatella Versace

The queen of Italian fashion believes that the main thing is sexuality and glamor. She offers women tight-fitting outfits, leather and silks. Her images are designed for the bold and daring.

According to Donatella:

Personal style is- confidence.

How to find your style: listen to your own inner voice. The most correct is the very first - instinctive - reaction. Choose things you feel comfortable in and don't be afraid to try a new style. The most important thing is that you like what you are wearing.

Style secret: choose a wardrobe that reflects your lifestyle, your passions and your dreams.

Tried and tested techniques: never buy a trend just because it's a trend. If you feel confident, sexy and glamorous, you probably look very fashionable.

Donna Karan

Donna Karan's "Seven Simple Things" revolutionized the wardrobe of modern working women. She suggested combining comfort with urban chic: to achieve a modern business style in your wardrobe it is enough to have a dress, a suit, leggings, a blouse, leather jacket, trousers and sweater.

According to Donna:

Personal style- this is what you are comfortable with, what you can always rely on. My personal style- these are sensual, comfortable black things from morning to evening.

How to find your style: style goes from within, and if you are true to yourself, you have style.

Style secret: simplicity, the principle “less is more.” Start with the basics and add on to them.

Carolina Herrera

An arbiter of style from Venezuela, the embodiment of chic, elegance and high-society sophistication. Women turn to her when they need elegant outfits. And you can rest assured that they will look sophisticated.

Personal style - it's not just clothes. These are knowledge, manners, ability to move, talk and wear clothes. Then the clothes will bear the imprint of your personality.

How to find your style: women can find their own style by ignoring trends and choosing classic, timeless pieces.

Tried and tested techniques: Wear things in a style that suits your age and figure. Always keep in mind the event for which you are dressing.

Diane von Furstenberg

She created a sensation by inventing universal dress with a wrap, offering women an outfit option for day and evening. Diana herself is the epitome of what her clothes for working women stand for: perfection without effort.

Personal style is- accept yourself as you are and live with it. That is, know who you are, what you like and what your assets are.

How to find your style: the body and mind must remain flexible and mobile. Just enjoy life.

Tried and tested techniques: choose things that make you comfortable. If you are comfortable with yourself, in your own skin, you appear more confident. And if you look confident, you become more beautiful.

Warm and family winter day to you, dear readers!

In the last article I told you about the dominant modern world. You read it, of course, very carefully and asked the question “How to choose a clothing style for your loved one?”, and many added - “and for all your close and dear people.”

I recently rewatched Ural Dumplings. In one of the stories, a man asks his wife why all their family members went to visit wearing something they didn’t want to wear. The wife, who decided for everyone, answered: “Because we are a family.” So let's stick to this "golden" rule - only a woman knows real secret Happy dressing!

You understand that choosing a style for yourself is not so easy, right? After all, with the help of it, individuality is not only emphasized, but also the world around us is told about moods and desires.

From this article you will learn:

What temptation awaits young ladies?

It is difficult for a young girl to resist the desire to look like an adult lady, and adult woman It’s easy to acquire the unpleasant status of a young old woman. Quite often it turns out that due to the wrong choice of style, a wrong opinion is formed about a person. To prevent this from happening, I suggest taking a short test by answering Yes/No questions. The key to it will be under the main text of the article.

  1. You like to look sexy and therefore like to wear lace, low-cut dresses, and high-heeled shoes.
  2. You want to project the image of a mysterious stranger so that you can be admired and admired.
  3. You have a penchant for exploring other countries and continents.
  4. You like things that look like they came straight out of grandma's chest.
  5. Do you think you are strong? confident woman, where you can find a lot masculine traits character.
  6. You have always liked men walking in parades, periodically wearing clothes that resemble military uniforms.
  7. You like to look like a teenager or a teen idol.
  8. You spend a lot of time at work and often go on business trips.
  9. You like to attract attention to yourself in all ways, sometimes your actions are called provocative.
  10. Most of all, you value comfort and pleasant-to-touch fabrics. healthy image life.

Did you answer? Then let's think about our figures.

Women with an average figure need to know

Explanation: An average figure is one whose shoulders, chest and hips are not clearly defined. Here it is important to learn how to artificially create accents on certain parts of the body in order to distract attention from the lack of smooth body lines.

First, you need to decide whether you are ready to experiment in the near future or are you going to choose a style “once and for all,” because there is nothing worse than spontaneously purchasing unnecessary things for your wardrobe.

Secondly, understand the definitions, that is, the terminology.

Fit should become one of key points, which you should pay attention to. It may depend on the time of year and prevailing fashion trends.

Cutout There are V-shaped, round, square, heart and boat, royal, cascading, Greek, bateau and halter. It is important to determine the most suitable one for your figure and not be afraid to repeat it in clothes.

Length of skirt, dress - there is a common opinion that perfect length- to mid-calf or to the knee, this is not true! You need to choose the length yourself. Below the middle of the ankle is not suitable for everyone; usually dresses or skirts that are longer are for evening wear. If you want to wear clothes to the knee, then know: your legs visually become shorter and thicker. Universal length considered just above or below the knee.

Color – most often when describing clothes you will find the following words: basic colors, pastel shades, warm or cold shades. Lucky color when choosing a style, it will be the one that suits your psychotype.

Drawing - can help hide imperfections, for example, a voluminous print will hide small breasts, or it can distort the image if it is too bright or clumsy. It must be remembered that the popular leopard and zebra colors are not suitable for everyone.

Shoe style and heel – selected depending on the time of year and physical activity. Most often in stores you can find shoes with Viennese, stacked, cowboy and wedge heels, stilettos or wedges. However, in Lately Brick heels, cones and glasses are becoming fashionable.

Vertical accents – will help to visually increase height, lengthen the necessary part of the body: earrings, beads, necklaces, scarves, creases on trousers.

Horizontal accents – capable of reducing and lengthening space: belts, stoles, direction of knitting on a sweater, brooches.

If you have medium figure, then be afraid to combine various shapes and the views are not worth it. Just go to the mirror and answer honestly: what parts of your body would you like people to look at? Focus on these.

Styles for plus size...

Sorry, gorgeous women! This is an interesting and time-consuming task, because, unlike a typical figure, on which everything can look good, here it is important for us to take into account its features, which we will talk about with you first.

How would you describe your body type?

  • Sloping shoulders, small chest and large hips(A-shape or pear)
  • Large breasts and hips, no waist (I-shape or rectangle)
  • Large breasts and hips, no waist (X-figure or hourglass)
  • Lush breasts and narrow hips(V-shape or inverted triangle)
  • Thin ankle/full legs
  • Fat/thin arms
  • Short/long neck

Now that we have figured out your body type, we can move on to recommendations for choosing clothes.

An A-figure should not focus on the buttocks and the “breeches” area. To make your figure visually harmonious, you should choose things for the upper part with horizontal lines, for the bottom - with vertical ones. The emphasis should be on the shoulders, which can be increased by shoulder pads, collars, and puffed sleeves. Don't forget about the V-neck.

Your choice: glam rock, aviator, grunge, disco, casual, dudes, ballet, vamp, casual, oversized

Try choosing a color scheme this way: hide large parts of the body under dark colors, and light colors– where you think it’s worth increasing the volume. If you choose a dark top, having small breasts, That a bright place arms may protrude.

The I body type is quite common. I’ll tell you a secret, the vast majority of dresses are now made specifically for her. You definitely need to learn to work with accents - beads, brooches and bows, scarves, belts hanging down from the hips - to create the appearance of expansion, “bulkiness”, if you want, the upper and lower points of the silhouette.

Your choice: conservative, military, Asian, art deco, avant-garde, garçon, retro, unisex.

If you are the owner of an X-figure, then you are incomparably lucky! You are already naturally sexy and you need to try very hard to visually make your figure unattractive. For example, choose a tight dress with vertical stripes that turn into curved straight lines. But there is also a minus - you are destined to always sew things to order, since it is important for you to emphasize your waist.

Your choice: glamour, linen, new look, slinky, marine, sailor, elegant

The V-figure needs to widen towards the bottom, so flared trousers and voluminous skirts are appropriate here. Make sure that the cutouts in clothes are large oval, and that the handbag is worn below the waist line - for example, in the hand.

Your choice: avant-garde, animalism, country, casual, hippie, safari

When choosing the length of a skirt or the width of trousers, leg circumference plays a role. If your ankle is thin, then it makes sense to choose a skirt that reaches the knee to show it off, and choose trousers that are tight-fitting or tapering towards the bottom. When full fits the leg flares, pipes, long skirts.

If you have full hands, then it is better to hide them under flat drawings and subtle matters. Perhaps your option is white or light colors turtleneck Skinny arms? It will be correct to hide them in draperies or volumetric forms.

Neck length matters a lot when choosing a style. A short one will require a descending neckline or a scarf, and a long one will suit everything - from a stand-up collar to complete nudity.

Choose a new style or change your image?

If until this day you thought that clothing style and image are the same thing, then I will upset you. Clothing style is only one component of your image. Changing your hairstyle, purchasing new shoes, the whole process of changing clothes cannot transform inner world, which defines your individuality.

In order to understand all the intricacies, I suggest watching the video of image maker Irina Delfey. She's for it, by the way. To women's wardrobe there were things of different styles - this will help to reveal hidden potentials.

So, now you are practically professionals in choosing a style, for which I congratulate you! I will be glad to read comments on the article - whether it helped you understand your preferences or discover something new. See you again!

Key to the test

Below are styles that may suit you if you select "Yes".

  1. Linen, vamp, transparent, slinky.
  2. Bohemian, romantic, tuxedo, new bow, Art Deco.
  3. Ethno, country, rustic, folk, western, safari.
  4. Vintage, cancan, retro, gypsy.
  5. Garson, nautical, sailor, Edwardian, unisex.
  6. Guards, Cossack, camouflage, military.
  7. Girly, casual, courrege, op-art, slit, preppy.
  8. Business, classic, purist, elegant.
  9. Bold, trash, color blocking, extravagant, eclectic, grunge.
  10. Sports, denim, oversized, casual, eco.

Would you like to know which clothing brands match these styles? Write to me about it!

Today it is fashionable to be interesting and mysterious, so many women and girls are thinking about how to choose a clothing style for themselves, how to find their individuality, their own, unique image. Some representatives of the fair sex are extremely lucky to be born with a sense of style. Those who have lost themselves or are in search will benefit from the advice of the world's leading stylists and image makers. By following their basic recommendations, you can easily not only choose your own clothing style, but also find yourself.

First rule: listen to yourself, study yourself. Since each person is individual, unique and inimitable, you should not completely copy your favorite image and style of clothing, behavior, and manner of communication. Take a piece of paper and write down the following facts about yourself: gender, age, social status and lifestyle, indicate whether you work or study, perhaps you are a modern housewife. Based on this information, it will be easier for you to navigate the abundance of fashion trends and choose the right clothes for yourself. Here it is worth turning on your imagination and trying on different images, find the most comfortable for you.

Rule two: Determine your body type. Today there are many different classifications of body types. Let's focus on the most popular. So, there are five most common types female figures. First type– “hourglass”, characterized correct proportions, the width of the shoulders and hips is approximately equal, the waist is clearly defined. Second type- “rectangle”, usually when viewed, one gets the impression that the shoulders, waist and hips have the same width. Third type– “triangle”, sometimes this type of figure is called pear-shaped, it is characterized narrow shoulders, pronounced waist and quite heavy bottom body - massive hips and legs. Fourth type– “inverted triangle”, this type is similar to the previous one, however, it differs in its massive top part body, while the problem and legs are usually characterized by slenderness. Fifth type- “circle”, corresponds very much fat girls without a pronounced waist and is characterized by the presence of excess weight.

Having determined your body type, be sure to write it down on a piece of paper.

Third rule is to correctly determine your color type, which depends on the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Today stylists highlighted four main types– this is spring, winter, summer and autumn. Be prepared for the fact that you may have mixed type, for example, spring - summer or autumn - winter. A lot of tests to determine your color type available on the Internet, you can also seek advice from stylists.

Fourth rule is to find your individuality. It could be a small wardrobe item: accessories, shoes, or even something that will distinguish you from everyone else.

Fifth rule, the most important thing is to follow fashion. This does not mean that you should buy all new collections indiscriminately. Just follow fashion, be interested fashionable news and the main trends of the season.

Sixth rule: don’t be afraid to experiment, give up conservatism, don’t strictly follow the rules of the chosen style, remember: individuality is important in fashion.

Seventh rule: in order to avoid unnecessary purchases and unnecessary financial waste, learn to combine things correctly. To do this, you need to sort out your wardrobe once a season, carefully study it and get rid of old, irrelevant things. Every time you walk around the shops, imagine how this or that new thing will match those already in your wardrobe.

Find yourself, experiment, don’t be afraid to be individual, and then you will understand how to choose the right clothes for yourself.
