Lesson plan in kindergarten for familiarization with a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle: kindergarten

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the harmonious development of a child, and the earlier healthy habits and routines begin to be instilled in a person, the more effective it becomes. .

The period of preschool age is truly unique: a person never experiences such intensive development - in 7 years, his formation reaches incredible heights, which becomes possible due to the special developmental potential of children - mental and physical. At preschool age, basic life concepts are formed, including the concept of health and proper healthy behavior. The ideas received at this age are sometimes unusually persistent and form the basis for the further development of a person.

The components of a healthy lifestyle for a preschool child are almost identical to those for a lifestyle of any other age, however, of course, there are certain nuances that are specific to the age of 2-7 years.

Rational daily routine

The daily routine implies a special distribution of time and the alternation of various activities during the day. Compliance with the regime makes it possible to establish the functioning of all organs and systems, facilitate the learning process, make the processes of work and recovery of the body the most effective. That is why the daily routine becomes the basis for the formation of health from the very first days of life.

What should regime activities for preschool children be based on?

1. On the full satisfaction of the needs of the child's body (sleep, nutrition, movement, communication, etc.).

2.On rational care, including cleanliness.

3. On the involvement of the child in labor processes.

4. On the formation of generally accepted hygiene skills.

5. On emotional well-being and communication.

6. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

The importance of the last component of a healthy lifestyle, we considered in detail in the article " . Unfortunately, an individual approach when planning any component of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten is practically impossible: education in a group is based mainly on compliance with general rules and principles. Therefore, at preschool age, an individual approach to building a lifestyle is carried out mainly by parents: on weekends and in the evening after visiting kindergarten. In this regard, parents in the formation of the regime should adhere to two main principles: stability and flexibility. Stability implies constancy, flexibility - the ability to quickly rebuild the regime to the changing needs of an intensively growing organism.


Due to the importance of such a component of nutrition as regularity, on weekends and holidays, parents are advised to adhere to the same meal schedule as in a preschool institution. Of course, a deviation from the diet is quite acceptable, justified, for example, by going out into nature, however, in this case, it is better to take food as close as possible to the usual time.

As a rule, in kindergarten, a healthy lifestyle is realized, in particular, by regular physical activity. Daily exercises, physical education and dancing, outdoor games are mandatory in almost any preschool institution. Weekends should not be an exception. It is unacceptable to leave a child at home all day in front of the TV - this is fraught not only with health problems, but also with the development of a pathological stereotype, in which a preschooler forms an idea of ​​\u200b\u200brest precisely as passive “lying” and “doing nothing”. Try to organize field trips, visit gyms and stadiums together, and at the age of 5-6 years it is quite possible to start playing some sports in sections.

In addition to the active development of the bone skeleton and muscles, rational physical activity teaches a preschooler to feel and control his body, in addition, movement activates appetite, improves metabolism and digestive processes, trains will and character, and gives the child a lot of positive emotions.


The benefit of hardening procedures is to increase the child's body resistance to various infectious diseases. In addition, it has been noted that hardening contributes to an increase in working capacity and the development of a whole range of compensatory reactions.

Despite the fact that on weekdays the child attends kindergarten, parents, if desired, can carry out effective hardening procedures. For example, daily dousing with cool water can be done in the morning or evening. In the latter case, it is worth considering the tonic effect of exposure to cold - in some cases, after dousing, the child may experience a violation of falling asleep. However, healthy children with a sufficient daily load fall asleep easily under any circumstances.

Hygiene measures and skills

Hygiene measures should become common and subjectively necessary for a preschooler - this can be achieved by regularity and their earliest possible introduction. However, despite all the educational activities, it should be borne in mind that a preschool child in most cases needs to be controlled. Remind your child about the need to wash their hands, control his washing, encourage his independence in these matters.

Basic hygiene rules for a preschool child:

1.washing and brushing your teeth in the morning and evening;

2. washing hands after walking and before each meal;

3.washing the legs and pelvic area (genitals and anus) before going to bed;

4.Change underwear once every 1-2 days;

5.Washing the whole body and hair once in 5-7 days;

6.replacement of bed linen every 2-3 weeks;

7.regular replacement of individual towels;

8.using toilet paper.

We have listed only those points that relate to cleanliness, however, the concept of hygiene also includes compliance with visual hygiene (lighting, proper seating when reading and drawing, limiting TV viewing), hearing hygiene (it comes down mainly to limiting the volume of programs and music), clothing requirements and shoes (correspondence to size, naturalness of fabrics, loose fit) and some other indicators.

Good psychological environment

Regarding the psychological situation in preschool age, two aspects are important: family relations and the situation in the preschool institution. Relations in the family are the basis of the psychological state of the child: it depends on them how confident the child is in his abilities, how cheerful and inquisitive he is, how open to communication and ready for true friendship. If a child knows that loving parents are waiting for him at home, to whom he can trust all his anxieties and failures, from whom he will receive a new charge of love and warmth, he will be able to endure many troubles and hardships.

As for relationships in kindergarten, then, as a rule, any conflict situation can be resolved. Difficulties in communicating with specific children can be resolved by contacting a psychologist and planning a solution to the problem jointly with the educator. Conflict situations with the educator can most often also be resolved - albeit sometimes by contacting the head of the preschool institution.

Parents should remember that kindergarten can become a source of serious childhood experiences leading to neuroticism and psychopathization, therefore, in no case should they be ignored - problems must be solved. By the way, a conflict situation in kindergarten can play a positive role in education: a child, seeing the parent's interest in his problems and competent behavior during a conflict, receives a model for solving problems, learns to find a way out of difficult situations. Therefore, make every effort to resolve the conflict as rationally as possible and take place without screams and threats.

For the development of a psychologically complete personality, all possible methods should be used: creativity, in which the child enjoys the process of creating something new and learns to express his feelings and emotions; communication with peers; independent activities and help around the house; endurance training and self-restraint skills (read more about this in the article " Formation of a healthy lifestyle of a student» ).

The child does not go to kindergarten: building a healthy lifestyle

When raising a child at home, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a child goes in a slightly different way, although, of course, all the components remain the same. To negative aspects non-attendance of kindergarten can be attributed to difficulties in observing the daily routine, limited communication and, as a result, difficulty in the formation of socialization; limited opportunities for classes (lack of professional teachers, an equipped gym, a team for outdoor games, etc.). However, in the conditions of home education, parents get a valuable opportunity to build a healthy lifestyle based on an individual approach: only at home you can create an individual menu, choose the method of hardening and the type of exercise, adjust the regimen, adjusting to the needs and desires of your child.

It does not matter whether or not your child attends a preschool institution - it is important that you are attentive and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the formation of a healthy body and a full-fledged personality of your child.

Doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

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The task of early formation of a health culture is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How to promote the formation of physical culture of the child? How to instill healthy lifestyle habits? When should this start? Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to seven years that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

The study of children's health problems in our time is of particular relevance.

The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is lost in childhood is difficult to make up. Therefore, the priority direction in preschool education today is to increase the level of children's health, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills (HLS), as well as a steady need for regular physical exercise.

Data from various studies show that in recent years the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and is only 10% of the contingent of children entering school.

It should be noted that children lack physical qualities (perseverance, the ability to strain without harm to health, simply adjust their emotional state, switch from one activity to another), that is, those indicators that are closely related to self-education. Consequently, there is a need to create such a system of work, in which the integration of recreational activities into educational activities took place, which ultimately contributed to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle habit.

Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such regulatory legal documents as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 51), "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population", as well as Decrees of the President of Russia "On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population of the Russian Federation", " On the approval of the main directions of the state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation, etc.

Health is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

Therefore, the main tasks of improving the health of children in kindergarten are the formation of their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers should teach the child the right choice in any situation, only what is good for health and the rejection of everything that is harmful. To instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards his health, a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks should be solved by creating an integral system for the preservation of the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical education, walks.
  • Rational nutrition, personal hygiene: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep

Proper nutrition ensures the normal course of the processes of growth and development of the body, as well as maintaining health. Proper nutrition is of great importance for the development of the child's body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is hardening. Almost everyone knows the saying: "The sun, air and water are our best friends." And indeed, the use of these natural forces of nature, the use of reasonable, rational, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened, successfully resists adverse environmental factors - hypothermia and overheating. Hardening is an effective means of improving human health. The success and efficiency of hardening is possible only if a number of principles are observed:




Accounting for individual characteristics.

Mental hardening also stimulates physiological defense mechanisms: immunity, the function of the endocrine glands. Speaking of positive emotions, it should also be remembered that in pedagogy, encouragement is considered a more effective lever of influence on a child than punishment. By encouraging the child, we preserve and strengthen his health

  • friendly attitude to each other, the development of listening and speaking skills, the ability to distinguish lies from the truth
  • respect for the environment and nature
  • medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations
  • the formation of the concept of "do not harm yourself"

Physical culture and health activities include:

Creation of a system of physical activity during the day:

  • morning exercises (daily);
  • physical education (3 times a week);
  • musical - rhythmic classes (2 + 2 times a week);
  • walks with the inclusion of outdoor games;
  • health jogging (daily);
  • finger gymnastics (daily during regime moments)
  • visual, respiratory, corrective gymnastics in the relevant classes)
  • health-improving gymnastics after daytime sleep (daily);
  • physical education minutes and pauses (in sedentary classes, daily);
  • emotional release, relaxation;
  • walking on massage mats, sand, pebbles (barefoot);
  • sports leisure, entertainment, holidays (1 time per month)

It is necessary to maintain and improve the health of children.

The need for health and a healthy lifestyle in a child is also formed on the basis of ideas about himself, his physical and personal capabilities, about what is harmful for health and what is useful. For example, it is harmful not to brush your teeth, not to cut your nails, not to do gymnastics. Children acquire this knowledge in special classes in our kindergarten.

Tasks of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers:

  • to form ideas that being healthy is good, and getting sick is bad; about some signs of health;
  • cultivate healthy behavior skills: love to move, eat more vegetables, fruits; wash hands after each contamination; do not get angry and do not worry; be friendly; spend more time outdoors; observe the regime;
  • help to master sustainable behavioral skills;
  • develop the ability to talk about your health, the health of loved ones;
  • develop correct posture skills;
  • enrich children's knowledge about the physical movement in general;
  • develop artistic interest

Sports and theatrical holiday "Bogatyr competitions"

(For children of the preparatory group)

Objectives: to teach to convey an emotional state in motion, to enter an imaginary situation, to develop organizational skills in children, perseverance in achieving goals, to expand the zone of communication and interaction, to promote the development of thinking, imagination, and creative abilities.

Sports inventory and equipment: children's chairs, big balls, dumbbells, sticks, ribbons, benches, 2 brooms, balloons, racks, 2 basins of water, apples, "hut on chicken legs".

Characters: presenter - physical education instructor, Ilya Muromets, Baba Yaga, Elena the Wise (jury)

Presenter - Hello, friends!

Children - hello!

Leading - how are you feeling?

Children are great!

Host - Shall we play?

Children - yes!

V. - I propose to arrange heroic competitions today - let the boys show us their strength and prowess! Tell me! - and who is the most important hero - Ilya Muromets. Here we are going to visit him! Do you agree? Then we take places (children sit on chairs placed in a checkerboard pattern).

V. - in order to grow and temper, we will play sports! Get busy, kid! Good luck - Fizkult - Hooray!

Dance sitting and standing on chairs.

(Music sounds, Ilya Muromets enters).

THEM. - you are already guests, good fellows, heroes of our land! Greetings to you, yes, a low bow from I.M., and my comrades - Dobrynya Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich. And a low bow to you, the girls are beautiful. I heard about strong, mighty heroes and decided to test your heroic strength. Let's stand against each other, heroes, let's warm up before a serious competition.

V. - is everyone gathered? Is everyone healthy? Ready to run and play? Well, then don't yawn, don't be lazy! Get to the workout!

Workout with dumbbells.

THEM. - And now we need to come up with names for the teams. Let there be "Heroes" on the left, and "Good fellows" on the right. I propose to judge our competition to the wisest Vasilis the Wise. (jury members - head of the school, methodologist, speech therapist, psychologist).

THEM. - what is the hero without a horse? Now we will see how our fellows can stay in the saddle. Bring me my warhorse. It is necessary to go around that mound on a horse and return back.

Hop jumps.

THEM. - What fairy tales do you know? And my favorite fairy tale is "The Traveling Frog". The next competition is:

"Frog traveler"

THEM. - Guess the riddle?

"No arms, no legs
Walks and no traces are visible "(fish)

The next match is:

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

(in 30 seconds you need to catch as many fish as possible)

THEM. - And now let's check your strength, heroes!

Lay down your opponent's hand.

V. - Ilya Muromets, you made riddles for us, and now we will make riddles for you.

"ABC of movements"

(look, think and guess the letter)

THEM. - Since ancient times, the heroes fought with evil spirits. Well, tell me who they are?

(music sounds, Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga - hello, kids, girls and boys! Here I am! I would like to offer you this competition!

Running in a mortar with a broom, overcoming obstacles.

Baba Yaga - and now I want to check how brave you are. Don't be afraid of the Gorynych snake, then let's start!

Fight with the Serpent Gorynych.

V. - I invite you all to the "Fun Training":

  • Kolobok
  • locomotive
  • Soldier
  • palms
  • Cheerful imp
  • Heron
  • Pump

THEM. - well, I was convinced: you don’t need strength and dexterity, so it’s time to go to a serious test. Imprisoned Koschey the Immortal of all Helen the Beautiful in his dungeon. Gotta rescue them! But before you hit the road, you need to refresh yourself with rejuvenating apples.

Youth apples.

(children take turns running up to a basin of water, taking out an apple from there without the help of hands and returning to their team)

V. - and now, in order to relax, take a breath, I propose to perform exercises for the fingers, which are called:


THEM. - and now the most difficult test. It is necessary to penetrate into the kingdom of Koshcheevo and free Helen the Beautiful!

Card obstacle course.

THEM. - Well, well done heroes. They showed their heroic strength, but valiant prowess. Come out Elena the Beautiful, you are free. Yes, dance to us, please the eye with your beauty!

Step aerobics.

(Elena Prekrasnye perform - girls of the senior group)

THEM. - Elena the Wise word to you (words, awards, medals)

Baba Yaga - I invite everyone to the "Tavern on Chicken Legs"!

(children leave the gym, go to the art studio)

Children - "Hut, hut, turn to me in front, and back to the forest."

The hut - here is my order, listen to a dozen and a half phrases. Smile! Turn away! Get on the floor! Turn on your side, your mouth is closed and silent. Hands clapped, feet stamped. And now everyone stood up together and became cheerful again.

Baba Yaga - come in, dear guests, take a rest, sit down, and move your mind.

Baba Yaga - I want to check what attentive children you are? Answer "I" to all questions, but listen carefully:

  • Who loves chocolate?
  • Who loves marmalade?
  • Who loves pears?
  • Who doesn't wash their ears?

Baba Yaga - oh, what a wonderful day, why don't we listen to a song!

Song we will serve in the army.

Baba Yaga -

In general, lovely boys,
We'll let you in on a secret:
Better than you in the world
Nobody, of course!

Baba Yaga - and now sit back comfortably, and taste my pies, and a drink.

As a result of the work done on the programs, I obtained the following results:

Motor experience was formed in children, children mastered imitative movements, interest in motor activity appeared, they learned how to implement motor creativity and improvisation in games, which allows us to talk about the development of fantasy.

The incidence of ARVI, influenza, and upper respiratory tract in children has decreased, and the attendance of children in the group has increased.

The final examination of children by pediatricians showed that when children were released from kindergarten to school, health groups changed.

Children do not have deviations from the normal, corresponding to age, level of physical development.

The proposed ways of physical improvement of preschool children are effective and can significantly improve the level of physical health and psychological readiness for school.


  1. Author: Zolotykh Iraida Nikolaevna - instructor in physical culture, Belgorod region, Gubkin, MDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type N2 "Romashka".
  2. Author: Ismagilova Alfiya Rizvanovna, educator of the 1st qualification category, Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten N 358 of a combined type with education and training in the Tatar language" of the Volga region of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.

Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten Tasks: To form the attitude of children to their own health; Education from an early age of healthy habits and skills; A healthy lifestyle is not only all the knowledge acquired over a certain time, but a whole lifestyle, adequate behavior in different life situations. After all, children can find themselves in completely unexpected situations, and the main goal here is to develop their independence, responsibility, and sometimes automatism. Everything that parents and teachers teach children should be applied by them in real life. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that contributes to the preservation, strengthening and restoration of human health. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is considered not only as a medical, but also as a socio-economic problem. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle of a person aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health. Health: Human health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Spiritual health is the ability to live in harmony with oneself and others. A healthy lifestyle includes: Optimal motor mode; fruitful labor activity; Good hygiene; Proper nutrition; Refusal of any bad habits; hardening.

Optimal motor mode: Daily morning exercises; Outdoor games, physical education; Daily walk; Physical education. Hygiene, hardening, proper nutrition: Children learn to observe hygiene with the help of adults; Hardening (air, sun and water); After a quiet hour, gymnastics and face washing with cool water are carried out; Proper nutrition (balanced four meals a day enriched with vitamins).

Healthy lifestyle Healthy lifestyle! It is useful for everyone. Healthy lifestyle! Good luck and success. Healthy lifestyle! You are with me forever. Healthy lifestyle! This is my destiny. Healthy lifestyle, Be in everyone's blood! Healthy lifestyle! Get up in the morning and run. Healthy lifestyle! Breathe fresh air. Healthy lifestyle! You will be happy!

Proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle Temper your body for good. Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist. Those who play sports gain strength. The sun, air and water always help us. Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important. In a healthy body healthy mind. Sails and rigging are in the hands of the athlete. You will be tempered from youth, you will fit for the whole century. The sun, air and water are our true friends. Start a new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises. Strong in body - rich in deed. You don’t make friends with sports - you’ll worry about it more than once. Walk to live long. Give sports time, and in return get health. Go for a walk, breathe fresh air. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!

water procedures. Bathing brings a lot of joy. Through the nerve endings that are located in the skin, water procedures affect the entire human body. Hygiene: You need to wash every day. By lathering the skin, we expel germs, which means we protect ourselves from diseases. Being clean and smelling fresh is always nice! In the shower, the body wakes up, and in the bath it relaxes. Clothes get dirty from sweat and dust, they need to be changed regularly. To observe hygiene is also to wash your hair, cut your nails, brush your ears and teeth. So that not a single microbe, Do not accidentally get into your mouth, Wash your hands before eating. You need soap and water.

Normal sleep: During sleep, the body works in a different rhythm. It is resting, gaining strength. Sleep allows the brain to develop and the body to grow. Watch your posture, straighten your back, sit. If you're going to bed, pick your bed harder! We always grow in a dream, we rest, moreover. Gaining health, living together, having fun. Wake up, all the kittens, we will do exercises with you! We raised our legs, stood on the pedals. I pedal faster, and I roll, I roll, I roll.

Vitamins: Eat raw plant foods. The value of vegetables in nutrition is very high because they are a valuable source of vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, mineral salts, various flavoring substances, without which food will stop tasteless and of little use. Important vitamins are found in our food. These are essential elements that need to be consumed every day, because our body does not produce them! Eat vegetables and fruits, Fish, dairy products Here is healthy food, full of vitamins! Everyone knows that food preserves Health, When it is useful, And it happens to be easy.

Physical activity. Physical activity is a key component of maintaining health, and we need to make every effort not to hatch or nurse our diseases, but to prevent them ourselves with the help of pleasant exercise. Being healthy is trendy! Friendly, fun, playful. Get on the charge, recharge the body!

Tatyana Rygalova
Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and at home

Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and at home

Preservation health and strengthening the child's immunity at preschool age are an important condition for the formation healthy personality. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a large stage of his development, which will not be repeated in his entire life. life never. It is at this time that there is an increased formation of organs, on which, in fact, further development depends. little man's life. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten plays a vital role in the development of the child.

Forming love for healthy lifestyle, to good habits, preservation and strengthening health- one of the main tasks of the institution where the child spends the maximum amount of time, - kindergarten. Rehabilitation in kindergarten provides for a range of activities: morning exercises, walks and excursions, thoughtful nutrition, various educational games, contributing to the knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and its components, as well as many daily activities that teach a child to take care of his health. But the formation healthy lifestyle should be carried out not only by teachers, educators, psychologists. This is a big chain in which parents must be included. What can they do about it? Provide the necessary conditions healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor stay. Walking is one of the essential components of the regimen. This is the most effective type of rest, it restores well the functional resources of the body, reduced in the course of activity, and first of all, working capacity. Staying in the air helps to increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child always normalizes appetite and sleep. The walk must be carried out in any weather, except for particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and footwear must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During the walk, do not allow children long time were in monotonous posture therefore, it is necessary to change their type of activity and the place of the game. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games.

Variety of food. The child's diet should contain vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products. However, any coercion is unacceptable. It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, and protein. The diet is also important, that is, compliance with certain intervals between meals.

Compliance with personal hygiene. The child needs to learn all the basic hygiene skills, understand their importance and get used to systematically perform them correctly and quickly. It is best to set a personal example (grooming teeth twice a day, washing hands, washing, bathing, changing clothes).

Regular hardening. It is necessary to actively use the healing natural factors of the environment environments: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, volatile properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the vital activity of the organism.

Compliance with the daily routine. Rational mode helps all organs to work according to the mode. A properly organized day regimen optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The regimen disciplines children, contributes to the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Serenity and love. Here we can distinguish 2 aspect: calmness should reign in the family and be preserved in kindergarten. The child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate in the family. He must know that at home they are waiting and loving then he will be able to cope with any task. As for the preschool institution, the maintenance of peace and tranquility is provided primarily by the educator. In addition, there is a psychologist who helps to resolve difficult situations.

Formation of interest in recovery. The sooner the child gets an idea about the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to healthy lifestyle. Educational games are needed, interesting stories about good and bad with summing up.

Parents should remember that they are role models at all times. life for their baby, and how mom or dad behaves in a given situation depends on the behavior and construction life principles of the child.

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Statistical data from various studies show that in recent years the number of completely healthy preschoolers has decreased by almost 5 times and is about 15% of the total number of children entering a general education school. From this we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - the formation of healthy lifestyle skills for preschoolers should be given special attention, introducing into this process all forms of work to improve children's health both in preschool and at home.

Preserving the health of children is one of the most important and weighty strategic tasks for the development of the state as a whole. Statesmen are well aware that the longevity of a nation directly depends on how correctly and responsibly a person treats the health of his own body, starting from an early age. At the same time, it is rather difficult to restore what was lost in childhood in the future, as a result of which, the primary direction of programs aimed at parenting younger age is precisely raising the level of health of preschoolers, as well as developing their desire to lead a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

Statistical data from various studies show that in recent years the number of completely healthy preschoolers has decreased by almost 5 times and is about 15% of the total number of children entering a general education school. From this we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - the formation of healthy lifestyle skills for preschoolers should be given special attention, introducing into this process all forms of work to improve children's health both in preschool and at home.

What factors affect children's health?

A healthy lifestyle is determined by several factors at once, on each of which I would like to focus your attention.

1. Rational nutrition

It is customary to single out several points that should be taken into account by both parents and employees of preschool institutions when formation of a healthy lifestyle of the child. And, first of all, this is the daily diet of the child, which should be complete and varied, namely, include the necessary amount of basic trace elements and nutrients, since experts say that a monotonous diet is harmful to human health.

This is due to the fact that with a monotonous diet, the child does not receive a huge amount of vital ingredients that ensure its full development. As a result, a preschooler may develop various disorders of varying severity. Proper rational nutrition is of great importance precisely in childhood and adolescence, when the body grows and develops, and the lack of important substances can lead to imbalances in its development.

In addition, you should pay attention to the amount of food consumed. Regular undereating and overeating in progress child development will inevitably lead to a deterioration in his well-being, as well as to a decrease in his life expectancy. In particular, malnutrition leads to a lack of nutrients, and overeating is a direct path to obesity. This disease, first of all, disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the functions of the respiratory system. In addition, quite often in obesity there are liver damage and metabolic disorders, which, subsequently, can negatively affect the musculoskeletal system.

The kindergarten menu takes into account all these features of children's nutrition, since specialists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences worked on its development with the participation of the country's leading nutritionists, and the compliance of food volumes and the quality of products is controlled by SES employees and a special commission that from time to time checks the dishes served to children. At home, parents should also adhere to healthy eating rules and never forget that while eating, it is contraindicated to watch television programs, work at a computer, read and other activities that can distract a child from eating.

2. Physical development

Surely, everyone knows that even an absolutely healthy person in the prime of life, in whose life there is no physical activity (that is, if he does not play sports or does not do exercises), with the slightest physical work, the heartbeat and breathing become much more frequent. In addition, doctors say that such people are more likely to have all kinds of diseases and their health, in general, is unsatisfactory. And all because the performance of the heart directly depends on the development of the entire human musculature. That is why systematic physical activity in kindergarten allow you to strengthen the musculoskeletal, respiratory and cardiovascular system of the child from an early age. Also, physical activity has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a preschooler.

It is important to understand that daily physical education minutes should be an integral part of the life of every person who is trying to maintain their health in order. Even better, if it becomes a habit, like washing and brushing your teeth in the morning. Well, regular training and visiting all kinds of sections can be the key to good health for each of us. By instilling in your child at an early age the understanding that physical activity is essential for his health, you can be sure that this habit will continue in the future.

3. Sleep and rest

For the normal functioning of the nervous system, however, as well as the whole organism, timely rest, as well as good sleep, is of great importance. Even Academician Pavlov pointed out that sleep protects the human nervous system from excessive stress and overwork. Therefore, it is worth taking care that sleep preschool children was regular and deep. In particular, for young children, a quiet hour is very important, which lasts at least 2-2.5 hours in kindergarten. And parents need to adhere to this rule at home, regardless of whether the child is willing to go to bed or not.

The main activities for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten

According to experts in preschool institutions, the fundamental directions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children are:

  • determination of the importance of health and a healthy lifestyle of a person;
  • standardization of training loads;
  • increasing the level of qualification of employees of a preschool educational organization;
  • construction and implementation of innovative activities aimed at protecting health and strengthening healthy lifestyle of children;
  • formation of an adaptive educational environment for preschoolers who have limited physical abilities or developmental difficulties;
  • the formation of a system of joint activities of a preschool institution and parents to create a culture of a healthy lifestyle not only for preschoolers and their parents, but also for teachers.

Summing up

From all of the above, it can be understood that the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a child should be started from an early age, and not postponed until later, when fundamental difficulties with the health of the body begin to appear due to ignoring elementary rules. Moderate rational nutrition, systematic physical activity, adherence to the regime of the day and rest, will allow you and your child to enjoy an active healthy life until old age.
